### model_reporting.R: model reporting functions for the lcmix package. A number of functions here are set as methods using the function setMethodS3(), which requires the package "R.methodsS3". The package "ROCR" is also recommended, and is required for all functions under the header "ROC FUNCTIONS".
# get component assignments from model
setMethodS3("assignment", "mixmod",
function(x, ...) apply(posterior(x), 1, which.max))
# get design matrix from model
setMethodS3("design", "mixmod",
function(x, ...) diag(x$K)[assignment(x),])
# get number of iterations from model
setMethodS3("iter", "mixmod",
function(x, ...) x$stats[["iter"]])
# get posterior probabilities from model
setMethodS3("posterior", "mixmod",
function(x, ...) x$posterior)
# get posterior probabilities from model
setMethodS3("stats", "mixmod",
function(x, ...) x$stats)
# Get marginals for object of class "mdixmod".
setMethodS3("marginals", "mdmixmod",
function(x, ...)
if(is.null(x$marginals)) {
lapply(x$zvec, function(z) {
res = mixmod(x$X[[z]], x$K[[z]], x$family[[z]], dname=x$zvec[[z]],
} else x$marginals
# Get full and marginal posteriors for object of class "mdmixmod".
setMethodS3("posteriors", "mdmixmod",
function(x, ...) c(list(JOINT=posterior(x)), lapply(marginals(x), posterior)))
# TO DO: there are a bunch of BIC, ABIC, deviance, log-likelihood, mutual information, etc. type model reporting functions sitting around in flydev_all_chrom/{include.R, mi.R, lcmix.OLD.R}. What we need to do is decide on a final set of performance measures and include those here, without all the cruft.
# AIC (Akaike information criterion) for an object of class "mixmod" or "mdmixmod".
setMethodS3("aic", "mixmod",
function(x, ...) 2*logLik(x) - 2*x$npar)
# BIC (Bayes information criterion) for an object of class "mixmod" or "mdmixmod".
setMethodS3("bic", "mixmod",
function(x, ...) 2*logLik(x) - x$npar*log(x$N))
# Classification entropy for an object of class "mixmod" or "mdmixmod".
setMethodS3("entropy", "mixmod",
function(x, map=FALSE, ...) 2 * (logLik(x) - qval(x, map=map)))
# ICL-BIC (Bayes information criterion using the integrated complete likelihood) for an object of class "mixmod" or "mdmixmod". If map == FALSE, the expected entropy method will be used; if TRUE, the MAP (maximum a posteriori) method will be used.
setMethodS3("iclbic", "mixmod",
function(x, map=FALSE, ...) 2*qval(x, map=map) - x$npar*log(x$N))
# Log-likelihood for an object of class "mixmod" or "mdmixmod". The argument "object" is used here rather than "x" for conformance to the R generic logLik() definition.
setMethodS3("logLik", "mixmod",
function(object, ...) sum(object$pdfs$lgamma))
# Q-function and Q-value for an object of class "mixmod" or "mdmixmod". If map == FALSE, the expected entropy method will be used; if TRUE, the MAP (maximum a posteriori) method will be used.
setMethodS3("qfun", "mixmod",
function(x, map=FALSE, ...)
.qfun_mixmod(x$weights, x$params, x$pdfs, map=map))
setMethodS3("qfun", "mdmixmod",
function(x, map=FALSE, ...)
.qfun_mdmixmod(x$weights, x$params, x$pdfs, x$topology, map=map))
setMethodS3("qval", "mixmod",
function(x, map=FALSE, ...) sum(qfun(x, map=map)))
# "Simple ICL-BIC" for an object of class "mdmixmod" (different from ICL-BIC in that it uses only the top-level classification entropy).
setMethodS3("siclbic", "mdmixmod",
function(x, map=FALSE, ...)
entropy = -2 * ifelse(map,
sum(isRowMax(x$posterior) * log(x$posterior)),
sum(x$posterior * log(x$posterior)))
bic(x) - entropy
# Print a representation of an object of class "mdmixmod".
setMethodS3("print", "mdmixmod",
function(x, ...)
headstrbase = "%s %s mixture model %s\n"
family = collapseVec(sapply(x$family, .pretty_family))
distn = collapseVec(x$distn, quote=TRUE)
headstr = upperFirst(sprintf(headstrbase, x$topology, family, distn))
parstrbase = "Data '%s' of size %i-by-%s fitted to %i %s components\n"
D = collapseVec(x$D, space=FALSE)
K = collapseVec(x$K, space=FALSE)
parstr = sprintf(parstrbase, x$dname, x$N, D, x$K0, K)
cat("Model statistics:\n")
print(x$stats, ...)
