
Defines functions netplot compareResults2 outKegg2Gmt gmtlist2file tuningRepcnt generateRankFeatureCount splitGeneCluster writeTibble reformatPathwayOut plotPwfSplice nullpSplice makeFeatureTable getGeneSetBySize reformatpath match2Genome getIdx color_scale overlap_ratio getStaisitcs4Go outputCatBasedSelection outputGoBasedSelection pp getGeneSet pathwaysplice writegototable reformatdata reversemapping list_to_df gene2cat2 gsa.read.gmt gene2cat compareResults .onAttach gmtGene2Cat enrichmentMap runPathwaySplice lrTestBias makeGeneTable

Documented in compareResults enrichmentMap gmtGene2Cat lrTestBias makeGeneTable outKegg2Gmt runPathwaySplice

#' makeGeneTable
#' This function obtains genewise p-values,
#' by representing each gene with the smallest p-value among its features, 
#' and then determines genes status as significant or not. 
#' @param feature.table An \code{featureBasedData} object.
#' @param sig.threshold Significance threshold used to determine whether the gene is significant 
#' or not
#' @param stat The statistic used to select significant genes. Options are 'pvalue' or 'fdr' 
#' @return Returns a genewised table with several variables (columns) 
#' \item{geneID}{Gene identifiers in ensembl gene IDs}
#' \item{geneWisePvalue}{each gene is represented by the smallest p-value among its features}
#' \item{numFeature}{number of gene features within the gene}
#' \item{fdr}{false discovery rate for genewisePvalue}
#' \item{sig.gene}{a gene is significant (1) or not (0)} 
#' @examples
#' data(featureBasedData)
#' gene.based.table <- makeGeneTable(featureBasedData)
#' @export  
makeGeneTable <- function(feature.table, sig.threshold = 0.05, stat = "pvalue")
    min.pval <- aggregate(pvalue ~ geneID, data = feature.table, FUN = min)
    n.feature <- as.data.frame(table(feature.table$geneID))
    both <- merge(x = min.pval, y = n.feature, by.x = "geneID", by.y = "Var1")
    both$fdr <- p.adjust(both$pvalue, method = "fdr")
    if (stat == "pvalue")
        both$sig.gene <- ifelse(both$pvalue < sig.threshold, 1, 0)
    if (stat == "fdr")
        both$sig.gene <- ifelse(both$fdr < sig.threshold, 1, 0)
    names(both) <- sub("pvalue", "geneWisePvalue", names(both))
    names(both) <- sub("Freq", "numFeature", names(both))
    both <- splitGeneCluster(both)

#' lrTestBias
#' This function tests presence of selection bias using logistic regression, and produces a boxplot 
#' that compares distributions of bias factors (e.g. number of exons) for significant genes and non-significant genes. 
#' @param genewise.table A dataframe with genewise p-value for each gene, returned from \code{makeGeneTable()}
#' @param boxplot.width width of boxplot
#' @details To determine presentce of selection bias, we fit the following logistic regression model:
#' \code{Pr(a gene is significant) ~ number of features within the gene} 
#' Here features refer to exon bins or splicing junction bins, depending on 
#' how genewise pvalues were obtained in the \code{genewise.table}
#' @return Nothing to be returned
#' @examples
#' gene.based.table <- makeGeneTable(featureBasedData)
#' lrTestBias(gene.based.table)
#' @export
lrTestBias <- function(genewise.table, boxplot.width = 0.1)
    mydata <- genewise.table
    DE <- ifelse(mydata$sig.gene == 1, 1, 0)
    mydata.2 <- cbind(mydata, DE)
    if (var(mydata.2$numFeature) != 0)
        mylogit.2 <- glm(formula = DE ~ as.numeric(numFeature), data = mydata.2, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
        pvalue <- coef(summary(mylogit.2))[2,4]
        p.value <- formatC(pvalue, format = "e", digits = 2)
        print (paste0("P-value from logistic regression is ", p.value))
        a <- boxplot(mydata.2$numFeature ~ mydata.2$DE, boxwex = boxplot.width, ylab = "Number of features", 
            col = "lightgray", ylim = c(min(mydata.2$numFeature), max(mydata.2$numFeature)), 
            names = c("non-significant genes", "significant genes"))
        text(length(a$names)-1, max(mydata.2$numFeature)-5 , paste("P Value =",p.value,sep=" "))

    } else
        cat("There are no variations on the number of features\n")

#' runPathwaySplice
#' This function identifies pathways that are enriched with signficant genes, while accounting for 
#' different number of gene features (e.g. exons) associated with each gene
#' @param genewise.table data frame returned from function \code{makeGeneTable} 
#' @param genome Genome to be used, options are 'hg19' or 'mm10' 
#' @param id GeneID, options are 'entrezgene' or 'ensembl_gene_id'
#' @param gene2cat Get sets to be tested, these are defined by users, can be obtained from \code{gmtGene2Cat} function   
#' @param test.cats Default gene ontology gene sets to be tested if \code{gene2cat} is not defined 
#' @param go.size.limit Size limit of the gene sets to be tested
#' @param method the method used to calculate pathway enrichment p value. 
#'        Options are 'Wallenius', 'Sampling', and 'Hypergeometric' 
#' @param repcnt Number of random samples to be calculated when 'Sampling' is used, this argument
#'        ignored unless \code{method='Sampling'}
#' @param use.genes.without.cat Whether genes not mapped to any gene_set tested are included in the analysis.
#'        Default is set to FALSE, where genes not mapped to any tested categories are ignored in analysis. 
#'        Set this option to TRUE if it's desired that all genes in \code{genewise.table} to be counted towards  
#'        the  total  number  of  genes outside  the  category. 
#' @param binsize The number of genes in each gene bin in the bias plot
#' @param output.file File name for the analysis result in .csv format.  
#' @details This function implements the methodology described in Young et al. (2011) to adjust for 
#'          different number of gene features (column \code{numFeature} in \code{gene.based.table}). 
#'          For example, gene features can be non-overlapping exon counting bins associated with each gene (Fig 1 in Anders et al. 2012).
#'          In the bias plot, the genes are grouped by \code{numFeature} in \code{genewise.table} into gene bins, 
#'          the proportions of signficant genes are then plotted against the gene bins. 
#' @return runPathwaySplice returns a \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=dplyr}{tibble} with the following information:
#' \item{gene_set}{Name of the gene set. Note in this document we used the terms gene_set, category, 
#' and pathway interchangeably} 
#' \item{over_represented_pvalue}{P-vaue for the associated gene_set being over-represented among significant genes} 
#' \item{under_represented_pvalue}{P-vaue for the associated gene_set being under-represented among significant genes} 
#' \item{numSIGInCat}{The number of significant genes in the gene_set} 
#' \item{numInCat}{The total number of genes in the gene_set}                                          
#' \item{description}{Description of the gene gene_set} 
#' \item{ontology}{The domain of the gene ontology terms if GO categories were tested. 
#'       Go categories can be classified into three domains: cellular component, biological process, molecular function.} 
#' \item{SIGgene_ensembl}{Ensembl gene ID of significant genes in the gene_set}
#' \item{SIGgene_symbol}{Gene symbols of signficant genes in the gene_set}
#' \item{Ave_value_all_gene}{The average value for \code{numFeature} for all the genes in the gene_set, 
#'      note that \code{numFeature} is the bias factor adjusted by PathwaySplice}
#'These information are also saved in the file \code{output.file}  
#' @references Young MD, Wakefield MJ, Smyth GK, Oshlack A (2011) \emph{Gene ontology analysis for RNA-seq: 
#' accounting for selection bias}. Genome Biology 11:R14
#' Anders S, Reyes A, Huber W (2012) \emph{Dececting differential usage of exons from RNA-seq data.} 
#' Genome Research 22(10): 2008-2017
#' @examples
#' gene.based.table <- makeGeneTable(featureBasedData)
#' res <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',id='ensGene',
#'                          test.cats=c('GO:BP'),
#'                          go.size.limit=c(5,30),
#'                          method='Wallenius',binsize=20)
#' \dontrun{
#' # demonstrate how output file can be specified                 
#' res <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',id='ensGene',
#'                        test.cats=c('GO:BP'),
#'                        go.size.limit=c(5,30),
#'                        method='Wallenius',binsize=800, 
#'                        output.file=tempfile())    
#'# demonstrate using customized gene sets
#' dir.name <- system.file('extdata', package='PathwaySplice')
#' hallmark.local.pathways <- file.path(dir.name,'h.all.v6.0.symbols.gmt.txt')
#' hlp <- gmtGene2Cat(hallmark.local.pathways, genomeID='hg19')
#' res <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',id='ensGene',
#'                        gene2cat=hlp,
#'                        go.size.limit=c(5,200),
#'                        method='Wallenius',binsize=20, 
#'                        output.file=tempfile())
#' }
#' @export
runPathwaySplice <- function(genewise.table, genome, id, gene2cat = NULL, test.cats = c("GO:CC", 
    "GO:BP", "GO:MF"), go.size.limit = c(10, 200), method = "Wallenius", repcnt = 2000, 
    use.genes.without.cat = FALSE, binsize = "auto", output.file = tempfile())
    x <- genewise.table$sig.gene
    names(x) <- genewise.table$geneID
    pwf <- nullpSplice(x, genome, id, bias.data = genewise.table$numFeature, plot.fit = TRUE, 
    CatDE <- pathwaysplice(pwf, genome = genome, id = id, gene2cat = gene2cat, test.cats = test.cats, 
        go.size.limit = go.size.limit, method = method, repcnt = repcnt, use.genes.without.cat = use.genes.without.cat)
    res1 <- getStaisitcs4Go(CatDE, genewise.table)
    res2 <- reformatPathwayOut(res1)
    res3 <- within(res2, rm("Ave_value_DE"))
    writeTibble(res3, output.file)

