
Defines functions loadExample2 loadExample resetFFD loadFFD saveFFD FFDmanual OnCalcDiag plotWidget sampleFarms OnSampleSS OnCalcSS importRiskBasedSamplingParameters buildMySurvey savePlot saveText resetArray setRGParameters onOkChooseCol chooseColumnName importDataFun

Documented in buildMySurvey FFDmanual importDataFun loadExample loadFFD OnCalcDiag OnCalcSS OnSampleSS plotWidget resetFFD sampleFarms saveFFD savePlot saveText

# Package: FFD
# Internal functions for FFD_GUI()
# Author: Ian Kopacka

importDataFun <- function(inputDataVar, herdSizeColVar, riskGroupColVar){
	fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes = 
		"{{CSV} {.csv}}")) 	
    if (nchar(fileName) > 0){
        tclvalue(inputDataVar) <- fileName	
	    tclvalue(herdSizeColVar) <- ""
        tclvalue(riskGroupColVar) <- ""

chooseColumnName <- function(inputDataVar, columnVar, dispText){
	fileName <- tclvalue(inputDataVar)	
	if (nchar(fileName) > 0){	
		dataFileHead <- try(suppressWarnings(read.csv2(file = fileName, 
			header = TRUE, nrows = 1)), silent = TRUE)
		if (class(dataFileHead) == "data.frame"){
			dataFileHead <- read.csv2(file = fileName, header = TRUE, nrows = 1)
			colNamesVec <- names(dataFileHead)
			## Select appropriate column:
			mainColumns <- tktoplevel(borderwidth = 10)
			tkwm.title(mainColumns, paste("FFD - ", dispText, sep = ""))
			tkwm.resizable(mainColumns, FALSE, FALSE)   # Window not resizable
			## Text frame:
			frameText <- tkframe(mainColumns, relief = "groove", borderwidth = 0)			
				text = paste("Please specify the column containing the ", 
				dispText, ":", sep = "")))
			tkgrid(tklabel(frameText, text = ""))
			columnsBox <- tkwidget(frameText, "ComboBox", editable = TRUE,
				values = colNamesVec)
			tkgrid(tklabel(frameText, text = ""))
			## Buttons frame:
			frameButtons <- tkframe(mainColumns, relief = "groove", borderwidth = 0)			
			ok.but <- tkbutton(frameButtons, text = " OK ", 
				command = function() onOkChooseCol(colNamesVec, columnsBox, 
				columnVar, mainColumns), padx = 15, pady = 2)
			cancelHS.but <- tkbutton(frameButtons, text = " Cancel ", 
				command = function() tkdestroy(mainColumns), padx = 15, pady = 2)
			tkgrid(ok.but, tklabel(frameButtons, text = " "), cancelHS.but)	
			## Build frames:
		} else {
			tkmessageBox(message = "Error! Could not open farm data file: No such file or directory.", 
				icon = "error", type = "ok")			
	} else {
		tkmessageBox(message = "Error! No data file selected.", 
			icon = "error", type = "ok")

onOkChooseCol <- function(colNamesVec, columnsBox, columnVar, mainColumns){
	columnName <- colNamesVec[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(columnsBox,"getvalue")))+1]
	tclvalue(columnVar) <- columnName	


## Function to assign the risk group parameters. 
## Is called by clicking on "Set risk group parameters" on the "Parameters"
## tab of the main window.
setRGParameters <- function(inputDataVar, riskGroupColVar, riskGroupTabVar,
	nRiskGroups, mainEnvir){
	## Check if window is already open. If window is already open do nothing:
    ID <- get("setRGWindow_ID", envir = mainEnvir)
#	ID <- get("setRGWindow_ID", envir = .GlobalEnv)
	if (exists(ID, envir = mainEnvir, inherits = FALSE)) return(NULL)
	## Read in population data:		
	if (file.exists(tclvalue(inputDataVar))){
	    populationData <- read.csv2(file = tclvalue(inputDataVar))
	} else {
		tkmessageBox(message = 
			"Error! Could not open farm data file: No such file or directory.", 
			icon = "error", type = "ok")
	## Extract riskGroupVec:
	riskGroupColName <- tclvalue(riskGroupColVar)
	if (riskGroupColName == ""){
		riskGroupVec <- character()
		tkmessageBox(message = "Error! No risk groups specified.", 
			icon = "error", type = "ok")
	} else {
		if (riskGroupColName %in% names(populationData)){
	        riskGroupVec <- as.character(populationData[,riskGroupColName])
	    } else {
		    tkmessageBox(message = 
			    "Error! Could not import risk groups: Incorrect column name.", 
			    icon = "error", type = "ok")
	setRGWindow <- tktoplevel(padx = 10, pady = 10)	
	ID <- .Tk.ID(setRGWindow)
	## Save id of window to global variable (for the check if the window is 
	## already open or not):
	assign("setRGWindow_ID", ID, envir = mainEnvir)
#    assign("setRGWindow_ID", ID, envir = .GlobalEnv)
	tkwm.title(setRGWindow, "FFD - Risk Group Data")
	tkwm.resizable(setRGWindow, FALSE, FALSE)
	rgTop <- tkframe(setRGWindow, padx = 5, pady = 5)
	rgBottom <- tkframe(setRGWindow, padx = 5, pady = 5)

