#' Make 100 bases size meta window for all libraries in experiment
#' Gives you binned meta coverage plots, either saved seperatly or
#' all in one.
#' @inheritParams splitIn3Tx
#' @param df an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}}
#' @param outdir directory to save to (default: NULL, no saving)
#' @param scores scoring function (default: c("sum", "zscore")),
#' see ?coverageScorings for possible scores.
#' @param allTogether plot all coverage plots in 1 output? (defualt: TRUE)
#' @param colors Which colors to use, default auto color from function
#' \code{\link{experiment.colors}}, new color per library type.
#' Else assign colors yourself.
#' @param title title of ggplot
#' @param windowSize size of binned windows, default: 100
#' @param returnPlot return plot from function, default is.null(outdir),
#' so TRUE if outdir is not defined.
#' @param dfr an ORFik \code{\link{experiment}} of RNA-seq to
#' normalize against. Will add RNA normalized to plot name if this is done.
#' @param idName A character ID to add to saved name of plot,
#' if you make several plots in the same folder,
#' and same experiment, like splitting transcripts in two groups like
#' targets / nontargets etc. (default: "")
#' @param format default (".png"), do ".pdf" if you want as pdf
#' @param type a character(default: "bedoc"), load files in experiment
#' or some precomputed variant, either "bedo", "bedoc", "pshifted" or default.
#' These are made with ORFik:::simpleLibs(), shiftFootprintsByExperiment()..
#' Will load default if bedoc is not found
#' @param BPPARAM how many cores/threads to use? default: bpparam()
#' @return NULL, or ggplot object if returnPlot is TRUE
#' @export
#' @family experiment plots
#' @examples
#' df <- ORFik.template.experiment()[3,] # Only third library
#' loadRegions(df) # Load leader, cds and trailers as GRangesList
#' #transcriptWindow(leaders, cds, trailers, df, outdir = "directory/to/save")
transcriptWindow <- function(leaders, cds, trailers, df, outdir = NULL,
scores = c("sum", "zscore"), allTogether = TRUE,
colors = experiment.colors(df),
title = "Coverage metaplot",
windowSize = min(100,
min(widthPerGroup(leaders, FALSE)),
min(widthPerGroup(cds, FALSE)),
min(widthPerGroup(trailers, FALSE))),
returnPlot = is.null(outdir),
dfr = NULL, idName = "", format = ".png",
type = "ofst", is.sorted = FALSE,
BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
if (windowSize != 100)
message(paste0("NOTE: windowSize is not 100! It is: ", windowSize))
dfl <- df
if(!is(dfl, "list")) dfl <- list(dfl)
for (df in dfl) {
varNames <- bamVarName(df)
outputLibs(df, leaders, type = type)
coverage <- data.table()
if (!allTogether) {
libTypes <- libraryTypes(df)
j <- 0
for (i in seq(nrow(df))) { # For each stage
j <- j + 1
readsList <- list()
for (lib in libTypes) {
# For each library of that stage (SSU, LSU, RNA-seq, RIBO-seq)
readsList <- list(readsList, get(varNames[j]))
readsList <- readsList[-1]
transcriptWindowPer(leaders, cds, trailers, df[i,], outdir, scores,
fractions, readsList)
} else { # all combined
coverage <- bplapply(varNames, function(x, leaders, cds, trailers,
windowSize, is.sorted) {
splitIn3Tx(leaders, cds, trailers,
get(x), fraction = x,
windowSize = windowSize, is.sorted = is.sorted)
}, leaders = leaders, cds = cds, trailers = trailers,
is.sorted = is.sorted, windowSize = windowSize, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
coverage <- rbindlist(coverage)
if (!is.null(dfr)) {
coverage <- rnaNormalize(coverage, df, dfr, cds)
title <- paste0(title, " RNA-normalized")
a <- bplapply(scores, function(s, coverage, colors, title,
idName, outdir, format, df) {
a <- windowCoveragePlot(coverage, scoring = s, colors = colors,
title = title)
if (!is.null(outdir)) {
idName <- ifelse(idName == "", "", paste0("_", idName))
ggsave(pasteDir(outdir, paste0(df@experiment,"_cp_all_", s,
idName, format)),
height = 10)
}, coverage = coverage, colors = colors, title = title,
idName = idName, outdir = outdir, format = format, df = df,
if (returnPlot) return(a)
#' Helper function for transcriptWindow
#' Make 100 bases size meta window for one library in experiment
#' Gives you binned meta coverage plots, either saved seperatly or
#' all in one.
