
Defines functions Create_Keys Validate RenewToken Check Wait Renew Time TestApp Error appINFO Rename Copy Move Delete Share Pems UploadFile ShareFile PermissionsFile RenameFile CopyFile MoveFile DeleteFile SupportFile ListDir ShareDir PermissionsDir RenameDir CopyDir MoveDir DeleteDir MakeDir GetAppInfo SubmitJob CheckJobStatus KillJob DeleteOne DeleteALL DeleteJob RetrieveOne RetrieveJob ListJobOutput GetJobHistory

Documented in appINFO Check CheckJobStatus CopyDir CopyFile DeleteDir DeleteFile DeleteJob Error GetAppInfo GetJobHistory KillJob ListDir ListJobOutput MakeDir MoveDir MoveFile PermissionsDir PermissionsFile RenameDir RenameFile Renew RenewToken RetrieveJob ShareDir ShareFile SubmitJob SupportFile TestApp Time UploadFile Validate Wait

# Copyright (c) 2012 by Barb Banbury, University of Tennessee, 
# Update on Foundation API 2013 by Kurt Michels, University of Arizona
# Update to Agave API 2014-2015 by Kurt Michels, University of Arizona
# Removal of Foundation API 2015 by Kurt Michels, University of Arizona
# -- A note on removal.  I only removed any mention of the Foundation API
#    on the help pages.  If one does api="foundation" in the Validate 
#    function, it will work.  But the Foundation API is depracated.  I am
#    keeping the structure of two APIs supported because some day another
#    API will be created, then the developer only needs to replace all
#    of the Foundation urls.
# rPlant directly interacts with iplant's command-line API for the 
# Discovery Environment (DE)



#### Create_Keys ####

Create_Keys <- function(user, pwd, print.curl=FALSE) {
  # Calls the Agave API, if the user already has a key and secret for rPlant, 
  #   then it fetches them, o/w it creates the keys, and subscribes to the 
  #   correct API's.  This key and secret are required for Validation, all
  #   of this is in the background.
  # Args:
  #   user: Valid iPlant username
  #   pwd: Valid iPlant password, this combo's with the iPlant username
  # Returns:
  #   If invalid credentials an error is shown, o/w it returns the rPlant
  #     key and secret associated with the username and password.
  web <- "https://agave.iplantc.org/clients/v2"
  curl.call <- getCurlHandle(userpwd        = paste(user, pwd, sep=":"), 
                             httpauth       = 1L, 
                             ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(postForm(web, 
                                            clientName  = "rPlant",
                                            tier        = "Unlimited", 
                                            description = "", 
                                            callbackUrl = "", 
                                            style       = "POST", 
                                            curl        = curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {

  if (print.curl){
    curl.string <- paste0("curl -sku ", user, " -X POST -d clientName=rPlant -d tier=Unlimited -d description='' -d callbackUrl='' ", web)

  return(list(res$result$consumerKey, res$result$consumerSecret))

##### Validate ######

Validate <- function(user, pwd, api="agave", print.curl=FALSE) {
  # Calls the Agave API.  Used to call both Foundation API or the Agave
  #   API, but Foundation is deprecated.  This function simply validates
  #   a users credentials for the API.
  # Args:
  #   user: Valid iPlant username
  #   pwd: Valid iPlant password, this combo's with the iPlant username
  #   api: "agave"
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statment
  # Returns:
  #   An error if not valid credentials, o/w nothing

# The Foundation API has been depracated, so it is no longer working.  I am
#   only commenting out the Foundation API because some day a new API will
#   probably be created and everything moved.  When that happens, this can
#   be used again.  The next section details all the different parts.

  api <- match.arg(api, c("agave", "foundation"))

  if (api == "foundation"){

    web_BASE <- "https://foundation.iplantcollaborative.org/"
    web <- paste(web_BASE, "auth-v1/", sep="")
    curl.string <- paste("curl -sku '", user, "' ", web, sep="")
    curl.call <- getCurlHandle(userpwd        = paste(user, pwd, sep=":"), 
                               httpauth       = 1L, 
                               ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
    res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURL(web, curl = curl.call)), 
                    error = function(err) {
    if (res$status == "success"){
      assign(x     = "rplant.env", 
             value = new.env(hash = TRUE), 
             envir = .GlobalEnv)
      assign(x     = "api", 
             value = "f", 
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webio",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "io-v1/io/", user, sep=""), 
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webio1",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "io-v1/io", sep=""), 
     assign(x     = "webcheck",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "io-v1/io/list/", user, sep=""), 
      assign(x     = "weblist",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "io-v1/io/list", sep=""), 
      assign(x     = "webshare",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "io-v1/io/share/", user, sep=""), 
      assign(x     = "webtransform",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "io-v1/data/transforms/", user, sep=""),  
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webappslist",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "apps-v1/apps/list", sep=""),  
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webappsname",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "apps-v1/apps/name", sep=""),  
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webjob",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "apps-v1/job", sep=""),  
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webjoblist",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "apps-v1/jobs/list", sep=""),  
      assign(x     = "webprofiles",  
             value = paste(web_BASE, "profile-v1/profile/search/username/", user, sep=""),  
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "first",  
             value = paste("curl -sku '", user, "'", sep=""), envir=rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "user",  
             value = user,  
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "pwd",  
             value = pwd,  
             envir = rplant.env) 
      assign(x     = "curl.call",  
             value = getCurlHandle(userpwd        = paste(user, pwd, sep=":"), 
                                   httpauth       = 1L, 
                                   ssl.verifypeer = FALSE),  
             envir = rplant.env)
    } else {
  } else {

    keys <- Create_Keys(user,pwd)
    # Since is the first function using RCurl, I will say in detail 
    #   how it works.

    # First get a base url which will be the url to be called.  The url
    #   can be very complicated, and in rplant.env all of the url's
    #   that are called are stored in there.  It is just a matter of
    #   calling the correct one.
    web_BASE <- "https://agave.iplantc.org/"

    # A couple of the curl statements (PUT, POST) include the following
    #   options.  A GET statement does not have the options.  
    content <- c()
    content[1] <- "grant_type=client_credentials"
    content[2] <- "scope=PRODUCTION"
    content[3] <- paste("username=", user, sep="")
    content[4] <- paste("password=", pwd, sep="")

    # These options are separated by '&'
    string <- paste(content, collapse = "&")

    # Take that string and convert it essentially to integers.  If you look
    #   up ASCII characters they have an associated integer value, this is
    #   what the values are converted to
    val <- charToRaw(string)

    web <- paste(web_BASE, "token", sep="")

    curl.string <- paste("curl -sku '", keys[[1]], ":", keys[[2]], 
                         "' -X POST -d '", string, "' ", web, sep="")

    # For RCurl a curl call must be made.  Essentially this is the validation
    #   part of the curl statement.  For this Validate function on Agave
    #   it is taking the key and secret from the Agave store and using that
    #   for validation.  This type of validation is for this part only,
    #   for most validation on Agave an access token is used.
    curl.call <- getCurlHandle(userpwd        = paste(keys[[1]], keys[[2]],
                               httpauth       = 1L, 
                               ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
    expire <- as.POSIXlt(format(Sys.time(),"%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%OS"))
    # This is the RCurl statement, getURLContent() is used, it should be noted
    #   that this way is not unique.  Now the RCurl statement of course starts
    #   with the url, then the curl call, then it reads in the value vector.
    #   remember this vector was originally the options in the curl statement
    #   VERY importantly separated by a '&'.  Then the customrequest = "POST"
    #   because this is a POST curl statement.
    res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURLContent(web, 
                                                   curl          = curl.call, 
                                                   infilesize    = length(val), 
                                                   readfunction  = val, 
                                                   upload        = TRUE, 
                                                   customrequest = "POST")),
                    error = function(err) {
    if (print.curl){

