########### make contrast ########
## label-free: equal or unequal subjects per group
## fixed or random subject
##================================ <- function(fit, contrast.matrix, sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## intercept in label-free
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature in label-free
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
feature_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(feature_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
feature_c <- NULL
## subject_nested in label-free
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\.")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 1]))
tempdata <- fit$model
group_levels <- unique(tempdata$GROUP)
sub_contrast <- contrast.matrix[as.numeric(as.character(group_levels))]
## the base is alway be the first SUBJECT_NESTED
temp3 <- temp2
if (length(temp2) == length(sub_contrast)) {
## this statement goes first, otherwise length of temp3 becomes > 1
temp3[1] <- temp2[1] + 1
} else {
temp3 <- c(1, temp3)
# subjectNested_c<-rep(contrast.matrix/(temp3),temp2) ## in case of unequal sample per group, wrong
subjectNested_c <- rep(sub_contrast / (temp3), temp3)[-1]
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
## length(temp) == 0
subjectNested_c <- NULL
## subject in label-free: for time-course
# temp<-coef_name[grep("SUBJECT",coef_name)[!grep("SUBJECT",coef_name)%in%c(grep(":",coef_name),grep("NESTED",coef_name))]]
# if(length(temp)>0){
# subject_c<-rep(0,length(temp))
# names(subject_c)<-temp
# }
# if(length(temp)==0) subject_c<-NULL
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("SUBJECT", coef_name),
grep(":|NESTED", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# subject_c<-rep(0,length(temp))
# names(subject_c)<-temp
tempdata <- fit$model
group_levels <- unique(tempdata$GROUP)
labels <- paste("GROUP", group_levels, sep="")
patients <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(group_levels)) {
sub <- tempdata[tempdata$GROUP == group_levels[i], ]
sub_patients <- cbind(
GROUP=paste("GROUP", group_levels[i], sep=""),
SUBJECT=paste("SUBJECT", as.character(unique(sub$SUBJECT)), sep=""),
patients <- data.frame(rbind(patients, sub_patients))
patient_count <- tapply(patients$SUBJECT, patients$GROUP,
function(x) length(unique(x)))
patient_seq <- rep(0, length(temp))
for (i in 1:length(as.character(patients$SUBJECT))) {
match <- any(temp == as.character(patients$SUBJECT)[i])
if (match & as.numeric(as.character(patients$Value[i])) != 0) {
res <- temp == as.character(patients$SUBJECT)[i]
index <- which(res == TRUE)
group <- as.character(patients[i, ]$GROUP)
count <- as.numeric(patient_count[names(patient_count) == group])
value <- as.numeric(as.character(patients[i, ]$Value))
patient_value <- c(rep(0, index - 1),
value / count,
rep(0, length(temp) - index))
} else {
patient_value <- rep(0, length(temp))
patient_seq <- patient_value + patient_seq
subject_c <- patient_seq
names(subject_c) <- temp
} else {
## length(temp) == 0
subject_c <- NULL
## subject by group in label-free: only for time-course - SUBJECT and GROUP (order) even GROUP:SUBJECT in model
# temp<-coef_name[intersect(grep("SUBJECT",coef_name),grep("GROUP",coef_name))]
# tempSub<-unique(sub1[,c("GROUP","SUBJECT")])
# tempSub1<-xtabs(~GROUP,data=tempSub)
# tempSub2<-tempSub1[-1]
# if(length(temp)>0){
# temp1<-t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp),"\\:")),nrow=2))
# temp2<-as.vector(xtabs(~temp1[,2])) ## count per GROUP
# #gs_c<-rep(as.vector(contrast.matrix[-1]/(tempSub2)),temp2[1]) ## assume no missing for group and subject
# # when Group completely missing
# sub.matrix<-contrast.matrix[unique(tempSub$GROUP)]
# gs_c<-rep(as.vector(sub.matrix[-1]/(tempSub2)),each=temp2[1])
# names(gs_c)<-temp
# }
# if(length(temp)==0) gs_c<-NULL
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("SUBJECT", coef_name),
grep("GROUP", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# subject_c<-rep(0,length(temp))
# names(subject_c)<-temp
tempdata <- fit$model
group_levels <- unique(tempdata$GROUP)
labels <- paste("GROUP", group_levels, sep="")
patients <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(group_levels)) {
sub <- tempdata[tempdata$GROUP == group_levels[i], ]
sub_patients <- cbind(
GROUP=paste("GROUP", group_levels[i], sep=""),
SUBJECT=paste("SUBJECT", as.character(unique(sub$SUBJECT)), sep=""),
patients <- data.frame(rbind(patients, sub_patients))
patient_count <- tapply(patients$SUBJECT, patients$GROUP,
function(x) length(unique(x)))
interaction_seq <- rep(0, length(temp))
interaction_labels <- paste(as.character(patients$GROUP),
as.character(patients$SUBJECT), sep=":")
for (i in 1:length(as.character(patients$SUBJECT))) {
match <- any(temp == interaction_labels[i])
if (match & as.numeric(as.character(patients$Value[i])) != 0) {
res <- temp == interaction_labels[i]
index <- which(res == TRUE)
group <- as.character(patients[i, ]$GROUP)
count <- as.numeric(patient_count[names(patient_count) == group])
value <- as.numeric(as.character(patients[i, ]$Value))
interaction_value <- c(rep(0, index - 1),
rep(0, length(temp) - index))
} else {
interaction_value <- rep(0, length(temp))
interaction_seq <- interaction_value + interaction_seq
gs_c <- interaction_seq
names(gs_c) <- temp
} else {
## length(temp)==0
gs_c <- NULL
