Defines functions print.yuima.ic IC

Documented in IC

## information criteria

IC <- function(drif = NULL, diff = NULL, data = NULL, Terminal = 1, add.settings = list(), start, lower, upper, ergodic = TRUE, stepwise = FALSE, weight = FALSE, rcpp = FALSE, ...){ 
  Levy <- FALSE
  settings <- list(hurst = 0.5, measure = list(), measure.type = character(), state.variable = "x", jump.variable = "z", time.variable = "t", solve.variable = "x")
  if(length(add.settings) > 0){
    match.settings <- match(names(add.settings), names(settings))
    for(i in 1:length(match.settings)){
      settings[[match.settings[i]]] <- add.settings[[i]]
  if(ergodic == FALSE){
    stepwise <- FALSE
  if(stepwise == FALSE){
    # Joint
    ## Candidate models
    yuimas <- NULL
    if(ergodic == TRUE){
      joint <- TRUE
      for(i in 1:length(diff)){
        for(j in 1:length(drif)){
          mod <- setModel(drift = drif[[j]], diffusion = diff[[i]], hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          if(is.matrix(data) == FALSE){
            n <- length(data)-1
            modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
            modyuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = modsamp)
            sub.zoo.data <- list(zoo(x = data, order.by = modyuima@sampling@grid[[1]]))
            names(sub.zoo.data)[1] <- "Series 1"
            n <- nrow(data)-1
            modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
            modyuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = modsamp)
            sub.zoo.data <- list()
            for(j in 1:ncol(data)){
              sub.zoo.data <- c(sub.zoo.data, list(zoo(x = data[,j], order.by = modyuima@sampling@grid[[1]])))
              names(sub.zoo.data)[j] <- paste("Series", j)
          modyuima@data@zoo.data <- sub.zoo.data
          yuimas <- c(yuimas, list(modyuima))
      joint <- FALSE
      for(i in 1:length(diff)){
        if(is.matrix(data) == FALSE){
          mod <- setModel(drift = "0", diffusion = diff[[i]], hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          n <- length(data)-1
          modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
          modyuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = modsamp)
          sub.zoo.data <- list(zoo(x = data, order.by = modyuima@sampling@grid[[1]]))
          names(sub.zoo.data)[1] <- "Series 1"
          zerovec <- rep("0", length=ncol(data))
          mod <- setModel(drift = zerovec, diffusion = diff[[i]], hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          n <- nrow(data)-1
          modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
          modyuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = modsamp)
          sub.zoo.data <- list()
          for(j in 1:ncol(data)){
            sub.zoo.data <- c(sub.zoo.data, list(zoo(x = data[,j], order.by = modyuima@sampling@grid[[1]])))
            names(sub.zoo.data)[j] <- paste("Series", j)
        modyuima@data@zoo.data <- sub.zoo.data
        yuimas <- c(yuimas, list(modyuima))
    mod.num <- length(yuimas)
    ## Model comparison
    Esti <- BIC <- QBIC <- CIC <- NULL
    for(i in 1:mod.num){
      yuima <- yuimas[[i]]
      #alpha <- yuima@model@parameter@drift
      #beta <- yuima@model@parameter@diffusion
      para.num.init  <- match(yuima@model@parameter@all, names(start))
      para.num.low  <- match(yuima@model@parameter@all, names(lower))
      para.num.upp  <- match(yuima@model@parameter@all, names(upper))
      para.start <- NULL
      para.lower <- NULL
