
Defines functions .checkBased .checkLinGmm .checkRestLGmm .checkNLinGmm .checkformGmm .checkfGmm .checkGmmWeights .checkSysGmmWeights .checkGelModels

#############  Validity Methods  ##################
#### All validity Methods for all objects are here

.checkBased <- function(object, n)
    error <- character()
    vcov <- c("HAC","MDS","iid","CL")
    chk <- try(.getVcovOptions(object@vcov, NULL, object@vcovOptions), silent=TRUE)
    chk2 <- try(.getSurvOptions(NULL, object@survOptions), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(chk, "try-error"))
        msg <- "Invalid vcovOptions"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    } else {
        if (!isTRUE(all.equal(chk, object@vcovOptions)))
            msg <- "Invalid vcovOptions"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if (inherits(chk2, "try-error"))
        msg <- "Invalid survOptions"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    } else {
        if (!isTRUE(all.equal(chk2, object@survOptions)))
            msg <- "Invalid vcovOptions"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if ( !(object@vcov%in%vcov))
        vcov <- paste(vcov, collapse=", ")
        msg <- paste("vcov must be one of ",
                     vcov, sep="")
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (object@vcov == "CL")
        if (!is.data.frame(object@vcovOptions$cluster))
            msg <- "cluster must be a data.frame"
            error <- c(error, msg)
        } else {
            if (nrow(object@vcovOptions$cluster) != n)
                msg <- "Wrong number of observations in cluster"
                error <- c(error, msg)
    if (length(object@survOptions)>0)
        if (!inherits(object@survOptions$weights, c("integer","numeric")))
            msg <- "weights must be a numeric or integer vector"
            error <- c(error, msg)
        } else {
            if (length(object@survOptions$weights) != n)
                msg <- "Wrong number of observations in weights"
                error <- c(error, msg)

.checkLinGmm <- function(object)
    ny <- NCOL(object@modelF[[1L]])
    nM <- nrow(object@modelF)
    nI <- nrow(object@instF)
    k <- ncol(model.matrix(object))
    q <- ncol(model.matrix(object, "instrument"))
    error <- .checkBased(object, nM)
    if (k != object@k)
        msg <- "k does not correspond to the number of regressor in modelF"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (q != object@q)
        msg <- "q does not correspond to the number of instruments in intF"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (ny > 1)
        msg <- "This class only accepts one response variable"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (!all(object@n == c(nM, nI)))
        msg <- "n must be equal to the number of observations in modelF and instF"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (q<k | nM<q)
        msg <- "The model is under-identified"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (is.null(attr(object@modelF, "terms")))
        msg("modelF does not have a terms attribute")
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (is.null(attr(object@instF, "terms")))
        msg("instF does not have a terms attribute")
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (q != length(object@momNames))
        msg <- "the length of momNames is not equal to q"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    if (k != length(object@parNames))
        msg <- "the length of parNames is not equal to k"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    if (length(error)>0)

setValidity("linearGmm", .checkLinGmm)

.checkRestLGmm <- function(object)
    error <- character()
    R <- object@cstLHS
    rhs <- object@cstRHS
    spec <- object@cstSpec
    if (!all(names(spec) %in% c("theta","minY","newParNames","parNames",
                                "originParNames","k", "isEndo")))
        msg <- "cstSpec have missing arguments"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (dim(R)[1] != length(rhs))
        msg <- "Number of rows of cstLHS must equal the length of cstRHS"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (dim(R)[2] != length(spec$originParNames))
        msg <- paste("Number of columns of cstLHS must ",
                     "equal the number of coefficients ",
                     "in the unconstrained model", sep="")
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (dim(R)[1] > length(spec$originParNames))
        msg <- "Too many constraints"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (qr(R)$rank != dim(R)[1])
        msg <- "The Hypothesis matrix if not full rank"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (length(error)==0)

setValidity("rlinearGmm", .checkRestLGmm)

.checkNLinGmm <- function(object)
    nM <- nrow(object@modelF)
    nI <- nrow(object@instF)
    k <-  length(object@theta0)
    error <- .checkBased(object, nM)
    if (k != object@k)
        msg <- "k does not correspond to the number of resgressor in modelF"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (!all(object@n == c(nM, nI)))
        msg <- paste("n must be equal to the number of observations ",
                     "in modelF and instF",sep="")
        error <- c(error, msg)
    mom <- try(evalMoment(object, object@theta0))        
    if (inherits(mom, "try-error"))
        msg <- paste("Cannot evaluate the moments at theta0\n",
        error <- c(error, msg)
    } else {
        q <-  ncol(mom)
        if (q != object@q)
            msg <- paste("q does not correspond to the number of ",
                         "instruments in intF",sep="")
            error <- c(error, msg)
        if (q<k | object@n<q)
            msg <- "The model is under-identified"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if (is.null(attr(object@instF, "terms")))
        msg("instF does not have a terms attribute")
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (q != length(object@momNames))
        msg <- "the length of momNames is not equal to q"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    if (k != length(object@parNames))
        msg <- "the length of parNames is not equal to k"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    allVar <- c(all.vars(object@fRHS), all.vars(object@fLHS))
    if (!all(object@parNames %in% allVar))
        msg <- "For nl Gmm all parameters (names) must be in the formula g"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    if (length(error)==0)

