#' Calculate Mapping Bias
#' Function calculate mapping bias for each variant in the provided
#' panel of normals VCF.
#' @param normal.panel.vcf.file Combined VCF file of a panel of normals,
#' reference and alt counts as AD genotype field. Should be compressed and
#' indexed with bgzip and tabix, respectively.
#' @param min.normals Minimum number of normals with heterozygous SNP for
#' calculating position-specific mapping bias.
#' @param min.normals.betafit Minimum number of normals with heterozygous SNP
#' fitting a beta distribution
#' @param min.median.coverage.betafit Minimum median coverage of normals with
#' heterozygous SNP for fitting a beta distribution
#' @param yieldSize See \code{TabixFile}
#' @param genome See \code{readVcf}
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object with mapping bias and number of normal
#' samples with this variant.
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @examples
#' normal.panel.vcf <- system.file("extdata", "normalpanel.vcf.gz", package="PureCN")
#' bias <- calculateMappingBiasVcf(normal.panel.vcf, genome = "h19")
#' saveRDS(bias, "mapping_bias.rds")
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList
#' @importFrom VGAM vglm Coef betabinomial dbetabinom
#' @export calculateMappingBiasVcf
calculateMappingBiasVcf <- function(normal.panel.vcf.file,
min.normals = 1,
min.normals.betafit = 7,
min.median.coverage.betafit = 5,
yieldSize = 5000, genome) {
tab <- TabixFile(normal.panel.vcf.file, yieldSize = yieldSize)
param <- ScanVcfParam(geno = c("AD"), fixed = "ALT", info = NA)
cntVar <- 0
cntStep <- 1
ret <- GRangesList()
while (nrow(vcf_yield <- readVcf(tab, genome = genome, param = param))) {"Processing variants %i to %i...", cntVar + 1, cntVar + yieldSize)
if (!(cntStep %% 10)) {"Position %s:%i", as.character(seqnames(vcf_yield)[1]), start(vcf_yield)[1])
mappingBias <- .calculateMappingBias(nvcf = vcf_yield,
min.normals = min.normals,
min.normals.betafit = min.normals.betafit,
min.median.coverage.betafit = min.median.coverage.betafit)
ret <- append(ret, GRangesList(mappingBias))
cntVar <- cntVar + yieldSize
cntStep <- cntStep + 1
bias <- unlist(ret)
attr(bias, "normal.panel.vcf.file") <- normal.panel.vcf.file
attr(bias, "min.normals") <- min.normals
attr(bias, "min.normals.betafit") <- min.normals.betafit
attr(bias, "min.median.coverage.betafit") <- min.median.coverage.betafit
attr(bias, "genome") <- genome
#' Calculate Mapping Bias from GATK4 GenomicsDB
#' Function calculate mapping bias for each variant in the provided
#' panel of normals GenomicsDB.
#' @param workspace Path to the GenomicsDB created by \code{GenomicsDBImport}
#' @param reference.genome Reference FASTA file.
#' @param min.normals Minimum number of normals with heterozygous SNP for
#' calculating position-specific mapping bias.
#' @param min.normals.betafit Minimum number of normals with heterozygous SNP
#' fitting a beta distribution
#' @param min.median.coverage.betafit Minimum median coverage of normals with
#' heterozygous SNP for fitting a beta distribution
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object with mapping bias and number of normal
#' samples with this variant.
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' resources_file <- system.file("extdata", "gatk4_pon_db.tgz",
#' package = "PureCN")
#' tmp_dir <- tempdir()
#' untar(resources_file, exdir = tmp_dir)
#' workspace <- file.path(tmp_dir, "gatk4_pon_db")
#' bias <- calculateMappingBiasGatk4(workspace, "hg19")
#' saveRDS(bias, "mapping_bias.rds")
#' unlink(tmp_dir, recursive=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export calculateMappingBiasGatk4
#' @importFrom data.table dcast
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb rankSeqlevels
calculateMappingBiasGatk4 <- function(workspace, reference.genome,
min.normals = 1,
min.normals.betafit = 7,
min.median.coverage.betafit = 5) {
if (!requireNamespace("genomicsdb", quietly = TRUE) ||
!requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE)
) {
.stopUserError("Install the genomicsdb and jsonlite R packages for GenomicsDB import.")