## group in label-free (different from labeled)
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("GROUP", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
## when there are some groups which are all missing
tempSub <- as.numeric(as.character(unique(sub1[, c("GROUP")])))
tempcontrast <- contrast.matrix[tempSub]
group_c <- tempcontrast[-1] # for label-free, remove the first element
names(group_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
group_c <- NULL
## feature by group in label-free (different from labeled)
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("GROUP", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "FEATURE")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[-1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\:")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 2]))
gf_c <- rep(contrast.matrix[-1] / (tempSub2), temp2)
names(gf_c) <- temp
} else {
gf_c <- NULL
## be careful of the order
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, subjectNested_c, subject_c, group_c,
gs_c, gf_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
## .make.contrast.based:
## label-based: equal or unequal subjects per group
## fixed or random subject
.make.contrast.based <- function(fit, contrast.matrix, sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## intercept in label-based
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature in label-based
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
feature_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(feature_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
feature_c <- NULL
## subject_nested in label-based
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\.")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 1]))
## the base is alway be the first SUBJECT_NESTED
temp3 <- temp2
## in label-free: temp3 <- temp2; temp3[1] <- temp2[1]+1
subjectNested_c <- rep(contrast.matrix / (temp3), temp2)
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
## length(temp) == 0
subjectNested_c <- NULL
## subject in label-based
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("SUBJECT", coef_name),
grep(":|NESTED", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
subject_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(subject_c) <- temp
} else {
subject_c <- NULL
## subject by group in label-based
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("SUBJECT", coef_name),
grep("GROUP", coef_name))]
tempSub <- unique(sub1[ ,c("GROUP", "SUBJECT")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[-1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\:")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 2]))
gs_c <- rep(as.numeric(contrast.matrix) / tempSub2, temp2)
names(gs_c) <- temp
} else {
gs_c <- NULL
## subject_original_nested in label-based
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_ORIGINAL_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\.")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 1]))
## the base is alway be the first SUBJECT_ORIGINAL_NESTED
temp3 <- temp2
temp3[1] <- temp2[1] + 1
subjectOriginalNested_c <- rep(contrast.matrix / temp3, temp2)
names(subjectOriginalNested_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectOriginalNested_c <- NULL
## group in label-based (different from label-free)
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("GROUP", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
## when there are some groups which are all missing
tempSub <- as.numeric(as.character(unique(sub1[, "GROUP"])))
group_c <- contrast.matrix[tempSub]
## in label-free: group_c<-contrast.matrix[-1]
names(group_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
group_c <- NULL
## run in label-based
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
run_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(run_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
run_c <- NULL
## feature by group in label-based (different from label-free)
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("GROUP", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "FEATURE")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[-1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\:")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 2]))
gf_c <- rep(as.numeric(contrast.matrix) / tempSub2, temp2)
# in label-free: gf_c<-rep(contrast.matrix[-1]/(tempSub2),temp2)
names(gf_c) <- temp
} else {
gf_c <- NULL
## run by feature in label-based
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("RUN", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
rf_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(rf_c) <- temp
} else {
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, subjectNested_c, subject_c,
subjectOriginalNested_c, group_c, run_c, gs_c, gf_c, rf_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
########################################################################################## <- function(fit, contrast.matrix, sub1,
labeled) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
intercept_c <- rep(1, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
} else {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("FEATURE", "RUN")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ RUN + FEATURE, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
feature_c <- as.numeric(tempSub2[-1]) / sum(tempSub2)
names(feature_c) <- temp
} else {
feature_c <- NULL
