
Defines functions codeGeno

Documented in codeGeno

#' Recode genotypic data, imputate missing values and preselect markers
#' This function combines all algorithms for processing of marker data within
#' \code{synbreed} package. Raw marker data is a matrix with elements of
#' arbitrary format (e.g. alleles coded as pair of observed alleles
#' "A/T","G/C", ... , or by genotypes "AA", "BB", "AB"). The function is
#' limited to biallelic markers with a maximum of 3 genotypes per locus. Raw
#' data is recoded into the number of copies of a reference allele, i.e. 0, 1
#' and 2. Imputation of missing values can be done by random sampling from
#' allele distribution, the \code{Beagle} software or family information (see
#' details). Additional preselection of markers can be carried out according to
#' the minor allele frequency and/or fraction of missing values.
#' Coding of genotypic data is done in the following order (depending on choice
#' of arguments; not all steps are performed):
#' 1. Discarding markers with fraction > \code{nmiss} of missing values
#' 2. Recoding alleles from character/factor/numeric into the number of copies
#' of the minor alleles, i.e. 0, 1 and 2. In \code{codeGeno}, in the first step
#' heterozygous genotypes are coded as 1. From the other genotypes, the less
#' frequent genotype is coded as 2 and the remaining genotype as 0. Note that
#' function \code{codeGeno} will terminate with an error whenever more than
#' three genotypes are found.
#' 2.1 Discarding duplicated markers if \code{keep.identical=FALSE} before
#' starting of the imputing step. From identical marker based on pairwise
#' complete oberservations one is discarded randomly. For getting identical
#' results use the function \code{set.seed()} before \code{code.geno()}.
#' 3. Replace missing values by \code{replace.value} or impute missing values
#' according to one of the following methods:
#' Imputing is done according to \code{impute.type} \describe{ \item{"family"}{
#' This option is only suitable for homozygous individuals (such as
#' doubled-haploid lines) structured in families. Suppose an observation
#' \eqn{i} is missing (NA) for a marker \eqn{j} in family \eqn{k}. If marker
#' \eqn{j} is fixed in family \eqn{k}, the imputed value will be the fixed
#' allele. If marker \eqn{j} is segregating for the population \eqn{k}, the
#' value is 0 with probability of 0.5 and 2 with probability of 0.5. To use
#' this algorithm, family information has to be stored as variable
#' \code{family} in list element \code{covar} of an object of class
#' \code{gpData}. This column should contain a \code{character} or
#' \code{numeric} to identify family of all genotyped individuals.}
#' \item{"beagle"}{Use Beagle Genetic Analysis Software Package version 4.1
#' (21Jan17.6cc) (Browning and Browning 2007; 2013; 2016) to infer missing
#' genotypes is used. This software is a java program, so that you have to
#' install java (>=1.7) and make it available at your computer. If you use the
#' \code{beagle} option, please cite the original papers in publications.
#' Beagle uses a HMM to reconstruct missing genotypes by the flanking markers.
#' Function \code{codeGeno} will create a directory \code{beagle} for Beagle
#' input and output files (if it does not exist) and run Beagle with default
#' settings. The information on marker position is taken from element
#' \code{map}. Indeed, the postion in \code{map$pos} must be available for all
#' markers. The program can only handle the position units "bp", "kb" and "Mb".
#' Make sure that there are than only integer numbers for the unit "bp",
#' because beagle can only work with integer numbers. By default, three
#' genotypes 0, 1, 2 are imputed. To restrict the imputation only to homozygous
#' genotypes, use \code{label.heter=NULL}.} \item{"beagleAfterFamily"}{ In the
#' first step, missing genotypes are imputed according to the algorithm with
#' \code{impute.type="family"}, but only for markers that are fixed within the
#' family. Moreover, markers with a missing position (\code{map$pos=NA}) are
#' imputed using the algorithm of \code{impute.type="family"}. In the second
#' step, the remaining genotypes are imputed by Beagle. For details of this see
#' the description of the \code{beagle} option.} \item{"beagleNoRand" and
#' "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand"}{ The same as the option \code{beagle},
#' respectively \code{beagleAfterFamily}, except that markers without map
#' information will be not imputed.}
#' \item{"random"}{The missing values for a marker \eqn{j} are sampled from the
#' marginal allele distribution of marker \eqn{j}. With 2 possible genotypes
#' (to force this option, use \code{label.heter=NULL}), i.e. 0 and 2, values
#' are sampled from distribution with probabilities \eqn{P(x=0)=1-p} and
#' \eqn{P(x=2)=p}, where \eqn{p} is the minor allele frequency of marker
#' \eqn{j}.  In the standardd case of 3 genotypes, i.e. with heterozygous
#' genotypes, values are sampled from distribution \eqn{P(x=0)=(1-p)^2},
#' \eqn{P(x=1)=p(1-p)} and \eqn{P(x=2)=p^2} assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
#' for all loci.} \item{"fix"}{All missing values are imputed by
#' \code{replace.value}. Note that only 0, 1 or 2 should be chosen.} }
#' 4. Recoding of alleles after imputation, if necessary due to changes in
#' allele frequencies caused by the imputed alleles
#' 5. Discarding markers with a minor allele frequency of <= \code{maf}
#' 6. Discarding duplicated markers if \code{keep.identical=FALSE}. From
#' identical marker based on pairwise complete oberservations one is discarded
#' randomly. For getting identical results use the function \code{set.seed()}
#' before \code{code.geno()}.
#' 7. Restoring original data format (\code{gpData}, \code{matrix} or
#' \code{data.frame})
#' Information about imputing is reported after a call of \code{codeGeno}.
#' Note: Beagle is included in the synbreed package. Once required, Beagle is
#' called using \code{path.package()}.
#' @param gpData object of class \code{gpData} with arbitrary coding in element
#' \code{geno}. Missing values have to be coded as \code{NA}.
#' @param impute \code{logical}. Should missing value be replaced by imputing?
#' @param impute.type \code{character} with one out of \code{"fix"},
#' \code{"random"} , \code{"family"}, \code{"beagle"},
#' \code{"beagleAfterFamily"} , \code{"beagleAfterFamilyNoRand"},
#' \code{"beagleAfterFamilyNoRand"} (default = \code{"random"}).  See details.
#' @param replace.value \code{numeric} scalar to replace missing values in case
#' \code{impute.type="fix"}.
#' @param maf \code{numeric} scalar. Threshold to discard markers due to the
#' minor allele frequency (MAF). Markers with a MAF < \code{maf} are discarded,
#' thus \code{maf} in [0,0.5]. If \code{map} in \code{gpData} is available,
#' markers are also removed from \code{map}.
#' @param nmiss \code{numeric} scalar.  Markers with more than \code{nmiss}
#' fraction of missing values are discarded, thus \code{nmiss} in [0,1]. If
#' \code{map} in \code{gpData} is available, markers are also removed from
#' \code{map}.
#' @param label.heter This is either a scalar or vector of characters to
#' identify heterozygous genotypes or a function returning \code{TRUE} if an
#' element of the marker matrix is the heterozygous genotype. Defining a