      para.upper <- NULL
      for(j in 1:length(yuima@model@parameter@all)){
        para.start <- c(para.start, list(start[[para.num.init[j]]]))
        para.lower <- c(para.lower, list(lower[[para.num.low[j]]]))
        para.upper <- c(para.upper, list(upper[[para.num.upp[j]]]))
      names(para.start) <- yuima@model@parameter@all
      names(para.lower) <- yuima@model@parameter@all
      names(para.upper) <- yuima@model@parameter@all
      mle <- qmle(yuima, start = para.start, lower = para.lower, upper = para.upper, method = "L-BFGS-B", joint = joint, rcpp = rcpp)
      hess <- list(mle@details$hessian)
      hess.diff <- subset(hess[[1]], rownames(hess[[1]])%in%yuima@model@parameter@diffusion, select=yuima@model@parameter@diffusion)
      hess.drif <- subset(hess[[1]], rownames(hess[[1]])%in%yuima@model@parameter@drift, select=yuima@model@parameter@drift)
      esti <- list(coef(mle))
      names(esti[[1]]) <- c(yuima@model@parameter@diffusion, yuima@model@parameter@drift)
      cic <- summary(mle)@m2logL+2*(length(yuima@model@parameter@drift)+length(yuima@model@parameter@diffusion))
      bic <- summary(mle)@m2logL+length(yuima@model@parameter@drift)*log(Terminal)+length(yuima@model@parameter@diffusion)*log(n)
      if(det(hess.diff) > 0 && det(hess.drif) > 0){
        qbic <- summary(mle)@m2logL+log(det(hess.diff))+log(det(hess.drif))
        qbic <- summary(mle)@m2logL+length(yuima@model@parameter@drift)*log(Terminal)+length(yuima@model@parameter@diffusion)*log(n)
      Esti <- c(Esti, esti)
      BIC <- c(BIC, bic)
      QBIC <- c(QBIC, qbic)
      CIC <- c(CIC, cic)
    BIC.opt <- which.min(BIC)
    QBIC.opt <- which.min(QBIC)
    CIC.opt <- which.min(CIC)
    ## Names
    if(ergodic == TRUE){
      for(i in 1:length(diff)){
        for(j in 1:length(drif)){
          names(Esti)[(length(drif)*(i-1)+j)] <- paste("diffusion_", i, " & drift_", j, sep = "") 
      BIC <- matrix(BIC, length(drif), length(diff))
      QBIC <- matrix(QBIC, length(drif), length(diff))
      CIC <- matrix(CIC, length(drif), length(diff))
      diff.name <- numeric(length(diff))
      drif.name <- numeric(length(drif))
      for(i in 1:length(diff)){
        diff.name[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
      colnames(BIC) <- colnames(QBIC) <- colnames(CIC) <- diff.name
      for(i in 1:length(drif)){
        drif.name[i] <- paste("drift", i, sep = "_")
      rownames(BIC) <- rownames(QBIC) <- rownames(CIC) <- drif.name
      for(i in 1:length(diff)){
        names(Esti)[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
      diff.name <- numeric(length(diff))
      for(i in 1:length(diff)){
        diff.name[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
      names(BIC) <- names(QBIC) <- diff.name
    ## Model weights
    if(weight == TRUE){
      BIC.weight <- exp(-(1/2)*(BIC-BIC[BIC.opt]))/sum(exp(-(1/2)*(BIC-BIC[BIC.opt])))
      QBIC.weight <- exp(-(1/2)*(QBIC-QBIC[QBIC.opt]))/sum(exp(-(1/2)*(QBIC-QBIC[QBIC.opt])))
      CIC.weight <- exp(-(1/2)*(CIC-CIC[CIC.opt]))/sum(exp(-(1/2)*(CIC-CIC[CIC.opt])))
      if(ergodic == TRUE){
        BIC.weight <- matrix(BIC.weight, length(drif), length(diff))
        QBIC.weight <- matrix(QBIC.weight, length(drif), length(diff))
        CIC.weight <- matrix(CIC.weight, length(drif), length(diff))
        colnames(BIC.weight) <- colnames(QBIC.weight) <- colnames(CIC.weight) <- diff.name
        rownames(BIC.weight) <- rownames(QBIC.weight) <- rownames(CIC.weight) <- drif.name
        names(BIC.weight) <- names(QBIC.weight) <- diff.name
