
Defines functions exploreCodes iMainMenu iProcessRmd iConvertCodelistToStandardFormat iCodelistMenu ifblank iEditMetadata iEditCategories getCodelistsList iFindCodelist iLoadCodelist iAskName iFindSelection iAssignCat iEnterMetadata iAssignMetadata iSetDictionary iCreateCodelistMenu emptySelection iBrowseEditSelection iLimitDictionary iSelectionMenu undoOne iShowSelection iCombineSelection iSelectTerm showSelectionCombination iSelectCode sinkToScript iShow

Documented in exploreCodes

# Interactive menu system

exploreCodes <- function(spreadsheet='Default',
	texteditor='Default', showLog = TRUE, direct = NULL){
	# A function to guide the user through exploration and
	# selection of terms for a codelist, with documentation of
	# the process
	# Arguments: spreadsheet - name of spreadsheet program (for viewing
	#                   code selections)
	#            texteditor - name of text editor program (for viewing
	#                   log file)
	#            direct - skip the initial main menu
	#                   direct = 1 to load or use existing codelist
	#                   direct = 2 to create new codelist, ignore metadata

	if (texteditor=='Default'){
		if (grepl('Ubuntu', Sys.info()['version'])){
			texteditor <- 'gedit'
		} else {
			texteditor <- ''

	# Spreadsheet will be selected automatically by the browsedict function
	if (spreadsheet=='Default'){
		spreadsheet <- NULL
	# Close all existing sinks
	while (sink.number() > 0){
	sink(tempdir() %&% '/interactive.log', split=TRUE)
	cat('CALIBERcodelists interactive mode\nDate: ', format(Sys.time()), '\n')
	wantToExit <- FALSE
	while (!wantToExit) {
		# Iterate through the main menu until user asks to exit.
		wantToExit <- iMainMenu(direct)
	cat('\nThis is the log of your session. It is also an R script.
You can re-run it using the "source" function, e.g.\nsource("' %&%
		tempdir() %&% '/interactive.log", echo=TRUE)\n')
	# Make text into comments and R commands into commands
	sinkToScript(tempdir() %&% '/interactive.log')
	if (showLog){
		if (.Platform$OS=='unix'){
			cat(texteditor %&% ' "' %&% tempdir() %&% '/interactive.log" &\n')
			system(texteditor %&% ' "' %&% tempdir() %&% '/interactive.log" &')
		} else if (.Platform$OS=='windows') {
			shell.exec(tempdir() %&% '\\interactive.log')

#### MAIN MENU ####

iMainMenu <- function(direct = NULL){
	# return TRUE when user wants to exit.
	if (is.null(direct)){
		todo <- menu(c('Use existing codelist (in memory or from file)',
    	'Create new codelist', 'Process R Markdown file',
			'Convert codelist to standard format', 'Exit'),
		title='\n===\nMAIN MENU: What would you like to do?')
	} else {
		todo <- direct
	if (todo %in% c(0,5)){ # exit
	} else {
		if (todo==1){
		} else if (todo==2){
			if (!is.null(direct)){
				# saving the codelist will be done in another
				# function, so exit after this
				iCreateCodelistMenu(allowExitWithoutSave = TRUE)
			} else {
		} else if (todo==3){
		} else if (todo==4){


iProcessRmd <- function(){
	cat('\nSelect Rmd file to run\n')
	rmd_file <- file.choose()
	if (!identical(rmd_file, "") & !is.null(rmd_file)){
		iShow('process("' %&% rmd_file %&% '")', do=FALSE)

iConvertCodelistToStandardFormat <- function(){
	# Loads a codelist from file, asks for metadata and category
	# information, and saves it using the standard naming convention
	codelistName <- iLoadCodelist()
	if (codelistName != ''){
		cat('\nCodelist loaded.\n')
		print(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
		response <- menu(choices=c('Yes', 'No'),
			title='Is this the correct codelist?')
		if (response==1){
			cat('\nPlease check that the categories are correct.\n')
			# Exporting codelist
				'\nExporting to .csv and .dta files. Please enter .csv file name' %&%
				'\n(Leave blank for default filename: ' %&%
				getwd() %&% '/' %&% 
				makeCodelistFilename(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv)) %&%
			filename <- readline()
			if (filename == ""){
				filename <- getwd() %&% '/' %&%
					makeCodelistFilename(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
			try(export(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv), filename))
			iShow('export(' %&% codelistName %&% ', filename="' %&%
				filename %&% '")')
			try(export(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv),
				sub('csv$', 'dta', filename)))
			iShow('export(' %&% codelistName %&% ', filename="' %&%
				sub('csv$', 'dta', filename) %&% '")')

