
Defines functions getPerms permsNote makeSamrObj makeQvalue makeLocFDR estimatePi0 getLog2FC getSamStat swishTwoGroup getInfReps swish

Documented in swish

#' Downstream methods for Salmon and Alevin expression data
#' This package provides statistical methods and other tools for
#' working with Salmon and Alevin quantification of RNA-seq data.
#' In particular, it contains the Swish non-parametric method for
#' detecting differential transcript expression (DTE). Swish can
#' also be used to detect differential gene expresion (DGE).
#' The main functions are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{scaleInfReps}} - scaling transcript or gene expression data
#' \item \code{\link{labelKeep}} - labelling which features have sufficient counts
#' \item \code{\link{swish}} - perform non-parametric differential analysis
#' \item Plots, e.g., \code{\link{plotMASwish}}, \code{\link{plotInfReps}}
#' \item \code{\link{isoformProportions}} - convert counts to isoform proportions
#' \item \code{\link{makeInfReps}} - create pseudo-inferential replicates
#' \item \code{\link{splitSwish}} - split Swish analysis across jobs with Snakemake
#' }
#' All software-related questions should be posted to the Bioconductor Support Site:
#' \url{https://support.bioconductor.org}
#' The code can be viewed at the GitHub repository,
#' which also lists the contributor code of conduct:
#' \url{https://github.com/mikelove/fishpond}
#' @references
#' Swish method:
#' Zhu, A., Srivastava, A., Ibrahim, J.G., Patro, R., Love, M.I. (2019)
#' Nonparametric expression analysis using inferential replicate counts.
#' Nucleic Acids Research.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz622}
#' Compression, makeInfReps and splitSwish:
#' Van Buren, S., Sarkar, H., Srivastava, A., Rashid, N.U.,
#' Patro, R., Love, M.I. (2020)
#' Compression of quantification uncertainty for scRNA-seq counts.
#' bioRxiv.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.06.189639}
#' @author Anqi Zhu, Avi Srivastava, Joseph G. Ibrahim, Rob Patro, Michael I. Love
#' @docType package
#' @name fishpond-package
#' @aliases fishpond-package
#' @keywords package