## run: different with other quantification - first try
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (!labeled) {
## label-free
if (length(temp) > 0) {
run_c <- contrast.matrix[-1]
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
} else {
## label-based
if (length(temp) > 0) {
run_c <- rep(1 / nlevels(sub1$RUN), length(temp))
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
## ref
temp <- coef_name[grep("ref", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
ref_levels <- levels(sub1$ref)
ref_c <- contrast.matrix[1:(length(ref_levels) - 1)]
names(ref_c) <- temp
} else {
ref_c <- NULL
## run by feature
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("RUN", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <- dim(unique(sub1[, c("RUN", "FEATURE")]))[1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
rf_c <- rep(1 / tempSub, length(temp))
names(rf_c) <- temp
} else {
rf_c <- NULL
## subject_nested
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
subjectNested_c <- contrast.matrix
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
subjectNested_c <- contrast.matrix[-1]
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectNested_c <- NULL
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, run_c, ref_c, rf_c, subjectNested_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
########################################################################################## <- function(fit, contrast.matrix,
sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(1, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("FEATURE", "RUN")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ RUN + FEATURE, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
feature_c <- as.numeric(tempSub2[-1]) / sum(tempSub2)
names(feature_c) <- temp
} else {
feature_c <- NULL
## run
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
run_c <- rep(1 / nlevels(sub1$RUN), length(temp))
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
## ref
temp <- coef_name[grep("ref", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
ref_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(ref_c) <- temp
} else {
ref_c <- NULL
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, run_c, ref_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
## label-based/label-free; single/multiple features
## all fixed subject and run
##================================ <- function(fit, contrast.matrix, sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(1, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
# if(length(temp)>0){
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# tempfeature<-eval(getCall(fit)$data)
# tempfeature$FEATURE<-factor(tempfeature$FEATURE)
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(tempfeature$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }
# names(feature_c)<-temp
# }else{
# feature_c<-NULL
# }
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("FEATURE", "GROUP")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP + FEATURE, data=tempSub)
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
tempSub1 <- tempSub1[-1, ]
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
feature_c <- as.numeric(tempSub2[-1]) / sum(tempSub2)
names(feature_c) <- temp
} else {
feature_c <- NULL
## subject_nested
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\.")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 1]))
## the base is alway be the first SUBJECT_NESTED
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
temp3 <- temp2
subjectNested_c <- rep(contrast.matrix / temp3, temp2)
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
temp3 <- temp2
if (length(temp2) == length(contrast.matrix)) {
## this statement goes first, otherwise length of temp3 >1
temp3[1] <- temp2[1] + 1
} else {
temp3 <- c(1, temp3)
subjectNested_c <- rep(contrast.matrix / temp3, temp3)[-1]
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectNested_c <- NULL
## subject_original
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("SUBJECT_ORIGINAL", coef_name),
grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# subjectOrig_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$SUBJECT_ORIGINAL),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# subjectOrig_c<-rep(1/nlevels(eval(getCall(fit)$data)$SUBJECT_ORIGINAL),length(temp))
# }
subjectOrig_c <- rep(1 / nlevels(sub1$SUBJECT_ORIGINAL), length(temp))
names(subjectOrig_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectOrig_c <- NULL
## subject_original: group
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("SUBJECT_ORIGINAL", coef_name),
grep("GROUP", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("SUBJECT_ORIGINAL", "GROUP")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[-1]
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\:")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 2]))
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
subjectOrigGroup_c <-
rep(as.numeric(contrast.matrix) / tempSub2, temp2)
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
subjectOrigGroup_c <- rep(contrast.matrix[-1] / tempSub2, temp2)
names(subjectOrigGroup_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectOrigGroup_c <- NULL
## group
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("GROUP", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
group_c <- contrast.matrix