iCodelistMenu <- function(){
  codelistName <- iFindCodelist()
  while (codelistName != ''){
    # stay in this function while a codelist is selected
    # Options: compare, combine, edit metadata, edit categories, browse
    # export, load another codelist
    codelists <- getCodelistsList()
    if (length(codelists) == 0){
      cat('\n===\nCODELISTS MENU\nNo codelists in global environment.\n')
    } else {
      cat('\n===\nCODELISTS MENU\nCodelists available:\n')
      selected <- codelists==codelistName
      codelists[selected] <- '* ' %&% codelists[selected] %&% ' [SELECTED]'
      codelists[!selected] <- '  ' %&% codelists[!selected]
      cat(paste(codelists, collapse='\n'))
    todo <- menu(c('View selected codelist', #1
		'Browse and edit in spreadsheet',
		'Merge with another codelist and overwrite categories', #3
		'Edit metadata',
		'Edit categories', #5
		'Compare to an older codelist',          
		'Save to disk', #7
		'Convert to another dictionary using NHS mapping',
		'Clear from memory', #9
		'Select or load another codelist',
		'Exit to main menu'))
    if (todo %in% c(3, 6)){
      # Need to choose a second codelist
      secondCodelist <- iFindCodelist()
      if (secondCodelist != ''){
        if (todo == 6){
			# Print out comparison - do it in try in case of error
			# (e.g. if they are from different dictionaries)
        	try(print(compare(get(secondCodelist), get(codelistName))))
		} else {
			# Create a new merged codelist
			newCodelistName <- iAskName(codelistName %&%
				'_' %&% secondCodelist)
			if (todo == 3){
				iShow(newCodelistName %&% ' <- merge(' %&%
					codelistName %&% ', ' %&% secondCodelist %&% ')')
				temp <- merge(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv),
				get(secondCodelist, envir=.GlobalEnv))
			# assign merged codelist to the new name
			assign(newCodelistName, temp, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    } else if (todo == 1){
    	# view codelist
    	cat('\nCODELIST ' %&% codelistName %&% '\n')
    	print(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
    } else if (todo == 4){
      # edit metadata
    } else if (todo == 5){
      # edit categories
    } else if (todo == 2){
      # browse and edit in spreadsheet
      temp <- copy(get(codelistName))
      # Check for differences between the codelists and write
      # code for them
      temp2 <- copy(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
      setkey(temp, code)
   		setnames(temp, 'category', 'old_cat')
      setkey(temp2, code)
      temp3 <- temp[temp2]
      temp3[is.na(old_cat), old_cat:=0L]
      temp3[is.na(category), category:=0L]
      differences <- temp3[, old_cat != category]
      if (any(differences)){
      	cat('\nCommands for modifying codelist:\n\n> \n')
        for (i in seq_along(temp3$category)){
          if (differences[i]==TRUE){
            iShow(codelistName %&% '[code=="' %&%
				temp3$code[i] %&% '", category:=' %&%
				temp3$category[i] %&% 'L]\n# ' %&% temp3$term[i],
				extralineBefore = FALSE)
    } else if (todo == 7){
      # export to file
      cat('\nPlease enter file name to save to\n' %&%
				'(Leave blank for default filename: ' %&%
				makeCodelistFilename(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv)) %&%
    	filename <- readline()
  		if (filename == ""){
  			filename <- getwd() %&% '/' %&%
  				makeCodelistFilename(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
      try(export(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv), filename))
      iShow('export(' %&% codelistName %&% ', filename="' %&%
				filename %&% '")')
    } else if (todo == 8) {
    	# Convert to another dictionary
    	# ICD-10 and OPCS codelists can only be converted to Read
    	fromDictionary <- getSourceDict(get(codelistName))
		if (fromDictionary == 'product'){
			cat('\nThere are no conversion procedures for product codelists.\n')
		} else {
			if (fromDictionary == 'read'){
				toDictionary <- select.list(c('icd10', 'opcs'), graphics=FALSE,
					title='Which dictionary to map to?')
			} else {
				toDictionary <- 'read'
			if (toDictionary != ''){
				newCodelistName <- iAskName(codelistName %&% '_' %&% toDictionary)
				if (newCodelistName != ''){
					# Convert dictionary
					temp <- NULL
					try(temp <- convert(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv),
						toDictionary=toDictionary, fromDictionary=fromDictionary))
					if (is.null(temp)){
						cat('Conversion was unsuccessful.')
					} else {
						iShow(newCodelistName %&%
							' <- convert(' %&% codelistName %&%
							', toDictionary="' %&% toDictionary %&%
							'", fromDictionary="' %&% fromDictionary %&% '")')
						assign(newCodelistName, temp, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    } else if (todo == 9){
      # clear codelist from memory
      iShow('rm(' %&% codelistName %&% ')')
      rm(list=codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv)
      # reset codelistName to the first of the list
      temp <- getCodelistsList()
      if (length(temp) > 0){
        codelistName <- temp[1]
      } else {
      	# No codelists available, so exit
      	codelistName <- ''
    } else if (todo == 10){
      # select or load another codelist
      codelistName <- iFindCodelist()
    } else if (todo %in% c(0, 11)){
    	# Exit the while loop
    	codelistName <- ''

