
### distributions.R:  distribution and parameter estimation functions for the lcmix package


## The categorical distribution.

# density function
dcategorical <- function(x, prob, log=FALSE)
	if(log) log(prob)[x] else prob[x]

# random generation function
rcategorical <- function(n, prob)
	sample.int(length(prob), n, TRUE, prob)

## The univariate Pearson Type VII distribution (alpha, 1) parameterization

# probability density function
dpvii <- function(x, mean, scale, shape, log=FALSE)
	shape.prime = shape + 0.5
	Delta = (x - mean)^2
	delta = Delta / scale
	scale.prime = 1 + 0.5*delta
	retn = (- 0.5*LC_LOG2PI - 0.5*log(scale) - lgamma(shape)
	        + lgamma(shape.prime) - shape.prime*log(scale.prime) )
	if(log) retn else exp(retn)

# random generation function
rpvii <- function(n, mean, scale, shape)
	rnorm(n, mean, sqrt(scale / rgamma(n, shape, 1)))

## The Weibull, shape-decay parameterization ("WeiSD") distribution.
## If X ~ WeiSD(shape, decay) then:
## f(x) = shape * decay * x^(shape-1) * exp(-decay * x^shape)
## F(x) = 1 - exp(-decay * x^shape)
## S(x) = exp(-decay * x^shape)
## H(x) = decay * x^shape
## h(x) = decay * shape * x^(shape-1)
## This implies that the "shape" parameters for WSR and the standard R 
## parameterization of the Weibull distribution are the same, while
## using the "scale" parameter in the standard R parameterization we
## have decay = scale^(-shape), or equivalently, scale = decay^(-1/shape).

# probability density function
dweisd <- function(x, shape, decay, log=FALSE)
	dweibull(x, shape=shape, scale=decay^(-1/shape), log=log)

# cumulative density function
pweisd <- function(q, shape, decay, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
	pweibull(q, shape=shape, scale=decay^(-1/shape),
			 lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

# quantile function
qweisd <- function(p, shape, decay, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
	qweibull(p, shape=shape, scale=decay^(-1/shape),
			 lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

# random generation function
rweisd <- function(n, shape, decay)
	rweibull(n, shape=shape, scale=decay^(-1/shape))

# expected value
eweisd <- function(shape, decay) decay^(-1/shape) * gamma(1 + 1/shape)

# variance
vweisd <- function(shape, decay)
	decay^(-2/shape) * gamma(1 + 2/shape) - eweisd(shape, decay)^2

# median
medweisd <- function(shape, decay) decay^(-1/shape) * log(2)^(1/shape)

# for X ~ WeiSD(shape, decay), return the rth raw moment of x, i.e. E(X^r)
rmomweisd <- function(r, shape, decay) decay^(-r/shape) * gamma(1 + r/shape)


## Multivariate exponential distribution using normal copula

# density function
dmvexp <- function(x, rate, corr=diag(ncol(x)), log=FALSE)
	# munge data PRN
		x = as.matrix(x)
	else if(is.vector(x))
		x = matrix(x, nrow=1)
	## gather statistics

	D = ncol(x)
	cdf = sapply(1:D, function(d) pexp(x[,d], rate[d]))
	normcdf = qnorm(cdf)
	normcdf = forceRange(normcdf, LC_MINSTDNORM, LC_MAXSTDNORM)
		# deal with outliers so small (large) that their effective CDF is 0 (1); this represents a robustification approach
	## calculate copula contribution to log-PDF
	res.copula.add = dmvnorm(normcdf, cov=corr, log=TRUE)
	res.copula.sub = rowSums(dnorm(normcdf, log=TRUE))
	res.copula = res.copula.add - res.copula.sub
	## calculate marginal contribution to log-PDF
	res.data = rowSums(sapply(1:D, function(d)
		dexp(x[,d], rate[d], log=TRUE)))
	## final calculations and return
	retn = res.copula + res.data
	if(log) retn else exp(retn)