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
group_c <- contrast.matrix[-1]
names(group_c) <- temp
## if some group's coef is NA, need to remove
} else {
group_c <- NULL
## run
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# run_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$RUN),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# run_c<-rep(1/nlevels(eval(getCall(fit)$data)$RUN),length(temp))
# }
run_c <- rep(1 / nlevels(sub1$RUN), length(temp))
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
## feature by group
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("GROUP", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "FEATURE")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[-1]
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\:")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 2]))
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
gf_c <- rep(as.numeric(contrast.matrix) / tempSub2, temp2)
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL)==1) {
## label-free
gf_c <- rep(contrast.matrix[-1] / tempSub2, temp2)
names(gf_c) <- temp
} else {
gf_c <- NULL
## run by feature
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("RUN", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <- dim(unique(sub1[, c("RUN", "FEATURE")]))[1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
rf_c <- rep(1 / tempSub, length(temp))
names(rf_c) <- temp
} else {
rf_c <- NULL
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, subjectNested_c, subjectOrig_c,
subjectOrigGroup_c, group_c, run_c, gf_c, rf_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
## label-based/label-free; single/multiple features
## all fixed subject and run
##================================ <- function(fit, contrast.matrix,
sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(1, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
# if(length(temp)>0){
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# tempfeature<-eval(getCall(fit)$data)
# tempfeature$FEATURE<-factor(tempfeature$FEATURE)
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(tempfeature$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }
# names(feature_c)<-temp
# }else{
# feature_c<-NULL
# }
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("FEATURE", "GROUP")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP + FEATURE, data=tempSub)
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
tempSub1 <- tempSub1[-1, ]
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
feature_c <- as.numeric(tempSub2[-1]) / sum(tempSub2)
names(feature_c) <- temp
} else {
feature_c <- NULL
## subject_nested
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
subjectNested_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectNested_c <- NULL
## subject_original
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_ORIGINAL", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
subjectOrig_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(subjectOrig_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectOrig_c <- NULL
## subject_original:group
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("SUBJECT_ORIGINAL", coef_name),
grep("GROUP", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
subjectOrigGroup_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(subjectOrigGroup_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectOrigGroup_c <- NULL
## group
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("GROUP", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
group_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(group_c) <- temp
} else {
group_c <- NULL
## run
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# run_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$RUN),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# temprun<-eval(getCall(fit)$data)
# tempfeature$FEATURE<-factor(tempfeature$FEATURE)
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(tempfeature$FEATURE),length(temp))
# run_c<-rep(1/nlevels(eval(getCall(fit)$d)$RUN),length(temp))
# }
run_c <- rep(1 / nlevels(sub1$RUN), length(temp))
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
## feature by group
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("GROUP", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
gf_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(gf_c) <- temp
} else {
gf_c <- NULL
## run by feature
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("RUN", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <- dim(unique(sub1[, c("RUN", "FEATURE")]))[1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
rf_c <- rep(1 / tempSub, length(temp))
names(rf_c) <- temp
} else {
rf_c <- NULL
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, subjectNested_c, subjectOrig_c,
subjectOrigGroup_c, group_c, run_c, gf_c, rf_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
## .make.contrast.subject.quantification.single:
## label-based/label-free; single features
## all fixed subject and run
.make.contrast.subject.quantification.single <- function(fit, contrast.matrix,
sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## for label-based
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
## remove GROUP==0
contrastList <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "SUBJECT_ORIGINAL")])[-1, ]
contrastList$GROUP <- factor(contrastList$GROUP)
contrastGroup <- rep(0, nlevels(sub1$GROUP) - 1)