ifblank <- function(x){
	if (identical(x, "")){
	} else {

iEditMetadata <- function(codelistName){
  # Edit metadata interactively
  for (metadataName in c('Name', 'Version', 'Author', 'Date')){
    oldValue <- attr(get(codelistName), metadataName)
    newValue <- readline('New value of ' %&% metadataName %&%
      ' (currently ' %&% ifblank(attr(get(codelistName), metadataName)) %&%
      '); leave blank to keep it as it is: ')
    if (newValue != ''){
    	eval(parse(text='setMetadata(get(codelistName, .GlobalEnv),' %&%
				metadataName %&% '="' %&% newValue %&% '")'))
      iShow('setMetadata(' %&% codelistName %&% ', ' %&%
				metadataName %&% '="' %&% newValue %&% '")')

iEditCategories <- function(codelistName = NULL){
  # Edit categories interactively
  notDoneYet <- TRUE
  while (notDoneYet){
  	# Get existing category table
  	if (is.null(codelistName)){
  		cattable <- retrieveCategoriesFromMETA()
  	} else {
  		cattable <- retrieveCategories(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
  	# Create a menu out of existing categories and a few extra entries
  	if (nrow(cattable) > 0) {
  		# If any categories currently exist in the categories table
		  categorystrings <- 'Edit category ' %&% cattable$category %&% '. ' %&%
		  	cattable$shortname %&% ' (' %&% cattable$description %&% ')'
  	} else {
  		categorystrings <- character(0)
	  categorystrings <- c(categorystrings, 'Create new category',
	  	'Remove unused categories',
	  	'Finished editing categories')
  	# Ask the user what they want to do (note that 0 is also exit)
  	todo <- menu(categorystrings)
		if (todo == length(categorystrings) | todo == 0){
			# exit function
			notDoneYet <- FALSE
		} else if (todo == length(categorystrings) - 1){
			# Remove unused categories from category table
			if (is.null(codelistName)){
				iShow('removeUnusedCategories(NULL)', do=TRUE)
			} else {
				iShow('removeUnusedCategories(' %&% codelistName %&% ')')
				removeUnusedCategories(get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
		} else {
			# Edit a category
			if (todo == length(categorystrings) - 2){
				# Create a new category number
				catNum <- NA
				try(catNum <- as.integer(readline('New category number: ')))
			} else {
				catNum <- cattable$category[todo]
			# If a valid category number has been selected, 
			if (!is.na(catNum)){
				newShortName <- readline('New shortname: ')
				newDescription <- readline('New description (optional): ')
				# Generate first part of command
				addCatCommand <- 'addCategory(' %&% catNum %&% ', "' %&%
					newShortName %&% '", "' %&% newDescription %&% '"'
				if (is.null(codelistName)){
					# add category to META
					iShow(addCatCommand %&% ')', do=TRUE)
				} else {
					# add category to codelist
					iShow(addCatCommand %&% ', ' %&% codelistName %&% ')')
					addCategory(catNum, newShortName, newDescription,
						get(codelistName, envir=.GlobalEnv))

getCodelistsList <- function(){
	# Lists all the codelists in the global environment
	codelists <- sapply(objects(envir=.GlobalEnv), function(x){
		'codelist' %in% class(get(x))

iFindCodelist <- function(){
	# Interactive way of selecting a codelist object in the global
	# environment or from file
	# Returns the name of the selection object selected.
	# If from file, it is loaded into the global environment.
	# If no codelist selected, return NULL.
	codelists <- getCodelistsList()
	if (length(codelists) == 0){
		# Load codelist from file
		codelistName <- iLoadCodelist()
	} else {
		codelists <- c(codelists, 'Load codelist from file')
		codelistName <- select.list(codelists, multiple=FALSE,
			graphics=FALSE, title='Which codelist to use?')
		if (codelistName=='Load codelist from file'){
			codelistName <- iLoadCodelist()