    ## Assign Values to Table:
	rgNames <- sort(unique(riskGroupVec))
	nRiskGroupsVal <- length(rgNames)
	nRiskGroupsValOld <- as.numeric(tclvalue(nRiskGroups))
	tclvalue(nRiskGroups) <- as.character(nRiskGroupsVal) 
	namesRows <- rgNames
	namesCols <- c("Risk groups:", "Risk_values", "Fixed_sample_sizes", 
	maxWidth <- max(c(nchar(namesRows),nchar(namesCols)))
	## Delete old values:	
	if (nRiskGroupsValOld > nRiskGroupsVal){
		for (ii in (nRiskGroupsVal+1):nRiskGroupsValOld){
		    for (jj in seq(along = namesRows)){
				riskGroupTabVar[[ii,jj-1]] <- character()
	## Set new values:
    for(ii in seq(along = namesCols)) riskGroupTabVar[[0,ii-1]] <- namesCols[ii]
    for(jj in seq(along = namesRows)) riskGroupTabVar[[jj,0]] <- namesRows[jj]
    tableRg <- tkwidget(rgTop, "table", resizeborders = "none",
			selectmode = "extended", multiline = "0", rowseparator = "\n",
			colseparator = "\t", variable = riskGroupTabVar, rows = length(namesRows) + 1, 
			cols = length(namesCols),
			titlerows = 1, titlecols = 1, colwidth = maxWidth, 
			background = "white")	
	## Buttons:
	save.but <- tkbutton(rgBottom, text = " Save and close ", 
		padx = 15, pady = 2, command = function() tkdestroy(setRGWindow))
    reset.but <- tkbutton(rgBottom, text = " Reset ", 
		padx = 15, pady = 2, command = function() resetArray(riskGroupTabVar, 
		length(namesRows) + 1, length(namesCols)))

    ## Create Frames and buttons:
	tkgrid(save.but, tklabel(rgBottom, text = " "), reset.but)

resetArray <- function(arrayVar, nRows, nCols){
    for(ii in 1:(nRows-1)){
		for (jj in 1:(nCols-1)){
		    arrayVar[[ii,jj]] <- character()	


## Summaries speichern:
saveText <- function(textVec){
	fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = 
	    "{{Text Files} {.txt}} {{All files} *}", defaultextension = ".txt"))
    if (nchar(fileName) > 0){
        outFile <- file(fileName, "w+")
	    for (ii in seq(along = textVec)) cat(paste(textVec[ii], "\n"), file = outFile)


## Graphiken speichern:
savePlot <- function(mySamplingSummary){
	fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = 
 		"{{JPG} {.jpg}} {{PNG} {.png}} {{PDF} {.pdf}} {{All files} *}",
              defaultextension = ".png"))
    if (nchar(fileName) > 0){
        ## Extension:
	    fileType <- substr(fileName, nchar(fileName)-2, nchar(fileName))
	    ## If-Abfrage bzgl. File-Type:
			"jpg" = jpeg(filename = fileName, width = 800, height = 800, 
				pointsize = 14),
			"png" = png(filename = fileName, width = 800, height = 800, 
				pointsize = 14),
			"pdf" = pdf(file = fileName, pointsize = 10), 
			png(filename = fileName, width = 800, height = 800))


## Create mySurvey object:
buildMySurvey <- function(infoList){
	## Required Parameters:
	## population data:		
	if (file.exists(tclvalue(infoList$inputDataVar))){
	    populationData <- read.csv2(file = tclvalue(infoList$inputDataVar))
	} else {
		tkmessageBox(message = 
			"Error! Could not open farm data file: No such file or directory.", 
			icon = "error", type = "ok")
	## nAnimalVec:
	if (tclvalue(infoList$herdSizeColVar) %in% names(populationData)){
	    nAnimalVec <- populationData[,tclvalue(infoList$herdSizeColVar)]
	} else {
		tkmessageBox(message = 
			"Error! Could not import herd sizes: Incorrect column name.", 
			icon = "error", type = "ok")
	## riskGroupVec:
	riskGroupColName <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupColVar)
	if (riskGroupColName == ""){
		riskGroupVec <- character()
		nRiskGroups <- 0
	} else {
		if (riskGroupColName %in% names(populationData)){
	        riskGroupVec <- as.character(populationData[,riskGroupColName])
			nRiskGroups <- length(unique(riskGroupVec))
	    } else {
		    tkmessageBox(message = 
			    "Error! Could not import risk groups: Incorrect column name.", 
			    icon = "error", type = "ok")

	## Risk group data:
	if (nRiskGroups > 0){
		riskGroup <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
		riskValues <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
		for (ii in 1:nRiskGroups){
		    ## riskValueData: column riskGroup	
			if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,0]]) > 0){
				riskGroup[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,0]])
			} else {
				riskGroup[ii] <- NA
		    ## riskValueData: column riskValues	
			if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,1]]) > 0){
				riskValues[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,1]])
			} else {
				riskValues[ii] <- NA
		riskGroup[riskGroup == ""] <- NA
		riskValues[riskValues == ""] <- NA
		if (any(is.na(c(riskGroup, riskValues)))){
			riskValueData <- data.frame()
			tkmessageBox(message = 
			    "Warning! Could not import risk group parameters.", 
			    icon = "warning", type = "ok")
		} else {
			riskValueData <- data.frame(riskGroup = as.character(riskGroup),
		        riskValues = as.numeric(riskValues))
	} else {
		riskValueData <- data.frame()
	## pi: 
	designPrevalence <- as.numeric(tclvalue(infoList$pi))/100
	## alpha:
	alphaVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(infoList$alpha))
	## pi_IH:
	intraHerdPrevalence <- as.numeric(tclvalue(infoList$piIH))/100
	## Se:
	diagSensitivity <- as.numeric(tclvalue(infoList$Se))/100
	## Optional Parameters:
	costHerdVal <- tclvalue(infoList$costHerd)
	if (costHerdVal == ""){
		costHerdVal <- numeric()
	} else {
		costHerdVal <- as.numeric(costHerdVal)
	costAnimalVal <- tclvalue(infoList$costAnimal)
	if (costAnimalVal == ""){
		costAnimalVal <- numeric()
	} else {
		costAnimalVal <- as.numeric(costAnimalVal)
	## Create surveyData-Object:
	mySurvey <- try(surveyData(nAnimalVec = nAnimalVec,
		riskGroupVec = riskGroupVec, riskValueData = riskValueData,
		populationData = populationData, designPrevalence = designPrevalence,
		alpha = alphaVal, intraHerdPrevalence = intraHerdPrevalence,
		diagSensitivity = diagSensitivity, costHerd = costHerdVal, 
		costAnimal = costAnimalVal), silent = TRUE)

