
Defines functions varPredictNlmeGnls

Documented in varPredictNlmeGnls

varPredictNlmeGnls <- function(
	### Predictions including variance for basic nlme and gnls models.
	object			##<< the model fit object used for predictions, treated by \code{\link{attachVarPrep}}
	, newdata		##<< dataframe of new predictors and covariates
	, ...			##<< further arguments to \code{\link{predict.lme}} or \code{\link{predict.gls}}
	## Variance calculation is based on Taylor series expansion as described in appendix A1 by Wutzler08.
	## Fitted \code{object} needs to be prepared by function \code{\link{attachVarPrep}}.
	## If not done before, this function is called automatically within \code{varPredictNlmeGnls}. 
	## However, for finetuning or avoiding overhead in repeated calls, it
	## is recommended to explicitely call \code{\link{attachVarPrep}} before calling \code{varPredictNlmeGnls}.
	## Wutzler, T.; Wirth, C. & Schumacher, J. (2008) 
	## Generic biomass functions for Common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Central Europe - predictions and components of uncertainty. 
	## Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38, 1661-1675

	##seealso<< \code{\link{varSumPredictNlmeGnls}}, \code{\link{twNlme-package}}
	pred <- predict( object, newdata, level=0, ...)	# the population level predictions at newdata
	if( !inherits(object,"nlmeVarPrep") )
		object <- attachVarPrep(object)
	#tmpf <- object$varPrep$gradFix; mtrace(tmpf); tmpf(newdata)
	newdata <- object$varPrep$fAddDummies(newdata)	# add dummy columns for categorial variables used in gradFix and gradRan 
	uNew <- object$varPrep$gradFix(object, newdata, pred)
	varFix <- varFixef(object)
	vcFix <- rep(0,nrow(newdata))
	for( i in seq(along=vcFix) ){
		vcFix[i] <- t(uNew[i,]) %*% varFix %*% uNew[i,]
	vcRan <- if( inherits(object,"lme")){
		wNew <- object$varPrep$gradRan(object,newdata,pred)
		varRan <- varRanef(object)
		vcRan <- rep(0,nrow(newdata))
		for( i in seq(along=vcRan) ){
			vcRan[i] <- t(wNew[i,]) %*% varRan %*% wNew[i,]
	}else rep(0,nrow(newdata))
	vcResid <- object$varPrep$fVarResidual(object,newdata,pred)	
	#varSum <- vcFix + vcRan + vcResid
	sdPop <- sqrt(vcFix+vcRan)
	sdInd <- sqrt(vcFix+vcRan+vcResid)
	res <- cbind( pred, vcFix, vcRan, vcResid, sdPop, sdInd )
	##value<< numeric matrix with columns 
	colnames(res) <- c(
		fit="fit"				##<< predictions
		,varFix="varFix"		##<< variance component due to uncertainty in fixed effects	
		,varRan="varRan"		##<< variance component due to uncertainty in random effects	
		,varResid="varResid"	##<< variance component due to residual error
		,sdPop="sdPop"			##<< standard deviation of prediction of a new population
		,sdInd="sdInd"			##<< standard deviation of prediction of a new individual
attr(varPredictNlmeGnls,"ex") <- function(){
	#----  fit a nlme and gnls model to data of stem weights 
	lmStart <- lm(log(stem) ~ log(dbh) + log(height), Wutzler08BeechStem )
	nlmeFit <- nlme( stem~b0*dbh^b1*height^b2, data=Wutzler08BeechStem
				,fixed=list(b0 ~ si + age + alt, b1+b2 ~ 1)
				,random=  b0 ~ 1 | author
				,start=c( b0=c(as.numeric(exp(coef(lmStart)[1])),0,0,0), b1=as.numeric(coef(lmStart)[2]), b2=as.numeric(coef(lmStart)[3]) )
				,method='REML'		# for unbiased error estimates
	x3 <- update(nlmeFit, fixed=list(b0 ~ si * log(age), b1+b2 ~ 1))
	gnlsFit <- gnls( stem~b0*dbh^b1*height^b2, data=Wutzler08BeechStem
		,params = list(b0 ~ si + age + alt, b1~1, b2 ~ 1)