    ## Results
    diff.copy <- diff
    drif.copy <- drif
    for(i in 1:length(diff)){
      names(diff.copy)[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
    if(ergodic == TRUE){
      for(i in 1:length(drif)){
        names(drif.copy)[i] <- paste("drift", i, sep = "_") 
      diff.BIC.opt <- BIC.opt%/%length(drif)+1
      diff.QBIC.opt <- QBIC.opt%/%length(drif)+1
      diff.CIC.opt <- CIC.opt%/%length(drif)+1
      drif.BIC.opt <- (BIC.opt+(length(drif)-1))%%length(drif)+1
      drif.QBIC.opt <- (QBIC.opt+(length(drif)-1))%%length(drif)+1
      drif.CIC.opt <- (CIC.opt+(length(drif)-1))%%length(drif)+1
      drif <- NULL
    call <- match.call()
    model.coef <- list(drift = drif.copy, diffusion = diff.copy)
    if(length(drif) >0){
      bic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = drif[[drif.BIC.opt]], diffusion = diff[[diff.BIC.opt]])
      qbic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = drif[[drif.QBIC.opt]], diffusion = diff[[diff.QBIC.opt]])
      cic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = drif[[drif.CIC.opt]], diffusion = diff[[diff.CIC.opt]])
      bic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = NULL, diffusion = diff[[BIC.opt]])
      qbic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = NULL, diffusion = diff[[QBIC.opt]])
      cic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = NULL, diffusion = NULL)
      CIC <- NULL
      CIC.weight <- NULL
    ic.selected <- list(BIC = bic.selected.coeff, QBIC = qbic.selected.coeff, CIC = cic.selected.coeff)
    if(weight == TRUE){
      ak.weight <- list(BIC = BIC.weight, QBIC = QBIC.weight, CIC = CIC.weight)
      ak.weight <- NULL
    final_res <- list(call = call, model = model.coef, par = Esti, BIC = BIC, QBIC = QBIC, CIC = CIC, weight = ak.weight, selected = ic.selected)
    # Stepwise
    Esti1 <- BIC1 <- QBIC1 <- NULL
    Esti2.bic <- Esti2.qbic <- BIC2 <- QBIC2 <- NULL
    if(Levy == FALSE){
      # First step
      yuimas1 <- swbeta <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(diff)){
        ## Candidate models
        if(is.matrix(data) == FALSE){
          mod <- setModel(drift = "0", diffusion = diff[[i]], hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          n <- length(data)-1
          modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
          modyuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = modsamp)
          sub.zoo.data <- list(zoo(x = data, order.by = modyuima@sampling@grid[[1]]))
          names(sub.zoo.data)[1] <- "Series 1"
          zerovec <- rep("0", length=ncol(data))
          mod <- setModel(drift = zerovec, diffusion = diff[[i]], hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          n <- nrow(data)-1
          modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
          modyuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = modsamp)
          sub.zoo.data <- list()
          for(j in 1:ncol(data)){
            sub.zoo.data <- c(sub.zoo.data, list(zoo(x = data[,j], order.by = modyuima@sampling@grid[[1]])))
            names(sub.zoo.data)[j] <- paste("Series", j)
        modyuima@data@zoo.data <- sub.zoo.data
        yuimas1 <- c(yuimas1, list(modyuima))
        ## Model comparison
        yuima <- modyuima
        swbeta <- c(swbeta, list(yuima@model@parameter@diffusion))
        para.num.init  <- match(swbeta[[i]], names(start))
        para.num.low  <- match(swbeta[[i]], names(lower))
        para.num.upp  <- match(swbeta[[i]], names(upper))
        para.start <- NULL