    if (class(mySurvey) == "try-error") {
	    tkmessageBox(message = as.character(mySurvey), icon = "error", type = "ok")
	} else {


importRiskBasedSamplingParameters <- function(mySurvey, infoList){
	nRiskGroups <- dim(mySurvey@riskValueData)[1]
	nSampleFixVec <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
	probVec <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
	for (ii in 1:nRiskGroups){
		## riskValueData: column riskGroup	
		if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,2]]) > 0){
			nSampleFixVec[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,2]])
		} else {
			nSampleFixVec[ii] <- NA
		## riskValueData: column riskValues	
		if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,3]]) > 0){
			probVec[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,3]])
		} else {
			probVec[ii] <- NA
	nSampleFixVec[nSampleFixVec == ""] <- NA
	probVec[probVec == ""] <- NA
	nSampleFixVec <- as.numeric(nSampleFixVec)
	probVec <- as.numeric(probVec)
	## Is the model over-specified, i.e., nSampleFix AND prob specified for a 
	## risk group:
	if (any(!is.na(nSampleFixVec) & !is.na(probVec))){
	    tkmessageBox(message = paste("Warning! Fixed sample size and sample probability\n",
			"both specified for a risk group.\nIgnoring sample probability.", sep = ""), 
			icon = "warning", type = "ok")	
	## Sample size for all but one risk group is fixed:
	if (sum(is.na(nSampleFixVec)) == 1){
		return(list(nSampleFixVec = nSampleFixVec, probVec = 1))
	## Check for missing data for a risk group:
	if (any(is.na(nSampleFixVec) & is.na(probVec))){
		tkmessageBox(message = paste("Warning! Risk group parameters incomplete.\n",
			"Ignoring risk groups.", sep = ""), 
			icon = "warning", type = "ok")
		return(list(nSampleFixVec = NULL, probVec = NULL))
	probVec <- probVec[is.na(nSampleFixVec)]		
	## Return value:
	return(list(nSampleFixVec = nSampleFixVec, probVec = probVec))


## Function: Tab Sample Size, Calculate Sample size
OnCalcSS <- function(infoList, sampSizeVar, main){
	## Create mySurvey object:
	mySurvey <- buildMySurvey(infoList)     
	if (!is.null(mySurvey)){	
	## Which sampling strategy:		
	boxValue <- infoList$sampStratVec[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(infoList$sampStratBox,
	if (length(boxValue) > 0){
		## With or without risk groups:
		if (dim(mySurvey@riskValueData)[1] > 0){
			useRiskGroups <- tkmessageBox(message = "Should risk groups be considered?",
					icon = "question", type = "yesnocancel", default = "yes")
			if (tclvalue(useRiskGroups) == "cancel") return(NULL)
			if (tclvalue(useRiskGroups) == "yes"){
				riskDataList <- importRiskBasedSamplingParameters(mySurvey, infoList)
				nSampleFixVec <- riskDataList$nSampleFixVec
				probVec <- riskDataList$probVec
#				nRiskGroups <- dim(mySurvey@riskValueData)[1]
#				nSampleFixVec <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
#				probVec <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
#				for (ii in 1:nRiskGroups){
#					## riskValueData: column riskGroup	
#					if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,2]]) > 0){
#						nSampleFixVec[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,2]])
#					} else {
#						nSampleFixVec[ii] <- NA
#					}
#					## riskValueData: column riskValues	
#					if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,3]]) > 0){
#						probVec[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,3]])
#					} else {
#						probVec[ii] <- NA
#					}				
#				}	
#				nSampleFixVec[nSampleFixVec == ""] <- NA
#				probVec[probVec == ""] <- NA
#				class(nSampleFixVec) <- "numeric"	
#				probVec <- probVec[is.na(nSampleFixVec)]
#				probVec <- as.numeric(probVec)		
#				if (any(is.na(probVec))){
#				    nSampleFixVec <- NULL
#				    probVec <- NULL
#					tkmessageBox(message = 
#			            "Warning! Could not import risk group parameters.", 
#			            icon = "warning", type = "ok")
#				}				
			} else {
				nSampleFixVec <- NULL
				probVec <- NULL
		} else {
			nSampleFixVec <- NULL
			probVec <- NULL
		if (boxValue == "limited sampling"){
			kVal <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tclvalue(sampSizeVar)))
			if (!is.na(kVal)){
			    ## Compute sample size:
			    tkconfigure(main,cursor = "watch")
				mySampling <- try(ltdSampling(survey.Data = mySurvey,
				    sampleSizeLtd = kVal, nSampleFixVec = nSampleFixVec,
					probVec = probVec), silent = TRUE)		
			    tkconfigure(main,cursor = "arrow")
			    tttitle <- "FFD - GUI: Limited Sampling"
			} else {
			    tkmessageBox(message = 
					"Error! Invalid value for sample limit.", 
			        icon = "error", type = "ok")
		} else {
			herdSensVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(sampSizeVar))/100
			if (!is.na(herdSensVal)){
			    ## Compute sample size:
			    tkconfigure(main,cursor = "watch")
				mySampling <- try(indSampling(survey.Data = mySurvey,
				    herdSensitivity = herdSensVal, nSampleFixVec = nSampleFixVec,
					probVec = probVec), silent = TRUE)
			    tkconfigure(main,cursor = "arrow")
			    tttitle <- "FFD - GUI: Individual Sampling"
			} else {
			    tkmessageBox(message = 
					"Error! Invalid value for herd sensitivity.", 
			        icon = "error", type = "ok")
	    if (class(mySampling) == "try-error"){
			tkmessageBox(message = as.character(mySampling), 
			        icon = "error", type = "ok")
	## Build widget:
	tt  <- tktoplevel()
	tkwm.resizable(tt, FALSE, FALSE)   # Window not resizable
	tkwm.title(tt, tttitle)
	## Main Frame:
	frameOverall <- tkframe(tt)
	## Text Frame:
	frameText <- tkframe(frameOverall,padx = 10, pady = 10,
			relief = "groove", borderwidth = 1)
	## Scrollbar:
	xscr <- tkscrollbar(frameText, repeatinterval=5,orient="horizontal",
	yscr <- tkscrollbar(frameText, repeatinterval=5,
	txt <- tktext(frameText,bg="white",
			xscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(xscr,...),yscrollcommand = 
			function(...)tkset(yscr,...), wrap="none")
	## Write text:
	outVec <- as.vector(summary(mySampling, "percent"))
	for (ii in seq(along = outVec)) tkinsert(txt, "end", paste(outVec[ii], 
	## Make it non-editable:		
	tkconfigure(txt, state = "disabled")
	## For resizing:
	## Button Frame:
	frameButton <- tkframe(frameOverall,padx = 10, pady = 10,
		relief = "groove", borderwidth = 0)
	close.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text = " Close ", 
		command = function() tkdestroy(tt), padx = 15, pady = 2)
	save.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text = " Save ", 
		command = function() saveText(outVec), padx = 15, pady = 2)	
	tkgrid(save.but, tklabel(frameButton,text = " "), close.but)	
	## Draw frames:
	} else {
		tkmessageBox(message = "Error! No sampling strategy selected.",icon="error",type="ok")