#' enrichmentMap
#' This function draws an enrichment map based on the overlap of gene sets 
#' as measured by the Jaccard Coefficient(JC) 
#' @param pathway.res Pathway analysis results, an object returned by \code{runPathwaySplice}
#' @param n The top \emph{n} most significant gene sets are shown on enrichment map
#' @param fixed If set to FALSE, will invoke tkplot (an interactive graphing facility in R) that allows one
#' to draw an interactive enrichment map. Users can then manually adjust the layout of the enrichment map. 
#' Note: on OS X system, users need to have \href{https://www.xquartz.org/index.html}{XQuartz} installed 
#' to run this function . tcltk R package is also required, but in most distributions of R tcltk is already included
#' @param node.label.font Font size of node label
#' @param similarity.threshold Gene sets with Jaccard Coefficient > \code{similarity.threshold} 
#'                             will be connected on the enrichment map

#' @param scaling.factor Scaling factor that users can use to adjust the edge thickness of the network, 
#'         which is based on value of sqrt(JC coefficient * 5) * scaling.factor 
#' @param output.file.dir Output files directory, see \code{Details} section below. 
#' @param label.node.by.index Options for labeling nodes on network. 
#'        FALSE indicates to label nodes by gene set names
#'        TRUE indicates to label nodes by the index of gene sets
#' @param add.numSIGInCat Option for users to decide whether to add number of signficant genes of each gene set to the nodes in enrichment map or not
#' @param ... Additional parameter 
#' @details
#' In the enrichment map,
#' \itemize{
#'   \item the \emph{node colors} are controlled by gene set p-values, 
#'     where smaller p-values correspond to dark red color.
#'   \item \emph{node sizes} are controlled by the number of significant genes in gene set.
#'   \item \emph{thickness of the edges} correspond to Jaccard similarity coefficient between two gene sets.
#'   \item the numbers after ':' indicates the nubmer of significant genes in the gene set. 
#' }
#' The Jaccard similarity coefficient ranges from 0 to 1. JC=0 indicates 
#' there are no overlapping genes between two gene sets, 
#' JC=1 indicates two gene sets are identical. 
#' The output directory will include the following files: 
#' (1) a network file (in GML format) that can be used as an input for \href{http://www.cytoscape.org/}{Cytoscape} software
#' (2) when label.node.by.index=TRUE, also a gene set information file that includes full names of the gene sets 
#' and the gene set indices shown on the network. 
#' @return A list with edge and node information used to plot enrichment map
#' @author Aimin created this funciton based on enrichMap function in G Yu's DOSE R package
#' @examples
#' gene.based.table <- makeGeneTable(featureBasedData)
#' res <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',
#'                          id='ensGene',test.cats=c('GO:BP'),
#'                          go.size.limit=c(5,30),method='Wallenius')
#' # labeling each node by gene set name
#' enmap <- enrichmentMap(res,n=10,similarity.threshold=0.3,
#' label.node.by.index = FALSE)
#' # labeling each node by gene set index
#' enmap <- enrichmentMap(res,n=10,similarity.threshold=0.3,
#' label.node.by.index = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # illustrates specification of output file directory
#' # Enable interactive map and label each node by gene set index
#' enmap <- enrichmentMap(res,n=10,fixed=FALSE, similarity.threshold=0.3,
#'                       label.node.by.index = TRUE, output.file.dir=tempdir())
#' enmap <- enrichmentMap(res,n=10,similarity.threshold=0.3,
#'                       label.node.by.index = FALSE, output.file.dir=tempdir())}
#' @export                      
enrichmentMap <- function(pathway.res, n = 50, fixed = TRUE, node.label.font = 1, 
    similarity.threshold, scaling.factor = 1, output.file.dir = tempdir(), label.node.by.index = FALSE,add.numSIGInCat=FALSE, 
    if (!dir.exists(output.file.dir))
        dir.create(output.file.dir, recursive = TRUE)
    pathway.res <- as.data.frame(pathway.res)
    GO.name <- pathway.res$gene_set
    temp <- pathway.res$SIGgene_ensembl
    names(temp) <- GO.name
    x <- pathway.res
    geneSets <- temp
    y <- as.data.frame(x)
    if (any(grep("^GO:", y$gene_set)))
        nodename <- paste0(y$description, ":", y$numSIGInCat)
          nodename <- y$description 
        if (label.node.by.index == TRUE)
            nodename.index <- seq(1, length(nodename))
            output.text <- as.data.frame(cbind(nodename.index, nodename))[1:n, ]
            nodename <- nodename.index
            colnames(output.text) <- c("index", "name")
            write.table(output.text, file = file.path(output.file.dir, "enrichmap_GO.xls"), 
                quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
    } else
          nodename <- paste0(y$description, ":", y$numSIGInCat)
          nodename <- y$description 
        if (label.node.by.index == TRUE)
            nodename.index <- seq(1, length(nodename))
            output.text <- as.data.frame(cbind(nodename.index, nodename))[1:n, ]
            nodename <- nodename.index
            colnames(output.text) <- c("index", "name")
            write.table(output.text, file = file.path(output.file.dir, "enrichmap_pathway.xls"), 
                quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
    if (nrow(y) < n)
        n <- nrow(y)
    y <- y[1:n, ]
    if (n == 0)
        stop("no enriched term found...")
    } else if (n == 1)
        g <- graph.empty(0, directed = FALSE)
        g <- add_vertices(g, nv = 1)
        igraph::V(g)$name <- nodename
        igraph::V(g)$color <- "red"
    } else
        pvalue <- as.numeric(y$over_represented_pvalue)
        id <- y[, 1]
        geneSets <- geneSets[id]
        n <- nrow(y)
        w <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = n)
        colnames(w) <- rownames(w) <- nodename[1:n]
        for (i in 1:n)
            for (j in i:n)
                w[i, j] <- overlap_ratio(geneSets[id[i]], geneSets[id[j]])
        wd <- melt(w)
        wd <- wd[wd[, 1] != wd[, 2], ]
        wd <- wd[!is.na(wd[, 3]), ]
        g <- graph.data.frame(wd[, -3], directed = FALSE)
        igraph::E(g)$width <- sqrt(wd[, 3] * 5) * scaling.factor
        g <- delete.edges(g, igraph::E(g)[wd[, 3] < similarity.threshold])
        idx <- unlist(sapply(igraph::V(g)$name, function(x) which(x == nodename[1:n])))
        cols <- color_scale("red", "#E5C494")
        igraph::V(g)$color <- cols[sapply(pvalue, getIdx, min(pvalue), max(pvalue))]
        Edata <- as.data.frame(get.edgelist(g))
        Edata$edgewidth <- igraph::E(g)$width
        Vdata <- data.frame(pathway = igraph::V(g)$name, color = igraph::V(g)$color)
        map_data <- list(edge_data = Edata, node_data = Vdata)
        cnt <- as.integer(y$numSIGInCat)
        names(cnt) <- nodename[1:n]
        cnt2 <- cnt[igraph::V(g)$name]
        igraph::V(g)$size <- cnt2/sum(cnt2) * 100
    netplot(g, node.label.font = node.label.font, node.label.color = "black", fixed = fixed, 
    write.graph(g, file.path(output.file.dir, "network.layout.for.cytoscape.gml"), 
        format = "gml")
    re2 <- map_data

