
Defines functions picSurv picGrow generateData sampleSequentialIPMs simulateCarlina convertIncrement growthModelComp survModelComp plotGrowthModelComp plotSurvModelComp addPdfGrowthPic coerceGrowthObj coerceSurvObj sampleVitalRateObj sampleIPM sampleIPMOutput invLogit

Documented in addPdfGrowthPic coerceGrowthObj coerceSurvObj convertIncrement generateData growthModelComp invLogit picGrow picSurv plotGrowthModelComp plotSurvModelComp sampleIPM sampleIPMOutput sampleSequentialIPMs sampleVitalRateObj simulateCarlina survModelComp

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# ** note that growth may need redefining if new growth  objects are defined

# parameters - dataf - the dataframe
#            - survObj - a survival object
#            - ncuts - the number of cuts used for binning survival
# returns - 

picSurv <- function(dataf, survObj, ncuts = 20, makeTitle = "Survival", ...) { 
	#organize data and plot mean of ncut successive sizes, so trend more obvious
	os<-order(dataf$size); os.surv<-(dataf$surv)[os]; os.size<-(dataf$size)[os]; 
	psz<-tapply(os.size,as.numeric(cut(os.size,ncuts)),mean,na.rm=TRUE); #print(psz)
	ps<-tapply(os.surv,as.numeric(cut(os.size,ncuts)), mean, na.rm = TRUE);#print(ps)
	if (length(grep("covariate",names(survObj@fit$model)))==0) {  
		#plot data
				xlab="Size at t", ylab = "Survival to t+1", main = makeTitle, ...)
		#Plot fitted models
	} else {
				type="n",pch=19,xlab="Size at t", ylab="Survival to t+1",main="Survival",...)
		dataf$covariate <- as.factor(dataf$covariate)
		levels(dataf$covariate) <- 1:length(unique(dataf$covariate))
		sizes <- dataf$size[!is.na(dataf$size)]; sizes <- sizes[order(sizes)]
		ud <- unique(dataf$covariate); ud <- ud[!is.na(ud)]
		for (k in 1:length(ud)) { 
			tp <- os.cov==ud[k]
			psz<-tapply(os.size[tp], as.numeric(cut(os.size[tp], ncuts)), mean, na.rm = TRUE); #print(psz)
			newd <- data.frame(size=sizes,size2=sizes^2,size3=sizes^3,
			pred.surv <- predict(survObj@fit,newd,type="response")


# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Function to make pic of growth object fit with data
# parameters - dataf - the dataframe
#            - growObj - a growth object
# returns - 

picGrow <- function(dataf, growObj, mainTitle = "Growth",...) {
	predVar <- attr(growObj@fit$terms,"predvars")[[2]]  #jess quick fix. this function does not work with changingVar either at the moment
	if (class(growObj)=="growthObjTruncIncr") { 
		predVar <- "incr"	
	} else {
		predVar <- attr(growObj@fit$terms,"predvars")[[2]]
	if(predVar == "sizeNext") {
		plot(dataf$size, dataf$sizeNext,pch=19, xlab="Size at t", ylab="Size at t+1", main = mainTitle,...)
		abline(a = 0, b = 1)
		dataf$incr <- dataf$sizeNext - dataf$size
		plot(dataf$size, dataf$incr, pch = 19, xlab = "Size at t", ylab="Size increment", main = mainTitle,...)
		abline(a = 0, b = 0)
	if (length(grep("covariate", names(growObj@fit$model))) > 0) {  
		#convert to 1:n for indexing later and to relate to discrete
		dataf$covariate <- as.factor(dataf$covariate)
		levels(dataf$covariate) <- 1:length(unique(dataf$covariate))
		ud <- unique(dataf$covariate); ud <- ud[!is.na(ud)]
		for (k in 1:length(ud)) { 
			tp <- dataf$covariate == ud[k]
			points(dataf$size[tp], dataf$sizeNext[tp], pch = 19, col = k)            
		ud <- as.factor(ud)
	} else {
		ud <- 0
	sizes <- dataf$size[!is.na(dataf$size)]; sizes <- sizes[order(sizes)]
	for (k in 1:length(ud)) { 
		newd <- data.frame(size = sizes, size2 = sizes ^ 2,size3 = sizes ^ 3,
				covariate = as.factor(rep(ud[k],length(sizes))))
		if(length(grep("expsize", names(growObj@fit$coefficients))) == 1)
			newd$expsize = exp(sizes)
		if(length(grep("logsize", names(growObj@fit$coefficients))) == 1)
			newd$logsize = log(sizes)
		if(length(grep("logsize2", names(growObj@fit$coefficients))) == 1)
		if (length(grep("decline",tolower(as.character(class(growObj)))))>0 | 
				length(grep("trunc",tolower(as.character(class(growObj)))))>0) { 
				pred.size <- .predictMuX(growObj, newd, covPred = k)
			} else  {
				pred.size <- predict(growObj@fit,newd,type = "response")	
		if (length(grep("incr", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) == 0) {
			points(sizes, pred.size, type = "l", col = k + 1)	
		} else { 
			if (length(grep("logincr", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) > 0) {
				points(sizes, sizes + exp(pred.size), type = "l", col = k + 1)		
			} else { 
				lines(sizes, pred.size, col = k + 1)	

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## FUNCTIONS FOR SIMULATING DATA ############################
## Return a data-frame with the headings used in the 'makeObject' functions

