
Defines functions summary.SimulatedExperiment print.SimulatedFeature print.SimulatedExperiment sampleFromFile defaultControl defaultFunctions simChIP simpleNames solexaNames writeReads pos2fastq writeFASTQ writeIllumina readSequence readError defaultErrorProb readQualitySample encodeQuality decodeQuality extractQuality sampleReads bindDens2readDens joinRegion noNuc indNuc phaseNuc bindLocDens fragDens distDens stableDens feat2dens featureDensity.FuzzyFeature featureDensity.NFRFeature featureDensity.StableFeature featureDensity.ReversePhasedFeature featureDensity.StablePhasedFeature placeFeatures reconcileFeatures.NucleosomePosition fuzzyFeature nfrFeature phasedFeature stableFeature makeFeatures defaultLastFeat defaultInit defaultTransition defaultGenerator reconcileFeatures.default reconcileFeatures.SimulatedExperiment reconcileFeatures featureDensity

Documented in bindDens2readDens bindLocDens decodeQuality defaultControl defaultErrorProb defaultFunctions defaultGenerator defaultInit defaultLastFeat defaultTransition distDens encodeQuality extractQuality feat2dens featureDensity featureDensity.FuzzyFeature featureDensity.NFRFeature featureDensity.ReversePhasedFeature featureDensity.StableFeature featureDensity.StablePhasedFeature fragDens fuzzyFeature indNuc joinRegion makeFeatures nfrFeature noNuc phasedFeature phaseNuc placeFeatures pos2fastq readError readQualitySample readSequence reconcileFeatures reconcileFeatures.default reconcileFeatures.NucleosomePosition reconcileFeatures.SimulatedExperiment sampleFromFile sampleReads simChIP simpleNames solexaNames stableDens stableFeature writeFASTQ writeIllumina writeReads

## functions for the simulation of nucleosome ChIP-seq

############################# SECTION: generic functions ######################################################
featureDensity <- function(x, ...){

reconcileFeatures <- function(features, ...)

############################# SECTION: Defaults ###############################################################

reconcileFeatures.SimulatedExperiment <- function(features, defaultValues = list(), ...){
	features <- lapply(features, function(f){
				if(length(defaultValues) > 0)
					for(param in names(defaultValues)){
						if(is.null(f[[param]])) f[[param]] <- defaultValues[[param]]
				f$overlap <- 0
				currentClass <- class(f)
				class(f) <- c(currentClass[-length(currentClass)], 
						"ReconciledFeature", currentClass[length(currentClass)])

reconcileFeatures.default <- function(features, ...) reconcileFeatures.SimulatedExperiment(features, ...)

############################# SECTION: generating feature sequence ############################################

## default parameters for feature generator
defaultGenerator <- function(){
	list(StableFeature=stableFeature, PhasedFeature=phasedFeature, 
			ReversePhasedFeature=phasedFeature, NFRFeature=nfrFeature, FuzzyFeature=fuzzyFeature)

defaultTransition <- function(){
	trans <- list(StableFeature=c(0.6, 0.4), PhasedFeature=c(0.2,  0.3, 0.5), 
			ReversePhasedFeature=1, NFRFeature=c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2), FuzzyFeature=c(0.5, 0.5))
	names(trans$StableFeature) <- c("PhasedFeature", "NFRFeature")
	names(trans$PhasedFeature) <- c("ReversePhasedFeature", "NFRFeature", "FuzzyFeature")
	names(trans$ReversePhasedFeature) <- "StableFeature"
	names(trans$NFRFeature) <- c("StableFeature", "ReversePhasedFeature", "FuzzyFeature")
	names(trans$FuzzyFeature) <- c("ReversePhasedFeature", "NFRFeature")
	trans <- lapply(trans, "class<-", "StateDistribution")

defaultInit <- function(prob=c(0.2, 0.05, 0, 0.25, 0.5), 
		states=c("ReversePhasedFeature", "StableFeature", "PhasedFeature", "NFRFeature", "FuzzyFeature")){
	if(sum(prob) != 1) prob <- prob/sum(prob)
	names(prob) <- states 
	class(prob) <- "StateDistribution"

defaultLastFeat <- function(isEnd = c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, 4)), 
		states = c("ReversePhasedFeature", "StableFeature", "PhasedFeature", "NFRFeature", "FuzzyFeature")){ 
		stop("No end states specified.")
		names(isEnd) <- states
		stop("State names are required.")

## Markov chain based feature generation
## generator: named list of functions to generate different types of features
## transition: named list of transition probabilities, each entry is expected to be a named numeric vector
##             corresponding to the non zero entries in a row of the transition matrix
## init: vector with initial probabilities for each feature type
## start: start position of first feature
## length: total length of genome (or chromosome) to fill with features
## control: named list with additional arguments to generator functions (one list per generator)
## globals: list of global arguments to be passed to all generator functions
## lastFeat: logical vector indicating for each feature type whether it can be the last feature
## truncate: logical indicating whether the final feature should be truncated to ensure that total length does
##			not exceed 'length' (if FALSE, a feature that would would be truncated is removed instead).
## maxTries: maximum number of attempts made to generate a valid sequence of features. If no valid sequence is 
##			generated during the first 'maxTries' attempts the function will fail either silently 
##			(returning an empty sequence) or raise an error, depending on the value of 'force'
## force: logical indicating whether the function should be forced to return a feature sequence, even if no
##			valid sequence was found. If this is TRUE an empty sequence will be returned in that case 
##			otherwise an error is raised.
makeFeatures <- function(generator=defaultGenerator(), transition=defaultTransition(), init=defaultInit(), 
		start=1000, length, control=list(), globals=list(minDist=175), lastFeat=defaultLastFeat(), 
		experimentType = "NucleosomePosition", truncate=FALSE, maxTries=10, force=FALSE){
	test <- sapply(generator, function(x) !is.function(x) && !is.name(x))
		generator[test] <- lapply(generator[test], as.name)