		,start=c( b0=c(as.numeric(exp(coef(lmStart)[1])),0,0,0), b1=as.numeric(coef(lmStart)[2]), b2=as.numeric(coef(lmStart)[3]) )
	fixef(gnlsFit)		# note the usage of fixef.gnls.
	ranef(gnlsFit)		# note the usage of ranef.gnls.
	#---- some artificial data for new prediction
	nData <- data.frame( dbh=tmp <- seq(2,80,length.out=40), alt=median(Wutzler08BeechStem$alt), si=median(Wutzler08BeechStem$si) )
	lmHeight <- lm( height ~ dbh, Wutzler08BeechStem)
	nData$height <- predict(lmHeight, nData)
	lmAge <- lm( age ~ dbh, Wutzler08BeechStem)
	nData$age <- predict(lmAge, nData)
	#---- do the prediction including variance calculation
	# automatic derivation with accounting for residual variance model
	nlmeFit <- attachVarPrep(nlmeFit, fVarResidual=varResidPower)
	resNlme <- varPredictNlmeGnls(nlmeFit,nData)	
	# plotting prediction and standard errors
	plot( resNlme[,"fit"] ~ dbh, nData, type="l", xlim=c(40,80), lty="dashed")
	lines( resNlme[,"fit"]+resNlme[,"sdPop"] ~ dbh, nData, col="maroon", lty="dashed" )
	lines( resNlme[,"fit"]-resNlme[,"sdPop"] ~ dbh, nData, col="maroon", lty="dashed" )
	lines( resNlme[,"fit"]+resNlme[,"sdInd"] ~ dbh, nData, col="orange", lty="dashed"  )
	lines( resNlme[,"fit"]-resNlme[,"sdInd"] ~ dbh, nData, col="orange", lty="dashed" )
	#---- handling special model of residual weights
	# here we fit different power coefficients for authors
	# for the prediction we take the mean, but because it appears in a nonlinear term
	# we need a correction term
	.tmp.f <- function(){	# takes long, so do not execute each test time 
		nlmeFitAuthor <- nlme( stem~b0*dbh^b1*height^b2, data=Wutzler08BeechStem
			,fixed=list(b0 ~ si + age + alt, b1+b2 ~ 1)
			,random=  b0 ~ 1 | author
			,start=c( b0=c(as.numeric(exp(coef(lmStart)[1])),0,0,0), b1=as.numeric(coef(lmStart)[2]), b2=as.numeric(coef(lmStart)[3]) )
		#pred <- predict(modExampleStem, newdata, level=0)
		varResidPowerAuthor <- function(object,newdata,pred	){
			sigma <- object$sigma
			deltaAuthor <- coef(object$modelStruct$varStruct, allCoef = TRUE)
			delta <-  mean(deltaAuthor)
			varDelta <- var(deltaAuthor)
			sigma^2 * abs(pred)^(2*delta) * (1+2*log(abs(pred))^2*varDelta)
		nlmeFitResidAuthor <- attachVarPrep(nlmeFitAuthor, fVarResidual=varResidPowerAuthor)
		resNlmeAuthor <- varPredictNlmeGnls(nlmeFitResidAuthor,nData)
	nlmeFit	#return for creating modExampleStem.RData

.tmp.f <- function(){
	gnlsFit <- attachVarPrep(gnlsFit, fVarResidual=varResidPowerFitted)	
	resGnls <- varPredictNlmeGnls(gnlsFit,nData)
	lines( resGnls[,"fit"] ~ dbh, nData, type="l", col="gray")
	lines( resGnls[,"fit"]+resGnls[,"sdPop"] ~ dbh, nData, col="blue" )
	lines( resGnls[,"fit"]-resGnls[,"sdPop"] ~ dbh, nData, col="blue" )
	lines( resGnls[,"fit"]+resGnls[,"sdInd"] ~ dbh, nData, col="orange" )
	lines( resGnls[,"fit"]-resGnls[,"sdInd"] ~ dbh, nData, col="orange" )
	fit2 <- update(gnlsFit, weights=varPower(fixed=0.6))
	form <- y ~ beta0 + beta1 * exp(beta2*x)
	xDat <- cbind(beta0=1, beta1=2, beta2=-0.7, x=1:10)
	newx <- as.data.frame(xDat)
	yTrue <- with(as.data.frame(xDat), beta0 + beta1 * exp(beta2*x))
	y <- yTrue + rnorm(length(yTrue), sd=min(yTrue)/5)
	mf <- as.data.frame(cbind( x=xDat[,"x"], y=y))
	plot(y~x, mf)
	lines(yTrue~x, mf )
	#m <- model.frame( delete.response(terms(form)), as.data.frame(xDat) )
	fm1 <- gnls(form,mf
		,start = xDat[1,1:3]+rnorm(3,sd=1e-4)
	fDerivFixef <- derivFixef(fm1)
	with( as.data.frame(xDat), eval(dFix) )$gradient
	fm2 <- gls(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont)