        para.lower <- NULL
        para.upper <- NULL
        for(j in 1:length(swbeta[[i]])){
          para.start <- c(para.start, list(start[[para.num.init[j]]]))
          para.lower <- c(para.lower, list(lower[[para.num.low[j]]]))
          para.upper <- c(para.upper, list(upper[[para.num.upp[j]]]))
        names(para.start) <- swbeta[[i]]
        names(para.lower) <- swbeta[[i]]
        names(para.upper) <- swbeta[[i]]
        mle <- qmle(yuima, start = para.start, lower = para.lower, upper = para.upper, method = "L-BFGS-B", joint = FALSE, rcpp = rcpp)
        hess <- mle@details$hessian
        esti <- list(coef(mle))
        names(esti[[1]]) <- swbeta[[i]]
        bic <- summary(mle)@m2logL+length(swbeta[[i]])*log(n)
        if(det(hess) > 0){
          qbic <- summary(mle)@m2logL+log(det(hess))
          qbic <- summary(mle)@m2logL+length(swbeta[[i]])*log(n)
        Esti1 <- c(Esti1, esti)
        BIC1 <- c(BIC1, bic)
        QBIC1 <- c(QBIC1, qbic)
      BIC.opt1 <- which.min(BIC1)
      QBIC.opt1 <- which.min(QBIC1)
      ## Names
      for(i in 1:length(diff)){
        names(Esti1)[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
        names(BIC1)[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
        names(QBIC1)[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_")
      ## Model weights
      if(weight == TRUE){
        BIC.weight1 <- exp(-(1/2)*(BIC1-BIC1[BIC.opt1]))/sum(exp(-(1/2)*(BIC1-BIC1[BIC.opt1])))
        QBIC.weight1 <- exp(-(1/2)*(QBIC1-QBIC1[QBIC.opt1]))/sum(exp(-(1/2)*(QBIC1-QBIC1[QBIC.opt1])))
        for(i in 1:length(diff)){
          names(BIC.weight1)[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
          names(QBIC.weight1)[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_")
      # Second step
      ## Use the selection results of first step
      diff.row.bic <- length(yuimas1[[BIC.opt1]]@model@diffusion)
      Diff.esti.bic <- NULL
      Esti1.chr.bic <- as.character(Esti1[[BIC.opt1]])
      Diff.esti.bic <- diff[[BIC.opt1]]
      for(i in 1:diff.row.bic){
        if(length(Esti1.chr.bic) == 1){
          Diff.esti.bic.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[BIC.opt1]][1], Esti1.chr.bic[1], yuimas1[[BIC.opt1]]@model@diffusion[[i]])
          Diff.esti.bic.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[BIC.opt1]][1], Esti1.chr.bic[1], yuimas1[[BIC.opt1]]@model@diffusion[[i]])
          for(j in 1:(length(Esti1.chr.bic)-1)){
            Diff.esti.bic.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[BIC.opt1]][(j+1)], Esti1.chr.bic[(j+1)], Diff.esti.bic.sub)
        #if(class(Diff.esti.bic) == "character"){
        if(inherits(Diff.esti.bic, "character")){ # YK, Mar. 22, 2022
          Diff.esti.bic <- Diff.esti.bic.sub
          Diff.esti.bic[i,] <- Diff.esti.bic.sub
      diff.row.qbic <- length(yuimas1[[QBIC.opt1]]@model@diffusion)
      Diff.esti.qbic <- NULL
      Esti1.chr.qbic <- as.character(Esti1[[QBIC.opt1]])
      Diff.esti.qbic <- diff[[QBIC.opt1]]
      for(i in 1:diff.row.qbic){
        if(length(Esti1.chr.qbic) == 1){
          Diff.esti.qbic.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[QBIC.opt1]][1], Esti1.chr.qbic[1], yuimas1[[QBIC.opt1]]@model@diffusion[[i]])
          Diff.esti.qbic.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[QBIC.opt1]][1], Esti1.chr.qbic[1], yuimas1[[QBIC.opt1]]@model@diffusion[[i]])
          for(j in 1:(length(Esti1.chr.qbic)-1)){
            Diff.esti.qbic.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[QBIC.opt1]][(j+1)], Esti1.chr.qbic[(j+1)], Diff.esti.qbic.sub)