workspace <- normalizePath(workspace, mustWork = TRUE)
db <- genomicsdb::connect(workspace = workspace,
vid_mapping_file = file.path(workspace, "vidmap.json"),
callset_mapping_file=file.path(workspace, "callset.json"),
reference_genome = reference.genome,
c("DP", "AD", "AF"))
jcallset <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(workspace, "callset.json"))
jvidmap <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(workspace, "vidmap.json"))
# get all available arrays
arrays <- sapply(dir(workspace, full.names=TRUE), file.path, "genomicsdb_meta_dir")
arrays <- basename(names(arrays)[which(file.exists(arrays))])
# get offsets and lengths
contigs <- sapply(arrays, function(ary) strsplit(ary, "\\$")[[1]][1])
contigs <- jvidmap$contigs[match(contigs, sapply(jvidmap$contigs, function(x) x$name))]
idx <- order(rankSeqlevels(sapply(contigs, function(x) x$name)))
row_ranges <- list(range(sapply(jcallset$callsets, function(x) x$row_idx)))"Found %i contigs and %i columns.",
length(contigs), row_ranges[[1]][2] - row_ranges[[1]][1] + 1)
parsed_ad_list <- lapply(idx, function(i) {
c_offset <- as.numeric(contigs[[i]]$tiledb_column_offset)
c_length <- as.numeric(contigs[[i]]$length)"Processing %s (offset %.0f, length %.0f)...",
arrays[i], c_offset, c_length)
query <- data.table(genomicsdb::query_variant_calls(db,
array = arrays[i],
column_ranges = list(c(c_offset, c_offset + c_length)),
row_ranges = row_ranges
genomicsdb::disconnect(db)"Collecting variant information...")
# concat with minimal memory overhead
m_alt <-, lapply(parsed_ad_list, function(x) x$alt))
for (i in seq_along(parsed_ad_list)) parsed_ad_list[[i]]$alt <- NULL
m_ref <-, lapply(parsed_ad_list, function(x) x$ref))
for (i in seq_along(parsed_ad_list)) parsed_ad_list[[i]]$ref <- NULL
gr <- unlist(GRangesList(lapply(parsed_ad_list, function(x) x$gr)))
parsed_ad_list <- NULL
bias <- .calculateMappingBias(nvcf = NULL,
alt = m_alt, ref = m_ref, gr = gr,
min.normals = min.normals,
min.normals.betafit = min.normals.betafit,
min.median.coverage.betafit = min.median.coverage.betafit,
verbose = TRUE
attr(bias, "workspace") <- workspace
attr(bias, "min.normals") <- min.normals
attr(bias, "min.normals.betafit") <- min.normals.betafit
attr(bias, "min.median.coverage.betafit") <- min.median.coverage.betafit
.parseADGenomicsDb <- function(query) {
ref <- dcast(query, CHROM+POS+END+REF+ALT~SAMPLE, value.var = "AD")
af <- dcast(query, CHROM+POS+END+REF+ALT~SAMPLE, value.var = "AF")
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = ref$CHROM, IRanges(start = ref$POS, end = ref$END),
strand = NULL, DataFrame(REF = ref$REF, ALT = ref$ALT))
genomic_change <- paste0(as.character(gr), "_", ref$REF, ">", ref$ALT)
ref <- as.matrix(ref[,-(1:5)])
af <- as.matrix(af[,-(1:5)])
alt <- round(ref/(1-af)-ref)
rownames(ref) <- genomic_change
rownames(af) <- genomic_change
rownames(alt) <- genomic_change
list(ref = ref, alt = alt, gr = gr)
.calculateMappingBias <- function(nvcf, alt = NULL, ref = NULL, gr = NULL,
min.normals, min.normals.betafit = 7,
min.median.coverage.betafit = 5,
verbose = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(nvcf)) {
if (ncol(nvcf) < 2) {
.stopUserError("The normal.panel.vcf.file contains only a single sample.")
