# Sites table
.latexVegsoupPartitionSites <- function (obj, choice = "sites", recursive = TRUE, file, ...) {
# obj <- fid
sites <- sites(obj)
# variables to drop for summary table
drop <- grep("date", names(sites), fixed = TRUE)
drop <- c(drop, grep("longitude", names(sites), fixed = TRUE))
drop <- c(drop, grep("latitude", names(sites), fixed = TRUE))
file <- .texfile(file)
if (length(drop) > 0) {
#if (verbose) {
message("dropped variables ",
paste(names(sites)[drop], collapse = ", "),
". not meaningful for summary")
sites <- sites[ ,-drop]
# if (missing(col.width)) {
col.width <- "10mm"
# }
part <- partitioning(obj)
num.cols <- sapply(sites, is.numeric)
str.cols <- sapply(sites, is.character)
num.cols.agg <- matrix(NA,
ncol = length(which(num.cols)),
nrow = getK(obj))
for (i in seq(along = which(num.cols))) {
i.median <- aggregate(sites[, which(num.cols)[i]], by = list(part), median)[ ,2]
i.mad <- aggregate(sites[, which(num.cols)[i]], by = list(part), mad)[ ,2]
num.cols.agg[,i] <- paste(i.median, " (", round(i.mad, 3), ")", sep = "")
num.cols.agg <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(num.cols.agg) <- names(sites)[num.cols]
str.cols.agg <- matrix(NA,
ncol = length(which(str.cols)),
nrow = getK(obj))
for (i in seq(along = which(str.cols))) {
# i = 1
i.table <- data.frame(variable = sites[,which(str.cols)[i]], part)
j.res <- c()
for (j in 1:getK(obj)) {
j.tmp <- table(i.table[i.table$part == j,]$variable)
j.tmp <- sort(j.tmp[j.tmp > 0], decreasing = TRUE)
j.res <- c(j.res, paste(names(j.tmp), j.tmp, sep = ":", collapse = ", "))
str.cols.agg[,i] <- j.res
str.cols.agg <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(str.cols.agg) <- names(sites)[str.cols]
# add plots to partition column
part.plot <- data.frame(part, names(part))
names(part.plot) <- c("partition", "plots")
part.plot <- part.plot[order(part.plot$partition),]
part.plot <- sapply(unique(part.plot$partition),
function (x) {
paste(x, paste(part.plot[part.plot$partition == x, 2], collapse = ", "), sep = ": ")
tex <- res <- data.frame(
partiton = part.plot,
num.cols.agg, str.cols.agg,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
caption <- paste("Summary table for sites variables grouped in",
"Median and median absolute deviation in parentheses.",
"Relevees per partition: ",
table(partitioning(obj)), sep = ":", collapse = ", ")
p.col <- paste("|p{", col.width, "}", sep = "")
col.just <- c(rep(p.col, ncol(tex)))
#col.just[ncol(num.cols.agg) + 1] <- paste("|", col.just[ncol(num.cols.agg) + 1], sep = "")
file = file,
caption = caption,
rowname = NULL,
booktabs = TRUE,
longtable = TRUE, = nrow(tex),
here = TRUE,
col.just = col.just,
.latexVegsoupPartitionSitesRecursive <- function (obj, choice = "sites", recursive = TRUE, file, ...) {
# to do!
.latexVegsoupPartitionSpecies <- function (obj, file, mode, p.max, stat.min, constancy.min, taxa.width, col.width, footer.width, footer.threshold, molticols.footer, use.letters, caption.text,, coverscale, sep, sites.columns, newpage, template, verbose, ...) {
if (class(obj) != "VegsoupPartitionFidelity") {
cat("apply default indicator species statistic")
obj <- fidelity(obj, ...)