#' function is useful, if number of unique heterozygous genotypes is large,
#' i.e. if genotypes are coded by alleles. If the heterozygous genotype is
#' coded like "A/T","G/C", ..., "AG", "CG", ..., "T:C", "G:A", ... or "G|T",
#' "A|C", ... then \code{label.heter="alleleCoding"} can be used (This is the
#' default). Note that heterozygous values must be identified unambiguously by
#' \code{label.heter}. Use \code{label.heter=NULL} if there are only homozygous
#' genotypes, i.e. in DH lines, to speed up computation and restrict imputation
#' to values 0 and 2.
#' @param reference.allele Define the reference allele which is used for the
#' coding. Default is \code{"minor"}, i.e. data is coded by the number of
#' copies of the minor allele. Alternatively, \code{reference.allele} can
#' specify a single character defining the reference allele for all markers, or
#' a vector defining marker-specific reference alleles (using the same order as
#' of the markers in \code{gpData}). In case you have already a gpObject with
#' \code{info$codeGeno == TRUE}, and like only to use higher maf or remove
#' duplicated markers, you can use the option \code{"keep"}, than the coding of
#' the original object is kept.
#' @param keep.list A vector with the names of markers, which should be kept
#' during the process of coding and filtering.
#' @param keep.identical \code{logical}. Should duplicated markers be kept?
#' NOTE: From a set of identical markers (with respect to the non-missing
#' alleles) the one with the smallest number of missing values is kept. For
#' those with an identical number of missing values, the first one is kept and
#' all others are removed.
#' @param verbose \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE} verbose output is generated
#' during the steps of the algorithm. This is useful to obtain numbers of
#' discarded markers due to different criteria.
#' @param minFam For \code{impute.type} \code{family} and
#' \code{beagleAfterFamily}, each family should have at least \code{minFam}
#' members with available information for a marker to impute missing values
#' according to the family. The default is 5.
#' @param showBeagleOutput \code{logical}. Would you like to see the output of
#' the Beagle software package? The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param tester This option is in testing mode at the moment.
#' @param print.report \code{logical}. Should a file \code{SNPreport.txt} be
#' generated containing further information on SNPs. This includes SNP name,
#' original coding of major and minor allele, MAF and number of imputed values.
#' @param check This option has as default \code{FALSE}. If something seems to
#' be wrong with the coding, with the option \code{check=TRUE} the function
#' tries to catch the error.
#' @param ploidy \code{numeric}. Here you can specify the number homologous
#' alleles. For this option you need a coding with A and B, e.g. for
#' tetraploids "AAAA", "AAAB", "AABB", "ABBB" and "BBBB". In the \code{geno}
#' element of your gpData-object will be than the dosage of the minor allele.
#' The argument label.heter is ignored for \code{ploidy >2}
#' @param cores \code{numeric}. Here you can specify the number of cores you
#' like to use.
#' @return An object of class \code{gpData} containing the recoded marker
#' matrix. If \code{maf} or \code{nmiss} were specified or
#' \code{keep.identical=FALSE}, dimension of \code{geno} and \code{map} may be
#' reduced due to selection of markers.  The genotype which is homozygous for
#' the minor allele is coded as 2, the other homozygous genotype is coded as 0
#' and heterozygous genotype is coded as 1.
#' @author Hans-Juergen Auinger and Valentin Wimmer
#' @references S R Browning and B L Browning (2007) Rapid and accurate
#' haplotype phasing and missing data inference for whole genome association
#' studies using localized haplotype clustering. Am J Hum Genet 81:1084-1097
#' B L Browning and S R Browning (2013) Improving the accuracy and efficiency
#' of identity by descent detection in population data. Genetics 194(2):459-471
#' S R Browning and B L Browning (2016) Genotype imputation with millions of
#' reference samples. Am J Hum Genet 98:116-126
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' # create marker data for 9 SNPs and 10 homozygous individuals
#' snp9 <- matrix(c(
#'   "AA", "AA", "AA", "BB", "AA", "AA", "AA", "AA", NA,
#'   "AA", "AA", "BB", "BB", "AA", "AA", "BB", "AA", NA,
#'   "AA", "AA", "AB", "BB", "AB", "AA", "AA", "BB", NA,
#'   "AA", "AA", "BB", "BB", "AA", "AA", "AA", "AA", NA,
#'   "AA", "AA", "BB", "AB", "AA", "BB", "BB", "BB", "AB",
#'   "AA", "AA", "BB", "BB", "AA", NA, "BB", "AA", NA,
#'   "AB", "AA", "BB", "BB", "BB", "AA", "BB", "BB", NA,
#'   "AA", "AA", NA, "BB", NA, "AA", "AA", "AA", "AA",
#'   "AA", NA, NA, "BB", "BB", "BB", "BB", "BB", "AA",
#'   "AA", NA, "AA", "BB", "BB", "BB", "AA", "AA", NA
#' ),
#' ncol = 9, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' # set names for markers and individuals
#' colnames(snp9) <- paste("SNP", 1:9, sep = "")
#' rownames(snp9) <- paste("ID", 1:10 + 100, sep = "")
#' # create object of class 'gpData'
#' gp <- create.gpData(geno = snp9)
#' # code genotypic data
#' gp.coded <- codeGeno(gp, impute = TRUE, impute.type = "random")
#' # comparison
#' gp.coded$geno
#' gp$geno
#' # example with heterogeneous stock mice
#' \dontrun{
#' library(synbreedData)
#' data(mice)
#' summary(mice)
#' # heterozygous values must be labeled  (may run some seconds)
#' mice.coded <- codeGeno(mice, label.heter = function(x) substr(x, 1, 1) != substr(x, 3, 3))
#' # example with maize data and imputing by family
#' data(maize)
#' # first only recode alleles
#' maize.coded <- codeGeno(maize, label.heter = 1)
#' # set 200 random chosen values to NA
#' set.seed(123)
#' ind1 <- sample(1:nrow(maize.coded$geno), 200)
#' ind2 <- sample(1:ncol(maize.coded$geno), 200)
#' original <- maize.coded$geno[cbind(ind1, ind2)]
#' maize.coded$geno[cbind(ind1, ind2)] <- NA
#' # imputing of missing values by family structure
#' maize.imputed <- codeGeno(maize.coded, impute = TRUE, impute.type = "family", label.heter = NULL)
#' # compare in a cross table
#' imputed <- maize.imputed$geno[cbind(ind1, ind2)]
#' (t1 <- table(original, imputed))
#' # sum of correct replacements
#' sum(diag(t1)) / sum(t1)
#' # compare with random imputation
#' maize.random <- codeGeno(maize.coded, impute = TRUE, impute.type = "random", label.heter = NULL)
#' imputed2 <- maize.random$geno[cbind(ind1, ind2)]
#' (t2 <- table(original, imputed2))
#' # sum of correct replacements
#' sum(diag(t2)) / sum(t2)
#' }
#' @export codeGeno
#' @importFrom doBy orderBy
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster parLapply stopCluster mclapply
#' @importFrom stats cor runif
#' @importFrom utils sessionInfo write.table
codeGeno <- function(gpData, impute = FALSE, impute.type = c("random", "family", "beagle", "beagleAfterFamily", "beagleNoRand", "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand", "fix"), replace.value = NULL,
                     maf = NULL, nmiss = NULL, label.heter = "alleleCoding", reference.allele = "minor", keep.list = NULL,
                     keep.identical = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, minFam = 5, showBeagleOutput = FALSE, tester = NULL, print.report = FALSE,
                     check = FALSE, ploidy = 2, cores = 1) {