	features <- list()
	if(inherits(init, "StateDistribution")){
		state <- sample(names(init), 1, prob=init)
		curLength <- start
	else if(inherits(init, "SimulatedFeature")){
		features[[1]] <- init
		state <- sample(names(transition[[class(init)[1]]]), 1, prob=transition[[class(init)[1]]])
		curLength <- start + init$length
	else stop("Argument 'init' is of class ", class(init)[1], ". Expected 'StateDistribution' or 'SimulatedFeature'.")
	while(curLength < length){
		## get parameters for current state
		pars <- c(list(start=curLength+1), control[[state]])
		pars[names(globals)] <- globals
		## construct and evaluate call to generator function
		feat <- do.call(generator[[state]], pars)
		class(feat) <- c(state, "SimulatedFeature")
		curLength <- curLength + feat$length
		if(curLength > length) {
			if(lastFeat[state] && truncate)
				feat$length <- feat$length - curLength + length
			else break
		features[[length(features)+1]] <- feat
		state <- sample(names(transition[[state]]), 1, prob=transition[[state]])
	tries <- 1
	## if no features were generated, try again
	while(tries < maxTries && length(features) == 0){
		features <- Recall(generator, transition, init, start, length, control, globals, lastFeat, truncate, 1, TRUE)
		tries <- tries + 1
	if(length(features) == 0){
		if(force) return(list())
		helpText <- ""
			helpText <- paste(" This could be because the initial feature was longer than the maximum length (", 
					length - start, "). Consider using 'truncate=TRUE' or adjust your model parameters to ensure",
					" that at least one feature is generated.", sep="")
		else helpText <- " Check your model parameters."
		stop("Failed to generate any features.", helpText)
	## ensure that last feature is valid end state
	validEnd <- names(lastFeat)[lastFeat]
	while(tries < maxTries && !any(sapply(validEnd, inherits, x=features[[length(features)]]))){
		previous <- features[[length(features) - 1]]
		curLength <- curLength - previous$length
		## remove (invalid) last feature and restart MC in what is now the last state
		features <- features[-c(length(features)-1, length(features))]
		features <- c(features, Recall(generator, transition, previous, curLength + 1, 
						length, control, globals, lastFeat, truncate, 1, TRUE))
		tries <- tries + 1		
	## if we still didn't find a valid end state we try to truncate the feature sequence to get valid sequence
	if(!any(sapply(validEnd, inherits, x=features[[length(features)]]))){
		endPositions <- sapply(features, function(x) any(sapply(validEnd, inherits, x=x)))
			features <- features[1:max(which(endPositions))]
			warning("Feature sequence was truncated to ensure that it ends in a valid feature. ",
					"The feature sequence may be much shorter than requested.")
			if(force) return(list())
			stop("Failed to generate valid end state. Consider adjusting your model parameters.")
	class(features) <- c(experimentType, "SimulatedExperiment")

############################# SECTION: placing features #######################################################
## Although all features have a start position this is only used for the first feature. All remaining
## features are placed based on the position, length and overlap of the previous feature

## generating parameters for a stable nucleosome
stableFeature <- function(start, minDist=175, weight=seq(0.1, 1, by=0.1), shift=c(0, 5, 10), 
		ratio=seq(0, 4, by=0.25), stability=seq(0.1, 5, by=0.1), 
		weightProb, shiftProb, ratioProb, stabilityProb, ...){
	if(missing(weightProb)) weightProb <- dbeta(weight, 2, 2)
	if(missing(shiftProb)) shiftProb <- rep(1/length(shift), length(shift))
	if(missing(ratioProb)) ratioProb <- rep(1/length(ratio), length(ratio))
	if(missing(stabilityProb)) stabilityProb <- dgamma(stability, 2, 2)
	## choose parameters
	params <- list()
	## general feature parameters
	params$start <- start - minDist                    ## start position (adjusted to include left flank)
	params$length <- 2*minDist + 1                     ## length of window (just the stable nucleosome)
	params$weight <- ifelse(length(weight) > 1, sample(weight, 1, prob=weightProb), weight) 
													   ## weight of feature
	## stable nucleosome specific parameters
	params$minDist <- minDist						   ## this is constant and only recorded here for convenience, could be dropped
	params$shift <- ifelse(length(shift) > 1, sample(shift, 1, prob=shiftProb), shift)  
													   ## distance between central and alternative nucleosome positions
	params$ratio <- ifelse(length(ratio) > 1, sample(ratio, 1, prob=ratioProb), ratio)   
													   ## ratio between alternative and central position probabilities
	params$stability <- ifelse(length(stability) > 1, sample(stability, 1, prob=stabilityProb), stability)
                                                       ## stability of nucleosome
	class(params) <- c("StableFeature", "SimulatedFeature")

## generating parameters for phased nucleosomes
## Note that this does not include parameters related to the stable nucleosome that induces the phasing
phasedFeature <- function(minDist=175, length=seq(1000, 10000, by=minDist), meanDist=minDist:300, 
		lengthProb, meanDistProb, start, ...){
	if(missing(lengthProb)) lengthProb <- rep(1/length(length), length(length))
	if(missing(meanDistProb)) meanDistProb <- dgamma(meanDist - minDist, 5, scale=15) #rep(1/length(meanDist), length(meanDist))
	## choose parameters
	params <- list()
	## general feature parameters
	params$start <- start                                 
	params$length <- ifelse(length(length) > 1, sample(length, 1, prob=lengthProb), length) 
													   ## length of window
	params$weight <- NA                                ## weight of feature is determined by stable nucleosome
	## phasing specific parameters
	params$minDist <- minDist						   ## this is constant and only recorded here for convenience, could be dropped
	params$meanDist <- ifelse(length(meanDist) > 1, sample(meanDist, 1, prob=meanDistProb), meanDist)
												       ## average distance between nucleosomes
	class(params) <- c("PhasedFeature", "SimulatedFeature")

## generating parameters for nucleosome free region
nfrFeature <- function(start, length=seq(50, 500, by=10), weight=seq(0.1, 1, by=0.1), 
		lengthProb, weightProb, ...){
	if(missing(lengthProb)) lengthProb <- rep(1/length(length), length(length))
	if(missing(weightProb)) weightProb <- rep(1/length(weight), length(weight))
	## choose parameters
	params <- list()
	## general feature parameters
	params$start <- start                             ## start position
	params$length <- ifelse(length(length) > 1, sample(length, 1, prob=lengthProb), length) 
														## length of window
	params$weight <- ifelse(length(weight) > 1, sample(weight, 1, prob=weightProb), weight) 
														## weight of feature
	class(params) <- c("NFRFeature", "SimulatedFeature")

## generating parameters for independently placed (fuzzy) nucleosomes
fuzzyFeature <- function(start, length=seq(1000, 1e4, by=1000), meanDist=175:400,
		lengthProb, meanDistProb, ...){
	if(missing(lengthProb)) lengthProb <- rep(1/length(length), length(length))
	if(missing(meanDistProb)) meanDistProb <- dgamma(meanDist-min(meanDist), 10, scale=10)
	## choose parameters
	params <- list()
	## general feature parameters
	params$start <- start                             ## start position
	params$length <- ifelse(length(length) > 1, sample(length, 1, prob=lengthProb), length) 
													  ## length of window
	params$weight <- 1                                ## weight of feature (fuzzy features are only generated in the absence of other features)
	## fuzzy nucleosome specific parameters
	params$meanDist <- ifelse(length(meanDist) > 1, sample(meanDist, 1, prob=meanDistProb), meanDist)
													  ## average distance between nucleosomes

	class(params) <- c("FuzzyFeature", "SimulatedFeature")