#' gmtGene2Cat
#' Obtains all pathways associated with a set of genes 
#' @param pathway.file Input file for the gene sets in GMT format, must be in \emph{gene symbols}
#' @param gene.anno.file Gene annotation file that facilitate gene id conversions when 
#' gene ids in RNA-Seq data and \code{pathway.file} differ. If not specified, \code{gmtGene2cat} 
#' relies on gene annotations provided by R package \code{AnnotationHub}.    
#' @param genomeID Genome to be used. Options are 'mm10','hg19' or 'hg38'. 
#' @details This function reads a gene set file in \url{https://software.broadinstitute.org/cancer/
#' software/gsea/wiki/index.php/Data_formats#GMT:_Gene_Matrix_Transposed_file_format_.28.2A.gmt.29},
#' and returns a list with its name being a gene id, and each element of 
#' the list being the pathways associated with the gene. When gene ids in RNA-Seq data differ from those in pathway database,
#' \code{gene.anno.file} facilitate gene id conversions. Users can prepare this file based on the format of the example gene annotation file at 
#'              \url{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aiminy/GOSJ/master/data/gene_annotation.txt}
#' @return A list where each entry is named by a gene and contains a vector of all
#'         the pathways associated with the gene
#' @examples
#' #using local file for pathways database
#' dir.name <- system.file('extdata', package='PathwaySplice')
#' hallmark.local.pathways <- file.path(dir.name,'h.all.v6.0.symbols.gmt.txt')
#' hlp <- gmtGene2Cat(hallmark.local.pathways, genomeID='hg19')
#' \dontrun{
#' #using url for pathways database linked to a website
#' hallmark.url.pathways <- paste0('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SCCC-BBC',
#'                    '/PathwaySplice/development/inst/extdata',
#'                      '/h.all.v6.0.symbols.gmt.txt')
#' hup <- gmtGene2Cat(hallmark.url.pathways, genomeID='hg19')}
#' @export
gmtGene2Cat <- function(pathway.file, gene.anno.file = NULL, genomeID = c("mm10", 
    "hg19", "hg38"))
    gmt_input_file <- pathway.file
    gene.2.cat.gmt <- gene2cat2(gmt_input_file)
    names.gene.gmt <- as.data.frame(names(gene.2.cat.gmt))
    colnames(names.gene.gmt) <- "gene_id"
    if (!is.null(gene.anno.file))
        gene_anno_file <- gene.anno.file
        gene.id.conversion <- read.csv(gene_anno_file)
    } else
        gene.id.conversion <- match.arg(genomeID)
    xxx <- match2Genome(gene.id.conversion)
    names.gene.gmt.2 <- match(names.gene.gmt$gene_id, xxx[, 1])
    gene.id.conversion.2 <- xxx[names.gene.gmt.2, ]
    gene.2.cat.gmt.2 <- gene.2.cat.gmt
    names(gene.2.cat.gmt.2) <- gene.id.conversion.2[, 2]

#' .onAttach
#' @param libname
#' @param pkgname
#' @return Nothing to be returned

#' @examples
#' @export
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname)
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && .Platform$GUI == "Rgui")
        winMenuAddItem("Vignettes", "PathwaySplice", "shell.exec(system.file(\"doc\",\"PathwaySplice.pdf\",package=\"PathwaySplice\"))")

.ORG_PACKAGES = paste("org.", c("Ag.eg", "At.tair", "Bt.eg", "Ce.eg", "Cf.eg", "Dm.eg", 
    "Dr.eg", "EcK12.eg", "EcSakai.eg", "Gg.eg", "Hs.eg", "Mm.eg", "Mmu.eg", "Pf.plasmo", 
    "Pt.eg", "Rn.eg", "Sc.sgd", "Ss.eg", "Xl.eg"), sep = "")

names(.ORG_PACKAGES) = c("anoGam", "Arabidopsis", "bosTau", "ce", "canFam", "dm", 
    "danRer", "E. coli K12", "E. coli Sakai", "galGal", "hg", "mm", "rheMac", "Malaria", 
    "panTro", "rn", "sacCer", "susScr", "xenTro")

.ID_MAP = c("eg", "eg", "ENSEMBL", "SYMBOL", "sgd", "plasmo", "tair")

names(.ID_MAP) = c("knownGene", "refGene", "ensGene", "geneSymbol", "sgd", "plasmo", 


names(.ORG_GOMAP_FUNCTION) = c("default", "org.At.tair", "org.Pf.plasmo", "org.Sc.sgd")
.TXDB_ORGS = c("ce6", "dm3", "hg18", "hg19", "hg38", "mm10", "mm9", "rn4", "rn5", 
    "sacCer2", "sacCer3")