contrastGroup[as.numeric(contrastList[contrast.matrix == 1,
"GROUP"])] <- 1
} else {
## for label-free
contrastList <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "SUBJECT_ORIGINAL")])
contrastGroup <- rep(0, nlevels(sub1$GROUP))
contrastGroup[as.numeric(contrastList[contrast.matrix == 1,
"GROUP"])] <- 1
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(1, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
# if(length(temp)>0){
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# tempfeature<-eval(getCall(fit)$data)
# tempfeature$FEATURE<-factor(tempfeature$FEATURE)
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(tempfeature$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }
# names(feature_c)<-temp
# }else{
# feature_c<-NULL
# }
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("FEATURE", "SUBJECT_NESTED")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ SUBJECT_NESTED + FEATURE, data=tempSub)
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
tempSub1 <- tempSub1[-1, ]
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
feature_c <- as.numeric(tempSub2[-1]) / sum(tempSub2)
names(feature_c) <- temp
} else {
feature_c <- NULL
## subject_nested
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
subjectNested_c <- contrast.matrix
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
subjectNested_c <- contrast.matrix[-1]
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectNested_c <- NULL
## group
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("GROUP", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
group_c <- contrastGroup
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
group_c <- contrastGroup[-1]
names(group_c) <- temp
} else {
group_c <- NULL
## run
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
## when no technical replicate: subject_nested = run
run_c <- contrast.matrix[-1]
## however, with technical replicate: subject_nested != run, need others
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
## feature by group
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("GROUP", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "FEATURE")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[-1]
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\:")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 2]))
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
gf_c <- rep(as.numeric(contrastGroup) / tempSub2, temp2)
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
gf_c <- rep(contrastGroup[-1] / tempSub2, temp2)
names(gf_c) <- temp
} else {
gf_c <- NULL
## run by feature
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("RUN", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <- dim(unique(sub1[, c("RUN", "FEATURE")]))[1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
rf_c <- rep(1 / tempSub, length(temp))
names(rf_c) <- temp
} else {
rf_c <- NULL
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, subjectNested_c, group_c, run_c,
gf_c, rf_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
## .make.contrast.subject.quantification:
## label-based/label-free; multiple features
## all fixed subject and run
.make.contrast.subject.quantification <- function(fit, contrast.matrix, sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## when there are missing value in endogenous, there are error, because the
## number of group_original and fitted group are different
## for label-based
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
contrastList <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "SUBJECT_ORIGINAL",
## remove GROUP==0
contrastList <- contrastList[contrastList$GROUP != "0", ]
## remove '0' group
contrastList$GROUP <- factor(contrastList$GROUP)
## remove '0' group
contrastList$SUBJECT_ORIGINAL <- factor(contrastList$SUBJECT_ORIGINAL)
contrastGroup <- rep(0, nlevels(sub1$GROUP) - 1)
contrastGroup[as.numeric(contrastList[contrast.matrix == 1,
"GROUP"])] <- 1
contrastSubjectOriginal <- rep(0, nlevels(sub1$SUBJECT_ORIGINAL))
contrastList[contrast.matrix == 1, "SUBJECT_ORIGINAL"])] <- 1
} else {
## for label-free
contrastList <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "SUBJECT_ORIGINAL")])
contrastGroup <- rep(0, nlevels(sub1$GROUP))
contrastGroup[as.numeric(contrastList[contrast.matrix == 1,
"GROUP"])] <- 1
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
intercept_c <- rep(1, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
} else {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
# if(length(temp)>0){
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# tempfeature<-eval(getCall(fit)$data)
# tempfeature$FEATURE<-factor(tempfeature$FEATURE)
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(tempfeature$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }
# names(feature_c)<-temp
# }else{
# feature_c<-NULL
# }
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("FEATURE", "SUBJECT_NESTED")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ SUBJECT_NESTED + FEATURE, data=tempSub)
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
tempSub1 <- tempSub1[-1, ]
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
feature_c <- as.numeric(tempSub2[-1]) / sum(tempSub2)
names(feature_c) <- temp
} else {
feature_c <- NULL
## subject_nested
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
subjectNested_c <- contrast.matrix
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