## Generate a simple data-frame for only continuous covariates
#  with a total of 1000 measurements with columns called
# size, sizeNext, surv, covariate, covariateNext, fec,
generateData <- function(nSamp=1000, type="simple"){
	if (nSamp<100) stop("Error: nSamp in generateData should be at least 100")
	if (type=="simple"){
	covariate <- sample(0:1, size=nSamp, replace=TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
	covariateNext <- sample(0:1, size=nSamp, replace=TRUE, prob = c(0.8, 0.2))
	size <- rnorm(nSamp,5,2)
	#size <- exp(rnorm(1000, -1, 1.1))
	sizeNext <- 1+0.8*size-0.9*covariate+rnorm(nSamp,0,1)
	seedlings <- sample(1:nSamp,size=100,replace=TRUE)
	size[seedlings] <- NA; sizeNext[seedlings] <- rnorm(100,2,0.5)
	fec <- surv <- rep(NA, length(size))
	surv[!is.na(size)] <- rbinom(sum(!is.na(size)),1,invLogit(-1+0.2*size[!is.na(size)]))
	fec[!is.na(size)] <- rnorm(sum(!is.na(size)),exp(-7+0.9*size[!is.na(size)]),1)
	fec[size<quantile(size,0.20,na.rm=TRUE) | fec<0] <- 0
	fec <- fec*10
	stage <- stageNext <- rep("continuous",nSamp)
	stage[is.na(size)] <- NA
	stageNext[is.na(sizeNext)] <- "dead"
	dataf <- data.frame(size=size,sizeNext=sizeNext,surv=surv,
			fec=fec, stage=stage,stageNext=stageNext)
	dataf$sizeNext[dataf$surv==0] <- NA
	if (type=="discrete") dataf <-.generateDataDiscrete(nSamp=nSamp)	
	if (type=="stochastic") dataf <-.generateDataStoch(nSamp=nSamp)	
	if (type!="simple" & type!="stochastic" & type!="discrete"){
		stop("unsupported type: supported types include simple, stochastic, or discrete")

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## FUNCTION FOR MAKING A LIST OF IPMS ############################################
# to do for stoch env with a single discrete covariate. ##########################

sampleSequentialIPMs <- function(dataf, nBigMatrix=10, minSize=-2,maxSize=10, 
		integrateType="midpoint", correction="none",
		Transform="none",fecConstants=data.frame(NA)) {
	#convert to 1:n for indexing later
	dataf$covariate <- as.factor(dataf$covariate)
	levels(dataf$covariate) <- 1:length(unique(dataf$covariate))
	sv1 <- makeSurvObj(dataf=dataf,
	gr1 <- makeGrowthObj(dataf=dataf,
	fv1 <- makeFecObj(dataf=dataf,Formula=explFec, Family=Family, Transform=Transform, 
	covs <- unique(dataf$covariate)
	covs <- covs[!is.na(covs)]
	IPM.list <- list()
	for (k in 1:length(covs)) { 
		tpF <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
				maxSize = maxSize, chosenCov = data.frame(covariate=as.factor(k)),
				fecObj = fv1,integrateType=integrateType, correction=correction)
		tpS <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
				maxSize = maxSize, chosenCov = data.frame(covariate=as.factor(k)),
				growObj = gr1, survObj = sv1,
				integrateType=integrateType, correction=correction)
		IPM.list[[k]] <- tpF+tpS

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
### simulation Carlina ######################################################

## Function to simulate something a bit like Carlina
## Parameters - nSamp - starting pop sizes
#             - nYrs - no years in simulation
#             - nSampleYrs - no years to extract for the data
#             - ... bunch of parameters
#             - meanYear - means for year effects
#             - matVarYear - variance covariances for year effects
#             - densDep - model density dependence in seedling establishment or not
# Returns - list including dataf - data-frame of data
#                                - various of the simulation parameters for convenience
simulateCarlina <- function(nSamp=200,nYrs=1000,nSampleYrs=15,
		densDep=TRUE,maxPerYr=1000,maxStoreSeedlingsPerYr=200,sizes=c()) {
	#initiate and set up year index
	if (length(sizes)==0) sizes <- rnorm(nSamp,3,0.5)
	startYr <- (nYrs-nSampleYrs)
	nrec <- c(20,42,12,17,8,19,58,45,44,2,56,25,75,92,94,6,4,34,104)
	#total plants
	totpl <- c(21,57,47,25,25,33,88,94,97,26,85,80,122,175,160,10,6,189)
	#set up dataframe
	dataf <-matrix(NA,(maxPerYr+maxStoreSeedlingsPerYr)*nYrs,13)
	maxPop <- nrow(dataf)
	n.per.yr  <-  rep(NA,nYrs)
	trueGrow <- rep(NA,nYrs)	
	count <- 0

	#stoch sims
	if (sum(matVarYear)!=0) {
		tmp <- rmvnorm(nYrs,mean=meanYear,sigma=matVarYear) 
	} else {
		tmp <- matrix(0,nYrs,3)
	if (varA!=0) tmpA <- rnorm(nYrs,mean=A,sd=sqrt(varA))
	if (varB!=0) tmpB <- rnorm(nYrs,mean=B,sd=sqrt(varB))
	for (t in 1:nYrs) {
		#yr effects
		nSeedlings <- sample(nrec,size=1,replace=FALSE)
		n.per.yr[t] <- length(sizes)

