
Defines functions trW mom_calc_int mom_calc_int2 mom_calc impacts impacts.SLX impactSDEM impactsWX print.WXImpact print.summary.WXImpact summary.WXImpact impacts.stsls impacts.gmsar lagImpacts lagDistrImpacts processSample lagImpactsExact mixedImpactsExact processXSample intImpacts impacts.sarlm lagImpactMat print.lagImpact summary.lagImpact print.summary.lagImpact plot.lagImpact HPDinterval.lagImpact

Documented in HPDinterval.lagImpact impacts impacts.gmsar impacts.sarlm impacts.SLX impacts.stsls intImpacts mom_calc mom_calc_int2 plot.lagImpact print.lagImpact print.summary.lagImpact print.summary.WXImpact print.WXImpact summary.lagImpact summary.WXImpact trW

# Copyright 2009-2017 by Roger Bivand

trW <- function(W=NULL, m=30, p=16, type="mult", listw=NULL, momentsSymmetry=TRUE) {
# returns traces
    timings <- list()
    .ptime_start <- proc.time()
    if (type == "mult") {
        stopifnot(inherits(W, "sparseMatrix"))
        n <- dim(W)[1]
        iW <- W
        tr <- numeric(m)
        for (i in 1:m) {
            tr[i] <- sum(diag(iW))
            iW <- W %*% iW
    } else if (type == "MC") {
        stopifnot(inherits(W, "sparseMatrix"))
        n <- dim(W)[1]
        tr <- numeric(m)
# return sd of traces 111126
        sdtr <- numeric(m)
        x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n, ncol=p)
        xx <- x
        for (i in 1:m) {
            xx <- W %*% xx
# return sd of traces 111126
            v <- apply(x * as.matrix(xx), 2, sum)
            tr[i] <- mean(v)
            sdtr[i] <- sd(v)/sqrt(p)
#            tr[i] <- sum(apply(x * as.matrix(xx), 2,  function(y) sum(y)/p))
# mean replaced by sum(y)/p 091012, 0.4-47
        tr[1] <- 0.0
        tr[2] <- sum(t(W) * W)
# return sd of traces 111126
        sdtr[1:2] <- NA
        attr(tr, "sd") <- sdtr
    } else if (type == "moments") {
        if (!is.null(W) && is.null(listw)) {
            if (momentsSymmetry && !is(W, "symmetricMatrix"))
                stop("moments require symmetric W")
            listw <- mat2listw(W)
        tr <- mom_calc(listw, m)
        n <- length(listw$neighbours)
    } else stop("unknown type")
    timings[["make_traces"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
    attr(tr, "timings") <- do.call("rbind", timings)[, c(1, 3)]
    attr(tr, "type") <- type
    attr(tr, "n") <- n

mom_calc_int <- function(is, m, W, eta0) {
    Omega <- rep(0.0, m)
    for (i in is) {
        eta <- eta0
        eta[i] <- 1
        for (j in seq(2, m, 2)) {
            zeta <- W %*% eta
            Omega[j-1] <- Omega[j-1] + crossprod(zeta, eta)[1,1]
            Omega[j] <- Omega[j] + crossprod(zeta, zeta)[1,1]
            eta <- zeta

mom_calc_int2 <- function(is, m, nb, weights, Card) {
    Omega <- .Call("mom_calc_int2", is, as.integer(m), nb, weights, Card, PACKAGE="spdep")

mom_calc <- function(lw, m) {
    stopifnot((m %% 2) == 0)
    nb <- lw$neighbours
    n <- length(nb)
    weights <- lw$weights
    Card <- card(nb)

    cores <- get.coresOption()
    if (is.null(cores)) {
        parallel <- "no"
    } else {
        parallel <- ifelse (get.mcOption(), "multicore", "snow")
    ncpus <- ifelse(is.null(cores), 1L, cores)
    cl <- NULL
    if (parallel == "snow") {
        cl <- get.ClusterOption()
        if (is.null(cl)) {
            parallel <- "no"
            warning("no cluster in ClusterOption, parallel set to no")

