
Defines functions phyperR2 pdhyper phyperR lgammaAsymp Bern f05lchoose lfastchoose dhyperBinMolenaar phyperAllBin phyperAllBinM phyperBin.4 phyperBin.3 phyperBin.2 phyperBin.1 phyperBinMolenaar.4 phyperBinMolenaar.3 phyperBinMolenaar.2 phyperBinMolenaar.1 phyperBinMolenaar phypers .suppHyper hyper2binomP phyperPeizer phyper2molenaar phyper1molenaar phyperIbeta phyperApprAS152

Documented in Bern dhyperBinMolenaar f05lchoose hyper2binomP lfastchoose lgammaAsymp pdhyper phyper1molenaar phyper2molenaar phyperAllBin phyperAllBinM phyperApprAS152 phyperBin.1 phyperBin.2 phyperBin.3 phyperBin.4 phyperBinMolenaar.1 phyperBinMolenaar.2 phyperBinMolenaar.3 phyperBinMolenaar.4 phyperIbeta phyperPeizer phyperR phyperR2 phypers .suppHyper

#### Hypergeometric Distribution
#### ===========================
#### R ( / S) functions :
####	dhyper(x, m, n, k)
####	phyper(q, m, n, k)
### Parametrization / Nomenclature :
### JohKK  R/S        C    AS152
### ~~~~~  ~~~       ~~
###  Np   = m     =  NR   = nn   : # { WHITE (Red) balls   in the urn }
###  N-Np = n     =  NB   = mm-nn: # { BLACK       balls   in the urn }
###   n   = k     =   n   = kk   : # { balls drawn from the urn }
###         x     =   x   = ll   : # { WHITE (Red) balls AMONG the `n' drawn}
###  ----  ---      -----
###   N   =m+n    = NR+NB = mm   : the TOTAL # { balls   in the urn }
###   p   =m/(m+n)= NR/N  = nn/mm: probability of WHITE(Red)

### where
###  JohKK := Johnson, Kotz & Kemp (1992)
###           Univariate Discrete Distributions, 2nd Ed.
###           [Chapter 6 -- Hypergeometric Distributions]
###  R/S   := the [dpqr]hyper() functions defined in R {and already S}

### Some tests (no longer problematic):
###  ./dpq-functions/Knuesel-splus-ex.R  [ -->  phyper() ]

#### Used to be part of /u/maechler/R/MM/NUMERICS/hyper-dist.R -- till Jan.24 2020

#### First version committed is the code "as in Apr 1999":
####  file | 11782 | Apr 22 1999 | hyper-dist.R

phyperApprAS152 <- function(q, m, n, k)
  ## Purpose: Normal Approximation to cumulative Hyperbolic
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 19 Apr 99, 23:39
  kk <- n
  nn <- m
  mm <- m+n
  ll <- q
  mean <- kk * nn / mm
  sig <- sqrt(mean * (mm - nn) / mm * (mm - kk)/(mm - 1) )
  pnorm(ll + 1/2, mean=mean, sd = sig)

phyperIbeta <- function(q, m, n, k)
  ## Purpose: Pearson [Incompl.Beta] Approximation to cumulative Hyperbolic
  ##  Johnson, Kotz & Kemp (1992):  (6.90), p.260 -- Bol'shev (1964)
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  Np <- m; N <- n + m; n <- k; x <- q
  p <- Np/N ; np <- n*p
  xi <- (n + Np -1 - 2*np) / (N-2)

  d.c <- (N-n)*(1-p) + np - 1
  cc <- n*(n-1)*p*(Np-1) / ((N-1)*d.c)
  lam <- (N-2)^2 *np *(N-n)*(1-p) / ((N-1)*d.c*(n + Np-1 - 2*np))
  pbeta(1 - xi,
        lam - x + cc,
        x - cc + 1)

phyper1molenaar <- function(q, m, n, k)
  ## Purpose: Normal Approximation to cumulative Hyperbolic
  ##  Johnson, Kotz & Kemp (1992):  (6.91), p.261
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  Np <- m; N <- n + m; n <- k; x <- q
  pnorm(2/sqrt(N-1) *
        (sqrt((x + 1)*(N - Np - n + x + 1)) -
         sqrt((n - x)*(Np - x)) ))