# random generation function
rmvexp <- function(n, rate=1, corr=diag(length(rate)))
	## extract parameters, do sanity checks, deal with univariate case
	if(!is.matrix(corr) || !isSymmetric(corr))
		stop("'corr' must be a symmetric matrix")
	D = ncol(corr)
	Dr = length(rate)
	if(Dr > D)
		warning("'rate' longer than width of 'corr', truncating to fit")
	if(Dr != D)
		rate = rep(rate, length.out=D)
	if(D == 1) rexp(n, rate)
	## generate standard multivariate normal matrix, convert to CDF
	Z = rmvnorm(n, cov=corr)
	cdf = pnorm(Z)
	## convert to exp, return
	sapply(1:D, function(d) qexp(cdf[,d], rate[d]))

## Multivariate gamma distribution using normal copula (TO DO:  figure out an elegant way to allow for scale parameter; it may be as simple as throwing the "scale=1/rate" default into the function calls and then handing scale off to the dgamma() and pgamma() functions along with shape and rate ...)

# density function
dmvgamma <- function(x, shape, rate, corr=diag(ncol(x)), log=FALSE)
	# munge data PRN
		x = as.matrix(x)
	else if(is.vector(x))
		x = matrix(x, nrow=1)
	## gather statistics

	D = ncol(x)
	cdf = sapply(1:D, function(d) pgamma(x[,d], shape[d], rate[d]))
	normcdf = qnorm(cdf)
	normcdf = forceRange(normcdf, LC_MINSTDNORM, LC_MAXSTDNORM)
		# deal with outliers so small (large) that their effective CDF is 0 (1); this represents a robustification approach
	## calculate copula contribution to log-PDF
	res.copula.add = dmvnorm(normcdf, cov=corr, log=TRUE)
	res.copula.sub = rowSums(dnorm(normcdf, log=TRUE))
	res.copula = res.copula.add - res.copula.sub
	## calculate marginal contribution to log-PDF
	res.data = rowSums(sapply(1:D, function(d)
		dgamma(x[,d], shape[d], rate[d], log=TRUE)))
	## final calculations and return
	retn = res.copula + res.data
	if(log) retn else exp(retn)

# random generation function
rmvgamma <- function(n, shape=1, rate=1, corr=diag(length(shape)))
	## extract parameters, do sanity checks, deal with univariate case
	if(!is.matrix(corr) || !isSymmetric(corr))
		stop("'corr' must be a symmetric matrix")
	D = ncol(corr)
	Ds = length(shape)
	if(Ds > D)
		warning("'shape' longer than width of 'corr', truncating to fit")
	if(Ds != D)
		shape = rep(shape, length.out=D)
	Dr = length(rate)
	if(Dr > D)
		warning("'rate' longer than width of 'corr', truncating to fit")
	if(Dr != D)
		rate = rep(rate, length.out=D)
	if(D == 1) rgamma(n, shape, rate)
	## generate standard multivariate normal matrix, convert to CDF
	Z = rmvnorm(n, cov=corr)
	cdf = pnorm(Z)
	## convert to gamma, return
	sapply(1:D, function(d) qgamma(cdf[,d], shape[d], rate[d]))

## Multivariate normal distribution

# density function
# TO DO:  can we speed this up (and still retain numerical stability) by using the more familiar LU-decomposition-based expressions such as solve() and determinant() for the terms of the log-PDF?	 Something to experiment with, once we're sure that everything else is working ...
dmvnorm <- function(x, mean=rep(0, ncol(x)), cov=diag(ncol(x)), log=FALSE)
	## preprocessing
	# munge data PRN
		x = as.matrix(x)
	else if(is.vector(x))
		x = matrix(x, nrow=1)
	# gather statistics
	N = nrow(x)
	D = ncol(x)
	# adjust data by mean
	x = t(t(x) - mean)
	## build terms of log-PDF
	qr.cov = qr(cov)
	determinant.term = sum(log(abs(diag(qr.cov$qr))))
	constant.term = D * LC_LOG2PI
	distance.term = if(N == 1)
		as.vector(x %*% qr.solve(qr.cov, t(x)))
		rowSums((x %*% qr.solve(qr.cov)) * x)
	## calculate and return (log-)density
	res = -0.5 * (determinant.term + constant.term + distance.term)
	if(log) res else exp(res)

