
Defines functions sca_assay_replace sca_assay assay_idx uniqueModNA uniqueModNA.old FromFlatDF fixdf check.vars mkunique melt.SingleCellAssay checkAssayNames SceToSingleCellAssay sanity_check_sca FromMatrix magic_assay_names

Documented in assay_idx FromFlatDF FromMatrix magic_assay_names melt.SingleCellAssay SceToSingleCellAssay

##' @describeIn defaultAssay list of names assumed to represent log-transformed data, in order of usage preference
magic_assay_names = function() c('thresh', 'et', 'Et', 'lCount', 'logTPM', 'logCounts', 'logcounts')

##' Construct a SingleCellAssay from a matrix or array of expression
##' If the gene expression measurements are already in a rectangular form,
##' then this function allows an easy way to construct a SingleCellAssay object while
##' still doing some sanity checking of inputs.
##' @param exprsArray matrix, or a list of matrices, or an array. Columns are cells, rows are genes.
##' @param cData cellData an object that can be coerced to a DataFrame, ie, data.frame, AnnotatedDataFrame.  Must have as many rows as \code{ncol(exprsArray)}
##' @param fData featureData an object that can be coerced to a DataFrame, ie, data.frame, AnnotatedDataFrame.  Must have as many rows as \code{nrow(exprsArray)}.
##' @param class desired subclass of object.  Default \code{SingleCellAssay}.
##' @param check_sanity (default: \code{TRUE}) Set \code{FALSE} to override sanity checks that try to ensure that the default assay is log-transformed and has at least one exact zero.  See \link{defaultAssay} for details on the "default assay" which is assumed to contain log transformed data.
##' @return an object of class \code{class}
##' @param check_logged alias for \code{check_sanity}
##' @seealso defaultAssay
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ncells <- 10
##' ngenes <- 5
##' fData <- data.frame(primerid=LETTERS[1:ngenes])
##' cData <- data.frame(wellKey=seq_len(ncells))
##' mat <- matrix(rnorm(ncells*ngenes), nrow=ngenes)
##' sca <- FromMatrix(mat, cData, fData)
##' stopifnot(inherits(sca, 'SingleCellAssay'))
##' stopifnot(inherits(sca, 'SummarizedExperiment'))
##' ##If there are mandatory keywords expected by a class, you'll have to manually set them yourself
##' cData$ncells <- 1
##' fd <- FromMatrix(mat, cData, fData)
##' stopifnot(inherits(fd, 'SingleCellAssay'))
FromMatrix <- function(exprsArray, cData, fData, class='SingleCellAssay', check_sanity = TRUE, check_logged = check_sanity){
        assays = list(et = exprsArray)
    } else if(is.array(exprsArray)){
        assays = list()
        for(i in seq_len(dim(exprsArray)[3])){
            assays[[i]] = Drop(exprsArray[,,i,drop = FALSE], 3)
        names(assays) = dimnames(exprsArray)[3]
    } else if(is.list(exprsArray) || inherits(exprsArray, 'SimpleList')){
        assays = exprsArray
    } else{
        stop('`exprsArray` must be matrix, 3-D array, `list` or `SimpleList`')
    nslice = length(assays)
    can <- checkAssayNames(assays, cData, fData)
    obj <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=can$assays, colData=as(can$cData, 'DataFrame'))
    mcols(obj) <- as(can$fData, 'DataFrame')
    obj = as(obj, class)

    ## Does the data look like it's logged? If not, cry.
    if(check_sanity != check_logged) stop('Provide only one of `check_sanity` or `check_logged`.')
    if(check_sanity) sanity_check_sca(obj)


sanity_check_sca = function(obj){
    diagnostic = 'unlogged'
    x = assay(obj)
    if(!all(floor(x) == x, na.rm = TRUE) & max(x, na.rm = TRUE) < 100) diagnostic = 'logged'
    #if(all(x>0)) diagnostic = str_c(diagnostic, ' and has no exact zeros')
    log_idx = assay_idx(obj)
    if(diagnostic == 'logged') message('Assuming data assay in position ',  log_idx$aidx, ', with name ', log_idx$aname, ' is log-transformed.')
    if(diagnostic != 'logged') stop('Assay in position ',  log_idx$aidx, ', with name ', log_idx$aname, " is ", diagnostic,  ". Set `check_sanity = FALSE` to override and then proceed with caution.")