phyper2molenaar <- function(q, m, n, k)
  ## Purpose: Normal Approximation to cumulative Hyperbolic
  ##  Johnson, Kotz & Kemp (1992):  (6.92), p.261
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  Np <- m; N <- n + m; n <- k; x <- q
  pnorm(2/sqrt(N) *
        (sqrt((x + .75)*(N - Np - n + x + .75)) -
         sqrt((n - x -.25)*(Np - x - .25)) ))

phyperPeizer <- function(q, m, n, k)
  ## Purpose: Peizer's extremely good Normal Approx. to cumulative Hyperbolic
  ##  Johnson, Kotz & Kemp (1992):  (6.93) & (6.94), p.261 __CORRECTED__
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  Np <- m; N <- n + m; n <- k; x <- q
  ## (6.94) -- in proper order!
  nn <- Np			;  n. <- Np     + 1/6
  mm <- N - Np                  ;  m. <- N - Np + 1/6
  r <- n                        ;  r. <- n      + 1/6
  s <- N - n                    ;  s. <- N - n  + 1/6
                                   N. <- N      - 1/6
  A <- x + 1/2                  ;  A. <- x      + 2/3
  B <- Np - x - 1/2             ;  B. <- Np - x - 1/3
  C <- n  - x - 1/2             ;  C. <- n  - x - 1/3
  D <- N - Np - n + x + 1/2     ;  D. <- N - Np - n + x + 2/3

  n <- nn
  m <- mm
  ## After (6.93):
  L <- # NB:  for all 4 log(r_j) :  have r_j ~=~ 1 -- would probably *benefit* from log1p(.) -- cancellation?
    A * log((A*N)/(n*r)) +
    B * log((B*N)/(n*s)) +
    C * log((C*N)/(m*r)) +
    D * log((D*N)/(m*s))
  ## (6.93) :
  pnorm((A.*D. - B.*C.) / abs(A*D - B*C) *
        sqrt(2*L* (m* n* r* s* N.)/
                  (m.*n.*r.*s.*N )))
  # The book wrongly has an extra "2*" before `m* ' (after "2*L* (" ) above

### Binomial Approximation(s) ==========
### ======== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==========

##  JohKK  R     C
##  ~~~~~  ~~    ~~
##  Np   = m  =  NR  : # { WHITE (Red) balls   in the urn }
##  N-Np = n  =  NB  : # { BLACK       balls   in the urn }
##   n   = k  =   n  : # { balls drawn from the urn }
##         x  =   x  : # { WHITE (Red) balls AMONG the `n' drawn}

##' Molenaar(1970a) -- formula (6.80) in JohKK -- improved p for Bin(n,p) approximation:
hyper2binomP <- function(x, m,n,k) {
    N <- m+n
    p <- m / N # "Np / N"
    N.n <- N - (k-1)/2
    ## p^{+} =
    (m - x/2)/N.n - k*(x - k*p - 1/2) / (6 * N.n^2)

### NOTA BENE/TODO: (this paragraph has not __yet__ been applied below at all !!)
### ---------
### JohKK, p.258 (top) mention the *four* different binomial approximations
### for a given hypergeometric, and then
### "Brunk et al. (1968) .. support the opinion of ...(1961) that it is
### best to use the binomial with smallest power parameter, that is,
### n' = min(n, Np, N-Np, N-n)
### --------------------------
###   ( x ; (  n , p= Np/N) )  <--> ( x  ; (Np , p= n /N)) <-->
###   (n-x; (N-Np, p= n /N) )  <--> (Np-x; (N-n, p= Np/N))
### translated to R's notation:
###   ( q ; ( k ,  p= m/(m+n)) <--> ( q  ; (m,     p= k/(m+n))) <-->
###   (k-q; ( n ,  p= k/(m+n)) <--> (m-q ; (m+n-k, p= m/(m+n)))

##' The support of the hypergeometric distrib. as a function of its parameters
.suppHyper <- function(m,n,k) max(0, k-n) : min(k, m)