# random generation function
rmvnorm <- function(n, mean=NULL, cov=NULL) 
	## munge parameters PRN and deal with the simplest univariate case
			mean = rep(0, nrow(cov))
	else if (is.null(cov))
		cov = diag(length(mean))
	## gather statistics, do sanity checks
	D = length(mean)
	if (D != nrow(cov) || D != ncol(cov)) 
		stop("length of mean must equal nrow and ncol of cov")
	E = eigen(cov, symmetric=TRUE)
	if (any(E$val < 0)) 
		stop("Numerically negative definite covariance matrix")
	## generate values and return
	mean.term = mean
	covariance.term = E$vec %*% (t(E$vec) * sqrt(E$val))
	independent.term = matrix(rnorm(n*D), nrow=D)
	drop(t(mean.term + (covariance.term %*% independent.term)))

## Multivariate Pearson Type VII distribution

# probability density function
dmvpvii <- function(x, mean, scale, shape, log=FALSE)
	# munge data PRN
		x = as.matrix(x)
	else if(is.vector(x))
		x = matrix(x, nrow=1)
	# gather statistics and named parameters
	D = ncol(x)
	x.prime = t(t(x) - mean)
	Sigma = scale
	delta = rowSums(x.prime %*% .fast_inv_sym(scale) * x.prime)
		# squared Mahalanobis distance
	lambda.prime = 1 + 0.5*delta
	alpha = shape
	alpha.prime = alpha + 0.5*D
	# calculate log density
	retn = ( -0.5*D*LC_LOG2PI + lgamma(alpha.prime) - lgamma(alpha)
	        - 0.5*.fast_labs_det(Sigma) - alpha.prime*log(lambda.prime) )
	# send it back
	if(log) retn else {
		attributes(retn) = NULL # strip "logarithm = TRUE" attribute

# random generation function
rmvpvii <- function(n, mean, scale, shape)
	t(mean + t(rmvnorm(n, cov=scale) / sqrt(rgamma(n, shape, 1))))

## Multivariate Weibull (WeiSD) distribution using normal copula

# density function (x is a N-by-D matrix, shape and decay are D-length vectors, corr is a D-by-D matrix)
dmvweisd <- function(x, shape, decay, corr=diag(ncol(x)), log=FALSE)
	## munge data PRN
		x = as.matrix(x)
	else if(is.vector(x))
		x = matrix(x, nrow=1)
	## gather statistics

	D = ncol(x)
	cdf = sapply(1:D, function(d) pweisd(x[,d], shape[d], decay[d]))
	normcdf = qnorm(cdf)
	normcdf = forceRange(normcdf, LC_MINSTDNORM, LC_MAXSTDNORM)
		# deal with outliers so small (large) that their effective CDF is 0 (1); this represents a robustification approach
	## calculate copula contribution to log-PDF
	res.copula.add = dmvnorm(normcdf, cov=corr, log=TRUE)
	res.copula.sub = rowSums(dnorm(normcdf, log=TRUE))
	res.copula = res.copula.add - res.copula.sub
	## calculate marginal contribution to log-PDF
	res.data = rowSums(sapply(1:D, function(d)
		dweisd(x[,d], shape[d], decay[d], log=TRUE)))
	## final calculations and return
	retn = res.copula + res.data
	if(log) retn else exp(retn)

# random generation function
rmvweisd <- function(n, shape=1, decay=1, corr=diag(length(shape)))
	## extract parameters, do sanity checks, deal with univariate case
	if(!is.matrix(corr) || !isSymmetric(corr))
		stop("'corr' must be a symmetric matrix")
	D = ncol(corr)
	Ds = length(shape)
	if(Ds > D)
		warning("'shape' longer than width of 'corr', truncating to fit")
	if(Ds != D)
		shape = rep(shape, length.out=D)
	Dd = length(decay)
	if(Dd > D)
		warning("'decay' longer than width of 'corr', truncating to fit")
	if(Dd != D)
		decay = rep(decay, length.out=D)
	if(D == 1) rweisd(n, shape, decay)
	## generate standard multivariate normal matrix, convert to CDF
	Z = rmvnorm(n, cov=corr)
	cdf = pnorm(Z)
	## convert to Weibull (WeiSD), return
	sapply(1:D, function(d) qweisd(cdf[,d], shape[d], decay[d]))