  # ============================================================
  # read information from arguments
  ##### rownames(res)[apply(is.na(res), 1, mean)>.5]
  # ============================================================

  impute.type <- match.arg(impute.type)
  infoCall <- match.call()
  SEED <- round(runif(2, 1, 1000000), 0)
  noHet <- is.null(label.heter) | !is.null(tester) # are there only homozygous genotypes?, we need this for random imputation
  multiLapply <- function(x, y, ..., mc.cores = 1) {
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" & cores > 1) {
      cl <- makeCluster(min(mc.cores, detectCores()))
      parLapply(cl, x, y, ...)
    } else {
      mclapply(x, y, ..., mc.cores = mc.cores)
  multiCor <- function(x, y = NULL, use = "everything", method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"), cores = 1) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (cores == 1) {
      cor(x, y, use = use, method = method)
    } else if (is.null(y)) {
      ncolX <- ncol(x)
      namesX <- colnames(x)
      mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncolX, ncol = ncolX)
      nBlocks <- 1:50
      nBlocks <- which.min((nBlocks * (nBlocks + 1) * .5) %% cores)
      if (nBlocks == 1) {
        nBlocks <- 1:50
        nBlocks <- which.min((nBlocks * (nBlocks + 1) * .5) %% (cores - 1))
      blocks <- unique(t(apply(cbind(rep(1:nBlocks, nBlocks), rep(1:nBlocks, each = nBlocks)), 1, sort)))
      groups <- split(1:ncolX, sort(rep(1:nBlocks, ceiling(ncolX / nBlocks))[1:ncolX]))
      cl <- makeCluster(min(cores, detectCores()))
      cors <- list()
      res <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(blocks)) %dopar% {
        cors[[i]] <- cor(x[, groups[[blocks[i, 1]]]], x[, groups[[blocks[i, 2]]]], use = use, method = method)
      for (i in 1:nrow(blocks)) {
        mat[groups[[blocks[i, 1]]], groups[[blocks[i, 2]]]] <- res[[i]]
        mat[groups[[blocks[i, 2]]], groups[[blocks[i, 1]]]] <- t(res[[i]])
    } else {
      cor(x, y, use = use, method = method)
  MG <- rownames(gpData$geno)[unlist(multiLapply(as.data.frame(is.na(t(gpData$geno))), all, mc.cores = cores))]
  if (check) {
    if (impute) {
      if (impute.type %in% c("beagle", "beagleAfterFamily", "beagleNoRand", "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand") & !is.null(gpData$map)) {
        if (grepl("string mismatches", all.equal(rownames(gpData$map), colnames(gpData$geno)))) {
          stop("Order of markers in geno and map does not fit!")
      if (impute.type %in% c("beagle") & length(MG) > 0) {
        stop(paste("Of genotype(s) ", MG, " all genotypic values are missing!", sep = " "))
      } else if (length(MG) > 0) warning(paste("Of genotype(s) ", MG, " all genotypic values are missing! \nImputation may be erroneus.", sep = " "))
    } else if (length(MG) > 0) warning(paste("Of genotype(s) ", MG, " all genotypic values are missing!", sep = " "))
  df.ld <- data.frame(kept = character(), removed = character(), removed.refer = character(), removed.alter = character())
  orgFormat <- class(gpData)
  # check for class 'gpData'
  if (class(gpData) == "gpData") {
    if (is.null(gpData$geno)) stop("no genotypic data available")
    # family information (population structure) for genotypic data
    # drop unused levels
    if (!is.null(gpData$covar$family)) {
      if (is.factor(gpData$covar$family)) {
        popStruc <- as.character(droplevels(gpData$covar$family[gpData$covar$genotyped]))
      } else {
        popStruc <- as.character(gpData$covar$family[gpData$covar$genotyped])
      names(popStruc) <- gpData$covar$id[gpData$covar$genotyped]
    } else {
      popStruc <- NULL
    if (gpData$info$codeGeno & !is.null(label.heter)) {
      if (is.function(label.heter)) {
        warning("assuming heterozygous genotypes coded as 1. Use 'label.heter' to specify if that is not the case")
        label.heter <- "1"
      } else if (is.character(label.heter[1])) {
        warning("assuming heterozygous genotypes coded as 1. Use 'label.heter' to specify if that is not the case")
        label.heter <- 1
    if (is.null(label.heter)) cat("No heterozygous lines were assumed, due to option 'label.heter=NULL'\n")
  } else { # atm other formats are supported too
    if (impute & impute.type %in% c("beagle", "beagleAfterFamily", "beagleNoRand", "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand")) stop("using Beagle is only possible for a gpData object")
    res <- gpData
    popStruc <- NULL
    gpData <- list(geno = res, info = list(map.unit = "NA", codeGeno = FALSE))
  if (impute.type %in% c("beagle", "beagleAfterFamily", "beagleNoRand", "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand")) {
    gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% colnames(gpData$geno), ]
    if (is.null(gpData$map)) {
      warning("Beagle imputation makes no sense without map information!")
    } else {
      if (nrow(gpData$map[!is.na(gpData$map$pos), ]) != nrow(unique(gpData$map[!is.na(gpData$map$pos), ])) &
        !gpData$info$map.unit %in% c("cM", "M")) {
        warning("Markers with identical positions will be coded with subsequent basepair numbers!")
  if (is.null(gpData$map)) {
    gpData$map <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(gpData$geno), chr = rep(NA, ncol(gpData$geno)), pos = rep(NA, ncol(gpData$geno)))
  } else if (nrow(gpData$map) < ncol(gpData$geno)) {
    mnm <- colnames(gpData$geno)[!colnames(gpData$geno) %in% rownames(gpData$map)]
    gpData$map <- rbind(gpData$map, data.frame(row.names = mnm, chr = rep(NA, length(mnm)), pos = rep(NA, length(mnm))))
    gpData$map <- gpData$map[colnames(gpData$geno), ]
  if (!is.null(attr(gpData$geno, "identical"))) {
    df.ldOld <- attr(gpData$geno, "identical")
    if (!"removed.refer" %in% colnames(df.ldOld)) {
      df.ldOld$removed.refer <- NA
      df.ldOld$removed.alter <- NA
  } else {
    df.ldOld <- NULL
  #  catch errors
  if (check) {
    if (class(gpData$geno) != "data.frame" & class(gpData$geno) != "matrix") stop("wrong data format")
    if (any(colMeans(is.na(gpData$geno)) == 1)) warning("markers with only missing values in data")
    if (length(reference.allele) > 1 & length(reference.allele) != ncol(gpData$geno)) stop("'reference allele' should be of length 1 or match the number of markers")
    if (reference.allele != "keep") if (class(reference.allele) != mode(gpData$geno)) stop("'reference allele' should be of class", mode(gpData$geno))
  # number of genotypes
  n <- nrow(gpData$geno)

  # keep names of data object
  cnames <- colnames(gpData$geno)
  rnames <- rownames(gpData$geno)
  popStruc <- popStruc[rnames]
  gpData$geno <- matrix(unlist(gpData$geno), nrow = n)
  # tester control
  if (!is.null(tester)) {
    if (length(tester) > 1) stop("Only one tester is allowed for this function\n")
    if (!tester %in% rnames) stop("Tester has no genotype in the gpData-object\n")

