# Update hyperparameters
hyper_update <- function(hyper.update, wh, hyper, Niter=100, Tol=1e-4){
if(sum(hyper.update)==0) return(hyper)
aw0 <- hyper$aw
ah0 <- hyper$ah
lwm <- mean(log(wh$lw))
lhm <- mean(log(wh$lh))
ewm <- mean(wh$ew)
ehm <- mean(wh$eh)
bw0 <- hyper$bw
bh0 <- hyper$bh
i <- 1
dw <- (log(aw0)-digamma(aw0)-ewm/bw0+1+lwm-log(bw0))/
else dw <- 0
dh <- (log(ah0)-digamma(ah0)-ehm/bh0+1+lhm-log(bh0))/
else dh <- 0
aw1 <- aw0 - dw
ah1 <- ah0 - dh
dw <- dw/2
aw1 <- aw0 - dw
dh <- dh/2
ah1 <- ah0 - dh
df <- mean((1-aw1/aw0)^2)+mean((1-ah1/ah0)^2)
if(df<Tol) break
aw0 <- aw1
ah0 <- ah1
i <- i+1
if(i==Niter) stop('Hyper-parameter update failed to converge')
} else{
aw1 <- aw0
ah1 <- ah0
if(hyper.update[2]) bw1 <- ewm
else bw1 <- bw0
if(hyper.update[4]) bh1 <- ehm
else bh1 <- ehm
list(aw=aw1, bw=bw1, ah=ah1, bh=bh1)
# Single update step in Bayesian NMF inference
vbnmf_updateR <- function(x, wh, r, hyper, fudge=NULL){
x <- as.matrix(x)
n <- dim(x)[1]
m <- dim(x)[2]
lw <- as.matrix(wh$lw)
lh <- as.matrix(wh$lh)
ew <- as.matrix(wh$ew)
eh <- as.matrix(wh$eh)
aw <- hyper$aw
bw <- hyper$bw
ah <- hyper$ah
bh <- hyper$bh
wth <- lw %*% lh
sw <- lw*((x/wth) %*% t(lh))
sh <- lh*(t(lw) %*% (x/wth))
alw <- aw + sw
bew <- 1/(aw/bw + t(replicate(n, rowSums(eh))))
ew <- alw*bew # this update needs to precede lines below
alh <- ah + sh
beh <- 1/(ah/bh + replicate(m, colSums(ew)))
eh <- alh*beh
lw <- exp(digamma(alw))*bew
lh <- exp(digamma(alh))*beh
if(is.null(fudge)) fudge <- .Machine$double.eps
lw[lw < fudge] <- fudge
lh[lh < fudge] <- fudge
wth <- lw %*% lh
U1 <- -ew %*% eh - lgamma(x+1) - x*((((lw*log(lw))%*%lh) +
lw%*%(lh*log(lh)))/wth - log(wth))
U2 <- -(aw/bw)*ew - lgamma(aw) + aw*log(aw/bw) +
U3 <- -(ah/bh)*eh - lgamma(ah) + ah*log(ah/bh) +
U <- sum(U1) + sum(U2) + sum(U3)
U <- U/(n*m) # log evidence per feature per cell
w <- ew
h <- eh
dw <- alw*bew^2
dh <- alh*beh^2
list(w=w, h=h, lw=lw, lh=lh, ew=ew, eh=eh, lkh=U, dw=dw, dh=dh)
# Initialize bNMF inference
vb_init <- function(nrow,ncol,mat,rank, max=1.0, hyper, initializer){
w <- matrix(stats::rgamma(n=nrow*rank, shape=hyper$aw,
scale=hyper$bw/hyper$aw), nrow=nrow,ncol=rank)
h <- matrix(stats::rgamma(n=rank*ncol, shape=hyper$ah,
scale=hyper$bh/hyper$ah), nrow=rank,ncol=ncol)
} else if(initializer=='svd'){
w <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow, ncol=rank)
h <- matrix(0, nrow=rank, ncol=ncol)
s <- svd(mat, nu=rank, nv=rank)
d1 <- sqrt(s$d[1])
w[,1] <- d1*s$u[,1]
sgn <- sign(w[1,1])
if(sgn<0) w <- -w
h[1,] <- sgn*d1*s$v[,1]
for(k in seq(2,rank)){
x <- s$u[,k]
y <- s$v[,k]
xp <- vapply(x,function(x){if(x>0) x else 0},numeric(1))
yp <- vapply(y,function(x){if(x>0) x else 0},numeric(1))