##' Coerce a SingleCellExperiment to some class defined in MAST
##' @param sce object inheriting from \code{SingleCellExperiment}
##' @param class \code{character} naming the class to be coerced to
##' @inheritParams FromMatrix
##' @return object of the indicated class.
##' @export
SceToSingleCellAssay = function(sce, class = 'SingleCellAssay', check_sanity = TRUE){
    can = checkAssayNames(assays(sce), colData(sce), rowData(sce))
    dimnames(sce) = dimnames(can$assays[[1]])
    colData(sce) = can$cData
    rowData(sce) = can$fData
    obj = as(sce, class)

checkAssayNames <- function(assays, cData, fData){
    dnall <- lapply(assays, dimnames)
    dn = dnall[[1]]
    if(!all(dn_equal <- sapply(dnall, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, dn)) ))){
        warning('Dimnames mismatch on assays', paste(which(!dn_equal), collapse = ', '), '.\n Renaming to match assay 1.')
    noDimnames <- is.null(dn) || is.null(dn[[1]]) || is.null(dn[[2]])

    pidDefault <- if(is.null(dn[[1]])) sprintf('p%0*d', ceiling(log10(nrow(assays[[1]])+1)), seq_len(nrow(assays[[1]]))) else dn[[1]]
    wkDefault <- if(is.null(dn[[2]])) sprintf('wk%0*d', ceiling(log10(ncol(assays[[1]])+1)), seq_len(ncol(assays[[1]]))) else dn[[2]]
    if(missing(fData)) fData <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(primerid=pidDefault)
    if(missing(cData)) cData <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(wellKey=wkDefault)
    if(ncol(assays[[1]]) != nrow(cData)) stop('`cData` must contain as many rows as `exprsArray`')
    if(nrow(assays[[1]]) != nrow(fData)) stop('`fData` must contain as many columns as `exprsArray`')

    if(!('primerid' %in% names(fData))){
        message("`fData` has no primerid.  I'll make something up.")
        fData[['primerid']] <- pidDefault
    } else{
        fData[['primerid']] <- as.character(fData$primerid)
    row.names(fData) <- fData$primerid

    if(!('wellKey' %in% names(cData))){
        message("`cData` has no wellKey.  I'll make something up.")
        cData[['wellKey']] <- wkDefault
    } else{
        cData[['wellKey']] <- as.character(cData$wellKey)
    row.names(cData) <- cData$wellKey

        message('No dimnames in `exprsArray`, assuming `fData` and `cData` are sorted according to `exprsArray`')
        dn <- list(primerid=row.names(fData), wellkey=row.names(cData))  
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(dn[[2]], cData$wellKey))) stop('Order of `exprsArray` and `cData` doesn\'t match')
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(dn[[1]], fData$primerid))) stop('Order of `exprsArray` and `fData` doesn\'t match')
    assays = lapply(assays, function(x){
        dimnames(x) = dn
    list(assays=assays, cData=cData, fData=fData)


##' "Melt" a \code{SingleCellAssay} matrix
##' Return a molten (flat) representation, taking the
##' cross-product of the expression values, the \code{colData} (column meta data),
##' and the feature data (\code{mcols}).
##' @param data \code{SingleCellAssay}
##' @param ... ignored
##' @param na.rm ignored
##' @param value.name name of 'values' column in returned value
##' @return A \code{data.table}, with the cartesian product of the
##' row and column attributes and the expression values
##' @examples
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' melt.SingleCellAssay(vbetaFA[1:10,])
##' as(vbetaFA[1:10,], 'data.table')
##' @export melt.SingleCellAssay
melt.SingleCellAssay<-function(data,...,na.rm=FALSE, value.name='value'){
    featdata <- as.data.table(mcols(data))
    celldata <- as.data.table(colData(data))