#' compareResults
#' This function helps with visualizing the effects of bias adjustment in pathway analysis, 
#' by comparing the distributions of bias factors (e.g. number of exon bins) 
#' in genes associated with the most significant gene sets, before and after adjusting for bias factors 
#' in splicing pathway analysis.
#' @param n.go Distributions of bias factor in genes associated with the most significant 
#'             \code{n.go} gene sets will be compared
#' @param adjusted An object returned by \code{runPathwaySplice}, should correspond to  
#' gene set anlaysis results adjusting for biases in splicing analysis
#' @param unadjusted An object returned by \code{runPathwaySplice}, should correspond to 
#' gene set analysis results NOT adjusting for biases
#' @param gene.based.table An object returned by \code{makeGeneTable}, should correspond to 
#' a table with one p-value for each gene
#' @param output.dir Directory for output files 
#' @param type.boxplot Options are 'All' and 'Only3', corresponding to drawing 5 boxplots or 3 boxplots. 
#'        5 boxplots:  \code{all genesets}, \code{sig.adjusted} (sig gene sets in adjusted analysis),
#'         \code{sig.unadjusted} (sig gene sets in unadjusted analysis),
#'         \code{sig.adjusted.only} (sig gene sets in adjusted analysis only), 
#'         \code{sig.unadjusted.only} (sig gene sets in unadjusted analysis only)
#'        3 boxplots: \code{all genesets}, \code{adjusted.sig}, \code{unadjusted.sig}
#' @return The output include 3 files in \code{output.dir}: 
#' (1) a venn diagram comparing significant gene sets before and after adjusting for bias factors
#' (2) a .csv file with gene set names belonging to different sections of the venn diagram    
#' (3) a box plot showing the distributions of number of features within all genes 
#' in significant gene sets, with or without adjusting for bias factors
#' @examples
#' dir.name <- system.file('extdata', package='PathwaySplice')
#' hallmark.pathway.file <- file.path(dir.name,'h.all.v6.0.symbols.gmt.txt')
#' hallmark <- gmtGene2Cat(hallmark.pathway.file,genomeID='hg19')
#' gene.based.table <- makeGeneTable(featureBasedData)
#' res.adj <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',
#'                          id='ensGene',gene2cat=hallmark,  
#'                          go.size.limit = c(5, 200),
#'                          method='Wallenius')
#' res.unadj <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',
#'                          id='ensGene',gene2cat=hallmark,go.size.limit = c(5, 200),
#'                          method='Hypergeometric')
#' compareResults(20, res.adj, res.unadj, gene.based.table, type.boxplot='Only3')
#' \dontrun{
#' # illustrate specification of output directory on windows systems
#' compareResults(20, res.adj, res.unadj, gene.based.table, type.boxplot='Only3',output.dir=tempdir())
#' output.dir <- '~/OutputTestPathwaySplice' #linux system
#' compareResults(20,res.adj, res.unadj,gene.based.table, output.dir, type.boxplot='Only3')
#' @export
compareResults <- function(n.go, adjusted, unadjusted, gene.based.table, output.dir = tempdir(), 
    type.boxplot = c("All", "Only3"))
    if (!dir.exists(output.dir))
        dir.create(output.dir, recursive = TRUE)
    n <- n.go
    example.go.adjusted.by.exon <- as.data.frame(adjusted)
    example.go.unadjusted <- as.data.frame(unadjusted)
    if (is.na(example.go.adjusted.by.exon) || is.na(example.go.unadjusted))
        cat("One of results is empty\n\n")
    } else
        if (dim(example.go.adjusted.by.exon)[1] >= n && dim(example.go.unadjusted)[1] >= 
            adjusted <- example.go.adjusted.by.exon[1:n, 1]
            unadjusted <- example.go.unadjusted[1:n, 1]
            re <- list(adjusted = adjusted, unadjusted = unadjusted)
            vp <- venn.diagram(re, fill = c("red", "blue"), cat.col = c("red", "blue"), 
                alpha = 0.3, filename = file.path(output.dir, paste0(names(re)[1], 
                  "_", names(re)[2], "_overlap_venn.tiff")))
            common <- intersect(unadjusted, adjusted)
            In.unadjusted.not.in.adjusted <- setdiff(unadjusted, common)
            In.adjusted.not.in.unadjusted <- setdiff(adjusted, common)
            if (length(In.unadjusted.not.in.adjusted) != 0 && length(In.adjusted.not.in.unadjusted) != 
                index1 <- match(In.adjusted.not.in.unadjusted, example.go.adjusted.by.exon$gene_set)
                index1.name <- unique(unlist(example.go.adjusted.by.exon[index1, 
                In.ad.not.un <- gene.based.table[match(index1.name, gene.based.table$geneID), 
                yy <- cbind(example.go.unadjusted[index1, ]$rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue, 
                  example.go.adjusted.by.exon[index1, ]$rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue)
                index2 <- match(In.unadjusted.not.in.adjusted, example.go.unadjusted$gene_set)
                index2.name <- unique(unlist(example.go.unadjusted[index2, ]$All_gene_ensembl))
                In.un.not.ad <- gene.based.table[match(index2.name, gene.based.table$geneID), 
                yyy <- cbind(example.go.unadjusted[index2, ]$rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue, 
                  example.go.adjusted.by.exon[index2, ]$rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue)
                cp.topN.adjusted.name <- unique(unlist(example.go.adjusted.by.exon[1:n, 
                cp.topN.adjusted <- gene.based.table[match(cp.topN.adjusted.name, 
                  gene.based.table$geneID), ]$numFeature
                cp.topN.unadjusted.name <- unique(unlist(example.go.unadjusted[1:n, 
                cp.topN.unadjusted <- gene.based.table[match(cp.topN.unadjusted.name, 
                  gene.based.table$geneID), ]$numFeature
                adjusted.name <- unique(unlist(example.go.adjusted.by.exon$All_gene_ensembl))
                cp.all.adjusted <- gene.based.table[match(adjusted.name, gene.based.table$geneID), 
                unadjusted.name <- unique(unlist(example.go.unadjusted$All_gene_ensembl))
                cp.all.unadjusted <- gene.based.table[match(unadjusted.name, gene.based.table$geneID), 
                type.boxplot <- match.arg(type.boxplot)
                switch(type.boxplot, Only3 = {
                  yy <- rbind(cbind(cp.topN.adjusted, rep(paste0("Adjusted_", n.go), 
                    length(cp.topN.adjusted))), cbind(cp.topN.unadjusted, rep(paste0("Unadjusted_", 
                    n.go), length(cp.topN.unadjusted))), cbind(cp.all.unadjusted, 
                    rep("All", length(cp.all.unadjusted))))
                  colnames(yy) <- c("y", "grp")
                  yy <- as.data.frame(yy)
                  yy$grp <- factor(yy$grp)
                  yy$grp <- factor(yy$grp, levels = levels(yy$grp)[c(2, 1, 3)])
                  yy$y <- as.numeric(as.character(yy$y))
                  colnames(yy) <- c("numFeature", "category")
                  m = list(l = 200, r = 5, b = 5, t = 5, pad = 4)
                  p <- plot_ly(yy, x = ~numFeature, color = ~category, type = "box") %>% 
                    layout(margin = m)
                  htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, file.path(output.dir, "boxplot.html"))
                }, {
                  yy <- rbind(cbind(In.ad.not.un, rep("adjusted.only", length(In.ad.not.un))), 
                    cbind(In.un.not.ad, rep("unadjusted.only", length(In.un.not.ad))), 
                    cbind(cp.topN.adjusted, rep(paste0("top.adjusted.", n.go), length(cp.topN.adjusted))), 
                    cbind(cp.topN.unadjusted, rep(paste0("top.unadjusted.", n.go), 
                      length(cp.topN.unadjusted))), cbind(cp.all.adjusted, rep("all.adjusted", 
                      length(cp.all.adjusted))), cbind(cp.all.unadjusted, rep("all.unadjusted", 
                  colnames(yy) <- c("y", "grp")
                  yy <- as.data.frame(yy)
                  yy$y <- as.numeric(as.character(yy$y))
                  colnames(yy) <- c("numFeature", "category")
                  m = list(l = 200, r = 5, b = 5, t = 5, pad = 4)
                  p <- plot_ly(yy, x = ~numFeature, color = ~category, type = "box") %>% 
                    layout(margin = m)
                  print (p)
                  htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, file.path(output.dir, "boxplot.html"))
                na.pad <- function(x, len)
                makePaddedDataFrame <- function(l, ...)
                  maxlen <- max(sapply(l, length))
                  data.frame(lapply(l, na.pad, len = maxlen), ...)
                x <- In.adjusted.not.in.unadjusted
                y <- In.unadjusted.not.in.adjusted
                z <- common
                venn.res <- makePaddedDataFrame(list(x = x, y = y, z = z))
                colnames(venn.res) <- c("adjusted.only", "unadjusted.only", "common")
                write.table(venn.res, file = file.path(output.dir, "results4venn.csv"), 
                  quote = FALSE, sep = ",", eol = "\n", na = " ", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, 
                  col.names = TRUE)
                temp1 <- dplyr::as_data_frame(example.go.adjusted.by.exon[index1, 
                writeTibble(temp1, file.path(output.dir, "adjustedOnly.csv"))
                temp2 <- dplyr::as_data_frame(example.go.unadjusted[index2, ])
                writeTibble(temp2, file.path(output.dir, "unadjustedOnly.csv"))
            } else
                if (length(In.unadjusted.not.in.adjusted) == 0)
                  cat("there is no significant gene sets in unadjusted results only\n")
                if (length(In.adjusted.not.in.unadjusted) == 0)
                  cat("there is no significant gene sets in adjusted results only\n")
        } else
            cat("The enriched gene sets is less than", n, "\n")

# Utility functions for PathwaySplice
gene2cat <- function(gene.name, re)
    z <- re$genesets
    res <- lapply(z, function(ch) grep(gene.name, ch))
    res2 <- sapply(res, function(x) length(x) > 0)
    gene2cat <- list(re$geneset.names[res2])

gsa.read.gmt <- function(filename)
    a <- scan(filename, what = list("", ""), sep = "\t", quote = NULL, fill = TRUE, 
        flush = TRUE, multi.line = FALSE)
    geneset.names <- a[1][[1]]
    geneset.descriptions <- a[2][[1]]
    dd <- scan(filename, what = "", sep = "\t", quote = NULL)
    nn <- length(geneset.names)
    n <- length(dd)
    ox <- rep(NA, nn)
    ii <- 1
    for (i in 1:nn)
        while ((dd[ii] != geneset.names[i]) | (dd[ii + 1] != geneset.descriptions[i]))
            ii <- ii + 1
        ox[i] <- ii
        ii <- ii + 1
    genesets <- vector("list", nn)
    for (i in 1:(nn - 1))
        i1 <- ox[i] + 2
        i2 <- ox[i + 1] - 1
        geneset.descriptions[i] <- dd[ox[i] + 1]
        genesets[[i]] <- dd[i1:i2]
    geneset.descriptions[nn] <- dd[ox[nn] + 1]
    genesets[[nn]] <- dd[(ox[nn] + 2):n]
    out <- list(genesets = genesets, geneset.names = geneset.names, geneset.descriptions = geneset.descriptions)
    class(out) <- "GSA.genesets"

gene2cat2 <- function(gmt.input.file)
    re <- gsa.read.gmt(gmt.input.file)
    gene.name <- unique(do.call(c, re$genesets))
    gene.2.cat <- sapply(gene.name, gene2cat, re)
    names(gene.2.cat) <- gene.name

list_to_df <- function(list_for_df)
    list_for_df <- as.list(list_for_df)
    nm <- names(list_for_df)
    if (is.null(nm)) 
        nm <- seq_along(list_for_df)
    df <- data.frame(name = nm, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    df$value <- unname(list_for_df)