#, sdType = c(	##<< specify which kind of standard deviation is calculated (set single value to save minor computation time) 
#	##describe<<
#	,population="population"	##<< sd for prediction of a new population
#	,individual="individual"	##<< sd for prediction of a new individual

.tmp.f <- function(){
	nlmeFit2 <- update(modExampleStem, weights=NULL)
	#plot( stem ~ dbh, Wutzler08BeechStem, col=author )
	#tmp<-order(Wutzler08BeechStem$dbh); lines(predict(nlmeFit, newdata=Wutzler08BeechStem[tmp,], level=0)~dbh[tmp],Wutzler08BeechStem)
	#plot( fitted(gnlsFit) ~ I(fitted(gnlsFit)+resid(gnlsFit)) )
	#points( fitted(nlmeFit) ~ I(fitted(nlmeFit)+resid(nlmeFit)), col="maroon" )
	nfit <- attachVarPrep( modExampleStem, form = "b0*dbh^b1*height^b2")
	varPredictNlmeGnls(nfit, newdata=data.frame(dbh=18.8, height=16.9, age=40, si=30, alt=470))
	varPredictNlmeGnls(nfit, newdata=head(Wutzler08BeechStem))

.tmp.f <- function(){
	nfit <- modExampleStem
	form <- "b0*d^b1*h^b2"

varResidPower <- function(
	### Variance of residual of prediction for Power Variance without random effects e.g. \code{weights=varPower(form=~fitted(.))}
	object	##<< the fitted object
	,newdata	##<< the data frame with new predictors
	,pred	##<< the prediction at population level
	sigma <- object$sigma
	#delta <- coef(object$modelStruct$varStruct,uncons = FALSE, allCoef = TRUE)["power"]
    # only single power coefficient but maybe for several groups
    delta <- mean(coef(object$modelStruct$varStruct,uncons = FALSE, allCoef = TRUE))
    sigma^2 * abs(pred)^(2*delta)
	### numeric vector of var(eps_i)
	##seealso<< \code{\link{twNlme-package}}

#------------------- constructing the full formula
.getCategorialLevels <- function(
	### extracting the categorial levels of the dummy variables from termVec
	termVec			##<< original (non-whitespace removed) names of all the variables including the dummy variables
	, categorialNames=attr(termVec,"categorialNames")	##<< baseName of the categorial variables
	catMap <- as.list(categorialNames)
	names(catMap) <- categorialNames
	for( cName in categorialNames){
		tmpi <- grep(paste("^",cName,sep=""),termVec)
		#catMap[cName] <- sub(paste(".*\\.",cName,"(.*)$",sep=""),"\\1", termVec[tmpi]) 
		catMap[[cName]] <- sub(paste("^",cName,"(.*)$",sep=""),"\\1", termVec[tmpi]) 

.gsubFormTerm <- function(
	### strip whitespace characters, remove "I", and replace ":" by "*" 
	formTerm	##<< vector of strings representing a term in a formula
	# \\b matches word boundaries sot ath SI(a) is not replaced
	gsub(":","*",gsub("\\bI\\(","\\1\\(",gsub("\\s+","",formTerm) ) )