    exprs <- do.call(cbind, lapply(assays(data), as.vector))
    if( (ncol(exprs)==1 && !is.null(value.name)) || is.null(colnames(exprs))){
        colnames(exprs) <- make.unique(rep(value.name, ncol(exprs)))
    m <- cbind( featdata[rep(seq_len(nrow(featdata)), nrow(celldata)),,drop=FALSE],
               celldata[rep(seq_len(nrow(celldata)), each=nrow(featdata)),,drop=FALSE], exprs)



check.vars <- function(cellvars, featurevars, phenovars, dataframe, nc, nr){
    if( any(cellvars %in% featurevars))
        stop("'cellvars', 'idvars' must be disjoint from 'featurevars', 'primerid', 'geneid'")
    cvars.in <- cellvars %in% names(dataframe)
    fvars.in <- featurevars %in% names(dataframe)
    if( !all(cvars.in)) stop(cellvars[!cvars.in][1], ' not found')
    if( !all(fvars.in)) stop(featurevars[!fvars.in][1], ' not found')
    nuniquef<-nrow(uniqueModNA(dataframe[,featurevars,with=FALSE], 'primerid'))
    nuniquec<-nrow(uniqueModNA(dataframe[,cellvars,with=FALSE], 'wellKey'))  
    if(nuniquef != nc)
        stop("'featurevars' must be keyed by 'primerid'")
    if(nuniquec != nr)
        stop("'cellvars' must be keyed by 'idvars'")

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c(
                                  'wellKey', 'id')) #fixdf

## might have bad complexity, but could construct one at time, then glue cheaply
## Not too bad except for deduplication.. will use data.table
## Output is sorted by primerid then wellKey
##' @importFrom data.table melt  :=  setkey  setkeyv  set %like%  dcast  data.table  rbindlist  setDT  CJ  .SD  melt  like  setorder  setnames  .N  setDF key setorderv dcast.data.table melt.data.table setattr as.data.table
fixdf <- function(df, idvars, primerid, measurement, cmap, fmap){
        stop("Argument `dataframe` should be a data.frame.")
    if(!all(idvars %in% cn_df)){
        stop("Invalid idvars column name. Not in data.frame")
    if(!all(primerid %in% cn_df)){
        stop("Invalid primerid column name. Not in data.frame")
    if(!all(measurement %in% cn_df)){
        stop("Invalid measurement column name. Not in data.frame")
    ## FIXME: should check if cmap and fmap are in df and throw intelligible error

    bothMap <- c(cmap, fmap)
    for(nm in names(bothMap)){
        if(nm %in% cn_df && bothMap[[nm]] != nm){
            warning("renaming column ", nm)
            setnames(df,cn_df,make.unique(c(nm, colnames(df)))[-1])
        if(!all(bothMap[[nm]] %in% names(df))){
            stop('could not find column named ', bothMap[[nm]], ' in dataframe')
        set(df, j=nm, value=df[,bothMap[[nm]], with=FALSE])
                                        #setnames(df, bothMap[[nm]],nm)

    wk <- do.call(paste, df[,idvars,with=FALSE])
    pid <- do.call(paste, df[,primerid, with=FALSE])
    if(any(is.na(wk))) warning('Dropping NAs from wellKey')
    if(any(is.na(pid))) warning('Dropping NAs from primerid')
                                        #df[,'wellKey'] <- wk
                                        #df[,'primerid'] <- pid
    dupPrimers <- table(df$wellKey, df$primerid) #cross tab of primerid x wellKey
    duped.primers <- apply(dupPrimers>1, 2, which)
    duped.primers <- duped.primers[sapply(duped.primers, length)>0]
    incomplete <- any(dupPrimers==0)
        warning("Primerid ", names(duped.primers)[1], " appears be duplicated.\n I will attempt to make it unique, but this may fail if the order of the primers is inconsistent in the dataframe.")
                                        #dt$primer.orig <- dt$primerid
                                        #    df <- ddply(df,'wellKey',mkunique,G='primerid')
                                        #    df[,'primerid.orig'] <- df[,'primerid']
                                        #    df[,'primerid'] <- df[,'primerid.unk']
                                        #    df[,'primerid.unk'] <- NULL
        fmap['primerid.orig'] <- 'primerid.orig'
        message("dataframe appears incomplete, attempting to complete it with NAs")
        skeleton <- data.table((expand.grid(unique(df[,primerid]), unique(df[, wellKey]),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)))