xn <- vapply(x,function(x){if(x<0) -x else 0},numeric(1))
yn <- vapply(y,function(x){if(x<0) -x else 0},numeric(1))
xpnrm <- sqrt(sum(xp^2))
ypnrm <- sqrt(sum(yp^2))
mp <- xpnrm*ypnrm
xnnrm <- sqrt(sum(xp^2))
ynnrm <- sqrt(sum(yp^2))
mn <- xnnrm*ynnrm
u <- xp/xpnrm
v <- yp/ypnrm
sig <- mp
u <- xn/xnnrm
v <- yn/ynnrm
sig <- mn
w[,k] <- sqrt(s$d[k]*sig)*u
h[k,] <- sqrt(s$d[k]*sig)*t(v)
} else if(initializer=='svd2'){
if(min(nrow,ncol)/2 <= rank)
s <- svd(mat, nu=rank, nv=rank)
s <- irlba::irlba(mat, rank)
w <- abs(s$u)
h <- abs(diag(s$d[seq_len(rank)]) %*% t(s$v))
scale <- hyper$bh/mean(h)
h <- h*scale
w <- w/scale
}else stop('Unknown initializer')
dw <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow, ncol=rank)
dh <- matrix(0, nrow=rank, ncol=ncol)
rownames(w) <- rownames(dw) <- rownames(mat)
colnames(w) <- colnames(dw) <- seq_len(rank)
rownames(h) <- rownames(dh) <- seq_len(rank)
colnames(h) <- colnames(dh) <- colnames(mat)
list(w=w, h=h, lw=w, lh=h, ew=w, eh=h, dw=dw, dh=dh)
#' Bayesian NMF inference of count matrix
#' Perform variational Bayes NMF and store factor matrices in object
#' The main input is the \code{scNMFSet} object with count matrix.
#' This function performs non-negative factorization using Bayesian algorithm
#' and gamma priors. Slots \code{basis}, \code{coeff}, and \code{ranks}
#' are filled.
#' @param object \code{scNMFSet} object containing count matrix.
#' @param ranks Rank for factorization; can be a vector of multiple values.
#' @param nrun No. of runs with different initial guesses.
#' @param verbose The verbosity level:
#' 3, each iteration output printed;
#' 2, each run output printed;
#' 1, each randomized sample output printed;
#' 0, silent.
#' @param Display progress bar with \code{verbose = 1} for
#' multiple runs.
#' @param initializer If \code{'random'}, randomized initial conditions;
#' \code{'svd2'} for singular value decomposed initial condition.
#' @param Itmax Maximum no. of iteration.
#' @param hyper.update Vector of four logicals, each indcating whether
#' hyperparameters \code{c(aw, bw, ah, bh)} should be optimized.
#' @param gamma.a Gamma distribution shape parameter.
#' @param gamma.b Gamma distribution mean. These two parameters are used for
#' fixed hyperparameters with \code{hyper.update} elements \code{FALSE}.
#' @param Tol Tolerance for terminating iteration.
#' @param hyper.update.n0 Initial number of steps in which hyperparameters
#' are fixed.
#' @param hyper.update.dn Step intervals for hyperparameter updates.
#' @param connectivity If \code{TRUE}, connectivity and dispersion will
#' be calculated after each run. Can be turned off to save memory.