# Print a representation of an object of class "mixmod".
setMethodS3("print", "mixmod",
function(x, ...)
family = .pretty_family(x$family)
headstrbase = "%s mixture model ('%s')\n"
headstr = upperFirst(sprintf(headstrbase, family, x$distn))
parstrbase = "Data '%s' of %s fitted to %i components\n"
moddim = ifelse(x$D > 1,
sprintf("size %i-by-%i", x$N, x$D),
sprintf("length %i", x$N))
parstr = sprintf(parstrbase, x$dname, moddim, x$K)
cat("Model statistics:\n")
print(x$stats, ...)
# Plot the convergence of the log-likelihood for an object of class "mixmod" or "mdmixmod". If show.qval is TRUE, also show Q-value.
convergencePlot <- function(x, show.qval=FALSE, main="")
# draw log-likelihood always
ylim = range(x$iteration.stats$llik)
ylab = "log-likelihood"
plot(x$iteration.stats$llik, type="l", xlab="iteration", ylab=ylab,
ylim=ylim, main=main, axes=FALSE)
axis(2, pretty(range(x$iteration.stats$llik)))
# draw Q-value PRN
if(show.qval) {
ylim = range(x$iteration.stats$qval)
ylab = "Q-value"
plot(x$iteration.stats$qval, col="red", type="l",
axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
axis(2, pretty(range(x$iteration.stats$qval)),
col.ticks="red", col.axis="red", padj=1)
mtext("Q-value", 2, col="red", padj=-3.5)
# Calculate ROC curve coordinates, AUC, and DCA for list of probabilities and (optionally, a list of) labels.
multiroc <- function(x, labels, quasi=FALSE)
# data munging and sanity check; the idea here is that x and labels should be lists of equal length, with the elements of x being numeric vectors and the elements of labels being Boolean (or integer 0/1) vectors
if(is.matrix(x)) # most common non-list case
x = as.list(
else if(!is.list(x)) { # fallback (e.g., single vector of numbers)
predname = deparse(substitute(x))
x = list(x)
names(x) = predname
labels = as.list(
else if(!is.list(labels))
labels = list(labels)
if(length(labels) > length(x))
stop("more labels than x")
else if(length(labels) < length(x))
labels = rep(labels, length.out=length(x))
names(labels) = names(x)
# get rocinfo for each set of x and labels
retn = mapply(rocinfo, x, labels, quasi=quasi, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
# package it up, send it back
class(retn) = "multiroc"
setMethodS3("plot", "multiroc",
function(x, legend=names(x), cex.legend=1, auc=TRUE, dca=FALSE, bw=FALSE,
col=(if(bw) rep(1, length(x)) else 1:length(x)),
lty=(if(bw) 1:length(x) else rep(1, length(x))),
lwd=rep(1, length(x)), ylab="true positive rate",
xlab=ifelse(x[[1]]$quasi, "all positive rate", "false positive rate"),
grid=FALSE, gridres=0.1, gridcol="lightgray", gridlty="dashed", ...)