iLoadCodelist <- function(){
	# Load a codelist from file.
	# Assign it to a new name in the global environment
	# Return empty string if no file chosen or it is not a
	# valid codelist
	mychoice <- ''
	try(mychoice <- file.choose())
	if (mychoice !=''){
		# a file has been chosen
		temp <- NULL
		try(temp <- as.codelist(mychoice))
		if (is.null(temp)){
			# no codelist found
			codelistName <- ''
		} else if (!is.codelist(temp)){
			# no codelist found
			codelistName <- ''
		} else {
			# temp is a codelist
			message(attr(temp, 'Source') %&% ' codelist with '
				%&% nrow(temp) %&% ' terms loaded from\n' %&% mychoice)
			# obtain a name for the new object
			codelistName <- iAskName(mychoice, isFilename = TRUE)
			assign(codelistName, temp, envir=.GlobalEnv)
			iShow(codelistName %&% ' <- as.codelist("' %&%
				mychoice %&% '")')

iAskName <- function(trial = '', isFilename = FALSE){
	if (is.null(trial)){
		trial <- ''
	if (is.na(trial)){
		trial <- ''
	# Remove everything before / or \\ if trial is a filename
	if (isFilename){
		trial <- gsub('.*[/\\\\]', '', trial)
	# Remove termhas etc.
	trial <- gsub('termhas|codematch|dictis|AND|NOT|OR|%|\\(|\\)|"|=|\n|dictionary|read|icd10|opcs|mapStatus|None',
		'', trial)
	# Keep the first word
	trial <- strsplit(trial, ' ')[[1]][1]
	if (is.na(trial)){
		trial <- ''
	# Returns a name of a new R object with no clashes
	if (trial == ''){
		myName <- readline('Please type a name for the new object: ')
		myNewName <- make.names(myName)
	} else {
		myName <- readline('The new object will be named\n' %&%
			make.names(trial) %&%
				'\n\nIf you would like to change the name, please type a new name, otherwise press ENTER: ')
		if (myName=='') {
			myName <- trial
		myNewName <- make.names(myName)
	while (myNewName %in% objects(envir=.GlobalEnv)){
		myNewName <- myNewName %&% '_'
	if (myNewName != myName & myName != '' & myName != ' '){
		message('Name changed to ' %&% myNewName %&% ' to avoid conflicts.')

iFindSelection <- function(){
	# Interactive way of selecting a selection object in the global environment
	# Returns the name of the selection object selected.
	selections <- sapply(objects(envir=.GlobalEnv), function(x){
		'selection' %in% class(get(x))
	selections <- names(selections)[selections==TRUE]
	if (length(selections) == 0){
		message('No selection objects available.')
	} else {
		return(select.list(selections, multiple=FALSE,
			graphics=FALSE, title='Which selection object to use?'))

iAssignCat <- function(selectionName){
	# Assigns categories according to a named selection object
	# Returns the category number
	# Argument: name of a selection object in the global environment.
	cat('Please enter a positive integer category number.\nUse 0 for excluded terms.\n')
	temp <- as.integer(readline('Category number: '))
	categories <- retrieveCategories()
	if (is.na(temp)){
		cat('\nNo category number entered, so no category assigned.\n')
	} else if (temp == 0){
		# Category 0 for excluded terms
		iShow('assigncat(0, "Excluded", ' %&% selectionName %&% ')')
		assigncat(0, 'Excluded', get(selectionName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
	} else {
		if (temp %in% categories$category) {
			cat('\nThe category description is ' %&%
				categories[category==temp][, shortname] %&%
				' (' %&%	categories[category==temp][, description] %&% ')' %&%
				'\nType a new description if you want to change it,
	or leave blank to stick with this description.\n')
		} else {
			cat('\nPlease enter the category description. You can specify brief and
longer descriptions by separating them with |
e.g. MI|myocardial infarction\n')
		temp2 <- readline('')
		iShow('assigncat(' %&% temp %&% ', "' %&% temp2 %&% '", ' %&%
						selectionName %&% ')')
		assigncat(temp, temp2, get(selectionName, envir=.GlobalEnv))

iEnterMetadata <- function(){
	cat('\nEntering metadata for this codelist under construction.
Please press ENTER after typing in each piece of information.\n')
	cat('\n> \n')
	iAssignMetadata('Name', "CALIBER variable name for the codelist, no spaces.")
	iAssignMetadata('Version', 'Version number')
	iAssignMetadata('Author', 'Your name')
	iAssignMetadata('Date', 'Date to write on the codelist')
	cat('\n> \n')

iAssignMetadata <- function(which, description){
	temp <- readline('\n' %&% which %&% ': ' %&% description %&% ' \n')
	iShow('setMetadata(' %&% which %&% '="' %&% temp %&% '")', do=TRUE)