    if (parallel == "snow") {
      if (requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
#        require(parallel)
        lis <- parallel::splitIndices(n, length(cl))
        lOmega <- parallel::parLapply(cl, lis, mom_calc_int2, m, nb, weights, Card)
        Omega <- apply(do.call("cbind", lOmega), 1, sum)
      } else {
        stop("parallel not available")
    } else if (parallel == "multicore") {
      if (requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
#        require(parallel)
        lis <- parallel::splitIndices(n, ncpus)
        lOmega <- parallel::mclapply(lis, mom_calc_int2, m, nb, weights, Card,
            mc.set.seed=FALSE, mc.cores=ncpus)
        Omega <- apply(do.call("cbind", lOmega), 1, sum)
      } else {
        stop("parallel not available")
    } else {
        Omega <- mom_calc_int2(is=1:n, m=m, nb=nb, weights=weights, Card=Card)

impacts <- function(obj, ...)
    UseMethod("impacts", obj)

impacts.SLX <- function(obj, ...) {
    stopifnot(!is.null(attr(obj, "mixedImps")))
    n <- nrow(obj$model)
    k <- obj$qr$rank
    impactsWX(attr(obj, "mixedImps"), n, k, type="SLX")

impactSDEM <- function(obj) {
    n <- nrow(obj$tarX)
    k <- ncol(obj$tarX)
    impactsWX(obj$emixedImps, n, k, type="SDEM")

impactsWX <- function(obj, n, k, type="SLX") {
    imps <- lapply(obj, function(x) x[, 1])
    names(imps) <- c("direct", "indirect", "total")
    attr(imps, "bnames") <- rownames(obj[[1]])
    ses <- lapply(obj, function(x) x[, 2])
    names(ses) <- c("direct", "indirect", "total")
    attr(ses, "bnames") <- rownames(obj[[1]])
    res <- list(impacts=imps, se=ses)
    attr(res, "n") <- n
    attr(res, "k") <- k
    attr(res, "type") <- type
    attr(res, "method") <- "estimable"
    attr(res, "bnames") <- rownames(obj[[1]])
    class(res) <- "WXImpact"

print.WXImpact <- function(x, ...) {
    mat <- lagImpactMat(x$impacts)
    cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ",
        attr(x, "method"), "):\n", sep="")
    print(mat, ...)

print.summary.WXImpact <- function(x, ...) {
    mat <- x$mat
    cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ",
        attr(x, "method"), "):\n", sep="")
    print(mat, ...)
    mat <- x$semat
    cat("Standard errors:\n", sep="")
    print(mat, ...)
    mat <- x$zmat
    rownames(mat) <- attr(x, "bnames")
    print(mat, ...)
    xx <- apply(x$pzmat, 2, format.pval)
# 100928 Eelke Folmer
    if (length(attr(x, "bnames")) == 1L) {
        xx <- matrix(xx, ncol=3)
        colnames(xx) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
    rownames(xx) <- attr(x, "bnames")
    print(xx, ..., quote=FALSE)

summary.WXImpact <- function(object, ..., adjust_k=FALSE) {
    stopifnot(length(adjust_k) == 1L)
    object$mat <- lagImpactMat(object$impacts)
    object$semat <- lagImpactMat(object$se)
    if (adjust_k) {
        object$semat <- object$semat * (attr(object, "n")/
            (attr(object, "n") - attr(object, "k")))
        attr(object, "method") <- paste(attr(object, "method"),
            ", n-k", sep="")
    object$zmat <- object$mat/object$semat
    object$pzmat <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(object$zmat)))
    class(object) <- c("summary.WXImpact", class(object))

