
Defines functions retstablerej m.opt.retst tauAMH

Documented in tauAMH

## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert, Ivan Kojadinovic, Martin Maechler, and Jun Yan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Rv <- getRversion()
if(Rv < "4.1.0") {
  ## not equivalent: this *forces*  '...' entries whereas true  ...names()  won't
  ...names <- function() eval(quote(names(list(...))), sys.frame(-1L))
  if(Rv < "4.0.0") {
      deparse1 <- function (expr, collapse = " ", width.cutoff = 500L, ...)
          paste(deparse(expr, width.cutoff, ...), collapse = collapse)
      ## not equivalent ...
      ...length <- function() eval(quote(length(list(...))), sys.frame(-1L))
   ## now have  Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
   ## if(Rv < "3.5.0") {
    ## if(Rv < "3.2.0") {
    ##   lengths <- function (x, use.names = TRUE) vapply(x, length, 1L, USE.NAMES = use.names)
    ## if(Rv < "3.1.0") {
    ##     anyNA <- function(x) any(is.na(x))
    ##     if(Rv < "3.0.0") {
    ##         rep_len <- function(x, length.out) rep(x, length.out=length.out)
    ##         if(Rv < "2.15")
    ##             paste0 <- function(...) paste(..., sep = '')
    ##     }
    ## }
    ## } ## R < 3.2.0
   ## isTRUE  <- function (x) is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x) &&  x
   ## isFALSE <- function (x) is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x) && !x
   ## }
  } ## R < 4.0.0
} ## R < 4.1.0

#### Functions and Methods for "acopula" objects
#### class definition in ./AllClass.R

### Ali-Mikhail-Haq == "AMH" ###################################################

##' @title Ali-Mikhail-Haq ("AMH")'s  tau(theta)
##' @param theta
##' @return 1 - 2*((1-th)*(1-th)*log(1-th)+th)/(3*th*th)  where th := theta
##' numerically accurately, for both limits  th -> 0  &  th -> 1
##' Nelsen (2006, p.172) range of tau: [(5 - 8 log 2) / 3, 1/3] ~= [-0.1817, 0.3333]
##' @author Martin Maechler
tauAMH <- function(theta) {
    if(length(theta) == 0) return(numeric(0)) # to work with NULL
    r <- theta
    na <- is.na(theta)
    lrg <- (abs(theta) > 0.01) & !na ## for "large" theta (<=> theta >= 0.01), use standard formula
    f. <- function(t) {
	## 1 - 2*((1-t)*(1-t)*log1p(-t) + t) / (3*t*t)
	r <- t
	r[i1 <- (1-t) == 0] <- 1/3
        t <- t[s <- !i1]
	r[s] <- 1 - 2*((1-t)^2 *log1p(-t) + t) / (3*t*t)
    r[lrg] <- f.(theta[lrg])
    ## Otherwise use "smart" Taylor polynomials: for given order, *drop* the last two..
    ## with the following coefficients:
    ##_ x <- polynomial()
    ##_ MASS::fractions(as.vector(mkAMHtau.0series(12,TRUE) * 9/(2*x)))
    ##  1  1/4  1/10  1/20  1/35  1/56  1/84  1/120  1/165  1/220

    if(any(!lrg & !na)) {
	l1 <- !lrg & !na & (ll1 <- theta > 2e-4) ## --> k = 7
	r[l1] <- (function(x) 2*x/9*(1+ x*(1/4 + x/10*(1 + x*(1/2 + x/3.5))))
	l2 <- !ll1 & !na & (ll2 <- theta > 1e-5)	 ## --> k = 6
	r[l2] <- (function(x) 2*x/9*(1+ x*(1/4 + x/10*(1 + x/2))))(theta[l2])
	l3 <- !ll2 & !na & (ll <- theta > 2e-8)	## --> k = 5
	r[l3] <- (function(x) 2*x/9*(1+ x*(1/4 + x/10)))(theta[l3])
	irem <- which(!ll & !na)## rest: theta <= 2e-8 : k == 4
	r[irem] <- (function(x) 2*x/9*(1+ x/4))(theta[irem])

### Clayton ####################################################################

##' Note: this is mainly to show that this function can be very well
##' approximated much more simply by just using m <- round(V0).
##' @title Optimal constant for fast rejection
##' @param V0 numeric vector >= 0
##' @return optimal constant m for the fast rejection algorithm
##' @author Martin Maechler (based on Marius Hofert's code)
m.opt.retst <- function(V0) {
    n <- length(V0)
    fV <- floor(V0)
    cV <- ceiling(V0)
    v1 <- fV*exp(V0/fV)
    v2 <- cV*exp(V0/cV)

    m <- integer(n)
    l1 <- (V0 <= 1)
    m[which(l1)] <- 1L

    i2 <- which(!l1) ## those with V0 > 1
    l3 <- (v1[i2] <= v2[i2])
    i3 <- i2[l3]
    m[i3] <- fV[i3]
    i4 <- i2[!l3]
    m[i4] <- cV[i4]

### fast rejection for fixed m, R version

##' Sample a random variate St ~ \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)
##' *V_0)^{1/alpha}, V_0*I_{alpha = 1}, I_{alpha != 1}; 1) with
##' Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-V_0((1+t)^alpha-1)), see Nolan's book for
##' the parametrization, via an m-fold sum of random variates from
##' \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)*V_0/m)^{1/alpha}, (V_0/m)
##' *I_{alpha = 1}, I_{alpha != 1}; 1) with Laplace-Stieltjes transform
##' exp(-(V_0/m)*((1+t)^alpha-1)). This is a building block for the fast rejection.
##' @title Sample an exponentially tilted stable distribution as an m-fold sum
##' @param m number of summands, any positive integer
##' @param V0 random variate
##' @param alpha parameter in (0,1]
##' @return St
##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler
retstablerej <- function(m, V0, alpha) {
    gamm. <- (cospi2(alpha)*V0/m)^(1/alpha)
		      function(.) {
			  ## apply standard rejection for sampling
			  ## \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)
			  ##	*V_0/m)^{1/alpha}, (V_0/m)*I_{alpha = 1},
			  ## h*I_{alpha != 1}; 1) with Laplace-Stieltjes
			  ## transform exp(-(V_0/m)*((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha))
			  repeat {
			      V__ <- rstable1(1, alpha, beta=1, gamma = gamm.)
			      if(runif(1) <= exp(-V__))
	       ## on acceptance, St_k ~ \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)
	       ## *V_0/m)^{1/alpha}, (V_0/m)*I_{alpha = 1}, h*I_{alpha != 1};
	       ## 1) with Laplace-Stieltjes transform
	       ## exp(-(V_0/m)*((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha))

### fast rejection algorithm, R version

##' Sample a vector of random variates St ~ \tilde{S}(alpha, 1,
##' (cos(alpha*pi/2)*V_0)^{1/alpha}, V_0*I_{alpha = 1},
##' h*I_{alpha != 1}; 1) with LS transform
##' exp(-V_0((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha)) with the fast rejection
##' algorithm; see Nolan's book for the parametrization
##' @title Sampling an exponentially tilted stable distribution
##' @param alpha parameter in (0,1]
##' @param V0 vector of random variates
##' @param h non-negative real number
##' @return vector of variates St
##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler
retstableR <- function(alpha, V0, h=1) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(alpha), length(alpha) == 1,
	      0 <= alpha, alpha <= 1) # alpha > 1 => cos(pi/2 *alpha) < 0
    n <- length(V0)
    ## case alpha == 1
    if(alpha == 1 || n == 0) return(V0) # alpha == 1 => point mass at V0
    ## else alpha != 1 => call fast rejection algorithm with optimal m
    m <- m.opt.retst(V0)
    mapply(retstablerej, m=m, V0=V0, alpha=alpha)

### state-of-the-art: fast rejection + Luc's algorithm, C version

##' Sample random variates St ~ \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)
##' *V_0)^{1/alpha}, V_0*I_{alpha = 1}, h*I_{alpha != 1}; 1) with
##' Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-V_0((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha)), see Nolan's book for
##' the parametrization, with the fast rejection.
##' This procedure is more efficient than retstableR since it calls the C
##' function retstable_c and uses both the fast rejection and Luc Devroye's algorithm.
##' @title Efficiently sampling an exponentially tilted stable distribution
##' @param alpha parameter in (0,1]
##' @param V0 vector of random variates
##' @param h non-negative real number
##' @param method which method to call ("Marius Hofert", "Luc Devroye")
##' @return vector of variates St
##' @author Martin Maechler
retstableC <- function(alpha, V0, h = 1, method = NULL) {
    n <- length(V0)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(alpha), length(alpha) == 1,
	      0 < alpha, alpha <= 1,
	      is.numeric(h), length(h) == 1, h > 0)
    if(alpha == 1 || n == 0) {
	## alpha == 1 => St corresponds to a point mass at V0 with
	V0           # Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-V0*t)
    else {
	if(is.null(method)) {
	    if(any(diff(V.is.sml <- V0 * h^alpha < 4))) { ## use *both* methods
		r <- numeric(n)
		r[ V.is.sml] <- .Call(retstable_c, V0[ V.is.sml], h = h, alpha, "MH")
		r[!V.is.sml] <- .Call(retstable_c, V0[!V.is.sml], h = h, alpha, "LD")
		method <- if(V.is.sml[1]) "MH" else "LD"
	    method <- match.arg(method, c("MH","LD"))
	.Call(retstable_c, V0, h = h, alpha, method)