## given a list of features, ensure parameters of neighbouring features are compatible and determine required
## overlap between features
reconcileFeatures.NucleosomePosition <- function(features, defaultMeanDist=200, ...){
	exClass <- class(features)
	lastMeanDist <- sapply(features, function(x) if(!is.null(x$meanDist)) x$meanDist else NA)
	lastMeanDist <- lastMeanDist[!is.na(lastMeanDist)]
	if(length(lastMeanDist) == 0) lastMeanDist <- defaultMeanDist
	else lastMeanDist <- lastMeanDist[[1]]
	i <- 1
		if(inherits(features[[i]], "StableFeature") && !inherits(features[[i]], "ReconciledFeature")){
						## combine stable nucleosome and following phased nucleosomes into single feature
						features[[i]]$length <- features[[i]]$length + features[[i+1]]$length - features[[i+1]]$minDist
						features[[i]]$minDist <- features[[i+1]]$minDist
						features[[i]]$meanDist <- features[[i+1]]$meanDist
						features[[i]]$overlap <- NA
						features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- NA
						class(features[[i]]) <- unique(c("StablePhasedFeature", 
										"ReconciledFeature", "SimulatedFeature"))
						features <- features[-(i+1)]
						## ensure starting position is consistent and determine overlap
						features[[i]]$overlap <- min(features[[i]]$minDist, floor(0.75*features[[i+1]]$length))
						features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
						features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
						features[[i]]$meanDist <- lastMeanDist
						class(features[[i]]) <- c(class(features[[i]])[-length(class(features[[i]]))],
								"ReconciledFeature", "SimulatedFeature")
						i <- i + 1
					ifelse(is.null(features[i+1][[1]]), {features[[i]]$overlap <- NA ;break}, 
							stop("Illegal feature transition: ", class(features[[i]])[1], " -> ", class(features[[i+1]])[1]))
		if(inherits(features[[i]], "PhasedFeature") || inherits(features[[i]], "ReversePhasedFeature")){
			lastMeanDist <- features[[i]]$meanDist
						## copy parameter values for following stable nucleosome
						features[[i]]$weight <- features[[i+1]]$weight
						features[[i]]$shift <- features[[i+1]]$shift
						features[[i]]$ratio <- features[[i+1]]$ratio
						features[[i]]$stability <- features[[i+1]]$stability
						features[[i]]$overlap <- features[[i]]$minDist
						features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
#						features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
						features[[i+1]]$meanDist <- features[[i]]$meanDist
						class(features[[i]]) <- c(class(features[[i]])[-length(class(features[[i]]))],
								"ReconciledFeature", "SimulatedFeature")
						i <- i+1
					## since the next feature is not a stable nucleosome this PhasedFeature 
					## really is a StablePhasedFeature already. Just need to determine overlap
						features[[i]]$overlap <- floor(min(features[[i]]$length*0.25, features[[i+1]]$length*0.25, 1000))
						features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
						features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
						i <- i+1
						features[[i]]$overlap <- floor(min(features[[i]]$length*0.25, features[[i+1]]$length*0.75, 
						features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
						features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
						i <- i+1
						features[[i]]$overlap <- floor(min(features[[i]]$length*0.25, features[[i+1]]$length*0.25, 1000))
						features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
						features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
						i <- i+1
					ifelse(is.null(features[i+1][[1]]), {features[[i]]$overlap <- NA ;break}, 
							stop("Illegal feature transition: ", class(features[[i]])[1], " -> ", class(features[[i+1]])[1]))
		if(inherits(features[[i]], "NFRFeature")){
					features[[i]]$overlap <- min(features[[i+1]]$minDist, floor(0.75 * features[[i]]$length))
					features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
					features[[i]]$meanDist <- lastMeanDist
					features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
					class(features[[i]]) <- c(class(features[[i]])[-length(class(features[[i]]))],
							"ReconciledFeature", "SimulatedFeature")
					i <- i + 1
					features[[i]]$overlap <- floor(min(features[[i+1]]$length*0.25, features[[i]]$length*0.75, 
					features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
					features[[i]]$meanDist <- features[[i+1]]$meanDist
					features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
					lastMeanDist <- features[[i]]$meanDist
					class(features[[i]]) <- c(class(features[[i]])[-length(class(features[[i]]))], "ReconciledFeature",
					i <- i + 1
				ifelse(is.null(features[i+1][[1]]), {features[[i]]$overlap <- NA ;break}, 
						stop("Illegal feature transition: ", class(features[[i]])[1], " -> ", class(features[[i+1]])[1]))
		if(inherits(features[[i]], "FuzzyFeature")){
			lastMeanDist <- features[[i]]$meanDist
						features[[i]]$overlap <- floor(min(features[[i]]$length*0.25, features[[i+1]]$length*0.25, 1000))
						features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
						features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
						class(features[[i]]) <- c(class(features[[i]])[-length(class(features[[i]]))], "ReconciledFeature",
						i <- i + 1
						features[[i]]$overlap <- floor(min(features[[i]]$length*0.25, features[[i+1]]$length*0.75, 
						features[[i]]$overlapWeight <- sum
						features[[i+1]]$start <- features[[i]]$start + features[[i]]$length - features[[i]]$overlap
						class(features[[i]]) <- c(class(features[[i]])[-length(class(features[[i]]))], "ReconciledFeature",
						i <- i + 1
					ifelse(is.null(features[i+1][[1]]), {features[[i]]$overlap <- NA ;break}, 
							stop("Illegal feature transition: ", class(features[[i]])[1], " -> ", class(features[[i+1]])[1]))
	class(features) <- c(exClass[-length(exClass)], "ReconciledSimulatedExperiment", "SimulatedExperiment")	

## function to generate and reconcile feature sequence
## all arguments are passed on to makeFeatures
placeFeatures <- function(..., maxTail=0.01, compoundFeatures=list("StablePhasedFeature")){
	features <- makeFeatures(...)
	lastState <- features[[length(features)]]
	features <- reconcileFeatures(features)
	## ensure gap at end is not too large
	args <- list(...)
	length <- args$length
	gap <- length - features[[length(features)]]$start - features[[length(features)]]$length
	while(gap > maxTail * length){
		args$start <- features[[length(features)]]$start
		if(is.null(args$transition)) args$transition <- formals(makeFeatures)$transition
		args$init <- lastState
		gapFeat <- do.call(makeFeatures, args)
		if(any(sapply(compoundFeatures, inherits, x=features[[length(features)]])))
			gapFeat <- reconcileFeatures(c(features[length(features)], gapFeat[-1]))
		else gapFeat <- reconcileFeatures(gapFeat)
		features <- c(features[-length(features)], gapFeat) 
		lastGap <- gap
		gap <- length - features[[length(features)]]$start - features[[length(features)]]$length
		if(gap == lastGap) break
	if(gap < 0) features[[length(features)]]$length <- features[[length(features)]]$length + gap