impacts.stsls <- function(obj, ..., tr=NULL, R=NULL, listw=NULL,
  tol=1e-6, empirical=FALSE, Q=NULL) {
    if (is.null(listw) && !is.null(obj$listw_style) && 
            obj$listw_style != "W")
            stop("Only row-standardised weights supported")
    rho <- obj$coefficients[1]
    beta <- obj$coefficients[-1]
    icept <- grep("(Intercept)", names(beta))
    iicept <- length(icept) > 0
    if (iicept) {
        P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
        bnames <- names(beta[-icept])
    } else {
        P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
        bnames <- names(beta)
    p <- length(beta)
    n <- length(obj$residuals)
    mu <- c(rho, beta)
    Sigma <- obj$var
    irho <- 1
    drop2beta <- 1
    res <- intImpacts(rho=rho, beta=beta, P=P, n=n, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma,
        irho=irho, drop2beta=drop2beta, bnames=bnames, interval=NULL,
        type="lag", tr=tr, R=R, listw=listw, tol=tol, empirical=empirical,
        Q=Q, icept=icept, iicept=iicept, p=p)
    attr(res, "iClass") <- class(obj)
    if (!is.null(obj$robust)) {
        attr(res, "robust") <- obj$robust
        attr(res, "HC") <- obj$HC

impacts.gmsar <- function(obj, ..., n=NULL, tr=NULL, R=NULL, listw=NULL,
  tol=1e-6, empirical=FALSE, Q=NULL) {
    stopifnot(obj$type == "SARAR") 
    if (is.null(listw) && !is.null(obj$listw_style) && 
            obj$listw_style != "W")
            stop("Only row-standardised weights supported")
    rho <- obj$coefficients[1]
    beta <- obj$coefficients[-1]
    icept <- grep("(Intercept)", names(beta))
    iicept <- length(icept) > 0
    if (iicept) {
        P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
        bnames <- names(beta[-icept])
    } else {
        P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
        bnames <- names(beta)
    p <- length(beta)
# allow n passthrough 140305 Angela Parenti
    if (is.null(n)) n <- length(obj$residuals)
    stopifnot(length(n) == 1)
    mu <- c(rho, beta)
    Sigma <- obj$secstep_var
    irho <- 1
    drop2beta <- 1
    res <- intImpacts(rho=rho, beta=beta, P=P, n=n, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma,
        irho=irho, drop2beta=drop2beta, bnames=bnames, interval=NULL,
        type="lag", tr=tr, R=R, listw=listw, tol=tol, empirical=empirical,
        Q=Q, icept=icept, iicept=iicept, p=p)
    attr(res, "iClass") <- class(obj)

lagImpacts <- function(T, g, P) {
    PT <- P %*% T
    direct <- apply(apply(PT, 1, function(x) x*g), 2, sum)
    total <- c(apply(P, 1, sum) * sum(g))
    indirect <- total - direct
    names(direct) <- names(total)
    list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

lagDistrImpacts <- function(T, g, P, q=10) {
    PT <- P %*% T
    direct <- apply(PT, 1, function(x) x * g)[1:q, ]
    if (nrow(P) == 1) {
        total <- sapply(g, function(x) apply(P, 1, sum)*x)[1:q]
    } else {
        total <- t(sapply(g, function(x) apply(P, 1, sum)*x))[1:q, ]
    indirect <- total - direct
    list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

processSample <- function(x, irho, drop2beta, type, iicept, icept, T, Q, q) {
    g <- x[irho]^(0:q)
    beta <- x[-drop2beta]
    if (type == "lag" || type == "sac") {
      if (iicept) {
        P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
      } else {
        P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
    } else if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") {
        if (iicept) {
          b1 <- beta[-icept]
        } else {
          b1 <- beta
        p <- length(b1)
        if (p %% 2 != 0) stop("non-matched coefficient pairs")
        P <- cbind(b1[1:(p/2)], b1[((p/2)+1):p])
    res <- lagImpacts(T, g, P)
    if (!is.null(Q)) {
        Qres <- lagDistrImpacts(T, g, P, q=as.integer(Q))
        attr(res, "Qres") <- Qres