OnSampleSS <- function(infoList, sampSizeVar, main){
	## Which sampling strategy:		
	boxValue <- infoList$sampStratVec[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(infoList$sampStratBox,
	## Is sampling strategy selected?
	if (length(boxValue) > 0){
		if (boxValue == "limited sampling"){
		    sampleText <- "using Limited Sampling"
		} else {
			sampleText <- "using Individual Sampling"
		## Build widget:
		tt  <- tktoplevel(borderwidth = 15)
		tkwm.resizable(tt, FALSE, FALSE)   # Window not resizable
		fontBold <- tkfont.create(size = 8, weight = "bold")	
		tkwm.title(tt, "FFD - GUI: Sampling")
		## Main Frame:
		frameOverall <- tkframe(tt)
		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall, text = " Draw sample from Population ", 
			font = fontBold))
		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall, text = sampleText, 
			font = fontBold))
		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall, text = ""))		
		## Text Frame:
		frameText <- tkframe(frameOverall,padx = 10, pady = 10,
			relief = "groove", borderwidth = 1, width = 200)
		## Sample size:
		sampSizeVec <- c("fixed", "dynamic")
		sampSizeBox <- tkwidget(frameText, "ComboBox", editable = FALSE,
			values = sampSizeVec, width = "8")
		tkgrid(tklabel(frameText,text = "Sample size: "), 
			sampSizeBox, sticky = "e")
		## Seed:
		seedValue <- sample.int(n = 100000, size = 1)
		seedVar <- tclVar(as.character(seedValue))
		entry.seed <- tkentry(frameText, width = "11", textvariable = seedVar)
		tkgrid(tklabel(frameText,text = "Seed: "), 
			entry.seed, sticky = "e")  
		## Output Frame:
		frameOutput <- tkframe(frameOverall,padx = 10, pady = 10,
			relief = "groove", borderwidth = 1, width = 200)
		## Variables:
		## Computed sample size:
	    compSampSizeVar <- tclVar("")
		compSampSizeLabel <- tklabel(frameOutput, 
			text = tclvalue(compSampSizeVar), width = "9")
		tkconfigure(compSampSizeLabel, textvariable = compSampSizeVar)	
		## Actual sample size:
		actSampSizeVar <- tclVar("")
		sampSizeLabel <- tklabel(frameOutput, 
			text = tclvalue(actSampSizeVar), width = "9")
		tkconfigure(sampSizeLabel, textvariable = actSampSizeVar)	
		## A-posteriori alpha error:
		alphaErrorVar <- tclVar("")
		alphaErrorLabel <- tklabel(frameOutput, text = tclvalue(alphaErrorVar), width = "9")
		tkconfigure(alphaErrorLabel, textvariable = alphaErrorVar)
		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOutput,text = "Computed sample size : "), 
			compSampSizeLabel, sticky = "e")
		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOutput,text = "Actual sample size : "), sampSizeLabel,
			sticky = "e")
		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOutput,text = "Alpha error: "), alphaErrorLabel,
			sticky = "e")
		## Button Frame:
		frameButton <- tkframe(frameOverall,padx = 10, pady = 10,
			relief = "groove", borderwidth = 0)
		close.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text = " Close ", 
			command = function() tkdestroy(tt), padx = 15, pady = 2)
		sample.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text = " Sample ", 
			command = function() sampleFarms(tt, main, infoList, sampSizeVar, boxValue, 
			sampSizeVec, sampSizeBox, seedVar, compSampSizeVar, actSampSizeVar, 
            padx = 15, pady = 2)	
		tkgrid(sample.but, tklabel(frameButton,text = " "), close.but)	
		## Draw frames:
		tkgrid(frameText, pady = 10)
		tkgrid(frameOutput, pady = 10)
	} else {
		## No sampling strategy selected:
		tkmessageBox(message = "Error! No sampling strategy selected.",
			icon = "error", type = "ok")		