		m.year <- tmp[t,1]
		cg.year <- tmp[t,2]
		b.year <- tmp[t,3]
		if (varA!=0) A.year <- tmpA[t] else A.year <- A
		if (varB!=0) B.year <- tmpB[t] else B.year <- B
		if (n.per.yr[t]>0) { 
			sx <- 1*(invLogit(m0+ms*sizes+m.year)>runif(n.per.yr[t]))
			fx <- 1*(invLogit(b0+bs*sizes)>runif(n.per.yr[t]))
			seedsx <- exp(A.year+B.year*sizes)*fx*sx
			#seedsx[seedsx>0] <- rpois(sum(seedsx>0),seedsx[seedsx>0])
		} else {
			sx <- fx <- seedsx <- c()
			print(c("extinct in year ", t))
		if (densDep) pEst <- min(nSeedlings/max(sum(seedsx, na.rm=TRUE),1),1) else pEst <- 1
		babies <- rnorm(ceiling(pEst*max(sum(seedsx,na.rm=TRUE),1)),
		#if (count>0) print(c("yr",t-startYr,pEst*max(sum(seedsx,na.rm=TRUE),1),length(babies)))
		#will end up with nrec babies at least in density dependent case
		if (length(babies)<nSeedlings & densDep) nSeedlings <- length(babies)
		sizeNext <- rnorm(length(sizes),ag+bg*sizes+cg.year,sig)
		#remove dead or flowered
		fx[sx==0] <- NA
		sizeNext[sx==0 | fx==1] <- NA
		if (t > startYr) {
			#don't 'do it at all if too big (so as not to do only adults, etc)
			if ((count+length(sizes))>maxPop) { print("large pop size, breaking");break()}
			if ((count+length(sizes)+length(babies))>maxPop) { print("large pop size, breaking");break()}
			chs <- (count+1):(count+length(sizes))
			dataf[chs,1] <- sizes
			dataf[chs,2] <- sizeNext
			dataf[chs,3] <- sx
			dataf[chs,4] <- fx
			dataf[chs,5] <- seedsx
			dataf[chs,6] <- t
			dataf[chs,7] <- nSeedlings
			dataf[chs,8] <- m.year
			dataf[chs,9] <- cg.year
			dataf[chs,10] <- b.year
			dataf[chs,12] <- A.year
			dataf[chs,13] <- B.year
			count <- count + length(sizes)
			nbabes.store <- min(length(babies),maxStoreSeedlingsPerYr)
			chs <- (count+1):(count+nbabes.store)
			dataf[chs,2] <- babies[1:nbabes.store]
			dataf[chs,6] <- t
			dataf[chs,7] <- nSeedlings
			dataf[chs,8] <- m.year
			dataf[chs,9] <- cg.year
			dataf[chs,10] <- b.year
			dataf[chs,11] <- "sexual"
			dataf[chs,12] <- A.year
			dataf[chs,13] <- B.year
			count <- count + nbabes.store
			#new pop - i.e. those that grew, survive, and didn't flower; as well as babies
			sizes <- c(sizeNext[sx==1 & fx==0 & !is.na(fx)],babies)
			if (length(sizes)==0) print("extinct")

			#get true growth rate 
			trueGrow[t] <- log(length(sizes)/n.per.yr[t])
			#cull size at t t down to maxPerYr, if not density dependent
			if (!densDep) sizes <- sample(sizes,size=maxPerYr, replace=TRUE)


	list.par <- list(m0=m0,ms=ms,
	dataf <- dataf[1:count,]
	dataf <- data.frame(dataf,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)	

	vartrueGrow <- var(trueGrow[startYr:nYrs],na.rm=TRUE) 
	meantrueGrow <- mean(exp(trueGrow[startYr:nYrs]),na.rm=TRUE)  
	trueGrow <- mean(trueGrow[startYr:nYrs],na.rm=TRUE)  
	colnames(dataf) <- c("size","sizeNext","surv","flower","fec",
	dataf$size <- as.numeric(dataf$size)
	dataf$sizeNext <- as.numeric(dataf$sizeNext)
	dataf$surv <- as.numeric(dataf$surv)
	dataf$flower <- as.numeric(dataf$flower)
	dataf$fec <- as.numeric(dataf$fec)
	dataf$nSeedlings <- as.numeric(dataf$nSeedlings)
	dataf$year <- as.numeric(dataf$year)
	dataf$cg.year <- as.numeric(dataf$cg.year)
	dataf$m.year <- as.numeric(dataf$m.year)
	dataf$b.year <- as.numeric(dataf$b.year)	
	dataf$A.year <- as.numeric(dataf$A.year)	
	dataf$B.year <- as.numeric(dataf$B.year)	
	dataf$fec[dataf$fec==0] <- NA

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Convert Increment - where exact dates of census vary but some multiplier of yearly increments
## are desired; this function takes a data-frame (with columns size, sizeNext,
## and, importantly exactDate, exactDatel)
## and returns a data-frame with sizeNext modified proportional to the time
## elapsed in the desired yaerly increments, adding an additional column denoted 'increment'. 
# Parameters - dataf - a dataframe with headings size, sizeNext, exactDate,exactDatel
#            - nYrs - the number of years between censuses desired (e.g. for CTFS data, 5 years)
# Returns - a dataframe with the same headings
convertIncrement <- function(dataf, nYrs=1) {
	incr <- dataf$sizeNext - dataf$size
	if (class(dataf$exactDatel) == "Date")  {
		timeElapsed <- (difftime(dataf$exactDatel,dataf$exactDate)[[1]])/(365*nYrs)
	} else {
		timeElapsed <- (dataf$exactDatel-dataf$exactDate)/(365*nYrs)
	incrNew <- incr / timeElapsed
	dataf$sizeNext <- dataf$size + incrNew
	dataf$incr <- dataf$incrNew