# inspired by Sebastian Schmidtlein's isotab() in package isopam
ct <- contingency(obj)
cs <- constancy(obj)
nc <- getK(obj)
sp <- ncol(obj)
ft <- obj@fisher.test
N <- nrow(obj)
frq <- colSums(obj)
siz <- table(partitioning(obj))
file <- .texfile(file)
if (getK(obj) > 10)
use.letters = TRUE
if (is.null(stat.min)) {
if (obj@fidelity.method == "r.g") {
# automatic guess adapted from isopam()
stat.min = round(0.483709 + nc * -0.003272 + N * -0.000489 + sp * 0.000384 + sqrt (nc) * -0.01475, 2)
# drop coordiantes
drp <- c(
grep("longitude", sites.columns), # already dropped in Vegsoup.R
grep("latitude", sites.columns), # already dropped in Vegsoup.R
grep("precision", sites.columns)
# drop all columns constant at zero
drp.zeros <- which(apply(sites(obj)[, sapply(sites(obj), is.numeric), drop = FALSE], 2, sum) == 0)
drp <- c(drp, drp.zeros)
sites.columns <- sites.columns[ -drp ]
### debug both MODE 1 & MODE 2
### init steps for mode 1 and 2
# significance symbols
test <- apply(ft, 2, function (x) any(x <= 0.05))
if (!all(test)) {
message(paste("Not a single species beeing significant for cluster",
symb <- ft
symb[ft > 0.050] <- ""
symb[ft <= 0.050] <- "*"
symb[ft <= 0.010] <- "**"
symb[ft <= 0.001] <- "***"
# combine frequency table with significance symbols
frq.ft <- matrix(paste(cs, symb, sep = ""),
nrow = nrow(cs), ncol = ncol(cs))
frq.ft <- data.frame(frq.ft)
colnames(frq.ft) <- 1:nc
rownames(frq.ft) <- colnames(obj)
# fidelity measure
stat <- getStat(obj)
# sort table
# which cluster has highest fidelity
stat.idx <- apply(stat, 1, which.max)
frq.ord <- stat.idx
for (i in 1:length(frq.ord)) {
frq.ord[i] <- cs[i, stat.idx[i]]
# sort frequency table
# first by fidelity measure and then by constancy <- as.matrix(frq)[order(stat.idx, -frq.ord), ] <- names( <- frq.ft[, ]
ft <- ft[, ]
stat <- stat[, ]
# filter diagnostic species
dia <- which(c(apply(ft, 1, min) <= p.max)[c(apply(stat, 1, max) >= stat.min)] == TRUE)
if (length(dia) == 0) {
diag <- "No diagnostic species with given thresholds."
if (length(dia) > 0) {
diag <-[names(dia), ]
# for later use in the bottom part of the tables <- names(as.matrix(frq)[order(-frq), ])
frq.ft.b <- frq.ft[, ]
# move diagnostic species to top
if (length(dia) > 0) {
tmp <- rbind(diag,
frq.ft.b[rownames(frq.ft.b) %in% rownames(diag) == FALSE, ])
} else {
tmp <- frq.ft.b
# info about diagnostic species
dig1 <- stat.idx[names(stat.idx) %in% names(dia)]
dig2 <- dig1[rownames(diag)]
typ <- list ()
for (i in 1:nc) {
if (length(names(dig2)[dig2 == i]) > 0) {
typ[[i]] <- c(names(dig2)[dig2 == i])
} else {
typ[[i]] <- "Nothing particularly typical"
names(typ) <- colnames(cs)
tmp <- list(tab = tmp, typical = typ)
# top and bottom of table
if (length(dia) > 0) {
# top of table, diagnostic/typical species
txn <- splitAbbr(obj)
txn <- txn[match(rownames(tmp$tab), rownames(txn)), ]
# txn <- txn[rownames(tmp$tab), ]
# rownames(txn) <- txn$abbr.layer <- txn[rownames(diag), ]
tmp.i <- c()
for (i in layers(obj)) {
tmp.i <- rbind(tmp.i,[$layer == i, ])
} <- tmp.i
top <- tmp$tab[rownames(, ]
# bottom of table, remaining species
txn.bottom <- txn[-match(rownames(diag), rownames(tmp$tab)), ]
tmp.i <- c()
for (i in layers(obj)) {