######################### SECTION: Turn features into densities ###############################################
## x: feature object
featureDensity.StablePhasedFeature <- function(x, stable=stableDens, dist=distDens, background=FALSE, ...){
	dens <- phaseNuc(stable, dist, minDist=x$minDist, length=x$length, meanDist=x$meanDist, shift=x$shift, ratio=x$ratio, 
				weight=x$weight, stability=x$stability)
	if(background && x$weight < 1){
		bg <- indNuc(meanDist=x$meanDist, weight=1-x$weight, length=x$length)
		dens[, 1] <- dens[,1] + bg[,1]

featureDensity.ReversePhasedFeature <- function(x, stable=stableDens, dist=distDens, background=FALSE, ...){
	dens <- phaseNuc(stable, dist, minDist=x$minDist, length=x$length+x$minDist, meanDist=x$meanDist, shift=x$shift, 
			ratio=x$ratio, weight=x$weight, stability=x$stability)
	densStable <- stable(-x$minDist:x$minDist, shift=x$shift, ratio=x$ratio, weight=x$weight, stability=x$stability)
	dens[1:(2*x$minDist+1), 1] <- dens[1:(2*x$minDist+1), 1] - densStable
	dens <- dens[-(1:x$minDist), ]
	if(background && x$weight < 1){
		bg <- indNuc(meanDist=x$meanDist, weight=1-x$weight, length=nrow(dens))
		dens[, 1] <- dens[,1] + bg[,1]
	apply(dens, 2, rev)

featureDensity.StableFeature <- function(x, stable=stableDens, background=FALSE, ...){
	dens <- stable(ceiling(-0.5*x$length):floor(0.5*x$length), shift=x$shift, ratio=x$ratio, 
			weight=x$weight, stability=x$stability)
	dens <- cbind(dens, rep(x$weight, length(dens)))
		dens[,1] <- dens[,1] + indNuc(meanDist=x$meanDist, weight=1-x$weight, length=nrow(dens))[,1]

featureDensity.NFRFeature <- function(x, background=FALSE, ...){
	dens <- noNuc(length=x$length, weight=x$weight)
	if(background && x$weight < 1){
		bg <- indNuc(meanDist=max(x$length, 200), weight=1-x$weight, length=x$length)
		dens[, 1] <- dens[,1] + bg[,1]

featureDensity.FuzzyFeature <- function(x, ...){
	indNuc(meanDist=x$meanDist, weight=x$weight, length=x$length)

## take a list of (reconciled) features and compute combined nucleosome density
## features: list of features
## length: total length of resulting density vector (may be missing)
## featureBgr: logical indicating whether feature specific background should be added
feat2dens <- function(features, length, featureBgr=TRUE, ...){
	## get densities for each feature
	featureDens <- lapply(features, featureDensity, background=featureBgr, ...)
	## combine everything
		length <- sum(sapply(features, "[[", "length")) - 
				sum(sapply(features, "[[", "overlap"), na.rm=TRUE) + 
				features[[1]]$start - 1
	dens <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=length)
	dens[features[[1]]$start:(features[[1]]$length + features[[1]]$start - 1), ] <- 
			if(is.matrix(featureDens[[1]]))featureDens[[1]] else cbind(featureDens[[1]], rep(1, length(featureDens[[1]])))
	last <- features[[1]]$length + features[[1]]$start - 1
	if(length(features) > 1) 
		for(i in 2:length(features)){
			start <- last-features[[i-1]]$overlap + 1
			dens[start:(start + features[[i]]$length -1), ] <- 
					joinRegion(dens[start:last, ], 
							else cbind(featureDens[[i]], rep(1, length(featureDens[[i]]))), 
					features[[i-1]]$overlap, features[[i-1]]$overlapWeight)
			last <- start + features[[i]]$length -1

	dens[dens[,1] < 0 , 1] <- 0

######################## SECTION: generating nucleosome density ################################################

## nucleosome density for a single stable nucleosome, centred at 0
## x: position at which the density should be evaluated
## shift: size of shift for alternative nucleosome positions (to the left and right of central position)
## ratio: ratio of alternative to central position
## weight: weight of nucleosome (max 1). The density will be scaled to this value
## stability: a measure of how stable the nucleosome is (in [0, 1])
stableDens <- function(x, shift=10, ratio=1, weight=1, stability=1){
	sd <- ifelse(shift==0, 2.5, shift/4)/stability
	if(shift == 0) ratio <- 0
	min(weight, 1)*(0.5*ratio*dnorm(x, mean=-shift, sd=sd) + 
				dnorm(x, sd=sd) + 
				0.5*ratio*dnorm(x, mean=shift, sd=sd))/(ratio + 1) 

## distribution of distances between nucleosomes (centre to centre)
distDens <- function(x, minDist=175, varDist=337.5, meanDist=200){
	meanDist <- meanDist - minDist
	dnbinom(x-minDist, size=meanDist^2/(varDist-meanDist), mu=meanDist)

## distribution of fragment length
## Note that this gives the distribution of the variable part of the fragment length,
## ie it does not include the length of the binding site
## x: distance from nucleosome centre
## meanLength: mean fragment length
## minLength: minimum fragment length
## maxLength: maximum fragment length
fragDens <- function(x, minLength, maxLength, meanLength, bind){
	minLength <- minLength - bind
	maxLength <- maxLength - bind
	meanLength <- meanLength - bind
	x <- x - bind
	ifelse(x >= minLength & x <= maxLength, dnbinom(x, size=2, mu=meanLength)/(pnbinom(maxLength, size=2, mu=meanLength) - 
						pnbinom(minLength-1, size=2, mu=meanLength)), 0)

## Distribution of binding site within fragment
## x: position in fragment. Either absolute distance from start or 
##    fraction left of binding site centre (if fragLength is not missing)
## alpha, beta: parameters of beta distribution
## note that this assumes a symmetric distribution
bindLocDens <- function(x, fragLength){
	if(!missing(fragLength)) x <- x/fragLength 
	dbeta(x, shape1=2, shape2=2)

## compute nucleosome density for phased nucleosomes
## stable: function giving the density for a stable nucleosome centred at 0
## dist: function giving the distribution of distances between nucleosomes (centre to centre)
## minDist: minimum distance between nucleosomes
## TODO: handle additional arguments to stable and dist more gracefully
phaseNuc <- function(stable, dist, minDist=175, length=2000, meanDist=200, 
		varDist=(meanDist-minDist)+(meanDist-minDist)^2/2, shift=10, ratio=1, weight=1, stability=1){
	if(is.null(meanDist)) meanDist <- 200 ## for featureDensity.StableFeature
	nnuc <- floor(length/minDist)-1
	dens <- numeric(2*length)
	dens <- stable(ceiling(-0.5*length):floor(1.5*length), shift=shift, ratio=ratio, weight=weight, stability=stability)
	densLength <- length(dens)
	distVec <- dist(0:(densLength-1), minDist=minDist, varDist=varDist, meanDist=meanDist)
	padding <- nextn(densLength) - densLength
	distFFT <- fft(c(distVec,rep(0, padding)))
	d <- c(dens, rep(0, padding))
	for(i in 1:nnuc){
		densVec <- d
		d <- Re(fft(fft(densVec) * distFFT, inverse=TRUE)/(length(densVec)))
		dens[(i*minDist+1):densLength] <- dens[(i*minDist+1):densLength] + d[(i*minDist+1):densLength]
	cbind(dens[(floor(0.5 * length)-minDist+1):(floor(1.5*length)-minDist)], rep(weight, length))

