#### :
#### August 06, 2010 2:14 PM 9121 BYlogreg.r.txt == BYlogreg.R (*this* original)
#### May 04, 2005 9:24 AM 6702 BYlogreg.txt == BYlogreg.R.~2005~
#### May 04, 2005 9:25 AM 6720 WBYlogreg.txt == WBYlogreg.R
#### Sep. 27, 2017: available at
#### NB: Splus original Version of this file: BYlogreg.ssc in the
#### -- in FunctionsRob/ (from from Wiley's book supplements
#### see my ../misc/MMY-book/Wiley-supplements/FunctionsRob/BYlogreg.ssc
## Computation of the estimator of Bianco and Yohai (1996) in logistic regression
## -------------
## Christophe Croux, Gentiane Haesbroeck
## (thanks to Kristel Joossens and Valentin Todorov for improving the code) -
## ==> Now "contains" both the *weighted* and regular, unweighted BY-estimator
## This program computes the estimator of Bianco and Yohai in
## logistic regression. By default, an intercept term is included
## and p parameters are estimated.
## For more details we refer to
## Croux, C., and Haesbroeck, G. (2003),
## ``Implementing the Bianco and Yohai estimator for Logistic Regression'',
## Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 44, 273-295
## Changes by Martin Maechler, ---> ../man/BYlogreg.Rd
## ------------------
BYlogreg <- function(x0, y, initwml=TRUE, # w.x=NULL,
const=0.5, kmax = 1000, maxhalf = 10,
sigma.min = 1e-4, trace.lev=0)
y <- as.numeric(y)
## if(!is.null(w.x))
## warning("x weights 'w.x' are not yet made use of")
if(!is.null(dim(y))) {
if(ncol(y) != 1)
stop("y is not onedimensional")
y <- as.vector(y)
n <- length(y)
if( {
x0 <- data.matrix(x0)
} else if (!is.matrix(x0)) {
x0 <- matrix(x0, length(x0), 1,
dimnames = list(names(x0), deparse(substitute(x0))))
if(nrow(x0) != n)
stop("Number of observations in x and y not equal")
na.x <- !is.finite(rowSums(x0))
na.y <- !is.finite(y)
ok <- !(na.x | na.y)
if(!all(ok)) {
x0 <- x0[ok, , drop = FALSE]
y <- y [ok] # y[ok, , drop = FALSE]
if(addIntercept) {
x <- cbind("Intercept" = 1, x0)
} else { # x0 := x without the "intercept column"
x <- x0
all1 <- apply(x == 1, 2, all)
x0 <- x[,!all1, drop = FALSE]
else message("no intercept in the model")
dx <- dim(x)
n <- dx[1]
if(n == 0)
stop("All observations have missing values!")
p <- dx[2] # == ncol(x)
family <- binomial()
## Computation of the initial value of the optimization process
gstart <-
if(initwml) {
###_ FIXME: Should allow many more schemes:
###_ 1) using MVE with much less singular cases
###_ 2) Instead of {0,1}-weighting with cutoff, w/ weights --> 0 *continuously*
### --> glm() with "prior" weights instead of 'subset'
## hp <- floor(n*(1-0.25))+1
## mcdx <-, quantile.used =hp,method="mcd")
## rdx=sqrt(mahalanobis(x0,center=mcdx$center,cov=mcdx$cov))
## mcdx <- CovMcd(x0, alpha=0.75)
## rdx <- sqrt(getDistance(mcdx))
mcd <- covMcd(x0, alpha=0.75)
## ----- FIXME: argument!
D <- sqrt( mahalanobis(mcd$X, mcd$center, mcd$cov) )
vc <- sqrt(qchisq(0.975, p-1))
## ----- FIXME: 'vc' should be argument!
wrd <- D <= vc
### FIXME_2: use weights and "weights.on.x' as in Mqle ( ./glmrobMqle.R )
## glm(y~x0, family=binomial, subset = wrd)$coef[wrd,,drop=FALSE], y[wrd], family=family)$coef
} else {, y, family=family)$coef
sigma1 <- 1/sqrt(sum(gstart^2))
xistart <- gstart*sigma1
stscores <- x %*% xistart
## Initial value for the objective function
oldobj <- mean(phiBY3(stscores/sigma1, y, const))
converged <- FALSE
kstep <- 1L
while(kstep < kmax && !converged)
unisig <- function(sigma) mean(phiBY3(stscores/sigma, y, const))
## ------
optimsig <- nlminb(sigma1, unisig, lower=0)# "FIXME" arguments to nlminb()
## ======
if(trace.lev) cat(sprintf("k=%2d, s1=%12.8g: => new s1= %12.8g",
kstep, sigma1, optimsig$par))# MM: jhalf =!?= 1 here ??