iSetDictionary <- function(){
	# Initialise the dictionaries interactively
	useCodelist <- FALSE
	response <- select.list(c(ALLDICTS,
		'Initialise master dictionary using an existing codelist'), multiple=TRUE,
		title='Preparing to reset categories. Which source dictionaries to use?',
	if (length(response) > 0){
		if ('Initialise master dictionary using an existing codelist' %in% response){
			codelistName <- iFindCodelist()
			if (codelistName != ''){
				useCodelist <- TRUE
			response <- setdiff(response,
				'Initialise master dictionary using an existing codelist')
		message('Resetting categories.')
		if (length(response) > 2){
			responseText <- ', c("' %&% paste(response, collapse='", "') %&% '")'
		} else if (length(response) == 0) {
			responseText <- ''
		} else {
			responseText <- ', "' %&% paste(response, collapse='", "') %&% '"'
		if (useCodelist){
			iShow('setdictionary(' %&% codelistName %&%
				responseText %&% ')', do=FALSE)
			if (length(response) > 0){
				setdictionary(get(codelistName), response)
			} else {
		} else {
			iShow('setdictionary(' %&% responseText %&% ')', do=TRUE)

# For creating a codelist

iCreateCodelistMenu <- function(allowExitWithoutSave = FALSE){
	# Creating a codelist. Note that the existing codelist does not
	# need to be destroyed - you might be working on an existing
	# partially-built codelist.

	if (allowExitWithoutSave){
		# saving and exporting is to be done in another function
		# as is entry of metadata
		savePrompt <- 'Finish and exit'
	} else {
		savePrompt <- c('Edit metadata',
			'Save/export new codelists and exit to main menu')
	notDoneYet <- TRUE
	while (notDoneYet){
		# Options: Reset categories, and choose dictionary
		#            [also has an option to clear metadata]
		#          Create a new selection --> selection menu
		#          Use an existing selection --> selection menu
		#          Edit metadata
		#          Edit categories
		#          Export codelist(s) and exit to main menu
		#          Exit to main menu
		# Introductory message:
		# Which dictionaries are currently in use
		cat('\nSource dictionaries currently in use: ',
			paste(getdictionary(), collapse=','))

		# Number of terms assigned to categories
		codelistText <- paste(getdictionary(), collapse=', ') %&% ' codelist'
		codelistText <- toupper(substr(codelistText, 1, 1)) %&% substr(codelistText, 2, 100)
		totalTerms <- nrow(CALIBER_DICT[dict %in% getdictionary() & category>0])
		if (totalTerms == 0){
			cat('\n' %&% codelistText %&% ' under construction currently contain(s) no terms.',
				'\n(No terms have been assigned to categories.)')
		} else {
			cat('\n' %&% codelistText %&% ' under construction contain(s)' , totalTerms, 'terms.')
		todo <- menu(c('Reset categories and initialise dictionaries', #1
			'Create a new selection', #2
			'Use an existing selection', #3
			'Assign a selection to a category', #4
			'Edit categories', #5
			'Edit codelists under construction in spreadsheet', #6
			'Compare to an older codelist', #7
			title='\n===\nCREATE CODELIST MENU')
		if (todo == 1){
		} else if (todo == 2){
			# Start with a blank selection
		} else if (todo == 3){
			# Use an existing selection if there is any
		} else if (todo == 4){
			# Assign a selection to a category
			# If there are no selections available, create one
			selectionName <- iFindSelection()
			if (selectionName == ''){
				selectionName <- iSelectionMenu('')
			} else {
		} else if (todo == 5){
		} else if (todo == 6){
			# Browse / edit in spreadsheet
			commands <- NULL
			try(commands <- browseDICT(CALIBER_DICT[, category>0]))
			if (is.null(commands)){
				message('Unable to edit codelists')
			} else {
		} else if (todo == 7){
			# Compare with a second codelist
			secondCodelist <- iFindCodelist()
			if (secondCodelist != ''){
				# Print out comparison - do it in try in case of error
				# (e.g. if they are from different dictionaries)
		} else if (todo %in% c(0, 8, 9)){
			if (!allowExitWithoutSave){
				if (todo==8){
					# enter / edit metadata in META
				} else {
					# save and exit
					for (thedict in getdictionary()){
						# If there are any terms selected
						if (nrow(as.codelist(thedict)) == 0){
							message('No terms in codelist')
						} else {
							# One codelist per dictionary
							cat('\nStoring ' %&% thedict %&% ' codelist in memory\n')
							newCodelistName <- iAskName(
								META['Name'][, value] %&% '_' %&%
								switch(thedict, read='GPRD', icd10='HES', opcs='OPCS'))
							if (newCodelistName != ''){
								assign(newCodelistName, as.codelist(thedict), envir=.GlobalEnv)
								iShow(newCodelistName %&%
									' <- as.codelist("' %&% thedict %&% '")')
							# Optionally export the codelist to file
							filename <- readline('To save ' %&% thedict %&%
								' codelist to disk please type a filename, otherwise leave blank and press ENTER: ')
							if (filename != ''){
								try(export(as.codelist(thedict), filename))
								iShow('export(' %&% newCodelistName %&%
									', "' %&% filename %&% '")')
					notDoneYet <- FALSE
			} else {
				# allow exit without save; 8 is exit
				notDoneYet <- FALSE
		} # end if todo %in% c(0, 8, 9) 
	} # end while