tmp.i <- rbind(tmp.i, txn.bottom[txn.bottom$layer == i, ])
txn.bottom <- tmp.i
bottom <- tmp$tab[rownames(txn.bottom), ]
tmp$tab <- rbind(top, bottom)
} else {
txn <- splitAbbr(obj)
txn <- txn[match(rownames(tmp$tab), rownames(txn)), ]
#rownames(txn) <- txn$abbr.layer
txn <- txn[order(txn$layer), ]
tmp$tab <- tmp$tab[rownames(txn), ]
# create intermediate results
tex <-$tab),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
txn <- splitAbbr(obj)
txn <- txn[match(rownames(tex), rownames(txn)), ]
tex.out <- tex <- data.frame(taxon = txn$taxon, layer = txn$layer, tex,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
### internal funtion branching for MODE 1
# standard mode, all species in one table
# add typesetting commands to intermediate results backuped as tex.out
if (mode == 1) {
# add blank lines and pointer to seperate diagnostic species
# test if any group has no typical species
# test for partitions without typical species
untyp <- unlist(typ) == "Nothing particularly typical"
tex.typical <- tex[match(unlist(typ)[!untyp], rownames(tex)), ]
tex.others <- tex[-match(unlist(typ)[!untyp], rownames(tex)), ]
# block of typical species
tex.typical.seperated <- c()
for (i in c(1:nc)) {
#[!typ == "Nothing particularly typical"]
# i = 6
sel <- match(typ[[i]], rownames(tex.typical))
if (!any( {
tmp <- tex.typical[sel[rep(1,2)], ]
rownames(tmp) <- c(i, paste("typical", i, sep =""))
tmp[1, 1] <- ""
tmp[2, 1] <- paste("\\textbf{typical for ", i, "}", sep = "")
tmp[1:2, 2:ncol(tmp)] <- ""
tmp <- rbind(tmp, tex.typical[sel, ])
} else {
tmp <- tex.typical[rep(1,2),]
rownames(tmp) <- c(i, paste("typical", i, sep =""))
tmp[1, 1] <- ""
tmp[2, 1] <-
paste("\\textbf{Nothing particularly typical for ", i, "}",sep = "")
tmp[1:2, 2:ncol(tmp)] <- ""
tex.typical.seperated <- rbind(tex.typical.seperated, tmp)
# block of remaining species, not typical for a particular cluster
tex.others.seperated <- tex.others[1,]
rownames(tex.others.seperated) <- "others"
tex.others.seperated[1, 1] <- "\\textbf{not particular typical}"
tex.others.seperated[1, 2:ncol(tex.others.seperated)] <- ""
empty.line <- tex.others.seperated[0,]
empty.line[1, ] <- ""
rownames(empty.line) <- "0"
tex.others.seperated <- rbind(empty.line, tex.others.seperated, tex.others)
tex <- rbind(tex.typical.seperated, tex.others.seperated)
# column widths and column names
p.col <- paste("p{", col.width, "}", sep = "")
col.just <- c(paste("p{", taxa.width, "}", sep = ""), "p{10mm}",
rep(p.col, getK(obj)))
col.names <- c("Taxon", "Layer", 1:getK(obj))
if (length(layers(obj)) < 2) {
tex <- tex[, -2]
col.just <- col.just[-2]
col.names <- col.names[-2]
add2caption <- paste("All species in the same layer ",
". ",
"Fidelity measure: ", obj@fidelity.method, ". ",
sep = "")
} else {
add2caption <- ""
# table caption
caption <- paste("Fidelity table for ",
" partitions. ",
"Statistics threshold: ", stat.min, ". ",
"Relevees per partition: ",
table(partitioning(obj)), sep = ":", collapse = ", "),
". ",
sep = "")
# additional user supplied text
caption <- paste(caption, caption.text, collapse = " ")
# prepare intermediate result for formating
names(tex) <- col.names
tex <- as.matrix(tex)
tex[tex == 0] <- "."