setValidity("nonlinearGmm", .checkNLinGmm)

.checkformGmm <- function(object)
    n <- nrow(object@modelF)
    error <- .checkBased(object, n)        
    k <-  length(object@theta0)
    if (k != object@k)
        msg <- "k does not correspond to the number of regressor in modelF"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    varList <- c(as.list(object@theta0), as.list(object@modelF))
    rhs <- sapply(object@fRHS, function(l)
        inherits(try(eval(l, varList), silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
    lhs <- sapply(object@fLHS, function(l)
        inherits(try(eval(l, varList), silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
    ql <- length(lhs)
    qr <- length(rhs)
    if (any(rhs))
        msg <- paste("Some RHS's cannot be evaluated at theta0")
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (any(lhs))
        msg <- paste("Some LHS's cannot be evaluated at theta0")
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (any(c(ql,qr) != length(object@momNames)))
        msg <- "the length fRHS or fLHS does not match the length of momNames"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    if (k != length(object@parNames))
        msg <- "the length of parNames is not equal to k"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    if (length(error)==0)

setValidity("formulaGmm", .checkformGmm)

.checkfGmm <- function(object)
    mom <- try(object@fct(object@theta0, object@X))
    k <-  length(object@theta0)
    error <- character()
    if (inherits(mom, "try-error"))
        msg <- paste("Cannot evaluate the moments at theta0\n",
        error <- c(error, msg)
    } else {
        q <-  ncol(mom)
        n <- nrow(mom)
        error <- c(error, .checkBased(object, n))
        if (q != object@q)
            msg <- paste("q does not correspond to the number of ",
                         "instruments in intF",sep="")
            error <- c(error, msg)
        if (q<k | n<q)
            msg <- "The model is under-identified"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if (k != object@k)
        msg <- "k does not correspond to the number of resgressor in modelF"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (!is.null(object@dfct))
        dmom <- try(object@dfct(object@theta0, object@X))
        if (inherits(dmom, "try-error"))
            msg <- paste("Cannot evaluate the provided derivatives of",
                         "moments at theta0\n",
            error <- c(error, msg)
        } else {
            if (ncol(dmom) != object@k | nrow(dmom) != object@q)
                msg <- paste("The dimention of the gradian of the ",
                             "moments is not qxk",sep="")
                error <- c(error, msg)
    if (q != length(object@momNames))
        msg <- "the length of momNames is not equal to q"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    if (k != length(object@parNames))
        msg <- "the length of parNames is not equal to k"
        error <- c(error, msg)                
    if (length(error)==0)

setValidity("functionGmm", .checkfGmm)

.checkGmmWeights <- function(object)
    error <- character()
    if (is.character(object@w))
        if (object@w != "ident")
            msg <- "Only 'ident' is allowed when w is a character type"
            error <- c(error, msg)
        } else {
            if (object@type != "weights")
                msg <- "type must be 'weights' when w='ident'"
                error <- c(error, msg)                                
    } else {
        if (object@type == "qr")
            if (!inherits(object@w, "qr"))
                msg <- paste("w must be a 'qr' type object when ",
                             "type is a 'qr'",sep="")
                error <- c(error, msg)                                
        } else if (object@type == "weights" | object@type == "vcov") {
            if (!is.matrix(object@w) |
                dim(object@w)[1L] != dim(object@w)[2L])
                msg <- paste("With type='weights' or 'vcov', w must ",
                             "be a square matrix",sep="")
                error <- c(error, msg)                                
        } else if (object@type == "chol") {
            if (!all(object@w[lower.tri(object@w)] == 0))
                msg <- "Cholesky matrix must be upper triangular"
                error <- c(error, msg)                                