## switch to make fast C code the default
    retstable <- retstableR
retstable <- retstableC # retstable is by default retstableC

### Frank ######################################################################

### sampling a logarithmic distribution, R version

##' Random number generator for a Log(p) distribution with the algorithm "LK" of
##' Kemp (1981), R version.
##' @title Sample a Log(p) distribution
##' @param n number of random variates to be generated
##' @param p parameter in (0,1)
##' @param Ip = 1 - p_ (possibly more accurate) -- use, if p ~= 1
##' @return vector of random variates from Log(p)
##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler
rlogR <- function(n, p, Ip = 1-p) {
    if(missing(p)) p <- 1 - Ip
    stopifnot((n <- as.integer(n)) >= 0,
              0 < p, p <= 1, 0 < Ip)
    vec <- numeric(n)
    if(n >= 1) {
	u <- runif(n)
	l1 <- u > p
	vec[l1] <- 1
	i2 <- which( !l1 ) # of shorter length, say n2
	q2 <- 1-(Iq2 <- Ip^runif(length(i2))) # length n2
	l3 <- u[i2] < q2*q2
	i3 <- i2[l3]
	vec[i3] <- floor(1+abs(log(u[i3])/log1p(-Iq2[l3])))
	l4 <- u[i2] > q2
	vec[i2[l4]] <- 1
	l5 <- ! (l3 | l4) # q2^2 <= u[i2] <= q2
	vec[i2[l5]] <- 2

## FIXME: rlog() is called only once, in  copFrank@V0 ( . )  as
## -----  rlog(n, -expm1(-theta), exp(-theta))
## now for really large |theta|,  to evade heavy cancellation,
## we should rather pass 'theta = - log(Ip)' to rlog()

### state-of-the art: sampling a logarithmic distribution, C version

##' Random number generator for a Log(p) distribution with the algorithm "LK" of
##' Kemp (1981), C version.
##' @title Efficiently sampling a Log(p) distribution
##' @param n number of random variates to be generated
##' @param p parameter in (0,1)
##' @param Ip = 1 - p_ (possibly more accurate)
##' @return vector of random variates from Log(p)
##' @author Martin Maechler
rlog <- function(n, p, Ip = 1-p) {
    if(missing(p)) p <- 1 - Ip
    stopifnot(n >= 0, 0 < p, p <= 1, 0 < Ip)
    .Call(rLog_vec_c, n, p, Ip)

### state-of-the art: sampling F01Frank, C version

##' Generate a vector of variates V01 ~ F01 with Laplace-Stieltjes transform
##' ((1-(1-exp(-t)*(1-e^(-theta1)))^alpha)/(1-e^(-theta0)))^V0.
##' @title Efficiently sampling V01 for Frank
##' @param V0 vector of random variates from F0
##' @param theta0 parameter theta0 in (0,infinity)
##' @param theta1 parameter theta1 in [theta0, infinity)
##' @param rej method switch: if V0*theta_0*p0^(V0-1) > rej a rejection
##'        from F01 of Joe is applied (otherwise, the sum is
##'        sampled via a logarithmic envelope for the summands)
##' @param approx largest number of summands before asymptotics is used
##' @return vector of random variates V01
##' @author Marius Hofert
rF01Frank <- function(V0, theta0, theta1, rej, approx) {
    .Call(rF01Frank_vec_c, V0, theta0, theta1, rej, approx)

### wrapper for inner distribution F for Frank

##' Generate a vector of variates V ~ F with Laplace-Stieltjes transform
##' (1-(1-exp(-t)*(1-e^(-theta1)))^alpha)/(1-e^(-theta0)).
##' @title Sampling F for Frank
##' @param n number of variates from F
##' @param theta0 parameter theta0 in (0,infinity)
##' @param theta1 parameter theta1 in [theta0, infinity)
##' @param rej method switch: if theta_0 > rej a rejection
##'        from Joe (Sibuya distribution) is applied (otherwise, a logarithmic
##' 	   envelope is used)
##' @return vector of random variates V
##' @author Marius Hofert
rFFrank <- function(n, theta0, theta1, rej)
    rF01Frank(rep(1,n),theta0,theta1,rej,1) # approx = 1 (dummy)

## see documentation for more information
dDiagFrank <- function(u, theta, d, log=FALSE,
		       method = c("auto", paste0("poly",1:4),
                       "polyFull",  "m1", "MH", "MMH"))
    stopifnot(length(d <- as.integer(d)) == 1, d >= 1)
    r <- ut <- u*theta
    Ie <- -expm1(-ut) # 1 - exp(-u * theta)
    ## L <- ut > log(2)*.Machine$double.digits # <==> exp(-ut) < Mach..eps
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if(method == "auto")
	method <- {
	    if(d <= 3) "poly1" else # d in {1,2,3}
	    if(d <= 6) paste0("poly", d-2) # d in {4,5,6}
	    else ## this is not really good: but (u*th) is *vector*
    if(substr(method, 1,4) == "poly") {
	e.ut <- exp(-ut)
	ep <- (e.ut - exp(ut-theta))/Ie # "FIXME": maybe improve, testing  u > 1/2
	d1 <- d-1
	D <- d + d1*ep # D = d + (d-1) * (exp(-theta*u)-exp(theta*u-theta))
        if(d > 2) { # <==> d1 = d-1 >= 2
            f <- 1 + ep # 1+exp(-theta*u)-exp(theta*u-theta)
            delt <- e.ut * f # exp(-theta*u) * (1+exp(-theta*u)-exp(theta*u-theta))
	    D <- D + f* delt *
		       "poly1" = d1*(d-2L)/2,
		       "poly2" = d1*(d-2L)/2 *(1 + (d-3L)/3 * delt),
		       "poly3" = d1*(d-2L)/2 *(1 + (d-3L)/3 * delt *
                       (1 + (d-4L)/4 * delt)),
		       "poly4" = d1*(d-2L)/2 *(1 + (d-3L)/3 * delt *
                       (1 + (d-4L)/4 * delt*(1 + (d-5L)/5 * delt))),
		       "polyFull" = { ## full polynomial formula
			   if(is(ut, "mpfr"))
                                                   x = delt)
			   else		 polynEval(choose(d1, 2:d1), x = delt)
		       stop("invalid poly* method: ", method,
			    ". Should never happen") )
        if(log) log(d) - log(D) else d / D
    else switch(method,
	   "m1" = {
	       h <- -expm1(-theta) # =	1 - exp(-theta)
	       D <- (h/Ie)^(d-1) - Ie # D := [d]enominator
	       if(log) log(d) -ut -log(D) else d*exp(-ut) / D
	   "MH" = { # Marius Hofert
	       h <- -expm1(-theta) # = 1-exp(-theta)
	       x <- Ie/h # = (1-exp(-theta*u)) / (1-exp(-theta))
	       if(log) log(d)+(d-1)*log(x)+log((1-h*x)/(1-h*x^d)) else
	   "MMH" = { # Martin's version of "MH"
	       h <- -expm1(-theta) # =	1 - exp(-theta)
	       x <- Ie/h #-> h*x = Ie
	       r <- ## log( (1-h*x)/(1-h*x^d) ); 1-h*x = 1-Ie = exp(-u * theta) = exp(-ut)
		   -ut - log1p(-h*x^d)
	       if(log) log(d)+(d-1)*log(x) + r else d*x^(d-1)*exp(r)
	   stop("impossible method: ", method,". Should never happen"))