# move rare species to table footer
footer.species <- row.names(ct)[rowSums(ct) < footer.threshold]
# check if we loose the only typical species in a partition
candidates <- footer.species[match(unlist(typ), footer.species, nomatch = 0)]
# for data set with very low species diversity try to reduce footer threshold
# omit footer and raise a warning
if (length(candidates) > 0) {
# drop candidates from vector of footer species
for (i in seq(along = typ)[!typ == "Nothing particularly typical"]) {
if (length(typ[[i]]) == 1 & any(![[i]], footer.species)))) {
footer.species <- footer.species[-match(candidates[match(typ[[i]], candidates)], footer.species)]
# prune footer species and collapse to string
tex.footer <- tex[match(footer.species, row.names(tex)), ]
tex <- tex[-match(footer.species, row.names(tex)), ]
footer <- ct[match(row.names(tex.footer), row.names(ct)), ]
txn <- splitAbbr(obj)
txn <- txn[match(rownames(footer), rownames(txn)), ]
footer <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
footer$taxon <- txn$taxon
tmp <- c()
for (i in 1:nc) {
tmp.i <- data.frame(footer[, i], footer$taxon)
if (sum(tmp.i[,1]) > 0) {
tmp.i <- paste("\\textbf{", i, "}: ",
paste(tmp.i[tmp.i[, 1] != 0,][, 2], collapse = ", "),
sep = "")
tmp <- c(tmp, tmp.i)
# good language for low thresholds
if (footer.threshold < 4) {
footer <- paste("\\textbf{Occuring only ",
c("once", "twice", "thrice")[footer.threshold], " }",
paste(tmp, collapse = "\n\n "), sep = "")
else {
footer <- paste("\\textbf{Occuring only ",
footer.threshold, " times:}",
paste(tmp, collapse = "\n\n "), sep = "")
footer <- paste("\\begin{multicols}{", molticols.footer, "}",
footer, "\\end{multicols}")
else {
#! message("\nfooter is empty with given threshold: ",
#! footer.threshold, "!")
footer <- ""
# remove rare species from list of typical species, if any
for (i in seq(along = typ)) {
tmp <- match(footer.species, typ[[i]])
if (any(! {
tmp <- tmp[!]
if (length(typ[[i]][-tmp]) < 1) {
message("list of typical species would be empty",
" if this rare species gets dropped!")
footer.species <- footer.species[-match(typ[[i]], footer.species)]
} else {
typ[[i]] <- typ[[i]][-tmp]
# add boxes around diagnostic species
lab.cols <- max(grep("[[:alpha:]]", dimnames(tex)[[2]]))
cellTexCmds <- matrix(rep("", NROW(tex) * NCOL(tex)), nrow = NROW(tex))
for (i in c(1:nc) + lab.cols) {
# i = 5
sel <- match(typ[[i - lab.cols]], rownames(tex))
# if no species is significant
if (!any( {
cellTexCmds[sel, i] <- "\\multicolumn{1}{|l|}"
tex[sel, i] <- paste(cellTexCmds[sel, i], "{", tex[sel, i], "}", sep = "")
tex.out <- tex
footer.species <- footer
footer.sites <- NULL
} # end if (mode == 1)
### internal function branching for MODE 2
# partition summary
# add typesetting commands to intermediate results backuped as tex.out
if (mode == 2) {
if (verbose) message("\nrun mode ", mode)
# species summary
fn <- quantile(obj, coverscale = coverscale)
fn <- fn[match(rownames(tex.out), rownames(fn)), ,]
# groome names
fn.m <- t(apply(fn, c(2, 1),
function (x) {
res <- x[]
res <- paste(res, collapse = sep)
# sites summary
sts <- sites(obj)
sts$part <- partitioning(obj)
sts <- sts[, c("part", sites.columns)]
# resort to match order of intermediate result table
fn <- fn[match(rownames(tex), rownames(fn)), , ]
fn.m <- fn.m[match(rownames(tex), rownames(fn.m)), ]
cs <- cs[match(rownames(tex), rownames(cs)), ]
ct <- ct[match(rownames(tex), rownames(ct)), ]
stat <- stat[match(rownames(tex), rownames(stat)), ]
sprd <- spread(obj) # speed issue, method is slow!