  # elements from control list
  # catch errors
  if (impute) {
    if (!is.logical(impute)) stop("impute has to be logical")
    if (impute.type == "fix" & is.null(replace.value)) stop("'replace.value' must be given for impute.type='fix'")
    # imputing with family information
    if ((impute.type == "family" | impute.type == "beagleAfterFamily" | impute.type == "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand") & is.null(popStruc)) stop(paste("family information needed, but
        '", substitute(gpData), "$covar$family' is empty", sep = ""))
    if ((impute.type == "family" | impute.type == "beagleAfterFamily" | impute.type == "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand") & !is.null(popStruc)) {
      if (any(is.na(popStruc))) warning("missing values in family information, imputation is likely to be incomplete")
      if (length(popStruc) != n) stop("population structure must have equal length as obsersvations in genotypic data")

  # use same reference allele for all markers if not specified differently
  if (reference.allele[1] != "minor" & length(reference.allele) == 1) reference.allele <- rep(reference.allele, ncol(gpData$geno))
  knames <- cnames %in% keep.list

  # ============================================================
  # step 1  - remove markers with more than nmiss fraction of missing values (optional, argument nmiss>0)
  # ============================================================

  which.miss <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(is.na(gpData$geno)), mean, mc.cores = cores)
  if (!is.null(nmiss)) {
    if (nmiss < 0 | nmiss > 1) stop("'nmiss' have to be in [0,1]")
    which.miss <- which.miss <= nmiss | knames
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, which.miss]
    if (!(reference.allele[1] == "minor" | reference.allele[1] == "keep")) reference.allele <- reference.allele[which.miss]
    if (verbose) cat("   step 1  :", sum(!which.miss), "marker(s) removed with >", nmiss * 100, "% missing values \n")
    cnames <- cnames[which.miss]
    knames <- knames[which.miss]
    # update map
    if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]
  } else if (any(which.miss == 1)) {
    which.miss <- which.miss != 1
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, which.miss]
    if (!(reference.allele[1] == "minor" | reference.allele[1] == "keep")) reference.allele <- reference.allele[which.miss]
    if (verbose) cat("   step 1  :", sum(!which.miss), "marker(s) removed with only missing values \n")
    cnames <- cnames[which.miss]
    knames <- knames[which.miss]
    # update map
    if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]
  } else {
    if (verbose) cat("   step 1  : No markers removed due to fraction of missing values \n")

  # ============================================================
  # step 2  - coding alleles
  # ============================================================

  if (verbose) cat("   step 2  : Recoding alleles \n")
  if (ploidy < 3) midDose <- 1 else midDose <- .5
  if (gpData$info$codeGeno) {
    if (reference.allele[1] == "minor" | reference.allele[1] != "keep") {
      afCols <- cnames[colMeans(gpData$geno, na.rm = TRUE) > midDose]
      gpData$geno[, cnames %in% afCols] <- rep(1, nrow(gpData$geno)) %*% t(rep(2, length(afCols))) - gpData$geno[, cnames %in% afCols]
      if (all(c("refer", "alter") %in% colnames(gpData$map))) {
        gpData$map[cnames %in% afCols, c("refer", "alter")] <- gpData$map[cnames %in% afCols, c("alter", "refer")]
        if (!is.null(attr(gpData$geno, "identical"))) {
          attr(gpData$geno, "identical")[attr(gpData$geno, "identical")$kept %in% afCols, c("removed.refer", "removed.alter")] <-
            attr(gpData$geno, "identical")[attr(gpData$geno, "identical")$kept %in% afCols, c("removed.alter", "removed.refer")]
      } else {
        df.alleles <- matrix(rep(0:2, each = ncol(gpData$geno)), ncol = 3)
        df.alleles[cnames %in% afCols, c(1, 3)] <- df.alleles[cnames %in% afCols, c(3, 1)]
        if (!is.null(attr(gpData$geno, "identical"))) {
          attr(gpData$geno, "identical")[attr(gpData$geno, "identical")$kept %in% afCols, c("removed.refer", "removed.alter")] <-
            attr(gpData$geno, "identical")[attr(gpData$geno, "identical")$kept %in% afCols, c("removed.alter", "removed.refer")]
        gpData$map <- cbind(gpData$map, df.alleles)
  } else { # codeGeno condition of gpData FALSE
    if (ploidy < 3) {
      extract <- function(x, y) {
      colnames(gpData$geno) <- cnames
      if (is.numeric(gpData$geno)) {
        alleles <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), unique, mc.cores = cores)
      } else {
        alleles <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), levels, mc.cores = cores)
      alleleNum <- multiLapply(alleles, length, mc.cores = cores)
      names(alleles) <- cnames
      gpData$geno <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), as.numeric, mc.cores = cores)
      df.allele <- data.frame(id = rownames(gpData$map), refer = NA, heter = NA, alter = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      if (is.null(label.heter)) {
        df.allele$refer <- unlist(multiLapply(alleles, extract, 1, mc.cores = cores))
        df.allele$alter <- unlist(multiLapply(alleles, extract, 2, mc.cores = cores))
        df.allele$heter <- unlist(multiLapply(alleles, extract, 3, mc.cores = cores))
        df.allele[unlist(alleleNum) == 2 & !is.na(unlist(alleleNum)), c("alter", "heter")] <- df.allele[unlist(alleleNum) == 2 & !is.na(unlist(alleleNum)), c("heter", "alter")]
      } else {
        whereHetPos <- function(x, y = NULL) {
          if (is.function(y)) {
            z <- c((1:3)[y(x)], 3)
          } else if (y == "alleleCoding") {
            z <- c((1:3)[substr(x, 1, 1) != substr(x, nchar(x), nchar(x))], 3)
          } else {
            z <- c((1:3)[x == y], 3)
        hetPos <- numeric()
        if (length(label.heter) == 1) {
          label.heter <- as.list(label.heter)
          hetPos <- c(unlist(multiLapply(alleles, whereHetPos, label.heter, mc.cores = cores)))
        } else {
          if (length(label.heter) != length(gpData$geno)) {
            label.heter <- rep(as.list(label.heter), ceiling(length(gpData$geno) / length(label.heter)))[1:length(gpData$geno)]
          for (i in unique(as.character(label.heter))) {
            j <- label.heter[[match(i, as.character(label.heter))]]
            namWk <- names(alleles)[unlist(multiLapply(label.heter, identical, j, mc.cores = cores))]
            hetPos <- c(unlist(multiLapply(alleles[namWk], whereHetPos, j, mc.cores = cores)), hetPos)
        hetPos <- hetPos[names(alleles)]
        df.allele$heter <- unlist(multiLapply(alleles, extract, 2, mc.cores = cores))
        df.allele$refer <- unlist(multiLapply(alleles, extract, 1, mc.cores = cores))
        df.allele$alter <- unlist(multiLapply(alleles, extract, 3, mc.cores = cores))
        gpData$geno <- matrix(unlist(gpData$geno), ncol = length(gpData$geno), dimnames = list(1:n, names(gpData$geno)))
        gpData$geno[, hetPos == 1] <- unlist(multiLapply(gpData$geno[, hetPos == 1], function(x) {
          2 * (x %% 2) + (x %/% 2)
        }, mc.cores = cores))
        gpData$geno[, hetPos == 3] <- unlist(multiLapply(gpData$geno[, hetPos == 3], function(x) {
          2 * ((1 + x) %% 2) + ((1 + x) %/% 2)
        }, mc.cores = cores))
        df.allele[hetPos == 1, 2:3] <- df.allele[hetPos == 1, 3:2]
        df.allele[hetPos == 3, 4:3] <- df.allele[hetPos == 3, 3:4]
        alterMiss <- !is.na(df.allele$heter) & is.na(df.allele$alter)
        if (!all(alterMiss)) {
          df.allele$alter[alterMiss] <- unlist(multiLapply(
            as.data.frame(t(df.allele[alterMiss, ]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
            function(x) {
              alt <- unlist(strsplit(x[3], ""))[!unlist(strsplit(x[3], "")) %in% unlist(strsplit(x[2], ""))]
              mid <- substr(x[3], 2, nchar(x[3]) - 1)
              return(paste(alt, mid, alt, sep = ""))
      gpData$geno <- as.data.frame(gpData$geno) - 1
      if (reference.allele[1] == "minor") {
        afCols <- cnames[colMeans(gpData$geno, na.rm = TRUE) > midDose]
        if (length(afCols) > 0) {
          gpData$geno[, cnames %in% afCols] <- rep(1, nrow(gpData$geno)) %*% t(rep(2, length(afCols))) - gpData$geno[, cnames %in% afCols]
          df.allele[cnames %in% afCols, c(2, 4)] <- df.allele[cnames %in% afCols, c(4, 2)]
      if (all(names(gpData$geno) == rownames(gpData$map))) {
        gpData$map <- cbind(gpData$map, df.allele[, c("refer", "heter", "alter")])
      } else {
        gpData$alleles <- df.allele
    } else { # ploidy
      colnames(gpData$geno) <- cnames
      if (is.numeric(gpData$geno)) {
        alleles <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), unique, mc.cores = cores)
      } else {
        alleles <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), levels, mc.cores = cores)
        if (!all(unlist(multiLapply(alleles, strsplit, "", cores = cores) %in% c("A", "B")))) stop("Wrong coding for multiploid species. Only A and B is allowed!")
      names(alleles) <- cnames
      gpData$geno <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), as.numeric, mc.cores = cores)
      gpData$geno <- matrix((unlist(gpData$geno) - 1) / ploidy, ncol = length(gpData$geno), dimnames = list(1:n, names(gpData$geno)))
      df.allele <- data.frame(id = rownames(gpData$map), refer = NA, alter = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      df.allele$refer <- unlist(multiLapply(alleles, function(x, y) {
        substr(x[y], 1, 1)
      }, 1, mc.cores = cores))
      df.allele$alter <- unlist(multiLapply(alleles, function(x, y) {
        substr(x[y], nchar(x), nchar(x))
      }, ploidy + 1, mc.cores = cores))
      if (reference.allele[1] == "minor") {
        afCols <- cnames[colMeans(gpData$geno, na.rm = TRUE) > midDose]
        gpData$geno[, cnames %in% afCols] <- rep(1, nrow(gpData$geno)) %*% t(rep(1, length(afCols))) - gpData$geno[, cnames %in% afCols]
        df.allele[cnames %in% afCols, c(1, 2)] <- df.allele[cnames %in% afCols, c(2, 1)]
        if (!is.null(attr(gpData$geno, "identical"))) {
          attr(gpData$geno, "identical")[attr(gpData$geno, "identical")$kept %in% afCols, c("removed.refer", "removed.alter")] <-
            attr(gpData$geno, "identical")[attr(gpData$geno, "identical")$kept %in% afCols, c("removed.alter", "removed.refer")]
      if (all.equal(colnames(gpData$geno), rownames(gpData$map))) {
        gpData$map <- cbind(gpData$map, df.allele[, c("refer", "alter")])
      } else {
        gpData$alleles <- df.allele
  gpData$geno <- as.data.frame(gpData$geno)

