## Creates DisplayPar objects to be used in conjunction with the #
## gdObjects. #
setClass("DisplayPars", representation(pars = "environment"))
setMethod("initialize", "DisplayPars", function(.Object) {
.Object@pars <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
##-- write the arguments of 1 into 2 return 2.
dpConcat <- function(dp1, dp2) {
if (is.null(dp1) && is.null(dp2))
if (is.null(dp1))
if (is.null(dp2))
sapply(ls(dp1@pars), function(nm) {
setPar(dp2, nm, getPar(dp1, nm))
DisplayPars <- function(...) {
args <- list(...)
dp <- new("DisplayPars")
i <- match(names(args), "dp")
if (length(i) > 0 && ! {
if (class(dpOrig <- args[[i]]) == "DisplayPars") {
args <- args[-i]
dp <- dpOrig
for (i in seq(along = args)) {
setPar(dp, names(args)[i], args[[i]])
## The methods for the DisplayPars class. (they need to be in here
## because they are called in prototypes)
setMethod("show", "DisplayPars", function(object) {
sapply(ls(object@pars), function(x) {
y <- getPar(object, x)
if (length(y) > 10)
y <- y[1:10]
cat(x, " = ", toString(y), "\n")
setGeneric("setPar", def = function(obj, name, val, ...) standardGeneric("setPar"))
setMethod("setPar", "DisplayPars", function(obj, name, val) {
assign(name, val, obj@pars)
setGeneric("getPar", def = function(obj, name, ...) standardGeneric("getPar"))
setMethod("getPar", "DisplayPars", function(obj, name) {
if (!exists(name, obj@pars))
get(name, obj@pars)
setClassUnion("dfOrNULL", c("data.frame", "NULL"))
## The gdObject is the parent of all GenomeGraphs objects in the system
setClass("gdObject", representation = representation(dp = "DisplayPars"),
prototype = prototype(dp = DisplayPars()))
setMethod("getPar", "gdObject", function(obj, name) {
getPar(obj@dp, name)
setMethod("setPar", "gdObject", function(obj, name, val) {
setPar(obj@dp, name, val)
## The initialize method for the gdObjects is only complex because we want
## to preserve graphical parameters in a certain order.
setMethod("initialize", "gdObject", function(.Object, ...) {
## save the old one.
protDP <- .Object@dp
## make a new one.
newDP <- DisplayPars(color = "black", size = 1)
sapply(ls(protDP@pars), function(nm) {
setPar(newDP, nm, getPar(protDP, nm))
args <- list(...)
ii <- which("dp" == names(args))
if (length(ii) > 0) {
argDP <- args[[ii]]
sapply(ls(argDP@pars), function(nm) {
setPar(newDP, nm, getPar(argDP, nm))
## set the other things then reset.
.Object <- callNextMethod()
.Object@dp <- newDP
setClass("AnnotationTrack", contains = "gdObject",
representation(chr = "numeric", strand = "numeric", regions = "dfOrNULL"),
prototype(columns = c("start", "end", "feature", "group", "ID"),
featureColumnName = "feature",
dp = DisplayPars(size = 1,
plotId = FALSE,
idRotation = 0,
idColor = "white"))
setMethod("initialize", "AnnotationTrack", function(.Object, ...) {
.Object <- callNextMethod()
if (!is.null(.Object@regions) && !all(.Object@columns %in% colnames(.Object@regions))) {
stop(cat("Problem initializing AnnotationTrack need the following columns:",
paste(.Object@columns, collpase = ", ")), "\n")
makeAnnotationTrack <- function(regions = NULL, chr = NULL, strand = NULL, start = NULL,
end = NULL, feature = NULL, group = NULL, ID = NULL,
dp = NULL) {
pt <- getClass("AnnotationTrack")@prototype
if (is.null(dp)) dp <- pt@dp
if (missing(regions)) {
if (missing(start) || missing(end))
stop("Must specify either regions or start and end.")