sampleFarms <- function(tt, main, infoList, sampSizeVar, boxValue, 
	sampSizeVec, sampSizeBox, seedVar, compSampSizeVar, 
	actSampSizeVar, alphaErrorVar){
	## Seed:
	seedValue <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(tclvalue(seedVar)))
	if (is.na(seedValue)){
		tkmessageBox(message = "Error! Seed must be an integer.", 
			icon = "error", type = "ok")
	## Sample size strategy:
	sampSizeScheme <- sampSizeVec[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(sampSizeBox,"getvalue")))+1]
	## Is a sample size strategy selected?
	if (length(sampSizeScheme) > 0){	
		## Sampling:
		# 1) Create mySurvey-Object:
		mySurvey <- buildMySurvey(infoList)
		## Did it work?
		if (!is.null(mySurvey)){				
			## 2) Choose: With or without risk groups:
			if (dim(mySurvey@riskValueData)[1] > 0){
				useRiskGroups <- tkmessageBox(message = "Should risk groups be considered?",
					icon = "question", type = "yesnocancel", default = "yes")
				if (tclvalue(useRiskGroups) == "cancel") return(NULL)
				if (tclvalue(useRiskGroups) == "yes"){
					riskDataList <- importRiskBasedSamplingParameters(mySurvey, infoList)
					nSampleFixVec <- riskDataList$nSampleFixVec
					probVec <- riskDataList$probVec
#					nRiskGroups <- dim(mySurvey@riskValueData)[1]
#					nSampleFixVec <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
#					probVec <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
#					for (ii in 1:nRiskGroups){
#						## riskValueData: column riskGroup	
#						if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,2]]) > 0){
#							nSampleFixVec[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,2]])
#						} else {
#							nSampleFixVec[ii] <- NA
#						}
#						## riskValueData: column riskValues	
#						if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,3]]) > 0){
#							probVec[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,3]])
#						} else {
#							probVec[ii] <- NA
#						}				
#					}	
#					nSampleFixVec[nSampleFixVec == ""] <- NA
#					probVec[probVec == ""] <- NA
#					class(nSampleFixVec) <- "numeric"	
#					probVec <- probVec[is.na(nSampleFixVec)]
#					probVec <- as.numeric(probVec)		
#					if (any(is.na(probVec))){
#						nSampleFixVec <- NULL
#						probVec <- NULL
#						tkmessageBox(message = 
#							"Warning! Could not import risk group parameters.", 
#							icon = "warning", type = "ok")
#					}				
				} else {
					nSampleFixVec <- NULL
					probVec <- NULL
			} else {
				nSampleFixVec <- NULL
				probVec <- NULL
			## Save location:
			fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = 
									"{{CSV} {.csv}} {{All files} *}", defaultextension = ".csv"))
			if (nchar(fileName) > 0){
				# 3) Create mySampling-Object:
				if (boxValue == "limited sampling"){
					kVal <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tclvalue(sampSizeVar)))					
					if (!is.na(kVal)){
						## Compute sample size:
						tkconfigure(main,cursor = "watch")						
						mySampling <- try(suppressWarnings(ltdSampling(survey.Data = mySurvey,
							sampleSizeLtd = kVal, nSampleFixVec = nSampleFixVec,
							probVec = probVec)), silent = TRUE)	
						tkconfigure(main,cursor = "arrow")
						sampleText <- "using Limited Sampling"
					} else {
						tkmessageBox(message = 
							"Error! Invalid value for sample limit.", 
							icon = "error", type = "ok")
				} else {
					herdSensVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(sampSizeVar))/100
					if (!is.na(herdSensVal)){
						## Compute sample size:
						tkconfigure(main,cursor = "watch")
						try(suppressWarnings(mySampling <- indSampling(survey.Data = mySurvey,
							herdSensitivity = herdSensVal, nSampleFixVec = nSampleFixVec,
							probVec = probVec)), silent = TRUE)	
						tkconfigure(main,cursor = "arrow")
						sampleText <- "using Individual Sampling"
					} else {
						tkmessageBox(message = 
							"Error! Invalid value for herd sensitivity.", 
							icon = "error", type = "ok")
				# 4) Did that work?
				if (class(mySampling) == "try-error"){
					tkmessageBox(message = as.character(mySampling), 
						icon = "error", type = "ok")
				# 5) Sample:
				sampleList <- sample(x = mySampling, size = sampSizeScheme)
				saveCheck <- suppressWarnings(try(write.csv2(sampleList$sample, 
					file = fileName, row.names = FALSE), silent = TRUE))
                if (class(saveCheck) == "NULL"){
					## Saving worked:
					tclvalue(compSampSizeVar) <- as.character(mySampling@nHerds)
					tclvalue(actSampSizeVar) <- as.character(length(sampleList$indexSample))
					tclvalue(alphaErrorVar) <- paste(as.character(round(sampleList$aPostAlpha*100,3)),
						"%", sep = " ")
			    } else {
					## Saving did not work:
					tkmessageBox(message = paste("Error! Could not write to file:\n",
						fileName, sep = ""), 
			            icon = "error", type = "ok")					
			} else {
				## It did not work:
	} else {
		## No sample size strategy selected:
		tkmessageBox(message = "Error! No sample size strategy selected.", 
			icon = "error", type = "ok")