                                        #ord <- do.call(order, df[, c("primerid", "wellKey")])
                                        #df <- df[ord,]
    keynames <- c('primerid', 'wellKey')
    keynames <- union(keynames, colnames(df))
    list(df=(df), rn=unique(df$wellKey), cn=unique(df$primerid), fmap=fmap, cmap=cmap)

##' Construct a SingleCellAssay (or derived subclass) from a `flat` (melted) data.frame/data.table
##' SingleCellAssay are a generic container for such data and are simple wrappers around SummarizedExperiment objects.
##' Subclasses exist that embue the container with additional attributes, eg \link{FluidigmAssay}.
##' @param dataframe A 'flattened' \code{data.frame} or \code{data.table} containing columns giving cell and feature identifiers and  a measurement column
##' @param idvars character vector naming columns that uniquely identify a cell
##' @param primerid character vector of length 1 that names the column that identifies what feature (i.e. gene) was measured
##' @param measurement character vector of length 1 that names the column containing the measurement 
##' @param id An identifier (eg, experiment name) for the resulting object
##' @param cellvars Character vector naming columns containing additional cellular metadata
##' @param featurevars Character vector naming columns containing additional feature metadata
##' @param phenovars Character vector naming columns containing additional phenotype metadata
##' @inheritParams FromMatrix
##' @param ... additional arguments are ignored
##' @export
##' @aliases SingleCellAssay
##' @aliases FluidigmAssay
##' @examples
##' data(vbeta)
##' colnames(vbeta)
##' vbeta <- computeEtFromCt(vbeta)
##' vbeta.fa <- FromFlatDF(vbeta, idvars=c("Subject.ID", "Chip.Number", "Well"),
##' primerid='Gene', measurement='Et', ncells='Number.of.Cells',
##' geneid="Gene",cellvars=c('Number.of.Cells', 'Population'),
##' phenovars=c('Stim.Condition','Time'), id='vbeta all', class='FluidigmAssay')
##' show(vbeta.fa)
##' nrow(vbeta.fa)
##' ncol(vbeta.fa)
##' head(mcols(vbeta.fa)$primerid)
##' table(colData(vbeta.fa)$Subject.ID)
##' vbeta.sub <- subset(vbeta.fa, Subject.ID=='Sub01')
##' show(vbeta.sub)
##' @return SingleCellAssay, or derived, object
FromFlatDF<-function(dataframe,idvars,primerid,measurement,id=numeric(0), cellvars=NULL, featurevars=NULL, phenovars=NULL, class='SingleCellAssay', check_sanity = TRUE, ...){
    if(missing(dataframe) || missing(idvars) || missing(primerid) || missing(measurement)){
        stop("Must supply all of 'idvars', 'primerid', 'measurement'  and 'dataframe'")
    setkeyv(dataframe, colnames(dataframe))
    ## fixdf: make primerid unique, generate idvar column, rename columns according to cmap and fmap, complete df
    ## keeping support for "mappings" in case we change our mind

    defaultcls <- new(class)
    fmap <- defaultcls@fmap
    cmap <- defaultcls@cmap
    dots <- list(...)
    for(a in names(dots)){
        if(a %in% names(fmap)){
            fmap[a] <- dots[[a]]
        if(a %in% names(cmap)){
            cmap[a] <- dots[[a]]
    fixed <- fixdf(dataframe, idvars, primerid, measurement,
                   cmap=cmap, fmap=fmap)
    dl <- array(as.matrix(fixed$df[,measurement, with=FALSE]),
                dim=c(length(fixed$rn), length(fixed$cn), length(measurement)),
                dimnames=list(wellKey=fixed$rn, primerid=fixed$cn, layer=measurement))
    dl <- aperm(dl, c(2, 1, 3))
    cellvars <- unique(c(cellvars, names(fixed$cmap), idvars, phenovars, 'wellKey'))
    featurevars <- unique(c(names(fixed$fmap), primerid, featurevars, 'primerid'))
    check.vars(cellvars, featurevars, phenovars, fixed$df, length(fixed$cn), length(fixed$rn))
    cell.adf<-DataFrame(uniqueModNA(fixed$df[,cellvars,with=FALSE], 'wellKey') ,check.names=FALSE)
    row.names(cell.adf) <- unique(fixed$df$wellKey)
    ##pheno.adf <- new('AnnotatedDataFrame')
    ##need a phenokey into the melted data frame for this to make sense
    f.adf <- DataFrame(uniqueModNA(fixed$df[,featurevars, with=FALSE], 'primerid'),check.names=FALSE)
    row.names(f.adf) <- unique(fixed$df$primerid)
    FromMatrix(dl, cell.adf, f.adf, class, check_sanity)