#' @inheritParams transcriptWindow
#' @param reads a GRanges / GAligment object of reads, can also be a list of those.
#' @param returnCoverage return data.table with coverage (default: FALSE)
#' @param windowSize size of binned windows, default: 100
#' @family experiment plots
#' @return NULL, or ggplot object if returnPlot is TRUE
transcriptWindowPer <- function(leaders, cds, trailers, df,
outdir = NULL, scores = c("sum", "zscore"),
reads, returnCoverage = FALSE,
windowSize = 100, BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
libTypes <- libraryTypes(df)
if (is(reads, "list") | is(reads, "GAlignmentsList") |
is(reads, "GRangesList")) {
if (length(libTypes) != length(reads))
stop("not matching length of reads and lib types in df!")
} else if(!(is(reads, "GRanges") | is(reads, "GAlignments"))) {
stop("reads must be GRanges or GAlignments")
coverage <- bplapply(reads, function(x, leaders, cds, trailers,
fraction, windowSize) {
splitIn3Tx(leaders, cds, trailers, x, fraction = names(x)[1],
windowSize = windowSize)
}, leaders = leaders, cds = cds, trailers = trailers,
windowSize = windowSize, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
coverage <- rbindlist(coverage)
return(plotHelper(coverage, df, outdir, scores, returnCoverage))
#' Meta coverage over all transcripts
#' Given as single window
#' @inheritParams transcriptWindow
#' @return NULL, or ggplot object if returnPlot is TRUE
#' @family experiment plots
transcriptWindow1 <- function(df, outdir = NULL,
scores = c("sum", "zscore"),
colors = experiment.colors(df),
title = "Coverage metaplot",
windowSize = 100,
returnPlot = is.null(outdir),
dfr = NULL, idName = "", format = ".png",
type = "ofst", BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
dfl <- df
if(!is(dfl, "list")) dfl <- list(dfl)
for (df in dfl) {
varNames <- bamVarName(df)
outputLibs(df, leaders, type = type)
coverage <- bplapply(varNames, function(x, df, windowSize) {
windowPerTranscript(df, reads = get(x), splitIn3 = FALSE, fraction = x,
windowSize = windowSize)
}, df = df, windowSize = windowSize, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
coverage <- rbindlist(coverage)
if (!is.null(dfr)) {
tx <- loadRegion(df, "tx")
tx <- tx[widthPerGroup(tx, FALSE) >= windowSize]
coverage <- rnaNormalize(coverage, df, dfr, )
title <- paste0(title, " RNA-normalized")
for(s in scores) {
a <- windowCoveragePlot(coverage, scoring = s, colors = colors,
title = title)
if (!is.null(outdir)) {
idName <- ifelse(idName == "", "", paste0("_", idName))
ggsave(pasteDir(outdir, paste0(df@experiment,"_cp_tx_all_", s,
idName, format)), a,
height = 10)
if (returnPlot) return(a)
#' Normalize a data.table of coverage by RNA seq per position
#' Normalizes per position per gene by this function:
#' (reads at position / min(librarysize, 1) * number of genes) /
#' fpkm of that gene's RNA-seq
#' Good way to compare libraries
#' @param coverage a data.table containing at least columns (count/score,
#' position), it is possible to have additionals: (genes, fraction, feature)
#' @inheritParams transcriptWindow
#' @param tx a \code{\link{GRangesList}} of mrna transcripts
#' @param normalizeMode a character (default: "position"), how to normalize
#' library against rna library. Either on "position", normalize by
#' number of genes, sum of reads and RNA seq, on tx "region" or "feature":
#' same as position but RNA is split into the feature groups to normalize.
#' Useful if you have a list of targets and background genes.
#' @return a data.table of normalized transcripts by RNA.
