# in this file we introduce new formal class structures for
# collections of eqtl test runs
# an eqtlTestsManager can cover a collection of SNP on different
# chromosomes with a single set of genes
# fflist slot holds a list of ff matrices where rows are SNP and columns are
# genes
# call, sess, exdate geneanno slots are metadata
# shortfac is the scaling factor used to inflate chisq stats so short integer
# representation has some precision on division by shortfac
# df is d.f. of chisq stat
# if em is an eqtlTestsManager instance then em[rsid, probeId] returns
# a list of chisq statistics properly rescaled
#chkeman = function(object){
# eqtlTestsManager validity test
# allgn = lapply(fflist(object), colnames)
# n1 = allgn[[1]]
# chk = sapply(allgn[-1], function(x)all.equal(x,n1))
# if (!all(chk)) return("fflist colnames not common to all elements")
# if (is.null(names(fflist(object)))) return("fflist elements lack names")
# return(TRUE)
snpIdList = function(x) lapply(fflist(x), rownames)
geneIds = function(x) colnames(fflist(x)[[1]])
permuterm = function(l) {
lens = sapply(l, length)
eln = rep(names(l), lens)
dat = unlist(l)
names(eln) = dat
#snpIdMap = function(ids, x) {
# use of match seems slow; want to break when find, see below
# silx = snpIdList(x)
# m1 = lapply(silx, function(y){
# ans = match(y, ids)
# names(ans) = y
# ans
# })
# m2 = permuterm(m1)
# names(m2) = unlist(silx)
# split(names(m2[ids]), m2[ids])
snpIdMap = function (ids, x)
chrn = names(x@fflist)
snpnames = lapply(fflist(x), rownames)
# cnames = names(snpnames)
# findchr = function(x) {
# if (length(x) > 1)
# stop("need scalar input")
# ind = NA
# for (i in 1:length(snpnames)) {
# if (x %in% snpnames[[i]]) {
# ind = i
# break
# }
# }
# if ( stop("an rsid was submitted that is not among the snp names in the smlSet for eqtlTests")
# cnames[ind]
# }
# map = sapply(ids, findchr)
# names(map) = ids
map = findchr2( ids, snpnames )
ans = split(names(map), map) # names of this list will be cardinal numbers
names(ans) = chrn[ as.numeric(names(ans)) ]
findchr2 = function(snpnvec, listOfSnpn) {
# determine element in listOfSnpn which matches snpnvec
# return named vector of element numbers with snpnames as names
ans = rep(NA, length(snpnvec))
names(ans) = snpnvec
for (i in 1:length(listOfSnpn)) {
mm = match( listOfSnpn[[i]], snpnvec, nomatch=NA )
if (sum(!>0) ans[mm] = i
if (any( stop("an rsid was submitted that is not among the snp names in the smlSet for eqtlTests")
ffSnpSummary = function(sm,fn,fac=100) {
dat = col.summary(sm)
maf = fac*dat[,"MAF"]
mingtf = fac*apply(dat[,c(5:7)],1,min,na.rm=TRUE)
if (file.exists(fn)) {
warning(paste("found existing", fn, "reusing..."))