    # As I said the RCurl statements are not unique, here is another way to do
    #   that exact statement, using postFORM(), which the RCurl creator, Dr.
    #   Lang said he liked to use.
    #   res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(postForm(web, 
    #                                             grant_type = "client_credentials",
    #                                             scope      = "PRODUCTION", 
    #                                             username   = user, 
    #                                             password   = pwd, 
    #                                             style      = "POST", 
    #                                             curl       = curl.call)), 
    #                   error = function(err) {
    #                             return(paste(err))
    #                           }
    #                   )

    if (length(res) == 4){
      assign(x     = "rplant.env",   
             value = new.env(hash = TRUE),    
             envir = .GlobalEnv)
      assign(x     = "api",   
             value = "a",    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "consumer_key",   
             value = keys[[1]],    
      assign(x     = "consumer_secret",   
             value = keys[[2]],    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webio",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "files/v2/media/", user, sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webio1",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "files/v2/media/", sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webcheck",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "files/v2/listings/", user, sep=""),    
      assign(x     = "weblist",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "files/v2/listings", sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webshare",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "files/v2/pems/", user, sep=""),    
      assign(x     = "webtransform",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "transforms/v2/", sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webappslist",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "apps/v2", sep=""),    
      assign(x     = "webappsname",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "apps/v2", sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webjob",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "jobs/v2", sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webjoblist",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "jobs/v2", sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "webprofiles",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "profiles/v2/search/username/", 
                           user, sep=""),
      assign(x     = "webauth",   
             value = paste(web_BASE, "token", sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "first",   
             value = paste("curl -sk -H 'Authorization: Bearer ", 
                           res$access_token, "'", sep=""),    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "user",   
             value = user,    
      assign(x     = "pwd",   
             value = pwd,    
             envir = rplant.env) 
      assign(x     = "expire",   
             value = expire,    
             envir = rplant.env) 
      assign(x     = "access_token",   
             value = res$access_token,    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "refresh_token",   
             value = res$refresh_token,    
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "curl.call",   
             value = getCurlHandle(httpheader      = c(paste("Authorization: Bearer ", 
                                                             get(x     = "access_token", 
                                                                 envir = rplant.env),
                                   httpauth       = 1L, 
                                   ssl.verifypeer = FALSE),   
    } else {
      sub <- substring(res$status,1,5)
      if (length(sub) == 0){
        return(stop("API Error, please retry", call. = FALSE))
      } else if (sub == "error"){
        return(stop(res$message, call. = FALSE))
      } else {
        return(stop(res$status, call. = FALSE))

#### RenewToken #####

RenewToken <- function(print.curl=FALSE) {
  # Calls the Agave API.  It simply renews the tokens that were already
  #   acquired.
  # Args:
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  # Returns:
  #   An error if not valid credentials, o/w nothing
  if (rplant.env$api == "a"){
    content <- c()
    content[1] <- "grant_type=refresh_token"
    content[2] <- "scope=PRODUCTION"
    content[3] <- paste("refresh_token=", rplant.env$refresh_token, sep="")
    string <- paste(content, collapse = "&")
    val <- charToRaw(string)

    curl.call <- getCurlHandle(userpwd        = paste(get(x     = "consumer_key", 
                                                          envir = rplant.env), 
                                                      get(x     = "consumer_secret", 
                                                          envir = rplant.env), 
                               httpauth       = 1L, 
                               ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)

    res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURLContent(rplant.env$webauth, 
                                                   curl          = curl.call, 
                                                   infilesize    = length(val), 
                                                   readfunction  = val, 
                                                   upload        = TRUE, 
                                                   customrequest = "POST")), 
                    error = function(err) {

    if (print.curl){
      curl.string <- paste("curl -sku ", rplant.env$consumer_key, ":", 
                           rplant.env$consumer_secret, " -X POST -d '", string,
                           "' ", rplant.env$webauth, sep="")


    if (length(res) == 4){
      assign(x     = "access_token",    
             value = res$access_token,     
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "refresh_token",    
             value = res$refresh_token,     
             envir = rplant.env) 
      assign(x     = "first",    
             value = paste("curl -sk -H 'Authorization: Bearer ", res$access_token, "'", sep=""),
             envir = rplant.env)
      assign(x     = "curl.call",     
             value = getCurlHandle(httpheader     = c(paste("Authorization: Bearer ", 
                                                            get("access_token", envir = rplant.env),
                                   httpauth       = 1L, 
                                   ssl.verifypeer = FALSE),     
             envir = rplant.env)

####### Check #######

Check <- function(name, path="", suppress.Warnings=FALSE, 
                  shared.username=NULL, check=FALSE){
  # This takes a file name (or directory name) and it simply checks if that
  #   file (or directory) exist.  If not an error is returned. 
  # Args:
  #   name: name of file (or directory) to be checked
  #   path: path to where file (or directory) is
  #   suppress.Warnings: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE check will be skipped
  #   shared.username: A string of the username.  If there then the file
  #     (or directory) is in that users directory.
  #   check: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE then check that object exists in
  #     directory, if FALSE check that object DOES NOT exist in directory.
  # Returns:
  #   Returns an error if something about the path or name is incorrect.
  #     o/w returns nothing if file (or directory) does exist
  if (suppress.Warnings == FALSE){
    if (is.null(shared.username)){# Not a shared user
      dir.exist <- fromJSON(getURL(url  = paste(rplant.env$webcheck, path, sep="/"), 
                                   curl = rplant.env$curl.call)) 
      if (length(dir.exist$result) != 0){# Path does exist, check object
        if (path==""){
          obj.exist <- fromJSON(getURL(url  = paste(rplant.env$webcheck, name, sep="/"), 
                                       curl = rplant.env$curl.call))
        } else {
          obj.exist <- fromJSON(getURL(url  = paste(rplant.env$webcheck, path, name, sep="/"),
                                       curl = rplant.env$curl.call))
      } else {
        if (dir.exist$status == "error"){# Path does not exist, show appropriate error
          if ((dir.exist$message == "File does not exist") || 
              (dir.exist$message == "File/folder does not exist")){
            return(stop(paste("path '", path, "' not proper directory", sep=""),
                        call. = FALSE))
          } else {
            return(stop("improper username/password combination", call. = FALSE))
        } else {# If no error, then no directory
          return(stop(paste("path '", path, "' not proper directory", sep=""), 
                      call. = FALSE))
    } else {# Shared username, get proper path and simply check it
      if (path == ""){
        web <- paste(rplant.env$weblist, shared.username, name, sep="/")
      } else {
        web <- paste(rplant.env$weblist, shared.username, path, name, sep="/")
      obj.exist <- fromJSON(getURL(web, curl=rplant.env$curl.call))
    # Check whether object exists or not
    if (check){# If check=TRUE and object IS in directory return error
      if (length(obj.exist$result) != 0){
        return(stop(paste("object '", name, "' already exists in '", path,
                          "' directory", sep=""), call. = FALSE))
    } else {# If check=FALSE and object IS NOT in directory return error
      if (length(obj.exist$result) == 0){
        return(stop(paste("object '", name, "' doesn't exist in '", path, 
                          "' directory", sep=""), call. = FALSE))

####### Wait ########

Wait <- function(job.id, minWaitsec, maxWaitsec, print=FALSE){
  # This function simply waits for the job to finish before proceeding.  It is
  #   used when result files from a job must be retrieved in order to do the
  #   next job.  It simply calls the API and checks the job status.  Once status
  #   is finished then it proceeds.
  # Args:
  #   job.id: job id of job to be checked
  #   minWaitsec: The min wait time in seconds.
  #   maxWaitsec: The max wait time in seconds.  The job polls, and this is
  #     the maximum time you want to wait between polls.
  #   print: Prints job number and current status.
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless printing
  currentStatus= ''
  currentWait = minWaitsec
  if (rplant.env$api == 'f'){
    # For the Foundation API the job isn't done until 'ARCHIVING_FINISHED'
    while (( currentStatus != 'FAILED' ) && (currentStatus != 'ARCHIVING_FINISHED')) {
      # cache the status from previous inquiry
      oldStatus = currentStatus
      currentStatus = CheckJobStatus( job.id )

      if (currentStatus == oldStatus) {  # Status hasn't changed from last time we asked
        currentWait = currentWait * 1.10 #   so wait 10% longer to poll in the future

        if (currentWait > maxWaitsec) {
          currentWait = maxWaitsec       #   but don't wait too long
      } else {
        currentWait = minWaitsec # status changed so reset wait counter to min value
      # Sit idle for proscribed time. If you are using an event-based programming 
      #   model, you could just schedule the next check currentWait sec in the future 
  } else {
    # For the Agave API the job isn't done until 'FINISHED'
    while (( currentStatus != 'FAILED' ) && (currentStatus != 'FINISHED')) {
      oldStatus = currentStatus
      currentStatus = CheckJobStatus( job.id )

      if (currentStatus == oldStatus) {
        currentWait = currentWait * 1.10
        if (currentWait > maxWaitsec) {
          currentWait = maxWaitsec
      } else {
        currentWait = minWaitsec

  if (print == TRUE) {
    message(paste("Job number: '", job.id, "' has status: ", currentStatus, sep=""))