sigma1 <- optimsig$par
if(sigma1 < sigma.min) {
if(trace.lev) cat("\n")
warning(gettextf("Implosion: sigma1=%g became too small", sigma1))
kstep <- kmax #-> *no* convergence
} else {
## gamma1 <- xistart/sigma1
scores <- stscores/sigma1
newobj <- mean(phiBY3(scores, y,const))
oldobj <- newobj
grad.BY <- colMeans((derphiBY3(scores,y,const) %*% matrix(1,ncol=p))*x)
h <- -grad.BY + c(grad.BY %*% xistart) * xistart
finalstep <- h/sqrt(sum(h^2))
if(trace.lev) {
if(trace.lev >= 2) cat(sprintf(", obj=%12.9g: ", oldobj))
## FIXME repeat { ... } {{next 4 lines are also inside while(..) below}}
xi1 <- xistart+finalstep
xi1 <- xi1/sum(xi1^2)
scores1 <- (x %*% xi1)/sigma1
newobj <- mean(phiBY3(scores1,y,const))
## If 'newobj' is not better, try taking a smaller step size:
hstep <- 1.
jhalf <- 1L
while(jhalf <= maxhalf & newobj > oldobj)
hstep <- hstep/2
xi1 <- xistart+finalstep*hstep
xi1 <- xi1/sqrt(sum(xi1^2))
scores1 <- x %*% xi1/sigma1
newobj <- mean(phiBY3(scores1,y,const))
if(trace.lev >= 2)
cat(sprintf(" jh=%2d, hstep=%13.8g => new obj=%13.9g\n",
jhalf, hstep, newobj))
jhalf <- jhalf+1L
converged <-
not.improved <- (jhalf > maxhalf && newobj > oldobj)
if(not.improved) {
## newobj is "worse" and step halving did not improve
message("Convergence Achieved")
} else {
jhalf <- 1L
xistart <- xi1
oldobj <- newobj
stscores <- x %*% xi1
kstep <- kstep+1L
} ## while( kstep )
if(kstep == kmax) {
warning(gettextf("No convergence in %d steps.", kstep), domain=NA)
list(convergence=FALSE, objective=0, coefficients= rep(NA,p))
} else {
gammaest <- xistart/sigma1
V <- vcovBY3(x, y, const, estim=gammaest, addIntercept=FALSE)
list(convergence=TRUE, objective=oldobj, coefficients=gammaest,
cov = V, sterror = sqrt(diag(V)),
iter = kstep)
### -- FIXME: nlminb() allows many tweaks !!
### -- ----- but we use nlminb() for ONE-dim. minimization over { sigma >= 0 } - really??
## MM: my version would rather use optimize() over over log(sigma)
glmrobBY.control <-
function(maxit = 1000, const = 0.5, maxhalf = 10)
## FIXME: sigma.min
## MM: 'acc' seems a misnomer to me, but it's inherited from MASS::rlm
## TODO acc = 1e-04, test.acc = "coef", tcc = 1.345)
## if (!is.numeric(acc) || acc <= 0)
## stop("value of acc must be > 0")
## if (test.acc != "coef")
## stop("Only 'test.acc = \"coef\"' is currently implemented")
## if (!(any(test.vec == c("coef", "resid"))))
## stop("invalid argument for test.acc")
if(!is.numeric(maxit) || maxit <= 0)
stop("maximum number of \"kstep\" iterations must be > 0")
if(!is.numeric(maxhalf) || maxhalf <= 0)
stop("maximal number of *inner* step halvings must be > 0")
## if (!is.numeric(tcc) || tcc <= 0)
## stop("value of the tuning constant c (tcc) must be > 0")
if(!is.numeric(const) || const <= 0)
stop("value of the tuning constant c ('const') must be > 0")
list(## acc = acc, consttest.acc = test.acc,
maxit=maxit #, tcc = tcc
##' @param intercept logical, if true, X[,] has an intercept column which should
##' not be used for rob.wts
glmrobBY <- function(X, y,
weights = NULL, start = NULL, offset = NULL,
method = c("WBY","BY"), weights.on.x = "none",
control = glmrobBY.control(...), intercept = TRUE,
trace.lev = 0, ...)