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Function to compare model fits for growth and survival objects built with different linear combinations of covariates. 
# Growth can have multiple response forms. Uses .makeCovDf.  Separate plot functions. 
# Returns - list with a summary table of covariates and scores, and a sub-list of growth or survival objects.
growthModelComp <- function(dataf, 
		expVars = c(sizeNext~1, sizeNext~size, sizeNext~size + size2), 
		regressionType = "constantVar",
		testType = "AIC",
		makePlot = FALSE,
		mainTitle = "",
		plotLegend = TRUE,
		legendPos = "topright", ...) {
	varN <- length(expVars)
	typeN <- length(regressionType)
	treatN <- varN * typeN
	summaryTable <- data.frame()
	grObj <- vector("list", length = treatN)
	i <- 1
	for(v in 1:varN) {
		for(t in 1:typeN) {
			grObj[[i]] <- makeGrowthObj(dataf = dataf, regType = regressionType[t], Formula = expVars[[v]]) 
			if (length(grep("decline",tolower(as.character(class(grObj[[i]])))))>0) { 
				summaryTable <- rbind(summaryTable, cbind(as.character(unlist(expVars))[v], regressionType[t],  match.fun(testType)(grObj[[i]]@fit$fit)))
			} else { 
			summaryTable <- rbind(summaryTable, cbind(as.character(unlist(expVars))[v], regressionType[t],  match.fun(testType)(grObj[[i]]@fit)))
			i <- i + 1
	summaryTable <- as.data.frame(summaryTable)
	names(summaryTable) <- c("Exp. Vars", "Reg. Type", testType)
	outputList <- list(summaryTable = summaryTable, growthObjects = grObj)
	if(makePlot == TRUE) {
		plotGrowthModelComp(grObj = grObj, summaryTable = summaryTable, dataf = dataf, expVars = expVars,  testType = "AIC",  plotLegend = plotLegend, mainTitle = mainTitle, legendPos, ...)

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
survModelComp <- function(dataf, 
		expVars = c(surv~1, surv~size, surv~size + size2), 
		testType = "AIC",
		makePlot = FALSE,
		mainTitle = "", ncuts = 20,
		plotLegend = TRUE, 
		legendPos = "bottomleft", ...) {
	varN <- length(expVars)
	treatN <- varN
	summaryTable <- data.frame()
	svObj <- vector("list", length = treatN)
	i <- 1
	for(v in 1:varN) {
		svObj[[i]] <- makeSurvObj(dataf = dataf, Formula = expVars[[v]]) 
		summaryTable <- rbind(summaryTable, cbind(as.character(unlist(expVars))[v], match.fun(testType)(svObj[[i]]@fit)))
		i <- i + 1
	summaryTable <- as.data.frame(summaryTable)
	names(summaryTable) <- c("Exp. Vars", testType)
	outputList <- list(summaryTable = summaryTable, survObjects = svObj)
	if(makePlot == TRUE) {
		## this is the surv picture    
		plotSurvModelComp(svObj = svObj, summaryTable = summaryTable, dataf = dataf, expVars = expVars, testType = "AIC", plotLegend = plotLegend, mainTitle = mainTitle, ncuts = ncuts, legendPos = legendPos, ...)

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Plot functions for model comparison.  Plots the series of fitted models for growth and survival objects.  
# Can plot a legend with the model covariates and model test criterion scores (defaults to AIC).

plotGrowthModelComp <- function(grObj, summaryTable, dataf, expVars,  testType = "AIC", plotLegend = TRUE, mainTitle = "", legendPos = "topright", ...) {
	treatN <- length(grObj)
	sizeSorted <- unique(sort(dataf$size))
	if(length(grep("sizeNext", unlist(as.character(expVars))))) {
		y.lab <- "Size at t + 1"
		dataSizeNext <- dataf$sizeNext
	if(length(grep("incr", unlist(as.character(expVars))))) {
		y.lab <- "Growth"
		dataSizeNext <- dataf$sizeNext - dataf$size
	if(length(grep("logincr", unlist(as.character(expVars))))){
		y.lab <- "log(growth)"
		dataSizeNext <- log(dataf$sizeNext - dataf$size)
	plot(dataf$size, dataSizeNext, pch = 19, xlab = "Size at t", ylab = y.lab, main = mainTitle, cex = 0.8,...)
	for(p in 1:treatN) {
		expVarsHere <- paste(attr(terms((expVars[[p]])),"term.labels"),collapse="+")
		newd <- .makeCovDf(sizeSorted, expVarsHere)
		if (length(grep("decline",tolower(as.character(class(grObj[[p]])))))>0) {
			pred.size <- .predictMuX(grObj[[p]], newd)
		} else { pred.size <- predict(grObj[[p]]@fit, newd, type = "response")}
		lines(sizeSorted, pred.size, type = "l", col = (p + 1))
	if(plotLegend) {
		legend(legendPos, legend = sprintf("%s: %s = %.1f", expVars, testType, as.numeric(as.character(summaryTable[,3]))), col = c(2:(p + 1)), lty = 1, xjust = 1, bg = "white")

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
plotSurvModelComp <- function(svObj, summaryTable, dataf,  expVars, testType = "AIC", plotLegend = TRUE, mainTitle = "", ncuts = 20, legendPos = "bottomleft", ...) {
	treatN <- length(svObj)
	#ncuts <- 20  # survival bins
	os <- order(dataf$size)  # order size
	osSurv <- (dataf$surv)[os] # order survival data according to size
	osSize<-(dataf$size)[os] # ordered size data
	binnedSize <- tapply(osSize, as.numeric(cut(osSize, breaks=ncuts)), mean, na.rm = TRUE); # bin Size data
	binnedSurv <- tapply(osSurv, as.numeric(cut(osSize, breaks=ncuts)), mean, na.rm = TRUE) #bin Survival probabilities
	plot(binnedSize, binnedSurv, pch = 19, xlab = "Size at t", ylab = "Survival to t + 1", main = mainTitle, cex = 0.8,...)
	for(p in 1:treatN) {
		expVarsHere <- paste(attr(terms(expVars[[p]]),"term.labels"),collapse="+")
		newd <- .makeCovDf(osSize, expVarsHere[p])
		lines(dataf$size[order(dataf$size)], surv(dataf$size[os], data.frame(covariate=1), svObj[[p]]), col = (p + 1))           
	if(plotLegend) {
		legend(legendPos, legend = sprintf("%s: %s = %.1f", expVars, testType, as.numeric(as.character(summaryTable[,2]))), col = c(2:(p + 1)), lty = 1, xjust = 1, bg = "white")

