
##' easyRNASeq count table correction to RPKM
##' Convert a count table obtained from the easyRNASeq function into an RPKM
##' corrected count table.
##' RPKM accepts two sets of arguments:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{RNAseq,character}{ the
##' \dots{} are additional arguments to be passed to the
##' \code{\link[easyRNASeq:easyRNASeq-accessors]{readCounts}} method.}
##' \item{matrix,named vector}{normalize a count matrix by providing the feature
##' sizes (e.g. gene sizes) as a named vector where the names match the row
##' names of the count matrix and the lib sizes as a named vector where the
##' names match the column names of the count matrix.}}
##' @aliases RPKM RPKM,RNAseq,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
##' RPKM,matrix,ANY,vector,vector-method RPKM,RNAseq-method
##' @name easyRNASeq correction methods
##' @rdname easyRNASeq-correction-methods
##' @param feature.size Precise the feature (e.g. exons, genes) sizes. It
##' should be a named numeric list, named after the feature names.
##' @param from Determine the kind of coverage to use, choice limited to:
##' exons, features, transcripts, bestExons, geneModels or islands.
##' @param lib.size Precise the library size. It should be a named numeric
##' list, i.e. named after the sample names.
##' @param obj An object of class \code{\linkS4class{RNAseq}} or a
##' \code{matrix}, see details
##' @param simplify If set to TRUE, whenever a feature (exon, feature, ...) is
##' duplicated in the count table, it is only returned once.
##' @param ... additional arguments. See details
##' @return A \code{matrix} containing RPKM corrected read counts.
##' @author Nicolas Delhomme
##' @seealso \code{\link[easyRNASeq:easyRNASeq-accessors]{readCounts}}
##' @keywords methods
##' @examples
##' 	\dontrun{
##' 	## get an RNAseq object
##' 	rnaSeq <- easyRNASeq(filesDirectory=
##' 		    			system.file(
##' 					"extdata",
##' 					package="RnaSeqTutorial"),
##' 					pattern="[A,C,T,G]{6}\\.bam$",
##' 				format="bam",
##' 				readLength=36L,
##' 				organism="Dmelanogaster",
##' 				chr.sizes=as.list(seqlengths(Dmelanogaster)),
##' 				annotationMethod="rda",
##' 				annotationFile=system.file(
##' 				                            "data",
##' 							    "gAnnot.rda",
##' 							    package="RnaSeqTutorial"),
##' 				count="exons",
##' 				outputFormat="RNAseq")
##' 	## get the RPKM
##' 	rpkm <- RPKM(rnaSeq,from="exons")
##' 	## the same from a count table
##' 	count.table <- readCounts(rnaSeq,count="exons")
##' 	## get the RPKM
##' 	## verify that the feature are sorted as the count.table
##' 	all(.getName(rnaSeq,"exon") == rownames(count.table))
##' 	feature.size <- unlist(width(ranges(rnaSeq)))
##' 	## verify that the samples are ordered in the same way
##' 	all(names(librarySize(rnaSeq)) == colnames(count.table))
##' 	## get the RPKM
##' 	rpkm <- RPKM(count.table,
##' 			feature.size=feature.size,
##' 			lib.size=librarySize(rnaSeq))
##' }
            ## SANITY check here
            if(length(lib.size) != ncol(obj)){
              stop("You need to provide a lib.size named vector. The names should be the colnames of your matrix. The vector size should be equal to the number of matrix columns.")

            ## TODO sanity check for the rownames
            ## nothing to do with the "..." so far 
            ## maybe subselect?

            ## subselect
            if(length(feature.size) != nrow(obj)){
              stop("You need to provide a feature.size named vector. The names should be the rownames of your matrix. The vector size should be equal to the number of matrix rows.")

            ## TODO sanity check for the colnames

            ## calc
            res <- do.call("cbind",lapply(
                                            (obj[,i] / (lib.size[i]/10^6)) / (sizes/10^3)
            colnames(res) <- colnames(obj)
            rownames(res) <- rownames(obj)

            ## get the possible values
            ## switch to get the values
            mCounts <- switch(from,
            ## get the lib sizes
              warning(paste("Some library size(s) were not set, hence RPKM could not be directly calculated.",
                         "Getting the library sizes using the 'exon' counts so as to calculate the RPKM."))
              cts <- readCounts(obj,'exons')
              librarySize(obj) <- colSums(cts[!duplicated(rownames(cts)),])
            libSizes <- librarySize(obj)
            libSizes <- libSizes[match(basename(colnames(mCounts)),basename(names(libSizes)))]
            ## an internal check; if that ever occurs add a proper message
            ## valid?
            if(is.null(mCounts) | length(mCounts)==0){
                         "The summarization by",
                         "was not performed yet!",
                         "No counts can therefore be reported."
            ## if mCounts is a vector, matrix it
              mCounts <- as.matrix(mCounts)
            ## get the feature sizes
            ## as the feature can be filtered differently than the annotation, we need to pay attention to it too
            mSize <- switch(from,
                            "transcripts"= {
                              ## aggregate first
                              agg <- aggregate(.getWidth(obj),list(transcript=.getName(obj,"transcripts")),sum)
                              ## then sort
                            "bestExons"= .getWidth(obj)[match(rownames(mCounts),.getName(obj,"exons"))],
                            "geneModels"= {
                              ## aggregate
                              agg<- aggregate(width(geneModel(obj)),list(gene=geneModel(obj)$gene),sum)
                              ## sort
                            ## same as that: as(by(width(geneModel(obj)),geneModel(obj)$gene,sum),"vector") but faster
                            "islands"= width(readIslands(obj))[match(rownames(mCounts),readIslands(obj))$names]
            ## we got a matrix, so work per column
            res <- do.call(cbind,lapply(c(1:ncol(mCounts)),function(i,mCounts,sizes,libSizes){
              (mCounts[,i] / (libSizes[i]/10^6)) / (sizes/10^3)
            colnames(res) <- colnames(mCounts)
            ## filter for unique row names

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easyRNASeq documentation built on April 30, 2020, 2 a.m.