reversemapping <- function(map)
    tmp <- unlist(map, use.names = FALSE)
    names(tmp) <- rep(names(map), times = as.numeric(summary(map)[, 1]))
    return(split(names(tmp), as.vector(tmp)))

reformatdata <- function(re.gene.based)
    re <- re.gene.based
    no.re.testable.index <- which(re$mostSigDeFeature == "character(0)")
    if (length(no.re.testable.index) > 0)
        re2 <- re[-no.re.testable.index, ]
    } else
        re2 <- re
    All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature <- unique(unlist(strsplit(re2$geneID, "\\+")))
    All.gene.id.index <- rep(0, length(All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature))
    names(All.gene.id.index) <- All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature
    re3 <- lapply(All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature, function(u, re2)
        x <- as.data.frame(re2[grep(u, re2$geneID), ], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    }, re2)
    re4 <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(re3, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    index.geneID <- which(colnames(re4) %in% c("geneID"))
    re5 <- cbind.data.frame(All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature, re4[, -c(index.geneID)], 
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(re5)[1] <- "geneID"

writegototable <- function(GO_re, Output_file)
    dataset2 <- GO_re
    dataset2[sapply(dataset2, is.list)] <- sapply(dataset2[sapply(dataset2, is.list)], 
        function(x) sapply(x, function(y) paste(unlist(y), collapse = ", ")))
    write.table(dataset2, file = Output_file, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")

pathwaysplice <- function(pwf, genome, id, gene2cat, test.cats, go.size.limit, method, 
    repcnt, use.genes.without.cat)
    if (any(!test.cats %in% c("GO:CC", "GO:BP", "GO:MF", "KEGG")))
        stop("Invalid gene_set specified.  Valid categories are GO:CC, GO:BP, GO:MF or KEGG")
    if ((missing(genome) | missing(id)))
        if (is.null(gene2cat))
            stop("You must specify the genome and gene ID format when automatically fetching gene to GO gene_set mappings.")
        genome <- "dummy"
        id <- "dummy"
    if (!any(method %in% c("Wallenius", "Sampling", "Hypergeometric")))
        stop("Invalid calculation method selected.  Valid options are Wallenius, Sampling & Hypergeometric.")
    if (!is.null(gene2cat) && (!is.data.frame(gene2cat) & !is.list(gene2cat)))
        stop("Was expecting a dataframe or a list mapping categories to genes.  Check gene2cat input and try again.")
    pwf <- unfactor(pwf)
    gene2cat <- unfactor(gene2cat)
    if (is.null(gene2cat))
        message("Fetching GO annotations...")
        gene2cat <- getGeneSet(rownames(pwf), genome, id, fetch.cats = test.cats)
        cat2gene <- reversemapping(gene2cat)
        gene2cat <- reversemapping(cat2gene)
    } else
        message("Using manually entered categories.")
        if (class(gene2cat) != "list")
            genecol_sum <- as.numeric(apply(gene2cat, 2, function(u)
                sum(u %in% rownames(pwf))
            genecol <- which(genecol_sum != 0)
            if (length(genecol) > 1)
                genecol <- genecol[order(-genecol_sum)[1]]
                warning(paste("More than one possible gene column found in gene2cat, using the one headed", 
            if (length(genecol) == 0)
                genecol <- 1
                warning(paste("Gene column could not be identified in gene2cat conclusively, using the one headed", 
            othercol <- 1
            if (genecol == 1)
                othercol <- 2
            gene2cat <- split(gene2cat[, othercol], gene2cat[, genecol])
            cat2gene <- reversemapping(gene2cat)
            gene2cat <- reversemapping(cat2gene)
        gene2cat <- gene2cat[-which(is.na(names(gene2cat)))]
        if (sum(unique(unlist(gene2cat, use.names = FALSE)) %in% rownames(pwf)) > 
            sum(unique(names(gene2cat)) %in% rownames(pwf)))
            gene2cat <- reversemapping(gene2cat)
        gene2cat <- gene2cat[names(gene2cat) %in% rownames(pwf)]
        if (length(gene2cat) > 0)
            cat2gene <- reversemapping(gene2cat)
            gene2cat <- reversemapping(cat2gene)
            cat2gene <- lapply(cat2gene, function(x)
            gene2cat <- lapply(gene2cat, function(x)
        } else
            cat("There is no match between gene names of gene2pathway input and gene names of the data set under analysis,please change gene2pathway input\n\n")
    cat2gene <- getGeneSetBySize(cat2gene, go.size.limit)
    if (length(gene2cat) == 0)
        stop("No gene set is satisfied by the selected size. Change gene set or choose new size.")
    gene2cat <- reversemapping(cat2gene)
    cat2gene <- reversemapping(gene2cat)
    nafrac <- (sum(is.na(pwf$pwf))/nrow(pwf)) * 100
    if (nafrac > 50)
        warning(paste("Missing length data for ", round(nafrac), "% of genes.  Accuarcy of GO test will be reduced.", 
            sep = ""))
    pwf$pwf[is.na(pwf$pwf)] <- pwf$pwf[match(sort(pwf$bias.data[!is.na(pwf$bias.data)])[ceiling(sum(!is.na(pwf$bias.data))/2)], 
    unknown_go_terms = nrow(pwf) - length(gene2cat)
    if ((!use.genes.without.cat) && unknown_go_terms > 0)
        message(paste("For", unknown_go_terms, "genes, we could not find any categories. These genes will be excluded."))
        message("To force their use, please run with use_genes_without_cat=TRUE (see documentation).")
        message("This was the default behavior for version 1.15.1 and earlier.")
        pwf = pwf[rownames(pwf) %in% names(gene2cat), ]
    cats <- names(cat2gene)
    DE <- rownames(pwf)[pwf$DEgenes == 1]
    num_de <- length(DE)
    num_genes <- nrow(pwf)
    pvals <- data.frame(gene_set = cats, over_represented_pvalue = NA, under_represented_pvalue = NA, 
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE, numSIGInCat = NA, numInCat = NA)
    if (method == "Sampling")
        num_DE_mask <- rep(0, length(cats))
        a <- table(unlist(gene2cat[DE], FALSE, FALSE))
        num_DE_mask[match(names(a), cats)] <- as.numeric(a)
        num_DE_mask <- as.integer(num_DE_mask)
        gene2cat <- gene2cat[rownames(pwf)]
        names(gene2cat) <- rownames(pwf)
        message("Running the simulation...")
        lookup <- matrix(0, nrow = repcnt, ncol = length(cats))
        for (i in 1:repcnt)
            a <- table(as.character(unlist(gene2cat[order(runif(num_genes)^(1/pwf$pwf), 
                decreasing = TRUE)[1:num_de]], FALSE, FALSE)))
            lookup[i, match(names(a), cats)] <- a
        message("Calculating the p-values...")
        pvals[, 2] <- (colSums(lookup >= outer(rep(1, repcnt), num_DE_mask)) + 1)/(repcnt + 
        pvals[, 3] <- (colSums(lookup <= outer(rep(1, repcnt), num_DE_mask)) + 1)/(repcnt + 
    if (method == "Wallenius")
        message("Calculating the p-values...")
        degenesnum <- which(pwf$DEgenes == 1)
        cat2genenum <- relist(match(unlist(cat2gene), rownames(pwf)), cat2gene)
        alpha <- sum(pwf$pwf)
        pvals[, 2:3] <- t(sapply(cat2genenum, function(u)
            num_de_incat <- sum(degenesnum %in% u)
            num_incat <- length(u)
            avg_weight <- mean(pwf$pwf[u])
            weight <- (avg_weight * (num_genes - num_incat))/(alpha - num_incat * 
            if (num_incat == num_genes)
                weight <- 1
            c(dWNCHypergeo(num_de_incat, num_incat, num_genes - num_incat, num_de, 
                weight) + pWNCHypergeo(num_de_incat, num_incat, num_genes - num_incat, 
                num_de, weight, lower.tail = FALSE), pWNCHypergeo(num_de_incat, num_incat, 
                num_genes - num_incat, num_de, weight))
    if (method == "Hypergeometric")
        message("Calculating the p-values...")
        degenesnum <- which(pwf$DEgenes == 1)
        cat2genenum <- relist(match(unlist(cat2gene), rownames(pwf)), cat2gene)
        pvals[, 2:3] <- t(sapply(cat2genenum, function(u)
            num_de_incat <- sum(degenesnum %in% u)
            num_incat <- length(u)
            c(dhyper(num_de_incat, num_incat, num_genes - num_incat, num_de) + phyper(num_de_incat, 
                num_incat, num_genes - num_incat, num_de, lower.tail = FALSE), phyper(num_de_incat, 
                num_incat, num_genes - num_incat, num_de))
    degenesnum <- which(pwf$DEgenes == 1)
    cat2genenum <- relist(match(unlist(cat2gene), rownames(pwf)), cat2gene)
    pvals[, 4:5] <- t(sapply(cat2genenum, function(u)
        c(sum(degenesnum %in% u), length(u))
    DE_pwf <- rownames(pwf[degenesnum, ])
    pvals.6 <- sapply(cat2gene, function(u, DE_pwf)
        x <- u[which(u %in% DE_pwf)]
    }, DE_pwf)
    xxx <- match2Genome(genome)
    pvals.6.gene.symbol <- sapply(pvals.6, function(u, xxx)
        y <- xxx[match(u, as.character(xxx[, 2])), 1]
    }, xxx)
    gene_pwf <- rownames(pwf)
    pvals.7 <- sapply(cat2gene, function(u, gene_pwf)
        x <- u[which(u %in% gene_pwf)]
    }, gene_pwf)
    pvals.7.gene.symbol <- sapply(pvals.7, function(u, xxx)
        y <- xxx[match(u, as.character(xxx[, 2])), 1]
    }, xxx)
    pvals.6.df <- list_to_df(pvals.6)
    pvals.6.gene.symbol.df <- list_to_df(pvals.6.gene.symbol)
    pvals.7.df <- list_to_df(pvals.7)
    pvals.7.gene.symbol.df <- list_to_df(pvals.7.gene.symbol)
    dataset2 <- pvals.6.gene.symbol.df
    dataset2[sapply(dataset2, is.list)] <- sapply(dataset2[sapply(dataset2, is.list)], 
        function(x) sapply(x, function(y) paste(unlist(y), collapse = ", ")))
    temp.gene.name <- unique(apply(dataset2[, 2], 1, c))
    temp.gene.name.2 <- unique(gdata::trim(unlist(strsplit(temp.gene.name, split = ","))))
    DE_from_GO <- temp.gene.name.2
    colnames(pvals.6.df) <- c("gene_set", "SIGgene_ensembl")
    colnames(pvals.6.gene.symbol.df) <- c("gene_set", "SIGgene_symbol")
    colnames(pvals.7.df) <- c("gene_set", "All_gene_ensembl")
    colnames(pvals.7.gene.symbol.df) <- c("gene_set", "All_gene_symbol")
    pvals <- pvals[order(pvals$over_represented_pvalue), ]
    if (any(grep("^GO:", pvals$gene_set)))
        GOnames <- select(GO.db, keys = pvals$gene_set, columns = c("TERM", "ONTOLOGY"))[, 
        colnames(GOnames) <- tolower(colnames(GOnames))
        colnames(GOnames)[colnames(GOnames) == "term"] <- "description"
        pvals <- cbind(pvals, GOnames)
    re.2 <- merge(pvals, pvals.6.df, by = "gene_set", sort = FALSE)
    re.3 <- merge(re.2, pvals.6.gene.symbol.df, by = "gene_set", sort = FALSE)
    re.4 <- merge(re.3, pvals.7.df, by = "gene_set", sort = FALSE)
    re.5 <- merge(re.4, pvals.7.gene.symbol.df, by = "gene_set", sort = FALSE)
    re.6 <- list(GO = re.5, DE_GO = DE_from_GO, cat2gene = cat2gene)