##' The two symmetries <---> the four different ways to compute :
phypers <- function(m,n,k, q = .suppHyper(m,n,k), tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
    N <- m+n
    pm <- cbind(ph = phyper(q,     m,  n , k), # 1 = orig.
                p2 = phyper(q,     k, N-k, m), # swap m <-> k (keep N = m+n)
                ## "lower.tail = FALSE"  <==>  1 - p..(..)
                Ip2= phyper(m-1-q, N-k, k, m, lower.tail=FALSE),
                Ip1= phyper(k-1-q, n,   m, k, lower.tail=FALSE))

    ## check that all are (approximately) the same :
    stopifnot(all.equal(pm[,1], pm[,2], tolerance=tol),
              all.equal(pm[,2], pm[,3], tolerance=tol),
              all.equal(pm[,3], pm[,4], tolerance=tol))
    list(q = q, phyp = pm)

phyperBinMolenaar <-
function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) {
    phyperBinMolenaar.1(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

phyperBinMolenaar.1 <- function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    pbinom(q, size = k, prob = hyper2binomP(q, m,n,k),
           lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
phyperBinMolenaar.2 <- function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    ## swap k ('n') with m ('Np') -- but with R's notation n=N-Np changes too:
    pbinom(q, size = m, prob = hyper2binomP(q, k, n-k+m, m),
           lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
phyperBinMolenaar.3 <- function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) {
    ## "Ip2"
    pbinom(m-1-q, size = m, prob = hyper2binomP(m-1-q, m+n-k, k, m),
           lower.tail = !lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
    ##                 ===
phyperBinMolenaar.4 <- function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) {
    ## "Ip1"
    pbinom(k-1-q, size = k, prob = hyper2binomP(k-1-q, n, m, k),
           lower.tail = !lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
    ##                 ===

## Now, for completeness, also the simple binomial approximations:
phyperBin.1 <- function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    pbinom(q, size = k, prob = m/(m+n), lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
phyperBin.2 <- function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    ## swap k ('n') with m ('Np') -- but with R's notation n=N-Np changes too:
    pbinom(q, size = m, prob = k/(m+n), lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
phyperBin.3 <- function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    pbinom(m-1-q, size = m, prob = (m+n-k)/(m+n), lower.tail = !lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
phyperBin.4 <- function(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    pbinom(k-1-q, size = k, prob = n/(m+n), lower.tail = !lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

phyperAllBinM <- function(m, n, k, q = .suppHyper(m,n,k),
                            lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    cbind(pM1 = phyperBinMolenaar.1(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          pM2 = phyperBinMolenaar.2(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          pM3 = phyperBinMolenaar.3(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          pM4 = phyperBinMolenaar.4(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p))

phyperAllBin <- function(m, n, k, q = .suppHyper(m,n,k),
                           lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
          p1 = phyperBin.1(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          p2 = phyperBin.2(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          p3 = phyperBin.3(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          p4 = phyperBin.4(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),

          pM1 = phyperBinMolenaar.1(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          pM2 = phyperBinMolenaar.2(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          pM3 = phyperBinMolenaar.3(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p),
          pM4 = phyperBinMolenaar.4(q, m, n, k, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p))

dhyperBinMolenaar <- function(x, m, n, k, log=FALSE)
    dbinom(x, size=k, prob = hyper2binomP(x, m,n,k), log=log)

### ----------- ----------- lfastchoose() etc -----------------------------

lfastchoose <- function(n,k) lgamma(n + 1) - lgamma(k + 1) - lgamma(n - k + 1)

f05lchoose <- function(n,k)
    lfastchoose(n = floor(n + .5),
                k = floor(k + .5))

## in  math/gamma.c :
p1 <- c(0.83333333333333101837e-1,
## (nowhere used ??)

## The  Bernoulli Numbers:--------------------------------------------

.bernoulliEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv(), hash = FALSE)

