
Defines functions getSummary.zerotrunc estfun.zerotrunc extractAIC.zerotrunc predprob.zerotrunc residuals.zerotrunc fitted.zerotrunc predict.zerotrunc model.matrix.zerotrunc model.frame.zerotrunc terms.zerotrunc print.summary.zerotrunc summary.zerotrunc print.zerotrunc nobs.zerotrunc logLik.zerotrunc vcov.zerotrunc coef.zerotrunc zerotrunc.control zerotrunc

Documented in coef.zerotrunc estfun.zerotrunc extractAIC.zerotrunc fitted.zerotrunc getSummary.zerotrunc logLik.zerotrunc model.frame.zerotrunc model.matrix.zerotrunc nobs.zerotrunc predict.zerotrunc predprob.zerotrunc print.summary.zerotrunc print.zerotrunc residuals.zerotrunc summary.zerotrunc terms.zerotrunc vcov.zerotrunc zerotrunc zerotrunc.control

zerotrunc <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, weights, offset,
                      dist = c("poisson", "negbin", "geometric"), theta = Inf,
	   	      control = zerotrunc.control(...),
		      model = TRUE, y = TRUE, x = FALSE, ...)
  ## set up likelihood components
  llPoisson <- function(parms) {
    mu <- as.vector(exp(X %*% parms + offset))
    sum(weights * (
      dpois(Y, lambda = mu, log = TRUE) - ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)

  llNegBin <- function(parms) {
    ## parameters
    mu <- as.vector(exp(X %*% parms[1:k] + offset))
    theta <- exp(parms[k+1])
    sum(weights * suppressWarnings(
      dnbinom(Y, size = theta, mu = mu, log = TRUE) - 
      pnbinom(0, size = theta, mu = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)

  llGeom <- function(parms) llNegBin(c(parms, 0))

  llNBFixed <- function(parms) llNegBin(c(parms, log(theta)))

  gradPoisson <- function(parms) {
    eta <- as.vector(X %*% parms + offset)
    mu <- exp(eta)
    colSums(((Y - mu) - exp(ppois(0, lambda = mu, log.p = TRUE) -
      ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) + eta)) * weights * X)
  gradGeom <- function(parms) {
    eta <- as.vector(X %*% parms + offset)
    mu <- exp(eta)      
    colSums(((Y - mu * (Y + 1)/(mu + 1)) -
      exp(pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = 1, log.p = TRUE) -
        pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) -
	log(mu + 1) + eta)) * weights * X)

  gradNegBin <- function(parms) {
    eta <- as.vector(X %*% parms[1:k] + offset)
    mu <- exp(eta)      
    theta <- exp(parms[k+1])
    logratio <- pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, log.p = TRUE) -
        pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
    rval <- colSums(((Y - mu * (Y + theta)/(mu + theta)) -
      exp(logratio + log(theta) - log(mu + theta) + eta)) * weights * X)
    rval2 <- sum((digamma(Y + theta) - digamma(theta) +    
      log(theta) - log(mu + theta) + 1 - (Y + theta)/(mu + theta) +
      exp(logratio) * (log(theta) - log(mu + theta) + 1 - theta/(mu + theta))) * weights) * theta
    c(rval, rval2)
  gradNBFixed <- function(parms) {
    eta <- as.vector(X %*% parms + offset)
    mu <- exp(eta)      
    logratio <- pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, log.p = TRUE) -
        pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
    colSums(((Y - mu * (Y + theta)/(mu + theta)) -
      exp(logratio + log(theta) - log(mu + theta) + eta)) * weights * X)

  ## dist/theta processing
  if(!missing(theta)) {
    if(!missing(dist)) warning("supply either 'theta' or 'dist' but not both, 'dist' is ignored")
    if(!is.null(theta) && theta <= 0) stop("theta has to be > 0")
    dist <- if(is.null(theta)) {
    } else if(!is.finite(theta)) {
    } else if(isTRUE(all.equal(theta, 1))) {
    } else {
  } else {
    dist <- match.arg(dist)
    theta <- switch(dist,
      "poisson" = Inf,
      "geometric" = 1,
      "negbin" = NULL)

  ## collect likelihood components
  llfun <- switch(dist,
                  "poisson" = llPoisson,
	          "geometric" = llGeom,
	          "negbin" = llNegBin,
		  "negbin-fixed" = llNBFixed)
  grad <- switch(dist,
                 "poisson" = gradPoisson,
		 "geometric" = gradGeom,
		 "negbin" = gradNegBin,
		 "negbin-fixed" = gradNBFixed)

  ## call and formula
  cl <- match.call()
  if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights", "offset"), names(mf), 0)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  ## call model.frame()
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  ## extract terms, model matrices, response
  mt <- terms(formula, data = data)
  X <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
  Y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")

