
Defines functions formatN.mpfr formatMpfr frexpMpfr ldexpMpfr .mpfr2exp .mpfr_formatinfo ..mpfr2str .mpfr2str mpfrImport mpfrXport .mpfr2list .mpfr1tolist .mpfr2i .mpfr2d .d2mpfr1 .mpfr. .mpfr mpfr.default mpfr.NULL mpfr.bigq mpfr.bigz mpfr.mpfr mpfr is.mpfr

Documented in formatMpfr formatN.mpfr frexpMpfr is.mpfr ldexpMpfr mpfr .mpfr .mpfr. .mpfr1tolist .mpfr2d .mpfr2exp .mpfr2i .mpfr2list .mpfr2str mpfr.default .mpfr_formatinfo mpfrImport mpfr.mpfr mpfrXport

#### All  coercion methods for the  "Rmpfr" classes

if(getRversion() < "3.5") {
    isFALSE <- function (x) is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x) && !x
    isTRUE  <- function (x) is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x) && x

if(getRversion() < "3.3")
    strrep <- function (x, times) { ## (x, times) must be "recycled"
	if((lx <- length(x)) < (lt <- length(times)))
	    x <- rep_len(x, lt)
	else if(lt < lx)
	    times <- rep_len(times, lx)
	       function(i) paste(rep.int(x[i], times[i]), collapse = ""), "")
if(getRversion() < "3.2")
    lengths <- function(x, use.names = TRUE) vapply(x, length, 1L, USE.NAMES = use.names)

##' fast pre-test (for numeric, bigz, bigq, ..):
is.mpfr <- function(x) isS4(x) && is(x, "mpfr")

mpfr <- function(x, precBits, ...) UseMethod("mpfr")

mpfr.mpfr <- function(x, precBits, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A'), ...)
    roundMpfr(x, precBits=precBits, rnd.mode=rnd.mode)

mpfr.bigz <- function(x, precBits, ...) {
    if(missing(precBits)) precBits <- max(2L, frexpZ(x)$exp)
	warning("mpfr(<bigz>) --> .bigz2mpfr() [not efficiently via character]")
    ..bigz2mpfr(x, precBits)

mpfr.bigq <- function(x, precBits, ...) {
    if(missing(precBits)) precBits <- getPrec(x)#-> warning
	warning("mpfr(<bigq>) --> .bigq2mpfr() [not efficiently via character]")
    ..bigq2mpfr(x, precBits)

mpfr.NULL <- function(x, ...) mpfr(logical(), ...)

mpfr.default <- function(x, precBits, base = 10, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A'),
                         scientific = NA, ...)
    if(is.ch <- is.character(x))
	stopifnot(length(base) == 1, 2 <= base, base <= 62)
    else if(is.raw(x)) { # is.raw() is faster
	stopifnot(missing(precBits) || precBits >= 2)
	## else warning("unrecognized raw 'x'") # <- ?? {see use in ../tests/create.R }
        ## {but 'raw' is treated below}
    } else { ## typically the result of Vectorize() or similar on "mpfr"
        if(is.list(x) && all(lengths(lc <- lapply(x, class)) == 1L) &&
           all(unlist(lc) == "mpfr1"))
        return(new("mpfr", x))

    if(missing(precBits)) {
	precBits <- getPrec(x, base = base, doNumeric = FALSE)
    stopifnot(precBits >= 2, ## libmpfr exits (after good error message) for precBits == 1
              is.character(rnd.mode <- toupper(rnd.mode)))
    rnd.mode <- match.arg(rnd.mode)

    ml <-
	if(is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x) || is.raw(x))
	    .Call(d2mpfr1_list, x, precBits, rnd.mode)
	else if(is.ch)
	    .Call(str2mpfr1_list,x, precBits, base, rnd.mode)
	else stop("invalid 'x'. Must be numeric (logical, raw) or character")
    if(is.array(x)) {
	dim <- dim(x) ; dn <- dimnames(x)
	new(if(length(dim) == 2) "mpfrMatrix" else "mpfrArray",
	    ml, Dim = dim,
	    Dimnames = if(is.null(dn)) vector("list", length(dim)) else dn)
    else new("mpfr", ml)
} ## mpfr.default()

.mpfr <- function(x, precBits)
    new("mpfr", .Call(d2mpfr1_list, x, precBits, "N"))
.mpfr. <- function(x, precBits, rnd.mode)
    new("mpfr", .Call(d2mpfr1_list, x, precBits, rnd.mode))