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Function to add pdf to model comparison pics
addPdfGrowthPic <- function(respType = "sizeNext",
		jitt=2,  #how far apart should pdfs be if you are plotting several
	nval <- length(growthObjList)
	sizes <- seq(sizeRange[1],sizeRange[2],length=500)
	incr <- seq(incrRange[1],incrRange[2],length=500)
	logincr <- log(incr); logincr[!is.finite(logincr)] <- NA
	for (j in 1:nval) {
		for (k in 1:length(sizesPlotAt)) {           
			if (respType=="sizeNext") {
				pred <- growth(sizesPlotAt[k],sizes,cov,growthObjList[[j]])*scalar
				pred[pred<minShow] <- NA
						sizes,type="l", col=cols[j],...)                
			if (respType=="incr") {
				pred <- growth(sizesPlotAt[k],sizesPlotAt[k]+incr,cov,growthObjList[[j]])*scalar
				pred[pred<minShow] <- NA
						incr,type="l", col=cols[j],...)
			if (respType=="logincr") {
				pred <- growth(sizesPlotAt[k],sizesPlotAt[k]+logincr,cov,growthObjList[[j]])*scalar
				pred[pred<minShow] <- NA
						logincr,type="l", col=cols[j],...)

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Function to coerce Growth object to parameters and variance desired
coerceGrowthObj <- function(growthObj, coeff, sd){

	if (length(growthObj@fit$coefficients) !=length(coeff)) {
		print("warning: number of desired coefficients to not match number of growth object coefficients")
	growthObj@fit$coefficients[] <- as.numeric(coeff)
	growthObj@sd[] <- as.numeric(sd)

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Function to coerce Survival object to parameters desired
coerceSurvObj <- function(survObj, coeff){
	if (length(survObj@fit$coefficients) !=length(coeff)) print("warning: number of desired coefficients to not match number of growth object coefficients")
	survObj@fit$coefficients[] <- as.numeric(coeff)

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Parametric boostrap of vital rate objects
# created by cory on 6-4-13 as a modification of getListRegObjs()

sampleVitalRateObj <- function(Obj,nSamp=100,nDiscreteGrowthTransitions=NULL,nDiscreteOffspringTransitions=NULL,nOffspring=NULL) {
  objList <- list()
  #generate new set parameters from mvn
  # what is the difference between offspring splitter transitions and discrete
  # for discrete transition matrices objects
  if( sum(class(Obj)==c("discreteTrans","discreteTransInteger")) ) {
      stop('Error: Please specify the total number of transitions that were used to estimate the discrete transitions in Obj@discreteTrans to allow the function to estimate the appropriate variance for resampling them')
      for (j in 1:nSamp) {
        objList[[j]] <- Obj
        for (k in 1:ncol(Obj@discreteTrans)){
          objList[[j]]@discreteTrans[,k] <- rdirichlet(1, nDiscreteGrowthTransitions * as.numeric(Obj@discreteTrans[,k]))
  # for growth and survival objects
  if( !sum(class(Obj)==c("fecObj","fecObjInteger","discreteTrans", "discreteTransInteger")) ) {
    newpar <- rmvnorm(nSamp, mean = Obj@fit$coefficients, sigma = vcov(Obj@fit))
    for (j in 1:nSamp) {
      objList[[j]] <- Obj
      objList[[j]]@fit$coefficients <- newpar[j,]
  # for fecundity objects
  if( sum(class(Obj)==c("fecObj","fecObjInteger")) ) {
    for (j in 1:nSamp) {
      # sample fecundity regression parameters
      for (k in 1:length(Obj@fitFec)) { 
        newpar <- rmvnorm(1, mean = Obj@fitFec[[k]]$coefficients, 
            sigma = vcov(Obj@fitFec[[k]]))
        objList[[j]] <- Obj
        objList[[j]]@fitFec[[k]]$coefficients <- newpar
      # sample discrete transitions from dirichlet
      if(ncol(Obj@offspringSplitter)>1){ # only if there are discrete fec stages
          stop('Error: Please specify the total number of discrete transitions that were used to estimate the fecundity transition in Obj@offspringSplitter to allow the function to estimate the appropriate variance for resampling them')
          objList[[j]]@offspringSplitter[] <- rdirichlet(1, nDiscreteOffspringTransitions * as.numeric(Obj@offspringSplitter))
      # sample the offspring sizes
      # TODO: OffspringRel currently does not store all the information from the regression, which it should so that this works with offspring models that have more than an intercept
        stop('Error: Please specify the total number of offspring that were used to estimate the offspring size distribtuion in Obj@offspringRel to allow the function to estimate the appropriate variance for resampling them')
      # TODO: Make work with the new OffspringObjs	
        newpar3 <- rnorm(1,coefficients(Obj@offspringRel)[1], Obj@sdOffspringSize/sqrt(nOffspring))
        objList[[j]]@offspringRel$coefficients[] <- newpar3
        newpar4 <- rnorm(1,Obj@sdOffspringSize, sqrt(2*Obj@sdOffspringSize^4)/(nOffspring-1))
        objList[[j]]@sdOffspringSize <- newpar4