        #if(class(Diff.esti.qbic) == "character"){
        if(inherits(Diff.esti.qbic, "character")){ # YK, Mar. 22, 2022
          Diff.esti.qbic <- Diff.esti.qbic.sub
          Diff.esti.qbic[i,] <- Diff.esti.qbic.sub
      yuimas2.bic <- yuimas2.qbic <- swalpha <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(drif)){
        ## Candidate models
        if(is.matrix(data) == FALSE){
          mod.bic <- setModel(drift = drif[[i]], diffusion = Diff.esti.bic, hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          mod.qbic <- setModel(drift = drif[[i]], diffusion = Diff.esti.qbic, hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          n <- length(data)-1
          modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
          modyuima.bic <- setYuima(model = mod.bic, sampling = modsamp)
          modyuima.qbic <- setYuima(model = mod.qbic, sampling = modsamp)
          sub.zoo.data.bic <- list(zoo(x = data, order.by = modyuima.bic@sampling@grid[[1]]))
          sub.zoo.data.qbic <- list(zoo(x = data, order.by = modyuima.qbic@sampling@grid[[1]]))
          names(sub.zoo.data.bic)[1] <- names(sub.zoo.data.qbic)[1] <- "Series 1"
          mod.bic <- setModel(drift = drif[[i]], diffusion = Diff.esti.bic, hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          mod.qbic <- setModel(drift = drif[[i]], diffusion = Diff.esti.qbic, hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
          n <- nrow(data)-1
          modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
          modyuima.bic <- setYuima(model = mod.bic, sampling = modsamp)
          modyuima.qbic <- setYuima(model = mod.qbic, sampling = modsamp)
          sub.zoo.data.bic <- sub.zoo.data.qbic <-  list()
          for(j in 1:ncol(data)){
            sub.zoo.data.bic <- c(sub.zoo.data.bic, list(zoo(x = data[,j], order.by = modyuima.bic@sampling@grid[[1]])))
            sub.zoo.data.qbic <- c(sub.zoo.data.qbic, list(zoo(x = data[,j], order.by = modyuima.qbic@sampling@grid[[1]])))
            names(sub.zoo.data.bic)[j] <- names(sub.zoo.data.qbic)[j] <- paste("Series", j)
        modyuima.bic@data@zoo.data <- sub.zoo.data.bic
        modyuima.qbic@data@zoo.data <- sub.zoo.data.qbic
        yuimas2.bic <- c(yuimas2.bic, list(modyuima.bic))
        yuimas2.qbic <- c(yuimas2.qbic, list(modyuima.qbic))
        ## Model comparison
        swalpha <- c(swalpha, list(modyuima.bic@model@parameter@drift))
        para.number.init  <- match(swalpha[[i]], names(start))
        para.number.low  <- match(swalpha[[i]], names(lower))
        para.number.upp  <- match(swalpha[[i]], names(upper))
        para.start <- NULL
        para.lower <- NULL
        para.upper <- NULL
        for(j in 1:length(swalpha[[i]])){
          para.start <- c(para.start, list(start[[para.number.init[j]]]))
          para.lower <- c(para.lower, list(lower[[para.number.low[j]]]))
          para.upper <- c(para.upper, list(upper[[para.number.upp[j]]]))
        names(para.start) <- swalpha[[i]]
        names(para.lower) <- swalpha[[i]]
        names(para.upper) <- swalpha[[i]]
        mle.bic <- qmle(modyuima.bic, start = para.start, lower = para.lower, upper = para.upper, method = "L-BFGS-B", rcpp = rcpp)
        mle.qbic <- qmle(modyuima.qbic, start = para.start, lower = para.lower, upper = para.upper, method = "L-BFGS-B", rcpp = rcpp)
        hess2 <- mle.qbic@details$hessian
        esti.bic <- list(coef(mle.bic))
        esti.qbic <- list(coef(mle.qbic))