return(ff( vmode="short", dim=c(length(maf),2),filename=fn,
dimnames=list(colnames(sm), c("MAF", "mGTF"))))
ff(initdata=cbind(maf,mingtf), vmode="short", dim=c(length(maf),2),filename=fn,
dimnames=list(colnames(sm), c("MAF", "mGTF")))
eqtlTests = function(smlSet, rhs=~1-1,
runname="foo", targdir="foo", geneApply=lapply, chromApply=lapply,
shortfac = 100, checkValid=TRUE, saveSummaries=TRUE,
uncert=TRUE, family, genegran=50, prefilter=dropMonomorphies,
geneExtents, snpRanges, force.locations=FALSE, ... ) {
if (force.locations && (missing(geneExtents) | missing(snpRanges)))
stop("force.locations = TRUE, must supply geneExtents and snpRanges as GRanges instances, but at least one is missing")
theCall =
if (checkValid) {
tmp = validObject(smlSet)
if (!missing(snpRanges)) { # assume SNPlocs package supplies SNP granges, and move the id to name with rs prefix
if (is.null(names(snpRanges)) && is.character(elementMetadata(snpRanges)$RefSNP_id))
names(snpRanges) = paste("rs", elementMetadata(snpRanges)$RefSNP_id, sep="")
if (!is.function(prefilter)) stop("prefilter must be a function returning smlSet on smlSet input")
smlSet = prefilter(smlSet)
# now work with location data if supplied
if (force.locations | !missing(geneExtents) | !missing(snpRanges)) {
if (!force.locations) warning("force.locations is false, but geneExtents or snpRanges supplied, harmonizing smlSet input to these")
if (!missing(snpRanges)) {
# harmonize SnpMatrix data with locations, dropping unlocated SNP and dropping locations for ungenotyped SNP
sm = smList(smlSet)
for (j in 1:length(sm)) {
sm[[j]] = sm[[j]][ , intersect(colnames(sm[[j]]), names(snpRanges)) ]
smlSet@smlEnv$smList = sm
allsid = unlist(lapply(smList(smlSet), colnames))
# snpRanges = snpRanges[allsid] # force back the intersection on the locations
# the above seems to fail idiosyncratically dec 2
keepers = match(allsid, names(snpRanges), nomatch=0)
snpRanges = snpRanges[keepers] # force back the intersection on the locations
if (!missing(geneExtents)) {
# harmonize expression data
okg = intersect( featureNames(smlSet), names(geneExtents) )
if (length(okg) == 0) stop("featureNames(smlSet) has null intersection with names(geneExtents)")
smlSet = smlSet[ probeId(okg), ]
if (missing(family)) family="gaussian"
geneindex <- 1
sess = sessionInfo()
fnhead = paste(targdir, "/", runname, "_", sep="")
geneNames = featureNames(smlSet)
chrNames = names(smList(smlSet))
ngenes = length(geneNames)
nchr = length(chrNames)
if (!file.exists(targdir)) dir.create(targdir)
summfflist = list()
if (saveSummaries) {
# get MAF and minGTF for all SNP
sumfn = paste(fnhead, chrNames, "_summ.ff", sep="")
if ("multicore" %in% search()) {
summfflist = geneApply( 1:length(chrNames), function(i) ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet)[[i]], sumfn[i],
} else {
for (i in 1:length(sumfn))
summfflist[[chrNames[i]]] = ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet)[[i]], sumfn[i])
# ok, now just save references in object
cres = chromApply( chrNames, function(chr) {
snpdata = smList(smlSet)[[chr]]
#targff = paste( fnhead, "chr", chr, "_", "g", gene, ".ff" , sep="" )
targff = paste( fnhead, "chr", chr, ".ff" , sep="" )
snpnames = colnames(snpdata)
nsnps = ncol(snpdata)
if (!file.exists(targff)) {
store = ff( initdata=0, dim=c(nsnps, ngenes), dimnames=list(snpnames, geneNames), vmode="short",
filename = targff )
geneApply( geneNames, function(gene) {
if (options()$verbose & geneindex %% genegran == 0) cat(gene, "..")