            } else {
                if (!(all(diag(object@w)>0)))
                    msg <- paste("Cholesky matrix must be ",
                                 "positive definite",sep="")
                    error <- c(error, msg)
        } else {
            msg <- "type must be one of 'weights', 'vcov', 'qr', or 'chol'"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if (length(object@wSpec)>0)
        if (!all(names(object@wSpec) %in% c("bw", "kernel","weights")))
            msg <- "wSpec must contain 'bw', 'kernel', and 'weights'"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if (length(error)==0)

setValidity("gmmWeights", .checkGmmWeights)

.checkSysGmmWeights <- function(object)
    error <- character()
    if (is.character(object@w))
        if (object@w != "ident")
            msg <- "Only 'ident' is allowed when w is a character type"
            error <- c(error, msg)
        } else {
            if (object@type != "weights")
                msg <- "type must be 'weights' when w='ident'"
                error <- c(error, msg)                                
    } else {
        q <- sapply(object@momNames, length)
        nEqn <- length(object@eqnNames)
        if (object@type == "iid")
            if (object@sameMom)
                if (!inherits(object@w, "qr"))
                    msg <- "w must be a 'qr' type object when type is 'iid'"
                    error <- c(error, msg)                                
                } else {
                    if (ncol(object@w$qr) != q[1])
                        msg <- "With the same instruments, w must be the qr decomposition of only one of the equations"
                        error <- c(error, msg)                                
            } else {
                if (!is.matrix(object@w))
                    msg <- "w must be a matrix for iid and different instrument"
                    error <- c(error, msg)                               
                } else {
                    if (!all(dim(object@w) == sum(q)))
                        msg <- "w must be with nrow = total number of instruments"
                        error <- c(error, msg)                                
            if (is.null(object@Sigma))
                msg <- "With iid vcov, Sigma must be provided"
                error <- c(error, msg)
            } else {
                if (!is.matrix(object@Sigma))
                    msg <- "Sigma must be a matrix (assumed chol)"
                    error <- c(error, msg)
                } else {
                    if (!all(dim(object@Sigma) == nEqn))
                        msg <- "Sigma must be a square matrix with nrow = num. of Equ."
                        error <- c(error, msg)
        } else if (object@type == "weights" | object@type == "vcov") {
            if (!is.matrix(object@w))
                msg <- "With type='weights' or 'vcov', w must be a matrix"
                error <- c(error, msg)                                
            } else {
                if (!all(dim(object@w)==sum(q)))
                    msg <- "w has wrong dimension"
                    error <- c(error, msg)
        } else if (object@type == "MDS") {
            if (!inherits(object@w,"qr"))
                msg <- "w must be a 'qr' type object when type is 'MDS'"
                error <- c(error, msg)                                
            if (ncol(object@w$qr) != sum(q))
                msg <- "The qr dimension does not correspond to the number of instruments"
                error <- c(error, msg)                                
        } else {
            msg <- "type must be one of 'weights', 'vcov', 'iid', or 'vcov'"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if (length(object@wSpec)>0)
        if (!all(names(object@wSpec) %in% c("bw", "kernel","weights")))
            msg <- "wSpec must contain 'bw', 'kernel', and 'weights'"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if (length(error)==0)

setValidity("sysGmmWeights", .checkSysGmmWeights)

.checkGelModels <- function(object)
    error <- character()
    if (!all(names(object@wSpec)%in%c("k","w","bw","kernel")))
        msg <- "wSpec must be a list with k, w, bw, and kernel"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    } else {
        s <- object@wSpec
        if (!is.numeric(s$bw))
            msg <- "bw must be numeric"
            error <- c(error, msg)
        if (!inherits(s$w, "tskernel"))
            msg <- "w must be an object of class 'tskernel'"
            error <- c(error, msg)
        if (!is.character(s$kernel))
            msg <- "kernel must be a character"
            error <- c(error, msg)
    if (!all(names(object@gelType)%in%c("name","fct")))
        msg <- "gelType must be a list with name and fct"
        error <- c(error, msg)
    } else {
        gtype <- object@gelType
        if (!is.character(gtype$name))
            error <- c(error, "name in gelType must ba a character")
        } else {
            if (is.null(gtype$fct))
                if (!(gtype$name %in% c("EL","ET","EEL","HD","REEL",
                    msg <- "name in gelType must be ET, ETEL, EL, ETHD, HD, EEL or REEL"
                    error <- c(error, msg)
            } else {
                if (!is.function(gtype$fct))
                    msg <- "fct in getType must be a function"
                    error <- c(error, msg)
                } else {
                    n <- names(formals(gtype$fct))
                    tn <- c("gmat", "lambda", "derive", "k")
                    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(n, tn)))
                        msg <- "rhoFct must have the four arguments gmat, lambda, derive and k"
                        error <- c(error, msg)
    if (length(error)==0)

setValidity("gelModels", .checkGelModels)

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