### Gumbel #####################################################################

### compute the coefficients for polyG

##' Compute the coefficients a_{dk}(theta) involved in the generator derivatives
##' and the copula density of a Gumbel copula
##' @title Coefficients of the polynomial involved in the generator derivatives
##'        and density for Gumbel
##' @param d number of coefficients, d >= 1
##' @param alpha parameter (1/theta) in (0,1];
##'     you maye use  mpfr(alph, precBits = <n_prec>)  for higher precision "Rmpfr*" methods
##' @param method a character string, one of
##'    "sort":          compute coefficients via exp(log()) pulling out the maximum, and sort
##'    "horner":        uses polynEval()
##'    "direct":        brute force approach
##'    "dsSib.<FOO>":   uses dsumSibuya(..., method= "<FOO>")
##' @param log boolean which determines if the logarithm is returned
##' @param verbose logical for method == sort
##' @return a_k(theta, d) = (-1)^{d-k}\sum_{j=k}^d alpha^j * s(d,j) * S(j,k), k in
##'         {1,..,d}
##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
##' Note: - This function is known to cause numerical problems, e.g., for d=100,
##'         alpha=0.8
##'       - sign(s(n,k)) = (-1)^{n-k}
coeffG <- function(d, alpha,
                   method = c("sort", "horner", "direct", "dsumSibuya",
                              paste("dsSib", eval(formals(dsumSibuya)$method), sep=".")),
		   log = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(d), length(d) == 1, d >= 1, length(alpha) == 1,
	      0 < alpha, alpha <= 1)
    a <- numeric(d) # for the a_k(theta, d)'s
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if(method == "dsumSibuya") {
        message("method 'dsumSibuya' is deprecated.\n  ",
        	"use method = 'dsSib.log' instead")
        method <- "dsSib.log"
    Meth <-
	if(grepl("^dsSib", method)) {
	    meth.dsSib <- sub("^dsSib\\.(.*)", "\\1", method)
	} else method
	   "sort" = {
	       ls <- log(abs(Stirling1.all(d))) # log(|s(d, i)|), i=1:d
	       lS <- lapply(1:d, function(n) log(Stirling2.all(n)))
	       ##-> lS[[n]][i] contains log(S(n,i)), i = 1,..,n
               wrong.sign <- integer()
	       for(k in 1:d) { # deal with a_k(theta, d)
		   j <- k:d
		   ## compute b_j = log(alpha^j*|s(d,j)|*S(j,k)), j = k,..,d
		   b <- j * log(alpha) + ls[j] +
		       unlist(lapply(j, function(i) lS[[i]][k]))
		   b.max <- max(b) # max_{j=k,..,d} b_j
		   exponents <- b - b.max # exponents
		   ## compute critical sum (known to be positive)
		   exps <- exp(exponents) # (d-k+1)-many
		   even <- if(k == d) NULL else seq(2, d-k+1, by=2)
		   odd <- seq(1, d-k+1, by=2)
		   sum.neg <- sum(sort(exps[even]))
		   sum.pos <- sum(sort(exps[odd]))
		   sum. <- sum.pos - sum.neg
		   a[k] <- if(log) b.max + log(sum.) else exp(b.max)*sum.
		   if(sum.neg > sum.pos) {
		       if(verbose) message("sum.neg > sum.pos for k = ", k)
		       wrong.sign <- c(wrong.sign, k)
		   attr(a, "wrong.signs") <- wrong.sign
	   "dsSib" = {
	       ## coefficients via dsumSibuya
	       ## a_k(theta,d) = d!/k! * dsumSibuya(d, k, alpha)
	       k <- 1:d
	       ck <- ## c_k := d!/k!
		   if(log) c(0,cumsum(log(d:2)))[d:1]
		   else c(1,cumprod(d:2))[d:1]
	       p <- dsumSibuya(d, k, alpha, method = meth.dsSib, log=log)
               ##   ----------              -------------------
	       if(log) p + ck else p * ck
	   "horner" = {
	       s.abs <- abs(Stirling1.all(d))
	       k <- 1:d
	       S <- lapply(k, Stirling2.all)## S[[n]][i] contains S(n,i), i = 1,...,n
	       pol <- vapply(k, function(k.) {
		   j <- 0:(d-k.)
		   ## compute coefficients (c_k = |s(d,j+k)|*S(j+k,k))
		   c.j <- s.abs[j+k.] * vapply(j, function(i) S[[i+k.]][k.], 1.)
		   polynEval(c.j, -alpha)
	       }, NA_real_)

	       if(log) k*log(alpha) + log(pol) else alpha^k * pol
	   "direct" = {
	       s <- Stirling1.all(d) # s(d,1), ..., s(d,d)
	       k <- 1:d
	       S <- lapply(k, Stirling2.all)## S[[n]][i] contains S(n,i), i = 1,...,n
	       vapply(k, function(k.) {
		   j <- k.:d
		   ## extract a column of Stirling2 numbers:
		   S. <- vapply(j, function(i) S[[i]][k.], 1.)
		   sm <- sum(alpha^j * s[j]*S.)
		   if(log) log(abs(sm)) else (-1)^(d-k.)*sm
	       }, NA_real_)
	   stop(gettextf("unsupported method '%s' in coeffG", method), domain=NA)
	   ) ## switch()
} ## coeffG()

### compute the polynomial for Gumbel

##' Compute the polynomial involved in the generator derivatives and the
##' copula density of a Gumbel copula
##' @title Polynomial involved in the generator derivatives and density for Gumbel
##' @param lx = log(x); where x: evaluation point (vector);
##'        e.g., for copGumbel@dacopula, lx = alpha*log(rowSums(iPsi(u)))
##'        where u = (u_1,..,u_d) is the evaluation point of the density of Joe's copula)
##' @param alpha parameter in (0,1]   alpha := 1/theta = 1 - tau
##' @param d number of summands, >= 1
##' @param method a string, one of
##'   "default"         uses a combination of the other methods
##'   "pois.direct"     uses ppois directly
##'   "pois"            uses ppois with pulling out max
##'   "stirling"        uses the representation via Stirling numbers and once horner
##'   "stirling.horner" uses the representation via Stirling numbers and twice horner
##'    .....            all the method from coeffG(), see there
##' @param verboseUsingRmpfr logical indicating if it should be "messaged" when Rmpfr is used
##'   by the default method.
##' @param log boolean which determines if the logarithm is returned
##' @return \sum_{k=1}^d  a_{dk}(\theta)  x ^ k
##'       = \sum_{k=1}^d  a_{dk} *     exp(lx*k)
##'  where a_{dk}(theta)
##'       = (-1)^{d-k}\sum_{j=k}^d \theta^{-j} s(d,j) S(j,k)
##'       = (d!/k!)\sum_{l=1}^k (-1)^{d-l} \binom{k}{l}\binom{\alpha l}{d}
##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
polyG <- function(lx, alpha, d, method= c("default", "default2012", "default2011",
                                "pois", "pois.direct", "stirling", "stirling.horner",
                  verboseUsingRmpfr = isTRUE(getOption("copula:verboseUsingRmpfr")),
    stopifnot(length(alpha) == 1L, 0 < alpha, alpha <= 1,
              d == as.integer(d), d >= 1)
    k <- 1:d
    allMeths <- eval(formals()[["method"]])
    method <- match.arg(method, choices = allMeths)
    Meth <- if(method %in% coeffG.methods) "coeffG" else method
	   "default" =, "default2012" =
	   ## "default2012" compiled by Yongsheng Wang (MSc thesis c/o M.Maechler, April 2012)
	   ## it switches to "Rmpfr" when the accuracy would be less than 5 digits
	   meth2012 <- function(d, alpha, lx) {
	       if (d <= 30) "direct"
	       else if (d <= 50) {
		   if (alpha <= 0.8) "direct" else "dsSib.log"
	       else if (d <= 70) {
		   if (alpha <= 0.7) "direct" else "dsSib.log"
	       else if (d <= 90) {
		   if (alpha <= 0.5) "direct"
		   else if (alpha >= 0.8) "dsSib.log"
		   else if (lx <= 4.08) "pois"
		   else if (lx >= 5.4) "direct"
		   else "dsSib.Rmpfr"
	       else if (d <= 120) {
		   if (alpha < 0.003) "sort"
		   else if (alpha <= 0.4) "direct"
		   else if (alpha >= 0.8) "dsSib.log"
		   else if (lx <= 3.55) "pois"
		   else if (lx >= 5.92) "direct"
		   else "dsSib.Rmpfr"
	       else if (d <= 170) {
		   if (alpha < 0.01) "sort"
		   else	if (alpha <= 0.3) "direct"
		   else if (alpha >= 0.9) "dsSib.log"
		   else if (lx <= 3.55) "pois"
		   else "dsSib.Rmpfr"
	       else if (d <= 200) {
		   if (lx <= 2.56) "pois"
		   else if (alpha >= 0.9) "dsSib.log"
		   else "dsSib.Rmpfr"
	       else "dsSib.Rmpfr"
           ix <- seq_along(lx)
	   ## Each lx can -- in principle -- ask for another method ... --> split() by method
	   meth.lx <- tryCatch(## when lx is "mpfr", vapply() currently (2016-08) fails
               vapply(lx, function(lx) meth2012(d, alpha, lx), ""),
               error = { ch <- character(length(lx))
                   for (i in ix) ch[i] <- meth2012(d, alpha, lx[[i]]); ch })
	   if(verboseUsingRmpfr && (lg <- length(grep("Rmpfr$", meth.lx))))
	       message("Default method chose 'Rmpfr' ", if(lg > 1) paste(lg,"times") else "once")
	   i.m <- split(ix, factor(meth.lx))
	   r <- lapply(names(i.m), function(meth)
		       polyG(lx[i.m[[meth]]], alpha = alpha, d = d, method = meth, log = log))
	   lx[unlist(i.m, use.names=FALSE)] <- unlist(r, use.names=FALSE)