#' swish: SAMseq With Inferential Samples Helps
#' Performs non-parametric inference on rows of \code{y} for
#' various experimental designs. See References for details.
#' \strong{interaction:}
#' The interaction tests are different than the
#' other tests produced by \code{swish}, in that they focus on a difference
#' in the log2 fold change across levels of \code{x} when comparing
#' the two levels in \code{cov}. If \code{pair} is specified, this
#' will perform a Wilcoxon rank sum test on the two groups
#' of matched sample LFCs. If \code{pair} is not included, multiple
#' random pairs of samples within the two groups are chosen,
#' and again a Wilcoxon rank sum test compared the LFCs across groups.
#' \strong{fast:}
#' '0' involves recomputing ranks of the inferential replicates for
#' each permutation, '1' (default) is roughly 10x faster by avoiding
#' re-computing ranks for each permutation.
#' The \code{fast} argument is only relevant for the following three
#' experimental designs: (1) two group Wilcoxon, (2) stratified Wilcoxon, e.g.
#' \code{cov} is specified, and (3) the paired interaction test,
#' e.g. \code{pair} and \code{cov} are specified. For paired design and
#' general interaction test, there are not fast/slow alternatives.
#' @param y a SummarizedExperiment containing the inferential replicate
#' matrices of median-ratio-scaled TPM as assays 'infRep1', 'infRep2', etc.
#' @param x the name of the condition variable. A factor with two
#' levels for a two group analysis (possible to adjust for covariate
#' or matched samples, see next two arguments)
#' @param cov the name of the covariate for adjustment.
#' If provided a stratified Wilcoxon in performed.
#' Cannot be used with \code{pair}
#' @param pair the name of the pair variable, which should be the
#' number of the pair. Can be an integer or factor.
#' If specified, a signed rank test is used
#' to build the statistic. All samples across \code{x} must be
#' pairs if this is specified. Cannot be used with \code{cov}.
#' @param interaction logical, whether to perform a test of an interaction
#' between \code{x} and \code{cov}. See Details.
#' @param nperms the number of permutations. if set above the possible
#' number of permutations, the function will print a message that the
#' value is set to the maximum number of permutations possible
#' @param estPi0 logical, whether to estimate pi0
#' @param qvaluePkg character, which package to use for q-value estimation,
#' \code{samr} or \code{qvalue}
#' @param pc pseudocount for finite estimation of \code{log2FC}, not used
#' in calculation of test statistics, \code{locfdr} or \code{qvalue}
#' @param nRandomPairs the number of random pseudo-pairs (only used with
#' \code{interaction=TRUE} and un-matched samples) to use to calculate
#' the test statistic
#' @param fast an integer, toggles different methods based on speed
#' (\code{fast=1} is default, \code{0} is slower). See Details.
#' @param returnNulls logical, only return the \code{stat} vector,
#' the \code{log2FC} vector, and the \code{nulls} matrix
#' (default FALSE)
#' @param quiet display no messages
#' @return a SummarizedExperiment with metadata columns added:
#' the statistic (either a centered Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney
#' or a signed rank statistic, aggregated over inferential replicates),
#' a log2 fold change (the median over inferential replicates,
#' and averaged over pairs or groups (if groups, weighted by sample size),
#' the local FDR and q-value, as estimated by the \code{samr} package.
#' @references
#' The citation for \code{swish} method is:
#' Anqi Zhu, Avi Srivastava, Joseph G Ibrahim, Rob Patro, Michael I Love
#' "Nonparametric expression analysis using inferential replicate counts"
#' Nucleic Acids Research (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz622}
#' The \code{swish} method builds upon the \code{SAMseq} method,
#' and extends it by incorporating inferential uncertainty, as well
#' as providing methods for additional experimental designs (see vignette).
#' For reference, the publication describing the \code{SAMseq} method is:
#' Jun Li and Robert Tibshirani "Finding consistent patterns:
#' A nonparametric approach for identifying differential expression
#' in RNA-Seq data" Stat Methods Med Res (2013).
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1177/0962280211428386}
#' @examples
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' set.seed(1)
#' y <- makeSimSwishData()
#' y <- scaleInfReps(y)
#' y <- labelKeep(y)
#' y <- swish(y, x="condition")
#' # histogram of the swish statistics
#' hist(mcols(y)$stat, breaks=40, col="grey")
#' cols = rep(c("blue","purple","red"),each=2)
#' for (i in 1:6) {
#'   arrows(mcols(y)$stat[i], 20,
#'          mcols(y)$stat[i], 10,
#'          col=cols[i], length=.1, lwd=2)
#' }
#' # plot inferential replicates
#' plotInfReps(y, 1, "condition")
#' plotInfReps(y, 3, "condition")
#' plotInfReps(y, 5, "condition")
#' @importFrom graphics plot points segments rect abline title axis legend
#' @importFrom stats median quantile qnorm rpois runif rnbinom var
#' @importFrom utils head tail capture.output read.table write.table
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment assayNames
#' assays assays<- colData colData<- mcols mcols<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame metadata metadata<-
#' @importFrom gtools permutations
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @export
swish <- function(y, x, cov=NULL, pair=NULL,
                  interaction=FALSE, nperms=100, 
                  estPi0=FALSE, qvaluePkg="qvalue",
                  pc=5, nRandomPairs=30, fast=1,
                  quiet=FALSE) {

  stopifnot(is(y, "SummarizedExperiment"))
  stopifnot(fast %in% 0:1)
  # 'cov' or 'pair' or neither, but not both
  if (!interaction) stopifnot(is.null(cov) | is.null(pair))
  # interactions require a two level covariate
  if (interaction) stopifnot(!is.null(cov))
  if (!interactive()) { quiet <- TRUE }
  if (is.null(metadata(y)$preprocessed) || !metadata(y)$preprocessed) {
    y <- labelKeep(y)

  if (all(!mcols(y)$keep)) {
    stop("All rows have mcols(y)$keep == FALSE, no features to test")
  if (!qvaluePkg %in% c("qvalue","samr")) {
    stop("'qvaluePkg' should be 'qvalue' or 'samr'")
  if (qvaluePkg == "samr") {
    if (!requireNamespace("samr", quietly=TRUE)) {
      stop("first install the 'samr' package")
  ys <- y[mcols(y)$keep,]
  infRepsArray <- getInfReps(ys)
  stopifnot(x %in% names(colData(y)))
  condition <- colData(y)[[x]]
  stopifnot(nlevels(condition) == 2)