if (length(start) != length(end))
stop("Start and end must be vectors of the same length")
if (length(start) > 0) {
if (missing(feature))
feature <- rep("unknown", length(start))
if (missing(group))
group <- 1:length(start)
if (missing(ID))
ID <- 1:length(start)
regions <- data.frame(start = start, end = end, feature = feature, group = group, ID = ID)
if (is.null(chr))
chr <- 0
if (is.null(strand))
strand <- 0
return(new("AnnotationTrack", chr = chr, strand = strand, regions = regions, dp = dp))
geneBiomart <- function(id, biomart, type = "ensembl_gene_id", dp = NULL) {
# ens <- getBM(c("structure_gene_stable_id", "structure_transcript_stable_id", "ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start", "exon_chrom_end", "rank", "structure_transcript_chrom_strand", "structure_biotype"),filters = type, values = id, mart = biomart)
ens <- getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id", "ensembl_transcript_id", "ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start", "exon_chrom_end", "rank", "strand"),filters = type, values = id, mart = biomart)
ens <- cbind(ens, biotype=rep("protein_coding", length(ens[,1])))
dp <- dpConcat(dp, DisplayPars(size = 1, color = "orange", plotId = FALSE, idRotation = 90, idColor = "white"))
makeAnnotationTrack(start = ens[,4], end = ens[,5], feature = ens[,8], group = ens[,1],
ID = ens[,3], dp = dp)
geneRegionBiomart <- function(chr, start, end, strand, biomart, dp = NULL, chrFunction = function(x) x,
strandFunction = function(x) x) {
# ens <- getBM(c("structure_gene_stable_id","structure_transcript_stable_id", "ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end", "rank","structure_transcript_chrom_strand","structure_biotype"),filters = c("chromosome_name", "start", "end", "strand"),values = list(chrFunction(chr), start, end, strandFunction(strand)), mart = biomart)
ens <- getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id","ensembl_transcript_id", "ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end", "rank","strand"),filters = c("chromosome_name", "start", "end", "strand"),values = list(chrFunction(chr), start, end, strandFunction(strand)), mart = biomart)
ens <- cbind(ens, biotype=rep("protein_coding", length(ens[,1])))
dp <- dpConcat(dp, DisplayPars(size = 1, color = "orange", plotId = FALSE, idRotation = 90, idColor = "white",
C_segment = "burlywood4",
D_segment = "lightblue",
J_segment = "dodgerblue2",
miRNA = "cornflowerblue",
miRNA_pseudogene = "cornsilk",
misc_RNA = "cornsilk3",
misc_RNA_pseudogene = "cornsilk4",
Mt_rRNA = "yellow",
Mt_tRNA = "darkgoldenrod",
Mt_tRNA_pseudogene = "darkgoldenrod1",
protein_coding = "gold4",
pseudogene = "brown1",
retrotransposed = "blueviolet",
rRNA = "darkolivegreen1",
rRNA_pseudogene = "darkolivegreen" ,
scRNA = "darkorange",
scRNA_pseudogene = "darkorange2",
snoRNA = "cyan",
snoRNA_pseudogene = "cyan2",
snRNA = "coral",
snRNA_pseudogene = "coral3",
tRNA_pseudogene = "antiquewhite3",
V_segment = "aquamarine", dp = dp))
makeAnnotationTrack(chr = chr, strand = strand, start = ens[,4],
end = ens[,5], feature = ens[,8], group =
ens[,1], ID = ens[,3], dp = dp)
setClass("Gene", contains = "gdObject",
representation(id = "character",
type = "character",
biomart = "Mart",
ens = "dfOrNULL"),
prototype(type = "ensembl_gene_id",
dp = DisplayPars(size = 1,
color = "orange",
plotId = FALSE,
idRotation = 90,
idColor = "white"))
setMethod("initialize", "Gene", function(.Object, ...){
.Object <- callNextMethod()
#.Object@ens <- getBM(c("structure_gene_stable_id","structure_transcript_stable_id","ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end","rank","structure_transcript_chrom_strand", "structure_biotype"), filters = .Object@type, values=.Object@id, mart=.Object@biomart)
.Object@ens <- getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id","ensembl_transcript_id","ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end","rank","strand"), filters = .Object@type, values=.Object@id, mart=.Object@biomart)
.Object@ens <- cbind(.Object@ens, biotype=rep("protein_coding", length(.Object@ens[,1])))
if (is.null(.Object@ens)) {
setPar(.Object, "size", 0)
makeGene <- function(id, type, biomart, dp = NULL){
if(missing(id)) stop("Need to specify a gene identifier for creating a Gene")
pt <- getClass("Gene")@prototype
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- pt@dp
new("Gene", id = id, type = type, biomart = biomart, dp = dp)