### THIS is *NOT* exported
method <- match.arg(method)
if(!is.null(weights) || any(weights != 1)) ## FIXME (?)
stop("non-trivial prior 'weights' are not yet implemented for \"BY\"")
stop(" 'start' cannot yet be passed to glmrobBY()")
stop(" 'offset' is not yet implemented for \"BY\"")
const <- if(is.null(cc <- control$const )) 0.5 else cc
kmax <- if(is.null(cc <- control$maxit )) 1e3 else cc
maxhalf <- if(is.null(cc <- control$maxhalf)) 10 else cc
if(!identical(weights.on.x, "none"))
stop(gettextf("'weights.on.x = \"%s\"' is not implemented",
format(weights.on.x)), domain=NA)
## w.x <- robXweights(weights.on.x, X=X, intercept=intercept)
## MM: all(?) the BY3() functions below would need to work with weights...
r <- BYlogreg(x0=X, y=y, initwml = (method == "WBY"), ## w.x=w.x,
addIntercept = !intercept, ## add intercept if there is none
const=const, kmax=kmax, maxhalf=maxhalf,
## FIXME sigma.min (is currently x-scale dependent !????)
## FIXME: make result more "compatible" with other glmrob() methods
### Functions needed for the computation of estimator of Bianco and Yohai ----------------------
## From their paper:
## A last remark is worth mentioning: when huge outliers occur in
## the logistic regression setting, often numerical imprecision occurs in the computation
## of the deviances given by
## d(s;y_i)= -y_i log F(s) - (1-y_i) log{1-F(s)} .
## Instead of directly computing this expression, it can be seen that a
## numerically more stable and accurate formula is given by
## log(1 + exp(-abs(s))) + abs(s)* ((y-0.5)*s < 0)
## in which the second term equals abs(s) if the observation is misclassified, 0 otherwise.
dev1 <- function(s,y) log(1+exp(-abs(s))) + abs(s)*((y-0.5)*s<0)
dev2 <- function(s,y) log1p(exp(-abs(s))) + abs(s)*((y-0.5)*s<0)
dev3 <- function(s,y) -( y * plogis(s, log.p=TRUE) +
(1-y)*plogis(s, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE))
## MM[FIXME]: first tests indicate that dev3() is clearly more accurate than
## their dev1() !!
## MM{FIXME2}: In code below have (or "had") three cases of same formula, but
## with 's>0' instead of 's<0' : This is == dev?(-s, y) !!
## for now, 100% back-compatibility:
devBY <- dev1
rm(dev1, dev2, dev3)
## MM: This is from my vignette, but *not* used
log1pexp <- function(x) {
if( <- any(ina <- {
y <- x
x <- x[ok <- !ina]
t1 <- x <= 18
t2 <- !t1 & (tt <- x <= 33.3)
r <- x
r[ t1] <- log1p(exp(x[t1]))
r[ t2] <- { x2 <- x[t2]; x2 + exp(-x2) }
r[!tt] <- x[!tt]
if( { y[ok] <- r ; y } else r
phiBY3 <- function(s,y,c3)
s <- as.double(s)
## MM FIXME log(1 + exp(-.)) ... but read the note above !! ---
dev. <- devBY(s,y)
## FIXME: GBY3Fs() computes the 'dev' above *again*, and
## GBY3Fsm() does with 's>0' instead of 's<0'
rhoBY3(dev.,c3) + GBY3Fs(s,c3) + GBY3Fsm(s,c3)
rhoBY3 <- function(t,c3)
ec3 <- exp(-sqrt(c3))
t*ec3* (t <= c3) +