.extractFixedComponent <- function(
	### Extract the terms from pfit component
	comp						##<< component  of list nlmefit$pfit 
	, excludeIntercept=FALSE	##<< set to TRUE to exclude intercept, (e.g. not used for derivation)
	termVec <- if( is.numeric(comp) ){
		termVec <- .gsubFormTerm(colnames(comp))	
		termVec <- "(Intercept)"
		#attr(termVec,"hasIntercept") <- TRUE
	if( termVec[1] == "(Intercept)"){
		if( excludeIntercept ){
			termVec <- termVec[-1]
			#attr(termVec,"hasIntercept") <- TRUE
	catMap <- .getCategorialLevels( colnames(comp), names(attr(comp,"contrasts")) )
	attr(termVec,"catMap") <- catMap
	### string vector of terms
	### Additionally, attribute \code{catMap} holds the levels of each categorial variable
.constructLinFormulaString <- function(
	### construct a string of a expression involving coefficients and terms
	termVec, parName, prefix=""
	coefNames <- paste(parName,prefix,".",make.names(termVec),sep="" )
	termCoefVec <- paste( coefNames,"*", termVec,sep="" )
	if(termVec[1] == "(Intercept)") termCoefVec[1] <- coefNames[1]
	form <- paste( termCoefVec, collapse=" + ")
		form=form				##<< the string of linear formula
		, coefNames=coefNames 	##<< the names of the coefficients

.asFormulaTermVec <- function(
	### connect all the terms and parse expression 
	form <- paste("~", paste(termVec,collapse="+"))
	### two sided formula

.extractFixedList <- function( 
	### extracts the fixed effect terms 
	x					##<< the fitted nlme model
	,makeNames=TRUE 	##<< whether to attach an explicit name attribute
	,...				##<< further argument to \code{\link{.extractFixedComponent}}
	isNlme <- inherits(x,"nlme") 
	resString <- list()
	catMap <- list()
	for( parName in names(x$plist) ){
		comp  <- if(isNlme) x$plist[[parName]]$fixed else x$plist[[parName]]
		resString[[parName]] <- tVec <- .extractFixedComponent( comp, ...)
		catMapPar <- attr(tVec,"catMap")
		catMap[ names(catMapPar) ] <- ""
		for( cName in names(catMapPar) ) catMap[[cName]] <- catMapPar[[cName]]
		attr(resString[[parName]],"catMap") <- NULL
	attr(resString,"catMap") <- catMap
	# list with entry for each parameter being a vector of strings for each term in the model formula
attr(.extractFixedList,"ex") <- function(){
	(tmp <- .extractFixedList(modExampleStem))
	# see also runitvarPredictNlmeGnls.R

.extractRandomList <- function(
	### extracts the random effects in the form "list(b0=b0 ~ 1, b1=b1 ~ 1)"
	, makeNames=TRUE
	if( inherits(x,"nlme")){
		ranF <- unlist(attributes(x$modelStruct$reStruct[[1]])$formula)
		if( makeNames ){
			names(ranF) <- as.character(lapply(ranF, function(elr){elr[[2]]} ))
		#deparse(ranF, control=c("keepInteger") ) #no option showAttributes,"warnIncomplete" 
attr(.extractRandomList,"ex") <- function(){
	(tmp <- .extractRandomList(modExampleStem))