#### SELECTIONS ####
# For handling selections

emptySelection <- function(){
	out <- rep(FALSE, nrow(CALIBER_DICT))
	class(out) <- 'selection'

iBrowseEditSelection <- function(currentSelectionText){
	# Argument: currentSelection as selection object
	# Abort if nothing is selected.
	if (currentSelectionText!='' & currentSelectionText!='NULL'){
		oldSelection <- eval(parse(text=currentSelectionText))
		newSelection <- browseSelection(oldSelection)
		# If there are any differences, return the 
		# code for the exclusions.
		# Ignore terms selected in dictionaries not in use
		oldSelection[CALIBER_DICT[, !(dict %in% getdictionary())]] <- FALSE
		newSelection[CALIBER_DICT[, !(dict %in% getdictionary())]] <- FALSE
		# Can't add terms with this function
		newSelection[oldSelection == FALSE] <- FALSE
		for (theDict in getdictionary()){
			if (any((oldSelection != newSelection) &
				CALIBER_DICT$dict == theDict)){
				# If there are any deletions in this category, create a
				# command to exclude them by code
				# Create a regular expression (sanitize . in Read terms)
				regexpr <- paste(CALIBER_DICT[
					dict == theDict & oldSelection != newSelection,
					'^' %&% gsub('\\.', '\\\\\\\\.', code) %&% '$'],
				# Create a codematch expression
				codematchExpr <- '\n%AND% NOT(codematch("' %&% regexpr %&%
					'",\ndictionary="' %&% theDict %&% '", mapStatus="None"))'
				currentSelectionText <- '(' %&%
					gsub('\n', '\n ', currentSelectionText) %&%
					codematchExpr %&% ')'
	} else {
		message('no terms selected')

iLimitDictionary <- function(currentSelectionText = ''){
	# Returns text for limiting to a particular dictionary
	if (length(getdictionary())==1){
		cat('Only ' %&% getdictionary() %&% ' is in use.')
	} else {
		allowableDicts <- select.list(getdictionary(), multiple = TRUE,
			title = 'Choose dictionaries to limit the selection', 
			graphics = FALSE)
		if (length(allowableDicts) == 0){
		} else {
			return('(' %&% gsub('\n', '\n ', currentSelectionText) %&%
				'\n%AND% dictis(' %&% paste('"' %&%
				allowableDicts %&% '"', collapse=', ') %&% '))')