uniqueModNA.old <- function(df, exclude){
    df <- as.data.frame(df)
    w.include <- names(df)
        w.include <- setdiff(w.include, exclude)
    u <- unique(df)
    allNa <- apply(is.na(u)[,w.include, drop=FALSE], 1, all)

## Get unique rows in data.frame, only counting NAs as distinct for
## columns named in `include`
## Precondition: keyed data.table
## Result will be sorted by exclude
uniqueModNA <- function(df, include){
    if(!is(df, 'data.table')){
        stop('df should be data.table')
    k <- key(df)
    setkey(df,NULL)                     # so that unique operates on all columns
    setorderv(df, k)
    w.exclude <- names(df)
        w.exclude <- setdiff(w.exclude, include)
    ##u <- unique(df)
    ##anyNa <- apply(is.na(u)[,w.include, drop=FALSE], 1, all)
    allNa <- apply(is.na(u)[,w.exclude, drop=FALSE], 1, all)
    u<-u[!allNa,] #either we spend time above or here..
    setorderv(u, include)

setMethod('getwellKey', 'SingleCellAssay', function(sc) {colData(sc)$wellKey})

##' Subset a \code{SingleCellAssay} by cells (columns)
##' Evaluates the expression in \code{...} in the context of \code{colData(x)} and returns a subsetted version of \code{x}
##' @param x \code{SingleCellAssay}
##' @param ... expression
##' @return \code{SingleCellAssay}
##' @examples
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' subset(vbetaFA, ncells==1)
##' @export
setMethod('subset', 'SingleCellAssay', function(x, ...){
    e <- substitute(...)
    asBool <- try(eval(e, colData(x), parent.frame(n=1)), silent=TRUE)
    if(is(asBool, 'try-error')) stop(paste('Variable in subset not found:', strsplit(asBool, ':')[[1]][2]))
                                        #this is a special case of "subset", not of the "[[" method, so..

setReplaceMethod('assayNames', c('SingleCellAssay', 'character'), function(x, i, ..., value){
    an <- assayNames(x)
    if(is.null(an)) an <- rep(NA_character_, length(assays(x)))
    if(missing(i)) i <- seq_along(assays(x))
    if(any(i != floor(i))) stop("`i` must be an integer")
    if(any(i<1 | i>length(assays(x)))) stop("`i` out of bounds")
    an[i] <- value
    names(assays(x, withDimnames=FALSE)) <- an

##' Replace \code{colData}
##' Replace \code{colData} with a \code{DataFrame}.
##' Checks to make sure that \code{row.names(value)} match \code{colnames{x}}, in contrast to the parent method
##'  Checks for a wellKey column, as well.
##' @param x \code{SingleCellAssay}
##' @param value \code{DataFrame}
##' @return modified \code{SingleCellAssay}
##' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment "colData<-"
##' @export
setReplaceMethod("colData", c("SingleCellAssay", 'DataFrame'), function(x, value) {
    ## Only reason we over-ride
    ## Parent doesn't make this test
    if( (nrow(value) != ncol(x)) || any(row.names(value) != colnames(x))) stop('`row.names` in replacement value mismatch colnames in `x`')
    ##I guess?? Do we want/need a wellKey column anymore?
    if(!('wellKey' %in% names(value))) stop('Replacement value must contain a "wellKey" column')