Bern <- function(n, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
  ## Purpose: n-th Bernoulli number -- exercise in cashing
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: n >= 0   B0 = 1, B1 = +1/2,  B2 = 1/6,  B4 = -1/30,...
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 26 Apr 1997  (using B1 = -1/2, back then)
  n <- as.integer(n)
  if(n < 0) stop("'n'  must not be negative")
  if(n== 0) 1 else # n == 1, now have +1/2, being compatible with Rmpfr::Bernoulli() :
  if(n==1) +1/2 else
  if(n %% 2 == 1) 0 else { ## use 'cache': .Bernoulli[n] == Bern(2 * n)
    n2 <- n %/% 2
    if(do.new <- is.null(.bernoulliEnv$.Bern))
                         .bernoulliEnv$.Bern <- numeric(0)
    if(do.new || length(.bernoulliEnv$.Bern) < n2) { # Compute  Bernoulli(n)
        if(verbose) cat("n=",n,": computing", sep='', "\n")
        Bk <- k0 <- seq(length=n2-1)
        if(n2 > 1) {
            for(k in k0) Bk[k] <- Bern(2*k)
            k0 <- 2 * k0
        .bernoulliEnv$.Bern[n2] <-
            B <- - sum( choose(n+1, c(0,1,k0)) * c(1,-1/2, Bk)) / (n+1)

### lgammaAsymp() --- Asymptotic log gamma function :

lgammaAsymp <- function(x, n)
  ## Purpose: asymptotic log gamma function
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: x >~ 3 ; n: number of terms in sum
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 27 Apr 97, 22:18
  stopifnot(length(n) == 1, n >= 0)
  s <- (x-1/2)*log(x) -x + log(2*pi)/2
  if(n >= 1) {
    Ix2 <- 1/(x*x)
    k <- 1:n
    Bern(2*n) #-> assigning .bernoulliEnv$.Bern[1:n]
    Bf <- rev(.bernoulliEnv$.Bern[k] / (2*k*(2*k-1)))
    bsum <- Bf[1]
    for(i in k[-1])
      bsum <- Bf[i] + bsum*Ix2
    s + bsum/x
  } else s

### R version of  {old} C version in  <R>/src/nmath/phyper.c
##  before Morten Welinder's (15 Apr 2004 '[Rd] phyper accuracy and efficiency (PR#6772)')
## from Gnumeric: The last of this was for R 1.9.1 i.e., R-1.9.1/src/nmath/phyper.c

## NB: Now *vectorized* in all four arguments
## --
## was     function(x, NR, NB, n)
phyperR <- function(q, m,  n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    q <- floor(q)
    NR <- floor(m + 0.5)
    NB <- floor(n + 0.5)
    N <- NR + NB
    k <- floor(k + 0.5)
    stopifnot(NR >= 0, NB >= 0,  0 <= k, k <= N)
    xstart <- pmax(0, k - NB)
    xend   <- pmin(k, NR)
    inside <- (xstart <= q & q < xend) # << is of correct recycled length
    len <- length(inside)
    ## result
    r <- numeric(len) # = 0
    ## if(q < xstart) return(0.0)
    r[q >= xend] <- 1
    qI <- q[inside]
    ## recycle others *before* [inside]:
    NB <- rep_len(NB,    len)[inside]
    NR <- rep_len(NR,    len)[inside]
    N  <- rep_len(N ,    len)[inside]
    xr <- rep_len(xstart,len)[inside]
    k  <- rep_len(k,     len)[inside]
    xb <- k - xr
    ltrm <- lchoose(NR, xr) + lchoose(NB, xb) - lchoose(N, k)
    ##o term <- exp(ltrm)
    NR <- NR - xr
    NB <- NB - xb
    ## Sm <-
    s2 <- rep(0, length(qI))
    while(any(I <- xr <= qI)) {
        ##o Sm <- Sm + term
        s2[I] <- s2[I] + exp(ltrm[I])
        xr <- xr+1
        NB <- NB+1
        ff <- (NR * xb / (xr * NB))[I] ## (NR / xr) * (xb / NB)
        ltrm[I] <- ltrm[I] + log(ff)
        ##o term <- term * ff
        xb <- xb-1
        NR <- NR-1
    r[inside] <- s2 ##o return(Sm,s2)
    ## return
         .D_val (r, log.p)
    else .D_Clog(r, log.p)


###------- pure R version of "new" Morten_Welinder--phyper() ----

## NB: Try to write this in a way to be used easily via  Rmpfr
## --  ( --> a version of this to become part of package 'DPQmpfr')

## (Taken from R (devel)source <R>/src/main/phyper.c, 2020-06-15 :

 ## * From: Morten Welinder <terra@gnome.org>
 ## * Cc: R-bugs@biostat.ku.dk
 ## * Subject: [Rd] phyper accuracy and efficiency (PR#6772)
 ## * Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 18:06:37 +0200 (CEST)
 ## ......