####### Misc. #######

### Renew ###

Renew <- function(){
  # This is called before every call.  It simply refreshes the curl call
  # Returns:
  #   Nothing
  if (rplant.env$api == "a") {
    # The type of curl call for RCurl in the Agave API uses the Bearer access
    #   token.  Because of this the curl call is slightly different from the
    #   Foundation API
    assign(x     = "curl.call", 
           value = getCurlHandle(httpheader     = c(paste("Authorization: Bearer ", 
                                                          get("access_token", envir=rplant.env), 
                                 httpauth       = 1L, 
                                 ssl.verifypeer = FALSE), 
           envir = rplant.env)
  } else {
    # The curl call for RCurl on the Foundation API simply uses username and
    #   password.
    assign(x     = "curl.call",
           value = getCurlHandle(userpwd        = paste(get("user", envir = rplant.env), 
                                                        get("pwd", envir = rplant.env), 
                                 httpauth       = 1L, 
                                 ssl.verifypeer = FALSE), 
           envir = rplant.env)

### Time ####

Time <- function(){
  # For the Agave API the access token expires after 2 hours.  This function
  #   is called before every curl call.  The time is only kept track of in
  #   the R workspace, and if the token expires then it is renewed.
  # Returns:
  #   Nothing
  if (rplant.env$api != "f"){
    compare <- as.POSIXlt(format(Sys.time(),"%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%OS"))
    if (compare > rplant.env$expire){ # If it does expire
      expire <- as.POSIXlt(format(Sys.time(),"%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%OS"))
      expire$hour=expire$hour+2 # insert a new expire time
      assign("expire", expire, envir=rplant.env)
      RenewToken() # Renew the token

## TestApp ##

TestApp <- function(APP){
  # This application takes the application name, and returns a short description
  #   of the application
  # Args:
  #   APP: name of application
  # Returns:
  #   Short description of application
  if (rplant.env$api == "f"){
    first_string <- "res$result[[1]]"
      if (substring(APP,nchar(APP)-1,nchar(APP)-1) == "u"){
      priv.APP <- substring(APP,1,nchar(APP)-2)
    } else if (substring(APP,nchar(APP)-2,nchar(APP)-2) == "u"){
      priv.APP <- substring(APP,1,nchar(APP)-3)
    } else {
      priv.APP <- APP
  } else {
    first_string <- "res$result"
    priv.APP <- APP

  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(uri          = paste(rplant.env$webappsname,
                                                                priv.APP, sep="/"),
                                           .checkparams = FALSE, 
                                           curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {

  if (length(res) == 1){
  } else {
    shortd <- eval(parse(text=paste(first_string, "$shortDescription", sep="")))
    shortn <- nchar(shortd)
    longd <- eval(parse(text=paste(first_string, "$longDescription", sep="")))
    if (is.null(longd)) {longn = 0} else {longn <- nchar(longd)}
    if (longn >= shortn) {
      description <- longd
    } else {
      description <- shortd
    return(c(eval(parse(text=paste(first_string, "$id", sep=""))), description))

### Error ###

Error <- function(ERR){
  # This is the error checking component of the package.  It takes in an 
  #   object.  If the object is a string then it is most likely an error, 
  #   if it's not a string then the status of the of the object needs to be 
  #   checked to make sure there were no errors.  If an error did occur then
  #   an appropriate error is returned.
  # Args:
  #   ERR: object (could be anything)
  # Returns:
  #   Nothing if there is no error, o/w it returns an appropriate error
  if (length(ERR) == 1){
    sub1 <- substring(ERR,8,8)
    if (sub1 == "B"){
      return(stop("Bad Request", call. = FALSE))
    } else if (sub1 == "U"){
      return(stop("Invalid username/password combination", call. = FALSE))
    } else if ((sub1 == "F") || (sub1 == "N")){
      return(stop("file or directory or job id does not exist", call. = FALSE))
    } else {
      len <- nchar(ERR)
      return(stop(substring(ERR,8,len-3), call. = FALSE))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:length(ERR)){
      if (names(ERR)[i] == "status"){
        if (ERR$status == "error"){
          return(stop(ERR$message, call. = FALSE))

## appINFO ##

appINFO <- function(application, dep=FALSE, input=FALSE){
  # This is the error checking component of the package.  It takes in an 
  #   object.  If the object is a string then it is most likely an error, 
  #   if it's not a string then the status of the of the object needs to be 
  #   checked to make sure there were no errors.  If an error did occur then
  #   an appropriate error is returned.
  # Args:
  #   application: application name (string)
  #   dep: Either TRUE or FALSE indicating to check if application is
  #     depracated.  If application is deprecated then an error is sent.
  #   input: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE then include application info
  # Returns:
  #   Returns different information depending on the inputs.  All information
  #     is about the application.
  # For the Foundation API and Agave API, naming schemes are a litle bit different.
  #   This needs to be accounted for on every function.
  if (rplant.env$api == "f"){
    tmp_string <- "tmp$result[[len]]"
    tmp_str <- "$public"
    if (substring(application,nchar(application)-1,nchar(application)-1) == "u"){
      priv.APP <- substring(application,1,nchar(application)-2)
    } else if (substring(application,nchar(application)-2,nchar(application)-2) == "u"){
      priv.APP <- substring(application,1,nchar(application)-3)
    } else {
      priv.APP <- application
  } else {
    tmp_string <- "tmp$result"
    tmp_str <- "$isPublic"
    priv.APP <- application
  # This part depends on the application name ending in "u1" etc.   If the 
  #   naming scheme for the public applications still does this, which is
  #   true for current (2014) Agave and Foundation API.  Then this simply
  #   takes that part off.  So the name 'Muscleu2' becomes 'Muscle'
  if (substring(application,nchar(application)-1,nchar(application)-1) == "u"){
    version <- as.numeric(substring(application, nchar(application), nchar(application)))
    text <- "Public App"
  } else if (substring(application, nchar(application)-2, nchar(application)-2) == "u"){
    version <- as.numeric(paste(substring(application, nchar(application)-1, nchar(application)-1),
                                substring(application, nchar(application), nchar(application)),
    text <- "Public App"
  } else {
    text <- "Private App"

  tmp <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(uri          = paste(rplant.env$webappsname,
                                                                priv.APP, sep="/"),
                                           .checkparams = FALSE, 
                                           curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {

  len <- length(tmp$result)
  if (eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, tmp_str, sep=""))) == FALSE) {
    text <- "Private App"
  } else if (length(tmp) == 0) {
    return(stop("No information on application: not valid", call. = FALSE))
  # This depends on the naming scheme, for 'Muscleu2' the version number is 'u2'
  if (text == "Public App"){
    APP <- eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$id", sep="")))
    if (substring(APP,nchar(APP)-1,nchar(APP)-1) == "u"){
      priv.APP <- substring(APP,1,nchar(APP)-2)
      version.APP <- as.numeric(substring(APP,nchar(APP),nchar(APP)))
    } else if (substring(APP,nchar(APP)-2,nchar(APP)-2) == "u"){
      priv.APP <- substring(APP,1,nchar(APP)-3)
      version.APP <- as.numeric(paste(substring(APP, nchar(APP)-1, nchar(APP)-1),
    # When the application is looked up under the name 'Muscle', it finds the
    #   newest version.  So 'Muscleu2' is compared to the most recent version
    #   which could be 'u3', if this is so the application is deprecated and
    #   you are told so.
    if (version.APP > version){
      v.text <- paste("Deprecated, the newest version is:", APP)
    } else {
      v.text <- "Newest Version"
    # When submitting a job use dep=TRUE, that way if application is deprecated
    #   the job will not be submitted because an error is returned.
    if (dep){
      if (substring(v.text, 1, 1) == "D"){
        return(stop(paste("Application deprecated, should be:", APP), call. = FALSE))
  # This finds if the application can be parallelized, and it is returned
  set <- eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$parallelism", sep="")))
  # Don't return verbose output
  if (!input){
    if (text == "Private App"){
      return(list("Private App", priv.APP, tmp, set))
    } else {
      return(list("Public App", priv.APP, v.text, APP, tmp, set))
  } else { # Return verbose output
    for (input in sequence(length(eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$inputs", sep="")))))) {
      app.info <- rbind(app.info, eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$inputs[[input]]$id", 
    if (text == "Private App"){
      return(list("Private App", priv.APP, tmp, app.info, set))
    } else {
      return(list("Public App", priv.APP, v.text, APP, tmp, app.info, set))

# -- END -- #


# These functions are duplicate for both the File and Directory functions.
#   Therefore they are written as a single, then wrappers are used for
#   the File and Dir functions.