        names(esti.bic[[1]]) <- names(esti.qbic[[1]]) <- swalpha[[i]]
        bic <- summary(mle.bic)@m2logL+length(swalpha[[i]])*log(Terminal)
        if(det(hess2) > 0){
          qbic <- summary(mle.qbic)@m2logL+log(det(hess2))
          qbic <- summary(mle.qbic)@m2logL+length(swalpha[[i]])*log(Terminal)
        Esti2.bic <- c(Esti2.bic, esti.bic)
        Esti2.qbic <- c(Esti2.qbic, esti.qbic)
        BIC2 <- c(BIC2, bic)
        QBIC2 <- c(QBIC2, qbic)
      BIC.opt2 <- which.min(BIC2)
      QBIC.opt2 <- which.min(QBIC2)
      ## Names
      for(i in 1:length(drif)){
        names(Esti2.bic)[i] <- paste("drift", i, sep = "_")
        names(Esti2.qbic)[i] <- paste("drift", i, sep = "_")
        names(BIC2)[i] <- paste("drift", i, sep = "_") 
        names(QBIC2)[i] <- paste("drift", i, sep = "_")
      ## Model weights
      if(weight == TRUE){
        BIC.weight.full <- QBIC.weight.full <- matrix(0, length(drif), length(diff))
        for(i in 1:length(diff)){
          diff.row <- length(yuimas1[[i]]@model@diffusion)
          Diff.esti <- NULL
          Esti1.chr <- as.character(Esti1[[i]])
          Diff.esti <- diff[[i]]
          for(j in 1:diff.row){
            if(length(Esti1.chr) == 1){
              Diff.esti.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[i]][1], Esti1.chr[1], yuimas1[[i]]@model@diffusion[[j]])
              Diff.esti.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[i]][1], Esti1.chr[1], yuimas1[[i]]@model@diffusion[[j]])
              for(k in 1:(length(Esti1.chr)-1)){
                Diff.esti.sub <- gsub(swbeta[[i]][(k+1)], Esti1.chr[(k+1)], Diff.esti.sub)
            #if(class(Diff.esti) == "character"){
            if(inherits(Diff.esti, "character")){ # YK, Mar. 22, 2022
              Diff.esti <- Diff.esti.sub
              Diff.esti[j,] <- Diff.esti.sub
          BIC2.sub <- QBIC2.sub <- NULL
          for(j in 1:length(drif)){
            if(is.matrix(data) == FALSE){
              mod <- setModel(drift = drif[[j]], diffusion = Diff.esti, hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
              n <- length(data)-1
              modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
              modyuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = modsamp)
              sub.zoo.data <- list(zoo(x = data, order.by = modyuima@sampling@grid[[1]]))
              names(sub.zoo.data)[1] <- "Series 1"
              mod <- setModel(drift = drif[[j]], diffusion = Diff.esti, hurst = settings[[1]], measure = settings[[2]], measure.type = settings[[3]], state.variable = settings[[4]], jump.variable = settings[[5]], time.variable = settings[[6]], solve.variable = settings[[7]])
              n <- nrow(data)-1
              modsamp <- setSampling(Terminal = Terminal, n = n)
              modyuima <- setYuima(model = mod, sampling = modsamp)
              sub.zoo.data <-  list()
              for(k in 1:ncol(data)){
                sub.zoo.data <- c(sub.zoo.data, list(zoo(x = data[,k], order.by = modyuima@sampling@grid[[1]])))
                names(sub.zoo.data)[k] <- paste("Series", k)
            modyuima@data@zoo.data <- sub.zoo.data
            para.number.init  <- match(swalpha[[j]], names(start))
            para.number.low  <- match(swalpha[[j]], names(lower))
            para.number.upp  <- match(swalpha[[j]], names(upper))
            para.start <- NULL
            para.lower <- NULL
            para.upper <- NULL
            for(k in 1:length(swalpha[[j]])){
              para.start <- c(para.start, list(start[[para.number.init[k]]]))