sprd <- sprd[match(rownames(tex), names(sprd))]
# identical(rownames(fn), rownames(fn.m))
# identical(rownames(fn), rownames(cs))
# identical(rownames(fn), rownames(ct))
# identical(rownames(fn), rownames(stat))
# identical(rownames(fn), names(sprd))
tex <- footer.sites <- footer.species <- vector("list", length = getK(obj))
names(tex) <- names(footer.sites) <- names(footer.species) <- 1:getK(obj)
for (i in 1:getK(obj)) {
# i = 1
sel <- which(cs[, i] > 0)
# main table
tmp <- data.frame(
# abbr.layer = rownames(cs[sel, ]),
typical = "",
stat = round(stat[sel ,i], 3),
cons = cs[sel, i],
cont = ct[sel, i],
occu = 0,
out = 0,
spread = 0,
fn[sel, i, ],
summary = paste(cut(cs[sel, i],
breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 20),
labels = c("I","II", "III", "IV", "V")),
" (", fn.m[sel, i], ", n = ", ct[sel, i], ")", sep = ""),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tmp$typical[match(typ[[i]], rownames(tmp))] <- "yes"
tmp <- tmp[order(-tmp$stat, tmp$cons),]
tmp$occu <- sapply(sprd[match(rownames(tmp), names(sprd))],
function (x) length(x))
tmp$spread <- sapply(sprd[match(rownames(tmp), names(sprd))],
function (x) length(unique(x)))
tmp$out <- tmp$occu - tmp$cont
tmp <- cbind(txn[match(rownames(tmp), rownames(txn)), c("taxon", "layer")], tmp,
row.names = rownames(tmp))
tex[[i]] <- tmp[tmp$cont > footer.threshold | tmp$typical == "yes", ]
# rare species footer
tmp <- tmp[tmp$cont <= footer.threshold & tmp$typical != "yes", ]
tmp <- data.frame(parameter = paste("Occuring only ",
c("once", "twice", "thrice")[footer.threshold], sep = ""),
values = paste(sort(tmp$taxon), collapse = ", "), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
footer.species[[i]] <- tmp
# sites summary footer
tmp <- sts[sts$part == i, -1]
num <- apply(tmp, 2, function (x) is.numeric(type.convert(x)))
# string varibales
tmp.str <- apply(tmp[, !num, drop = FALSE], 2, table)
tmp.str <- sapply(tmp.str, function (x) x[order(x, decreasing = TRUE)])
tmp.str <- sapply(tmp.str, function (x) paste(names(x), x, sep = ": ", collapse = "; "))
#tmp.str <- sapply(tmp.str, function (x) as.vector(x))
# numerical variables
# fivenum can be critical!
tmp.num <- sapply(
apply(tmp[, num], 2, function (x) fivenum(x, na.rm = TRUE))), list)
# reduce constant varibales
sel <- sapply(tmp.num, function (x) length(unique(x))) <= 1
tmp.num[names(sel)[sel]] <- "."
tmp.num <- sapply(tmp.num, function (x) {
if (length(x) == 5) {# median of fivenum bold
x[3] <- paste("\\textbf{", x[3], "}")
paste(x, collapse = "/")
}, simplify = FALSE)
tmp <- as.matrix(c(tmp.num, tmp.str))
tmp <- data.frame(parameter = unlist(names(tmp[,1])),
values = unlist(tmp[,1]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# & glyph that might be used in sites(obj)
sel <- which(apply(tmp, 2, function (x) (length(grep("&", x)) > 0)))
if (length(sel) > 0) {
for (j in sel) {
tmp[, j] <- gsub("&", "\\&", tmp[,j ], fixed = TRUE)
footer.sites[[i]] <- tmp
tex.out <- tex
# end if (mode == 2)
if (mode == 1) {
if (verbose) message("run mode", mode)
# check species characters
# times glyph in hybrid combinations
# taxon is always in first position in the table
tex[, 1] <- gsub("\u2715", "$\\times$", tex[, 1], fixed = TRUE)
tex[, 1] <- gsub("\u00D7", "$\\times$", tex[, 1], fixed = TRUE)
tex[, 1] <- gsub("_", ".", tex[, 1], fixed = TRUE)
footer <- gsub("\u00D7", "$\\times$", footer, fixed = TRUE)
# & gylph used in sites(obj)
footer <- gsub("&", "\\&", footer, fixed = TRUE)
footer <- gsub("\u00D7", "$\\times$", footer, fixed = TRUE)
tex <- gsub("%", "\\%", tex, fixed = TRUE)