##' Split into \code{list}
##' Splits a \code{SingleCellAssay} into a \code{list} by a factor (or something coercible into a factor) or a character giving a column of \code{colData(x)}
##' @param x SingleCellAssay
##' @param f length-1 character, or atomic of length ncol(x)
##' @param drop drop unused factor levels
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return List
##' @examples
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' split(vbetaFA, 'ncells')
##' fa <- as.factor(colData(vbetaFA)$ncells)
##' split(vbetaFA, fa)
##' @aliases split,SingleCellAssay,factor-method split,SingleCellAssay,list-method
##' @export
setMethod('split', signature(x='SingleCellAssay', f='character'), 
          function(x, f, drop=FALSE, ...){
              ## Split a SingleCellAssay by criteria
###f must be a character naming a cData variable
              if(length(f) != ncol(x)){
                  if(any(notin <- !(f %in% names(colData(x))))) stop('Variable ', f[notin], ' not found in `colData(x)`')
                  f <- lapply(colData(x)[,f, drop=FALSE], as.factor)
              } else{
                  f <- as.factor(f)
              split(x, f, drop=drop)

setMethod('split', signature(x='SingleCellAssay', f='factor'), function(x, f, drop=FALSE, ...){
    split(x, list(f))

setMethod('split', signature(x='SingleCellAssay', f='list'), function(x, f, drop=FALSE, ...){
    fi <- do.call(interaction, f)[,drop=drop]
    fidx <- split(seq_len(ncol(x)), f)
    ## TODO: could use a CompressedList here, might be more efficient.
    setNames(lapply(seq_along(fidx), function(i) x[,fidx[[i]]]), levels(fi))

setMethod('rbind', signature('SingleCellAssay'), function(..., deparse.level = 1){
    dargs = list(...)
    b = callNextMethod()
    as(b, class(dargs[[1]]))

setMethod('cbind', signature('SingleCellAssay'), function(..., deparse.level = 1){
    dargs = list(...)
    b = callNextMethod()
    as(b, class(dargs[[1]]))

##' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames 'assayNames<-' assay 'assay<-' assays 'assays<-'
##' @export
##' @describeIn defaultAssay what index is returned by default by `assay`
assay_idx = function(x){
    assaynames = assayNames(x)
    aidx = na.omit(match(magic_assay_names(), assaynames))[1]
    if(is.na(aidx)) aidx = 1
    aname = assaynames[aidx] #could be NA
    list(aname = aname, aidx = aidx)

sca_assay =  function(x, i, withDimnames = TRUE, ...){
     ## What will we assume is a log-transformed value?
    log_idx = assay_idx(x)
     assay(x, log_idx$aidx, withDimnames = withDimnames, ...)

##' Default \code{assay} returned
##' Methods in this package operate on log-transformed (multiplicative scale) expression.
##' We attempt to check for this at construction, and then over-ride the \code{assay} method to return the "layer" containing such log-transformed data.
##' @details
##' By default we return the assay whose names, as given by \code{assayNames(x)}, matches the first element in the vector \code{c('thresh', 'et', 'Et', 'lCount', 'logTPM', 'logCounts', 'logcounts')}.
##' @param x \code{SingleCellAssay}
##' @param i must be \code{missing} for this method to apply
##' @inheritParams SummarizedExperiment::assay
##' @param ... passed to parent method
##' @aliases defaultAssay
##' @rdname defaultAssay
##' @examples
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' assay(vbetaFA)[1:3,1:3]
##' assay(vbetaFA, 'thresh', withDimnames = FALSE) = assay(vbetaFA)*0 - 9 
##' assay(vbetaFA)[1:3, 1:3]
setMethod('assay', signature('SingleCellAssay', 'missing'),sca_assay)

sca_assay_replace = function(x, i, withDimnames = TRUE, ..., value){
    log_idx = assay_idx(x)
    dotargs = list(...)
    assay(x, log_idx$aidx,  withDimnames = withDimnames, ...) <- value

setReplaceMethod('assay',  signature('SingleCellAssay', 'missing'), sca_assay_replace)

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c(
                                  'variable')) #setAs('SingleCellAssay', 'data.table')

setAs('SingleCellAssay', 'data.table', function(from){

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