## nucleosome density for independent nucleosomes (ie, no phasing)
## meanDist: average distance between nucleosomes
## length: length of window
indNuc <- function(meanDist=200, length=2000, weight=1){
	cbind(weight * rep(1/meanDist, length), rep(weight, length))

## nucleosome free region
noNuc <- function(length, weight=1){
	cbind(rep(0, length), rep(weight, length))

## takes to vectors (of nucleosome densities) and stiches them together
## left, right: the two regions to be combined
## overlap: overlap between regions Defaults to 1/4 of region length
## overlapWeights: function to be used to calculate weights in overlapping region
joinRegion <- function(left, right, overlap, overlapWeights){
	if(missing(overlap)) overlap <- min(floor(length(left)/4), floor(length(right)/4))
	if(overlap == 0) return(right)
	weight <- list(left[, 2], right[, 2])
	left <- left[, 1]
	right <- right[, 1]
	drop <- cbind(dnorm(seq(0,5, length.out=overlap))/dnorm(0)*weight[[1]][(length(left)-overlap+1):length(left)], 
			rev(dnorm(seq(0,5, length.out=overlap))/dnorm(0)*weight[[2]][1:overlap]))
	drop <- drop / rowSums(drop)
	result <- numeric(length(left)+length(right)- overlap)
	result[1:(length(left)-overlap)] <- left[1:(length(left)-overlap)]
	result[(length(left)-overlap + 1):length(left)] <- drop[,1] * left[(length(left)-overlap+1):length(left)] + 
			drop[,2] * right[1:overlap]
	result[(length(left) + 1):length(result)] <- right[(overlap+1):length(right)] 

	weightNew <- numeric(length(result))
	weightNew[1:(length(left)-overlap)] <- weight[[1]][1:(length(left)-overlap)]
	weightNew[(length(left) + 1):length(result)] <- weight[[2]][(overlap+1):length(right)]
	if(!missing(overlapWeights) && !is.null(overlapWeights)) 
		weightNew[(length(left)-overlap + 1):length(left)] <- mapply(overlapWeights, 
				drop[,1] * weight[[1]][(length(left)-overlap + 1):length(left)], 
				drop[,2] * weight[[2]][1:overlap])
		weightNew[(length(left)-overlap + 1):length(left)] <- weight[[1]][(length(left)-overlap + 1):length(left)]
		if(!isTRUE(all.equal(weight[[1]][(length(left)-overlap + 1):length(left)], weight[[2]][1:overlap]))){
			warning("Unreconciled weights in overlapping region")
	rescale <- weightNew > 1
		result[rescale] <- result[rescale]/weightNew[rescale]
		weightNew[rescale] <- 1
	cbind(result, weightNew)

################################### SECTION: generating reads ########################################################

## convert binding site density into read density
## bindDens: vector of nucleosome densities
## fragment: function giving the fragment length distribution
## nfrag: number of fragments to simulate to generate read distribution
## ...: further arguments to fragment
bindDens2readDens <- function(bindDens, fragment, nfrag=1e5, bind=147, minLength=150, maxLength=180, ...){
	fragSample <- sample((minLength:maxLength)-bind, nfrag, replace=TRUE,
			prob=fragment((minLength:maxLength), minLength=minLength, maxLength=maxLength, bind=bind, ...))
	## get binding site distribution
	step <- 1/(maxLength-bind+1)
	locDist <- bindLocDens(seq(0,1, by=step))
	## distribution of reads on one strand (assumed to be identical on the other)
	readSample <- round(fragSample * sample(seq(0, 1, by=step), nfrag, prob=locDist, replace=TRUE))
	readDist <- hist(readSample, breaks=-1:(maxLength-bind + 1)+0.5, plot=FALSE)$density
	readDist <- readDist/sum(readDist)

	readKernel <- c(rep(0, floor(bind * 0.5)),readDist)
	readKernel <- c(readKernel, rep(0, nextn(length(readKernel)) - length(readKernel)))
	n <- length(bindDens)
	bindDens <- c(bindDens, rep(0, nextn(n + length(readKernel) - 1) - (n + length(readKernel) - 1)))
	idx <- list((length(readDist)+floor(bind * 0.5) + 1):(n + length(readDist)+floor(bind * 0.5)), 1:n)
	readDens <- cbind(convolve(bindDens, readKernel, type="open")[idx[[1]]],	
			convolve(bindDens, rev(readKernel), type="open")[idx[[2]]])
	readDens <- apply(readDens, 2, function(x) ifelse(x < 0, 0, x))
	## TODO: ensure reads are not generated closer to the end of the chromosome than the insert size allows

## sample read start positions from read density
sampleReads <- function(readDens, nreads=6e6, strandProb=c(0.5, 0.5)){
	names(strandProb) <- c("fwd", "rev")
	colnames(readDens) <- c("fwd", "rev")
	readPos <- list(fwd=numeric(), rev=numeric())
	strand <- table(sample(names(strandProb), nreads, prob=strandProb, replace=TRUE))
	if(is.na(strand["fwd"])) strand["fwd"] <- 0
	if(is.na(strand["rev"])) strand["rev"] <- 0
	readPos$fwd <- sample(nrow(readDens), strand["fwd"], prob=readDens[, "fwd"], replace=TRUE)
	readPos$rev <- sample(nrow(readDens), strand["rev"], prob=readDens[, "rev"], replace=TRUE)

## extract read qualities from an ShortReadQ object or from file
## reads: object or file name
## minLength: minimum length of reads for which quality is extracted
## returns list with read quality scores
extractQuality <- function(reads, minLength=25, dir, type=c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa")){
	if(!is(reads, "ShortReadQ") && !missing(dir)) reads <- ShortRead::readFastq(dir, reads)
	type <- match.arg(type[1], c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa"))
	offset <- c(64, 33, 59)
	names(offset) <- c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa")
	quality <- quality(reads)
	length <- numeric(length(quality))
	for(i in 1:length(quality)){
		length[i] <- length(quality[[i]])
	quality <- quality[length >= minLength]
	## convert quality scores to probabilities
	numericQuality <- vector(length(quality), mode="list")
	for(i in 1:length(quality)){
		numericQuality[[i]] <- as.numeric(sapply(as.character(quality[[i]]), charToRaw)) - offset[type]
	## Phred score
	if(type %in% c("Illumina", "Sanger"))
		numericQuality <- lapply(numericQuality, function(x) 10^(x/-10))
	## Solexa score
	if(type %in% c("Solexa")){
		numericQuality <- lapply(numericQuality, function(x) 10^(x/-10))
		numericQuality <- lapply(numericQuality, function(x) x/(x+1))

decodeQuality <- function(quality, type=c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa")){
	type <- match.arg(type[1], c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa"))
	offset <- c(64, 33, 59)
	names(offset) <- c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa")
	numericQuality <- as.numeric(charToRaw(as.character(quality))) - offset[type]
	## Phred score
	if(type %in% c("Illumina", "Sanger"))
		numericQuality <-  10^(numericQuality/-10)
	## Solexa score
	if(type %in% c("Solexa")){
		numericQuality <- 10^(numericQuality/-10)
		numericQuality <- numericQuality/(numericQuality+1)