###### Rename #######

Rename <- function(name, new.name, path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply takes the object 'name' and renames it to 'new.name'
  # Args:
  #   name: Current name of object
  #   new.name: New name of object
  #   path: Path to where object is
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error
  content <- c()
  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    content[1] <- "action=rename"
    content[2] <- paste("newName=", new.name, sep="")
  } else {
    if (path == ""){
      content[1] <- paste("path=", rplant.env$user, new.name, sep="/")
    } else {
      content[1] <- paste("path=", rplant.env$user, path, new.name, sep="/")
    content[2] <- "action=move"

  if (path == ""){
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, name, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, path, name, sep="/")

  if (print.curl){
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " -X PUT -d '", 
                         paste(content, collapse = "&"), "' ", web, sep="")

  val <- charToRaw(paste(content, collapse = "&"))
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(httpPUT(url     = web, 
                                           content = val, 
                                           curl    = rplant.env$curl.call)),
                  error = function(err) {
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}

####### Copy ########

Copy <- function(name, org.path="", end.path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply moves the object 'name' from 'org.path'
  #   to 'end.path'
  # Args:
  #   name: Name of object
  #   org.path: Original or current path where object is
  #   end.path: Path to where object will be moved
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error
  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    path <- "newPath="
  } else {
    path <- "path="

  content <- c()
  if (end.path == ""){
    content[1] <- paste(path, rplant.env$user, name, sep="/")
  } else {
    content[1] <- paste(path, rplant.env$user, end.path, name, sep="/")
  content[2] <- "action=copy"

  if (org.path == ""){
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, name, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, org.path, name, sep="/")

  if (print.curl){
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " -X PUT -d '", 
                         paste(content, collapse = "&"), "' ", 
                         web, sep="")

  val <- charToRaw(paste(content, collapse = "&"))
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(httpPUT(url     = web, 
                                           content = val, 
                                           curl    = rplant.env$curl.call)),
                  error = function(err) {
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}

####### Move ########

Move <- function(name, org.path="", end.path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply moves the object 'name' from 'org.path'
  #   to 'end.path'
  # Args:
  #   name: Name of object
  #   org.path: Original or current path where object is
  #   end.path: Path to where object will be moved
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error
  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    path <- "newPath="
  } else {
    path <- "path="

  content <- c()
  if (end.path == ""){
    content[1] <- paste(path, rplant.env$user, name, sep="/")
  } else {
    content[1] <- paste(path, rplant.env$user, end.path, name, sep="/")
  content[2] <- "action=move"

  if (org.path == ""){
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, name, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, org.path, name, sep="/")

  if (print.curl){
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " -X PUT -d '", 
                         paste(content, collapse = "&"), "' ", 
                         rplant.env$webio, sep="")

  val <- charToRaw(paste(content, collapse = "&"))
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(httpPUT(url     = web, 
                                           content = val, 
                                           curl    = rplant.env$curl.call)),
                  error = function(err) {
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}

###### Delete #######

Delete <- function(name, path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function removes the object 'name' from 'path'
  # Args:
  #   name: Name of object
  #   path: Path to current object
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error
  if (path == "") {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, name, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, path, name, sep="/")

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " -X DELETE ", web, sep="")
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(httpDELETE(web, curl = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}

####### Share #######

Share <- function(name, path="", shared.username, read=TRUE, execute=TRUE, 
                  write=TRUE, print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE, D=FALSE) {
  # This function shares the object 'name' with shared.username.  Also one can
  #   decide which permissions to give to the shared user.
  # Args:
  #   name: Name of object
  #   path: Current path where object is
  #   shared.username: String, valid iPlant username with whom the object
  #     is being shared.
  #   read: Gives read permissions to object
  #   execute: Gives execute permissions to object
  #   write: Gives write permissions to object
  #   D: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE then object is a directory o/w
  #     the object is a file.
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error
  content <- c()

  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    if (read == TRUE) {content <- append(content, "can_read=true")} 
    if (execute == TRUE) {content <- append(content, "can_execute=true")}
    if (write == TRUE) {content <- append(content, "can_write=true")}
    if ((read == FALSE) && (execute == FALSE) && (write == FALSE)) {
      return(stop("Must select some permissions", call. = FALSE))
  } else {
    if ((read == TRUE) && (execute == TRUE) && (write == TRUE)) {
      content[1] <- "permission=all"
    } else if ((read == TRUE) && (execute == TRUE) && (write == FALSE)) {
      content[1] <- "permission=read_execute"
    } else if ((read == TRUE) && (execute == FALSE) && (write == TRUE)) {
      content[1] <- "permission=read_write"
    } else if ((read == TRUE) && (execute == FALSE) && (write == FALSE)) {
      content[1] <- "permission=read"
    } else if ((read == FALSE) && (execute == TRUE) && (write == TRUE)) {
      content[1] <- "permission=write_execute"
    } else if ((read == FALSE) && (execute == TRUE) && (write == FALSE)) {
      content[1] <- "permission=execute"
    } else if ((read == FALSE) && (execute == FALSE) && (write == TRUE)) {
      content[1] <- "permission=write"
    } else {
      return(stop("Must select some permissions", call. = FALSE))

  content <- append(content,paste("username=", shared.username, sep=""))

  if(D) { # Directory, so add recursive=true so all contents in the directory have same perms
    content <- append(content,"recursive=true")

  if (path == "") {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webshare, name, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webshare, path, name, sep="/")

  if (print.curl){
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first," -X POST -d '", 
                         paste(content, collapse = "&"), "' ", web, sep="")

  val <- charToRaw(paste(content, collapse = "&"))
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURLContent(web, 
                                                 curl          = rplant.env$curl.call, 
                                                 infilesize    = length(val), 
                                                 readfunction  = val, 
                                                 upload        = TRUE, 
                                                 customrequest = "POST")), 
                  error = function(err) {
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}

#### Permissions ####

Pems <- function(name, path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function looks at the permissions on an object.  It will return
  #   the object name, users with whom the object is shared and their
  #   permissions.
  # Args:
  #   name: Name of object
  #   path: Current path where object is
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns the object name, users with whom the object is shared and
  #     their permissions.
  if (rplant.env$api == "f"){
    tmp_string <- "tmp$result$permissions"
  } else {
    tmp_string <- "tmp$result"
  if (path == ""){
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webshare, name, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$webshare, path, name, sep="/")

  if (print.curl){
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, web)

  tmp <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURL(web, curl=rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(tmp)}

  if (rplant.env$api == "a"){
    used <- c()
    len <- length(eval(parse(text=tmp_string))) - 1
    first <- 2 # We don't want to return the user themself, so start at 2
    total <- first + len - 1
  } else {
    used <- c("you", "admin_proxy", "ipcservices", "rodsBoot", "QuickShare",
              "ibp-proxy", "ipcservices", "ipc_admin", "admin2", 
              "proxy-de-tools", "de-irods", "rodsadmin")
    len <- 0
    total <- length(eval(parse(text=tmp_string))) - 1
    first <- 2 # The other users start at position 11
    for (i in first:total) { # Check permissions
      if (!eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "[[", i, "]]$username", sep=""))) %in% used) {
        len = len + 1

  if (len == 0){# If the object is not shared, still return something
    res <- matrix(, len + 1, 3) 
  } else { 
    res <- matrix(, len, 3) 
  colnames(res) <- c("Name", "Username", "Permissions")
  res[1, 1] <- name
  if (len == 0){# If the object is not shared, return "None"
    res[1, 2] <- "None"
    res[1, 3] <- "None"
  } else {
    cnt = 1
    for (i in first:total) { # Check permissions
      if (!eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "[[", i, "]]$username", sep=""))) %in% used) {
        if (cnt != 1){res[cnt,1] <- ""}
        res[cnt, 2] <- eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "[[", i, "]]$username", 
        if (eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "[[", i, "]]$permission$read", 
                                  sep=""))) == TRUE) {
          R <- TRUE
        } else {
          R <- FALSE
        if (eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "[[", i, "]]$permission$write", 
                                  sep=""))) == TRUE) {
          W <- TRUE        
        } else {
          W <- FALSE
        if (eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "[[", i, "]]$permission$execute", 
                                  sep=""))) == TRUE) {
          E <- TRUE        
        } else {
          E <- FALSE

        if ((R == TRUE) && (E == TRUE) && (W == TRUE)) {
          str <- "All"
        } else if ((R == TRUE) && (E == TRUE) && (W == FALSE)) {
          str <- "R/E"
        } else if ((R == TRUE) && (E == FALSE) && (W == TRUE)) {
          str <- "R/W"
        } else if ((R == TRUE) && (E == FALSE) && (W == FALSE)) {
          str <- "R"
        } else if ((R == FALSE) && (E == TRUE) && (W == TRUE)) {
          str <- "W/E"
        } else if ((R == FALSE) && (E == TRUE) && (W == FALSE)) {
          str <- "E"
        } else if ((R == FALSE) && (E == FALSE) && (W == TRUE)) {
          str <- "W"

        res[cnt, 3] <- str
        cnt = cnt + 1

# -- END -- #


#### UploadFile #####

UploadFile <- function(local.file.name, local.file.path="", filetype=NULL,
                       print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function takes a file in a users local directory and it
  #   uploads the file onto iPlant's servers.
  # Args:
  #   local.file.name: Name of file
  #   local.file.path: Current path where object is on the local directory
  #   filetype: Not required, but we can assign the file a file type
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless there is an error.  Errors include, file already
  #     on iPlant servers.
  if (local.file.path == ""){
    file.path = paste(getwd(), local.file.name, sep="/")
  } else {
    file.path = paste(local.file.path, local.file.name, sep="/")