              para.lower <- c(para.lower, list(lower[[para.number.low[k]]]))
              para.upper <- c(para.upper, list(upper[[para.number.upp[k]]]))
            names(para.start) <- swalpha[[j]]
            names(para.lower) <- swalpha[[j]]
            names(para.upper) <- swalpha[[j]]
            mle.weight <- qmle(modyuima, start = para.start, lower = para.lower, upper = para.upper, method = "L-BFGS-B", rcpp = rcpp)
            hess.weight <- mle.weight@details$hessian
            esti.weight <- list(coef(mle.weight))
            names(esti.weight[[1]]) <- swalpha[[j]]
            bic <- summary(mle.weight)@m2logL+length(swalpha[[j]])*log(Terminal)
            if(det(hess.weight) > 0){
              qbic <- summary(mle.weight)@m2logL+log(det(hess.weight))
              qbic <- summary(mle.weight)@m2logL+length(swalpha[[j]])*log(Terminal)
            #Esti2.weight <- c(Esti2.weight, esti.weight)
            BIC2.sub <- c(BIC2.sub, bic)
            QBIC2.sub <- c(QBIC2.sub, qbic)
          BIC2.sub.opt <- which.min(BIC2.sub)
          QBIC2.sub.opt <- which.min(QBIC2.sub)
          BIC.weight2 <- exp(-(1/2)*(BIC2.sub-BIC2.sub[BIC2.sub.opt]))/sum(exp(-(1/2)*(BIC2.sub-BIC2.sub[BIC2.sub.opt])))
          QBIC.weight2 <- exp(-(1/2)*(QBIC2.sub-QBIC2.sub[BIC2.sub.opt]))/sum(exp(-(1/2)*(QBIC2.sub-QBIC2.sub[QBIC2.sub.opt])))
          BIC.weight.full[,i] <- BIC.weight1[i]*BIC.weight2
          QBIC.weight.full[,i] <- QBIC.weight1[i]*QBIC.weight2
        colname.weight <- numeric(length(diff))
        rowname.weight <- numeric(length(drif))
        for(i in 1:length(diff)){
          colname.weight[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
        colnames(BIC.weight.full) <- colname.weight
        colnames(QBIC.weight.full) <- colname.weight
        for(i in 1:length(drif)){
          rowname.weight[i] <- paste("drift", i, sep = "_")
        rownames(BIC.weight.full) <- rowname.weight
        rownames(QBIC.weight.full) <- rowname.weight
    ## Results
    diff.copy <- diff
    drif.copy <- drif
    for(i in 1:length(diff)){
      names(diff.copy)[i] <- paste("diffusion", i, sep = "_") 
    for(i in 1:length(drif)){
      names(drif.copy)[i] <- paste("drift", i, sep = "_") 
    BIC <- list(first = BIC1, second = BIC2)
    QBIC <- list(first = QBIC1, second = QBIC2)
    CIC <- list(first = NULL, second = NULL)
    Esti <- list(first = Esti1, second.bic = Esti2.bic, second.qbic = Esti2.qbic)
    call <- match.call()
    model.coef <- list(drift = drif.copy, diffusion = diff.copy)
    bic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = drif[[QBIC.opt2]], diffusion = diff[[QBIC.opt1]])
    qbic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = drif[[QBIC.opt2]], diffusion = diff[[QBIC.opt1]])
    cic.selected.coeff <- list(drift = NULL, diffusion = NULL)
    ic.selected <- list(BIC = bic.selected.coeff, QBIC = qbic.selected.coeff, CIC = cic.selected.coeff)
    if(weight == TRUE){
      ak.weight <- list(BIC = BIC.weight.full, QBIC = QBIC.weight.full)
      ak.weight <- NULL
    final_res <- list(call = call, model = model.coef, par = Esti, BIC = BIC, QBIC = QBIC, CIC = CIC, weight = ak.weight, selected = ic.selected)
  class(final_res) <- "yuima.ic"

 print.yuima.ic <- function(x, ...){
  	cat("\nInformation criteria:\n")
  	#if(class(x$CIC) == "matrix"){
  	if(is.matrix(x$CIC)){ # fixed by YK
  	#if(class(x$CIC) == "list"){
  	if(is.list(class(x$CIC))){ # fixed by YK

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yuima documentation built on Nov. 14, 2022, 3:02 p.m.