## exponential distribution

thetahat.exp <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE)
	## sanity check and gather statistics
	mx = min(x)
	if(mx < 0)
		stop("data must be non-negative")
	if(mx < LC_EPS)
		x = forceRange(x, LC_EPS) # prevent instability
	N = length(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	## MLE
	rate = sum(w) / sum(w * x)
	## package it up, send it back

thetahat.mvexp <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE)
	## munge data PRN, gather statistics, do sanity checks
	if(!is.matrix(x)) x = as.matrix(x)
	N = nrow(x)
	D = ncol(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	## marginal parameter estimation
	res = sapply(1:D, function(d) thetahat.exp(x[,d], w, FALSE))
	names(res) = colnames(x)
	retn = list(rate=res)

	## copula parameter estimation
	cdf = sapply(1:D, function(d) pexp(x[,d], retn$rate[d]))
	normcdf = qnorm(cdf)
	normcdf = forceRange(normcdf, LC_MINSTDNORM, LC_MAXSTDNORM)
		# deal with outliers so small (large) that their effective CDF is 0 (1); this represents a robustification approach
	retn$corr = .rhohat(normcdf, w)
	## package it up, send it back

## gamma distribution

thetahat.gamma <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE, shape.guess=NULL)
	## sanity check and gather statistics
	mx = min(x)
	if(mx < 0)
		stop("data must be non-negative")
	if(mx < LC_EPS)
		x = forceRange(x, LC_EPS) # prevent instability
	N = length(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	sw = sum(w)
	lx = log(x)
	## take advantage of existing multivariate normal estimators to do initial method-of-moments parameter estimation
	if(is.null(shape.guess)) {
		xmoments = thetahat.norm(x, w)
		shape.guess = xmoments$mean^2 / xmoments$var
	## profile likelihood parameter estimation
	toptim <- function(shape)
		rate = shape*sw / sum(w*x)
		term1 = shape * log(rate) * sw
		term2 = lgamma(shape) * sw
		term3 = (shape-1) * sum(w * lx)
		term4 = shape * sw # = rate * sum(w*x)
		-(term1 - term2 + term3 - term4)
	shape = nlminb(shape.guess, toptim, lower=LC_EPS)$par
	rate = shape*sw / sum(w*x)
	scale = 1/rate
	## package it up, send it back
		list(shape=shape, rate=rate, scale=scale)
		c(shape=shape, rate=rate, scale=scale)

thetahat.mvgamma <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE, shape.guess=NULL)
	## munge data PRN, gather statistics, do sanity checks
	if(!is.matrix(x)) x = as.matrix(x)
	N = nrow(x)
	D = ncol(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	## marginal parameter estimation
	res = sapply(1:D, function(d)
		thetahat.gamma(x[,d], w, FALSE, shape.guess[[d]]))
	colnames(res) = colnames(x)
	retn = list(shape=res["shape",], rate=res["rate",])

	## copula parameter estimation
	cdf = sapply(1:D, function(d) pgamma(x[,d], retn$shape[d], retn$rate[d]))
	normcdf = qnorm(cdf)
	normcdf = forceRange(normcdf, LC_MINSTDNORM, LC_MAXSTDNORM)
		# deal with outliers so small (large) that their effective CDF is 0 (1); this represents a robustification approach
	colnames(normcdf) = colnames(x)
	retn$corr = .rhohat(normcdf, w)
	## package it up, send it back

## normal distribution

thetahat.norm <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE)
	## gather statistics, do sanity checks
	N = length(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	## parameter estimation
	sw = sum(w)
	mean = sum(w * x) / sw
	var = sum(w * x^2) / sw - mean^2
	sd = sqrt(var)
	## package it up, send it back
		list(mean=mean, var=var, sd=sd)
		c(mean=mean, var=var, sd=sd)

thetahat.mvnorm <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE)
	## munge data PRN, gather statistics, do sanity checks
	if(!is.matrix(x)) x = as.matrix(x)
	N = nrow(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	## parameter estimation
	sw = sum(w)
	wX = w * x
	mean = colSums(wX) / sw
	cov = t(x) %*% (wX) / sw - tcrossprod(mean)
		# "tcrossprod(mean)" is equivalent to "mean %*% t(mean)" or "outer(mean, mean)" but should be slightly faster
	## package it up, send it back
		list(mean=mean, cov=cov)
		rbind(mean, cov)