##' to be used in our own low-level R programming
.d2mpfr1 <- function(x, precBits) .Call(d2mpfr1, x, precBits, "N")
setAs("numeric", "mpfr1", ## use default precision of 128 bits
      function(from) .Call(d2mpfr1, from, 128L, "N"))# <- round to [N]earest
setAs("numeric", "mpfr", function(from) .mpfr(from, 128L))
setAs("integer", "mpfr", function(from) .mpfr(from,  32L))
setAs("raw",     "mpfr", function(from) .mpfr(from,   8L))
setAs("logical", "mpfr", function(from) .mpfr(from,   2L))
## TODO?  base=16 for "0x" or "0X" prefix -- but base must have length 1 ..
setAs("character", "mpfr", function(from) mpfr(from))

.mpfr2d <- function(from) .Call(mpfr2d, from, rnd.mode="N")
.mpfr2i <- function(from) .Call(mpfr2i, from, rnd.mode="N")
setAs("mpfr", "numeric", .mpfr2d)
setAs("mpfr", "integer", .mpfr2i)
setMethod("as.numeric", "mpfr", function(x, rnd.mode="N") .Call(mpfr2d, x, rnd.mode))
## "Z": round towards [Z]ero -- crucial for as.integer() :
setMethod("as.integer", "mpfr", function(x, rnd.mode="Z") .Call(mpfr2i, x, rnd.mode))

## FIXME (in gmp!!): asNumeric() should get "..." argument
setMethod("asNumeric", "mpfr",      function(x) .Call(mpfr2d, x, rnd.mode="N"))
setMethod("asNumeric", "mpfrArray", function(x) toNum(x, rnd.mode="N"))

setAs("mpfr1", "numeric",  ## just for user-de-confusion :
      function(from) {
	  warning("coercing \"mpfr1\" via \"mpfr\" (inefficient)")
	  as(new("mpfr", list(from)), "numeric") })

setAs("mpfr1", "mpfr", function(from) new("mpfr", list(from)))
setAs("mpfr", "mpfr1", function(from) {
    if(length(from) == 1) getD(from)[[1]] else
    stop("only \"mpfr\" objects of length 1 can be coerced to \"mpfr1\"")

.mpfr1tolist <- function(x)
    sapply(.slotNames(x), slot, object=x, simplify=FALSE)
.mpfr2list <- function(x, names=FALSE) {
    if(isTRUE(names)) names <- format(x)
    x <- lapply(getD(x), .mpfr1tolist)
	names(x) <- names

## Breaks the working of vapply(q, FUN.x) in pbetaI() in ./special-fun.R :
## as.list.mpfr1 <- function(x, ...) .mpfr1tolist(x)
## as.list.mpfr  <- function(x, ...) .mpfr2list(x)

## and then
mpfrXport <- function(x, names=FALSE) {
    if(!is.mpfr(x)) stop("argument is not a \"mpfr\" object")
    structure(class = "mpfrXport",
	      list(gmp.numb.bits = .mpfr_gmp_numbbits(),
		   ## currently unused, but in case:
		   mpfr.version	 = .mpfrVersion(),
		   Machine  = .Machine[grepl("sizeof",names(.Machine))],
		   Sys.info = Sys.info()[c("sysname", "machine")],
		   mpfr = .mpfr2list(x, names=names)))

mpfrImport <- function(mxp) {
    if(!inherits(mxp, "mpfrXport")) stop("need an \"mpfrXport\" object")
    nbits <- .mpfr_gmp_numbbits()
    if(!identical(nbits, mxp$gmp.numb.bits))
	stop("GMP bits not matching: 'x' has ", mxp$gmp.numb.bits,
	     "; the loaded 'Rmpfr' package has ", nbits)
    m1 <- lapply(mxp$mpfr, function(o) do.call(new, c("mpfr1", o)))
    new("mpfr", m1)

.mpfr2str <- function(x, digits = NULL, maybe.full = !is.null(digits), base = 10L) {
    ## digits = NULL : use as many digits "as needed" for the precision
    stopifnot(is.null(digits) || (is.numeric(digits) && length(digits) == 1 && digits >= 0),
              is.logical(maybe.full), length(maybe.full) == 1L, !is.na(maybe.full),
	      is.numeric(base),       length(base)       == 1L, base == as.integer(base),
	      2 <= base, base <= 62)
    if(!is.null(digits) && digits == 1 && base %in% 2L^(1:5)) {
	## MPFR mpfr_get_str(): "N must be >= 2"; we found that N = 1 is ok unless
	##      for these bases where it aborts (in C). ==> prevent that:
	digits <- 2L
	message(gettextf("base = %d, digits = 1 is increased to digits = 2", base))
    .Call(mpfr2str, x, digits, maybe.full, base) # -> ../src/convert.c