lagImpactsExact <- function(SW, P, n) {
    direct <- sapply(P, function(x) sum(diag(x*SW))/n)
    total <- sapply(P, function(x) sum(x*SW)/n)
    indirect <- total - direct
    list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

mixedImpactsExact <- function(SW, P, n, listw) {
    p <- dim(P)[1]
    direct <- numeric(p)
    total <- numeric(p)
    W <- listw2mat(listw)
    for (i in 1:p) {
        SWr <- SW %*% (P[i,1]*diag(n) + P[i,2]*W)
        direct[i] <- sum(diag(SWr))/n
        total[i] <- sum(SWr)/n
    indirect <- total - direct
    list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)

processXSample <- function(x, drop2beta, type, iicept, icept, n, listw,
    irho) {
    rho <- x[irho]
    SW <- invIrW(listw, rho)
    beta <- x[-drop2beta]
    if (type == "lag" || type == "sac") {
        if (iicept) {
          P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
        } else {
          P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
        return(lagImpactsExact(SW, P, n))
    } else if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") {
        if (iicept) {
            b1 <- beta[-icept]
        } else {
            b1 <- beta
        p <- length(b1)
        if (p %% 2 != 0) stop("non-matched coefficient pairs")
        P <- cbind(b1[1:(p/2)], b1[((p/2)+1):p])
        return(mixedImpactsExact(SW, P, n, listw))

intImpacts <- function(rho, beta, P, n, mu, Sigma, irho, drop2beta, bnames,
    interval, type, tr, R, listw, tol, empirical, Q, icept, iicept, p,
    mess=FALSE, samples=NULL) {
    if (is.null(listw) && is.null(tr))
        stop("either tr or listw must be given")
    timings <- list()
    .ptime_start <- proc.time()
    if (is.null(listw)) {