#' @param fudge Small positive number used as lower bound for factor matrix
#' elements to avoid singularity. If \code{fudge = NULL} (default),
#' it will be replaced by \code{.Machine$double.eps}.
#' Can be set to 0 to skip
#' regularization.
#' @param ncores Number of processors (cores) to run. If \code{ncores > 1},
#' parallelization is attempted.
#' @param useC Use C++ version of updates for speed.
#' @param unif.stop Terminate if any of columns in basis matrix is uniform.
#' @return Object of class \code{scNMFSet} with factorization slots filled.
#' @details When run with multiple values of \code{ranks}, factorization is
#' repeated for each rank and the slot \code{measure} contains
#' log evidence and optimal hyperparameters for each rank.
#' With \code{nrun > 1}, the solution
#' with the maximum log evidence is stored for a given rank.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- simulate_whx(nrow=50,ncol=100,rank=5)
#' s <- scNMFSet(x$x)
#' s <- vb_factorize(s,ranks=seq(2,8),nrun=5)
#' plot(s)
#' @export
vb_factorize <- function(object, ranks=2, nrun=1, verbose=2,, initializer='random',
Itmax=10000, hyper.update=rep(TRUE,4),
gamma.a=1, gamma.b=1, Tol=1e-5,
hyper.update.n0=10, hyper.update.dn=1,
connectivity=TRUE, fudge=NULL,
ncores=1, useC=TRUE,
if(is.null(fudge)) fudge <- .Machine$double.eps
mat <- counts(object) # S4 class scNMFSet
if(initializer %in% c('svd','svd2') & nrun > 1)
stop('SVD initializer does not require nrun > 1')
nullr <- sum(Matrix::rowSums(mat)==0)
nullc <- sum(Matrix::colSums(mat)==0)
if(nullr>0) stop('Input matrix contains empty rows')
if(nullc>0) stop('Input matrix contains empty columns')
ranks <- ranks[ranks <= ncol(mat)] # rank <= no. of columns
nrank <- length(ranks)
bundle <- list(mat=mat, ranks=ranks, verbose=verbose, gamma.a=gamma.a,
gamma.b=gamma.b, initializer=initializer,
Itmax=Itmax, fudge=fudge, useC=useC,
ncores=ncores, hyper.update.dn=hyper.update.dn, Tol=Tol,
unif.stop=unif.stop, nrun=nrun)
vb <- lapply(seq_len(nrun), FUN=vb_iterate, bundle)
else # parallel
vb <- Rmpi::mpi.applyLB(seq_len(nrun), FUN=vb_iterate, bundle)
basis <- dbasis <- coeff <- dcoeff <- vector('list',nrank)
rdat <- awdat <- bwdat <- ahdat <- bhdat <- nunif <- c()
ranks2 <- c()
for(k in seq_len(nrank)){ # find maximum solutions for each rank
rmax <- -Inf
for(i in seq_len(nrun)){
if(vb[[i]]$rdat[k] > rmax){
imax <- i
rmax <- vb[[i]]$rdat[k]
if(rmax==-Inf) next
ranks2 <- c(ranks2,ranks[k])
rdat <- c(rdat,rmax)
basis[[k]] <- vb[[imax]]$wdat[[k]]
coeff[[k]] <- vb[[imax]]$hdat[[k]]
dbasis[[k]] <- vb[[imax]]$dwdat[[k]]
dcoeff[[k]] <- vb[[imax]]$dhdat[[k]]
awdat <- c(awdat, vb[[imax]]$hyperp[[k]]$aw)
bwdat <- c(bwdat, vb[[imax]]$hyperp[[k]]$bw)