geneindex <- geneindex + 1
if (options()$verbose & geneindex %% 8*genegran == 0) cat("\n")
ex = exprs(smlSet)[gene,]
fmla = formula(paste("ex", paste(as.character(rhs),collapse=""), collapse=" "))
numans = snp.rhs.tests(fmla,, data=pData(smlSet),
family=family , uncertain=uncert)@chisq
miss =
if (any(miss)) numans[which(miss)] = rchisq(length(which(miss)), 1)
store[, gene, add=TRUE] = shortfac*numans
}) # end gene apply
} else {
warning(paste("found", targff, "will reuse", sep=" "))
store = ff( dim=c(nsnps, ngenes), dimnames=list(snpnames, geneNames), vmode="short",
filename = targff )
}) # end chr apply
names(cres) = chrNames
exdate = date()
if (missing(snpRanges)) snpRanges = GRanges()
if (missing(geneExtents)) geneExtents = GRanges()
new("eqtlTestsManager", fflist=cres, call=theCall, sess=sess,
exdate=exdate, shortfac=shortfac, geneanno=annotation(smlSet),
df=1, summaryList=summfflist, geneExtents=geneExtents, snpRanges=snpRanges)
# director for group of managers
#chkmgrs = function(object) {
# mcl = sapply(mgrs(object), class)
# chkc = sapply(mgrs(object), function(x) is(x, "eqtlTestsManager"))
# if (!all(chkc)) return("mgrs slot must only contain list of entities inheriting from eqtlTestsManager")
# annos = sapply(mgrs(object), function(x)x@geneanno)
# if (!all(annos==annos[1])) return("managers do not have identical gene annotation source")
# sids = lapply(mgrs(object), snpIdList)
# slchk = sapply(sids, function(x) all.equal(x, sids[[1]]))
# if (!all(sapply(slchk,isTRUE))) return("managers do not have identical SNP lists")
# return(TRUE)
mkCisTransDirector = function(dl, indexdbname, snptabname, probetabname, probeanno, commonSNPs=TRUE) {
cd = new("cisTransDirector", indexdbname=indexdbname, shortfac=shortfac(dl[[1]]), mgrs=dl,
snptabname=snptabname, probetabname=probetabname, probeanno=probeanno)
ffrefs = mkDirectorDb(cd, commonSNPs)
cd@snptabref = ffrefs$snptabref
cd@probetabref = ffrefs$probetabref
mkDirectorDb = function(cd, commonSNPs=TRUE) {
# objective here is a small footprint dump to two ff files that
# will serve as indexes
# [indexdbname]_snpnames.ff will map from snpids to chr
# [indexdbname]_probenames.ff will have all gene names and the manager indices
vecs2ff = function(nmdlist, filename) {
# support for dumping index data
vlist = names(nmdlist)
ref = ff(initdata=nmdlist[[2]], file=filename, dim=c(length(nmdlist[[1]]), length(nmdlist)-1),
rownames(ref) = as.character(nmdlist[[1]])
if (commonSNPs) {
f1 = fflist(mgrs(cd)[[1]])
rsids = unlist(lapply(fflist(mgrs(cd)[[1]]), rownames))
# cn here denotes chromosome names. but we want our
# ff to be populated with short ints as indices. so we
# will use integers ... should work with fflist indexing
cn = 1:length(names(f1)) #names(f1)
chrs = rep(cn, sapply(f1, nrow))
mgr = rep(1, length(rsids))
snptabref = vecs2ff( list(snpid=rsids, chr=chrs),
paste(cd@indexdbname, "_", cd@snptabname, ".ff", sep="") )
else stop("only handling managers with common SNP fields")
allg = lapply(mgrs(cd), function(x) colnames(fflist(x)[[1]])) #
pids = allg[[1]]
mgr = rep(1, length(pids))
if (length(allg) > 1) for (i in 2:length(allg)) {
pids = c(pids, allg[[i]])
mgr = c(mgr, rep(i, length(allg[[i]])))
probetabref = vecs2ff( list(probeid=pids, mgr=mgr),
paste(cd@indexdbname, "_", cd@probetabname, ".ff", sep=""))
list(snptabref=snptabref, probetabref=probetabref)
ieqtlTests = function (smlSet, rhs = ~1 - 1, rules, runname = "ifoo", targdir = "ifoo",
geneApply = lapply, chromApply = lapply, shortfac = 100,
computeZ = FALSE, uncert=TRUE, saveSummaries=TRUE,
family, ...)