 ## The current version has very serious cancellation issues.  For example,
 ## if you ask for a small right-tail you are likely to get total cancellation.
 ## For example,  phyper(59, 150, 150, 60, FALSE, FALSE) gives 6.372680161e-14.
 ## The right answer is dhyper(0, 150, 150, 60, FALSE) which is 5.111204798e-22.

 ## phyper is also really slow for large arguments.

 ## Therefore, I suggest using the code below. This is a sniplet from Gnumeric ...
 ## The code isn't perfect.  In fact, if  x*(NR+NB)  is close to	n*NR,
 ## then this code can take a while. Not longer than the old code, though.

 ## -- Thanks to Ian Smith for ideas.

## #include "nmath.h"
## #include "dpq.h"

## C code args:     x, NR, NB, n,
pdhyper <- function(q,  m,  n, k, log.p = FALSE,
                     epsC = .Machine$double.eps, verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
## Calculate
##        phyper (q, m, n, k, TRUE, FALSE)
## [log]  ----------------------------------
##           dhyper (q, m, n, k, FALSE)
## without actually calling phyper.  This assumes that
##    q * (m + n) <= k * m   <==>   q/k  <=  m / (m+n)

### For now:
    stopifnot(length(q) == 1,
              q == floor(q),
              length(m) == 1, length(n) == 1, length(k) == 1)
    ## C code uses LDOUBLE (= long double) which we can't in R.
    sum  <- 0 # LDOUBLE sum = 0;
    term <- 1 # LDOUBLE term = 1;
    if(verbose) q0 <- q
    while (q > 0 && term >= epsC * sum) {
	term <- term * (q * (n - k + q) / (k + 1 - q) / (m + 1 - q))
	sum  <- sum + term
	q <- q-1
        message("pdhyper(q=",q0,"): used q0-q = ", q0-q, " while(.) iterations")

    if(log.p) log1p(sum) else 1 + sum

## C code args:      x, NR, NB, n,
phyperR2 <- function(q,  m,  n, k, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE, ...)
## Sample of  k balls from  m red  and	 n black ones;	 q are red

### For now:
    stopifnot(length(q) == 1,
              ## q == floor(q),
              length(m) == 1, length(n) == 1, length(k) == 1)

    if(is.na(q) || is.na(m) || is.na(n) || is.na(k))
	return(q + m + n + k)

    q  <- floor (q + 1e-7)
    m <- round(m) ## round(.)  was "nmath.h"s  R_forceint()
    n <- round(n)
    k  <- round(k)

    if(m < 0 || n < 0 || !is.finite(m + n) || k < 0 || k > m + n) {
	warning("Invalid values for (m, n, k)")
    } else if(q * (m + n) > k * m) { ##  Swap tails.
	oldn <- n; n <- m; m <- oldn
	q <- k - q - 1
	lower.tail <- !lower.tail

    ## support of dhyper() as a function of its parameters
    ##   .suppHyper <- function(m,n,k) max(0, k-n) : min(k, m)
    if (q < 0 || q < k - n)
	return(.DT_0(lower.tail, log.p))
    if (q >= m || q >= k)
	return(.DT_1(lower.tail, log.p))

    d <- dhyper (q, m, n, k, log.p)
   ## dhyper(.., log.p=FALSE) > 0 mathematically, but not always numerically :
    if((!log.p && d == 0.) ||
        (log.p && d == -Inf))
	return(.DT_0(lower.tail, log.p))

    pd <- pdhyper(q, m, n, k, log.p, ...)
    ## return
        .DT_Log (d + pd, lower.tail)
    else .D_Lval(d * pd, lower.tail)

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