#' @include class-CellModel.R
################ Class Definition ################
#' @title OffLatticeModel
#' @description General description of an off-lattice cell-based model.
#' not quite a full implementation, but contains much of the neccesary
#' structure for models of this type
#' @slot maxTranslation the largest distance the center of a cell can move
#' @slot maxRotation the largest angle a cell can rotate
#' @export
setClass('OffLatticeModel', contains = c('CellModel', 'VIRTUAL'), slots = c(
maxTranslation = 'numeric',
maxRotation = 'numeric'
#' Off-Lattice Model Constructor
#' @param .Object OffLatticeModel object
#' @param maxTranslation maximum movement of cell
#' @param maxRotation maximim rotation of mitosis cell
#' @param ... model specific parameters
#' @return initialized cell model
setMethod('initialize', 'OffLatticeModel',
function(.Object, maxTranslation = 0.1, maxRotation = 0.3, ...)
# store parameters, don't overwrite existing value
if (!length(.Object@maxTranslation))
.Object@maxTranslation <- maxTranslation
if (!length(.Object@maxRotation))
.Object@maxRotation <- maxRotation
# finish intialization, return object
.Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
if (length(object@maxTranslation) == 0)
"missing 'maxTranslation'"
else if (length(object@maxRotation) == 0)
"missing 'maxRotation'"
else if (object@maxTranslation <= 0)
"'maxTranslation' must be greater than zero"
else if (object@maxRotation <= 0)
"'maxRotation' must be greater than zero"
##################### Generics ###################
#' get coordinates of a cell at a given time
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getCoordinates-methods
#' @param model cell model object
#' @param time hour of the model to query
#' @param cell id of cell to query
#' @return pair of (x,y) coordinates
#' @examples
#' data(SampleModels)
#' getCoordinates(modDefault, modDefault@runTime, 1)
setGeneric('getCoordinates', function(model, time, cell)
#' get cell radius at a given time
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getRadius-methods
#' @param model cell model object
#' @param time hour of the model to query
#' @param cell id of cell to query
#' @return radius of cell
#' @examples
#' data(SampleModels)
#' getRadius(modDefault, modDefault@runTime, 1)
setGeneric('getRadius', function(model, time, cell)
#' get cell axis length at a given time
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getAxisLength-methods
#' @param model cell model object
#' @param time hour of the model to query
#' @param cell id of cell to query
#' @return axis length
#' @examples
#' data(SampleModels)
#' getAxisLength(modDefault, modDefault@runTime, 1)
setGeneric('getAxisLength', function(model, time, cell)
#' get cell axis angle at a given time
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getAxisAngle-methods
#' @param model cell model object
#' @param time hour of the model to query
#' @param cell id of cell to query
#' @return axis angle
#' @examples
#' data(SampleModels)
#' getAxisAngle(modDefault, modDefault@runTime, 1)
setGeneric('getAxisAngle', function(model, time, cell)
##################### Methods ####################
getEntry <- function(model, time, cell, col)
if (time > model@runTime | time < 0) stop('invalid time')
else row <- floor(time / model@recordIncrement) + 1
col <- col + 9 * (cell - 1)
#' @rdname getCoordinates-methods
#' @aliases getCoordinates
setMethod('getCoordinates', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell)
return(c(getEntry(model,time,cell,1), getEntry(model,time,cell,2)))
#' @rdname getRadius-methods
#' @aliases getRadius
setMethod('getRadius', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell)
return(getEntry(model, time, cell, 3))
#' @rdname getAxisLength-methods
#' @aliases getAxisLength
setMethod('getAxisLength', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell)
return(getEntry(model, time, cell, 4))
#' @rdname getAxisAngle-methods
#' @aliases getAxisAngle
setMethod('getAxisAngle', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell)
return(getEntry(model, time, cell, 5))
#' @rdname getCycleLength-methods
#' @aliases getCycleLength
setMethod('getCycleLength', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell)
return(getEntry(model, time, cell, 6))
#' @rdname getCellPhase-methods
#' @aliases getCellPhase
setMethod('getCellPhase', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell)
phases <- c('I', 'M', 'G0', 'G1', 'S', 'G2')
return(phases[getEntry(model, time, cell, 7)+1])
#' @rdname getCellType-methods
#' @aliases getCellType
setMethod('getCellType', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell)
return(getEntry(model, time, cell, 8) + 1)
#' @rdname getTrialAcceptRate-methods
#' @aliases getTrialAcceptRate
setMethod('getTrialAcceptRate', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell)
return(getEntry(model, time, cell, 9))
#' @rdname getNumberOfCells-methods
#' @aliases getNumberOfCells
setMethod('getNumberOfCells', signature('OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time)
if (time > model@runTime | time < 0) stop('invalid time')
else row <- floor(time / model@recordIncrement) + 1
return(length(model@cells[[row]]) / 9)
#' @rdname getDensity-methods
#' @aliases getDensity