  ## sanity checks
  if(length(Y) < 1) stop("empty model")
  if(any(Y < 0)) stop("invalid dependent variable, negative counts")
  if(any(Y == 0)) stop("invalid dependent variable, no zeros allowed")  
  if(!isTRUE(all.equal(as.vector(Y), as.integer(round(Y + 0.001)))))
    stop("invalid dependent variable, non-integer values")
  Y <- as.integer(round(Y + 0.001))
  ## convenience variables
  n <- length(Y)
  k <- NCOL(X)

  ## weights and offset
  weights <- model.weights(mf)
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- 1
  if(length(weights) == 1) weights <- rep(weights, n)
  weights <- as.vector(weights)
  names(weights) <- rownames(mf)
  offset <- model.offset(mf)
  if(is.null(offset)) offset <- 0
  if(length(offset) == 1) offset <- rep(offset, n)
  offset <- as.vector(offset)

  ## starting values
  start <- control$start
  start_theta <- NULL
  if(!is.null(start)) {
    if(dist != "negbin") {
      start_theta <- NULL
      if(length(start) != k) {
        warning("invalid starting values, model coefficients not correctly specified")
        start <- NULL
    } else {
      if(length(start) == k + 1) {
        start_theta <- start[k+1]
        start <- start[1:k]
      } else if(length(start) == k) {
        start_theta <- NULL
      } else {
   	warning("invalid starting values, model coefficients not correctly specified")
   	start <- start_theta <- NULL  
  ## default starting values
  if(is.null(start)) start <- glm.fit(X, Y, family = poisson(), weights = weights, offset = offset)$coefficients
  if(is.null(start_theta)) start_theta <- 1
  if(dist == "negbin") start <- c(start, log(start_theta))

  ## model fitting
  ## control parameters
  method <- control$method
  hessian <- control$hessian
  ocontrol <- control
  control$method <- control$hessian <- control$start <- NULL

  ## ML estimation
  fit <- optim(fn = llfun, gr = grad, par = start,
    method = method, hessian = hessian, control = control)

  ## coefficients
  cf <- fit$par[1:k]
  if(dist == "negbin") theta <- as.vector(exp(fit$par[k + 1]))
  names(cf) <- colnames(X)

  ## covariances
  vc <- if(hessian) {
      error = function(e) {
        warning(e$message, call = FALSE)
        matrix(NA_real_, nrow = k + (dist == "negbin"), ncol = k + (dist == "negbin"))
  } else {
    matrix(NA_real_, nrow = k + (dist == "negbin"), ncol = k + (dist == "negbin"))
  if(dist == "negbin") {
    SE.logtheta <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(vc)[k + 1]))
    vc <- vc[-(k+1), -(k+1), drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    SE.logtheta <- NULL
  colnames(vc) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(X)

  ## fitted and residuals
  mu <- exp(X %*% cf + offset)[,1]
  p0 <- if(dist == "poisson") ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
    else pnbinom(0, size = theta, mu = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
  Yhat <- exp(log(mu) - p0)
  res <- sqrt(weights) * (Y - Yhat)

  ## effective observations
  nobs <- sum(weights > 0) ## = n - sum(weights == 0)

  rval <- list(coefficients = cf,
    residuals = res,
    fitted.values = Yhat,
    optim = fit,
    method = method,
    control = control,
    start = start,
    weights = if(identical(as.vector(weights), rep(1, n))) NULL else weights,
    offset = if(identical(offset, rep(0, n))) NULL else offset,
    n = nobs,
    df.null = nobs - 1 - (dist == "negbin"),
    df.residual = nobs - k - (dist == "negbin"),
    terms = mt,
    theta = theta,
    SE.logtheta = SE.logtheta,
    loglik = fit$value,
    vcov = vc,
    dist = dist,
    converged = fit$convergence < 1,
    call = cl,
    formula = formula,
    levels = .getXlevels(mt, mf),
    contrasts = attr(X, "contrasts")
  if(model) rval$model <- mf
  if(y) rval$y <- Y
  if(x) rval$x <- X
  class(rval) <- "zerotrunc"

zerotrunc.control <- function(method = "BFGS", maxit = 10000, start = NULL, ...) {
  rval <- list(method = method, maxit = maxit, start = start)
  rval <- c(rval, list(...))
  if(!is.null(rval$fnscale)) warning("fnscale must not be modified")
  rval$fnscale <- -1
  if(!is.null(rval$hessian)) warning("hessian must not be modified")
  rval$hessian <- TRUE
  if(is.null(rval$reltol)) rval$reltol <- .Machine$double.eps^(1/1.6)