## Why can't I just use the setClassUnion Mechanism?
setClassUnion("MartOrNULL", c("Mart", "NULL"))
setClass("GeneRegion", contains = "gdObject",
representation(start = "numeric",
end = "numeric",
chromosome = "character",
strand = "character",
biomart = "MartOrNULL",
ens = "dfOrNULL"),
prototype(biomart = NULL,
strand = "+",
dp = DisplayPars(size = 1,
color = "orange",
plotId = FALSE,
idRotation = 90,
idColor = "white",
"C_segment" = "burlywood4",
"D_segment" = "lightblue",
"J_segment" = "dodgerblue2",
"miRNA" = "cornflowerblue",
"miRNA_pseudogene" = "cornsilk",
"misc_RNA" = "cornsilk3",
"misc_RNA_pseudogene" = "cornsilk4",
"Mt_rRNA" = "yellow",
"Mt_tRNA" = "darkgoldenrod",
"Mt_tRNA_pseudogene" = "darkgoldenrod1",
"protein_coding" = "gold4",
"pseudogene" = "brown1",
"retrotransposed" = "blueviolet",
"rRNA" = "darkolivegreen1",
"rRNA_pseudogene" = "darkolivegreen" ,
"scRNA" = "darkorange",
"scRNA_pseudogene" = "darkorange2",
"snoRNA" = "cyan",
"snoRNA_pseudogene" = "cyan2",
"snRNA" = "coral",
"snRNA_pseudogene" = "coral3",
"tRNA_pseudogene" = "antiquewhite3",
"V_segment" = "aquamarine"
setMethod("initialize", "GeneRegion", function(.Object,...){
.Object <- callNextMethod()
strand = switch(.Object@strand, "+" = 1, "-" = -1)
##-- changing start and end positions to capture genes on the edges.
.Object@start <- .Object@start - 2000
.Object@end <- .Object@end + 2000
if (!is.null(.Object@biomart)) {
# .Object@ens <- getBM(c("structure_gene_stable_id","structure_transcript_stable_id","ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end","rank", "structure_transcript_chrom_strand","structure_biotype"),filters=c("chromosome_name", "start", "end", "strand"), values=list(.Object@chromosome,.Object@start, .Object@end, strand), mart=.Object@biomart)
.Object@ens <- getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id","ensembl_transcript_id","ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end","rank", "strand"),filters=c("chromosome_name", "start", "end", "strand"), values=list(.Object@chromosome,.Object@start, .Object@end, strand), mart=.Object@biomart)
.Object@ens <- cbind(.Object@ens, biotype=rep("protein_coding", length(.Object@ens[,1])))
if (is.null(.Object@ens)) {
setPar(.Object, "size", 0)
makeGeneRegion <- function(start, end, chromosome, strand, biomart, dp = NULL){
if(missing(start)) stop("Need to specify a start for creating a GeneRegion")
pt <- getClass("GeneRegion")@prototype
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- pt@dp
chromosome = as.character(chromosome)
new("GeneRegion", start = start, end = end, chromosome = chromosome, strand = strand ,biomart = biomart, dp = dp)
setClass("Transcript", contains = "gdObject",
representation(id = "character",
type = "character",
transcriptSize = "numeric",
numOfTranscripts = "numeric",
biomart = "Mart",
ens = "dfOrNULL"),
prototype(type = "ensembl_gene_id",
transcriptSize = 1,
numOfTranscripts = 0,
dp = DisplayPars(size = 4,
color = "cornflowerblue",
plotId = FALSE))
setMethod("initialize", "Transcript", function(.Object,...){
.Object <- callNextMethod()
#.Object@ens <- getBM(c("structure_gene_stable_id","structure_transcript_stable_id","ensembl_exon_id", "exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end","rank","structure_transcript_chrom_strand","structure_biotype"),filters = .Object@type, values=.Object@id,mart=.Object@biomart)