## convert error probability into integer code
encodeQuality <- function(quality, type=c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa")){
	type <- match.arg(type[1], c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa"))
	offset <- c(64, 33, 59)
	names(offset) <- c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa")
	## Phred score
	if(type %in% c("Illumina", "Sanger"))
		quality <- -10 * log(quality, 10)
	## Solexa score
	if(type %in% "Solexa")
		quality <- -10 * log(quality/(1-quality), 10)
	rawToChar(as.raw(quality + offset[type]))

## determine quality scores for reads
## read: read sequence
## qualities: list of observed read qualities
## returns a read quality vector of same length as read
readQualitySample <- function(read, qualities, checkLength=TRUE, ...){
	if(checkLength) idx <- sample(which(IRanges::width(qualities) >= length(read)), 1)
	else idx <- sample(length(qualities), 1)
	XVector::subseq(qualities[[idx]], 1, length(read))

## probability of sequencing error producing a certain nucleotide given the correct nucleotide 
defaultErrorProb <- function(){
	prob <- list(A=c(0, 0.14, 0.05, 0.05), C=c(0.13, 0, 0.02, 0.04), G=c(0.04, 0.08, 0, 0.12), T=c(0.08, 0.15, 0.09, 0))
	prob <- lapply(prob, "names<-", c("A", "C", "G", "T"))

## introduce errors into read sequence based on qualities
## read: sequence of read
## qual: error probability
## prob: list with substitution probabilities for each symbol in alphabet
readError <- function(read, qual, alphabet=c("A", "C", "G", "T"), prob=defaultErrorProb(), ...){
	## replace everything not in alphabet wit first letter in alphabet
	## (with default settings this converts 'NNNNN' into 'AAAAA')
	## TODO: reduce quality for replaced nucleotides
	read <- gsub(paste("[^", paste(alphabet, collapse="", sep=""),"]", sep=""), alphabet[1], read)
	## determine location of error
	errorPos <- runif(length(qual)) < qual
		for(i in which(errorPos)){
			transProb <- prob[[substr(read, i, i)]]
			substr(read, i, i) <- sample(names(transProb), 1, prob=transProb)

## get read sequence for single read from reference
readSequence <- function(readPos, sequence, strand, readLen=36){
	## get true read sequence
	if(strand == -1) readPos <- readPos - readLen + 1
	seq <- XVector::subseq(sequence, readPos, width=readLen)
	if(strand == -1) seq <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(seq)

## write files in Illumins FASTQ format
writeIllumina <- function(reads, quality, file="", nameBase="HWSIM-EAS000R", append=FALSE){
	nlanes <- min(ceiling(sum(sapply(reads, length))/4e6), 8)
	ntiles <- 100
	clusterRange <- c(49, 2000)
	maxReads <- 0.5 * nlanes * ntiles * diff(clusterRange) 
	if( maxReads < sum(sapply(reads, length))){
		warning("Only first ", maxReads, " reads are used.")
		if(length(reads[[1]]) > maxReads/2) reads[[1]] <- reads[[1]][1:floor(maxReads/2)]
		reads[[2]] <- reads[[2]][1:min(maxReads-length(reads[[1]]), length(reads[[2]]))]
	names <- lapply(1:2, function(i) vector(mode="character", length(reads[[i]])))
	for(i in 1:2){
		for(j in 1:length(reads[[i]])){
			newName <- ""
			while(newName == "" || newName %in% names[[1]] || newName %in% names[[2]]){
				newName <- paste(nameBase, sample(1:nlanes, 1), sample(1:ntiles, 1), 
						sample(clusterRange[1]:clusterRange[2],1 ), sample(clusterRange[1]:clusterRange[2],1 ), 
			names[[i]][j] <- newName
			cat("@", names[[i]][j], "\n", sep="", file=file, append=append || i > 1 || j > 1)
			cat(as.character(reads[[i]][j]), "\n", sep="", file=file, append=TRUE)
			cat("+", names[[i]][[j]], "\n", sep="", file=file, append=TRUE)
			cat(encodeQuality(quality[[i]][j], type="Illumina"), "\n", sep="", file=file, append=TRUE)

writeFASTQ <- function(read, quality, name, file, append=FALSE){
	if(file != "" && !append) file.create(file)
	mapply(function(r, q, n){
				cat("@", n, "\n", sep="", file=file, append=TRUE)
				cat(as.character(r), "\n", sep="", file=file, append=TRUE)
				cat("+", n, "\n", sep="", file=file, append=TRUE)
				cat(as.character(q), "\n", sep="", file=file, append=TRUE)
			}, read, quality, name)

## Convert read positions for a single chromosome (both strands) into read sequences + qualities and
## write them to file
pos2fastq <- function(readPos, names, quality, sequence, qualityFun, errorFun, readLen=36, file, 
		qualityType=c("Illumina", "Sanger", "Solexa"), ...){

	if(file != "" && !is(file, "connection") && !file.exists(file)) file <- file(file, open="w", blocking=FALSE)
	replaceProb <- if(is.null(list(...)$prob)) defaultErrorProb() else match.fun(list(...)$prob)
	qualityFun <- match.fun(qualityFun)
	errorFun <- match.fun(errorFun)
	for(i in 1:2){
		for(j in 1:length(readPos[[i]])){
			## get (true) sequence
			readSeq <- readSequence(readPos[[i]][j], sequence, strand=ifelse(i==1, 1, -1), readLen=readLen)
			## get quality
			readQual <- qualityFun(readSeq, quality, ...)
			## introduce sequencing errors
			readSeq <- errorFun(readSeq, decodeQuality(readQual, type=qualityType), prob=replaceProb)
			## write to file
			writeFASTQ(as.character(readSeq), as.character(readQual), names[[i]][j], file=file, append=TRUE)
	invisible(sum(sapply(readPos, length)))

writeReads <- function(readPos, readNames, sequence, quality, file, ...){
	if(is(quality, "connection") || (is.character(quality) && file.exists(quality))) 
		quality <- ShortRead::readFastq(quality)
	if(is(quality, "ShortReadQ")) quality <- quality(quality(quality))
	fileName <- file
	file <- file(file, open="w", blocking=FALSE)
	for(i in 1:length(sequence))
		pos2fastq(readPos=readPos[[i]], names=readNames[[i]], sequence[[i]], quality=quality, file=file, ...)