subjectNested_c <- contrast.matrix[-1]
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectNested_c <- NULL
## subject_original
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("SUBJECT_ORIGINAL", coef_name),
grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
subjectOrig_c <- contrastSubjectOriginal[-1]
names(subjectOrig_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectOrig_c <- NULL
## group
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("GROUP", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
group_c <- contrastGroup
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
group_c <- contrastGroup[-1]
names(group_c) <- temp
} else {
group_c <- NULL
## run
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# run_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$RUN),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# run_c<-rep(1/nlevels(eval(getCall(fit)$data)$RUN),length(temp))
# }
run_c <- rep(1 / nlevels(sub1$RUN), length(temp))
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
## feature by group
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("GROUP", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("GROUP", "FEATURE")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ GROUP, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[-1]
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\:")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 2]))
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
gf_c <- rep(as.numeric(contrastGroup) / tempSub2, temp2)
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
# label-free
gf_c <- rep(contrastGroup[-1] / tempSub2, temp2)
names(gf_c) <- temp
} else {
gf_c <- NULL
## run by feature
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("RUN", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <- dim(unique(sub1[, c("RUN", "FEATURE")]))[1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
rf_c <- rep(1 / tempSub, length(temp))
names(rf_c) <- temp
} else {
rf_c <- NULL
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, subjectNested_c, subjectOrig_c,
group_c, run_c, gf_c, rf_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
## .make.contrast.subject.quantification.reference:
## label-based/label-free; single/multiple features
## all fixed subject and run
.make.contrast.subject.quantification.reference <- function(fit,
sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(1, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
# if(length(temp)>0){
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# tempfeature<-eval(getCall(fit)$data)
# tempfeature$FEATURE<-factor(tempfeature$FEATURE)
# feature_c<-rep(1/nlevels(tempfeature$FEATURE),length(temp))
# }
# names(feature_c)<-temp
# }else{
# feature_c<-NULL
# }
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("FEATURE", "SUBJECT_NESTED")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ SUBJECT_NESTED + FEATURE, data=tempSub)
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
tempSub1 <- tempSub1[-1, ]
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
feature_c <- as.numeric(tempSub2[-1]) / sum(tempSub2)
names(feature_c) <- temp
} else {
feature_c <- NULL
## subject_nested
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
subjectNested_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectNested_c <- NULL
## subject_original
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("SUBJECT_ORIGINAL", coef_name),
grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
subjectOrig_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(subjectOrig_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectOrig_c <- NULL
## group
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("GROUP", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
group_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(group_c) <- temp
} else {
group_c <- NULL
## run
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# run_c<-rep(1/nlevels(fit$model$RUN),length(temp))
# }else{
# ### need to fix fit$omdel
# run_c<-rep(1/nlevels(eval(getCall(fit)$data)$RUN),length(temp))
# }
run_c <- rep(1 / nlevels(sub1$RUN), length(temp))
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
## feature by group
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("GROUP", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
gf_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(gf_c) <- temp
} else {
gf_c <- NULL
## run by feature
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("RUN", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <-dim(unique(sub1[, c("RUN", "FEATURE")]))[1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
rf_c <- rep(1 / tempSub, length(temp))
names(rf_c) <- temp
} else {
rf_c <- NULL
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, subjectNested_c, subjectOrig_c,
run_c, gf_c, rf_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
## label-free, single
##================================ <- function(fit, contrast.matrix, sub1) {
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
coef_name <- names(coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(fixef(fit))
## change contrast.matrix without Group1
# cons=1
# if(contrast.matrix[1]==0)<-contrast.matrix[-1]
# if(contrast.matrix[1]<0){
# cons=abs(contrast.matrix[1])
# }
# if(contrast.matrix[1]>0){
# cons=contrast.matrix[1]*(-1)
# }
# if(class(fit)=="lm"){
# coef_name<-names(coef(fit))
# }else{
# coef_name<-names(fixef(fit))
# }
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## subject