#' @export
rnaNormalize <- function(coverage, df, dfr = NULL, tx, normalizeMode = "position") {
coverage <- copy(coverage)
if (is.null(dfr)) dfr <- df[df$libtype == "RNA",]
if (!all(table(df$libtype) == nrow(dfr))) {
message("RNA normalization not equal rows of experiment, returning without normalizing.")
bamVarsR <- bamVarName(df, skip.libtype = TRUE, skip.experiment = TRUE)
bamVarsr <- bamVarName(dfr, skip.libtype = TRUE, skip.experiment = TRUE)
matches <- bamVarsr %in% bamVarsR
if (!any(matches)) {
message("RNA experiment does not match any rows in df, returning without normalizing.")
outputLibs(dfr, tx)
fullVarNameR <- bamVarName(df)
rnaVarNames <- bamVarName(df)(dfr)[matches]
i <- 1
for (j in rnaVarNames) {
fpkmsDT <- data.table(ORFik::fpkm(tx, get(j), pseudoCount = 1))
rows <- fullVarNameR[which(bamVarsR == bamVarsr[i])]
if (normalizeMode == "position") {
coverage[coverage$fraction %in% rows,
score := (score / (min(sum(score), 1)*length(unique(genes))))
/ fpkmsDT[genes]]
} else if (normalizeMode == "region") {
coverage[coverage$fraction %in% rows,
score := (score / fpkmsDT[genes])]
} else if (normalizeMode == "feature") {
print("Normalize by feature")
f <- table(coverage$feature)
coverage[coverage$fraction %in% rows,
score := (score / (min(sum(score), 1)*f[feature]))
/ fpkmsDT[genes]]
coverage$test <- f[coverage$feature]
} else stop("normalizeMode must be either position, region or feature")
i = i + 1
#' Helper function for coverage plots
#' Should only be used internally
#' @param coverage a data.table containing at least columns (count/score,
#' position), it is possible to have additionals: (genes, fraction, feature)
#' @inheritParams transcriptWindow
#' @param returnCoverage (defualt: FALSE), return the ggplot object (TRUE)
#' or NULL (FALSE).
#' @param title Title to give plot
#' @param plotFunction Which plot function, default: windowCoveragePlot
#' @return NULL (or ggplot object if returnCoverage is TRUE)
plotHelper <- function(coverage, df, outdir, scores, returnCoverage = FALSE,
title = "coverage metaplot", colors = c("skyblue4", "orange"),
plotFunction = "windowCoveragePlot") {
if (!is.null(outdir)) {
for(s in scores) {
stage <- df$stage[1]
type <- df$type[1]
sample_name <- paste0(stage, "_", type, "_", s) # What happens on cds ?
outName <- paste0(outdir, sample_name, ".png")
if (plotFunction == "windowCoveragePlot") {
windowCoveragePlot(coverage, output = outName, scoring = s,
title = title, colors = colors)
} else if (plotFunction == "coverageHeatMap") {
plot <- coverageHeatMap(coverage = coverage, scoring = s)
ggsave(outName, plot = plot, width = 350, height = 180, units = "mm",
dpi = 300, limitsize = FALSE)
} else stop("invalid plot name")
if (returnCoverage) return(coverage)
#' Decide color for libraries by grouping
#' Pick the grouping wanted for colors, by default only group by libtype.
#' Like RNA-seq(skyblue4) and Ribo-seq(orange).
#' @inheritParams bamVarName
#' @param color_list a character vector of colors, default "default".
#' That is the vector c("skyblue4", 'orange', "green", "red", "gray",
#' "yellow", "blue", "red2", "orange3"). Picks number of colors needed to
#' make groupings have unique color
#' @return a character vector of colors
#' @export
experiment.colors <- function(df, color_list = "default",
skip.libtype = FALSE, skip.stage = TRUE,
skip.replicate = TRUE,
skip.fraction = TRUE, skip.condition = TRUE) {
lib_types <- bamVarName(df, skip.replicate, skip.condition,
skip.stage, skip.fraction, skip.libtype)
unique_lib_types <- sort(unique(lib_types))
n_colors <- length(unique_lib_types)
color_list <- c("skyblue4", 'orange', "green", "red", "gray",
"yellow", "blue", "red2", "orange3")
while (n_colors > length(color_list)) {
color_list <- rep(color_list, 2)
return(color_list[match(lib_types, unique_lib_types)])
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