  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    options <- list(userpwd        = paste(rplant.env$user, rplant.env$pwd, sep=":"), 
                    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE, 
                    httpauth       = AUTH_BASIC, 
                    useragent      = "R", 
                    followlocation = TRUE)
  } else {
    options <- list(httpheader=c(paste("Authorization: Bearer ", rplant.env$access_token, sep="")), 
                    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE, 
                    httpauth       = AUTH_BASIC, 
                    useragent      = "R", 
                    followlocation = TRUE)
  # Check that file is not in iPlant directory
  Check(local.file.name, suppress.Warnings=suppress.Warnings, check=TRUE)

  if (!is.null(filetype)){
    res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(postForm(rplant.env$webio, 
                                              style        = "httppost", 
                                              fileToUpload = fileUpload(file.path), 
                                              fileType     = filetype, 
                                              .opts        = options)), 
                    error = function(err) {
    if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " -F 'fileToUpload=@", file.path, 
                         "' -F 'fileType=", filetype, "' ", rplant.env$webio, 
  } else {
    res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(postForm(rplant.env$webio, 
                                              style        = "httppost", 
                                              fileToUpload = fileUpload(file.path),
                                              .opts        = options)), 
                    error = function(err) {
    if (print.curl==TRUE){
      curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first," -F 'fileToUpload=@", file.path, 
                           "' ", rplant.env$webio, sep="")

    if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}


##### ShareFile #####

ShareFile <- function(file.name, file.path="", shared.username, read=TRUE, 
                      execute=TRUE, write=TRUE, print.curl=FALSE, 
                      suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {

  # This function shares the 'file.name' with shared.username.  Also one can
  #   decide which permissions to give to the shared user.
  # Args:
  #   file.name: Name of file
  #   file.path: Current path where file is
  #   shared.username: String, valid iPlant username with whom the object
  #     is being shared.
  #   read: Gives read permissions to file
  #   execute: Gives execute permissions to file
  #   write: Gives write permissions to file
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error, file does not exist

  # Check 'file.name'
  Check(file.name, file.path, suppress.Warnings)

  Share(file.name, file.path, shared.username, read, execute, write, print.curl)

## PermissionsFile ##

PermissionsFile <- function(file.name, file.path="", print.curl=FALSE, 
                            suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {

  # This function looks at the permissions on a file.name.  It will return
  #   the files name, users with whom the file is shared and their
  #   permissions.
  # Args:
  #   file.name: Name of file
  #   file.path: Current path where fiile is
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns the file name, users with whom the object is shared and
  #     their permissions o/w an error if file does not exist
    Check(file.name, file.path, suppress.Warnings)
    Pems(file.name, file.path, print.curl, suppress.Warnings)

#### RenameFile #####

RenameFile <- function(file.name, new.file.name, file.path="",
                       print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply takes 'file.name' and renames it to 'new.file.name'
  # Args:
  #   file.name: Current name of file
  #   new.file.name: New name of file
  #   file.path: Path to where file is
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error if file does not exist, or if
  #     'new.file.name' does exist in 'file.path'.

  # Check file.name
  Check(file.name, file.path, suppress.Warnings)

  # Check new.file.name
  Check(new.file.name, file.path, suppress.Warnings, check=TRUE)

  Rename(file.name, new.file.name, file.path, print.curl) 

##### CopyFile ######

CopyFile <- function(file.name, file.path="", end.path="", 
                     print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply moves the 'file.name' from 'file.path'
  #   to 'end.path'
  # Args:
  #   file.name: Name of file
  #   file.path: Original or current path where file is
  #   end.path: Path to where file will be moved
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error.  Error if 'file.name'
  #     does not exist or if 'file.name' in 'end.path' already
  #     does exist

  # Check 'file.name'
  Check(file.name, file.path, suppress.Warnings)

  # Check 'file.name' in 'end.path'
  Check(file.name, end.path, suppress.Warnings, check=TRUE)

  Copy(file.name, file.path, end.path, print.curl)

##### MoveFile ######

MoveFile <- function(file.name, file.path="", end.path="", 
                     print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply moves the 'file.name' from 'file.path'
  #   to 'end.path'
  # Args:
  #   file.name: Name of file
  #   file.path: Original or current path where file is
  #   end.path: Path to where file will be moved
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error.  Error if 'file.name'
  #     does not exist or if 'file.name' in 'end.path' already
  #     does exist

  # Check 'file.name'
  Check(file.name, file.path, suppress.Warnings)

  # Check 'file.name' in 'end.path'
  Check(file.name, end.path, suppress.Warnings, check=TRUE)

  Move(file.name, file.path, end.path, print.curl)

#### DeleteFile #####

DeleteFile <- function(file.name, file.path="", print.curl=FALSE, 
                       suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function removes the 'file.name' from 'file.path'
  # Args:
  #   name: Name of file
  #   path: Path to current file
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error if 'file.name' does not exist

  # Check 'file.name'
  Check(file.name, file.path, suppress.Warnings)

  Delete(file.name, file.path, print.curl)

#### SupportFile ####

SupportFile <- function(print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {  
  # This function lists all supported file types on either the
  #   Foundation API or Agave API.
  # Args:
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns all supported file types.
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(uri          = rplant.env$webtransform, 
                                           .checkparams = FALSE,
                                           curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, "-X GET", rplant.env$webtransform)

  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}

  file.types <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(res$result)) {
    file.types <- c(file.types, res$result[[i]]$name)

# -- END -- #


###### ListDir ######

ListDir <- function(dir.name="", dir.path="", print.curl=FALSE, 
                    shared.username=NULL, suppress.Warnings=FALSE,
                    show.hidden=FALSE) {
  # This function lists all files in the 'dir.name' contained in 'dir.path'
  #   A user can also list files shared with them from the shared user.
  # Args:
  #   dir.name: Name of directory
  #   dir.path: Path to current directory
  #   shared.username: String, valid iPlant username with whom the object
  #     is being shared.
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error if 'dir.name' does not exist
  if (is.null(shared.username)){
    web <- paste(rplant.env$weblist, rplant.env$user, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- paste(rplant.env$weblist, shared.username, sep="/")

  if (dir.path == ""){
    web <- paste(web, dir.name, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- paste(web, dir.path, dir.name, sep="/")
  # Check 'dir.name'
  Check(dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings, shared.username) 

  if (print.curl){
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " ", web, sep="")
  tmp <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURL(web, curl=rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {return(paste(err))})
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(tmp)}
  nms <- NULL  #create names vector to parse hiddens
  type <- NULL
  for(i in sequence(length(tmp$result))){
    nms <- c(nms, tmp$result[[i]]$name)
    type <- c(type, tmp$result[[i]]$type)
  toIgnore <- grep("^\\.+$", nms) # always ignore home directory
  whichHiddens <- grep("^[.]\\D+", nms)
    toIgnore <- union(toIgnore, whichHiddens)

  nms <- nms[-toIgnore]
  type <- type[-toIgnore]

  # This portion is necessary to weed out the artifact folders.  It probably
  #   won't be implemented because it is slow.
  # newnms <- NULL
  # newtype <- NULL
  # for (i in 1:length(nms)) {
  #   path <- paste(dir.path, dir.name, nms[i], sep="/")
  #   dir.exist <- fromJSON(getURL(url  = paste(rplant.env$webcheck, path, sep=""), curl = rplant.env$curl.call))
  #   if (dir.exist$status != 'error') {
  #     newnms <- append(newnms, nms[i])
  #     newtype <- append(newtype, type[i])
  #   }
  # }

  res <- matrix(nrow=length(nms), ncol=2)
  colnames(res) <- c("name", "type")

  for (i in sequence(dim(res)[1])) {
    res[i, 1] <- nms[i]
    res[i, 2] <- type[i]

##### ShareDir ######

ShareDir <- function(dir.name, dir.path="", shared.username, read=TRUE, 
                     execute=TRUE, write=TRUE, print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function shares the 'dir.name' with shared.username.  Also one can
  #   decide which permissions to give to the shared user.  All contents
  #   within the directory are shared with the shared.username.
  # Args:
  #   dir.name: Name of directory
  #   dir.path: Current path where directory is
  #   shared.username: String, valid iPlant username with whom the object
  #     is being shared.
  #   read: Gives read permissions to directory
  #   execute: Gives execute permissions to directory
  #   write: Gives write permissions to directory
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error, directory does not exist

  # Check 'dir.name'
  Check(dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings)

  Share(dir.name, dir.path, shared.username, read, execute, write, print.curl, TRUE)

## PermissionsDir ###

PermissionsDir <- function(dir.name, dir.path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function looks at the permissions on 'dir.name'.  It will return
  #   the directories name, users with whom the directory is shared and their
  #   permissions.
  # Args:
  #   dir.name: Name of directory
  #   dir.path: Current path where directory is
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns the directory name, users with whom the directory is shared and
  #     their permissions; o/w an error if directory does not exist

  # Check 'dir.name'
  Check(dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings)
  Pems(dir.name, dir.path, print.curl, suppress.Warnings)

##### RenameDir #####

RenameDir <- function(dir.name, new.dir.name, dir.path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply takes 'dir.name' and renames it to 'new.dir.name'
  # Args:
  #   dir.name: Current name of directory
  #   new.dir.name: New name of directory
  #   dir.path: Path to where directory is
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error if directory does not exist, or if
  #     'new.dir.name' does exist in 'dir.path'.