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("SUBJECT", coef_name),
grep(":|NESTED", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# subject_c<-rep(0,length(temp))
# names(subject_c)<-temp
tempdata <- fit$model
group_levels <- levels(tempdata$GROUP)
labels <- paste("GROUP", group_levels, sep="")
patients <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(group_levels)) {
sub <- tempdata[tempdata$GROUP == group_levels[i], ]
sub_patients <- cbind(
GROUP=paste("GROUP", group_levels[i], sep=""),
SUBJECT=paste("SUBJECT", as.character(group_levels(sub$SUBJECT)), sep=""),
patients <- data.frame(rbind(patients, sub_patients))
patient_count <- tapply(patients$SUBJECT, patients$GROUP,
function(x) length(unique(x)))
patient_seq <- rep(0, length(temp))
for (i in 1:length(as.character(patients$SUBJECT))) {
match <- any(temp == as.character(patients$SUBJECT)[i])
if (match & as.numeric(as.character(patients$Value[i])) != 0) {
res <- temp == as.character(patients$SUBJECT)[i]
index <- which(res == TRUE)
group <- as.character(patients[i, ]$GROUP)
count <- as.numeric(patient_count[names(patient_count) == group])
value <- as.numeric(as.character(patients[i, ]$Value))
patient_value <- c(rep(0, index-1),
value / count,
rep(0, length(temp) - index))
} else {
patient_value <- rep(0, length(temp))
patient_seq <- patient_value + patient_seq
subject_c <- patient_seq
names(subject_c) <- temp
} else if (length(temp) == 0) {
subject_c <- NULL
## group: different from labeled
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("GROUP", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
## when there are some groups which are all missing
tempSub <- as.numeric(as.character(levels(sub1[, c("GROUP")])))
tempcontrast <- contrast.matrix[tempSub]
## for label-free, need to remove first
group_c <- tempcontrast[-1]
names(group_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
## subject_nested
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp1 <- t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(temp), "\\.")), nrow=2))
temp2 <- as.vector(xtabs(~ temp1[, 1]))
tempdata <- fit$model
group_levels <- levels(tempdata$GROUP)
sub_contrast <- contrast.matrix[as.numeric(as.character(group_levels))]
## the base is alway be the first SUBJECT_NESTED
temp3 <- temp2
if (length(temp2) == length(sub_contrast)) {
## this line first, otherwise length of temp3 >1
temp3[1] <- temp2[1] + 1
} else {
temp3 <- c(1, temp3)
## in case of unequal sample per group, wrong
# subjectNested_c<-rep(contrast.matrix/(temp3),temp2)
subjectNested_c <- rep(sub_contrast / temp3, temp3)[-1]
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else if (length(temp) == 0) {
subjectNested_c <- NULL
## subject by group: only for time-course - SUBJECT and GROUP (order) even GROUP:SUBJECT in model
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("SUBJECT", coef_name),
grep("GROUP", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
# subject_c<-rep(0,length(temp))
# names(subject_c)<-temp
tempdata <- fit$model
group_levels <- levels(tempdata$GROUP)
labels <- paste("GROUP", group_levels, sep="")
patients <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(group_levels)) {
sub <- tempdata[tempdata$GROUP == group_levels[i], ]
sub_patients <- cbind(
GROUP=paste("GROUP", group_levels[i], sep=""),
SUBJECT=paste("SUBJECT", as.character(levels(sub$SUBJECT)), sep=""),
patients <- data.frame(rbind(patients, sub_patients))
patient_count <- tapply(patients$SUBJECT, patients$GROUP,
function(x) length(unique(x)))
interaction_seq <- rep(0, length(temp))
interaction_labels <- paste(as.character(patients$GROUP),
as.character(patients$SUBJECT), sep=":")
for (i in 1:length(as.character(patients$SUBJECT))) {
match <- any(temp == interaction_labels[i])
if (match & as.numeric(as.character(patients$Value[i])) != 0) {
res <- temp == interaction_labels[i]
index <- which(res == TRUE)
group <- as.character(patients[i, ]$GROUP)
count <- as.numeric(patient_count[names(patient_count) == group])
value <- as.numeric(as.character(patients[i, ]$Value))
interaction_value <- c(rep(0, index - 1),
value / count,
rep(0, length(temp) - index))
} else {
interaction_value <- rep(0, length(temp))
interaction_seq <- interaction_value + interaction_seq
gs_c <- interaction_seq
names(gs_c) <- temp
} else if (length(temp) == 0) {
gs_c <- NULL
## combine all
contrast <- c(intercept_c, group_c, subjectNested_c, subject_c, gs_c)
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- contrast[!]
########### estimate ###########
.getParameterFixed <- function(obj) {
temp1 <- summary.lm(obj)
cf <- temp1$coefficients
vcv <- temp1$cov.unscaled * temp1$sigma ^ 2
## TODO (): for unbalanced case, variance is weighted by degree of freedom
df <- obj$df.residual
parameter <- list(cf=cf, vcv=vcv, df=df)
.getParameterRandom <- function(obj, df.full) {
cf <- as.matrix(fixef(obj))
vcv <- as.matrix(vcov(obj))
df <- df.full
parameter <- list(cf=cf, vcv=vcv, df=df)
.estimableFixedRandom <- function(parameter, cm) {
cm <- matrix(cm, nrow=1)
ct <- cm %*% parameter$cf[, 1]
vc <- sqrt(diag(cm %*% parameter$vcv %*% t(cm)))
prob <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(ct / vc), parameter$df))
result <- cbind(est=ct, stderr=vc, t=ct / vc, df=parameter$df, prob=prob)
