
# author: Benedikt Zacher

# This function reads one or more cel files and stores it as an ExpressionSet.

readCelFile <- function (bpmap, cel_files, names, type, experimentData = NULL, 
    featureData = T, log.it = T, phenodata=NULL) 
    if(! is.null(phenodata)) {
    	cel_files <- phenodata$CEL
	names <- phenodata$names
	type <- phenodata$type

    if (class(bpmap) == "character") {
        cat(paste("Reading bpmap file: ", bpmap, "\n", sep = ""))
        bpmap <- readBpmap(bpmap)
    cat("Reading cel file(s)\n")
    cel_header <- readCelHeader(cel_files[1])
    cel_indices <- lapply(bpmap, function(x) xy2indices(x[["pmx"]], 
        x[["pmy"]], nc = cel_header[["cols"]]))
    names(bpmap) <- names(cel_indices)
    data <- readCelIntensities(cel_files, unlist(cel_indices))
    colnames(data) <- names
    if (log.it) {
        cat("Taking log2 transformation of data\n")
        data <- log2(data)
    cat("Creating phenoData\n")
    dat <- data.frame(type = factor(type), CEL = cel_files)
    metadata <- data.frame(labelDescription = c("Description of experiment", 
        "CEL files"), row.names = c("type", "CEL"))
    rownames(dat) <- names
    pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = dat, varMetadata = metadata)
    if (is.null(experimentData)) {
        experimentData <- new("MIAME")
    if (log.it) {
        preproc(experimentData) <- list(transformation = "log", 
            normalization = "none")
    else {
        preproc(experimentData) <- list(transformation = "none", 
            normalization = "none")
    if (featureData) {
        cat("Creating featureData\n")
        fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(chr = factor(unlist(lapply(as.vector(unlist(lapply(bpmap, 
            function(x) {
            }))), function(y) {
            rep(y, length(cel_indices[[grep(y, names(cel_indices))[[1]]]]))
        }))), seq = unlist(lapply(bpmap, function(x) {
        })), pos = unlist(lapply(bpmap, function(x) {
        })), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), varMetadata = data.frame(labelDescription = rep(c("Chromosome", 
            "Probe sequence", "Probe start"))))
        cat("Creating ExpressionSet\n")
        es <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = data, phenoData = pd, 
            experimentData = experimentData, featureData = fd)
    else {
        cat("Creating ExpressionSet\n")
        es <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = data, phenoData = pd, 
            experimentData = experimentData)
    featureNames(es) <- 1:dim(data)[1]


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Starr documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:52 p.m.