	   "default2011" = ## first "old" default
	   Recall(lx, alpha=alpha, d=d,
                  method = if(d <= 100) {
                      if(alpha <= 0.54) "stirling"
                      else if(alpha <= 0.77) "pois.direct"
                      else "dsSib.log"
                  } else "pois", # slower but more stable, e.g., for d=150
           "pois" =
           ## build list of b's
           n <- length(lx)
           x <- exp(lx)                                   # e^lx = x
           lppois <- outer(d-k, x, FUN=ppois, log.p=TRUE) # a (d x n)-matrix; log(ppois(d-k, x))
           llx <- k %*% t(lx)           # also a (d x n)-matrix; k*lx
           labsPoch <- vapply(k, function(j) sum(log(abs(alpha*j-(k-1L)))), NA_real_) # log|(alpha*j)_d|, j=1,..,d
           lfac <- lfactorial(k)        # log(j!), j=1,..,d
           ## build matrix of exponents
           lxabs <- llx + lppois + rep(labsPoch - lfac, n) + rep(x, each = d)
           res <- lssum(lxabs, signFF(alpha, k, d), strict=FALSE)
           if(log) res else exp(res)
           "pois.direct" =
           ## build coefficients
           xfree <- lchoose(alpha*k,d) + lfactorial(d) - lfactorial(k)
           x <- exp(lx)
           lppois <- outer(d-k, x, FUN=ppois, log.p=TRUE) # (length(x),d)-matrix
           klx <- lx %*% t(k)
           exponents <- exp(t(x+klx)+lppois+xfree) # (d,length(x))-matrix
           res <- as.vector(signFF(alpha, k, d) %*% exponents)
           if(log) log(res) else res
           "stirling" =
	   ## implementation of \sum_{k=1}^d a_{dk}(\theta) x^k
	   ## = (-1)^{d-1} * x * \sum_{k=1}^d alpha^k * s(d,k) * \sum_{j=1}^k S(k,j) * (-x)^{j-1}
	   ## = (-1)^{d-1} * x * \sum_{k=1}^d alpha^k * s(d,k) * polynEval(...)
	   ## inner function is evaluated via polynEval
	   x <- exp(lx)
	   s <- Stirling1.all(d) # s(d,1), ..., s(d,d)
	   S <- lapply(k, Stirling2.all) # S[[l]][n] contains S(l,n), n = 1,...,l
	   lst <- lapply(k, function(k.) (-1)^(d-1)*x*alpha^k.*s[k.]*polynEval(S[[k.]],-x))
	   res <- rowSums(matrix(unlist(lst), nrow=length(x)))
	   if(log) log(res) else res
           "stirling.horner" =
	   ## implementation of \sum_{k=1}^d a_{dk}(\theta) x^k
	   ## = (-1)^{d-1} * x * \sum_{k=1}^d alpha^k * s(d,k) * \sum_{j=1}^k S(k,j) * (-x)^{j-1}
	   ## = (-1)^{d-1} * x * \sum_{k=1}^d alpha^k * s(d,k) * polynEval(...)
	   ## polynEval is used twice
	   x <- exp(lx)
	   s <- Stirling1.all(d) # s(d,1), ..., s(d,d)
	   S <- lapply(k, Stirling2.all) # S[[l]][n] contains S(l,n), n = 1,...,l
	   len <- length(x)
           poly <- matrix(unlist(lapply(k, function(k.) polynEval(S[[k.]],-x))), nrow=len) # (len,d)-matrix
           res <- (-1)^(d-1)*alpha*x* vapply(1:len, function(i) polynEval(s*poly[i,], alpha), 1.)
           if(log) log(res) else res
           ## the following code was *not* faster
           ## poly <- t(sapply(k, function(k.) polynEval(S[[k.]],-x))) # (d,len(x))-matrix
           ## coeff <- if(length(x)==1) t(s*poly) else s*poly
           ## res <- (-1)^(d-1)*alpha*x*apply(coeff, 2, polynEval, x=alpha)
           "coeffG" = ## <<< all the different 'coeffG' methods --------------------
           ## note: these methods are all known to show numerical deficiencies
           if(d > 220) stop("d > 220 not yet supported") # would need Stirling2.all(d, log=TRUE)
           ## compute the log of the coefficients:
	   l.a.dk <- coeffG(d, alpha, method=method, log = TRUE)
	   ##	     ~~~~~~			     ~~~~~~~~~~
           ## evaluate the sum
           ## for this, create a matrix B with (k,i)-th entry
           ## B[k,i] = log(a_{dk}(theta)) + k * lx[i],
           ##          where k in {1,..,d}, i in {1,..,n} [n = length(lx)]
           logx <- l.a.dk + k %*% t(lx)
           if(log) {
               ## compute log(colSums(exp(B))) stably (no overflow) with the idea of
               ## pulling out the maxima
           } else colSums(exp(logx))
	   stop(gettextf("unsupported method '%s' in polyG", method), domain=NA)
	   ) # end{switch}
}## {polyG}

### Joe ########################################################################

### sampling a Sibuya(alpha) distribution, R version

##' Sample V from a Sibuya(alpha) distribution with cdf F(n) = 1-1/(n*B(n,1-alpha)),
##' n in IN, with Laplace-Stieltjes transform 1-(1-exp(-t))^alpha via the
##' algorithm of Hofert (2011), Proposition 3.2. R version.
##' @title Sampling Sibuya(alpha) distributions
##' @param n  sample size
##' @param alpha parameter in (0,1]
##' @return vector of random variates V
##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler
rSibuyaR <- function(n, alpha) {
    stopifnot((n <- as.integer(n)) >= 0, length(alpha)==1, 0 < alpha, alpha <= 1)
    V <- numeric(n)
    if(n >= 1) {
        if(alpha == 1) {
            V[] <- 1
        } else {
            u <- runif(n)
            ## FIXME(MM): (for alpha not too close to 1): re-express using 1-u
            l1 <- u <= alpha
            V[l1] <- 1
            i2 <- which(!l1)
            Ginv <- ((1-u[i2])*gamma(1-alpha))^(-1/alpha)
            floorGinv <- floor(Ginv)
            l3 <- (1-1/(floorGinv*beta(floorGinv,1-alpha)) < u[i2])
            V[i2[l3]] <- ceiling(Ginv[l3])
            i4 <- which(!l3)
            V[i2[i4]] <- floorGinv[i4]

### state-of-the-art: sampling a Sibuya(alpha) distribution, C version

##' Sample V from a Sibuya(alpha) distribution with cdf F(n) = 1-1/(n*B(n,1-alpha)),
##' n in IN, with Laplace-Stieltjes transform 1-(1-exp(-t))^alpha via the
##' algorithm of Hofert (2011), Proposition 3.2. C version.
##' @title Efficiently sampling Sibuya(alpha) distributions
##' @param n sample size (has to be numeric, >= 0)
##' @param alpha parameter in (0,1]
##' @return vector of random variates V
##' @author Martin Maechler
rSibuya <- function(n, alpha) {
    .Call(rSibuya_vec_c, n, alpha)

##' Probability mass function of a Sibuya(alpha) distribution
##' @title Probability mass function of a Sibuya(alpha) distribution
##' @param x evaluation point [integer]
##' @param alpha parameter alpha
##' @param log boolean which determines if the logarithm is returned
##' @return p_x = choose(alpha, x) * (-1)^(x-1)
##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
dSibuya <- function(x, alpha, log=FALSE)
    if(log) lchoose(alpha, x) else abs(choose(alpha, x))

##' Distribution function of a Sibuya(alpha) distribution
##' @title Distribution function of a Sibuya(alpha) distribution
##' @param x evaluation point [integer]
##' @param alpha parameter alpha
##' @param lower.tail if TRUE, probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise, P[X > x]
##' @param log.p boolean which determines if the logarithm is returned
##' @return F(x) = 1 - (-1)^x * choose(alpha-1, x)
##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
pSibuya <- function(x, alpha, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    ## F(x) = 1 - 1/(x*Beta(x,1-alpha)) = 1 - (x*beta(x, 1-alpha))^(-1)
    if(log.p) {
        if(lower.tail) # log(1 - 1/(x*beta(x, 1-alpha)))
            log1p(-1/(x*beta(x, 1-alpha)))
        else ## log(1/(x*beta(x, 1-alpha))) = - log(x * beta(..)) =
            -log(x) - lbeta(x, 1-alpha)
    } else { ## no log
        xb <- 1/(x*beta(x, 1-alpha))
        if(lower.tail) 1 - xb else xb

### state-of-the art: sampling F01Joe, C version

##' Generate a vector of variates V01 ~ F01 with Laplace-Stieltjes transform
##' ((1-(1-exp(-t))^alpha))^V0. Bridge to R. Used, e.g., to draw several variates
##' from rF01Joe.
##' @title Sampling F01 for Joe's family
##' @param V0 vector of random variates from F0
##' @param parameter alpha = theta0/theta1 in (0,1]
##' @param approx largest number of summands before asymptotics is used
##' @return vector of random variates V01
##' @author Marius Hofert
rF01Joe <- function(V0, alpha, approx) {
    .Call(rF01Joe_vec_c, V0, alpha, approx)