colnames(result) <- c("logFC", "SE", "Tvalue", "DF", "pvalue")
.estimableFixedQuantification <- function(cf, cm) {
cm <- matrix(cm, nrow=1)
ct <- cm %*% cf[, 1]
result <- cbind(est=ct)
colnames(result) <- c("log-intensities")
.estimableRandomQuantification <- function(cf, cm) {
cm <- matrix(cm, nrow=1)
ct <- cm %*% cf
result <- cbind(est=ct)
colnames(result) <- c("log-intensities")
.estimableFixedQuantificationSurvival <- function(cf, cm) {
cm <- matrix(cm, nrow=1)
ct <- cm %*% cf
result <- cbind(est=ct)
colnames(result) <- c("log-intensities")
########################################################################################## <- function(fit, contrast.matrix,
sub1, labeled) {
coef_name <- names(fit$coefficients)
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
intercept_c <- rep(1, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
} else {
intercept_c <- NULL
## feature
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("FEATURE", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
tempSub <- unique(sub1[, c("FEATURE", "RUN")])
tempSub1 <- xtabs(~ RUN + FEATURE, data=tempSub)
tempSub2 <- tempSub1[contrast.matrix == 1, ]
feature_c <- as.numeric(tempSub2[-1]) / sum(tempSub2)
names(feature_c) <- temp
} else {
feature_c <- NULL
## run: different with other quantification - first try
if (!labeled) {
## label-free
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
run_c <- contrast.matrix[-1]
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
} else {
## label-based
temp <- coef_name[setdiff(grep("RUN", coef_name), grep(":", coef_name))]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
run_c <- rep(1 / nlevels(sub1$RUN), length(temp))
names(run_c) <- temp
} else {
run_c <- NULL
## ref
temp <- coef_name[grep("ref", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
ref_levels <- levels(sub1$ref)
ref_c <- contrast.matrix[1:(length(ref_levels) - 1)]
names(ref_c) <- temp
} else {
ref_c <- NULL
## run by feature
temp <- coef_name[intersect(grep("RUN", coef_name),
grep("FEATURE", coef_name))]
tempSub <- dim(unique(sub1[, c("RUN", "FEATURE")]))[1]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
rf_c <- rep(1 / tempSub, length(temp))
names(rf_c) <- temp
} else {
rf_c <- NULL
## subject_nested
temp <- coef_name[grep("SUBJECT_NESTED", coef_name)]
if (length(temp) > 0) {
if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 2) {
subjectNested_c <- contrast.matrix
} else if (nlevels(sub1$LABEL) == 1) {
## label-free
subjectNested_c <- contrast.matrix[-1]
names(subjectNested_c) <- temp
} else {
subjectNested_c <- NULL
contrast <- c(intercept_c, feature_c, run_c, ref_c, rf_c, subjectNested_c)
contrast1 <- contrast[!$coefficients)]
########################################################################################## <- function(data, fit, nrepeats) {
for (i in 1:nrepeats) {
if (i == 1) {
## lm or lmer
if (class(fit) == "lm") {
abs.resids <- data.frame(abs.resids=abs(fit$residuals))
fitted <- data.frame(fitted=fit$fitted.values)
} else {
abs.resids <- data.frame(abs.resids=abs(resid(fit)))
fitted <- data.frame(fitted=fitted(fit))
data <- data.frame(data, "abs.resids"=abs.resids, "fitted"=fitted)
fit.loess <- loess(abs.resids ~ fitted, data=data)
loess.fitted <- data.frame(loess.fitted=fitted(fit.loess))
data <- data.frame(data, "loess.fitted"=loess.fitted)
## loess fitted valuaes are predicted sd
data$weight <- 1 / (data$loess.fitted ^ 2)
data <- data[, -which(colnames(data) %in% "abs.resids")]
## re-fit using weight
if (class(fit) == "lm") { <- lm(formula(fit), data=data, weights=weight)
} else { <- lmer(formula(fit), data=data, weights=weight)
## lm or lmer
if (class( == "lm") {
abs.resids <- data.frame(abs.resids=abs($residuals))
} else {
abs.resids <- data.frame(abs.resids=abs(resid(
data <- data.frame(data, "abs.resids"=abs.resids)
data <- data[, -which(colnames(data) %in% c("loess.fitted", "weight"))]
# Multiple plot function
# ggplot objects can be passed in ..., or to plotlist (as a list of ggplot objects)
# - cols: Number of columns in layout
# - layout: A matrix specifying the layout. If present, 'cols' is ignored.
# If the layout is something like matrix(c(1,2,3,3), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE),
# then plot 1 will go in the upper left, 2 will go in the upper right, and
# 3 will go all the way across the bottom.
#' @importFrom grid viewport grid.newpage pushViewport grid.layout
.multiplot <- function(..., plotlist=NULL, file, cols=1, layout=NULL) {
## Make a list from the ... arguments and plotlist
plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
numPlots <- length(plots)
## If layout is NULL, then use 'cols' to determine layout
if (is.null(layout)) {
## Make the panel
## ncol: Number of columns of plots
## nrow: Number of rows needed, calculated from # of cols
layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * ceiling(numPlots / cols)),
ncol=cols, nrow=ceiling(numPlots / cols))
if (numPlots == 1) {
} else {
## Set up the page
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout), ncol(layout))))
## Make each plot, in the correct location
for (i in 1:numPlots) {
## Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain this subplot
matchidx <- == i, arr.ind=TRUE))
print(plots[[i]], vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=matchidx$row,
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