  # Check 'dir.name' in 'dir.path'
  Check(dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings)

  # Check 'new.dir.name' in 'dir.path'
  Check(new.dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings, check=TRUE)

  Rename(dir.name, new.dir.name, dir.path, print.curl) 

######CopyDir ######

CopyDir <- function(dir.name, dir.path="", end.path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply moves the 'dir.name' from 'dir.path'
  #   to 'end.path'
  # Args:
  #   dir.name: Name of directory
  #   dir.path: Original or current path where directory is
  #   end.path: Path to where directory will be moved
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error.  Error if 'dir.name'
  #     does not exist or if 'dir.name' in 'end.path' already
  #     does exist

  # Check 'dir.name'
  Check(dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings)

  # Check 'dir.name' in 'end.path'
  Check(dir.name, end.path, suppress.Warnings, check=TRUE)

  Copy(dir.name, dir.path, end.path, print.curl)

###### MoveDir ######

MoveDir <- function(dir.name, dir.path="", end.path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply moves the 'dir.name' from 'dir.path'
  #   to 'end.path'
  # Args:
  #   dir.name: Name of directory
  #   dir.path: Original or current path where directory is
  #   end.path: Path to where directory will be moved
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error.  Error if 'dir.name'
  #     does not exist or if 'dir.name' in 'end.path' already
  #     does exist

  # Check 'dir.name'
  Check(dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings)

  # Check 'dir.name' in 'end.path'
  Check(dir.name, end.path, suppress.Warnings, check=TRUE)

  Move(dir.name, dir.path, end.path, print.curl)

##### DeleteDir #####

DeleteDir <- function(dir.name, dir.path="", print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function removes the 'dir.name' from 'dir.path'
  # Args:
  #   dir.name: Name of directory
  #   dir.path: Path to current directory
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error if 'dir.name' does not exist

  # Check 'dir.name'
  Check(dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings)

  Delete(dir.name, dir.path, print.curl)

###### MakeDir ######

MakeDir <- function(dir.name, dir.path="", print.curl=FALSE, 
                    suppress.Warnings=FALSE) {
  # This function simply makes the directory 'dir.name' in 'dir.path'
  # Args:
  #   dir.name: Name of directory
  #   dir.path: Current path where directory is
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an error.  Error if 'dir.name'
  #     already exists in 'dir.path'
  content <- c()
  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    content[1] <- paste("dirName=", dir.name, sep="")
    if (dir.path==""){
      web <- rplant.env$webio
    } else {
      web <- paste(rplant.env$webio, dir.path, sep="/")
  } else {
    web <- rplant.env$webio
    if (dir.path==""){
      content[1] <- paste("path=", dir.name, sep="") 
    } else {
      content[1] <- paste("path=", dir.path, "/", dir.name, sep="") 

  Check(dir.name, dir.path, suppress.Warnings, check=TRUE)

  content[2] <- "action=mkdir"

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " -d '", 
                         paste(content, collapse = "&"), "' ", 
                         web, sep="")

  val <- charToRaw(paste(content, collapse = "&"))
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(httpPUT(url     = web, 
                                           content = val, 
                                           curl    = rplant.env$curl.call)),
                  error = function(err) {
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}

# -- END -- #


##### ListApps ######

ListApps<- function (description=FALSE, print.curl=FALSE, suppress.Warnings=FALSE) 

  # This function simply lists all of the public applications available to a
  #   user.
  # Args:
  #   description: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE then a short description of
  #     the application is included.
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns a list of applications, the list contains no duplicates and
  #     only the most current version of an app. o/w errors

  tmp <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(rplant.env$webappslist, 
                                           .checkparams = FALSE, 
                                           curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, "-X GET", rplant.env$webappslist)

  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(tmp)}

  Apps <- list()
  for (j in 1:length(tmp$result)){
    ans <- TestApp(tmp$result[[j]]$id) # returns App id and description
    # The loop is to make sure there are no duplicates
    if ((j != 1) & (!is.null(ans[[1]]))){ # If NOT the first, and not NULL
      for (k in 1:length(Apps)){ # Go through entire App list
        if (ans[[1]] == Apps[[k]][1]){ # if equality, then return NULL
          ans <- list(NULL, NULL)
    if (!is.null(ans[[1]])){ # Now no duplicate so add to list
      Apps <- append(Apps,list(c(ans)))
    } else {
      Apps <- append(Apps,list(c(tmp$result[[j]]$id, "Private Application")))
  if (description == TRUE){ # If description
    res <- matrix(, length(Apps))
    colnames(res) <- "Application" # Below, list both
    for (i in 1:length(Apps)) res[i, 1] <- paste(Apps[[i]], collapse=" - ")
  } else {
    res <- matrix(, length(Apps))
    colnames(res) <- "Application"
    for (i in 1:length(Apps)) res[i, 1] <- Apps[[i]][1] # Just list the ids

#### GetAppInfo #####

GetAppInfo <- function(application, return.json=FALSE, print.curl=FALSE) {
  # This takes the application name and returns basic information about the
  #   app.  For Foundation API and Agave API the applications are inherently
  #   private to the user only, or are public, where all iPlant users can
  #   use it.  An application is private until the user makes it public.
  # Args:
  #   application: A string, application name
  #   return.json: Return json of app, contains all information
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  # Returns:
  #   Returns a description about the application, whether the application
  #     is public, newest version, then vital information about the app,
  #     including input, output, etc. o/w errors
  if (rplant.env$api == "f"){
    tmp_string <- "tmp$result[[len]]"
  } else {
    tmp_string <- "tmp$result"
  # Get the basic application ifo
  result <- appINFO(application)
  text <- result[[1]]
  priv.APP <- result[[2]]

  if (text == "Public App"){
    v.text <- result[[3]]
    APP <- result[[4]]
    tmp <- result[[5]]
  } else {
    tmp <- result[[3]]

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " -X GET ", rplant.env$webappsname,
                         "/", priv.APP, sep="")
  if (return.json) {
  } else {
    # Go through the json and tease out all of the info we need.
    len <- length(tmp$result)
    for (input in sequence(length(eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$inputs",
                                                        sep="")))))) {
      app.info <- rbind(app.info, 

    for (parameter in sequence(length(eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$parameters", 
                                                            sep="")))))) {
      app.info <- rbind(app.info, 

#      if (eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string,"$parameters[[parameter]]$value$type", sep=""))) == "enumeration") {
#          for (i in c(1:length(eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string,"$parameters[[parameter]]$value$enum_values", sep="")))))) {
#app.info <- rbind(app.info, c("", paste("enum-choice",i), names(eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string,"$parameters[[parameter]]$value$enum_values[[i]]", sep="")))), eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string,"$parameters[[parameter]]$value$enum_values[[i]]", sep="")))))
#      }
      if (eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string,"$parameters[[parameter]]$value$type", sep=""))) == "enumeration") {
          for (i in c(1:length(eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string,"$parameters[[parameter]]$value$enum_values", sep="")))))) {
app.info <- rbind(app.info, c("", paste("enum-choice",i), names(eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string,"$parameters[[parameter]]$value$enum_values[[i]]", sep="")))), ""))
    for (output in sequence(length(eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$outputs",
                                                         sep="")))))) {

      app.info <- rbind(app.info, 

    shortd <- eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$shortDescription", sep="")))
    shortn <- nchar(shortd)
    longd <- eval(parse(text=paste(tmp_string, "$longDescription", sep="")))
    if (is.null(longd)) {longn = 0} else {longn <- nchar(longd)}
    if (longn >= shortn) {
      description <- longd
    } else {
      description <- shortd
    colnames(app.info)<-c("kind", "id", "fileType/value", "details")
    if (text == "Private App"){
      return(list(Description=description, Application=c(application, text),
    } else {
      return(list(Description=description, Application=c(application, text, v.text),