        q <- length(tr)-1L
        g <- rho^(0:q)
        T <- matrix(c(1, tr[-(q+1)]/n), nrow=1)
        if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed") {
            T <- rbind(T, tr/n)
        res <- lagImpacts(T, g, P)
        if (!is.null(Q)) {
            if (!is.numeric(Q) || length(Q) > 1L) stop("Invalid Q argument")
            if (Q > length(tr)) stop("Q larger than length of tr")
            Qres <- lagDistrImpacts(T, g, P, q=as.integer(Q))
            attr(res, "Qres") <- Qres
        timings[["trace_impacts"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
        .ptime_start <- proc.time()
        if (!is.null(R)) {
            if (is.null(samples)) {
                samples <- mvrnorm(n=R, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma, tol=tol,
                if (mess) samples[,irho] <- 1 - exp(samples[,irho])
            if (!is.null(interval)) {
                check <- ((samples[,irho] > interval[1]) & 
                    (samples[,irho] < interval[2]))
                if (any(!check)) samples <- samples[check,]
            timings[["impacts_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
            .ptime_start <- proc.time()
# type, iicept, icept, T, Q
            sres <- apply(samples, 1, processSample, irho=irho,
                drop2beta=drop2beta, type=type, iicept=iicept,
                icept=icept, T=T, Q=Q, q=q)
            timings[["process_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
            .ptime_start <- proc.time()
# 100928 Eelke Folmer
            if (length(bnames) == 1L) {
                direct <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres, function(x) x$direct),
                indirect <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres,
                    function(x) x$indirect), nrow=1)))
                total <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres, function(x) x$total),
            } else {
                direct <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$direct)))
                indirect <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$indirect)))
                total <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$total)))
            colnames(direct) <- bnames
            colnames(indirect) <- bnames
            colnames(total) <- bnames
            ssres <- list(direct=direct, indirect=indirect, total=total)
            if (!is.null(Q)) {
                Qdirect <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x)
                    attr(x, "Qres")$direct)))
                Qindirect <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) 
                    attr(x, "Qres")$indirect)))
                Qtotal <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) 
                    attr(x, "Qres")$total)))
                Qnames <- c(sapply(bnames, function(x) 
                    paste(x, 1:Q, sep="__Q")))
                if (length(Qnames) == 1L) {
                    Qdirect <- t(Qdirect)
                    Qindirect <- t(Qindirect)
                    Qtotal <- t(Qtotal)
                colnames(Qdirect) <- Qnames
                colnames(Qindirect) <- Qnames
                colnames(Qtotal) <- Qnames
                Qmcmc <- list(direct=Qdirect, indirect=Qindirect, total=Qtotal)
                attr(ssres, "Qmcmc") <- Qmcmc
            timings[["postprocess_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
            res <- list(res=res, sres=ssres)
        attr(res, "method") <- "trace"
    } else {
# added checks 140304
        stopifnot(length(listw$neighbours) == n)
        V <- listw2mat(listw)
        e <- eigen(V, only.values = TRUE)$values
        if (is.complex(e)) interval <- 1/(range(Re(e)))
	else interval <- 1/(range(e))
        SW <- invIrW(listw, rho)
        if (type == "lag" || type == "sac") res <- lagImpactsExact(SW, P, n)
        else if (type == "mixed" || type == "sacmixed")
            res <- mixedImpactsExact(SW, P, n, listw)
        timings[["weights_impacts"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
        .ptime_start <- proc.time()
        if (!is.null(R)) {
            samples <- mvrnorm(n=R, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma, tol=tol,
            check <- ((samples[,irho] > interval[1]) & 
                (samples[,irho] < interval[2]))
            if (any(!check)) samples <- samples[check,]
            timings[["impacts_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
            .ptime_start <- proc.time()
# type, iicept, icept, SW, n, listw
            sres <- apply(samples, 1, processXSample,
                drop2beta=drop2beta, type=type, iicept=iicept,
                icept=icept, n=n, listw=listw, irho=irho)
            timings[["process_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
            .ptime_start <- proc.time()
            if (length(bnames) == 1L) {
                direct <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres, function(x) x$direct),
                indirect <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres,
                    function(x) x$indirect), nrow=1)))
                total <- as.mcmc(t(matrix(sapply(sres, function(x) x$total),
            } else {
                direct <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$direct)))
                indirect <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$indirect)))
                total <- as.mcmc(t(sapply(sres, function(x) x$total)))
            colnames(direct) <- bnames
            colnames(indirect) <- bnames
            colnames(total) <- bnames
            timings[["postprocess_samples"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
            res <- list(res=res, sres=list(direct=direct,
                indirect=indirect, total=total))
        attr(res, "method") <- "exact"
    if (!is.null(R)) attr(res, "samples") <- list(samples=samples, irho=irho,
    attr(res, "type") <- type
    attr(res, "bnames") <- bnames
    attr(res, "haveQ") <- !is.null(Q)
    attr(res, "timings") <- do.call("rbind", timings)[, c(1,3)]
    class(res) <- "lagImpact"