# Hilfsfunktion:
plotWidget <- function(mySamplingSummary){
  # Only plot if package tkrplot is available:
  if (requireNamespace("tkrplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
    plotFunction <- function()
      params <- par(bg = "white")
    plotWin <- tktoplevel()
    tkwm.resizable(plotWin, FALSE, FALSE)   # Window not resizable
    tkwm.title(plotWin, "Diagnostic Plot")
    ## Plot frame:
    framePlot <- tkframe(plotWin, padx = 10, pady = 10,
        relief = "groove", borderwidth = 0)	
    img <- tkrplot::tkrplot(framePlot, fun = plotFunction, 
        hscale = 1.7, vscale = 1.7)
    ## Buttons frame:
    frameButton <- tkframe(plotWin, padx = 10, pady = 10,
        relief = "groove", borderwidth = 0)	
    close.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text=" Close ", 
        command = function() tkdestroy(plotWin), padx = 15, pady = 2)
    save.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text=" Save ", 
        command = function() savePlot(mySamplingSummary), padx = 15, pady = 2)
    tkgrid(save.but, tklabel(frameButton,text=" "), close.but)
  } else {
    tkmessageBox(message = "Package 'tkrplot' not available",
        icon = "error", type = "ok")
## Function: Tab Sample Size, Calculate Sample size
OnCalcDiag <- function(infoList, diagVar, main){
	## Create mySurvey object:
	mySurvey <- buildMySurvey(infoList)  
	if (!is.null(mySurvey)){
	## Which sampling strategy:		
	boxValue <- infoList$sampStratVec[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(infoList$sampStratBox,"getvalue")))+1]	
	if (length(boxValue) > 0){
		## With or without risk groups:
		if (dim(mySurvey@riskValueData)[1] > 0){
			useRiskGroups <- tkmessageBox(message = "Should risk groups be considered?",
					icon = "question", type = "yesnocancel", default = "yes")
			if (tclvalue(useRiskGroups) == "cancel") return(NULL)
			if (tclvalue(useRiskGroups) == "yes"){
				riskDataList <- importRiskBasedSamplingParameters(mySurvey, infoList)
				nSampleFixVec <- riskDataList$nSampleFixVec
				probVec <- riskDataList$probVec
#				nRiskGroups <- dim(mySurvey@riskValueData)[1]
#				nSampleFixVec <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
#				probVec <- rep(NA, nRiskGroups)
#				for (ii in 1:nRiskGroups){
#					## riskValueData: column riskGroup	
#					if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,2]]) > 0){
#						nSampleFixVec[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,2]])
#					} else {
#						nSampleFixVec[ii] <- NA
#					}
#					## riskValueData: column riskValues	
#					if (length(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,3]]) > 0){
#						probVec[ii] <- tclvalue(infoList$riskGroupTabVar[[ii,3]])
#					} else {
#						probVec[ii] <- NA
#					}				
#				}	
#				nSampleFixVec[nSampleFixVec == ""] <- NA
#				probVec[probVec == ""] <- NA
#				class(nSampleFixVec) <- "numeric"	
#				probVec <- probVec[is.na(nSampleFixVec)]
#				probVec <- as.numeric(probVec)		
#				if (any(is.na(probVec))){
#				    nSampleFixVec <- NULL
#				    probVec <- NULL
#					tkmessageBox(message = 
#			            "Warning! Could not import risk group parameters.", 
#			            icon = "warning", type = "ok")
#				}				
			} else {
				nSampleFixVec <- NULL
				probVec <- NULL
		} else {
			nSampleFixVec <- NULL
			probVec <- NULL
		if (boxValue == "limited sampling"){
			sampleSizeLtdMax <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tclvalue(diagVar)))			
			if (!is.na(sampleSizeLtdMax)){
                ## Compute sample size:
			    ## Wait cursor: Cursor=Sanduhr waehrend gerechnet wird
			    tkconfigure(main, cursor = "watch")
			    mySamplingSummary <- 
					try(suppressWarnings(ltdSamplingSummary(survey.Data = mySurvey,
					sampleSizeLtdMax = sampleSizeLtdMax,
					nSampleFixVec = nSampleFixVec,
					probVec = probVec)), silent = TRUE)
			    tkconfigure(main,cursor = "arrow")
			    tttitle <- "FFD - GUI: Limited Sampling"
			} else {
			    tkmessageBox(message = 
					"Error! Invalid value for max. sample limit.", 
			        icon = "error", type = "ok")
		} else {
			stepSize <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tclvalue(diagVar))/100)
			if (!is.na(stepSize)){
                ## Compute sample size:
			    ## Wait cursor: Cursor=Sanduhr waehrend gerechnet wird
			    tkconfigure(main,cursor = "watch")
			    mySamplingSummary <- 
					try(suppressWarnings(indSamplingSummary(survey.Data = mySurvey,
					stepSize = stepSize,
					nSampleFixVec = nSampleFixVec,
					probVec = probVec)), silent = TRUE)	
			    tkconfigure(main,cursor = "arrow")					
			    tttitle <- "FFD - GUI: Individual Sampling"
			} else {
			    tkmessageBox(message = 
					"Error! Invalid value for herd sens. step size.", 
			        icon = "error", type = "ok")
	if (class(mySamplingSummary) == "try-error"){
		tkmessageBox(message = 
			icon = "error", type = "ok")
	outVec <- as.vector(summary(mySamplingSummary, "percent"))
	## Build widget:
	tt  <- tktoplevel()
	tkwm.resizable(tt, FALSE, FALSE)   # Window not resizable
	tkwm.title(tt, tttitle)
	## Main Frame:
	frameOverall <- tkframe(tt)
	## Text Frame:
	frameText <- tkframe(frameOverall,padx = 10, pady = 10,
			relief = "groove", borderwidth = 1)
	## Scrollbar:
	xscr <- tkscrollbar(frameText, repeatinterval = 5, orient = "horizontal",
			command = function(...)tkxview(txt,...))
	yscr <- tkscrollbar(frameText, repeatinterval = 5,
			command = function(...)tkyview(txt,...))
	txt <- tktext(frameText, bg = "white",
			xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(xscr,...), yscrollcommand = 
			function(...)tkset(yscr,...), wrap = "none")
	## Write text:
	for (ii in seq(along = outVec)) tkinsert(txt, "end", paste(outVec[ii], 
	## Make it non-editable:		
	tkconfigure(txt, state = "disabled")
	## For resizing:
	tkgrid.columnconfigure(tt, 0, weight = 1)
	tkgrid.rowconfigure(tt, 0, weight = 1)
	## Button Frame:
	frameButton <- tkframe(frameOverall,padx = 10, pady = 10,
			relief = "groove", borderwidth = 0)
	close.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text=" Close ", 
			command = function() tkdestroy(tt), padx = 15, pady = 2)
	save.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text=" Save ", 
			command = function() saveText(outVec), padx = 15, pady = 2)
	plot.but <- tkbutton(frameButton, text=" Plot ", 
			command = function() plotWidget(mySamplingSummary), padx = 15, 
			pady = 2)
	tkgrid(save.but, tklabel(frameButton,text=" "), close.but,
			tklabel(frameButton,text=" "), plot.but)	
	## Draw frames:
	} else {
		tkmessageBox(message = "Error! No sampling strategy selected.",
			icon = "error", type = "ok")