theCall =
if (missing(family)) family="gaussian"
sess = sessionInfo()
fnhead = paste(targdir, "/", runname, "_", sep = "")
geneNames = featureNames(smlSet)
chrNames = names(smList(smlSet))
ngenes = length(geneNames)
nchr = length(chrNames)
# following just grabbed from eqtlTests
summfflist = list()
if (saveSummaries) {
# get MAF and minGTF for all SNP
sumfn = paste(fnhead, chrNames, "_summ.ff", sep="")
if ("multicore" %in% search()) {
summfflist = geneApply( 1:length(chrNames), function(i) ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet)[[i]], sumfn[i],
} else {
for (i in 1:length(sumfn))
summfflist[[chrNames[i]]] = ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet)[[i]], sumfn[i])
# ok, now just save references in object
cres = chromApply(chrNames, function(chr) {
snpdata = smList(smlSet)[[chr]]
targff = paste(fnhead, "chr", chr, ".ff", sep = "")
snpnames = c(colnames(snpdata), names(rules))
nsnps = length(snpnames)
store = ff(initdata = 0, dim = c(nsnps, ngenes), dimnames = list(snpnames,
geneNames), vmode = "short", filename = targff)
geneApply(geneNames, function(gene) {
ex = exprs(smlSet)[gene, ]
fmla = formula(paste("ex", paste(as.character(rhs),
collapse = ""), collapse = " "))
numans = snp.rhs.tests(fmla, = snpdata,
data = pData(smlSet), family = family, uncertain=uncert,
numansi = snp.rhs.tests(fmla, = snpdata, uncertain=uncert,
data = pData(smlSet), family = family, rules = rules,
numans = c(numans, numansi)
if (computeZ) {
numans = sqrt(numans)
signl = snp.rhs.estimates(fmla, = snpdata,
data = pData(smlSet), family = family,
bad = which(unlist(lapply(signl, is.null)))
if (length(bad) > 0)
signl[bad] = list(beta = NA)
ifelse(unlist(signl) >= 0, 1, -1)
numans = numans * signl
miss =
if (any(miss) & !computeZ)
numans[which(miss)] = rchisq(length(which(miss)),
if (any(miss) & computeZ)
numans[which(miss)] = rnorm(length(which(miss)))
store[, gene, add = TRUE] = shortfac * numans
names(cres) = chrNames
exdate = date()
new("eqtlTestsManager", fflist = cres, call = theCall, sess = sess,
exdate = exdate, shortfac = shortfac, geneanno = annotation(smlSet),
df=1, summaryList=summfflist)
getNamedLocs = function(slpack="SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20100427", chrtok) {
require(slpack, character.only=TRUE)
if (slpack == "SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20100427" && length(grep("chr", chrtok))>0) {
chrtok = gsub("chr", "ch", chrtok)
warning("don't use chrNN with 20100427 snplocs package ... trying chNN ...")
locdf = getSNPlocs(chrtok)
rsid = paste("rs", locdf$RefSNP_id, sep="")
locs = locdf$loc
names(locs) = rsid
getGRanges = function(mgr, ffind, geneind, seqnames, namedlocs) {
if (length(geneind) != 1) stop("geneind must be scalar")
snpids = snpIdList(mgr)[[ffind]]
scores = fflist(mgr)[[ffind]][, geneind]/shortfac(mgr)
names(scores) = snpids
okids = intersect(names(namedlocs), snpids)
oklocs = namedlocs[okids]
okscores = scores[okids]
n = length(okids)
tmp = GRanges(IRanges(oklocs, width=1), seqnames=rep(seqnames,n),
score=as.numeric(-log10(1-pchisq(okscores, mgr@df))),
chisq=as.numeric(okscores), df=rep(mgr@df, n))
names(tmp) = okids
cisRanges = function(probeids, chr, anno, radius=5e5, useEnd=FALSE) {
require(anno, character.only=TRUE)
goodchr = gsub("chr", "", chr)
chrs = mget( probeids, get(paste(gsub(".db", "", anno), "CHR", sep="")), ifnotfound=NA)
thechrs = unique(unlist(na.omit(chrs)))
if (length(thechrs)>1) stop("probeids supplied are from multiple chromosomes")
if (thechrs != goodchr) stop(paste("probeids requested not all on chr", chr))