##' very low level version, not exported :
..mpfr2str <- function(x, digits = NULL, maybe.full = !is.null(digits), base = 10L)
    .Call(mpfr2str, x, digits, maybe.full, base) # -> ../src/convert.c

##' more efficient, just getting the (exp, finite, is0) list, 'exp'  wrt base = 2
.mpfr_formatinfo <- function(x) .Call(R_mpfr_formatinfo, x)

##' getting the 'exp' (wrt base = 2) only  [also for extended erange!]
.mpfr2exp <- function(x) .Call(R_mpfr_2exp, x)

ldexpMpfr <- function(f, E, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    stopifnot(is.character(rnd.mode <- toupper(rnd.mode)))
    new("mpfr", .Call(R_mpfr_ldexp, f, E, match.arg(rnd.mode)))

frexpMpfr <- function(x, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    stopifnot(is.character(rnd.mode <- toupper(rnd.mode)))
    .Call(R_mpfr_frexp, x, match.arg(rnd.mode))

formatMpfr <-
    function(x, digits = NULL, # digits = NULL : use as many digits "as needed"
             trim = FALSE, scientific = NA,
	     maybe.full = (!is.null(digits) && is.na(scientific)) || isFALSE(scientific),
             base = 10, showNeg0 = TRUE, max.digits = Inf,
	     big.mark = "", big.interval = 3L,
	     small.mark = "", small.interval = 5L,
             decimal.mark = ".",
             exponent.char = if(base <= 14) "e" else if(base <= 36) "E" else "|e",
             exponent.plus = TRUE,
	     zero.print = NULL, drop0trailing = FALSE, ...)
    if(!length(x)) return(character())
    ff <- .mpfr2str(x, digits, maybe.full=maybe.full, base=base) # (checks its args!)
    ## FIXME/TODO: If have very large numbers, but not high precision, should detect it
    ## ==========  and use  maybe.full = FALSE also for the default scientific = NA
    ## digs.x <- ceiling(.getPrec(x) / log2(base))

    stopifnot(length(scientific) == 1L)
### max.digits "doomed":  scientific := number, (~= getOption("scipen")) should replace it
    stopifnot(is.numeric(max.digits), max.digits > 0)
    if(is.numeric(digits)) stopifnot(digits <= max.digits)

    isNum <- ff$finite	## ff$finite == is.finite(x)
    i0 <- ff$is.0	## == mpfrIs0(x)
    ex <- ff$exp ## the *decimal* exp (wrt given 'base' !): one too large *unless* x == 0
    r  <- ff$str
    r.dig <- nchar(r) # (in both cases, digits NULL or not)
    ## Note that r.dig[] entries may vary, notably for digits NULL when .getPrec(x) is non-constant
    if(any(Lrg <- r.dig > max.digits)) { ## now "cut down", e.g. in print() when max.digits < Inf
	r    [Lrg] <- substr(r[Lrg], 1L, max.digits)
	r.dig[Lrg] <- max.digits
    if(any(i0)) {
	## sign(x) == -1 "fails" for '-0'
	hasMinus <- substr(ff$str, 1L,1L) == "-"
	if(!showNeg0 && any(iN0 <- hasMinus & i0)) {
	    ## get rid of "-" for "negative zero"
	    r[iN0] <- substring(r[iN0], 2)
	    hasMinus[iN0] <- FALSE
	Ex <- ex
	Ex[!i0] <- ex[!i0] - 1L
    } else {
	Ex <- ex - 1L
	hasMinus <- sign(x) == -1

    if(!all(isNum)) ## "@Inf@", "@NaN@", ...
	r[!isNum] <- gsub("@", '', r[!isNum], fixed=TRUE)

    ##' (maybe) add decimal point after position  k
    patch <- function(str, k)
	paste(substr   (str, 1L, k),
	      substring(str, k+1L), sep = decimal.mark)

    ## scipen := penalty for using "scientific", i.e., exponential format
    scipen <-
        else if(!(is.logical(scientific) ||
                  (is.numeric(scientific) && round(scientific) == scientific)))
            stop("'scientific' must be logical or a whole number")
        else if(is.logical(scientific)) {
            if(scientific) -32L
            else max(Ex) + 64 # << penalize much
        } else ## is.numeric(scientific)  and a whole number