# -- END -- #


##### SubmitJob #####

SubmitJob <- function(application, file.path="", file.list=NULL, input.list, 
                      args.list=NULL, job.name, nprocs=1, private.APP=FALSE, 
                      suppress.Warnings=FALSE, shared.username=NULL,
                      print.curl=FALSE, email=TRUE) {
  if (private.APP) {
  # This takes the application name and returns basic information about the
  #   app.
  # Args:
  #   application: A string, application name
  #   file.path: Path to where ALL input files are located
  #   file.list: List of input files, can be many input
  #   input.list: List corresponding to file list, is type of input
  #     see help(SubmitJob) for details.  Use GetAppList to find input list
  #   args.list: List of arguments for the specific application.  This list
  #     has a very specific format that is included in the help(SubmitJob) file
  #   job.name: Job name adds a time stamp to make them unique
  #   nprocs: Number of processors allocated to job.  This number depends
  #     on if application is parallelizable.
  #   private.APP: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE the application is private
  #     to the user, o/w the app is public
  #   email: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE the user is sent an email when
  #     jov is finished.
  #   shared.username: String, valid iPlant username with whom the object
  #     is being shared.
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   suppress.Warnings: Don't do any error checking (faster)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns the job id (number).  o/w an error

  # Job Name is automatically time stamped
  job.name <- paste(unlist(strsplit(paste(job.name, "_", format(Sys.time(), 
                    "%Y-%m-%d_%k-%M-%OS3"), sep=""), " ")), collapse="")

  if (nchar(job.name) > 128) {
    total = nchar(job.name) - 127
    job.name = substring(job.name, total, nchar(job.name))

  content <- c()
  # Create the options
  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    tmp_string <- "tmp$result[[len]]"
    eml_string <- "callbackUrl="
    content[1] <- paste("jobName=", job.name, sep="")
    content[2] <- paste("softwareName=", application, sep="")
    content[3] <- "requestedTime=24:00:00"
  } else {
    tmp_string <- "tmp$result"
    eml_string <- "callbackURL="
    content[1] <- paste("name=", job.name, sep="")
    content[2] <- paste("appId=", application, sep="")
    content[3] <- "maxRunTime=24:00:00"
  # Check that all of the files exist
  for (i in 1:length(file.list)){
    Check(file.list[[i]], file.path, suppress.Warnings, shared.username)

  if (suppress.Warnings == FALSE){
    # Output includes info about inputs of app
    result <- appINFO(application, FALSE, TRUE)
    if (result[[1]] == "Public App"){
      input <- result[[6]] # Input information, compare to input.list
      set <- result[[7]] # Parallelization information of app
    } else {
      input <- result[[4]] # Input information, compare to input.list
      set <- result[[5]] # Parallelization information of app
    # Compare the input.list to actual inputs of the application.
    #   If they don't match throw an error.
    test.input <- rep(0, length(input.list))

#   for (j in 1:length(input.list)){
#     if (!input.list[[j]] % in % input){
#       test.input[j] <- 1
#       break;
#     }
#   }

    for (j in 1:length(input.list)){
      cnt = 0
      for (i in 1:length(input)){
        if (input.list[[j]] == input[i]){
          cnt = cnt + 1
      if (cnt != 1){
        test.input[j] <- 1

    # Throw an error if one of the inputs in input.list is incorrect
    if (sum(test.input) > 0 ){
      return(stop(paste("At least one of the inputs in 'input.list' is incorrect,",
                        "check GetAppInfo function for proper inputs", sep = ""), 
                  call. = FALSE))
  # If suppressing Warnings then the look up about the application didn't 
  #   happen.  Need to look up the application to get parallelization
  #   information.
  if (suppress.Warnings==TRUE){
    result <- appINFO(application)
    if (result[[1]] == "Public App"){
      set <- result[[6]]
    } else {
      set <- result[[4]]
  # If the application is a private app, then stop, because we can't run
  #   a job on someone elses private app
  if (private.APP==FALSE){
    if (result[[1]] == "Private App"){
      return(stop(paste("Private application, not valid for SubmitJob.  If it", 
                        "is your own private application use private.APP=TRUE"),
                  call. = FALSE))
  # If the application can be run in parallel, then increase the number of
  #   processors to be used.  A user cannot use more than 512 processors
  if (set == "PARALLEL"){
    if (nprocs < 2){
      nprocs = 12
    } else if (nprocs > 512){
      nprocs = 512
  } else { # If the application is not parallel nprocs is set to one
    if (nprocs != 1){
      nprocs = 1

  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    content[4] <- paste("processorCount=", nprocs, sep="")
  } else {
    content[4] <- paste("nodeCount=", nprocs, sep="")

  # Automatically makes analyses directory; will not overwrite if already present
  MakeDir("analyses", suppress.Warnings=TRUE)

  # Set archivePath, where job output will be returned
  content[5] <- "archive=1"
  content[6] <- paste("archivePath=", rplant.env$user, "analyses", 
                      job.name, sep="/"); x <- 6; # x tells the length of options

  # If email is TRUE
  if (email==TRUE){
    res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURLContent(url  = rplant.env$webprofiles, 
                                                   curl = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                    error = function(err) {
    content[7] <- paste(eml_string, res$result[[1]]$email, sep=""); x <- 7;

  # For the loop below n needs to be initialized
  if(!is.null(file.list)){n <- length(file.list)} else {n <- 0}

  # For all of the files in file.list the options needed to line up with the
  #   input.list, and also go to the correct directory.
  if (n > 0){
    for (i in c(1:n)){
      if (file.path=="") {
        if (is.null(shared.username)){
          content[x+i] <- paste(input.list[[i]],"=/", rplant.env$user, 
                                "/", file.list[[i]], sep="")
        } else {
          content[x+i] <- paste(input.list[[i]],"=/", shared.username, 
                                "/", file.list[[i]], sep="")
      } else {
        if (is.null(shared.username)){
          content[x+i] <- paste(input.list[[i]],"=/", rplant.env$user, "/",
                                file.path, "/", file.list[[i]], sep="")
        } else {
          content[x+i] <- paste(input.list[[i]],"=/", shared.username, "/",
                                file.path, "/", file.list[[i]], sep="")

  # For the loop below m needs to be initialized
  if(!is.null(args.list)){m <- length(args.list)} else {m <- 0}

  # For the specific format of args.list, if there are arguments
  #   add them to the options.
  if (m > 0){
    for (i in c(1:m)){
      content[x+n+i] <- paste(args.list[[i]][1],"=", 
                               args.list[[i]][2], sep="")

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first," -X POST -d '", 
                         paste(content, collapse = "&"), "' ", 
                         rplant.env$webjob, sep="")

  val <- charToRaw(paste(content, collapse = "&"))
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURLContent(rplant.env$webjob, 
                                                 curl          = rplant.env$curl.call,
                                                 infilesize    = length(val), 
                                                 readfunction  = val, 
                                                 upload        = TRUE, 
                                                 customrequest = "POST")),
                  error = function(err) {
  if (!suppress.Warnings){Error(res)}
  cat("Job submitted. \n")
  cat(paste("You can check your job using CheckJobStatus(", 
            res$result$id, ")", sep=""), "\n")
  # return(res$result$id)
  output <- vector("list", 2)
  names(output) <- c("id", "name")
  output$id <- res$result$id
  output$name <- job.name

## CheckJobStatus ###

CheckJobStatus <- function(job.id, history=FALSE, print.curl=FALSE) {
  # This function checks the job status of the job with that job number
  # Args:
  #   job.id: Job number of job to be checked
  #   history:  Either TRUE or FALSE, only for Agave API, if TRUE
  #     then will show entire history of job.
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  # Returns:
  #   Returns the status of the job:
  #     ‘PENDING’            
  #     ‘STAGING_INPUTS’     
  #     ‘CLEANING_UP’        
  #     ‘ARCHIVING’          
  #     ‘STAGING_JOB’        
  #     ‘FINISHED’           
  #     ‘KILLED’             
  #     ‘FAILED’             
  #     ‘STOPPED’            
  #     ‘RUNNING’            
  #     ‘PAUSED’             
  #     ‘QUEUED’             
  #     ‘SUBMITTING’         
  #     ‘STAGED’             

  web <- paste(rplant.env$webjob, job.id, sep="/")

  if (!(((rplant.env$api == "f") && (history == TRUE)) || (history == FALSE))){
     web <- paste(web, "history", sep="")

  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(web, 
                                           .checkparams = FALSE, 
                                           curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, web)


  if (!(((rplant.env$api == "f") && (history == TRUE)) || (history == FALSE))){
  } else { 