ahdat <- c(ahdat, vb[[imax]]$hyperp[[k]]$ah)
bhdat <- c(bhdat, vb[[imax]]$hyperp[[k]]$bh)
nunif <- c(nunif, vb[[imax]]$nunif[k])
rownames(basis[[k]]) <- rownames(dbasis[[k]]) <- rownames(mat)
colnames(coeff[[k]]) <- colnames(dcoeff[[k]]) <- colnames(mat)
object@ranks <- ranks2
object@basis <- basis
object@dbasis <- dbasis
object@coeff <- coeff
object@dcoeff <- dcoeff
object@measure <- data.frame(rank=ranks2, lml=rdat, aw=awdat, bw=bwdat,
ah=ahdat, bh=bhdat, nunif=nunif)
vb_iterate <- function(irun, bundle){
nrow <- dim(bundle$mat)[1]
ncol <- dim(bundle$mat)[2]
nrank <- length(bundle$ranks)
rdat <- rep(-Inf, nrank)
wdat <- hdat <- dwdat <- dhdat <- hyperp <- list()
nunif <- rep(0, nrank)
if(bundle$verbose >= 2) if(bundle$nrun > 1)
cat('Run ',irun,'\n',sep='')
for(irank in seq_len(nrank)){
rank <- bundle$ranks[[irank]]
if(rank > min(nrow,ncol))
stop('Rank exceeded min(nrow,ncol)')
aw <- bundle$gamma.a[1]
ah <- bundle$gamma.a[length(bundle$gamma.a)]
bw <- bundle$gamma.b[1]
bh <- bundle$gamma.b[length(bundle$gamma.b)]
hyper <- hyper0 <- list(aw=aw, bw=bw, ah=ah, bh=bh)
npair <- ncol*(ncol-1)/2
conav <- rep(0, npair)
hyper <- hyper0
wh <- vb_init(nrow, ncol, bundle$mat, rank, hyper=hyper,
lk0 <- 0
for(it in seq_len(bundle$Itmax)){
wh <- vbnmf_update(as.matrix(bundle$mat),wh,hyper,c(bundle$fudge))
wh <- vbnmf_updateR(bundle$mat, wh, rank, hyper, fudge=bundle$fudge)
if(it > bundle$hyper.update.n0 & it%%bundle$hyper.update.dn==0)
hyper <- hyper_update(bundle$hyper.update, wh, hyper, Niter=100,
if($lkh)) break
if(it>1) if(it > bundle$hyper.update.n0)
if(wh$lkh>=lk0) if(abs(1-wh$lkh/lk0) < bundle$Tol) break
lk0 <- wh$lkh
if(bundle$verbose >= 3) cat(it,', log(evidence) = ',lk0,', aw = ',
hyper$aw,', bw = ',hyper$bw,', ah = ',hyper$ah,
', bh = ',hyper$bh, '\n',sep='')
cnn <- connectivity(wh$eh)
conav <- conav + cnn
disp <- dispersion(conav/irun,ncol)
if(bundle$verbose >= 2){
if(bundle$connectivity) cat('Rank = ',rank,
': Nsteps =',it,', log(evidence) =',lk0,
', hyper = (',hyper$aw,',',hyper$bw,',',hyper$ah,',',
hyper$bh,')', ', dispersion = ',disp,'\n',sep='')
else cat('Rank = ',rank, ': Nsteps =',it,', log(evidence) =',lk0,
', hyper = (',hyper$aw,',',hyper$bw,',',hyper$ah,',',
contains.unif <- apply(wh$ew,2,
warning('Rank ',rank,' row/column ',
paste(which(contains.unif),collapse=','),' constant.')
warning('Rank scan stopped for rank >= ',rank)
if(irank==1) stop('Rerun with lower ranks')
rdat[irank] <- lk0
wdat[[irank]] <- wh$ew
hdat[[irank]] <- wh$eh
dwdat[[irank]] <- sqrt(wh$dw)
dhdat[[irank]] <- sqrt(wh$dh)
hyperp[[irank]] <- hyper
} # end of irank-loop
vb <- list(rdat=rdat, wdat=wdat, hdat=hdat, hyperp=hyperp, nunif=nunif,
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