FFDmanual <- function(){
    pdfManual <- system.file("doc/FFD-intro.pdf", package = "FFD")
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
    } else {
    system(paste(shQuote(getOption("pdfviewer")), shQuote(pdfManual)), wait = FALSE)

saveFFD <- function(inputDataVar, herdSizeColVar, riskGroupColVar, pi, alpha, 
	piIH, Se, costHerd, costAnimal, sampSizeVar, diagVar, sampStratBox, 
	nRiskGroups, riskGroupTabVar){

    ## Risk group data:
	nRiskGroupsVal <- tclvalue(nRiskGroups)
	if (as.numeric(nRiskGroupsVal) > 0){	
		riskGroupTabVarVal <- matrix(NA, as.numeric(nRiskGroupsVal)+1, 4)
		for (ii in 1:(as.numeric(nRiskGroupsVal)+1)){
		    for (jj in 1:4){
			    if (length(riskGroupTabVar[[ii-1,jj-1]]) > 0){
					riskGroupTabVarVal[ii,jj] <- tclvalue(riskGroupTabVar[[ii-1,jj-1]])
	} else {
		riskGroupTabVarVal <- matrix(numeric(), 0, 0)		

	## Collect data:
    FFD_InfoList <- list(inputDataVar = tclvalue(inputDataVar),
		herdSizeColVar = tclvalue(herdSizeColVar),
		riskGroupColVar = tclvalue(riskGroupColVar),
		pi = tclvalue(pi),
		alpha = tclvalue(alpha),
		piIH = tclvalue(piIH),
		Se = tclvalue(Se),
		costHerd = tclvalue(costHerd),
		costAnimal = tclvalue(costAnimal),
		sampSizeVar = tclvalue(sampSizeVar),
		diagVar = tclvalue(diagVar),
		sampStratBox = tclvalue(tcl(sampStratBox, "getvalue")),
		nRiskGroups = nRiskGroupsVal,
		riskGroupTabVar = riskGroupTabVarVal,
		type = "FFD_Info_List_Save_File"
	## Save data:
	fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = 
	    "{{FFD-R Data} {.ffd}} {{All files} *}", defaultextension = ".ffd"))
    if (nchar(fileName) > 0){
        save(FFD_InfoList, file = fileName)

loadFFD <- function(inputDataVar, herdSizeColVar, riskGroupColVar, pi, alpha, 
	piIH, Se, costHerd, costAnimal, sampSizeVar, diagVar, sampStratBox, tn,
	nRiskGroups, riskGroupTabVar){
    fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes = 
		"{{FFD-R Data} {.ffd}} {{All files} *}")) 	
    if (nchar(fileName) > 0){
		## Load file:
		FFD_InfoList <- NULL
		## Validity check:
#		if (!("FFD_InfoList" %in% ls())){
#			tkmessageBox(message = "Error! Invalid File.", icon = "error",
#				type = "ok")
#		    return(NULL)
#		}
		if (is.null(FFD_InfoList)){
			tkmessageBox(message = "Error! Invalid File.", icon = "error",
				type = "ok")
		namesVec <- c("inputDataVar", "herdSizeColVar", "riskGroupColVar", 
			"pi", "alpha", "piIH", "Se", "costHerd", "costAnimal", 
			"sampSizeVar", "diagVar", "sampStratBox", "nRiskGroups",
			"riskGroupTabVar", "type")
	    if (!all(namesVec %in% names(FFD_InfoList))){
			tkmessageBox(message = "Error! Invalid File.", icon = "error",
				type = "ok")
		if (FFD_InfoList$type != "FFD_Info_List_Save_File"){
			tkmessageBox(message = "Error! Invalid File.", icon = "error",
				type = "ok")
		## Set values:
		tclvalue(inputDataVar) <- FFD_InfoList$inputDataVar
		tclvalue(herdSizeColVar) <- FFD_InfoList$herdSizeColVar
		tclvalue(riskGroupColVar) <- FFD_InfoList$riskGroupColVar
		tclvalue(pi) <- FFD_InfoList$pi
		tclvalue(alpha) <- FFD_InfoList$alpha
		tclvalue(piIH) <- FFD_InfoList$piIH
		tclvalue(Se) <- FFD_InfoList$Se
		tclvalue(costHerd) <- FFD_InfoList$costHerd
		tclvalue(costAnimal) <- FFD_InfoList$costAnimal
		if (FFD_InfoList$sampStratBox != "-1"){
			tcl(sampStratBox, "setvalue", paste("@", FFD_InfoList$sampStratBox,
				sep = ""))			
		} else {
			tcl(sampStratBox, "clearvalue")
		tcl(tn, "select", 1)
		tclvalue(sampSizeVar) <- FFD_InfoList$sampSizeVar
		tclvalue(diagVar) <- FFD_InfoList$diagVar
		## Risk groups:
		nRiskGroupsOldVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(nRiskGroups))
		nRiskGroupsNewVal <- as.numeric(FFD_InfoList$nRiskGroups)
		tclvalue(nRiskGroups) <- FFD_InfoList$nRiskGroups
		riskGroupTabVarVal <- FFD_InfoList$riskGroupTabVar
		## Delete old values
		if (nRiskGroupsOldVal > nRiskGroupsNewVal){
			for (ii in (nRiskGroupsNewVal+1):nRiskGroupsOldVal){
		        for (jj in 1:4){
				    riskGroupTabVar[[ii,jj-1]] <- character()
		## Set new values:
		if (nRiskGroupsNewVal > 0){	
		    for (ii in 1:(nRiskGroupsNewVal+1)){
		        for (jj in 1:4){
			        if (!is.na(riskGroupTabVarVal[ii,jj])){
					    riskGroupTabVar[[ii-1,jj-1]] <- riskGroupTabVarVal[ii,jj] 
				    } else {
						riskGroupTabVar[[ii-1,jj-1]] <- character()