expandLinFormula <- function( 
	### Extends the linear formula to an expression involving coefficients
	linForm		##<< formula for fixed coefficients depending on linear term 
	, suffix="" ##<< base parameter name
	, varNames=NULL	##<< variable names to use
	## parameter names will be lhs of the formula + suffix + .i wiht .0 for the intercept
	## if there is no intercept, starting from .1
	value = NULL
	coef2 <- c("")[ FALSE ]
	parBaseName <- linForm[[2]]
	terms2 <- attr(terms( linForm ),"term.labels")
	termVec <- terms2 <- gsub(":","*",terms2)
	if( length(terms2) > 0 ){
		if( 0 == length(attr(terms( linForm ),"intercept")) ){
			coef2 <- if( 0<length(varNames) ) varNames else paste( parBaseName, suffix, ".", seq(along=terms2), sep="" )
			value = paste( coef2, terms2, sep="*", collapse=" + " )
			coef2 <- if( 0<length(varNames) ) varNames[-1] else paste( parBaseName, suffix, ".", seq(along=terms2), sep="" )
			value = paste( coef2, terms2, sep="*", collapse=" + " )
			coefb = if( 0<length(varNames) ) varNames[1] else paste( parBaseName,suffix,".0", sep="")
			coef2 = c( coefb, coef2 )
			value = paste( coefb, " + ", value, sep="")
			termVec <- c( termVec, "(Intercept)" )
		if( attr(terms( linForm ),"intercept")){
			value <- coef2 <- if( 0<length(varNames) ) varNames else paste( parBaseName, suffix, ".0", sep="" )
			#value = coef2 = paste( parBaseName,suffix,".0", value, sep="")
			termVec <- "(Intercept)"
	# if names are given 
	attr(value,"coef") <- coef2
	attr(value,"parBaseName") <- parBaseName
	attr(value,"termVec") <- termVec
	### String of formula with coefficients expanded to linear combinations of terms
	### Names of coefficients are provided with attribute \code{coef} and terms with attribute \code{termVec}
	##seealso<< \code{\link{twNlme-package}}
attr(expandLinFormula,"ex") <- function(){
	# note that si*age treated as multiplication instead of all interactions
	expandLinFormula(linForm <- b0~si+log(age)+I(si+age)+si*age)	 
#ex: fixF( string x$call$fixed, "b0" ) 
#results in 'b0.0 + b0.1*si + b0r.1'
#attributes coef and resp are attached listing all the fixed and random coefficients

#getTerms( fixF, 4 )

.fullNlmeCoefFormulas <- function( 
	### extract the expanded linear formula with covariates and random effect for each parameter
	nfit = NULL		##<< the fitted nlme object 
	,fixedMap = .extractFixedList(nfit) 	# list of strings by coefficient
	,randomMap = .extractRandomList(nfit)	# list of formulas by coefficient
	pMap <- list()
	pMapfc <- NULL #c("")[FALSE]
	pMaprc <- NULL #c("")[FALSE]
	#termsVecAll <- NULL
	#name list elements by RHS of the formulas
	#names(fixedMap) <- sapply( fixedMap, function(x) x[[2]] )
	#names(randomMap) <- sapply( randomMap, function(x) x[[2]] )
	params <- unique( c(names(fixedMap),names(randomMap) ))
	fixefNames <- names(fixef(nfit))
	ranefNames <- names(ranef(nfit))
	for( i in seq(along=params) ){
		val <- NULL
		valc <- NULL
		if( !is.null(fixedMap[[ params[i] ]]) ){
#			tmpNamesReplace <- c(
#				fixefNames[ grep( paste("^",params[i],"\\.",sep=""), fixefNames )]
#				,fixefNames[ grep( paste("^",params[i],"$",sep=""), fixefNames )]
#			)
#			tmp <- expandLinFormula(fixedMap[[i]], varNames=tmpNamesReplace)
			# deriv cant digest b0.(Intercept), so we have to create new names
			#tmp <- expandLinFormula(fixedMap[[ params[i] ]])
			tmp <- .constructLinFormulaString(fixedMap[[ params[i] ]], params[i])
			val = c( val, tmp$form )
			pMapfc <- c( pMapfc, tmp$coefNames)
		if( !is.null(randomMap[[ params[i] ]]) ){
			#names are repeated from fixed effects, hence construct new names
			#tmpNamesReplace <- ranefNames[ grep( paste("^",params[i],".",sep=""), ranefNames )]
			terms(randomMap[[ params[i] ]])
			tmp <- expandLinFormula(randomMap[[ params[i] ]],suffix="r")
			val = c( val, tmp )
			pMaprc <- c( pMaprc, attr(tmp,"coef") )
			#termsVecAll <- c(termsVecAll, attr(tmp,"termVec"))
		if( is.null(val) ) val = params[i]
		val = paste( val, collapse="+" )
		pMap <- c( pMap, x = val	)	
		names(pMap)[ length(pMap) ] = as.character(params[i])
	#termsVecAll <- unique( c(unlist(fixedMap), termsVecAll) )
	attr(pMap,"fixCoef") <- pMapfc
	attr(pMap,"ranCoef") <- pMaprc
	attr(pMap,"catMap") <- attr(fixedMap,"catMap")
	#attr(pMap,"termVec") <- termsVecAll
	### list with each entry representing a string of an expanded formula
	### additional all the coefficient names are provided in attributes fixCoef and ranCoef
attr(.fullNlmeCoefFormulas,"ex") <- function(){
	(tmp <- .fullNlmeCoefFormulas(modExampleStem))