(ec3*(2+(2*sqrt(c3))+c3) - 2*exp(-sqrt(t))*(1+sqrt(t)))* (t > c3)
psiBY3 <- function(t,c3)
exp(-sqrt(c3)) *(t <= c3) +
exp(-sqrt( t)) *(t > c3)
## MM: This is shorter (but possibly slower when most t are <= c3 :
## psiBY3 <- function(t,c3) exp(-sqrt(pmax(t, c3)))
##' d/dt psi(t, c3)
derpsiBY3 <- function(t, c3)
r <- t
r[in. <- (t <= c3)] <- 0
if(any(out <- !in.)) {
t <- t[out]
st <- sqrt(t)
r[out] <- -exp(-st)/(2*st)
## MM: FIXME this is not used above
sigmaBY3 <- function(sigma,s,y,c3)
derphiBY3 <- function(s,y,c3)
Fs <- exp(-devBY(s,1))
ds <- Fs*(1-Fs) ## MM FIXME: use expm1()
dev. <- devBY(s,y)
Gprim1 <- devBY(s,1)
Gprim2 <- devBY(-s,1)
-psiBY3(dev.,c3)*(y-Fs) + ds*(psiBY3(Gprim1,c3) - psiBY3(Gprim2,c3))
der2phiBY3 <- function(s, y, c3)
s <- as.double(s)
Fs <- exp(-devBY(s,1))
ds <- Fs*(1-Fs) ## MM FIXME: use expm1()
dev. <- devBY(s,y)
Gprim1 <- devBY(s,1)
Gprim2 <- devBY(-s,1)
der2 <- derpsiBY3(dev.,c3)*(Fs-y)^2 + ds*psiBY3(dev.,c3)
der2 <- der2+ ds*(1-2*Fs)*(psiBY3(Gprim1,c3) - psiBY3(Gprim2,c3))
der2 - ds*(derpsiBY3(Gprim1,c3)*(1-Fs) +
derpsiBY3(Gprim2,c3)* Fs )
GBY3Fs <- function(s,c3)
e.f <- exp(0.25)*sqrt(pi)
## MM FIXME: Fs = exp(..) and below use log(Fs) !!
Fs <- exp(-devBY(s,1))
resGinf <- e.f*(pnorm(sqrt(2)*(0.5+sqrt(-log(Fs))))-1)
## MM FIXME: use expm1():
resGinf <- (resGinf+(Fs*exp(-sqrt(-log(Fs)))))*as.numeric(s <= -log(exp(c3)-1))
resGsup <- ((Fs*exp(-sqrt(c3)))+(e.f*(pnorm(sqrt(2)*(0.5+sqrt(c3)))-1))) *
as.numeric(s > -log(exp(c3)-1))
resGinf + resGsup
GBY3Fsm <- function(s,c3)
e.f <- exp(0.25)*sqrt(pi)
## MM FIXME: Fsm = exp(..) and below use log(Fsm) !!
Fsm <- exp(-devBY(-s,1))
resGinf <- e.f*(pnorm(sqrt(2)*(0.5+sqrt(-log(Fsm))))-1)
## MM FIXME: use expm1():
resGinf <- (resGinf+(Fsm*exp(-sqrt(-log(Fsm))))) * as.numeric(s >= log(exp(c3)-1))
resGsup <- ((Fsm*exp(-sqrt(c3)))+(e.f*(pnorm(sqrt(2)*(0.5+sqrt(c3)))-1))) *
as.numeric(s < log(exp(c3)-1))
resGinf + resGsup
## Compute the standard erros of the estimates -
## this is done by estimating the asymptotic variance of the normal
## limiting distribution of the BY estimator - as derived in Bianco
## and Yohai (1996)
sterby3 <- function(x0, y, const, estim, addIntercept)
sqrt(diag(vcovBY3(x0, y, const=const, estim=estim, addIntercept=addIntercept)))
vcovBY3 <- function(z, y, const, estim, addIntercept)
stopifnot(length(dim(z)) == 2)
if(addIntercept) z <- cbind(1, z)
d <- dim(z)
n <- d[1]
p <- d[2]
argum <- z %*% estim
matM <- IFsqr <- matrix(0, p, p)
for(i in 1:n)
myscalar <- as.numeric(der2phiBY3(argum[i],y[i], c3=const))
zzt <- tcrossprod(z[i,])
matM <- matM + myscalar * zzt
IFsqr <- IFsqr + derphiBY3(argum[i],y[i], c3=const)^2 * zzt
matM <- matM/n
matMinv <- solve(matM)
IFsqr <- IFsqr/n
## Now, asymp.cov = matMinv %*% IFsqr %*% t(matMinv)
## provide vcov(): the full matrix
(matMinv %*% IFsqr %*% t(matMinv))/n
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