### wrapper for inner distribution F for Joe

##' Generate a vector of variates V ~ F with Laplace-Stieltjes transform
##' 1-(1-exp(-t))^alpha.
##' @title Sampling F for Joe
##' @param n number of variates from F
##' @param parameter alpha = theta0/theta1 in (0,1]
##' @return vector of random variates V
##' @author Marius Hofert
rFJoe <- function(n, alpha) rSibuya(n, alpha)

### polynomial evaluation for Joe

##' Inner probability mass function for a nested Joe copula, i.e. a Sibuya sum
##' also used in coeffG() -> polyG() for Gumbel's copula
##' @title Inner probability mass function for a nested Joe copula
##' @param x vector (or number) of natural numbers
##' @param n vector (or number) of natural numbers
##' @param alpha parameter in (0,1]
##' @param method method applied
##'        log:      proper log computation based on lssum
##'        direct:   brute-force evaluation of the sum and its log
##'        Rmpfr, RmpfrM:    multi-precision; the latter *return* multi-prec.
##'        diff:     via forward differences
##'        exp.log:  similar to method = "log", but without *proper/intelligent* log
##' @param log boolean which determines if the logarithm is returned
##' @return p_{x,n} = \sum_{j=1}^n choose(n,j)*choose(alpha*j,x)*(-1)^(x-j)
##'         which is a probability mass function in x on IN with generating function
##'         g(z) = (1-(1-z)^alpha)^n
##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
##' note: - p_{x,n} = 0 for x < n;  p_{n,n} = alpha^n
##'       - numerically challenging, e.g., dsumSibuya(100, 96, 0.01) < 0 for all methods
##'  o  Called as  dsumSibuya(d, k, alpha, method = meth.dsSib, log=log)
##'     from coeffG()                      -------------------
dsumSibuya <- function(x, n, alpha,
		       method= c("log", "direct", "diff", "exp.log",
				"Rmpfr", "Rmpfr0", "RmpfrM", "Rmpfr0M"),
                       mpfr.ctrl = list(minPrec = 21, fac = 1.25, verbose=TRUE),
    stopifnot(x == round(x), n == round(n), n >= 0, length(alpha) == 1,
	      0 < alpha, alpha <= 1)
    if((l.x <- length(x)) == 0 || (l.n <- length(n)) == 0)
    ## "FIXME": from coeffG(), always have  {x = d, n = 1:d} -- can be faster *not* recycling
    if((len <- l.x) != l.n) { ## do recycle to common length
	len <- max(l.x, l.n)
	if(l.x < len) {
	    x. <- x
	    x <- rep(x, length.out = len)
	else ## if(l.n < len)
	    n <- rep(n, length.out = len)
    if(alpha == 1)
	return(x == n)
    method <- if(missing(method) && is(alpha, "mpfr"))
	"Rmpfr" else match.arg(method)
	   "log" =
	   ## computes *proper* log based on lssum

	   ## determine the matrix of signs of choose(alpha*j,x)*(-1)^(x-j),
	   ## j in {1,..,m} -- which notably do *not* depend on x !
	   signs <- signFF(alpha, seq_len(max(n)), x)
	   ## for one pair of x and n:
	   f.one <- function(x,n) {
	       if(x < n) return(-Inf)	# = log(0)
	       j <- seq_len(n)
	       lxabs <- lchoose(n, j) + lchoose(alpha*j, x)
	       ## *NON*-strict -- otherwise need try() :
	       lssum(as.matrix(lxabs), signs[j], strict=FALSE)
	   S <- mapply(f.one, x, n, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
	   if(log) S else exp(S)
	   "direct" =
	   ## brute force evaluation of the sum and its log
	   f.one <- function(x,n) {
	       if(x < n) return(0)
	       j <- seq_len(n)
	   S <- mapply(f.one, x, n, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
	   if(log) log(S) else S
	   "Rmpfr" =,  "Rmpfr0" =,
	   "RmpfrM" =, "Rmpfr0M" =
	   stopifnot(requireNamespace("Rmpfr"))# need package: classes, methods, e.g. as.numeric(), new()
	   ## as "direct" but using high-precision arithmetic, where
	   ## the precision should be set via alpha = mpfr(*, precBits= .)
	   mayRecall <- !grepl("Rmpfr0", method) ## only if not "Rmpfr0(M)"
	   if(mayRecall) {
	       ## FIXME(?): Hmm, when recalling, alpha becomes more and more precise, even going from n[i] to n[i+1]
	       ## that's not ok.. strictly should only recall for those (x,n) pairs where it's needed
	       stopifnot(is.numeric(minPrec <- mpfr.ctrl$minPrec),
			 is.numeric(fac.pr <- mpfr.ctrl$fac), fac.pr > 1,
			 length(mpfr.ctrl$verbose) == 1)
	   mayRecall <- !grepl("Rmpfr0", method) ## only if not "Rmpfr0(M)"
	   if(mayRecall) {
	       stopifnot(is.numeric(minPrec <- mpfr.ctrl$minPrec),
			 is.numeric(fac.pr <- mpfr.ctrl$fac), fac.pr > 1,
			 length(mpfr.ctrl$verbose) == 1)
	   mpfr.0 <- Rmpfr::mpfr(0, precBits = if(!is(alpha, "mpfr")) 64
					       else Rmpfr::getPrec(alpha))
	   ## FIXME: --- speedup possible! ---
	   if(FALSE && l.x == 1 && l.n == x. && all(n == seq_len(x.))) { ## Special case -- from coeffG()
	       message("fast special case ..") ## <- just for now
	       ## change notation (for now)
	       j <- n  # == 1:d
	       n <- x. # == d
	       c.n <- Rmpfr::chooseMpfr.all(n)
	       ca.j <- Rmpfr::chooseMpfr(alpha*j,n)*(-1)^(n-j)
	       f.sp <- function(j) {
		   j. <- seq_len(j)
		   sum(c.n[j.] * ca.j[j.])
	       stop("fast special case -- is still wrong !")
	       S <- new("mpfr", unlist(lapply(j, f.sp)))
	   } else { ## usual case
	       ## satisfying codetools package checks:
	       mpfr <- Rmpfr::mpfr; roundMpfr <- Rmpfr::roundMpfr
	       chooseMpfr <- Rmpfr::chooseMpfr; chooseMpfr.all <- Rmpfr::chooseMpfr.all
	       f.1 <- function(x,n, alpha) {
		   if(x < n) return(mpfr.0)
                   pr. <- .dsSib.mpfr.prec(x, n, alpha)
                   ##     ================
                   alpha <- mpfr(alpha, precBits = pr.)
		   j <- seq_len(n)
		   ##if(TRUE) { # "old"/for debug:
		   ## now do this in parts {to analyze}:
		   ## sum(chooseMpfr.all(n)*chooseMpfr(alpha*j,x)*(-1)^(x-j))
		   c.n <- chooseMpfr.all(n)
		   ca.j <- chooseMpfr(alpha*j,x) * (-1)^(x-j)
		   trms <- c.n * ca.j
		   S <- sum(trms) # <-- sum of *huge* (partly alternating) terms getting almost 0
		   ## } else {	      # "new", typically faster
### FIXME: Use *faster*
		   ##	  ## sumBinomMpfr(n, FUN, n0, alternating=TRUE, precBits) is not yet available
		   ##	  S <- sum(chooseZ(n,j) * (-1)^(x-j) * chooseMpfr(alpha * j, x))
		   ## }
		   if(mayRecall) {
		       recall <- (S <= 0)
		       if(recall) { ## complete loss of precision -- recall with higher precision
			   MSG <- " |--> S < 0"
			   newPrec <- round(fac.pr * pr.)
		       } else {		# S > 0 :
			   bitLoss <- round(as.numeric(log2(max(abs(trms)) / S )), 1)
			   recall <- (pr. - bitLoss < minPrec) ## less than 'minPrec' bits precision left
			       MSG <- paste("-> bit loss =", bitLoss)
			   newPrec <- round(max(minPrec + bitLoss, fac.pr * pr.))
			   ## newPrec <- round(fac.pr * pr.)
		       if(recall) {
                               message(sprintf("dsumSibuya(%d, %d, alpha= %g [pr = %d], method='%s'): %s ==> recalled w/ new prec. %d",
					   x, n, as.numeric(alpha), as.integer(pr.), method, MSG, newPrec))
			   dsumSibuya(x,n, alpha = roundMpfr(alpha, newPrec), mpfr.ctrl=mpfr.ctrl,
				      method="RmpfrM", log=FALSE)
		       } else S
		   } else S
	       }## end{ f.1() }
	       S <- new("mpfr", mapply(f.1, x, n, alpha, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
	   if(grepl("M$", method)) ## "RmpfrM" or "Rmpfr0M"
	       if(log) log(S) else S
	       as.numeric(if(log) log(S) else S)
	   "diff" =
	   S. <- mapply(function(x,n) diff(choose(n:0*alpha, x), differences=n) * (-1)^x,
			x, n, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
	   if(log) log(S.) else S.
	   "exp.log" =
	   ## similar to method = "log", but without *proper/intelligent* log
	   ## and inefficient due to the signs (old version)
	   f.one <- function(x,n) {
	       if(x < n) return(0)
	       j <- seq_len(n) ## indices of the summands
	       signs <- (-1)^(j+x)
	       ## determine the signs of choose(j*alpha,x) for each component of j
	       to.subtract <- 0:(x-1)
	       sig.choose <-
		   vapply(j, function(l) prod(sign(l*alpha-to.subtract)),
	       signs <- signs*sig.choose
	       binom.coeffs <- exp(lchoose(n,j) + lchoose(j*alpha,x))
	   S <- mapply(f.one, x, n, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
	   if(log) log(S) else S
	   ## otherwise
	   stop(gettextf("unsupported method '%s' in dsumSibuya", method)), domain=NA)