attachVarPrep <- function(
	### Attach partial derivative and residual variance functions to the nonlinear fitted object
	object		##<< the fitted nlme object
	,form = formula(object)  	##<< the formula used to fit the object, either formula or string used for automated derivation 
	,fDerivFixef=NULL			##<< \code{function(nfit,newdata,pred)} of derivatives in respect to fixed effects at newdata 
	,fDerivRanef=NULL			##<< \code{function(nfit,newdata,pred)} of derivatives in respect to random effects at newdata 
	,fVarResidual=NULL			##<< \code{function(nfit,newdata,pred)} to calculate var(residual) at newdata
	,fAddDummies=NULL			##<< \code{function(newdata)} see "Handling categorial variables"
	## For usage with \code{\link{varPredictNlmeGnls}}, this function attaches to the fitted object \itemize{
	## \item derivative functions
	## \item residual variance function
	## \item Variance-Covariance methods 
	## }
	## \describe{ \item{Automatic derivation}{
	## If proper basic formula is given, \code{fDerivFixef} and \code{fDerivRanef} will be automatically derived from the model.
	## Up until now, only single level random effects models are supported for automatic derivation.
	## }}

	## \describe{ \item{Handling of categorial variables}{
	## item \code{fAddDummies=function(newdata)} of restult entry \code{varPrep} adds columns for dummy variables 
	## of categorial variables to newdata.
	## Default implementation supports only (and assumes) \code{contr.treatment} coding.
	## For other codings user must provide the function with argument \code{fAddDummies}. 
	## }}
	##seealso<< \code{\link{twNlme-package}}
	fullFormula <- "user-specified"
	if( is.null(fDerivFixef) | (0 < length(ranef(object) & is.null(fDerivRanef) )) ){
		formStr <- if( inherits(form,c("formula","call","language")) ) deparse(form[[length(form)]]) else form
		#formStr = "b0*dbh^b1*height^b2"
		#construct a mapping of each fixed/random parameter in original model formula onto its linear combination
		#formula.fixed and formula.random in pred_beech_nl.r
		cfForm <- .fullNlmeCoefFormulas( object )
		tmpf1str <- paste("~",formStr," ") #enclose by empty spaces
		#construct the full formula
		#replace parameter names by their extended linear combination of covariates
		#parametername anclosed by non-name chars
		for( param in names(cfForm) ){
			pat <- paste("([^0-9A-Za-z_.])(",param,")([^0-9A-Za-z_.])", sep="" )
			repl <- paste("\\1(",cfForm[[param]],")\\3",sep="")
			tmpf1str <- gsub( pat, repl, tmpf1str )
		tmpf2str <- fullFormula <- gsub("I\\(","\\(",gsub(":", "*", tmpf1str))
		tmpf <- as.formula(tmpf2str)
		fixCoefNames <- attr(cfForm,"fixCoef")
		if( is.null(fixCoefNames) ) fixCoefNames <- names(fixef(object))
		ranCoefNames <- attr(cfForm,"ranCoef")
		if( is.null(ranCoefNames) ) ranCoefNames <- names(ranef(object))
		gradRanExp <- if( 0 < length(ranCoefNames) ){
				deriv( tmpf, ranCoefNames )
		if( is.null(fDerivRanef)) fDerivRanef <- expression(numeric(0))
	coefGradFixed <- {tmp <- fixef(object); names(tmp) <- fixCoefNames; as.list(tmp) }
	coefGradRan <- as.list(structure( rep(0,length(ranCoefNames)), names=ranCoefNames))
	coefGrad <- c(coefGradFixed,coefGradRan)
	if( 0==length(fAddDummies)){
		# construct the mapping of dummy variable names to values
		catMap <- attr(cfForm,"catMap")
		catMapVar <- catMap
		for( cName in names(catMap) ){
			catMapVar[[cName]] <- paste(cName, .gsubFormTerm(catMap[[cName]]) ,sep="") # from .extractFixedComponent
		fAddDummies <- function(
			### add dummy variables for categorial variables
			newdata		##<< dataframe of predictors
			# cName <- "author"
			for( cName in names(catMap) ){
				for( j in seq_along(catMapVar[[cName]]) ){
					cValueVar <- catMapVar[[cName]][j]
					cValue <- catMap[[cName]][j]
					newdata[cValueVar] <- 0
					newdata[[cValueVar]][ newdata[[cName]]==cValue ] <- 1
			### dataframe \code{newdata} with additional numeric columns for dummy variables either 0 and 1  
	gradFix <- if( !is.null(fDerivFixef) ) fDerivFixef else {
		 gradFixExp <- deriv(tmpf, fixCoefNames )
			 attr( with( coefGrad, with(newdata, eval(gradFixExp) )),"gradient") 
	gradRan <- if( !is.null(fDerivRanef) ) fDerivRanef else {
		function(object,newdata,pred){ attr( with( coefGrad, with(newdata, eval(gradRanExp) )),"gradient")}