  # ============================================================
  # step 3  - Discarding markers for which the tester is not homozygous or values missing (optional, argument tester = "xxx")
  # ============================================================

  if (!is.null(tester)) {
    which.miss <- gpData$geno[rnames == tester, ] != label.heter & !is.na(gpData$geno[rnames == tester, ]) | knames
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, which.miss]
    cnames <- cnames[which.miss]
    knames <- knames[which.miss]
    if (sum(!which.miss) > 0) {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 3 :", sum(!which.miss), "marker(s) discarded because heterozygousity at tester locus or \n          missing values of the tester\n")
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 3 : No marker(s) discarded because heterozygousity at tester locus or \n          missing values of the tester\n")
    # update map
    if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]

  # ============================================================
  # step 4 - remove markers with minor allele frequency < maf  (optional, argument maf>0)
  # ============================================================

  if (!is.null(maf)) {
    if (maf < 0 | maf > 1) stop("'maf' must be in [0,1]")
    if (is.null(tester)) {
      which.maf <- unlist(multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), mean, na.rm = TRUE, mc.cores = cores)) >= 2 * maf | knames
    } else {
      which.maf <- unlist(multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), mean, na.rm = TRUE, mc.cores = cores))
      which.maf <- which.maf >= maf & which.maf <= 1 - maf | knames
    if (verbose) cat("   step 4  :", sum(!which.maf), "marker(s) removed with maf <", maf, "\n")
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, which.maf]
    cnames <- cnames[which.maf]
    knames <- knames[which.maf]
    # update map
    if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]
    # update report list
  } else {
    if (verbose) cat("   step 4  : No markers discarded due to minor allele frequency \n")
  # ============================================================
  # step 5  - Discarding markers for which the tester has the minor allele
  # ============================================================

  if (!is.null(tester)) {
    which.miss <- gpData$geno[rnames == tester, ] != 2 | knames
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, which.miss]
    cnames <- cnames[which.miss]
    knames <- knames[which.miss]
    if (sum(!which.miss) > 0) {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 5  :", sum(!which.miss), "marker(s) discarded for which the tester has the minor allele\n")
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 5  : No marker(s) discarded for which the tester has the minor allele\n")
    # update map
    if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]

  # ============================================================
  # step 6  - Discarding homozygout values of the minor allele and markers with more than nmiss values
  # ============================================================

  if (!is.null(tester)) {
    gpData$geno[gpData$geno == 2] <- NA
    if (!is.null(nmiss)) {
      which.miss <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(is.na(gpData$geno)), mean, na.rm = TRUE, mc.cores = cores) <= nmiss | knames
      gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, which.miss]
      cnames <- cnames[which.miss]
      knames <- knames[which.miss]
      if (verbose) cat("   step 6a :", sum(!which.miss), "marker(s) discarded with >", nmiss * 100, "% false genotyping values \n")
      # update map
      if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 6a : No markers discarded due to fraction of missing values \n")
  } else if (noHet) {
    heterSel <- !is.na(gpData$alleles$heter)
    gpData$geno[, heterSel][gpData$geno[, heterSel] == 1] <- NA
    if (!is.null(nmiss)) {
      which.miss <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(is.na(gpData$geno)), mean, na.rm = TRUE, mc.cores = cores) <= nmiss | knames
      gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, which.miss]
      cnames <- cnames[which.miss]
      knames <- knames[which.miss]
      if (verbose) cat("   step 6  :", sum(!which.miss), "marker(s) discarded with >", nmiss * 100, "% false genotyping values \n")
      # update map
      if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 6  : No markers discarded due to fraction of missing values \n")