.Object@ens <- getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id","ensembl_transcript_id","ensembl_exon_id", "exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end","rank","strand"),filters = .Object@type, values=.Object@id,mart=.Object@biomart)
.Object@ens <- cbind(.Object@ens, biotype=rep("protein_coding", length(.Object@ens[,1])))
if (is.null(.Object@ens)) {
setPar(.Object@dp, "size", 0)
.Object@numOfTranscripts <- 0
else {
.Object@numOfTranscripts <- length(unique(.Object@ens[,2]))
makeTranscript <- function(id, type, biomart, dp = NULL){
if(missing(id)) stop("Need to specify a gene identifier for creating a Transcript")
pt <- getClass("Transcript")@prototype
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- pt@dp
new("Transcript", id = id, type = type, biomart = biomart, dp = dp)
setClass("TranscriptRegion", contains = "gdObject",
representation(start = "numeric",
end = "numeric",
chromosome = "character",
biomart = "Mart",
ens = "data.frame"),
prototype = prototype(dp = DisplayPars(size = 1))
setClass("Ideogram", contains = "gdObject",
representation(chromosome = "character"),
prototype(dp = DisplayPars(size = 1, color = "firebrickred3"))
makeIdeogram <- function(chromosome, dp = NULL){
if(missing(chromosome)) stop("Need to specify chromosome for creating an Ideogram")
chromosome = as.character(chromosome)
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- getClass("Ideogram")@prototype@dp
new("Ideogram", chromosome = chromosome, dp = dp)
setClass("Title", contains = "gdObject",
representation(title = "character"),
prototype(dp = DisplayPars(size = 1, cex = 1,
color = "black"))
makeTitle <- function(text, cex, color, size) {
dp <- getClass("Title")@prototype@dp
if (!missing(cex)) setPar(dp, "cex", cex)
if (!missing(color)) setPar(dp, "color", color)
if (!missing(size)) setPar(dp, "size", size)
new("Title", title = text, dp = dp)
setClass("Legend", contains = "gdObject",
representation(legend = "character"),
prototype(dp = DisplayPars(size = 1,
cex = 1,
color = "black"))
makeLegend <- function(text, fill, cex) {
dp <- getClass("Legend")@prototype@dp
if (!missing(cex)) setPar(dp, "cex", cex)
if (!missing(fill)) setPar(dp, "color", fill)
new("Legend", legend = text, dp = dp)
setClass("GenomeAxis", contains = "gdObject",
representation(add53 = "logical",
add35 = "logical",
littleTicks = "logical"),
prototype(add53 = FALSE,
add35 = FALSE,
littleTicks = FALSE,
dp = DisplayPars(size = 1, color = "black",
cex=1, byValue = 1, distFromAxis = 1, labelPos = "alternating"))
makeGenomeAxis <- function(add53 = FALSE, add35 = FALSE, littleTicks = FALSE, dp = NULL){
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- getClass("GenomeAxis")@prototype@dp
new("GenomeAxis", add53 = add53, add35 = add35, dp = dp)
setClass("TrackOverlay", contains = "gdObject")
setClass("Smoothing", contains = "TrackOverlay",
representation(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"))
setClass("Segmentation", contains = "TrackOverlay",
representation(segments = "numeric",
segmentStart = "numeric",
segmentEnd = "numeric"),
prototype(dp = DisplayPars(color = "dodgerblue", lwd = 1, lty = "solid")));
setClassUnion("TrackOverlayOrNull", c("TrackOverlay", "list", "NULL"))
setClass("ImplementsTrackOverlay", representation(trackOverlay = "TrackOverlayOrNull"),
prototype(trackOverlay = NULL))
makeSegmentation <- function(start, end, value, dp = NULL) {
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- getClass("Segmentation")@prototype@dp