tex <- gsub("&", "\\&", tex, fixed = TRUE)
tex <- gsub("\u00D7", "$\\times$", tex, fixed = TRUE)
if (use.letters) {
sel <- match(sort(unique(partitioning(obj))), dimnames(tex)[[2]])
dimnames(tex)[[2]][sel] <- paste(dimnames(tex)[[2]][sel],
" (", LETTERS[sort(unique(partitioning(obj)))], ")", sep = "")
if (verbose) cat("\nprint LaTex table to", file)
file = file,
caption = caption,
rowname = NULL,
booktabs = TRUE,
longtable = TRUE, = nrow(tex),
here = TRUE,
col.just = col.just)
# append footer to LaTex table in file
con <- file(file, open = "a")
writeLines(footer, con)
# end if (mode == 1)
if (mode == 2) {
# check species characters
# times glyph in hybrid combinations
tex.out <- sapply(tex.out, function (x) {
tmp <- x
# replace \u00D7
tmp[, 1] <- gsub("\u00D7", "$\\times$", tmp[, 1], fixed = TRUE)
# make taxa having cons >= a user defined constancy threshold
# check first if we have a singleton
if (any(tmp[, 5] < 100)) {
tmp[tmp[, 5] >= constancy.min, 1] <-
paste("\\textbf{", tmp[tmp[, 5] >= constancy.min, 1], "}")
}, simplify = FALSE)
footer.species <- sapply(footer.species, function (x) {
tmp <- x
# replace \u00D7
tmp[, 2] <- gsub("\u00D7", "$\\times$", tmp[, 2], fixed = TRUE)
}, simplify = FALSE)
# create file for appending
con <- file(file)
writeLines("%start", con)
for (i in 1:getK(obj)) {
file = file,
append = TRUE,
caption = paste("Partion summary for cluster ", i,
" consisting out of ", table(partitioning(obj))[i], " plots.",
ifelse(length(caption.text) > 0, paste(" ", caption.text, ".", sep = ""), ""),
sep = ""),
rowname = NULL,
booktabs = TRUE,
longtable = TRUE, = nrow(tex.out[[i]]),
# numeric.dollar = FALSE, # raises errors in format.df
here = TRUE
con <- file(file)
tmp <- readLines(con)
hook <- max(grep("bottomrule", tmp))
tmp.bgn <- 1: c(hook -1) # begin
tmp.end <- hook:length(tmp) # end
tmp.ins1 <- footer.species[[i]] # insert 1
tmp.ins1 <- apply(tmp.ins1, 1, function (x) {
paste(x[1], "& \\multicolumn{",
dim(tex.out[[i]])[2] - 1, "}",
"{p{", footer.width, "}}",
"{", x[2], "}", "\\tabularnewline", sep = "")
tmp.ins2 <- footer.sites[[i]] # insert 2
tmp.ins2 <- apply(tmp.ins2, 1, function (x) {
paste(x[1], "& \\multicolumn{",
dim(tex.out[[i]])[2] - 1, "}",
"{p{", footer.width, "}}",
"{", x[2], "}", "\\tabularnewline", sep = "")
tmp <- c(tmp[tmp.bgn], "\\midrule", tmp.ins1, "\\midrule", tmp.ins2, tmp[tmp.end])
if (newpage) tmp <- c(tmp, "\n\\newpage")
writeLines(tmp, con)
# end if (mode == 2)
if (template) {
con <- file(file)
tmp <- readLines(con)
pre <- template()
bgn <- grep("begin{document}", pre, fixed = TRUE)
end <- grep("end{document}", pre, fixed = TRUE)
tmp <- c(pre[1:bgn], "", tmp, "", pre[end])
writeLines(tmp, con)
table = tex.out, footer.sites = footer.sites,
footer.species = footer.species)))
# \dots passed to seriation()
.latexVegsoupPartitionSpeciesRecursive <- function (obj, choice = "species", recursive = TRUE, file, col.width, taxa.width, caption.text, verbose, ...) {
if (missing(file)) {
message("no path supplied for LaTex files")
if (missing(verbose)) {
verbose = FALSE
if (missing(col.width)) {
col.width <- "10mm"
if (verbose) {
message("col.width missing, set to ", col.width)
if (missing(taxa.width)) {
taxa.width <- "60mm"
if (verbose) {
message("col.width missing, set to ", taxa.width)
if (missing(caption.text)) {
caption.text <- ""
if (verbose) {
message("caption.text missing, set to", caption.text)
res <- vector("list", length = getK(obj))
files <- c()
for (i in 1:getK(obj)) {
# obj = prt; i = 2
i.part <- obj[partitioning(obj) == i, ]
i.part <- seriation(i.part, ...)