  # ============================================================
  # step 7  - imputing missing genotypes  (optional, argument impute=TRUE)
  # ============================================================

  # initialize counter
  cnt1 <- rep(0, ncol(gpData$geno)) # for nr. of imputations with family structure
  cnt2 <- rep(0, ncol(gpData$geno)) # for nr. of beagle imputations
  cnt3 <- rep(0, ncol(gpData$geno)) # for nr. of random imputations
  names(cnt1) <- names(cnt2) <- names(cnt3) <- cnames

  # start of imputing
  if (impute) {
    # number of markers
    M <- ncol(gpData$geno)
    if (M == 0) stop(" no markers remained after step 1 (to many missing values)")
    if (verbose) cat("   step 7  : Imputing of missing values \n")

    # number of missing values
    nmv <- sum(is.na(gpData$geno))

    # if impute.type="fix", replace missing values according to specified value
    if (impute.type == "fix") {
      gpData$geno[is.na(gpData$geno)] <- replace.value
      if (verbose) cat("   step 7a : Replace missing values by", replace.value, " \n")
    # impute missing values according to population structure
    if (impute.type %in% c("family", "beagleAfterFamily", "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand")) {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 7b : Imputing of missing values by family information \n")
      # initialize counter (- number of heterozygous values)
      # loop over all markers
      probList <- list(c(1), c(.5, .5), c(.25, .5, .25))
      vec.cols <- (1:M)[is.na(colSums(gpData$geno, na.rm = FALSE))]
      nFam <- table(popStruc)
      vec.big <- popStruc %in% names(nFam)[nFam > minFam]
      ptm <- Sys.time()
      for (j in vec.cols) {
        if (sum(!is.na(gpData$geno[, j])) > 0) {
          poptab <- table(popStruc[vec.big], gpData$geno[vec.big, j])
          rS <- rowSums(poptab)
          # compute otherstatistics
          major.allele <- unlist(attr(poptab, "dimnames")[[2]][apply(poptab, 1, which.max)])
          # look if SNP is segregating  for this population
          polymorph <- apply(poptab, 1, length) > 1 & (apply(poptab, 1, min) != 0)
          polymorph2 <- rS > minFam
          polymorph[!polymorph2] <- TRUE
          # count missing values
          nmissfam <- tapply(is.na(gpData$geno[vec.big, j]), popStruc[vec.big], sum)
          # must be a named list
          names(major.allele) <- names(polymorph)
          # loop over all families
          for (i in rownames(poptab)[nmissfam > 0]) {
            # impute values for impute.type="family" : all missing genotypes
            allTab <- table(gpData$geno[popStruc[vec.big] %in% i, j])
            if (length(allTab) == 1) {
              gpData$geno[is.na(gpData$geno[, j]) & popStruc %in% i, j] <- as.numeric(names(allTab))
              cnt1[j] <- cnt1[j] + nmissfam[as.character(i)]
            } else if (impute.type %in% c("family", "beagleAfterFamily")) {
              if (length(allTab) == 0 & noHet) {
                allTab <- table(c(0, 2))
              } else if (all(names(allTab) == c(0, 2)) & !noHet) {
                allTab <- table(c(0, 1, 1, 2))
              if (impute.type == "family" | is.na(gpData$map$pos[j])) {
                gpData$geno[is.na(gpData$geno[, j]) & popStruc %in% i, j] <- ifelse(length(allTab) > 1,
                  sample(as.numeric(names(allTab)), size = nmissfam[as.character(i)], prob = probList[[length(allTab)]], replace = TRUE),
                cnt3[j] <- cnt3[j] + nmissfam[as.character(i)]
          if (j == ceiling(length(vec.cols) / 50)) {
            if (verbose) {
                "         approximative run time for imputation by family information ",
                paste(round(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), ptm) * 50)),
                  digits = 1, " ",
                  units(difftime(Sys.time(), ptm)), " ... \n", sep = ""
        } # end of if(sum(!is.na(gpData$geno[,j]))>0)
      } # end of marker loop

    # run beagle for imputation
    if (impute.type %in% c("beagle", "beagleAfterFamily", "beagleNoRand", "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand")) {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 7c : Imputing of missing values by Beagle \n")
      # if(any(grep(" ",path.package()[grep("synbreed", path.package())])))
      # warning("The package is installed in folder ",path.package()[grep("synbreed", path.package())]," which contains a space. Torun beagle properly, please install the package to a differnt folder without spaces.")
      # use Beagle and impute NA for polymorphic families
      chr <- unique(gpData$map$chr)
      chr <- chr[!is.na(chr)]
      if (!is.null(tester)) {
        gpData$geno <- gpData$geno * 2
      rownames(gpData$geno) <- rnames
      colnames(gpData$geno) <- cnames
      cnt2 <- unlist(multiLapply(as.data.frame(is.na(gpData$geno)), sum, mc.cores = cores))
      pre <- paste(as.numeric(as.Date(Sys.time())), round(as.numeric(Sys.time()) %% (24 * 3600)), sep = "")
      if (!"beagle" %in% list.files()) {
      markerTEMPbeagle <- discard.markers(gpData, whichNot = rownames(gpData$map[!is.na(gpData$map$pos), ]))