coef.zerotrunc <- function(object, ...) {

vcov.zerotrunc <- function(object, ...) {

logLik.zerotrunc <- function(object, ...) {
  structure(object$loglik, df = object$n - object$df.residual, nobs = object$n, class = "logLik")

nobs.zerotrunc <- function(object, ...) object$n

print.zerotrunc <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  if(x$dist == "negbin-fixed") {
    dist <- "negbin"
    fixed <- TRUE
  } else {
    dist <- x$dist
    fixed <- FALSE

  cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)), "", sep = "\n")
  if(!x$converged) {
    cat("model did not converge\n")
  } else {
    cat(paste("Coefficients (truncated ", dist, " with log link):\n", sep = ""))
    print.default(format(x$coefficients, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
    if(dist == "negbin") cat(paste(ifelse(fixed, "Theta (fixed) =", "Theta ="),
      round(x$theta, digits), "\n\n"))

summary.zerotrunc <- function(object,...)
  ## deviance residuals
  object$residuals <- residuals(object, type = "deviance")

  ## compute z statistics
  cf <- object$coefficients
  se <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov))
  k <- length(cf)
  if(object$dist == "negbin") {
    cf <- c(cf, "Log(theta)" = as.vector(log(object$theta)))
    se <- c(se, object$SE.logtheta)
  zstat <- cf/se
  pval <- 2*pnorm(-abs(zstat))
  cf <- cbind(cf, se, zstat, pval)
  colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  object$coefficients <- cf

  ## number of iterations
  object$iterations <- tail(na.omit(object$optim$count), 1)
  ## delete some slots
  object$fitted.values <- object$terms <- object$model <- object$y <-
    object$x <- object$levels <- object$contrasts <- object$start <- NULL

  ## return
  class(object) <- "summary.zerotrunc"

print.summary.zerotrunc <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = floor(getOption("width") * 0.85)), "", sep = "\n")
  if(!x$converged) {
    cat("model did not converge\n")
  } else {

    if(x$dist == "negbin-fixed") {
      dist <- "negbin"
      fixed <- TRUE
    } else {
      dist <- x$dist
      fixed <- FALSE

    cat("Deviance residuals:\n")
      names = c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")), digits = digits, ...)  

    cat(paste("\nCoefficients (truncated ", dist, " with log link):\n", sep = ""))
    printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, ...)
    if(dist == "negbin") cat(paste(ifelse(fixed, "\nTheta (fixed) =", "\nTheta ="),
      round(x$theta, digits)))
    cat(paste("\nNumber of iterations in", x$method, "optimization:", x$iterations, "\n"))
    cat("Log-likelihood:", formatC(x$loglik, digits = digits), "on", x$n - x$df.residual, "Df\n")

terms.zerotrunc <- function(x, ...) {

model.frame.zerotrunc <- function(formula, ...) {
  if(!is.null(formula$model)) return(formula$model)

model.matrix.zerotrunc <- function(object, ...) {
  rval <- if(!is.null(object$x)) object$x
    else model.matrix(object$terms, model.frame(object), contrasts = object$contrasts)

predict.zerotrunc <- function(object, newdata, type = c("response", "prob", "count", "zero"),
  na.action = na.pass, ...)
    type <- match.arg(type)

    ## if no new data supplied
    if(missing(newdata)) {
      if(type != "response") {
        if(!is.null(object$x)) {
	  X <- object$x
	} else if(!is.null(object$model)) {
          X <- model.matrix(object$terms, object$model, contrasts = object$contrasts)
	} else {
	  stop("predicted probabilities cannot be computed with missing newdata")
	offset <- if(is.null(object$offset)) rep(0, NROW(X)) else object$offset
      } else {
    } else {
      mf <- model.frame(delete.response(object$terms), newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels)
      X <- model.matrix(delete.response(object$terms), mf, contrasts = object$contrasts)
      offset <- if(!is.null(off.num <- attr(object$terms, "offset"))) 
          eval(attr(object$terms, "variables")[[off.num + 1]], newdata)
        else if(!is.null(object$offset)) eval(object$call$offset, newdata)
      if(is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0, NROW(X))

    mu <- exp(X %*% object$coefficients + offset)[,1]
    p0 <- if(object$dist == "poisson") ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
      else pnbinom(0, size = object$theta, mu = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
    if(type == "response") rval <- exp(log(mu) - p0)
    if(type == "count") rval <- mu
    if(type == "zero") rval <- exp(p0)