    ## This very much depends on the desired format.
    ## if(scientific) --> all get a final "e<exp>"; otherwise, we
    ## adopt the following simple scheme :
### TODO: new argument   jointly = (NA | TRUE | FALSE) or just (T | F)
### ---- if(jointly) use scalar ("global") hasE and have things *align*
    ## 'hasE' is *vector* (along 'x') :
    hasE <- {
        if(isTRUE(scientific)) TRUE
	## hasE := (wF <= wE + scipen) , where (in R's format.default, which has  jointly = TRUE ):
        ##          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        ##      wE = neg + (d > 0) + d + 4 + e (width for E format); d = mxns - 1, mxns = max_i{nsig_i}
        ##                                               e = #{digits of exponent} -1 (= 1 or 2 in R)
        ##      wF = mxsl + rgt + (rgt != 0); rgt := max_i{ (digits right of ".")_i }
        ##	     mxsl := max_i{sleft_i}; sleft_i = sign_i + (digits left of ".")_i
        else { ## scientific = (FALSE | NA | number) --- for now :
                scientific <- scipen
            isNum & (Ex < -4 - scipen | Ex > r.dig)
    if(aE <- any(ii <- isNum & hasE)) {
        ii <- which(ii)
	i. <- 1L + hasMinus
	r[ii] <- patch(r[ii], i.[ii])
	    ## drop 0's only after decimal mark (and drop it, if immediately there)
	    r[ii] <- sub(paste0("\\", decimal.mark, "?0+$"), "", r[ii])
        chE <- if(exponent.plus)
                   sprintf("%+.0f", Ex[ii]) # "%..f": also when Ex is outside integer range!
               else  as.character(Ex[ii])
	r[ii] <- paste(r[ii], chE, sep = exponent.char)
    use.prettyN <- (base <= 14 && (!aE || exponent.char == "e"))
    if(non.sci <- !all(hasE)) { ## "non-scientific" i.e. without final  e[+-]?<n>+ :
	ii <- isNum & !hasE
	## iNeg <- ex <= 0 & ii ## i.e., ex	 in {0,-1,-2,-3}
	## iPos <- ex >  0 & ii ## i.e., ex	 in {1,2..., digits}
	iNeg <- Ex <  0	 & ii ## i.e., ex	 in {0,-1,-2,-3}
	iPos <- Ex >= 0	 & ii ## i.e., ex	 in {1,2..., digits}

	if(any(eq <- (Ex == r.dig))) {
	    r[eq] <- paste0(r[eq], "0")
	    Ex[eq] <- Ex[eq] + 1L
	if(any(iNeg)) { ## "0.00..." : be careful with minus sign
	    if(any(isMin <- hasMinus[iNeg])) {
		rr <- r[iNeg]
		rr[isMin] <- substring(rr[isMin], 2)
		r[iNeg] <- paste0(c("","-")[1+isMin], "0.",
				  strrep("0", -ex[iNeg]), rr)
	    else {
		r[iNeg] <- paste0("0.", strrep("0", -ex[iNeg]), r[iNeg])
	if(any(iPos)) ## "xy.nnnn" :
	    r[iPos] <- patch(r[iPos], (hasMinus + Ex+1L)[iPos])
        r <- prettyNum(r, big.mark = big.mark, big.interval = big.interval,
                       small.mark = small.mark,
                       small.interval = small.interval,
                       decimal.mark = decimal.mark,
                       zero.print = zero.print, drop0trailing = drop0trailing,
                       preserve.width = if (trim) "individual" else "common")
    else {
	if(non.sci && drop0trailing)
	    ## drop 0's only *after* (and together with!) decimal mark:
	    r <- sub(paste0(decimal.mark, "0+$"), "", r)
	if(!missing(big.mark) || !missing(big.interval) || !missing(small.interval) ||
	    !missing(small.mark) || !missing(big.interval) || !missing(zero.print))
	    warning("with base >= 15 or 'exponent.char != \"e\", cannot use prettyNum()")
    if(is.null(d <- dim(x))) r
    else array(r, dim=d, dimnames = dimnames(x))
setMethod("format", "mpfr", formatMpfr)

formatN.mpfr <- function(x, drop0trailing = TRUE, ...) {
    paste0(formatMpfr(x, drop0trailing=drop0trailing, ...),"_M")

setAs("mpfr", "character", function(from)
      format(from, digits=NULL, drop0trailing = TRUE))

setAs("character", "mpfr", function(from) mpfr(from))

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Rmpfr documentation built on March 25, 2024, 3 p.m.