      # write input files for beagle
      # create new directory "beagle" for beagle input and output files
      if (gpData$info$map.unit %in% c("Mb", "kb", "bp")) {
        mapfile <- NULL
        while (any(duplicated(markerTEMPbeagle$map))) {
          markerTEMPbeagle$map$pos[duplicated(markerTEMPbeagle$map)] <- markerTEMPbeagle$map$pos[duplicated(markerTEMPbeagle$map)] + 1
      } else {
        mapfile <- data.frame(markerTEMPbeagle$map$chr, rownames(markerTEMPbeagle$map), markerTEMPbeagle$map$pos, markerTEMPbeagle$map$pos)
        if (!is.integer(mapfile[, 1])) mapfile[, 1] <- as.integer(as.factor(mapfile[, 1]))
        if (gpData$info$map.unit == "M") {
          mapfile[, 4] <- 1000000 * (mapfile[, 3] <- mapfile[, 3] * 100)
        if (gpData$info$map.unit == "cM") mapfile[, 4] <- 1000000 * mapfile[, 3]
        while (any(duplicated(markerTEMPbeagle$map))) {
          mapfile[duplicated(markerTEMPbeagle$map), 4] <- mapfile[duplicated(markerTEMPbeagle$map), 4] + 1
        markerTEMPbeagle$map$pos <- mapfile[, 4]
        mapfile[, 4] <- formatC(mapfile[, 4], format = "f", digits = 0)
        mapfile[, 1] <- paste("chr", mapfile[, 1], sep = "")
        write.table(mapfile, file = paste("beagle/run", pre, ".map", sep = ""), col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, na = ".", sep = "\t")
        mapfile <- paste(" map=beagle/run", pre, ".map ", sep = "")
        markerTEMPbeagle$info$map.unit <- "bp"
      markerTEMPbeagle$map$chr <- as.numeric(as.factor(markerTEMPbeagle$map$chr))
      write.vcf(markerTEMPbeagle, paste(file.path(getwd(), "beagle"), "/run", pre, "_input.vcf", sep = ""))
      output <- system(paste("java -jar ", #-Xmx5g
        shQuote(paste(sort(path.package()[grep("synbreed", path.package())])[1], "/java/beagle.21Jan17.6cc.jar", sep = "")),
        # caution with more than one pacakge with names synbreed*, assume synbreed to be the first one
        " gtgl=beagle/run", pre, "_input.vcf out=beagle/run", pre, "_out gprobs=true nthreads=", cores, mapfile,
        sep = ""
      intern = !showBeagleOutput
      # read data from beagle
      gz <- gzfile(paste("beagle/run", pre, "_out.vcf.gz", sep = ""))
      resTEMP <- read.vcf2matrix(file = gz, FORMAT = "DS", IDinRow = TRUE, cores = cores)
      mode(resTEMP) <- "numeric"
      # convert dose to genotypes
      cat("noHet: ", noHet, "\n")
      if (noHet) {
        resTEMP[resTEMP < 1] <- 0
        resTEMP[resTEMP >= 1] <- 2
      } else {
        resTEMP <- round(resTEMP, 0) # 0, 1, and 2
      gpData$geno[, colnames(resTEMP)] <- resTEMP
    # impute missing values with no population structure or missing positions
    if (impute.type %in% c("random", "beagle", "beagleAfterFamily", "family")) {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 7d : Random imputing of missing values \n")
      # initialize counter (- number of heterozygous values)
      mImp <- unlist(multiLapply(as.data.frame(is.na(gpData$geno)), sum, mc.cores = cores))
      p <- unlist(multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), mean, na.rm = TRUE, mc.cores = cores)) / 2
      ptm <- proc.time()[3]
      for (j in (1:M)[mImp > 0]) {
        cnt3[j] <- cnt3[j] + mImp[j]
        # estimation of running time after the first iteration
        if (noHet) { # assuming only 2 homozygous genotypes
          gpData$geno[is.na(gpData$geno[, j]), j] <- sample(c(0, 2), size = mImp[j], prob = c(1 - p[j], p[j]), replace = TRUE)
        } else { # assuming 3 genotypes
          gpData$geno[is.na(gpData$geno[, j]), j] <- sample(c(0, 1, 2), size = mImp[j], prob = c((1 - p[j])^2, 2 * p[j] * (1 - p[j]), p[j]^2), replace = TRUE)
        if (j == ceiling(M / 100)) if (verbose) cat("         approximate run time for random imputation ", (proc.time()[3] - ptm) * 99, " seconds \n", sep = " ")
      # update counter for Beagle, remove those counts which where imputed ranomly
      if (impute.type == "beagle") cnt2 <- cnt2 - cnt3
    if (!is.null(tester) & impute.type %in% c("random", "beagle", "beagleAfterFamily")) gpData$geno <- gpData$geno / 2

    # ============================================================
    # step 8 - recoding
    # ============================================================

    # recode again if allele frequeny changed to to imputing
    p <- unlist(multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), mean, na.rm = TRUE, mc.cores = cores))
    if (any(p > 1) & reference.allele[1] == "minor") {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 8  : Recode alleles due to imputation \n")
      gpData$geno[, which(p > 1)] <- 2 - gpData$geno[, which(p > 1)]
      p[which(p > 1)] <- 2 - p[which(p > 1)]
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat("   step 8  : No recoding of alleles necessary after imputation \n")

  # ============================================================
  # step 9 - remove markers with minor allele frequency < maf  (optional, argument maf>0)
  # ============================================================

  if (!is.null(maf) & impute) {
    if (maf < 0 | maf > 1) stop("'maf' must be in [0,1]")
    if (is.null(tester)) {
      which.maf <- p >= 2 * maf | knames
    } else {
      which.maf <- p >= maf & p <= 1 - maf | knames
    if (verbose) cat("   step 9  :", sum(!which.maf), "marker(s) removed with maf <", maf, "\n")
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, which.maf]
    cnames <- cnames[which.maf]
    knames <- knames[which.maf]
    p <- p[which.maf]
    # update map
    if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]
    # update report list
  } else {
    if (verbose & impute) cat("   step 9  : No markers discarded due to minor allele frequency \n")