new("Segmentation", segments = value, segmentStart = start, segmentEnd = end, dp = dp)
makeSmoothing <- function(x, y, dp = NULL) {
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- getClass("Smoothing")@prototype@dp
new("Smoothing", x = x, y = y, dp = dp)
setClass("GenericArray", contains = c("gdObject", "ImplementsTrackOverlay"),
representation(intensity = "matrix",
probeStart = "numeric",
probeEnd = "numeric"),
prototype(dp = DisplayPars(color = "darkred",
lty = "solid",
pch = 16,
pointSize = .2,
lwd = 1,
size = 5,
type = "point"), trackOverlay = NULL)
makeGenericArray <- function(intensity, probeStart, probeEnd, trackOverlay, dp = NULL){
pt <- getClass("GenericArray")@prototype
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- pt@dp
probeEnd <- pt@probeEnd
trackOverlay <- pt@trackOverlay
if(missing(probeStart)) stop("Need probeStart argument to know where to plot the data on the genome")
new("GenericArray", intensity = intensity, probeStart = probeStart, probeEnd = probeEnd,
dp = dp, trackOverlay = trackOverlay)
setClass("ExonArray", contains = "gdObject",
representation(intensity = "matrix",
probeStart = "numeric",
probeEnd = "numeric",
probeId = "character",
nProbes = "numeric",
displayProbesets = "logical"),
prototype(dp = DisplayPars(size = 5,
displayProbesets = TRUE,
probesetSize = 1,
color = "firebrick1",
mapColor = "dodgerblue2",
plotMap = TRUE,
lwd = 1,
lty = "solid",
probeSetLwd = 1,
probeSetColor = "grey"
), displayProbesets = FALSE)
makeExonArray <- function(intensity, probeStart, probeEnd, probeId, nProbes, displayProbesets = FALSE, dp = NULL){
pt <- getClass("ExonArray")@prototype
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- pt@dp
probeEnd <- pt@probeEnd
probeId <- pt@probeId
nProbes <- pt@nProbes
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- getClass("ExonArray")@prototype@dp
new("ExonArray", intensity = intensity, probeStart = probeStart, probeEnd = probeEnd,probeId = probeId,
nProbes = nProbes, displayProbesets = displayProbesets,dp = dp)
setClass("GeneModel", contains = "gdObject",
representation(exonStart = "numeric",
exonEnd = "numeric",
chromosome = "numeric"),
prototype(dp = DisplayPars(color = "darkgreen",
size = 1))
makeGeneModel <- function(start, end, chromosome, dp = NULL){
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- getClass("GeneModel")@prototype@dp
new("GeneModel", exonStart = start, exonEnd = end, dp = dp)
setClass("BaseTrack", contains = c("gdObject", "ImplementsTrackOverlay"),
representation(base = "numeric",
value = "numeric",
strand = "character"),
prototype(strand = "+",
dp = DisplayPars(size = 5,
color = "orange",
alpha = 1,
lty = "solid",
type = "p",
lwd = 1), trackOverlay = NULL)
makeBaseTrack <- function(base, value, strand, trackOverlay, dp = NULL){
pt <- getClass("BaseTrack")@prototype
if (is.null(dp))
dp <- pt@dp
strand <- pt@strand
trackOverlay <- pt@trackOverlay
if(missing(base)) stop("Need base argument to know the base positions to plot the data on the genome")
if(missing(value)) stop("Need value argument")
new("BaseTrack", base = base, value = value, strand = strand, dp = dp, trackOverlay = trackOverlay)
setClass("MappedRead", contains = "gdObject",
representation(start = "numeric",
end = "numeric",
strand = "character",
chromosome = "character"),
prototype(dp = DisplayPars(size = 5,
color = "orange",
lty = "solid",
lwd = 1))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.