getGeneSet <- function(genes, genome, id, fetch.cats = c("GO:CC", "GO:BP", "GO:MF"))
    if (any(!fetch.cats %in% c("GO:CC", "GO:BP", "GO:MF", "KEGG")))
        stop("Invaled gene_set specified.  Categories can only be GO:CC, GO:BP, GO:MF or KEGG")
    orgstring <- as.character(.ORG_PACKAGES[match(gsub("[0-9]+", "", genome), names(.ORG_PACKAGES))])
    if (length(orgstring) != 1)
        stop("Couldn't grab GO categories automatically.  Please manually specify.")
    library(paste(orgstring, "db", sep = "."), character.only = TRUE)
    coreid <- strsplit(orgstring, "\\.")[[1]][3]
    userid <- as.character(.ID_MAP[match(id, names(.ID_MAP))])
    if (is.na(userid) | (length(userid) != 1))
        stop("Couldn't grab GO categories automatically.  Please manually specify.")
    core2cat <- NULL
    if (length(grep("^GO", fetch.cats)) != 0)
        gomapFunction <- .ORG_GOMAP_FUNCTION[orgstring]
        if (is.na(gomapFunction)) 
            gomapFunction <- .ORG_GOMAP_FUNCTION["default"]
        x <- toTable(get(paste(orgstring, gomapFunction, sep = "")))
        x[!x$Ontology %in% gsub("^GO:", "", fetch.cats), 2] <- "Other"
        core2cat <- x[, 1:2]
        colnames(core2cat) <- c("gene_id", "gene_set")
    if (length(grep("^KEGG", fetch.cats)) != 0)
        x <- toTable(get(paste(orgstring, "PATH", sep = "")))
        colnames(x) <- c("gene_id", "gene_set")
        if (!is.null(core2cat))
            core2cat <- rbind(core2cat, x)
        } else
            core2cat <- x
    if (coreid != userid)
        user2core <- toTable(get(paste(orgstring, userid, sep = "")))
        user2core <- user2core[user2core[, 1] %in% core2cat[, 1], ]
        list_core2cat <- split(core2cat[, 2], core2cat[, 1])
        list_core2cat <- list_core2cat[match(user2core[, 1], names(list_core2cat))]
        user2cat <- split(unlist(list_core2cat, FALSE, FALSE), rep(user2core[, 2], 
            sapply(list_core2cat, length)))
        user2cat <- sapply(user2cat, unique)
    } else
        user2cat <- split(core2cat[, 2], core2cat[, 1])
        user2cat <- sapply(user2cat, unique)
    user2cat <- lapply(user2cat, function(x)
        if (length(x) > 1) 
            x = x[x != "Other"]
    names(user2cat) <- toupper(names(user2cat))
    gene2go <- user2cat[toupper(genes)]

pp <- function(total, count, i = i)
    if (missing(count))
        count <- evalq(i, envir = parent.frame())
    if (missing(total))
        total <- evalq(stop, envir = parent.frame())
    cat(round(100 * (count/total)), "%   \r")

outputGoBasedSelection <- function(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ)
    index.select <- which(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ[[1]]$numInCat >= 10 & Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ[[1]]$numInCat <= 
        300 & Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ[[1]]$ontology == "BP")
    Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select <- Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ[[1]][index.select, 
    Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select <- Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select[, -3]
    temp <- format(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select$over_represented_pvalue, scientific = TRUE, 
        digits = 2)
    Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select$over_represented_pvalue <- temp
    rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue <- rank(as.numeric(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select$over_represented_pvalue), 
        ties.method = "min")
    Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select <- cbind(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select, rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue)

outputCatBasedSelection <- function(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ)
    index.select <- which(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ$numInCat >= 10 & Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ$numInCat <= 
    Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select <- Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ[index.select, 
    Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select <- Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select[, -3]
    temp <- format(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select$over_represented_pvalue, scientific = TRUE, 
        digits = 2)
    Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select$over_represented_pvalue <- temp
    rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue <- rank(as.numeric(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select$over_represented_pvalue), 
        ties.method = "min")
    Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select <- as_tibble(cbind(Re.Go.adjusted.by.exon.SJ.select, rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue))