impacts.sarlm <- function(obj, ..., tr=NULL, R=NULL, listw=NULL, useHESS=NULL,
  tol=1e-6, empirical=FALSE, Q=NULL) {
    if (obj$type == "error") {
        if (obj$etype == "emixed") {
        } else {
            stop("impact measures not for error models")
    if (is.null(listw) && !is.null(obj$listw_style) && 
            obj$listw_style != "W")
            stop("Only row-standardised weights supported")
    rho <- obj$rho
    beta <- obj$coefficients
    s2 <- obj$s2
    if (obj$type == "sac" || obj$type == "sacmixed") lambda <- obj$lambda
    usingHESS <- NULL
    iNsert <- obj$insert
    if (!is.null(R)) {
        resvar <- obj$resvar
        usingHESS <- FALSE
        irho <- 2
        drop2beta <- 1:2
        if (obj$type == "sac" || obj$type == "sacmixed")
            drop2beta <- c(drop2beta, 3)
        if (is.logical(resvar)) {
            fdHess <- obj$fdHess
            if (is.logical(fdHess)) 
                stop("coefficient covariance matrix not available")
            usingHESS <- TRUE
            if (!iNsert) {
                irho <- 1
                drop2beta <- 1
                if (obj$type == "sac" || obj$type == "sacmixed")
                    drop2beta <- c(drop2beta, 2)
        if (!is.null(useHESS) && useHESS) {
            fdHess <- obj$fdHess
            if (is.logical(fdHess)) 
                stop("Hessian matrix not available")
            usingHESS <- TRUE
            if (!iNsert) {
                irho <- 1
                drop2beta <- 1
                if (obj$type == "sac" || obj$type == "sacmixed")
                    drop2beta <- c(drop2beta, 2)
        interval <- obj$interval
        if (is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1,0.999)
    icept <- grep("(Intercept)", names(beta))
    iicept <- length(icept) > 0L
    if (obj$type == "lag" || obj$type == "sac") {
      if (iicept) {
        P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
        bnames <- names(beta[-icept])
      } else {
        P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
        bnames <- names(beta)
      p <- length(beta)
    } else if (obj$type == "mixed" || obj$type == "sacmixed") {
      if (iicept) {
        b1 <- beta[-icept]
      } else {
        b1 <- beta
      p <- length(b1)
      if (p %% 2 != 0) stop("non-matched coefficient pairs")
      P <- cbind(b1[1:(p/2)], b1[((p/2)+1):p])
      bnames <- names(b1[1:(p/2)])
    n <- length(obj$residuals)
    mu <- NULL
    Sigma <- NULL
    if (!is.null(R)) {
        if (usingHESS && !iNsert) {
            mu <- c(rho, beta)
            if (obj$type == "sac" || obj$type == "sacmixed")
                mu <- c(rho, lambda, beta)
            Sigma <- fdHess
        } else {
            mu <- c(s2, rho, beta)
            if (obj$type == "sac" || obj$type == "sacmixed")
                mu <- c(s2, rho, lambda, beta)
            if (usingHESS) {
                Sigma <- fdHess
            } else {
                Sigma <- resvar
    res <- intImpacts(rho=rho, beta=beta, P=P, n=n, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma,
        irho=irho, drop2beta=drop2beta, bnames=bnames, interval=interval,
        type=obj$type, tr=tr, R=R, listw=listw, tol=tol, empirical=empirical,
        Q=Q, icept=icept, iicept=iicept, p=p)
    attr(res, "useHESS") <- usingHESS
    attr(res, "insert") <- iNsert
    attr(res, "iClass") <- class(obj)

lagImpactMat <- function(x, reportQ=NULL) {
    if (is.null(x$res)) {
        direct <- x$direct
        indirect <- x$indirect
        total <- x$total
    } else {
        direct <- x$res$direct
        indirect <- x$res$indirect
        total <- x$res$total
    mat <- cbind(direct, indirect, total)
    colnames(mat) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
    rownames(mat) <- attr(x, "bnames")
    if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
        if (is.null(x$res)) {
            Qobj <- attr(x, "Qres")
        } else {
            Qobj <- attr(x$res, "Qres")
        if (is.null(Qobj)) warning("No impact components to report")
        else {
# 100928 Eelke Folmer
            if (length(attr(x, "bnames")) == 1L) {
                Qobj$direct <- matrix(Qobj$direct, ncol=1)
                Qobj$indirect <- matrix(Qobj$indirect, ncol=1)
                Qobj$total <- matrix(Qobj$total, ncol=1)
            colnames(Qobj$direct) <- attr(x, "bnames")
            colnames(Qobj$indirect) <- attr(x, "bnames")
            colnames(Qobj$total) <- attr(x, "bnames")
            rownames(Qobj$direct) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(Qobj$direct), sep="")
            rownames(Qobj$indirect) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(Qobj$indirect), sep="")
            rownames(Qobj$total) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(Qobj$total), sep="")
            attr(mat, "Qobj") <- Qobj