## create random (Solexa style) read names
solexaNames <- function(n, nameBase="HWSIM-EAS000R"){
	nlanes <- min(ceiling(n/4e6), 8)
	ntiles <- 100
	clusterRange <- c(49, 2000)
	maxReads <- 0.5 * nlanes * ntiles * diff(clusterRange)^2
	if( maxReads < n){
		warning("Only ", maxReads, " read names will be generated.")
		n <- maxReads
	names <- character(n)
	clusters <- clusterRange[1]:clusterRange[2]
	lanes <- 1:nlanes
	tiles <- 1:ntiles
	for(i in 1:n){
		newName <- ""
		while(newName == "" || newName %in% names){
			newName <- paste(nameBase, sample(lanes, 1), sample(tiles, 1), 
					sample(clusters, 1), sample(clusters, 1), 
		names[i] <- newName

## create simple read names
simpleNames <- function(n, nameBase="read"){
	paste(nameBase, 1:n, sep="_")	

################################# SECTION: Main driver ########################################
## This function acts as driver for the simulation. It takes all required arguments and passes
## them on to the functions for the various stages of the simulation.
## The simulation consists of a number of stages:
## 1. generate feature sequence: (genome) sequence length -> feature sequence (list)
## 2. compute nucleosome density: feature sequence [, genome length] -> nucleosome density (vector) 
## 3. compute read density: nucleosome density -> read density (matrix)
## 4. sample read start sites: read density -> read positions (list)
## 5. create read names: number of reads -> unique names
## 6. obtain read sequence and quality: read positions, genome sequence, [qualities] -> output file 

## nreads: number of reads to generate
## genome: an object of class 'DNAStringSet' or the name of a fasta file containing the genome sequence
## file: base of output file names
## functions: named list of functions to use for various stages, expected names are:
##            'features', 'nucDens', 'readDens', 'sampleReads', 'readSequence', 'formatWriter'
## control: named list of arguments to be passed to simulation functions (one list per function)
## verbose: logical indicating whether progress messages should be printed
## load: logical indicating whether an attempt should be made to load previous results
simChIP <- function(nreads, genome, file, functions=defaultFunctions(), 
		control=defaultControl(), verbose=TRUE, load=FALSE){
	## collect timing information
	timeStart <- Sys.time()
	## check that all functions are present
	funName <- c('features', 'bindDensity', 'readDensity', 'sampleReads', 'readNames', 'readSequence')
	if(any(!(names(functions) %in% funName))) 
		warning("Functions ", names(functions)[!(names(functions) %in% funName)]," will not be used.")
	if(!all(funName %in% names(functions))) stop("Functions for ",funName[!funName %in% names(functions)],
				" are missing.")
	## ensure the genome sequence is available
	if(missing(genome)) stop("Argument \"genome\" is missing, with no default. Please provide a reference sequence.")
	if(is(genome, "DNAString")) genome <-  DNAStringSet(genome)
	if(!is(genome, "DNAStringSet")) 
		genome <-  readDNAStringSet(genome, format="fasta")
	## ensure we know how many reads to generate
	if(missing(nreads)) stop("Argument \"nreads\" is missing, with no default. Please provide the number of ",
				"sequence reads to simulate.")
	## if no file name is provided we just write to the console (and don't save intermediate results)
	if(missing(file)) file <- ""

	## ensure we have legal function names or objects
	functions <- lapply(functions, function(f) if(is.function(f) || is.name(f)) f else as.name(f))
	## check whether there are results from a previous run that we can re-use
	stageComplete <- logical(3)
		if(file.access(paste(file, "features.rdata", sep="_"), mode=4) == 0) stageComplete[1] <- TRUE
		if(file.access(paste(file, "bindDensity.rdata", sep="_"), mode=4) == 0) stageComplete[2] <- TRUE
		if(file.access(paste(file, "readDensity.rdata", sep="_"), mode=4) == 0) stageComplete[3] <- TRUE
	## check for existing result files
	resultExt <- 1
	if(nchar(file) > 0){
		resultExt <- length(Sys.glob(paste(file, "*", "fastq.txt", sep="_"))) + 1
	## call function to generate feature sequence. We create one sequence per chromosome
	timeStage <- Sys.time()
	features <- NULL
	if(load && stageComplete[1] && !any(stageComplete[2:3])){
		warn <- getOption("warn")
		loaded <- try(load(paste(file, "features.rdata", sep="_")), silent=TRUE)
		if(is(loaded, "try-error"))
			stageComplete[1] <- FALSE
		if(stageComplete[1] && verbose) cat("Features loaded.")
		if(verbose) cat("Generating features...")
		features <- lapply(IRanges::width(genome), function(w){
					control[[funName[1]]]$length <- w
					do.call(functions[[funName[1]]], control[[funName[1]]])
				} )
		if(nchar(file) > 0) save(features, file=paste(file, "features.rdata", sep="_"))
		stageComplete[1] <- TRUE
	timeEnd <- Sys.time()
	if(verbose && !is.null(features)){
		thisStage <- difftime(timeEnd, timeStage)
		cat("(", thisStage, " ", units(thisStage), ")\n", sep="")
	## compute nucleosome density
	timeStage <- Sys.time()
	bindDensity <- NULL
	if(load && stageComplete[2] && !stageComplete[3]){
		warn <- getOption("warn")
		loaded <- try(load(paste(file, "bindDensity.rdata", sep="_")), silent=TRUE)
		if(is(loaded, "try-error")) 
			stageComplete[2] <- FALSE
		if(stageComplete[2] && verbose) cat("Binding site density loaded. ")
		if(verbose) cat("Computing binding site density... ")
		bindDensity <- mapply(function(f, w){
					control[[funName[2]]]$features <- f
					control[[funName[2]]]$length <- w
					eval(as.call(c(functions[[funName[2]]], control[[funName[2]]])))
				}, features, IRanges::width(genome), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		if(nchar(file) > 0) save(bindDensity, file=paste(file, "bindDensity.rdata", sep="_"))
		stageComplete[2] <- TRUE
	if(nchar(file) > 0) features <- paste(file, "features.rdata", sep="_")
	timeEnd <- Sys.time()
	if(verbose && !is.null(bindDensity)){
		thisStage <- difftime(timeEnd, timeStage)
		cat("(", thisStage, " ", units(thisStage), ")\n", sep="")
	## compute read density
	timeStage <- Sys.time()
	readDensity <- NULL
	if(load && stageComplete[3]){
		warn <- getOption("warn")
		loaded <- try(load(paste(file, "readDensity.rdata", sep="_")), silent=TRUE)
		if(is(loaded, "try-error")){
			stageComplete[3] <- FALSE
		if(stageComplete[3] && verbose) cat("Read density loaded. ")
		if(verbose) cat("Computing read density... ")
		readDensity <- lapply(bindDensity, 
					control[[funName[3]]]$bindDens <- d
					eval(as.call(c(functions[[funName[3]]], control[[funName[3]]])))
		if(nchar(file) > 0) save(readDensity, file=paste(file, "readDensity.rdata", sep="_"))
		stageComplete[3] <- TRUE
	if(nchar(file) > 0) bindDensity <- paste(file, "bindDensity.rdata", sep="_")
	timeEnd <- Sys.time()
	if(verbose && !is.null(readDensity)){
		thisStage <- difftime(timeEnd, timeStage)
		cat("(", thisStage, " ", units(thisStage), ")\n", sep="")
	## sample reads
	timeStage <- Sys.time()
	if(verbose) cat("Sampling reads... ")
	readPosition <- mapply( 
			function(d, w){
				control[[funName[4]]]$readDens <- d
				control[[funName[4]]]$nreads <- round(nreads * w / sum(IRanges::width(genome)))
				eval(as.call(c(functions[[funName[4]]], control[[funName[4]]])))
			}, readDensity, IRanges::width(genome), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	nreads <- sum(sapply(readPosition, sapply, length))
	if(nchar(file) > 0){ 
		save(readPosition, file=paste(file, resultExt, "readPosition.rdata", sep="_"))
		readDensity <- paste(file, "readDensity.rdata", sep="_")
	timeEnd <- Sys.time()
		thisStage <- difftime(timeEnd, timeStage)
		cat("(", thisStage, " ", units(thisStage), ")\n", sep="")
	## generate read names
	timeStage <- Sys.time()
	if(verbose) cat("Generating read names... ")
	control[[funName[5]]]$n <- nreads
	readNames <- eval(as.call(c(functions[[funName[5]]], control[[funName[5]]])))
	## reshape to match readPosition
	readNames <- relist(readNames, readPosition)
	if(nchar(file) > 0) save(readNames, file=paste(file, resultExt, "readNames.rdata", sep="_"))
	timeEnd <- Sys.time()
		thisStage <- difftime(timeEnd, timeStage)
		cat("(", thisStage, " ", units(thisStage), ")\n", sep="")
	## get read sequence and quality
	timeStage <- Sys.time()
	if(verbose) cat("Determining read sequence and quality... ")
	control[[funName[6]]]$readPos <- readPosition
	control[[funName[6]]]$readNames <- readNames
	control[[funName[6]]]$file <- paste(file, resultExt, "fastq.txt", sep="_")
	control[[funName[6]]]$sequence <- genome
	readSequence <- do.call(functions[[funName[6]]], control[[funName[6]]])
	timeEnd <- Sys.time()
		thisStage <- difftime(timeEnd, timeStage)
		cat("(", thisStage, " ", units(thisStage), ")\n", sep="")
	if(nchar(file) > 0) readNames <- paste(file, resultExt, "readNames.rdata", sep="_")