setMethod('getDensity', signature('OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time)
nCells <- getNumberOfCells(model, time)
radii <- sapply(1:nCells, getRadius, model=model, time=time)
if (model@boundary > 0)
return(sum(radii ** 2) / (model@boundary ^ 2))
coords <- sapply(1:nCells, getCoordinates, model=model, time=time)
d <- max(sqrt(coords[1,] ** 2 + coords[2,] ** 2) + radii)
return(sum(radii ** 2) / (d ^ 2))
#' @rdname getCellDistance-methods
#' @aliases getCellDistance
setMethod('getCellDistance', signature(model='OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cellA, cellB)
centers <- function(model, time, cell)
crds <- getCoordinates(model, time, cell)
rad <- getRadius(model, time, cell)
axisLen <- getAxisLength(model, time, cell)
axisAng <- getAxisAngle(model, time, cell)
x1 <- crds[1] + (0.5 * axisLen - rad) * cos(axisAng)
y1 <- crds[2] + (0.5 * axisLen - rad) * sin(axisAng)
x2 <- crds[1] - (0.5 * axisLen - rad) * cos(axisAng)
y2 <- crds[2] - (0.5 * axisLen - rad) * sin(axisAng)
return(matrix(c(x1,x2,y1,y2), ncol=2))
cA <- centers(model, time, cellA)
cB <- centers(model, time, cellB)
minDist <- (cA[1,1]-cB[1,1])^2 + (cA[1,2]-cB[1,2])^2
minDist <- min(minDist, (cA[1,1]-cB[2,1])^2 + (cA[1,2]-cB[2,2])^2)
minDist <- min(minDist, (cA[2,1]-cB[1,1])^2 + (cA[2,2]-cB[1,2])^2)
minDist <- min(minDist, (cA[2,1]-cB[1,1])^2 + (cA[2,2]-cB[1,2])^2)
return(sqrt(minDist) - getRadius(model, time, cellA) -
getRadius(model, time, cellB))
#' @rdname getLocalDensity-methods
#' @aliases getLocalDensity
setMethod('getLocalDensity', signature('OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time, cell, radius)
dis <- function(a,b) sqrt((a[1]-b[1])^2 + (a[2]-b[2])^2)
# generate grid around point
genGrid <- function(p1, rad, p2=NULL)
width <- seq(-rad, rad, length.out=10)
grid <- as.matrix(unname(expand.grid(width, width)))
grid <- grid[apply(grid, 1, dis, b=c(0,0)) < rad,]
grid <- t(t(grid) + p1)
if (!is.null(p2))
grid <- grid[apply(grid,1,dis,b=p1) < apply(grid,1,dis,b=p2),]
# find nearby cells
cellRad <- getRadius(model, time, cell)
cells <- setdiff(1:getNumberOfCells(model, time), cell)
cells <- cells[sapply(cells, function(c) cellRad +
getCellDistance(model, time, cell, c) < radius)]
if (!length(cells)) return(0)
# get cell info
coords <- sapply(cells, getCoordinates, model=model, time=time)
rad <- sapply(cells, getRadius, model=model, time=time)
axisLen <- sapply(cells, getAxisLength, model=model, time=time)
axisAng <- sapply(cells, getAxisAngle, model=model, time=time)
type <- sapply(cells, getCellType, model=model, time=time)
sz <- sapply(type, function(t) model@cellTypes[[t]]@size)
# find cell center coordinates
term <- 0.5 * axisLen - rad
p1 <- cbind(coords[1]+term*cos(axisAng), coords[2]+term*sin(axisAng))
p2 <- cbind(coords[1]-term*cos(axisAng), coords[2]-term*sin(axisAng))
grid <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2)
for (c in 1:length(cells))
if (all.equal(2 * rad[c], axisLen[c], tol=1e-3) == TRUE)
grid <- rbind(grid, genGrid(coords[,c], rad[c]))
grid <- rbind(grid, rbind(genGrid(p1[c,], rad[c], p2[c,]),
genGrid(p2[c,], rad[c], p1[c,])))
# check points for being in radius, return proportion of area
cellCoords <- getCoordinates(model, time, cell)
numPoints <- apply(grid, 1, function(p) dis(p, cellCoords) < radius)
prop <- sum(numPoints) / nrow(grid)
area <- sapply(1:length(cells), function(c) ifelse(all.equal(2*rad[c],
axisLen[c], tol=1e-3)==TRUE, rad[c]^2, 2*sz[c]))
return(prop * sum(area) / (radius^2 - cellRad^2))
#' @rdname plotCells-methods
#' @aliases plotCells
#' @importFrom graphics plot symbols
setMethod('plotCells', signature('OffLatticeModel'),
function(model, time)
# get all the cell information
nCells <- getNumberOfCells(model, time)
coords <- sapply(1:nCells, getCoordinates, model=model, time=time)
radii <- sapply(1:nCells, getRadius, model=model, time=time)
axisLen <- sapply(1:nCells, getAxisLength, model=model, time=time)
axisAng <- sapply(1:nCells, getAxisAngle, model=model, time=time)
phases <- sapply(1:nCells, getCellPhase, model=model, time=time)
mitNdx <- rep(phases, 2) == 'M'
# calculate plot bounds
mn <- ifelse(model@boundary > 0, -model@boundary-2, min(coords)-2)
mx <- ifelse(model@boundary > 0, model@boundary+2, max(coords)+2)
# create the plot template
plot(c(mn, mx), c(mn, mx), main=paste("Plot of CellModel At Time",
time), xlab="", ylab="", type="n", asp=1)
# get all (x,y) pairs for each of the cell centers
x1 <- coords[1,] + (0.5 * axisLen - radii) * cos(axisAng)
x2 <- coords[1,] - (0.5 * axisLen - radii) * cos(axisAng)
y1 <- coords[2,] + (0.5 * axisLen - radii) * sin(axisAng)
y2 <- coords[2,] - (0.5 * axisLen - radii) * sin(axisAng)
# combine all coordinate pairs along with the radii
x <- c(x1,x2)
y <- c(y1,y2)
rad <- c(radii, radii)
# plot the cells
if (sum(mitNdx))
symbols(x[mitNdx], y[mitNdx], circles=rad[mitNdx],
inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, bg="black", fg="black")
if (sum(!mitNdx))
symbols(x[!mitNdx], y[!mitNdx], circles=rad[!mitNdx],
inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, bg="bisque4", fg="bisque4")
# draw boundary
symbols(0, 0, circles = model@boundary, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE,
lwd = 2)
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