tss = mget( probeids, get(paste(gsub(".db", "", anno), "CHRLOC", sep="")), ifnotfound=NA)
ends = mget( probeids, get(paste(gsub(".db", "", anno), "CHRLOCEND", sep="")), ifnotfound=NA)
tss = sapply(tss, "[", 1)
ends = sapply(ends, "[", 1)
if (any(isn <- ( | {
tss = tss[-which(isn)]
ends = ends[-which(isn)]
probeids = probeids[-which(isn)]
if (!useEnd) ends = tss
ans = GRanges(IRanges(start=abs(tss)-radius, end=abs(ends)+radius), seqnames=chr)
names(ans) = probeids
snpIdsCisToGenes = function( mgr, chr, snpGR, radius=5e5, useEnd=FALSE ) {
allgenes = colnames(mgr@fflist[[1]])
CR = cisRanges(allgenes, chr=chr, anno=mgr@geneanno, radius=radius, useEnd=useEnd)
FF = findOverlaps(snpGR, CR )
allrs = names(snpGR)
cisinds = split(FF@matchMatrix[,1], FF@matchMatrix[,2])
cisrs = lapply(cisinds, function(x) allrs[x] )
names(cisrs) = names(CR)[ FF@matchMatrix[,2][-which(duplicated(FF@matchMatrix[,2])) ]]
#OLDcisScores = function( mgr, ffind=1, chr, snpGR, radius=5e5, applier=lapply ) {
# cisrs = snpIdsCisToGenes( mgr, chr, snpGR, radius )
# onboard = rownames(mgr@fflist[[ffind]])
# cisrs = lapply(cisrs, function(x) intersect(onboard, x))
# ans = applier(1:length(cisrs), function(x) {
# scores = as.ram(mgr@fflist[[ffind]][ cisrs[[x]], names(cisrs)[x] ] )/mgr@shortfac
# names(scores) = cisrs[[x]]
# scores
# })
# names(ans) = names(cisrs)
# ans
cisScores = function (mgr, ffind = 1, chr, snpGR, radius = 5e+05, applier = lapply,
minMAF = 0, minGTF = 0, useEnd=FALSE)
cisrs = snpIdsCisToGenes(mgr, chr, snpGR, radius, useEnd=useEnd)
onboard = rownames(mgr@fflist[[ffind]])
cisrs = lapply(cisrs, function(x) intersect(onboard, x))
ans = applier(1:length(cisrs), function(x) {
scores = as.ram(mgr@fflist[[ffind]][cisrs[[x]], names(cisrs)[x]])/mgr@shortfac
names(scores) = cisrs[[x]]
okinds = NULL
if (minMAF > 0) {
maf = as.numeric(mgr@summaryList[[ffind]][, "MAF"])/mgr@shortfac
okinds = which(maf >= minMAF)
if (minGTF > 0) {
mgtf = as.numeric(mgr@summaryList[[ffind]][, "mGTF"])/mgr@shortfac
tmp = which(mgtf >= minGTF)
if (!is.null(okinds))
okinds = intersect(tmp, okinds)
else okinds = tmp
if (!is.null(okinds)) {
okrs = rownames(mgr@summaryList[[ffind]])[okinds]
ans = lapply(ans, function(x) x[intersect(okrs, names(x))])
names(ans) = names(cisrs)
manhPlot = function( probeid, mgr, ffind, namedlocvec=NULL, locGRanges=NULL,
plotter=smoothScatter, tx=function(x)-log10(1-pchisq(x,1)),
xlab = paste("pos. on ",names(fflist(mgr))[ffind]),
ylab = "-log10 p", suppressGeneLoc=FALSE, ... ) {
if (!(is(mgr, "eqtlTestsManager"))) stop("mgr must inherit from eqtlTestsManager")
if (is.null(namedlocvec) & is.null(locGRanges)) stop("one of namedlocvec and locGRanges must be non-null")
if (is.null(namedlocvec) & is.null(names(locGRanges))) stop("locGRanges must have non-null names")
vals = mgr[, probeId(probeid), drop=FALSE]
vals = vals[[ffind]][,]
rsidInVals = names(vals)
if (!is.null(locGRanges)) {
rsidInLocs = names(locGRanges)
namedlocvec = start(locGRanges)
names(namedlocvec) = names(locGRanges)
okrs = intersect(rsidInVals, names(namedlocvec))
mm = match(okrs, names(namedlocvec))
vv = match(okrs, names(vals))
loc = namedlocvec[mm]
vals = as.numeric(vals[vv])
plotter(loc, tx(vals), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
anno = mgr@geneanno
if (require(anno, character.only=TRUE) && !suppressGeneLoc) {
packref = function(tag="CHRLOC") get(paste(gsub(".db", "", anno), tag, sep=""))
gloc = AnnotationDbi::get(probeid, packref())
axis(3, label=get(probeid, packref("SYMBOL")),