  # ============================================================
  # step 10 - discard duplicated markers   (optional, argument keep.identical=FALSE)
  # ============================================================
  if (!keep.identical) {
    colnames(gpData$geno) <- cnames
    cnms <- sample(1:ncol(gpData$geno))
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, cnms]
    cnames <- cnames[cnms]
    which.duplicated <- duplicated(gpData$geno, MARGIN = 2)
    rev.which.duplicated <- duplicated(gpData$geno, MARGIN = 2, fromLast = TRUE)
    rev.which.duplicated[which.duplicated] <- FALSE
    if (impute) {
      if (sum(which.duplicated) > 0) {
        mat.ld <- multiCor(gpData$geno[, which.duplicated], gpData$geno[, rev.which.duplicated], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", cores = cores)
        df.ld <- data.frame(
          kept = rep(colnames(mat.ld), each = nrow(mat.ld)),
          removed = rep(rownames(mat.ld), ncol(mat.ld)),
          ld = as.numeric(mat.ld),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        df.ld <- df.ld[abs(df.ld$ld) > 1 - 1e-14, ]
        df.ld$ld <- NULL
      } else {
        df.ld <- data.frame(kept = as.character(), removed = as.character())
    } else { # end of impute step
      if (!all(!is.na(gpData$geno))) {
        if (sum(which.duplicated) > 0) {
          gpData$geno[is.na(gpData$geno)] <- 3
          mat.ld <- multiCor(gpData$geno[, which.duplicated], gpData$geno[, rev.which.duplicated], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", cores = cores)
          df.ld <- data.frame(
            kept = rep(cnames[rev.which.duplicated], each = nrow(mat.ld)),
            removed = rep(cnames[which.duplicated], ncol(mat.ld)),
            ld = as.numeric(mat.ld),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          df.ld <- df.ld[abs(df.ld$ld) > 1 - 1e-14, ]
          df.ld$ld <- NULL
          gpData$geno[gpData$geno == 3] <- NA
        } else {
          df.ld <- data.frame(kept = as.character(), removed = as.character())
        which.miss <- unlist(multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), function(x) {
        }, mc.cores = cores)) > 0
        which.miss <- (1:length(which.miss))[which.miss]
        if (length(which.miss[which.miss]) == ncol(gpData$geno)) {
          which.miss <- which.miss[1:(length(which.miss) - 1)]
        if (is.null(keep.list)) {
          for (i in which.miss) {
            if (which.duplicated[i]) next
            J <- which.miss
            J <- J[J > i]
            for (j in J) {
              if (which.duplicated[j]) next
              if (all(gpData$geno[, i] == gpData$geno[, j], na.rm = TRUE)) {
                if (sum(is.na(gpData$geno[, i])) >= sum(is.na(gpData$geno[, j]))) {
                  which.duplicated[i] <- TRUE
                  df.ld <- rbind(df.ld, data.frame(kept = cnames[j], removed = cnames[i]))
                } else {
                  which.duplicated[j] <- TRUE
                  df.ld <- rbind(df.ld, data.frame(kept = cnames[i], removed = cnames[j]))
        } else {
          for (i in which.miss) {
            if (which.duplicated[i]) next
            for (j in ((i + 1):ncol(gpData$geno))[!which.duplicated[(i + 1):ncol(gpData$geno)]]) {
              if (all(gpData$geno[, i] == gpData$geno[, j], na.rm = TRUE)) {
                if (knames[i]) { # knames is logical vector for keep.list. Faster than testing if cnames[i] in keep.list!
                  if (knames[j]) next else which.duplicated[j] <- TRUE
                } else {
                  if (knames[j]) {
                    which.duplicated[i] <- TRUE
                  } else {
                    if (sum(is.na(gpData$geno[, i])) >= sum(is.na(gpData$geno[, j]))) {
                      which.duplicated[i] <- TRUE
                      df.ld <- rbind(df.ld, data.frame(kept = cnames[j], removed = cnames[i]))
                    } else {
                      which.duplicated[j] <- TRUE
                      df.ld <- rbind(df.ld, data.frame(kept = cnames[i], removed = cnames[j]))
                    } # end choice of not keep.list elements
                  } # end of neither i or j in keep.list
                } # end of i not in the keep list
              } # end of to equal i and j proove
            } # end of the loop from i+1 to j
          } # end of loop through which.miss
        } # end of else step of is.null(keep.list) proove
        if (is.na(df.ld[1, 1])) df.ld <- df.ld[-1, ]
      } else { # end of missing value step
        if (sum(which.duplicated) > 0) {
          mat.ld <- multiCor(gpData$geno[, which.duplicated], gpData$geno[, rev.which.duplicated], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", cores = cores)
          rownames(mat.ld) <- cnames[which.duplicated]
          colnames(mat.ld) <- cnames[rev.which.duplicated]
          df.ld <- data.frame(
            kept = rep(colnames(mat.ld), nrow(mat.ld)),
            removed = rep(rownames(mat.ld), each = ncol(mat.ld)),
            ld = as.numeric(mat.ld),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          df.ld <- df.ld[abs(df.ld$ld) > 1 - 1e-14, ]
          df.ld$ld <- NULL
        } else {
          df.ld <- data.frame(kept = as.character(), removed = as.character())
    } # end of not imputed step
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, !which.duplicated]
    if ("refer" %in% colnames(gpData$map)) {
      df.ld$removed.refer <- gpData$map[df.ld$removed, "refer"]
      df.ld$removed.alter <- gpData$map[df.ld$removed, "alter"]
    } else if (nrow(df.ld) > 0) {
      df.ld[, "removed.refer"] <- df.ld[, "removed.alter"] <- NA
    df.ld <- rbind(df.ldOld[, colnames(df.ld)], df.ld)
    df.ld$sort <- match(df.ld$kept, rownames(gpData$map))
    df.ld <- orderBy(~ sort + removed, df.ld)
    df.ld$sort <- NULL
    attr(gpData$geno, "identical") <- df.ld
    cnames <- cnames[!which.duplicated]
    if (verbose) cat("   step 10 :", sum(which.duplicated), "duplicated marker(s) removed \n")
    # update map
    if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]
  } else {
    if (verbose) cat("   step 10 : No duplicated markers removed \n")

  # ============================================================
  # step 10a - discard markers for which only the tester is different
  # ============================================================

  if (!is.null(tester)) {
    which.fixed <- multiLapply(as.data.frame(gpData$geno), sum, cores = cores) == nrow(gpData$geno) - 1 | knames
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, !which.fixed]
    cnames <- cnames[!which.fixed]
    knames <- knames[!which.fixed]
    if (!is.null(gpData$map)) gpData$map <- gpData$map[rownames(gpData$map) %in% cnames, ]
    if (verbose) {
      if (sum(which.fixed) != 0) {
        cat("   step 10a:", sum(which.fixed), "in crosses fixed marker(s) removed \n")
      } else {
        cat("   step 10a: No in crosses fixed marker(s) removed \n")

  # ============================================================
  # step 11 - restoring original data format
  # ============================================================

  rownames(gpData$geno) <- rnames
  colnames(gpData$geno) <- cnames
  if (orgFormat == "matrix") {
    gpData$geno <- matrix(gpData$geno, nrow = n)
  if (orgFormat == "data.frame") {
    gpData$geno <- as.data.frame(gpData$geno)

  if (verbose) cat("   End     :", ncol(gpData$geno), "marker(s) remain after the check\n")

  # ============================================================
  # print summary of imputation
  # ============================================================

  if (impute) {
    cat("     Summary of imputation \n")
    cat(paste("    total number of missing values                :", nmv, "\n"))
    if (impute.type %in% c("family", "beagleAfterFamily", "familyNoRand", "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand")) cat(paste("    number of imputations by family structure     :", sum(cnt1), "\n"))
    if (impute.type %in% c("beagle", "beagleAfterFamily", "beagleNoRand", "beagleAfterFamilyNoRand")) cat(paste("    number of Beagle imputations                  :", sum(cnt2), "\n"))
    if (impute.type %in% c("beagle", "random", "family", "beagleAfterFamily")) cat(paste("    number of random imputations                  :", sum(cnt3), "\n"))

  if (!is.null(gpData$map)) {
    gpData$map$sor <- substr(gpData$map$chr, nchar(as.character(gpData$map$chr)), nchar(as.character(gpData$map$chr)))
    if (any(unique(gpData$map$sor)[!is.na(unique(gpData$map$sor))] %in% 0:9)) gpData$map$sor <- 1
    # first order by rownames in alphabetical order (important for SNPs with the same position)
    gpData$map <- gpData$map[order(as.character(rownames(gpData$map))), ]
    gpData$map <- orderBy(~ sor + chr + pos, data = as.data.frame(gpData$map))
    gpData$map$sor <- NULL
    # sortcolumns in geno, too
    if (!is.null(attr(gpData$geno, "identical"))) attrG <- attr(gpData$geno, "identical") else attrG <- NULL
    gpData$geno <- gpData$geno[, rownames(gpData$map)]
    if (!is.null(attrG)) attr(gpData$geno, "identical") <- attrG
  # overwrite original genotypic data
  if (orgFormat == "gpData") {
    gpData$info$codeGeno <- TRUE
    gpData$info$version <- paste("gpData object was coded by synbreed version", sessionInfo()$otherPkgs$synbreed$Version)
    gpData$info$Call <- infoCall
  if (print.report) {
    if (verbose) cat("  Writing report to file 'SNPreport.txt' \n")
    report.list <- data.frame(
      SNPname = cnames, reference = gpData$map$refer, alternative = gpData$map$alter,
      MAF = round(colMeans(gpData$geno, na.rm = TRUE) / 2, 3),
      impute.fam = cnt1[cnames], impute.beagle = cnt2[cnames],
      impute.ran = cnt3[cnames]
    write.table(report.list, file = "SNPreport.txt", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

  # return a gpData object (or a matrix)
  gpData$geno <- as.matrix(gpData$geno)

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synbreed documentation built on March 12, 2021, 3:01 a.m.