# data munging; the idea here is that legend, col, lty, and lwd should all be vectors of the same length of x; note that legend may also be FALSE, in which case none of this happens
xlen = length(x)
if(is.character(legend)) {
if(length(legend) < xlen) legend = rep(legend, length.out=xlen)
if(length(col) < xlen) col = rep(col, length.out=xlen)
if(length(lty) < xlen) lty = rep(lty, length.out=xlen)
if(length(lwd) < xlen) lwd = rep(lwd, length.out=xlen)
# set up blank plot
plot(0.5, 0.5, pch="", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
# draw grid PRN
if(grid) {
gridseq = seq(0, 1, gridres)
abline(h=gridseq, v=gridseq, col=gridcol, lty=gridlty)
# draw ROC curves
for(i in 1:xlen) lines(x[[i]], col=col[[i]], lty=lty[[i]], lwd=lwd[[i]])
# add legend PRN
if(is.character(legend)) {
if(auc) legend = paste(legend,
sapply(x, function(xi) sprintf("AUC=%.3f", xi$auc)),
sep=", ")
if(dca) legend = paste(legend,
sapply(x, function(xi) sprintf("DCA=%.3f", xi$dca)),
sep=", ")
legend("bottomright", legend=legend, lty=lty, col=col, lwd=lwd,
# Given a vector of probabilities and a vector of labels, calculate the ROC curve. The argument "x" should be a vector of probabilities, or a matrix for which the first column contains the probability of assignment to component 1, and "labels" should be TRUE when the true component is 1, otherwise FALSE. (See Cortes and Mohri (2004) "Confidence Intervals for the Area under the ROC Curve" for a different, Wilcox-test based method of calculation, but this method works well too, and allows quasi-ROC-curve AUC calculation.)
setMethodS3("rocauc", "default",
function(x, labels, quasi=FALSE, ...) rocinfo(x, labels, quasi)$auc)
# ROC AUC for mixture model probability of assignment to component 1.
setMethodS3("rocauc", "mixmod",
function(x, labels, quasi=FALSE, ...) rocauc(posterior(x)[,1], labels, quasi))
# Calculate ROC curve coordinates, AUC, and DCA for single set of probabilities and labels.
setMethodS3("rocinfo", "default",
function(x, labels, quasi=FALSE, ...)
# data munging PRN
if(is.matrix(x) ||
x = as.vector(x[,1])
# sanity check
N = length(x)
if(length(labels) != N) stop("x and labels have unequal lengths")
# put labels in proper order
predorder = order(x, decreasing=TRUE)
isPos = labels[predorder]
isNeg = !isPos
# calculate true positive rate, false positive rate, all positive rate
numPos = sum(isPos)
tpr = cumsum(isPos) / sum(isPos)
fpr = cumsum(isNeg) / sum(isNeg)
apr = (1:N) / N
# calculate AUC and DCA
xcoord = if(quasi) apr else fpr
auc = sum(tpr * diff(c(0, xcoord))) # "step function integration"
dca = sqrt(min(euclidean(cbind(tpr, xcoord), c(1,0))))
# package it up, send it back
retn = namedList(tpr, fpr, apr, auc, dca, quasi)
class(retn) = "rocinfo"
# ROC info for mixture model probability of assignment to component 1.
setMethodS3("rocinfo", "mixmod",
function(x, labels, quasi=FALSE, ...) rocinfo(posterior(x)[,1], labels, quasi))
setMethodS3("lines", "rocinfo",
function(x, col=1, lty=1, lwd=1, ...)
xcoord = if(x$quasi) x$apr else x$fpr
lines(x$tpr ~ xcoord, type="l", col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, ...)
setMethodS3("plot", "rocinfo",
function(x, legend="x", cex.legend=1, auc=TRUE, dca=TRUE,
col=1, lty=1, lwd=1, ylab="true positive rate",
xlab=ifelse(x$quasi, "all positive rate", "false positive rate"),
grid=FALSE, gridres=0.1, gridcol="lightgray", gridlty="dashed", ...)
# set up blank plot
plot(0.5, 0.5, pch="", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
# draw grid PRN
if(grid) {
gridseq = seq(0, 1, gridres)
abline(h=gridseq, v=gridseq, col=gridcol, lty=gridlty)
# draw actual ROC curve
xcoord = if(x$quasi) x$apr else x$fpr
lines(x$tpr ~ xcoord, type="l", col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
# add legend PRN
if(is.character(legend)) {
if(auc) legend = paste(legend, sprintf("AUC=%.3f", x$auc), sep=", ")
if(dca) legend = paste(legend, sprintf("DCA=%.3f", x$dca), sep=", ")
legend("bottomright", legend=legend, lty=lty, col=col, lwd=lwd,
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