	##details<< \describe{\item{Variance of Residuals}{
	## Providing no argument \code{fResidual} assumes iid residuals, i.e. \code{weights=NULL}. 
	## For other residual variance models. See e.g. \code{\link{varResidPower}} corresponding to \code{weights=varPower(form=~fitted(.))}
	if( 0==length(fVarResidual) ) fVarResidual <-	function(object,...) object$sigma^2

	if( !inherits(object,"nlmeVarPrep"))	class(object) <- c("nlmeVarPrep", class(object))
	#calulate vector of derivative functions
	##value<< nfit with additional entry \code{varPrep}, which is a list of 
	object$varPrep <- list(
		varFix	= varFixef(object)	##<< variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects
		,varRan	= varRanef(object)	##<< variance-covariance matrix of random effects
		,coefFix = fixCoefNames		##<< names of the fixed coefficients in gradiant function
		,coefRan = ranCoefNames		##<< names of the random coefficients in gradiant function
		,gradFix = gradFix			##<< derivative function for fixed effects
		,gradRan = gradRan			##<< derivative function for random effects
		,fAddDummies = fAddDummies	##<< function to add dummy columns for categorial variables to predictor data frame 	
		,fVarResidual = fVarResidual	##<< function to calculate residual variance
		,fullFormula = fullFormula	##<< the extended formula as a string
attr(attachVarPrep,"ex") <- function(){
	nfit <- attachVarPrep( modExampleStem, form = "b0*dbh^b1*height^b2")
	newdata=data.frame(dbh=18.8, height=16.9, age=40, si=30, alt=470)
	(uNew <- nfit$varPrep$gradFix(newdata=newdata))
	(wNew <- nfit$varPrep$gradRan(newdata=newdata))
	(uNew <- nfit$varPrep$gradFix(newdata=newdata))
	(wNew <- nfit$varPrep$gradRan(newdata=newdata))