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Use list of vital rate objects to make List of IPMS
# created by cory on 6-4-13 as a modification of getListIPMs()


sampleIPM<- function(
    offspringObjList=NULL, discreteTransList=1, 
    integrateType="midpoint",correction="none",warn=TRUE) {
    stop('Sorry, lists of offspring objects are not yet supported. However, specify offspring size distributions via makeFecObj() is supported. Please set offspringObjList=NULL, or modify the function to accept offspring objects and email it to us.')
  # make the same number of samples for each vital rate object
  n.samples <- max(c(length(growObjList),length(survObjList),length(fecObjList)))
  if(!is.null(growObjList) & length(growObjList)<n.samples){
    if(warn) warning('Length of growth object list is less than the length of another vital rate object list, so some members of the growth object list have been repeated.')
    growthObjList <- sample(growObjList,size=n.samples,replace=T)
  if(!is.null(survObjList) & length(survObjList)<n.samples ){
    if(warn) warning('Length of survival object list is less than the length of another vital rate object list, so some members of the survival object list have been repeated.')
    survObjList <- sample(survObjList,size=n.samples,replace=T)
  if(!is.null(fecObjList) & length(fecObjList)<n.samples ){
    if(warn) warning('Length of fec object list is less than the length of another vital rate object list, so some members of the fec object list have been repeated.')
    fecObjList <- sample(fecObjList,size=n.samples,replace=T)
  if(!is.null(growObjList) & length(discreteTransList)<n.samples ){
    # if(warn) warning('Length of discreteTrans list is less than the length of another vital rate object list, so some members of the discreteTrans list have been repeated.')
    discreteTransList <- sample(discreteTransList,size=n.samples,replace=T)
    PmatrixList <- .makeListPmatrix(growObjList=growObjList, survObjList=survObjList, nBigMatrix=nBigMatrix, minSize=minSize, maxSize=maxSize, cov=covariates, envMat=envMat,discreteTransList=discreteTransList, integrateType=integrateType, correction=correction) 
    matrixList <- PmatrixList
    FmatrixList <- .makeListFmatrix(fecObjList, nBigMatrix=nBigMatrix, minSize=minSize, maxSize=maxSize, cov=covariates, envMat=envMat, integrateType=integrateType, correction=correction) 
    matrixList <- FmatrixList
  if(!is.null(growObjList) & !is.null(fecObjList)){
    for(i in 1:n.samples){ 
      matrixList[[i]] <- PmatrixList[[i]] # to get all the Pmatrix slots
      matrixList[[i]]@.Data <- PmatrixList[[i]]+FmatrixList[[i]] 

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Use list of IPMs to make List of IPM output
# created by cory on 6-4-13 as a modification of getIPMOutput() and getIPMOutputDirect()

sampleIPMOutput <- function(IPMList=NULL,PMatrixList=NULL,passageTimeTargetSize=c(), sizeToAgeStartSize=c(),sizeToAgeTargetSize=c(),warn=TRUE){
  # removed from old version of getIPMOutputDirect
  # # 		cov=FALSE, envMat=NULL,
  # # 		chosenCov = data.frame(covariate = 1),
  # # 		onlyLowerTriGrowth=FALSE)
  # if only a Pmatrix is supplied, just call it IPMList for simplicity
  if(is.null(IPMList))  IPMList=PMatrixList
  if ( is.null(passageTimeTargetSize) )  { 
    if(warn) print("no target size for passage time provided; taking meshpoint median")
    passageTimeTargetSize <- median(IPMList[[1]]@meshpoints)
  if ( is.null(sizeToAgeStartSize) )  { 
    if(warn) print("no starting size for size to age provided; taking minimum size")
    sizeToAgeStartSize <- min(IPMList[[1]]@meshpoints)
  if ( is.null(sizeToAgeTargetSize) )  { 
    if(warn) print("no target size for size to age provided; taking meshpoint values")
    sizeToAgeTargetSize <- IPMList[[1]]@meshpoints
  nSamps <- length(IPMList)
  stableStage <- LE <- pTime <- matrix(NA,nSamps,length(IPMList[[1]]@.Data[1,]))
  lambda <- rep(NA,nSamps)
  resAge <- resSize <- matrix(NA,nSamps,length(sizeToAgeTargetSize)) 
  h1 <- diff(IPMList[[1]]@meshpoints)[1]
  for (k in 1:nSamps) {
    IPM <- IPMList[[k]]
    if (is.null(PMatrixList)) {
      lambda[k] <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
      stableStage[k,] <- eigen(IPM)$vector[,1]
      #normalize stable size distribution
      stableStage[k,] <- stableStage[k,]/sum(stableStage[k,])
    # get size to age results
    res2 <- sizeToAge(Pmatrix=IPM,startingSize=sizeToAgeStartSize, 
    resAge[k,] <- res2$timeInYears
    resSize[k,] <- res2$targetSize

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
invLogit <- function(x) { 
  u <- exp(pmin(x, 50))
  return(u / (1 + u))