# table will be order according to layers(obj)
res[[i]] <- i.part
i.tex <- t(as.character(i.part))
i.tex <- gsub("0", ".", i.tex, fixed = TRUE)
i.tex <- cbind(splitAbbr(i.part)[c("taxon", "layer")], i.tex)
# tex valid files
file <- paste(file, "species", i, ".tex", sep = "")
files <- c(files, file)
caption <- paste("Sample table of Cluster", i)
p.col <- paste("p{", col.width, "}", sep = "")
col.just <- c(paste("p{", taxa.width, "}", sep = ""), "p{10mm}",
rep(p.col, dim(i.part)[1]))
col.heads = c("Taxon", "Layer", paste("\\rotatebox{90}{", dimnames(i.tex)[[2]][-c(1,2)], "}"))
file = file,
caption = paste(caption, caption.text, collapse = " "),
rowname = NULL,
booktabs = TRUE,
longtable = TRUE, = nrow(i.tex),
here = TRUE,
col.just = col.just,
colheads = col.heads)
con <- file(paste(file, "species.tex", sep = ""))
gsub(file, "", files, fixed = TRUE),
"}", sep = ""), con)
# if(!isGeneric("Latex")) {
function (obj, choice = "species", recursive = FALSE, file, mode = 1, p.max = .05, stat.min = NULL, constancy.min = 95, taxa.width = "60mm", col.width = "5mm", footer.width = "150mm", footer.threshold = 1, molticols.footer = 2, use.letters = FALSE, caption.text = NULL, = c(1,3,5), coverscale = FALSE, sep = "/", sites.columns = names(obj), newpage = TRUE, template = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...)
# all defaults inhertited from generic!
signature(obj = "VegsoupPartition"),
function (obj, ...) {
CHOICES <- c("species", "sites")
choice <- CHOICES[pmatch(choice, CHOICES)]
if ( stop("choice must be either species or sites")
if (choice == "sites" & !recursive) {
if (missing(file)) file = "SitesPartitionTable"
res <- .latexVegsoupPartitionSites(obj, file = file, ...)
if (choice == "species" & !recursive) {
if (missing(file) & mode == 1) file = "FidelityTable"
if (missing(file) & mode == 2) file = "PartitionSummary"
res <- .latexVegsoupPartitionSpecies(obj, file = file,
mode = mode, p.max = p.max, stat.min = stat.min,
constancy.min = constancy.min, taxa.width = taxa.width,
col.width = col.width, footer.width = footer.width, footer.threshold = footer.threshold,
molticols.footer = molticols.footer, use.letters = use.letters,
caption.text = caption.text, =,
coverscale = coverscale, sep = sep, sites.columns = sites.columns,
newpage = newpage, template = template, verbose = verbose, ...) # understands template
if (choice == "sites" & recursive) {
if (missing(file)) file = "SitesTables"
res <- .latexVegsoupPartitionSitesRecursive(obj, file = file, ...)
if (choice == "species" & recursive) {
if (missing(file)) file = "SpeciesTables"
res <- .latexVegsoupPartitionSpeciesRecursive(obj, file = file, ...)
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