..dsSib.mpfr.prec <- function(d,k,alpha)
    ## no checking here on purpose -- note that this works *vectorized*
    ldk <- log(d - k + 1)
    la <- log(alpha)
    sa <- sqrt(alpha)
    ## .dsSib.mpfr.precEXPR  from above:
    yhat <- 0.606778486870861  + 1.00415795049476 * log(k) +
        -0.0115467115092516 * ldk + -0.236630339094924 * la + 6.84638655885601 * sa +
            -7.59637383430576 * alpha + -0.529181206860549 * ldk * sa +
                0.579077302168194 * ldk * alpha + 4.07566657020875 * la * alpha
    pmax(exp(yhat + 0.18), 64)

.dsSib.mpfr.prec <- function(d, k, alpha)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(d), is.numeric(k), is.numeric(alpha),
              length(d) == 1, length(k) == 1, length(alpha) == 1,
              d == as.integer(d), k == as.integer(k),
              d >= k, 0 < alpha, alpha < 1)
    if(alpha < 0.001)
	stop("mpfr precision needed for	 alpha < 0.001	is not yet available.\n",
	     " Please report to maintainer(\"copula\") if you need this to be changed")
    ## @MM: --> ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/copula/dsSibMpfr-prec/dsSibMpfr-ex.R
    p <-
        if (k <= 5)
        else if (alpha >= 0.2) {
            if (d-k >= 170)
            else if (d-k >= 90) {
                if (d <= 120)
            } else if (d-k > 2) {
                if ((d - 70*alpha) < 9)
    if(is.null(p)) ..dsSib.mpfr.prec(d,k,alpha) else p

### polynomial evaluation for Joe

##' Compute the polynomial involved in the generator derivatives and the
##' copula density of a Joe copula
##' @title Polynomial involved in the generator derivatives and density for Joe
##' @param lx (log) evaluation point (lx is meant to be log(x) for some x which
##'        was used earlier; e.g., for copJoe@dacopula, lx = log(h(u)/(1-h(u))) for
##'        h(u) = \prod_{j=1}^d(1-(1-u_j)^theta), where u = (u_1,..,u_d) is the
##'        evaluation point of the density of Joe's copula)
##' @param alpha parameter alpha ( := 1/theta ) in (0,1]
##' @param d number of summands
##' @param method different methods, can be
##'        "log.poly" intelligent log version
##'        "log1p"    additonally uses log1p
##'        "poly"     brute force log version
##' @param log boolean which determines if the logarithm is returned
##' @return \sum_{k=1}^d a_{d,k}(theta) exp((k-1)*lx) = \sum_{k=0}^{d-1} a_{d,k+1}(theta) x^k
##'         where a_{d,k}(theta) = S(d,k)*(k-1-alpha)_{k-1} = S(d,k)*Gamma((1:d)-alpha)/Gamma(1-alpha)
##'         Note: these a_{d,k}(theta) here are not those of Hofert, Maechler, McNeil (2012)
##'               (they are the a_{d,k-1}(theta))
##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
polyJ <- function(lx, alpha, d, method=c("log.poly","log1p","poly"), log=FALSE) {
    stopifnot(length(alpha)==1, 0 < alpha, alpha <= 1)
    if(!length(lx)) return(numeric())
    ## compute the log of the coefficients a_{dk}(theta)
    if(d > 220) stop("d > 220 not yet supported")# would need Stirling2.all(d, log=TRUE)
    k <- 1:d
    l.a.k <- log(Stirling2.all(d)) + lgamma(k-alpha) - lgamma(1-alpha) # log(a_{dk}(theta)), k = 1,..,d
    ## evaluate polynomial via exp( log(<poly>) )
    ## for this, create a matrix B with (k,i)-th entry B[k,i] = log(a_{dk}(theta)) + (k-1) * lx[i],
    ## where k in {1,..,d}, i in {1,..,n} [n = length(lx)]
    B <- l.a.k + (k-1) %*% t(lx)
    method <- match.arg(method)
           "log.poly" = {
               ## stably compute log(colSums(exp(B))) (no overflow)
               ## Idea:
               ## (1) let b_k := log(a_{dk}(theta)) + (k-1)*lx and b_{max} := argmax{b_k}.
               ## (2) \sum_{k=1}^d a_{dk}(theta)\exp((k-1)*lx) = \sum_{k=1}^d \exp(log(a_{dk}(theta))
               ##     + (k-1)*lx) = \sum_{k=1}^d \exp(b_k) = \exp(b_{max})*\sum_{k=1}^d
               ##     \exp(b_k-b_{max})
               ## (3) => log(\sum...) = b_{max} + log(\sum_{k=1}^d \exp(b_k-b_{max}))
               if(log) lsum(B) else exp(lsum(B))
           "log1p" = {
               ## use log(1 + sum(<smaller>)) = log1p(sum(<smaller>)),
               ## but we don't expect it to make a difference
               im <- apply(B, 2, which.max) # indices (vector) of maxima
               n <- length(lx) ; d1 <- d-1L
               max.B <- B[cbind(im, seq_len(n))] # get max(B[,i])_{i=1,..,n} == apply(B, 2, max)
               B.wo.max <- matrix(B[unlist(lapply(im, function(j) k[-j])) +
                                    d*rep(0:(n-1), each = d1)], d1, n) # matrix B without maxima
               res <- max.B + log1p(colSums(exp(B.wo.max - rep(max.B, each = d1))))
               if(log) res else exp(res)
           "poly" = {
               ## brute force ansatz
               res <- colSums(exp(B))
               if(log) log(res) else res
       stop(gettextf("unsupported method '%s' in polyJ", method)), domain=NA)

##' Circular/Rational function	(1 - x^d)/(1 - x) for x ~~ 1, i.e.,
##' compute (1 - x^d)/(1 - x) = (1 - (1-e)^d) / e   for	 e = 1-x (<< 1) and integer d
##' @title Circular/Rational function  (1 - (1-e)^d) / e  {incl. limit e -> 0}
##' @param e numeric vector in [0, 1]
##' @param d integer (scalar), >= 1
##' @return (1 - (1-e)^d) / e
##' @author Martin Maechler, Date: 25 Jul 2011
circRat <- function(e, d)
### TODO (?):  improve "log=TRUE", for e ~= 1:	log(circRat(e, d)) = log1p(-x^d) - log(e)
    stopifnot(length(d) == 1, d == as.integer(d), d >= 1)
    if(d <= 6)
	       1-0*e, ## <<- d = 1
	       2-e,   ## <<- d = 2: 1 2 1
	       3-e*(3-e),#   d = 3: 1 3 3 1
	       4-e*(6-e*(4-e)),		       ## d = 4: 1 4 6 4 1
	       5-e*(10-e*(10-e*(5-e))),	       ## d = 5: 1 5 10 10 5 1
	       6-e*(15-e*(20-e*(15-e*(6-e))))  ## d = 6: 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
    else { ## d >= 7 ---------------
	r <- e
	eps <- .Machine$double.eps
	if(any(l1 <- ((d1 <- (d-1)/2)*e < eps)))
	    r[l1] <- d
	if(any(l2 <- !l1 & ((d2 <- (d-2)/3)*(e2 <- e*e) < eps)))
	    r[l2] <- d*(1 - d1*e[l2])
	if(any(l3 <- !l1 & !l2 & ((d-3)/4 * e*e2 < eps)))
	    r[l3] <- d*(1 - d1*e[l3]*(1 - d2*e[l3]))
	## and for the remaining ones, we afford a little precision loss:
	if(any(lrg <- !l1 & !l2 & !l3)) {
	    e <- e[lrg]
	    r[lrg] <- (1 - (1-e)^d)/e