print.lagImpact <- function(x, ..., reportQ=NULL) {
    mat <- lagImpactMat(x, reportQ=reportQ)
    Qobj <- attr(mat, "Qobj")
    cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ", attr(x, "method"), "):\n", sep="")
    attr(mat, "Qobj") <- NULL
    if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
        if (is.null(Qobj)) warning("No impact components to report")
        else {
            cat("=================================\nImpact components\n")

summary.lagImpact <- function(object, ..., zstats=FALSE, short=FALSE, reportQ=NULL) {
    if (is.null(object$sres)) stop("summary method unavailable")
# pass coda arguments 101006
    direct_sum <- summary(object$sres$direct, ...)
    indirect_sum <- summary(object$sres$indirect, ...)
    total_sum <- summary(object$sres$total, ...)
# 101109 Eelke Folmer
    if (length(attr(object, "bnames")) == 1L) {
        scnames <- names(direct_sum$statistics)
        qcnames <- names(direct_sum$quantiles)
        direct_sum$statistics <- matrix(direct_sum$statistics, nrow=1)
        rownames(direct_sum$statistics) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
        colnames(direct_sum$statistics) <- scnames
        direct_sum$quantiles <- matrix(direct_sum$quantiles, nrow=1)
        rownames(direct_sum$quantiles) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
        colnames(direct_sum$quantiles) <- qcnames
        indirect_sum$statistics <- matrix(indirect_sum$statistics, nrow=1)
        rownames(indirect_sum$statistics) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
        colnames(indirect_sum$statistics) <- scnames
        indirect_sum$quantiles <- matrix(indirect_sum$quantiles, nrow=1)
        rownames(indirect_sum$quantiles) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
        colnames(indirect_sum$quantiles) <- qcnames
        total_sum$statistics <- matrix(total_sum$statistics, nrow=1)
        rownames(total_sum$statistics) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
        colnames(total_sum$statistics) <- scnames
        total_sum$quantiles <- matrix(total_sum$quantiles, nrow=1)
        rownames(total_sum$quantiles) <- attr(object, "bnames")[1]
        colnames(total_sum$quantiles) <- qcnames
    Qmcmc <- NULL
    if (!is.null(attr(object$sres, "Qmcmc")) && !is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
        Qdirect_sum <- summary(attr(object$sres, "Qmcmc")$direct, ...)
        Qindirect_sum <- summary(attr(object$sres, "Qmcmc")$indirect, ...)
        Qtotal_sum <- summary(attr(object$sres, "Qmcmc")$total, ...)
        Qmcmc <- list(Qdirect_sum=Qdirect_sum, Qindirect_sum=Qindirect_sum,
    lres <- list(direct_sum=direct_sum, indirect_sum=indirect_sum,
    res <- c(object, lres, Qmcmc)
    if (zstats) {
# 100928 Eelke Folmer
        if (length(attr(object, "bnames")) == 1L) {
            zmat <- sapply(lres, function(x) x$statistics[1]/x$statistics[2])
            zmat <- matrix(zmat, ncol=3)
            colnames(zmat) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
        } else {
            zmat <- sapply(lres, function(x) x$statistics[,1]/x$statistics[,2])
            colnames(zmat) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
        pzmat <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(zmat)))
        res <- c(res, list(zmat=zmat, pzmat=pzmat))
        if (!is.null(Qmcmc) && !is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
            Qzmats <- lapply(Qmcmc, function(x) {
                Qm <- matrix(x$statistics[,1]/x$statistics[,2],
                    ncol=length(attr(object, "bnames")))
                colnames(Qm) <- attr(object, "bnames")
                rownames(Qm) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(Qm), sep="")
            names(Qzmats) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
            Qpzmats <- lapply(Qzmats, function(x) {
                xo <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(x)))
                rownames(xo) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(xo), sep="")
            res <- c(res, list(Qzmats=Qzmats, Qpzmats=Qpzmats))
    attr(res, "useHESS") <- attr(object, "useHESS")
    attr(res, "bnames") <- attr(object, "bnames")
    attr(res, "method") <- attr(object, "method")
    attr(res, "insert") <- attr(object, "insert")
    attr(res, "type") <- attr(object, "type")
    attr(res, "short") <- short
    attr(res, "reportQ") <- reportQ
    tp <- NULL
    if ("sarlm" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) {
       tp <- ifelse(attr(object,
           "useHESS"), ifelse(attr(object, "insert"),
           "mixed Hessian approximation", "numerical Hessian approximation"),
    } else if ("lagmess" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) {
        tp <- "numerical Hessian approximation"
    } else if ("stsls" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) {
        tp <- "asymptotic IV"
        if (!is.null(attr(object, "robust")) && attr(object, "robust")) {
            HC <- attr(object, "HC")
            if (is.null(HC)) HC <- "HC0"
            tp <- paste(HC, "IV")
    if ("sphet" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) {
            tp <- "IV HAC"
            if ("gstsls" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) 
                tp <- "GSTSLS"
    if ("MCMC_sar_g" %in% attr(object, "iClass")) tp <- "MCMC samples"
    attr(res, "tp") <- tp
    class(res) <- "summary.lagImpact"