## Pearson Type VII (PVII) distribution

# If iter.max > 0, a complete EM estimation will be carried out, otherwise only 1 step.  If not NULL, "theta" should contain current parameter estimates (elements $mean, $shape, and $rate.)
thetahat.pvii <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE, iter.max=LC_ITER_MAX, 
	## sanity check and gather statistics
	N = length(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	sw = sum(w)
	# TO DO:  you should also sanity check theta if not NULL
	## initialize PRN and do first iteration
	if(is.null(theta)) theta = .pvii_init_params(x, w)
	theta = .pvii_emstep(x, w, sw, theta)
	iter = 1
	## EM iteration PRN
	if(iter.max) {
		obj.old = (theta$obj - LC_EPS) / 2
			# dummy value to ensure iteration (subtract LC_EPS before dividing in the incredibly unlikely event that theta$obj is very very near 0)
		while(abs(theta$obj/obj.old - 1) > LC_ITER_TOL && iter < iter.max)
			obj.old = theta$obj
			iter = iter + 1
			theta = .pvii_emstep(x, w, sw, theta)
	## package it up, send it back
	theta$obj = NULL # we don't want this
	retn = if(aslist) theta else unlist(theta)
	attr(retn, "iter") = iter
thetahat.mvpvii <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE, iter.max=LC_ITER_MAX, 
	## sanity check and gather statistics
	N = nrow(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	sw = sum(w)
	# TO DO:  you should also sanity check theta if not NULL
	## initialize PRN and do first iteration
	if(is.null(theta)) theta = .mvpvii_init_params(x, w)
	tX = t(x)
	theta = .mvpvii_emstep(x, tX, w, sw, theta)
	iter = 1
	## EM iteration PRN
	if(iter.max) {
		obj.old = (theta$obj - LC_EPS) / 2
			# dummy value to ensure iteration (subtract LC_EPS before dividing in the incredibly unlikely event that theta$obj is very very near 0)
		while(abs(theta$obj/obj.old - 1) > LC_ITER_TOL && iter < iter.max)
			obj.old = theta$obj
			iter = iter + 1
			theta = .mvpvii_emstep(x, tX, w, sw, theta)
	## package it up, send it back
	theta$obj = NULL # we don't want this
	retn = if(aslist) theta else unlist(theta)
	attr(retn, "iter") = iter

## Weibull (WeiSD) distribution

thetahat.weisd <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE, shape.guess=NULL)
	## sanity check and gather statistics
	mx = min(x)
	if(mx < 0)
		stop("data must be non-negative")
	if(mx < LC_EPS)
		x = forceRange(x, LC_EPS) # prevent instability
	N = length(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	lx = log(x)
	sw = sum(w)
	swlx = sum(w * lx)
	## initial method-of-moments parameter estimation
		shape.guess = pi / sqrt(6 * thetahat.norm(lx, w)$var)
			# see Lawless (1982) pp. 18-19
	## profile likelihood parameter estimation
	toptim <- function(shape)
		-log(shape)*sw + log(sum(w * x^shape))*sw - (shape-1)*swlx
	shape = nlminb(shape.guess, toptim, lower=LC_EPS)$par
	decay = sw / sum(w * x^shape)
	## package it up, send it back
		list(shape=shape, decay=decay)
		c(shape=shape, decay=decay)

thetahat.mvweisd <- function(x, w=1, aslist=TRUE, shape.guess=NULL)
	## munge data PRN, gather statistics, do sanity checks
	if(!is.matrix(x)) x = as.matrix(x)
	N = nrow(x)
	D = ncol(x)
	Nw = length(w)
	if(Nw > N)
		warning("weights longer than data, truncating to fit")
	if(Nw != N)
		w = rep(w, length.out=N)
	## marginal parameter estimation
	res = sapply(1:D, function(d)
		thetahat.weisd(x[,d], w, FALSE, shape.guess[[d]]))
	colnames(res) = colnames(x)
	retn = list(shape=res["shape",], decay=res["decay",])

	## copula parameter estimation
	cdf = sapply(1:D, function(d) pweisd(x[,d], retn$shape[d], retn$decay[d]))
	normcdf = qnorm(cdf)
	normcdf = forceRange(normcdf, LC_MINSTDNORM, LC_MAXSTDNORM)
		# deal with outliers so small (large) that their effective CDF is 0 (1); this represents a robustification approach
	colnames(normcdf) = colnames(x)
	retn$corr = .rhohat(normcdf, w)
	## package it up, send it back

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