##' @title tau(theta) for Joe's copula
##' @param theta (vector of) copula parameters in [-1,1] (in [0,1] for tau >= 0)
##' @param method string specifying the computational method.
##' @param noTerms number of terms to use for method = "sum".
##' @return vector of same length as theta with   tau(theta[.])
##' @author Martin Maechler
tauJoe <- function(theta, method = c("hybrid", "digamma", "sum"), noTerms=446)
    method <- match.arg(method)
	   "hybrid" = {
	       digam1 <- digamma(1) ## == - (Euler's) gamma = -0.5772157
	       trigam1 <- pi^2/6 ##  == psigamma(1, d=1) = trigamma(1)
	       vapply(theta, function(th) {
		   if(is.na(th)) return(th)
		   if(th == 2) return(2 - trigam1)
		   if(th > 1e17) return(1)
		   q <- 2/th
		   tol <- 1.5e-5 ## MM: from experimentation (Lnx, 64-bit)
				 ## ---> ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/copula/tauJoe.R
		   dt <- if(abs(e <- q-1) < tol)## th ~= 2: |2-th| < tol*th
		       -(digam1 + q*trigam1 + e/2*psigamma(1, deriv=2))
		       (digam1 - q*digamma(q))/e
		   1 + q*(dt + digamma(1+q))
	       }, 0.)
	   "digamma" = {
	       digam1 <- digamma(1) ## == - (Euler's) gamma = -0.5772157
	       vapply(theta, function(th) {
		   if(is.na(th)) return(th)
		   if(th == 2) return(2 - pi^2/6)
		   q <- 2/th
		   ## A <- 1/(q*(q-1)) ## only for q != 1,	 i.e.,	th != 2
		   ## 1 + 4/th^2 * (A*digam1 + digamma(1+q)/q + digamma(q)/(1-q))
		   ##  q^2 = 4/th^2; q*A = 1/(q-1)
		   ## 1 + q * (digam1/(q-1) + digamma(1+q) + q/(1-q)*digamma(q))
		   1 + q*((digam1 - q*digamma(q))/(q-1) + digamma(1+q))
	       }, 0.)
	   "sum" = {
	       k <- noTerms:1
	       vapply(theta, function(th) {
		   tk2 <- th*k + 2
		   1 - 4*sum(1/(k*tk2*(tk2 - th)))
		   ## ==... (1/(k*(th*k+2)*(th*(k-1)+2)))
	       }, 0.)
	   stop("unsupported method: ", method))

### Misc #######################################################################

## Determine the \dQuote{implied} copula dimension from \code{u}.
## in the same sense that many copula functions use
##  if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u, deparse.level = 0L)

##' @title Implied copula dim()ension
##' @param u
##' @return integer
##' @author Martin Maechler
dimU <- function(u) {
    if(!is.null(d <- dim(u))) d[2L] else length(u)

##' Conditional copula function C(u[,d]|u[,1],...,u[,d-1])
##' @title Conditional copula function
##' @param u (n x d)-matrix of evaluation points (first d-1 columns are conditioned on)
##' @param cop an outer_nacopula
##' @param n.MC Monte Carlo sample size
##'        => NOT USED ANYMORE
##' @param log if TRUE the logarithm of the conditional copula is returned
##' @author Marius Hofert
cacopula <- function(u, cop, n.MC=0, log=FALSE) {
    stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"))
	stop("currently, only Archimedean copulas are supported")

    d <- ncol(u)
    drop(cCopula(u, copula = cop, indices = d, log = log))

##' Function which computes absdPsi via Monte Carlo
##' @title Computing the absolute value of the generator derivatives via Monte Carlo
##' @param t evaluation points
##' @param family Archimedean family (name or object)
##' @param theta parameter value
##' @param degree order of derivative
##' @param n.MC Monte Carlo sample size
##' @param method different methods
##'        log:         proper log using lsum
##'        direct:      direct evaluation of the sum
##'        pois.direct: directly uses the Poisson density
##'        pois:        intelligently uses the Poisson density with lsum
##' @param log if TRUE the log of absdPsi is returned
##' @param is.log.t if TRUE, the argument t contains log(<mathematical t>)
##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler
##' Note: absdPsiMC(0) is always finite, although, theoretically, absdPsi(0) may
##'       be Inf (e.g., for Gumbel and Joe)
absdPsiMC <- function(t, family, theta, degree=1, n.MC,
                      method=c("log", "direct", "pois.direct", "pois"),
                      log = FALSE, is.log.t = FALSE)
    res <- numeric(length(t))
    V <- getAcop(family)@V0(n.MC, theta)
    Vt <- if(is.log.t) function(tt) V %*% t(exp(tt)) else function(tt) V %*% t(tt)
    method <- match.arg(method)
	   ## the following is not faster than "log":
	   ## "default" = { # basically, use "direct" if numerically not critical and "log" otherwise
	   ##                lx <- -V %*% t(t) + degree*log(V)
	   ##                explx <- exp(lx) # (n.MC, n)-matrix containing the summands
	   ##                explx0 <- explx==0 # can be TRUE due to t == Inf or t finite but too large
	   ##                t.too.large <- unlist(lapply(1:n, function(x) any(explx0))) # boolean vector of length n indicating which column of explx contains zeros
	   ##                r1 <- colMeans(explx[,!t.too.large, drop=FALSE])
	   ##                res[!t.too.large] <- if(log) log(r1) else r1
	   ##                r2 <- lsum(lx[,t.too.large, drop=FALSE] - log(n.MC))
	   ##                res[t.too.large] <- if(log) r2 else exp(r2)
	   ##                res[is.infinite(t)] <- if(log) -Inf else 0
	   ##                res
	   ##            },
           "log" = { # intelligent log
               iInf <- is.infinite(t)
               res[iInf] <- -Inf # log(0)
                   res[!iInf] <- lsum(-Vt(t[!iInf]) + degree*log(V) - log(n.MC))
               if(log) res else exp(res)
           "direct" = { # direct method
               lx <- -Vt(t) + degree*log(V)
               res <- colMeans(exp(lx)) # can be all zeros if lx is too small [e.g., if t is too large]
               if(log) log(res) else res
           "pois.direct" = {
               m.poi <- colMeans(dpois(degree, lambda=Vt(t)))
               ## is.log.t:  "t^degree" = exp(t)^degree = exp(t * degree)
               res <- factorial(degree)*(if(is.log.t) exp(-t * degree) else t^-degree) * m.poi
               if(log) log(res) else res
           "pois" = {
               iInf <- is.infinite(t)
               res[iInf] <- -Inf # log(0)
               if(any(!iInf)) {
                   t <- t[!iInf]
                   lpoi <- dpois(degree, lambda=Vt(t), log=TRUE) # (n.MC, length(t))-matrix
                   b <- -log(n.MC) + lfactorial(degree) - degree*rep(if(is.log.t)t else log(t), each=n.MC) + lpoi
                   res[!iInf] <- lsum(b)
               if(log) res else exp(res)
	   stop(gettextf("unsupported method '%s' in absdPsiMC", method)), domain=NA)

psiDabsMC <- function(t, family, theta, degree=1, n.MC,
                      method=c("log", "direct", "pois.direct", "pois"),
                      log = FALSE, is.log.t = FALSE)
    absdPsiMC(t, family=family, theta=theta, degree=degree, n.MC=n.MC,
                      method=method, log=log, is.log.t)

### Non-numerics ###############################################################

setMethod("getTheta", "acopula",
	  function(copula, freeOnly = TRUE, attr = FALSE, named = attr)
              ## FIXME fixedPar not yet implemented for 'acopula'

### setTheta() --- "standard" and "acopula" related methods here ---------
### ----------
setMethod("setTheta", "acopula",
	  function(x, value, na.ok = TRUE, noCheck = FALSE, freeOnly = TRUE, ...)
	  stopifnot(is.numeric(value) | (ina <- is.na(value)))
	  if(ina) {
	      if(!na.ok) stop("NA value, but 'na.ok' is not TRUE")
	      value <- NA_real_
	  if(ina || noCheck || x@paraConstr(value)) ## parameter constraints are fulfilled
	      x@theta <- value
	      stop("theta (=", format(value), ") does not fulfill paraConstr()")
setMethod("setTheta", signature(x="outer_nacopula", value="numeric"),
	  function(x, value, na.ok = TRUE, noCheck = FALSE, freeOnly = TRUE, ...) {
	      x@copula <- setTheta(x@copula, value, na.ok=na.ok, noCheck=noCheck, freeOnly=freeOnly)

## TODO: setTheta - using a list of thetas
## setMethod("setTheta", signature(x="outer_nacopula", value="list"),
## 	  function(x, value, na.ok = TRUE, noCheck = FALSE) {
##               ... x@copula <- setTheta(x@copula, value, na.ok=na.ok, noCheck=noCheck)
##           })

setMethod("setTheta", "copula",
	  function(x, value, na.ok = TRUE, noCheck = FALSE, freeOnly = TRUE, ...)
	  stopifnot(is.numeric(value) | (ina <- is.na(value)))
	  if(any(ina)) {
	      if(!na.ok) stop("NA value, but 'na.ok' is not TRUE")
	      ## vectorized (and partial)  value <- NA_real_
	      if(!is.double(value)) storage.mode(value) <- "double"
	  ## not using has.par.df(), as have "ellipCopula" method below
	  if(is(x, "tevCopula")) {
	      p <- (!x@df.fixed) + 1
	      if(length(value) != p)
		  stop(gettextf("'length(value)' must be %d for tevCopula(dim=%d)",
				p, x@dimension), domain=NA)
	  ##if(ina || noCheck || x@paraConstr(value)) ## parameter constraints are fulfilled
	  if(all(ina) || noCheck || {
	      all(is.na(value) | (x@param.lowbnd <= value & value <= x@param.upbnd))
	  }) ## parameter constraints are fulfilled
	      x@parameters[seq_along(value)] <- value
	      stop(gettextf("theta (=%s) is not inside parameter bounds",
			    format(value)), domain=NA)