print.summary.lagImpact <- function(x, ...) {
    reportQ <- attr(x, "reportQ")
    mat <- lagImpactMat(x, reportQ)
    Qobj <- attr(mat, "Qobj")
    attr(mat, "Qobj") <- NULL
    cat("Impact measures (", attr(x, "type"), ", ", attr(x, "method"),
        "):\n", sep="")
    if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ) {
        if (is.null(Qobj)) warning("No impact components to report")
        else {
            cat("=================================\nImpact components\n")

    if (!is.null(attr(x, "tp")) && attr(x, "tp") == "MCMC samples") {
        cat("MCMC sample impact results:\n")
    } else {
        cat("Simulation results (", attr(x, "tp"), " variance matrix):\n",
    if (!attr(x, "short")) {
        if (!is.null(reportQ) && reportQ && !is.null(x$Qdirect_sum)) {
            cat("Direct impact components:\n")
            cat("Indirect impact components:\n")
            cat("Total impact components:\n")
    if (!is.null(x$zmat)) {
        cat("Simulated z-values:\n")
        mat <- x$zmat
        rownames(mat) <- attr(x, "bnames")
        cat("\nSimulated p-values:\n")
        xx <- apply(x$pzmat, 2, format.pval)
# 100928 Eelke Folmer
        if (length(attr(x, "bnames")) == 1L) {
            xx <- matrix(xx, ncol=3)
            colnames(xx) <- c("Direct", "Indirect", "Total")
        rownames(xx) <- attr(x, "bnames")
        print(xx, quote=FALSE)
        if (!is.null(x$Qzmats)) {
            cat("Simulated impact components z-values:\n")
            cat("\nSimulated impact components p-values:\n")
            xx <- lapply(x$Qpzmats, function(y) {
                xo <- apply(y, 2, format.pval)
                rownames(xo) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(xo), sep="")
            print(xx, quote=FALSE)

plot.lagImpact <- function(x, ..., choice="direct", trace=FALSE,
    density=TRUE) {
    if (is.null(x$sres)) stop("plot method unavailable")
    plot(x$sres[[choice]], trace=trace, density=density, sub=choice)

HPDinterval.lagImpact <- function(obj, prob = 0.95, ..., choice="direct") {
    if (is.null(obj$sres)) stop("HPDinterval method unavailable")
    res <- HPDinterval(obj$sres[[choice]], prob=prob)

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