iSelectionMenu <- function(selectionName){
	# Must save the selection if you want to keep the selection
	# at the end of this menu
	# Start off with nothing selected (empty selection) if
	#   selectionName is ''
	# Select by term or code within existing selection
	# Select by term or code and add to existing selection
	# Print the number of terms in selection
	# Add using term text
	# Select by code
	# Limit by term text
	# Limit by code
	# Limit to a particular dictionary (ICD-10) or (Read)
	# Browse and edit
	# Assign to a category
	# Save and exit to higher menu
	# Exit without saving
	notDoneYet <- TRUE
	if (selectionName == ''){
		cat('Starting off with empty selection')
		selectionText <- ''
		# Initial selection
		todo <- menu(c('Select by term', 'Select by code'))
		if (todo==1){
			# Put parantheses around the command to protect it and
			# make it easier to undo subsequent modifications to the
			# codelist selection code
			selectionText <- '(' %&% iSelectTerm('') %&% ')'
		} else if (todo==2){
			selectionText <- '(' %&% iSelectCode('') %&% ')'
		} else {
			notDoneYet <- FALSE # cancelling, exit function
	} else {
		# Starting off with an existing selection object
		cat('Current selection:\n')
		print(get(selectionName, envir=.GlobalEnv))
		selectionText <- selectionName
	dictString <- paste(getdictionary(), collapse='/')
	while (notDoneYet){
		# Loop through the menu system
		todo <- menu(c('View in console',
			'Browse in spreadsheet', #2
			'Add terms by term text', #3
			'Add terms by ' %&% dictString %&% ' code',
			'Add terms from another selection',
			'Limit selection by term text', #6
			'Limit selection by ' %&% dictString %&% ' code',
			'Limit selection using another selection',
			'Limit to one source dictionary',
			'Remove terms by term text', # 10
			'Remove terms by ' %&% dictString %&% ' code',
			'Remove terms using another selection', #12
			'Assign category to terms in selection', #13
			'Undo last operation', #14
			'Store in memory and exit to CREATE CODELIST MENU'),
			title='\n===\nCREATE SELECTION MENU') #15
		if (todo %in% c(13, 15)) {
			# exit and save selection
			notDoneYet <- FALSE
			if (todo == 13){
				cat('Storing selection in memory before assigning category.')
		} else if (todo == 1){
			cat('\nCode to create selection:\n',
				gsub("get\\(\\'(\\1)\\', \\.GlobalEnv\\)", '\\1',
					selectionText), '\n')
			currSelection <- eval(parse(text=selectionText)) 
			if (length(currSelection) > options()$datatable.print.nrows){
				cat('\nThis selection has ' %&% length(currSelection) %&%
					' terms so not all are shown above;\n' %&% 
					'choose option 2 to view the entire selection in a spreadsheet.\n')
		} else if (todo == 2){
			selectionText <- iBrowseEditSelection(selectionText)
		} else if (todo == 3){
			selectionText <- iSelectTerm(selectionText, 'OR')
		} else if (todo == 4){
			selectionText <- iSelectCode(selectionText, 'OR')
		} else if (todo == 5){
			selectionText <- iCombineSelection(selectionText, 'OR')
		} else if (todo == 6){
			selectionText <- iSelectTerm(selectionText, 'AND')
		} else if (todo == 7){
			selectionText <- iSelectCode(selectionText, 'AND')
		} else if (todo == 8){
			selectionText <- iCombineSelection(selectionText, 'AND')			
		} else if (todo == 9){
			selectionText <- iLimitDictionary(selectionText)
		} else if (todo == 10){
			selectionText <- iSelectTerm(selectionText, 'ANDNOT')
		} else if (todo == 11){
			selectionText <- iSelectCode(selectionText, 'ANDNOT')
		} else if (todo == 12){
			selectionText <- iCombineSelection(selectionText, 'ANDNOT')
		} else if (todo == 14){
			# Try to undo operation by going in one bracket level
			cat('\nCurrent selection command:\n' %&%
			gsub("get\\(\\'(\\1)\\', \\.GlobalEnv\\)", '\\1', selectionText))
			# Enclose this in try in case it causes an error
			try(selectionText <- undoOne(selectionText))
			cat('\n\nAfter undoing last operation:\n' %&%
			gsub("get\\(\\'(\\1)\\', \\.GlobalEnv\\)", '\\1', selectionText))
			cat('\n\nSelection after undoing:\n')
	if (selectionText != '' & selectionText != 'NULL'){
		# A selection has been created and needs to be given a name
		newSelectionName <- iAskName(substr(selectionText, 1, 15))
		# Perform the selection
		assign(newSelectionName, eval(parse(text=selectionText)),
		# Convert get from global environment statements to
		# ordinary statements for display
		iShow(newSelectionName %&% ' <- ' %&% 
			gsub("get\\(\\'(\\1)\\', \\.GlobalEnv\\)", '\\1', selectionText))
		# If plan to assign category, call the assign category function
		if (todo == 13){
			# Assign category to this selection
	} else {

undoOne <- function(string){
	# Undoes one level of the operation by removing everything
	# inside the outer set of parantheses. Uses the undentation level
	# to decide which ones to remove.
	# If there is only one line, return NULL.
	if (grepl('\n', string)){
		# Can't undo if there are no parantheses
		if (substr(string, 1, 1)[[1]]=='('){
			strvec <- strsplit(string, '\n')[[1]]
			# Remove the first parenthesis
			strvec[1] <- substr(strvec[1], 2, nchar(strvec[1]))
			# Remove any non-indented lines
			toremove <- !(grepl('^ ', strvec)) & 
				c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, length(strvec)-1))
			strvec <- strvec[!toremove]
			spaces <- function(i){
				paste(rep(' ', i), collapse='')
			if (length(strvec) >= 2){
				# Reduce the indentation by 1
				for (i in 1:length(strvec)){
					strvec[2:length(strvec)] <-
						sub('^' %&% spaces(i) %&% '([^ ])', spaces(i-1) %&% '\\1',
			return(paste(strvec, collapse='\n'))
		} else {
	} else {

iShowSelection <- function(selectionExpr){
	# Argument = text which evaluates to a selection
	# It may be safer to explicitly say that the selection objects
	# should be fetched from the global environment - this will avoid
	# name conflicts
	selectionToShow <- eval(parse(text = selectionExpr))