getStaisitcs4Go <- function(GO.wall.DE_interest, genewise.table)
    GO.data <- GO.wall.DE_interest[[1]]
    y <- as.list(GO.data$SIGgene_ensembl)
    re <- lapply(1:length(y), function(u, y, genewise.table)
        yy <- y[[u]]
        y.id <- trim(c(unlist(strsplit(y[[u]], split = ","))))
        if (length(y.id) != 0)
            yyy <- mean(as.numeric(unlist(genewise.table[match(y.id, genewise.table$geneID), 
        } else
            yyy <- 0
    }, y, genewise.table)
    re2 <- list_to_df(re)
    GO.data.1 <- cbind(GO.data, re2)
    GO.data.2 <- GO.data.1[, -(dim(GO.data.1)[2] - 1)]
    colnames(GO.data.2)[dim(GO.data.2)[2]] <- "Ave_value_DE"
    cat2gene <- GO.wall.DE_interest[[3]]
    rre <- lapply(1:length(cat2gene), function(u, cat2gene, genewise.table)
        yy <- cat2gene[[u]]
        y.id <- yy
        if (length(y.id) != 0)
            yyy <- mean(as.numeric(unlist(genewise.table[match(y.id, genewise.table$geneID), 
                ]$numFeature)), na.rm = TRUE)
        } else
            yyy <- 0
    }, cat2gene, genewise.table)
    names(rre) <- names(cat2gene)
    rre2 <- list_to_df(rre)
    colnames(rre2) <- c("gene_set", "Ave_value_all_gene")
    GO.data.3 <- merge(GO.data.2, rre2, by = "gene_set", sort = FALSE)
    GO.data.3$Ave_value_DE <- unlist(GO.data.3$Ave_value_DE)
    GO.data.3$Ave_value_all_gene <- unlist(GO.data.3$Ave_value_all_gene)
    re3 <- list(GO.wall.DE_interest = GO.data.3, pwf.DE_interest = GO.wall.DE_interest[[2]])

overlap_ratio <- function(x, y)
    x <- unlist(x)
    y <- unlist(y)
    length(intersect(x, y))/length(unique(c(x, y)))

color_scale <- function(c1 = "grey", c2 = "red")
    pal <- colorRampPalette(c(c1, c2))
    colors <- pal(100)

getIdx <- function(v, MIN, MAX)
    if (MIN == MAX)
    intervals <- seq(MIN, MAX, length.out = 100)
    max(which(intervals <= v))

match2Genome <- function(genome_id)
    ah <- AnnotationHub()
    switch(genome_id, hg38 = {
        hs <- query(ah, c("Ensembl", "GRCh38", "Homo sapiens"))
        res <- hs[["AH53211"]]
        res <- genes(res, columns = c("gene_name"))
        xxx <- mcols(res)
        yyy <- xxx
    }, hg19 = {
        edb <- org.Hs.eg.db
        entrezid <- keys(edb, keytype = "ENTREZID")
        suppressMessages(xxx <- select(edb, keys = entrezid, columns = c("ENSEMBL", 
        yyy <- xxx[, c(3, 2, 1)]
    }, mm10 = {
        edb <- org.Mm.eg.db
        entrezid <- keys(edb, keytype = "ENTREZID")
        suppressMessages(xxx <- select(edb, keys = entrezid, columns = c("ENSEMBL", 
        yyy <- xxx[, c(3, 2, 1)]
    }, {
        hs <- query(ah, c("Ensembl", "GRCm38", "Mus Musculus"))
        res <- hs[["AH53222"]]
        res <- genes(res, columns = c("gene_name"))
        xxx <- S4Vectors::mcols(res)
        yyy <- xxx

reformatpath <- function(dir.name)
    CheckOPS <- Sys.info()[["sysname"]]
    if (CheckOPS == "Darwin")
        temp <- unlist(strsplit(dir.name, split = "\\/"))
        if (!is.na(temp[3] == "H_driver"))
            if (temp[3] == "H_driver")
                temp[2] <- "Volumes"
                temp[3] <- "Bioinformatics$"
                dir.name <- do.call("file.path", as.list(temp))

getGeneSetBySize <- function(user2cat, go.size.limit)
    gene2go <- user2cat
    gene2go.select <- lapply(gene2go, function(x)
        x = x[x != "Other"]
    gene2go.select.1 <- gene2go.select[lapply(gene2go.select, length) > 0]
    lower.size <- go.size.limit[1]
    upper.size <- go.size.limit[2]
    if (is.finite(lower.size) & is.finite(upper.size))
        gene2go.select.2 <- gene2go.select.1[lapply(gene2go.select.1, length) > lower.size & 
            lapply(gene2go.select.1, length) <= upper.size]
    } else
        gene2go.select.2 <- gene2go.select.1

makeFeatureTable <- function(jscs, use.multigene.aggregates = TRUE)
    temp <- fData(jscs)
    temp2 <- temp[which(temp$testable == TRUE), ]
    index.1 <- which(colnames(temp2) %in% c("geneID"))
    index.2 <- which(colnames(temp2) %in% c("countbinID"))
    index.3 <- which(colnames(temp2) %in% c("pvalue"))
    temp3 <- temp2[, c(index.1, index.2, index.3)]
    temp3 <- rapply(temp3, as.character, classes = "factor", how = "replace")
    if (use.multigene.aggregates == FALSE)
        temp3 <- temp3[-grep("\\+", temp3$geneID), ]
    row.names(temp3) = seq(1, dim(temp3)[1], 1)

nullpSplice = function(DEgenes, genome, id, bias.data = NULL, plot.fit = TRUE, binsize = "auto")
    if (!is.null(bias.data) & length(bias.data) != length(DEgenes))
        stop("bias.data vector must have the same length as DEgenes vector!")
    bias.data = unfactor(bias.data)
    DEgenes = unfactor(DEgenes)
    if (is.null(bias.data))
        bias.data = getlength(names(DEgenes), genome, id)
    pwf = rep(NA, length(DEgenes))
    w = !is.na(bias.data)
    pwf[w] = makespline(bias.data[w], DEgenes[w])
    out = data.frame(DEgenes = DEgenes, bias.data = bias.data, pwf = pwf, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rownames(out) = names(DEgenes)
    if (plot.fit)
        plotPwfSplice(out, binsize)

plotPwfSplice = function(pwf, binsize, pwf_col = 3, pwf_lwd = 2, xlab = "Biased Data in <binsize> gene bins.", 
    ylab = "Proportion of significant genes", ...)
    w = !is.na(pwf$bias.data)
    o = order(pwf$bias.data[w])
    rang = max(pwf$pwf, na.rm = TRUE) - min(pwf$pwf, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (rang == 0 & binsize == "auto") 
        binsize = 1000
    if (binsize == "auto")
        binsize = max(1, min(100, floor(sum(w) * 0.08)))
        resid = rang
        oldwarn = options()$warn
        options(warn = -1)
        while (binsize <= floor(sum(w) * 0.1) & resid/rang > 0.001)
            binsize = binsize + 100
            splitter = ceiling(1:length(pwf$DEgenes[w][o])/binsize)
            de = sapply(split(pwf$DEgenes[w][o], splitter), mean)
            binlen = sapply(split(as.numeric(pwf$bias.data[w][o]), splitter), mean)
            resid = sum((de - approx(pwf$bias.data[w][o], pwf$pwf[w][o], binlen)$y)^2)/length(binlen)
        options(warn = oldwarn)
    } else
        splitter = ceiling(1:length(pwf$DEgenes[w][o])/binsize)
        de = sapply(split(pwf$DEgenes[w][o], splitter), mean)
        binlen = sapply(split(as.numeric(pwf$bias.data[w][o]), splitter), mean)
    xlab = gsub("<binsize>", as.character(binsize), xlab)
    if ("xlab" %in% names(list(...)))
        if ("ylab" %in% names(list(...)))
            plot(binlen, de, ...)
        } else
            plot(binlen, de, ylab = ylab, ...)
    } else if ("ylab" %in% names(list(...)))
        plot(binlen, de, xlab = xlab, ...)
    } else
        plot(binlen, de, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
    lines(pwf$bias.data[w][o], pwf$pwf[w][o], col = pwf_col, lwd = pwf_lwd)

reformatPathwayOut <- function(pathway.in)
    res <- dplyr::as_data_frame(pathway.in$GO)

writeTibble <- function(tibble.input, output.file.name = tempfile())
    if (!dir.exists(dirname(output.file.name)))
        dir.create(dirname(output.file.name), recursive = TRUE)
    flatten_list = function(x)
        if (typeof(x) != "list")
        sapply(x, function(y) paste(y, collapse = " | "))
    tibble.input %>% mutate_all(funs(flatten_list)) %>% write.csv(output.file.name)

splitGeneCluster <- function(re.gene.based)

  re2 <- re.gene.based
  All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature <- unique(unlist(strsplit(re2$geneID, "\\+")))
  All.gene.id.index <- rep(0, length(All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature))
  names(All.gene.id.index) <- All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature
  re3 <- lapply(All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature, function(u, re2)
    x <- as.data.frame(re2[grep(u, re2$geneID), ], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  }, re2)
  re4 <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(re3, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  index.geneID <- which(colnames(re4) %in% c("geneID"))
  re5 <- cbind.data.frame(All.gene.id.based.on.sub_feature, re4[, -c(index.geneID)], 
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(re5)[1] <- "geneID"