# TODO: deal with tri-allelic sites
alt <- apply(geno(nvcf)$AD, c(1,2), function(x) x[[1]][2])
ref <- apply(geno(nvcf)$AD, c(1,2), function(x) x[[1]][1])
fa <- apply(geno(nvcf)$AD, c(1,2), function(x) x[[1]][2]/sum(x[[1]]))
rownames(alt) <- as.character(rowRanges(nvcf))
gr <- rowRanges(nvcf)
} else {
if (is.null(alt) || is.null(ref) || is.null(gr) || ncol(ref) != ncol(alt)) {
.stopRuntimeError("Either nvcf or valid alt and ref required.")
if (ncol(alt) < 2) {
.stopUserError("The normal.panel.vcf.file contains only a single sample.")
fa <- alt / (ref + alt)
ponCntHits <- apply(alt,1,function(x) sum(!
if (verbose) {"Fitting beta-binomial distributions. Might take a while...")
x <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(fa)), function(i) {
if (verbose && !(i %% 50000)) {"Position %s (variant %.0f/%.0f)", rownames(alt)[i], i, nrow(alt))
idx <- ![i,]) & fa[i,] > 0.05 & fa[i,] < 0.9
shapes <- c(NA, NA)
if (!sum(idx) >= min.normals) return(c(0, 0, 0, 0, shapes))
dp <- alt[i,] + ref[i,]
mdp <- median(dp, na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(idx) >= min.normals.betafit && mdp >= min.median.coverage.betafit) {
fit <- suppressWarnings(try(vglm(cbind(alt[i,idx],
ref[i,idx]) ~ 1, betabinomial, trace = FALSE)))
if (class(fit) == "try-error") {
flog.warn("Could not fit beta binomial dist for %s (%s).",
paste0(round(fa[i, idx], digits = 3), collapse=","))
} else {
shapes <- Coef(fit)
c(sum(ref[i,idx]), sum(alt[i,idx]), sum(idx), mean(fa[i, idx]), shapes)
# Add an average "normal" SNP (average coverage and allelic fraction > 0.4)
# as empirical prior
gr$bias <- .adjustEmpBayes(x[1:4,]) * 2
gr$pon.count <- ponCntHits
gr$mu <- x[5,]
gr$rho <- x[6,]
gr <- gr[order(gr$pon.count, decreasing = TRUE)]
gr <- sort(gr)
gr$triallelic <- FALSE
gr$triallelic[duplicated(gr, fromLast = FALSE) |
duplicated(gr, fromLast = TRUE) ] <- TRUE
.readNormalPanelVcfLarge <- function(vcf, normal.panel.vcf.file,
max.file.size=1, geno="AD", expand=FALSE) {
genome <- genome(vcf)[1]
if (!file.exists(normal.panel.vcf.file)) {
.stopUserError("normal.panel.vcf.file ", normal.panel.vcf.file,
" does not exist.")
if (file.size(normal.panel.vcf.file) / 1000^3 > max.file.size ||
nrow(vcf) < 1000) {"Scanning %s...", normal.panel.vcf.file)
nvcf <- readVcf(TabixFile(normal.panel.vcf.file), genome = genome,
ScanVcfParam(which = rowRanges(vcf), info = NA, fixed = NA,
geno = geno))
} else {"Loading %s...", normal.panel.vcf.file)
nvcf <- readVcf(normal.panel.vcf.file, genome = genome,
ScanVcfParam(info = NA, fixed = NA, geno = geno))
nvcf <- subsetByOverlaps(nvcf, rowRanges(vcf))
if (expand) nvcf <- expand(nvcf)
.adjustEmpBayes <- function(x) {
# get all SNPs without dramatic bias
xg <- x[, x[4, ] > 0.4, drop = FALSE]
if (ncol(xg) < 2) {
flog.warn("All SNPs in the database have significant mapping bias!%s",
" Check your database.")
shape1 <- 0
shape2 <- 0
} else {
# calculate the average number of ref and alt reads per sample
shape1 <- sum(xg[1, ]) / sum(xg[3, ])
shape2 <- sum(xg[2, ]) / sum(xg[3, ])
# add those as empirical bayes estimate to all SNPs
x[1, ] <- x[1, ] + shape1
x[2, ] <- x[2, ] + shape2
# get the alt allelic fraction for all SNPs
apply(x, 2, function(y) y[2] / sum(head(y,2)))
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