#,formStr = formStr
#,fullFormula = tmpf

varSumPredictNlmeGnls <- function( 
	### Variance of the sum of predictions taking care of covariances between single predictions.
	object					##<< the model fit object used for predictions, treated by \code{\link{attachVarPrep}}
	, newdata				##<< dataframe of new predictors and covariates
	, pred=FALSE			##<< if TRUE, the predicted value (sum of predictions) is  returned in attribute pred
	, retComponents=FALSE	##<< if TRUE, the sum of the error components (fixed, random, noise) are returned in attributes "varFix","varRan","varResid" 
	## Variance calculation is based on Taylor series expansion as described in appendix A2 by Wutzler08.
	## Performance of this function scales with n^2. So do not apply for too many records.
	## Wutzler, T.; Wirth, C. & Schumacher, J. (2008) 
	## Generic biomass functions for Common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Central Europe - predictions and components of uncertainty. 
	## Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38, 1661-1675
	#reps specifies a vector of replicated observations (e.g. three identical rows are just represented by one row with reps=3)
	#reps are not working yet rows are hidden
	if( length(reps) < nrow(newdata) ){
		print("length of vector of replications does not match length of dataframe")
	if( !inherits(object,"nlmeVarPrep") )
		object <- attachVarPrep(object)
	#calculates Variance at position in new dataframe
	#pfit must be a nlme or gls fit, that has been extended by prepVarFunc
	n <- nrow(newdata)
	resFix <- resRan <- 0
	tmpFixVar <- object$varPrep$varFix
	uNew <- object$varPrep$gradFix(object, newdata, pred)
	ynew <- predict( object, newdata, level=0 )
	if( inherits(object, "nlme") ){
		tmpRanVar <- object$varPrep$varRan
		wNew <- object$varPrep$gradRan(object,newdata,pred)
		if( n > 1 ){
			for( i in 1:(n-1) ){
				#cat(i,", ")
				resFix <- resFix + ( t(uNew[i,]) %*% tmpFixVar %*% uNew[i,] )*reps[i]
				resRan <- resRan + ( t(wNew[i,]) %*% tmpRanVar %*% wNew[i,] )*reps[i]
				#+covar(i,j)+covar(j,i)=2*covar(i,j)            # symmetric, hence factor 2 and only from i+1
				for( j in (i+1):n ){
					resFix <- resFix + 2*( t(uNew[i,]) %*% tmpFixVar %*% uNew[j,] )*reps[i]*reps[j]
					resRan <- resRan + 2*( t(wNew[i,]) %*% tmpRanVar %*% wNew[j,] )*reps[i]*reps[j]
				}#for j
			}#for i
		resFix <- resFix + ( t(uNew[i,]) %*% tmpFixVar %*% uNew[i,] )*reps[i]
		resRan <- resRan + ( t(wNew[i,]) %*% tmpRanVar %*% wNew[i,] )*reps[i]
		if( n > 1 ){
			for( i in 1:(n-1) ){
				#cat(i,", ")
				resFix <- resFix + ( t(uNew[i,]) %*% tmpFixVar %*% uNew[i,] )*reps[i]
				#resRan <- resRan + ( t(tmpRanGrad[i,]) %*% tmpRanVar %*% tmpRanGrad[i,] )*reps[i]
				for( j in (i+1):n ){
					resFix <- resFix + 2*( t(uNew[i,]) %*% tmpFixVar %*% uNew[j,] )*reps[i]*reps[j]
					#resRan <- resRan + 2*( t(tmpRanGrad[i,]) %*% tmpRanVar %*% tmpRanGrad[j,] )*reps[i]*reps[j]
				}#for j
			}#for i
		resFix <- resFix + ( t(uNew[i,]) %*% tmpFixVar %*% uNew[i,] )*reps[i]
		#		resRan <- resRan + ( t(tmpRanGrad[i,]) %*% tmpRanVar %*% tmpRanGrad[i,] )*reps[i]
	resResid <- sum( object$varPrep$fVarResidual(object,newdata,ynew)*reps )
	##value<< named vector
	res <- c(	
		pred = sum(ynew*reps)	##<< sum of predictions  
		,sdPred = sqrt(resFix + resRan + resResid)	##<< standard deviation of pred
		,varFix = resFix		##<< variance component due to uncertainty in fixed effects	
		,varRan = resRan		##<< variance component due to random effects
		,varResid = resResid	##<< variance component due to residual variance
attr(varSumPredictNlmeGnls,"ex") <- function(){
	data(modExampleStem)	# load the model, which has already been prepared for prediction
	#-- prediction on with varying number of records
	(resNlme <- varSumPredictNlmeGnls(modExampleStem, head( Wutzler08BeechStem, n=10 )))	
	(resNlme2 <- varSumPredictNlmeGnls(modExampleStem, head( Wutzler08BeechStem, n=180 )))
	# plotting relative error components
	barplot(c(sqrt(resNlme[-(1:2)])/resNlme[1], sqrt(resNlme2[-(1:2)])/resNlme2[1]) )
	# note how the residual error declines with record number, 
	# while the fixed and random error does does not decline

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