# res1 <- generateRankFeatureCount(res.unadj,res.adj)
# res.go.unadj <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',id='ensGene',
# test.cats=c('GO:BP'),
# go.size.limit=c(5,30),
# method='Hypergeometric',binsize=20)
# res.go.adj <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',id='ensGene',
# test.cats=c('GO:BP'),
# go.size.limit=c(5,30),
# method='Wallenius',binsize=20)
# res2 <- generateRankFeatureCount(res.go.unadj,res.go.adj)

generateRankFeatureCount <- function(res.unadj,res.adj)
   res.unadj.rank <- outputCatBasedSelection(res.unadj)
   res.adj.rank <- outputCatBasedSelection(res.adj)
   res.unadj.rank.reorder <- res.unadj.rank[match(res.adj.rank$gene_set,res.unadj.rank$gene_set),]
   res <- as_tibble(cbind.data.frame(res.adj.rank$gene_set,res.unadj.rank.reorder$gene_set,
   res.unadj.rank.reorder$rank.value.by.over_represented_pvalue,stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
   colnames(res) <- c("gene_set_adj","gene_set_unadj","Ave_value_all_gene_adj","Ave_value_all_gene_unadj","rank_adj","rank_unadj")
   plot(log10(res$Ave_value_all_gene_adj),res$rank_unadj-res$rank_adj,ylab="Increase in rank in PathwaySplice",xlab="log10(Average gene set feature number)")

# res.cor <- tuningRepcnt(gene.based.table,n=25,repcnt.start = 1000,repcnt.end=50000)

tuningRepcnt <- function(gene.based.table,n=25,repcnt.start = 1000,repcnt.end = 30000)
  res.start <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',id='ensGene',
                       method='Sampling',repcnt=repcnt.start, binsize=800)

  g.start = res.start[1:n,]$gene_set

  vp.start =  res.start$over_represented_pvalue

  temp <- data.frame(repcnt=1000,cor.coeff=0,J.index=0)

  J.index = 0
  repcnt = 5000

  while(repcnt <= repcnt.end){
  res.end <- runPathwaySplice(gene.based.table,genome='hg19',id='ensGene',
                               method='Sampling',repcnt= repcnt, binsize=800)
  g.end = res.end[1:n,]$gene_set
  J.index <- overlap_ratio(g.start,g.end)
  vp.end <- res.end[match(res.start$gene_set,res.end$gene_set),]$over_represented_pvalue
  cor.coeff = cor(vp.start , vp.end , method = "spearman")
  temp <- rbind.data.frame(temp,cbind.data.frame(repcnt,cor.coeff,J.index))
  res.start = res.end
  vp.start = vp.end
  g.start = g.end
  repcnt = repcnt + 5000 
  plot(temp[-1,1],temp[-1,2],type="b",xlab="Number of random samples",
       ylab="Rank correlation ")
  plot(temp[-1,1],temp[-1,3],type="b",xlab="Number of random samples",
       ylab="Jaccard index")

gmtlist2file <- function(gmtlist, filename)
  for (i in seq_along(gmtlist) ){ 
    cat(gsname[i], length(gmtlist[[i]]), gmtlist[[i]], file=filename, append=TRUE, sep = "\t")
    cat("\n", append=TRUE, file=filename)

#' outKegg2gmt
#' This function obtains a .gmt file for KEGG pathways.  
#' @param organism.id an identifier for the organism being studied, for example, "hsa" for "Homo sapiens"
#' @param out.gmt.file name of the output .gmt file  
#' @return Returns a .gmt file for KEGG pathways  
#' @details The function calls the \code{get.kegg.genesets} function in \code{EnrichmentBrowser} R package 
#' and modifies the resulting output into a .gmt file.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data.dir <-  tempdir()
#' outKegg2Gmt ("hsa",file.path(data.dir,"kegg.gmt.txt"))
#' kegg.pathways <- gmtGene2Cat(file.path(data.dir, "kegg.gmt.txt"),genomeID = "hg19")
#' result.kegg <- runPathwaySplice(genewise.table = gene.based.table.fdr,
#'                                genome = "hg19",
#'                                id = "ensGene",
#'                                gene2cat = kegg.pathways, 
#'                                go.size.limit = c(5, 100), 
#'                                method = "Wallenius", 
#'                                use.genes.without.cat = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
outKegg2Gmt <- function(organism.id, out.gmt.file) 
  gs <- get.kegg.genesets(organism.id)
  switch(organism.id, hsa = {
    meta.data <- 'org.Hs.eg'
    }, mmu = {
    meta.data <- 'org.Mm.eg'
  gs.n <- lapply(gs,function(u){
    x <- as.character(getSYMBOL(na.omit(u), data = meta.data))

# compareResults2(result.hyper,result.Wall,result.Sampling,result.Sampling.200k)
compareResults2 <- function(result.hyper,result.Wall,result.Sampling,result.Sampling.200k){
  res.Wall.reorder <- result.Wall[match(result.hyper$gene_set,result.Wall$gene_set),]
  res.Sampling.reorder <- result.Sampling[match(result.hyper$gene_set,result.Sampling$gene_set),]
  result.Sampling.200k.reorder <- result.Sampling.200k[match(result.hyper$gene_set,result.Sampling.200k$gene_set),]
  res.hyper.Wall.Sampling <- as_tibble(cbind.data.frame(result.hyper$gene_set, result.hyper$over_represented_pvalue,res.Wall.reorder$over_represented_pvalue,res.Sampling.reorder$over_represented_pvalue,result.Sampling.200k.reorder$over_represented_pvalue,stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  colnames(res.hyper.Wall.Sampling) = c("gene_set","hyper","wall","sampling","sampling_200k")
  temp.1 <- cbind.data.frame(res.hyper.Wall.Sampling$sampling_200k,
  colnames(temp.1) <- c("PValue","PathwaySplice","random_sampling_200k")
  temp.2 <- cbind.data.frame(res.hyper.Wall.Sampling$sampling,
  colnames(temp.2) <- c("PValue","PathwaySplice","random_sampling_200k")
  temp.3 <- cbind.data.frame(res.hyper.Wall.Sampling$wall,
  colnames(temp.3) <- c("PValue","PathwaySplice","random_sampling_200k")
  temp.4 <- cbind.data.frame(res.hyper.Wall.Sampling$hyper,
  colnames(temp.4) <- c("PValue","PathwaySplice","random_sampling_200k")
  temp <- as_tibble(rbind.data.frame(temp.1,temp.2,temp.3,temp.4))
  ggplot(temp, aes(x=random_sampling_200k, y=PValue, colour=PathwaySplice, shape=PathwaySplice)) + 
    geom_point(size=1, alpha=0.6) + geom_smooth(data=subset(temp,PathwaySplice=="Sampling_200k"),
                                                aes(x=random_sampling_200k, y=PValue),
                                                method=lm,se=FALSE,colour="red") + 
    labs(color= "Methods", x="P value of random sampling(200k)",y="P value of alternative methods")+
    scale_colour_manual(name = "Alternative methods",
                        labels = c("Sampling_200k", "Sampling_30k", "Wall", "Hyper"),
                        values = c("red", "blue", "green", "black")) +   
    scale_shape_manual(name = "Alternative methods",
                       labels = c("Sampling_200k", "Sampling_30k", "Wall", "Hyper"),
                       values = c(2, 3, 4, 20))

netplot <- function(g,
                    legend.y=1, ...) {
    if (fixed){
                    layout=layout, ...)
        ## add legend
        if (!is.null(foldChange)) {
            ## gn <- V(g)$name
            ## fc <- foldChange[gn]
            ## fc <- fc[!is.na(fc)]
            fc <- foldChange
            lbs <- hist(fc, breaks=col.bin-1, plot=FALSE)$breaks
            col.legend <- get.col.scale(lbs)

            x <- seq(from=legend.x, by=0.03, length.out=length(col.legend))
            y <- rep(legend.y, length(col.legend))
            points(x, y, pch=15, col=col.legend, cex=2)

            idx <- c(1, seq(4, length(col.legend)-1, by=3), length(col.legend))
                 y=rep(legend.y-0.05, length(idx)),
                 cex = 0.8)

                 labels="Fold Change",
                 cex=0.8, font=2)
    } else {

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PathwaySplice documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:44 p.m.