resetFFD <- function(inputDataVar, herdSizeColVar, riskGroupColVar, pi, 
	alpha, piIH, Se, costHerd, costAnimal, sampSizeVar, diagVar, sampStratBox, 
	labelText, labelText1b, labelText2b, labelText2, entry.ssV, entry.diagV, 
	tn, riskGroupTabVar, nRiskGroups, FFD_DefaultList){
    tclvalue(inputDataVar) <- FFD_DefaultList$inputDataVar
	tclvalue(herdSizeColVar) <- FFD_DefaultList$herdSizeColVar
	tclvalue(riskGroupColVar) <- FFD_DefaultList$riskGroupColVar
	tclvalue(pi) <- FFD_DefaultList$pi
	tclvalue(alpha) <- FFD_DefaultList$alpha
	tclvalue(piIH) <- FFD_DefaultList$piIH
	tclvalue(Se) <- FFD_DefaultList$Se
	tclvalue(costHerd) <- FFD_DefaultList$costHerd
	tclvalue(costAnimal) <- FFD_DefaultList$costAnimal
	tclvalue(sampSizeVar) <- FFD_DefaultList$sampSizeVar
	tclvalue(diagVar) <- FFD_DefaultList$diagVar
	tcl(sampStratBox, "clearvalue")
	tkconfigure(entry.ssV, state = "disabled")
	tkconfigure(entry.ssV, width = FFD_DefaultList$resetWidth)
	tkconfigure(entry.diagV, state = "disabled")
	tkconfigure(entry.diagV, width = FFD_DefaultList$resetWidth)
	tclvalue(labelText) <- FFD_DefaultList$textNoStrat
	tclvalue(labelText2) <- FFD_DefaultList$textNoStrat
	tclvalue(labelText1b) <- ""
	tclvalue(labelText2b) <- ""
    tcl(tn, "select", 0)
    tcl(tn, "tab", 2, state = "disabled")
	nRiskGroupsVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(nRiskGroups))
	if (nRiskGroupsVal > 0){
		for (ii in 1:(nRiskGroupsVal+1)){
		    for (jj in 1:4){
			    riskGroupTabVar[[ii-1,jj-1]] <- character()
	tclvalue(nRiskGroups) <- "0"

## Example: Brucella melitensis without risk groups:
loadExample <- function(inputDataVar, herdSizeColVar, riskGroupColVar, pi, 
	alpha, piIH, Se, costHerd, costAnimal, sampSizeVar, diagVar, 
	sampStratBox, tn, nRiskGroups, riskGroupTabVar){
    tclvalue(inputDataVar) <- file.path(system.file(package = "FFD"), 
		"sheepData.csv", fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
	tclvalue(herdSizeColVar) <- "nSheep"
    tclvalue(riskGroupColVar) <- ""
	tclvalue(pi) <- "0.2"
	tclvalue(alpha) <- "0.05"
	tclvalue(piIH) <- "12"
	tclvalue(Se) <- "90"
	tclvalue(costHerd) <- "30"
	tclvalue(costAnimal) <- "10"
	tcl(sampStratBox, "setvalue", "@1")
	tcl(tn, "select", 1)
	tclvalue(sampSizeVar) <- "90"
	tclvalue(diagVar) <- "5"

	## Risk groups:
	nRiskGroupsOldVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(nRiskGroups))
	if (nRiskGroupsOldVal > 0){ 
		for (ii in 1:(nRiskGroupsOldVal+1)){
			for (jj in 1:4){
				riskGroupTabVar[[ii-1,jj-1]] <- character()
	tclvalue(nRiskGroups) <- "0"

## Example: Brucella melitensis with risk groups:
loadExample2 <- function(inputDataVar, herdSizeColVar, riskGroupColVar, pi, 
	alpha, piIH, Se, costHerd, costAnimal, sampSizeVar, diagVar, 
	sampStratBox, tn, nRiskGroups, riskGroupTabVar){
    tclvalue(inputDataVar) <- file.path(system.file(package = "FFD"), 
		"sheepData.csv", fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
	tclvalue(herdSizeColVar) <- "nSheep"
    tclvalue(riskGroupColVar) <- "import"
	tclvalue(pi) <- "0.2"
	tclvalue(alpha) <- "0.05"
	tclvalue(piIH) <- "12"
	tclvalue(Se) <- "90"
	tclvalue(costHerd) <- "30"
	tclvalue(costAnimal) <- "10"
	tcl(sampStratBox, "setvalue", "@1")
	tcl(tn, "select", 1)
	tclvalue(sampSizeVar) <- "90"
	tclvalue(diagVar) <- "5"

	## Risk groups
	nRiskGroupsOldVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(nRiskGroups))
	nRiskGroupsNewVal <- 2
	tclvalue(nRiskGroups) <- as.character(nRiskGroupsNewVal)
	riskGroupTabVarVal <- matrix(c("Risk groups", "import", "no_import", 
		"Risk_values", "2", "1", 
		"Fixed_sample_sizes", NA, NA,
		"Sample_probability", "4", "1"), 3, 4)
	## Delete old values
	if (nRiskGroupsOldVal > nRiskGroupsNewVal){
		for (ii in (nRiskGroupsNewVal+1):nRiskGroupsOldVal){
	        for (jj in 1:4){
			    riskGroupTabVar[[ii,jj-1]] <- character()
	## Set new values:
	for (ii in 1:(nRiskGroupsNewVal+1)){
	    for (jj in 1:4){
	        if (!is.na(riskGroupTabVarVal[ii,jj])){
			    riskGroupTabVar[[ii-1,jj-1]] <- riskGroupTabVarVal[ii,jj] 
		    } else {
				riskGroupTabVar[[ii-1,jj-1]] <- character()

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FFD documentation built on Dec. 21, 2020, 3:02 p.m.