	timeEnd <- Sys.time()
		total <- difftime(timeEnd, timeStart)
		cat("Total time:", total, units(total), "\n")
	if(nchar(file) > 0) readPosition <- paste(file, resultExt, "readPosition.rdata", sep="_")
	list(features=features, bindDensity=bindDensity, readDensity=readDensity, readPosition=readPosition, 
			readSequence=readSequence, readNames=readNames)	

defaultFunctions <- function(){
	list(features=placeFeatures, bindDensity=feat2dens, readDensity=bindDens2readDens, sampleReads=sampleReads, 
			readSequence=writeReads, readNames=simpleNames)

defaultControl <- function(features=list(), bindDensity=list(), readDensity=list(), 
		readNames=list(), readSequence=list()){
	fragment <- readDensity$fragment
	meanLength <- readDensity$meanLength
	readDensity <- readDensity[!(names(readDensity) %in% c("fragment", "meanLength"))]
	readDensity <- c(list(fragment=if(is.null(fragment)) fragDens else fragment, 
					meanLength=if(is.null(meanLength)) 160 else meanLength), readDensity)
	qualityFun <- readSequence$qualityFun
	errorFun <- readSequence$errorFun
	readLen <- readSequence$readLen
	readSequence <- readSequence[!(names(readSequence) %in% c("qualityFun", "errorFun", "readLen"))]
	readSequence <- c(list(qualityFun=if(is.null(qualityFun))readQualitySample else qualityFun, 
					errorFun=if(is.null(errorFun))readError else errorFun, 
					readLen=if(is.null(readLen)) 36 else readLen), readSequence)
	list(features=features, bindDensity=bindDensity, readDensity=readDensity, 
			readNames=readNames, readSequence=readSequence)

## randomly choose records from a file
## file: input file
## n: number of records to select
## nrec: total number of records in file
## recLen: length of record (in lines)
## output: output file name
sampleFromFile <- function(file, n, nrec, recLen=4, skip=0, output){
	if(missing(nrec)) nrec <- (ShortRead::countLines(file)-skip)/recLen
	file <- file(file)
	readLines(file, skip)
	output <- file(output) 
	open(output, open="w")
	## select records
	selected <- sort(sample(nrec, n, replace=FALSE), decreasing=FALSE)
	idx <- 1
	for(i in 1:selected[length(selected)]){
		record <- readLines(file, recLen)
		if(i == selected[idx]){
			writeLines(record, output)
			idx <- idx + 1

#################### SECTION: print methods ############################
print.SimulatedExperiment <- function(x, ...){
	classes <- sort(unique(sapply(x, function(y) class(y)[1])))
	cat("Object of class ", class(x)[1], if(inherits(x, "ReconciledSimulatedExperiment")) " (reconciled)", 
			" with ", length(x), " feature", sep="")
	if(length(classes) > 1) cat("s")
	cat(".\nFeature class")
	if(length(classes) > 1) cat("es")
	cat(": ",classes,"\n")

print.SimulatedFeature <- function(x, ...){
	cat("Object of class", class(x)[1], if(inherits(x, "ReconciledFeature")) "(reconciled)", "\n")
	for(i in 1:length(x)){
		cat(names(x)[i], ": ", sep="")
		if(!is(x[[i]], "function")) cat(x[[i]], "\n")
		else str(x[[i]])

#################### SECTION: summary methods ############################
summary.SimulatedExperiment <- function(object, ...){
	classes <- sapply(object, function(x) class(x)[1])
	cat("Object of class ", class(object)[1], if(inherits(object, "ReconciledSimulatedExperiment")) " (reconciled)", 
			" with ", length(object), " feature", sep="")
	if(length(classes) > 1) cat("s")
	x <-table(classes)
	for(i in 1:length(x)) cat(names(x)[i], ": ", x[[i]], "\n", sep="")

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ChIPsim documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:09 p.m.