###### KillJob ######

KillJob <- function(job.id, print.curl=FALSE) {
  # This function stops the job with the job number
  # Args:
  #   job.id: Job number of job to be checked
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an Error

  web <- paste(rplant.env$webjob, job.id, sep="/")

  content <- c()
  content[1] <- "action=stop"

  val <- charToRaw(paste(content, collapse = "&"))

  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getURLContent(web, 
                                                 curl          = rplant.env$curl.call,
                                                 infilesize    = length(val), 
                                                 readfunction  = val, 
                                                 upload        = TRUE, 
                                                 customrequest = "POST")),
                  error = function(err) {

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, " -X POST -d '", 
                         paste(content, collapse = "&"), "' ", 
                         web, sep="")



##### DeleteOne #####

DeleteOne <- function(job.id, print.curl=FALSE) {
  # This function deletes the job with the job number, and it deletes
  #   the folder the result files are in
  # Args:
  #   job.id: Job number of job to be checked
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an Error

  web <- paste(rplant.env$webjob, job.id, sep="/")

  # Check that job id exists
  JS <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(web, 
                                          .checkparams = FALSE, 
                                          curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                 error = function(err) {

  # If the job is finished or stopped then it can be deleted, it it's running
  #   an appropriate error is returned
  if ((JS$result$status == "FINISHED") || (JS$result$status == "STOPPED") || 
      (JS$result$status == "ARCHIVING_FINISHED") || (JS$result$status == "FAILED")){
    # DeleteJob deletes the directory the result files are in, this finds that folder
    if (JS$result$archive == TRUE){
      dir.name <- unlist(strsplit(JS$result$archivePath, "/"))[
                         length(unlist(strsplit(JS$result$archivePath, "/")))]

      dir.path <- substr(JS$result$archivePath, nchar(rplant.env$user) + 3, 

    # Delete the directory
      tmp <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(httpDELETE(paste(rplant.env$webio, dir.path, 
                                                        dir.name, sep="/"), 
                                                  curl = rplant.env$curl.call)),
                      error = function(err) {
    # Delete the job
    tmp <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(httpDELETE(web, curl = rplant.env$curl.call)),
                    error = function(err) {
    if (print.curl) {
      curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, "-X DELETE", web)


  } else {
    return(stop(paste("Error: Could not delete, job status:", 
                      JS$result$status), call. = FALSE))
##### DeleteALL #####

DeleteALL <- function() {
  # Deletes all of the jobs in the job history, and their associated
  #   directories
  # Args:
  #   Nothing
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an Error

  # Get the entire job list
  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(rplant.env$webjoblist, 
                                           .checkparams = FALSE, 
                                           curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {

  if (length(res$result) == 0) {
    message("No jobs in job history")
  } else { # Go through each job and delete it
    for (i in 1:length(res$result)){
      JS <- tryCatch(expr = DeleteOne(res$result[[i]]$id), 
                 error = function(err) {

##### DeleteJob #####

DeleteJob <- function(job.id, print.curl=FALSE, ALL=FALSE) {
  # Deletes the job with the job number, also have the option to delete all
  #   jobs
  # Args:
  #   job.id: Job number of job to be deleted
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   ALL: Delete all jobs in the job history
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an Error
  if (ALL==TRUE){
    if (print.curl) {
      message("No curl statement to print")
  } else {
    DeleteOne(job.id, print.curl)

#### RetrieveOne ####

RetrieveOne <- function(file, archive.path, file.path, print.curl) {  
  # This function takes the file in the archive.path from the iPlant servers
  # to the file.path on the local computer.
  # Args:
  #   file: String of the file name
  #   archive.path: Path to the file on the iPlant server side
  #   file.path: Path to where file will be downloaded on local computer
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless an Error

  web <- paste(rplant.env$webio1, archive.path, "/", file, sep="")

  curlPerform(url       = web, 
              curl      = rplant.env$curl.call, 
              writedata = CFILE(file.path(file.path,file), 
              mode      = "wrb")@ref)

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, "-X GET", web)

#### RetrieveJob ####

RetrieveJob <- function(job.id, file.vec=NULL, print.curl=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {  
  # From the job number, retrieve the files in the file.vec and download
  # to the current directory on the local computer.  A folder the name
  # of the job is created, and all files put inside.
  # Args:
  #   job.id: Job number of job whose files will be retreived
  #   file.vec: Vector containing file names, if NULL all files will be 
  #     downloaded
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   verbose: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE print a statment listing
  #     which files have been downloaded to which folder
  # Returns:
  #   Returns nothing unless verbose=TRUE or an Error

  web <- paste(rplant.env$webjob, job.id, sep="/")

  JS <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(web, 
                 error = function(err) {

  if ((JS$res$status == "ARCHIVING_FINISHED") || (JS$res$status == "FINISHED")) {
    # Create a local folder in current R working directory, the folder's name
    #   is the job name given to the job previously.
    dir.path <- file.path(getwd(), JS$result[[2]])
      if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") {
        invisible(shell(paste("mkdir ", JS$result[[2]], sep="")))
      } else {

    # If file.vec is NULL, get all result file name for job number
      file.vec <- ListJobOutput(job.id, print.total=FALSE)

    # Get all result file name for job number
    fileList <- ListJobOutput(job.id, print.total=FALSE)

    # Go through each file in file.vec
    for (file in 1:length(file.vec)) {
      # if file exists in output then download
      if (file.vec[file] %in% fileList) {

        RetrieveOne(file.vec[file], JS$result$archivePath, dir.path, print.curl)

        if (verbose==TRUE) { # If TRUE, verbose output
          message(paste("Downloaded", file.vec[file], "to", dir.path))
      } else { # If file not there, return an error
        return(stop(paste("`",file.vec[file], "' is not found within `", 
                          job.id,"'", sep=""), call. = FALSE))
  } else { # If job is not finished
    return(stop(paste("Job is", JS$res$status), call. = FALSE))

### ListJobOutput ###

ListJobOutput <- function(job.id, print.curl=FALSE, print.total=TRUE) {
  # List the names of the result files with the job number
  # Args:
  #   job.id: Job number of job whose files will be retreived
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  #   print.total: Either TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE prints number of files
  # Returns:
  #   Returns the file list, else an error

  # Check status of the job, and that it exists
  JS <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(paste(rplant.env$webjob, job.id, sep="/"), 
                                          .checkparams = FALSE, 
                                          curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                 error = function(err) {

  file.vec <- c()
  if ((JS$res$status == "FINISHED") || (JS$res$status == "ARCHIVING_FINISHED")) {
    # Knowing it does, and knowing the archivePath, where the result files
    #   are located, get the list of files in the folder
    web <- paste(rplant.env$weblist, JS$result$archivePath, sep="")
    res <- fromJSON(getURLContent(web, curl=rplant.env$curl.call))

    if (print.curl) {
      curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, "-X GET", web)

    len <- length(res$result)
    if (len == 0){
      return(paste("There are ", len, " output files for job '", 
                   job.id,"'", sep=""))

    if (print.total == TRUE) {
      message(paste("There are ", len-1, " output files for job '", 
                    job.id,"'", sep=""))
    # Add each name into 'file.vec'
    for (i in 2:length(res$result)) {
      file.vec <- append(file.vec, res$result[[i]]$name)
  } else {
    return(stop(paste("Job is", JS$res$status), call. = FALSE))

### GetJobHistory ###

GetJobHistory <- function(return.json=FALSE, print.curl=FALSE) {
  # List all of the jobs in the job history
  # Args:
  #   return.json: Returns a json containing all information
  #   print.curl: Prints the associated curl statement
  # Returns:
  #   Returns a list of jobs, with id, name and current status.  If no
  #     job then return "No jobs in history"
  if (rplant.env$api == "f") {
    tmp_string <- "res$result[[i]]$software"
  } else {
    tmp_string <- "res$result[[i]]$appId"

  jobList <- c()

  res <- tryCatch(expr  = fromJSON(getForm(rplant.env$webjoblist, 
                                           .checkparams = FALSE, 
                                           curl         = rplant.env$curl.call)), 
                  error = function(err) {

  if (print.curl) {
    curl.string <- paste(rplant.env$first, "-X GET", rplant.env$webjoblist)


  if (length(res$result) == 0){
    return("No jobs in history")
  } else {
    if (return.json) 

    for (i in 1: length(res$result)) {
      job <- c(res$result[[i]]$id, res$result[[i]]$name, 
               eval(parse(text=tmp_string)), res$result[[i]]$status) 
      jobList <- rbind(jobList, job)
      colnames(jobList) <- c("job.id", "job.name", "application", "status")

# -- END -- #

Try the rPlant package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rPlant documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:35 p.m.