iCombineSelection <- function(selectionText = '',
	combineMode = c('AND', 'OR', 'ANDNOT')){
	# Argument: selectionText = existing selection text
	#           combineMode = how to combine with existing selection
	combineMode = combineMode[1]
	otherSelection <- iFindSelection()
	if (otherSelection == ''){
	} else {
		if (selectionText == ''){
			newSelectionText <- otherSelection
			print(get(otherSelection, envir=.GlobalEnv))
		} else {
			# newSelectionText involves indentation of previous
			# parts of the command so that it is easy to undo
			newSelectionText <- '(' %&%
				gsub('\n', '\n ', selectionText) %&% '\n' %&%
				switch(combineMode, AND='%AND% ', OR='%OR% ',
				ANDNOT='%AND% NOT(') %&%
				otherSelection %&% ')' %&% ifelse(combineMode=='ANDNOT', ')', '')
				selectionText, newSelectionText)

iSelectTerm <- function(selectionText = '',
	combineMode = c('AND', 'OR', 'ANDNOT')){
	# Argument: selectionText = existing selection text
	#           combineMode = how to combine with existing selection
	combineMode = combineMode[1]
	cat('Please enter a search term. Special symbols:
			.* match any number of any characters (e.g. "stab.*ang" will match "stable angina")
			^  match beginning of phrase (e.g. "^angina" will not match "stable angina")
			|  to separate alternative strings (e.g. "heart|cardiac")
			() to set order of precedence
			(e.g. "(heart|cardi.*) disease" will match "heart disease" or "cardiac disease")\n')
	temp <- readline('Search term: ')
	if (selectionText == '' | selectionText == 'NULL'){
		newSelectionText <- 'termhas("' %&% temp %&% '")'
	} else {
		newSelectionText <- '(' %&% 
			gsub('\n', '\n ', selectionText) %&% '\n' %&%
			switch(combineMode, AND='%AND% ', OR='%OR% ', ANDNOT='%AND% NOT(') %&%
			'termhas("' %&% temp %&% '"))' %&% ifelse(combineMode=='ANDNOT', ')', '')
			selectionText, newSelectionText)

showSelectionCombination <- function(combineMode,
	selectionText, newSelectionText) {
	if (combineMode == 'AND'){
		toshow <- eval(parse(text=selectionText)) &
		cat('Selection limited to:\n')
	} else if (combineMode == 'OR'){
		toshow <- NOT(eval(parse(text=selectionText))) &
		cat('Additional terms added to selection:\n')
	} else if (combineMode == 'ANDNOT'){
		toshow <- eval(parse(text=selectionText)) &
		cat('Terms removed from selection:\n')

iSelectCode <- function(selectionText = '',
	combineMode = c('AND', 'OR', 'ANDNOT'), sourceDict = ''){
	# Arguments: selectionText = existing selection text
	#            combineMode = how to combine with existing selection
	combineMode <- combineMode[1]
	if (sourceDict == ''){
		if (length(getdictionary())==1){
			sourceDict <- getdictionary()
			cat('\nSearching on ' %&% sourceDict %&% ' code.\n')
		} else {
			cat('\nWhich coding dictionary to use for search?\n')
			sourceDict <- select.list(getdictionary(), multiple=FALSE,
	if (sourceDict == ''){
	} else {
		cat('Please enter a pattern to match. Special symbols:
				.  match any single character
				[] to enclose alternative characters (e.g. I[12]0 will match I10, I20X etc.)
				|  to separate alternative strings (e.g. RR|RF will match QRR1, QRF1 etc.)\n')
		temp <- readline('Code search pattern: ')
		if (selectionText == '' | selectionText == 'NULL'){
			newSelectionText <- 'codematch("' %&% temp %&%
				'", dictionary="' %&% sourceDict %&% '")'
		} else {
			newSelectionText <- '(' %&% 
				gsub('\n', '\n ', selectionText) %&% '\n' %&%
				switch(combineMode, AND='%AND% ', OR='%OR% ', ANDNOT='%AND% NOT(') %&%
				'codematch("' %&% temp %&% '", dictionary="' %&%
				sourceDict %&% '"))' %&% ifelse(combineMode=='ANDNOT', ')', '')
				selectionText, newSelectionText)

#### UTILITIES ####

sinkToScript <- function(infile, outfile=NULL){
	# Converts a R sink file into a script, commenting
	# out everything except lines starting with > (R prompt)
	# which are left without a prompt so that it is turned into
	# a R script.
	if (is.null(outfile)){
		outfile <- infile
	temp <- '# ' %&% scan(infile, what='character', sep='\n')
	temp <- sub('^# > ', '', temp)
	write(temp, outfile)

iShow <- function(x, do=FALSE, extralineBefore = TRUE,
	extralineAfter = TRUE){
	# show a command on screen, and optionally do it
	toShow <- gsub('\n', '\n> ', x)
	if (extralineBefore){
		toShow <- '\n> ' %&% toShow
	if (extralineAfter){
		toShow <- toShow %&% '\n> '
	cat('\n> ' %&% toShow %&% '\n')
	if (do==TRUE){

Try the CALIBERcodelists package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

CALIBERcodelists documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 3:01 a.m.