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# For a single Pmatrix (!not compound and no discrete stages!), this functions makes a series
# of diagnostic plots - this is defined for growthObj,
# growthObjIncr - modification required
# if other objects used
# Parameters - the Pmatrix
#            - growObj - growth object used to build it
#            - survObj - survival object used to build it
#            - dff - the data from which it was built
#            - integrateType - "midpoint", or "cumul" - should
#                 correspond to what the IPM was built with
#            - do you want to implement the corrections for integration? 
# Returns - 

diagnosticsPmatrix <- function (Pmatrix, growObj, survObj, dff=NULL, 
    integrateType = "midpoint", 
    correction = "none", cov = data.frame(covariate = 1), 
    sizesToPlot=c(),extendSizeRange=c()) {
  print("Range of Pmatrix is ")
  if (Pmatrix@meshpoints[1] > 0) 
    new.min <- Pmatrix@meshpoints[1]/2
  else new.min <- Pmatrix@meshpoints[1] * 1.5
  new.max <- 1.5 * max(Pmatrix@meshpoints)
  if (length(extendSizeRange)>0 & length(extendSizeRange)!=2) print("require two values for extendSizeRange, reflecting upper and lower limits")
  if (length(extendSizeRange)>0) { new.min <- extendSizeRange[1]; new.max <- extendSizeRange[2]}
  #colours for 1) current; 2) bigger size range; 3) bigger no bins
  cols <- c("black","tomato","darkblue")
  ltys <- c(1,1,3)
  #matrix with bigger size range
  Pmatrix1 <- makeIPMPmatrix(nEnvClass = 1, nBigMatrix = length(Pmatrix@meshpoints), 
      minSize = new.min, maxSize = new.max, 
      chosenCov = cov, growObj = growObj, survObj = survObj, 
      integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
  if (sum(is.na(Pmatrix1)) > 0) {
    print("Pmatrix with extended size range returns NAs; changing these to 0, and putting survival value onto diagonal for columns that sum to zero")
    Pmatrix1[is.na(Pmatrix1)] <- 0
    bad <- which(colSums(Pmatrix1) == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
    if (length(bad) > 0) 
      Pmatrix1[cbind(bad, bad)] <- surv(size = Pmatrix1@meshpoints[bad], 
          cov = cov, survObj = survObj)
  #matrix with bigger number of bins	  
  Pmatrix2 <- makeIPMPmatrix(nEnvClass = 1, nBigMatrix = floor(length(Pmatrix@meshpoints) * 
              1.5), minSize =Pmatrix@meshpoints[1], maxSize = max(Pmatrix@meshpoints), 
      chosenCov = cov, growObj = growObj, survObj = survObj, 
      integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
  if (sum(is.na(Pmatrix2)) > 0) {
    print("Pmatrix with extended number of bins returns NAs; changing these to 0, and putting survival value onto diagonal for columns that sum to zero")
    Pmatrix2[is.na(Pmatrix2)] <- 0
    bad <- which(colSums(Pmatrix2) == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
    if (length(bad) > 0) 
      Pmatrix2[cbind(bad, bad)] <- surv(size = Pmatrix2@meshpoints[bad], 
          cov = cov, survObj = survObj)
  #start plots - put original Pmatrix in black
  #par(mfrow = c(3, 3), bty = "l")
  #save plot characters
  old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
  par(mfrow = c(1, 3), bty = "l",pty="s", mar=c(5,4,4,1))
  if (!is.null(dff)) { 
    xlims <- range(c(Pmatrix@meshpoints, Pmatrix1@meshpoints,
            dff$size, dff$sizeNext), na.rm = TRUE)
    a1 <- hist(c(dff$size, dff$sizeNext), xlab = "Sizes observed", axes=FALSE,
        ylab = "Frequency", main = "", xlim = xlims, col="lightgrey", border="lightgrey",plot=TRUE)
    axis(1); axis(2)
  } else {
    a1 <- list(); a1$counts <- 1:100
    xlims <- range(c(Pmatrix@meshpoints, Pmatrix1@meshpoints))
    plot(1:100,type="n",xlab = "Sizes", ylab="", ylim=range(a1$counts), xlim=xlims)	
  lcs <- c(0.8,0.6,0.4)	
  lcs.x <- mean(xlims) 
  text(lcs.x ,max(a1$counts)*lcs[1],"Current",pos=3,col=cols[1])
  arrows(Pmatrix@meshpoints[1], max(a1$counts)*lcs[1],Pmatrix@meshpoints[length(Pmatrix@meshpoints)], max(a1$counts)*lcs[1],col=cols[1], length=0.1, code=3,lty=ltys[1])
  text(lcs.x ,max(a1$counts)*lcs[2],"Extended range",pos=3,col=cols[2])
  arrows(Pmatrix1@meshpoints[1], max(a1$counts)*lcs[2],Pmatrix1@meshpoints[length(Pmatrix1@meshpoints)], max(a1$counts)*lcs[2],col=cols[2], length=0.1, code=3,lty=ltys[1])
  text(lcs.x ,max(a1$counts)*lcs[3],"Increased no of bins",pos=3,col=cols[3])
  arrows(Pmatrix2@meshpoints[1], max(a1$counts)*lcs[3],Pmatrix2@meshpoints[length(Pmatrix2@meshpoints)], max(a1$counts)*lcs[3],col=cols[3], length=0.1, code=3,lty=ltys[1])
  #legend("topright", legend = "fitted range", col = "black", lty = 2, bty = "n") ##!!! change this
  title("Size range")
  #survival sums
  lims <- range(c(colSums(Pmatrix), surv(Pmatrix@meshpoints, cov, survObj)))
  plot(colSums(Pmatrix), surv(Pmatrix@meshpoints, cov, survObj), 
      type = "n", xlab = "Surviving in Pmatrix", ylab = "Should be surviving",col=cols[1],lty=ltys[1], 
  abline(0, 1, lwd=2,col="grey")
  points(colSums(Pmatrix), surv(Pmatrix@meshpoints, cov, survObj), type = "l", col = cols[1],lty=ltys[1])
  points(colSums(Pmatrix1), surv(Pmatrix1@meshpoints, cov, survObj), type = "l", col = cols[2],lty=ltys[2])
  points(colSums(Pmatrix2), surv(Pmatrix2@meshpoints, cov, survObj), type = "l", col = cols[3],lty=ltys[3])
  # mtext("Points should lie along the 0,1 line, shown in grey", side=1,outer=TRUE,line=-1)
  LE <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)
  LE1 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix1)
  LE2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix2)