## NB:  for tCopula(df.fixed = FALSE), value now is (rho,df)
setMethod("setTheta", "ellipCopula",
	  function(x, value, na.ok = TRUE, noCheck = FALSE, freeOnly = TRUE, ...)
	  stopifnot(is.numeric(value) | (ina <- is.na(value)))
	  if(any(ina)) {
	      if(!na.ok) stop("NA value, but 'na.ok' is not TRUE")
	      ## vectorized (and partial)  value <- NA_real_
	      if(!is.double(value)) storage.mode(value) <- "double"
          is.t <- is(x, "tCopula")
          p <- npar.ellip(x@dimension, dispstr = x@dispstr) +  as.integer(is.t) # 1_[if t-Cop]
          par <- x@parameters
          stopifnot(length(par) == p) # normal- / t-, df fixed or not
          fixed <- attr(par, "fixed")
	  if(freeOnly) {
	      if(is.null(fixed)) fixed <- FALSE
              p <- length(par[!fixed])
          if(length(value) != p)
              ## TODO: error message also depends on 'fixed' and 'freeOnly' !
              stop(gettextf("'length(value)' must be %d for the elliptical copula (dim=%d, disp.=\"%s\")",
                            p, x@dimension, x@dispstr), domain=NA)
	  sel <- if(freeOnly) !fixed else TRUE
	  if(all(ina) || noCheck ||
	     all(is.na(value) |
		 (x@param.lowbnd[sel] <= value & value <= x@param.upbnd[sel])))
	      ## parameter constraints are fulfilled
	      x@parameters[sel] <- value
	      stop(gettextf("theta (=%s) is not inside parameter bounds",
			    format(value)), domain=NA)

##' Construct "paraConstr" function from an "interval"
##' @title Construct "paraConstr" function from an "interval"
##' @param int interval
##' @return parameter constraint function
##' @author Martin Maechler
mkParaConstr <- function(int) {
    stopifnot(is(int, "interval")) # for now
    eL <- substitute(LL <= theta, list(LL = int[1]))
    eR <- substitute(theta <= RR, list(RR = int[2]))
    is.o <- int@open
    if(is.o[1]) eL[[1]] <- quote(`<`) # instead of '<='
    if(is.o[2]) eR[[1]] <- quote(`<`)
    bod <- substitute(length(theta) == 1 && !is.na(theta) && LEFT && RIGHT,
                      list(LEFT = eL, RIGHT= eR))
    as.function(c(alist(theta=, dim=), bod), parent.env(environment()))
    ## which is a fast version of
    ## r <- function(theta, dim) {}
    ## environment(r) <- parent.env(environment())
    ## body(r) <- bod
    ## r

printAcopula <- function(x, slots = TRUE, indent = 0,
                         digits = getOption("digits"), width = getOption("width"), ...)
    cl <- class(x)
    cld <- getClassDef(cl)
    stopifnot(indent >= 0, extends(cld, "acopula"))
    ch.thet <- {
        if(!all(is.na(x@theta)))## show theta
	    paste0(", theta= (",
		   paste(sapply(x@theta, format, digits=digits), collapse=", "), ")")
        else ""
    bl <- paste(rep.int(" ",indent), collapse="")
    cat(sprintf('%sArchimedean copula ("%s"), family "%s"%s\n',
                bl, cl, x@name, ch.thet))
    if(slots) {
        nms <- slotNames(cld)
        nms <- nms[!(nms %in% c("name", "theta"))]
        i2 <- indent+2
        cat(bl, " It contains further slots, named\n",
            paste(strwrap(paste(dQuote(nms),collapse=", "),
                          width = 0.95 * (width-2), indent=i2, exdent=i2),
                  collapse="\n"), "\n",
setMethod(show, "acopula", function(object) printAcopula(object))

## This is now exported & has help file --> ../man/printNacopula.Rd :
printNacopula <-
    function(x, labelKids = NA, deltaInd = if(isFALSE(labelKids)) 5 else 3,
             digits = getOption("digits"), width = getOption("width"), ...)
    cl <- class(x)
    stopifnot(deltaInd >= 0, is.character(indent.str), length(indent.str) == 1,
              extends(cl, "nacopula"))
    mkBlanks <- function(n) paste(rep.int(" ", n), collapse="")
    bl <- mkBlanks(nIS <- nchar(indent.str))

    ccl <- if(extends(cl, "outer_nacopula"))
        paste0('"',cl,'" of dim. ', dim(x)) else paste0('"',cl,'"')
    ## cat(sprintf(" __deltaInd = %d, nIS = %d__ ", deltaInd, nIS))
    ch1 <- sprintf("%sNested Archimedean copula (%s), with ",
                   indent.str, ccl)
    ch2 <- if(length(c.j <- x@comp)) {
        sprintf("slot \n%s'comp'   = %s", bl,
		paste0("(",paste(c.j, collapse=", "),")"))
    } else "empty slot 'comp'"
    cat(ch1, ch2, sprintf("  and root\n%s'copula' = ", bl), sep="")
    printAcopula(x@copula, slots=FALSE, digits=digits, width=width, ...)
    nk <- length(kids <- x@childCops)
    if(nk) {
        cat(sprintf("%sand %d child copula%s\n", bl, nk, if(nk > 1)"s" else ""))
        doLab <- if(is.na(labelKids)) nk > 1 else as.logical(labelKids)
        if(doLab) {
            hasNms <- !is.null(nms <- names(kids))
            lab <- if(hasNms) paste0(nms,": ") else paste0(seq_len(nk),") ")
        bl <- mkBlanks(nIS + deltaInd)
        for(ic in seq_along(kids))
            printNacopula(kids[[ic]], deltaInd=deltaInd,
                          indent.str = paste0(bl, if(doLab) lab[ic]),
                          labelKids=labelKids, digits=digits, width=width, ...)
        cat(sprintf("%sand *no* child copulas\n", bl))

setMethod(show, "nacopula", function(object) printNacopula(object))
## and S3method(print, nacopula, printNacopula)  ---> in ../NAMESPACE

##' (hidden) utility for getAname() and getAcop()
archm2ch <- function(class) {
    if(extends(class, "indepCopula"))## FIXME? do not want full family object!
        stop("independence copula not implemented as Archimedean family")
    if(extends(class, "claytonCopula")) "C" else
    if(extends(class, "frankCopula"))   "F" else
    if(extends(class, "amhCopula"))     "A" else
    if(extends(class, "joeCopula"))     "J" else
    if(extends(class, "gumbelCopula"))  "G" else
    stop("invalid archmCopula class: ", class)

##' Get the *name* of "acopula" family objects, typically from
##' @title Get Name of "acopula" Family Objects
##' @param family either character string (short or longer form of
##'	 copula family name), or an "archmCopula" or "acopula" object
##' @return string: the name one of our "acopula" objects
##' @author Martin Maechler
getAname <- function(family, objName=FALSE) {
    if(is.character(family)) {
	stopifnot(length(family) == 1)
	if((nf <- nchar(family)) <= 2) # it's a short name
	    family <- .ac.longNames[[family]]
	else if (nf >= 8 && grepl("Copula$", family))
	    family <- names(which(.ac.classNames == family))
    } else {
	cl <- getClass(class(family))# so the extends(.) below are fast
	family <-
	    if(extends(cl, "acopula"))
	    else if(extends(cl, "archmCopula"))
	else stop("'family' must be an \"archmCopula\" or \"acopula\" object or family name")
    if(objName) .ac.objNames[[family]] else family

##' Get one of our "acopula" family objects by name
##' @title Get one of our "acopula" family objects by name
##' @param family either character string (short or longer form of
##'	 copula family name), an "acopula" family object,
##'      *or* an object inheriting from "archmCopula"
##' @param check logical indicating if the class of the return value should
##' be checked.
##' @return one of our "acopula" objects
##' @author Martin Maechler
getAcop <- function(family, check=TRUE) {
    if(is.character(family)) {
	stopifnot(length(family) == 1)
	if((nf <- nchar(family)) <= 2) # it's a short name
	    family <- .ac.longNames[[family]]
	else if (nf >= 8 && grepl("Copula$", family))
	    family <- names(which(.ac.classNames == family))
	COP <- get(.ac.objNames[family]) # envir = "package:copula"
	if(check && !is(COP, "acopula"))
	    stop(paste("invalid acopula-family object, family=",family))
    } else {
	cl <- getClass(class(family))# so the extends(.) below are fast
	if(extends(cl, "acopula"))
	else if(extends(cl, "archmCopula"))
	else stop("'family' must be an \"archmCopula\" or \"acopula\" object or family name")

coeffG.methods <- eval(formals(coeffG)$method)# - namespace hidden
## --> accesses formals(dsumSibuya) .. hence at end

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copula documentation built on Aug. 19, 2024, 3:02 p.m.