at=abs(gloc[1]), col="red", lwd=2)
meqtlTests = function(listOfSmls, rhslist,
runname="mfoo", targdir="mfoo", geneApply=lapply, chromApply=lapply,
shortfac = 100, computeZ=FALSE, harmonizeSNPs = FALSE, uncert=TRUE,
saveSummaries=TRUE, family, genegran=50, ... ) {
theCall =
sess = sessionInfo()
geneindex <- 1
if (missing(family)) family="gaussian"
allfeat = lapply(listOfSmls, featureNames)
smlSet1 = listOfSmls[[1]]
fint = allfeat[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(allfeat)) fint = intersect(fint, allfeat[[i]])
if (length(fint)==0) stop("null intersection of featureNames for smlSet list elements")
listOfSmls = reduceGenes( listOfSmls, probeId(fint) )
if (harmonizeSNPs) listOfSmls = makeCommonSNPs( listOfSmls )
else if(!isTRUE(checkCommonSNPs( listOfSmls ))) stop("harmonizeSNPs = FALSE but SNPs not common across listOfSmls, run makeCommonSNPs")
smlSet1 = listOfSmls[[1]]
fnhead = paste(targdir, "/", runname, "_", sep="")
geneNames = featureNames(smlSet1)
chrNames = names(smList(smlSet1))
ngenes = length(geneNames)
nchr = length(chrNames)
# there will be one ff file per chromosome which will accumulate
# all information across smlSets
targffs = paste( fnhead, "chr", chrNames, ".ff", sep="" )
allSnpnames = lapply(smList(listOfSmls[[1]]), colnames)
ffRefList = lapply( 1:nchr, function(chr)
ff( initdata = 0, dim=c( length(allSnpnames[[chr]]), ngenes),
dimnames = list(allSnpnames[[chr]], geneNames), vmode="short",
filename=targffs[chr] ))
names(ffRefList) = chrNames
# chopped from eqtlTests -- but won't work as such. hack -- just
# develop summaries on first smlSet in list. they don't seem to be
# used anyway, except in topFeats for minMAF or minGTF settings...
summfflist = list()
if (saveSummaries) {
# get MAF and minGTF for all SNP
sumfn = paste(fnhead, chrNames, "_summ.ff", sep="")
if ("multicore" %in% search()) {
summfflist = geneApply( 1:length(chrNames), function(i) ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet1)[[i]], sumfn[i],
} else {
for (i in 1:length(sumfn))
summfflist[[chrNames[i]]] = ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet1)[[i]], sumfn[i])
# ok, now just save references in object
cres = chromApply( chrNames, function(chr) {
for (theSS in 1:length(listOfSmls)) {
smlSet = listOfSmls[[theSS]]
store = ffRefList[[chr]]
snpdata = smList(smlSet)[[chr]]
geneApply( geneNames, function(gene) {
if (options()$verbose & geneindex %% genegran == 0) cat(gene, "..")
geneindex <- geneindex + 1
if (options()$verbose & geneindex %% 8*genegran == 0) cat("\n")
ex = exprs(smlSet)[gene,]
fmla = formula(paste("ex", paste(as.character(rhslist[[theSS]]),collapse=""), collapse=" "))
numans = snp.rhs.tests(fmla,,
data=pData(smlSet), family=family, uncertain=uncert, ...)@chisq
if (computeZ) {
numans = sqrt(numans)
signl = snp.rhs.estimates( fmla,, data=pData(smlSet), family=family, ... )
bad = which(unlist(lapply(signl, is.null)))
if (length(bad)>0) signl[bad] = list(beta=NA)
ifelse(unlist(signl)>=0, 1, -1)
numans = numans*signl
miss =
if (any(miss) & !computeZ) numans[which(miss)] = rchisq(length(which(miss)), 1)
if (any(miss) & computeZ) numans[which(miss)] = rnorm(length(which(miss)))
store[, gene, add=TRUE] = shortfac*numans
}) # end gene apply
} # end iterate over smlSet list
}) # end chr apply
names(cres) = chrNames
exdate = date()
new("eqtlTestsManager", fflist=cres, call=theCall, sess=sess,
exdate=exdate, shortfac=shortfac, geneanno=annotation(smlSet1),
df=length(listOfSmls), summaryList=summfflist)
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