  plot(Pmatrix@meshpoints, LE, type = "l", xlim = range(Pmatrix1@meshpoints), 
      ylim = range(c(LE, LE1)), xlab = "Sizes", ylab = "Life expectancy",col=cols[1],lty=ltys[1])
  points(Pmatrix1@meshpoints, LE1, type = "l", col = cols[2],lty=ltys[2])
  points(Pmatrix2@meshpoints, LE2, type = "l", col = cols[3],lty=ltys[3])
  legend("topleft", legend = c("Current", "Extended range", "Increased no of bins"), col = cols, lty = ltys, bty = "n")
  title("Life expectancy")
  #mtext("Increasing size range (red) or number of bins (blue) should not alter life expectancy estimates", side=1,outer=TRUE,line=-1)
  if (length(sizesToPlot)==0 & !is.null(dff)) sizesToPlot <- as.numeric(quantile(dff$size,c(0.25, 0.5,0.75),na.rm=TRUE))
  if (length(sizesToPlot)==0 & is.null(dff)) sizesToPlot <- as.numeric(quantile(Pmatrix@meshpoints,c(0.25, 0.5,0.75),na.rm=TRUE))
  loctest <- rep(NA,length(sizesToPlot))
  print("Please hit any key for the next plot")	
  par(mfrow = c(2, 3), bty = "l",pty="s")
  for (kk in c(1,3)) {
    if (kk==1) Pmat <- Pmatrix	
    if (kk==3) Pmat <- Pmatrix2	
    h <- diff(Pmat@meshpoints)[1]
    testSizes <- seq(min(Pmat@meshpoints), max(Pmat@meshpoints), 
        length = 5000)
    for (j in 1:3) {
      loctest[j] <- which(abs(Pmat@meshpoints-sizesToPlot[j])==min(abs(Pmat@meshpoints-sizesToPlot[j])),arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
      ps <- surv(Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]], cov, survObj)
      newd <- data.frame(size = Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]], 
          size2 = Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]]^2, 
          size3 = Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]]^3, 
          covariate = Pmat@env.index[1])
      if (length(grep("expsize", names(growObj@fit$coefficients)))) 
        newd$expsize = log(Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]])
      if (length(grep("logsize", names(growObj@fit$coefficients)))) 
        newd$logsize = log(Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]])
      if (length(growObj@fit$model$covariate) > 0) 
        if (is.factor(growObj@fit$model$covariate)) 
          newd$covariate <- as.factor(newd$covariate)
      if (length(grep("decline", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) > 0 | 
          length(grep("trunc", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) > 0) {
        mux <- .predictMuX(growObj, newd)
      } else {
        mux <- predict(growObj@fit, newd, type = "response")
      if (length(grep("incr", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) >  0 & 
          length(grep("logincr", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) == 0) {
        mux <- Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]] + mux
      if (length(grep("decline", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) ==  0 &
          length(grep("trunc", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) == 0) {
        sigmax2 <- growObj@sd^2
      } else {
        sigmax2 <- growObj@fit$sigmax2
        var.exp.coef <- growObj@fit$var.exp.coef
        sigmax2 <- sigmax2 * exp(2 * (var.exp.coef * mux))
        if (length(grep("trunc", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) > 0) 
          sigmax2 <- growObj@fit$sigmax2
      #  range.x <- range(Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]] + c(-3.5 * sqrt(sigmax2), +3.5 * sqrt(sigmax2)))
      range.x <- range(mux + c(-3.5 * sqrt(sigmax2), +3.5 * sqrt(sigmax2)))
      plot(Pmat@meshpoints, Pmat@.Data[, loctest[j]]/h/ps, 
          type = "n", xlim = range.x, xlab = "Size next", ylab = "Kernel")
      #if (j == 1 & kk==1) title("Numerical resolution and growth")
      if (j == 2 & kk==1) mtext("Numerical resolution and growth",3,line=4,font=2)
      if (j ==1 & kk==1) title("Current Pmatrix")
      if (j ==1 & kk==3) title("Increased bins")
      for (k in 1:length(Pmat@meshpoints)) {
        points(c(Pmat@meshpoints[k]) + c(-h/2, h/2), rep(Pmat@.Data[k,loctest[j]], 2)/h/ps, type = "l",col=cols[kk])
        points(rep(Pmat@meshpoints[k] + h/2, 2), c(0, Pmat@.Data[k, loctest[j]]/h/ps), type = "l", 
            lty = 1,col=cols[kk])
        points(rep(Pmat@meshpoints[k] - h/2, 2), c(0,Pmat@.Data[k, loctest[j]]/h/ps), type = "l", 
            lty = 1,col=cols[kk])
      if (length(grep("logincr", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) == 0 &
          length(grep("trunc", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) == 0) {
        points(testSizes, dnorm(testSizes, mux, sqrt(sigmax2)), type = "l", col = 2)
      } else {
        if (length(grep("trunc", tolower(as.character(class(growObj))))) > 0) {
          points(testSizes, dtruncnorm(testSizes, a = Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]], 
                  b = Inf, mean = mux, sd = sqrt(sigmax2)), type = "l",col = 2)
        } else {
          points(testSizes, dlnorm(testSizes - Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]], 
                  mux, sqrt(sigmax2)), type = "l", col = 2)
      legend("topright",legend=paste("size=",round(Pmat@meshpoints[loctest[j]],2)), col = "white", 
          lty = 1, bty = "n")
  #reset plot characters

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# show the news file

IPMpackNews <- function () 
  newsfile <- file.path(system.file(package = "IPMpack"), 

Try the IPMpack package in your browser

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IPMpack documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:59 p.m.