    ## predicted probabilities
    if(type == "prob") {
      y <- if(!is.null(object$y)) object$y else model.response(model.frame(object))
      yUnique <- 1:max(y)
      nUnique <- length(yUnique)
      rval <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(mu), ncol = nUnique)
      dimnames(rval) <- list(rownames(X), yUnique)
      if(object$dist == "poisson") {
        for(i in 1:nUnique) rval[,i] <- exp(dpois(yUnique[i], lambda = mu, log = TRUE) - p0)
      } else {
        for(i in 1:nUnique) rval[,i] <- exp(dnbinom(yUnique[i], mu = mu, size = object$theta, log = TRUE) - p0)

fitted.zerotrunc <- function(object, ...) {

residuals.zerotrunc <- function(object, type = c("deviance", "pearson", "response"), ...) {

  type <- match.arg(type)
  res <- object$residuals
  wts <- object$weights
  if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
  "response" = {
  "pearson" = {
    mu <- predict(object, type = "count")
    p0 <- mu/object$fitted.values
    theta1 <- 1/object$theta
    vv <- (mu + (1 + 1/object$theta - 1/p0) * mu^2) / p0
  "deviance" = {
    yhat <- object$fitted.values
    y <- yhat + object$residuals/sqrt(wts)
    mu <- predict(object, type = "count")
    theta <- object$theta
    if(object$dist == "poisson") {
      mu2y <- function(mu) mu / ifelse(mu > 0, ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE), 1)
      y2mu <- function(y) {
        yunique <- sort(unique(y))
	munique <- sapply(yunique,
	  function(z) uniroot(function(mu) z - mu2y(mu), interval = c(0, z))$root)
	munique[factor(y, levels = yunique)]
      ll <- function(mu) {
  	dpois(y, lambda = mu, log = TRUE) -
        ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
    } else {
      mu2y <- function(mu) mu / ifelse(mu > 0, pnbinom(0, size = theta, mu = mu, lower.tail = FALSE), 1)
      y2mu <- function(y) {
        yunique <- sort(unique(y))
	munique <- sapply(yunique,
	  function(z) uniroot(function(mu) z - mu2y(mu), interval = c(0, z))$root)
	munique[factor(y, levels = yunique)]
      ll <- function(mu) {
        dnbinom(y, size = theta, mu = mu, log = TRUE) - 
  	pnbinom(0, size = theta, mu = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
    return(sqrt(wts) * sign(y - yhat) * sqrt(2 * abs(ll(y2mu(y)) - ll(mu))))

predprob.zerotrunc <- function(obj, ...){
    predict(obj, type = "prob", ...)

extractAIC.zerotrunc <- function(fit, scale = NULL, k = 2, ...) {
  c(attr(logLik(fit), "df"), AIC(fit, k = k))

estfun.zerotrunc <- function(x, ...) {
  ## extract data
  Y <- if(is.null(x$y)) model.response(model.frame(x)) else x$y
  X <- model.matrix(x)
  beta <- coef(x)
  theta <- x$theta
  offset <- if(is.null(x$offset)) 0 else x$offset
  wts <- weights(x)
  if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1

  ## count component: working residuals
  eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta + offset)
  mu <- exp(eta)

  wres <- as.numeric(Y > 0) * switch(x$dist,
    "poisson" = {
      (Y - mu) - exp(ppois(0, lambda = mu, log.p = TRUE) -
        ppois(0, lambda = mu, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) + eta)    
    "geometric" = {
      (Y - mu * (Y + 1)/(mu + 1)) - exp(pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = 1, log.p = TRUE) -
        pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) - log(mu + 1) + eta)
    "negbin" = {
      (Y - mu * (Y + theta)/(mu + theta)) - exp(pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, log.p = TRUE) -
        pnbinom(0, mu = mu, size = theta, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) +
	log(theta) - log(mu + theta) + eta)

  ## compute gradient from data
  rval <- cbind(wres * wts * X)
  colnames(rval) <- names(beta)
  rownames(rval) <- rownames(X)

getSummary.zerotrunc <- function(obj, alpha = 0.05, ...) {
  ## extract summary object
  s <- summary(obj)
  ## coefficient matrix and confidence interval
  ## compute confidence interval manually to include Log(theta)
  cf <- cbind(s$coefficients,
    s$coefficients[, 1] + qnorm(alpha/2) * s$coefficients[, 2],
    s$coefficients[, 1] + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * s$coefficients[, 2])
  colnames(cf) <- c("est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr")

  ## further summary statistics
  sstat <- c(
    "theta" = s$theta,
    "N" = nobs(obj),
    "logLik" = as.vector(logLik(obj)),
    "AIC" = AIC(obj),
    "BIC" = BIC(obj))

  ## return everything
    coef = cf,
    sumstat = sstat,
    contrasts = obj$contrasts,
    xlevels = obj$levels,
    call = obj$call

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