  if (!interaction & is.null(cov) & is.null(pair)) {
    # basic two group
    out <- swishTwoGroup(infRepsArray, condition,
                         nperms, pc, fast, quiet)
  } else if (!interaction & !is.null(cov)) {
    # two group with covariate stratification
    stopifnot(cov %in% names(colData(y)))
    covariate <- colData(y)[[cov]] # covariate, e.g. batch effects
    out <- swishStrat(infRepsArray, condition, covariate,
                      nperms, pc, fast, quiet)
  } else if (!interaction & !is.null(pair)) {
    # two group with matched samples
    stopifnot(pair %in% names(colData(y)))
    pair <- colData(y)[[pair]] # sample pairing
    out <- swishPair(infRepsArray, condition, pair,
                     nperms, pc, quiet)
  } else if (interaction & !is.null(pair)) {
    # two group 'x', two group 'cov', with matched samples
    stopifnot(cov %in% names(colData(y)))
    stopifnot(pair %in% names(colData(y)))
    covariate <- colData(y)[[cov]]
    pair <- colData(y)[[pair]]
    out <- swishInterxPair(infRepsArray, condition,
                           covariate, pair, nperms,
                           pc, fast, quiet)
  } else if (interaction & is.null(pair)) {
    # two group 'x', two group 'cov', samples not matched
    stopifnot(cov %in% names(colData(y)))
    covariate <- colData(y)[[cov]]
    out <- swishInterx(infRepsArray, condition,
                       covariate, nperms,
                       pc, nRandomPairs,

  # gather results from functions above
  stat <- out$stat
  log2FC <- out$log2FC
  nulls <- out$nulls

  # for miniSwish, we just return these pieces
  if (returnNulls) return(out)

  nulls.vec <- as.vector(nulls)
  if (qvaluePkg == "qvalue") {
    pvalue <- qvalue::empPvals(abs(stat), abs(nulls))
    pi0 <- if (estPi0) NULL else 1
    q.res <- qvalue::qvalue(pvalue, pi0=pi0)
    locfdr <- q.res$lfdr
    qvalue <- q.res$qvalues
    df <- data.frame(stat, log2FC, pvalue, locfdr, qvalue)
  } else if (qvaluePkg == "samr") {
    pi0 <- if (estPi0) estimatePi0(stat, nulls.vec) else 1
    locfdr <- makeLocFDR(stat, nulls, pi0)
    qvalue <- makeQvalue(stat, nulls, pi0, quiet)
    df <- data.frame(stat, log2FC, locfdr, qvalue)
  postprocess(y, df)

getInfReps <- function(ys) {
  infRepIdx <- grep("infRep",assayNames(ys))
  infReps <- assays(ys)[infRepIdx]
  abind::abind(as.list(infReps), along=3)

swishTwoGroup <- function(infRepsArray, condition,
                          nperms=100, pc=5, fast, quiet=FALSE) {
  dims <- dim(infRepsArray)
  # if fast==1, avoid re-computing the ranks for the permutation distribution
  if (fast == 1) {
    out <- getSamStat(infRepsArray, condition, returnRanks=TRUE)
    stat <- out$stat
    ranks <- out$ranks
  } else {
    stat <- getSamStat(infRepsArray, condition)
    ranks <- NULL
  log2FC <- getLog2FC(infRepsArray, condition, pc)
  perms <- getPerms(condition, nperms)
  nperms <- permsNote(perms, nperms)
  if (!quiet) message("Generating test statistics over permutations")
  nulls <- matrix(nrow=dims[1], ncol=nperms)
  for (p in seq_len(nperms)) {
    if (!quiet) svMisc::progress(p, max.value=nperms, init=(p==1), gui=FALSE)
    nulls[,p] <- getSamStat(infRepsArray,
  if (!quiet) message("")
  list(stat=stat, log2FC=log2FC, nulls=nulls)

getSamStat <- function(infRepsArray, condition, ranks=NULL, returnRanks=FALSE) {
  dims <- dim(infRepsArray)
  if (dims[2] == 2) stop("too few samples to compute the rank sum statistic")
  cond2 <- condition == levels(condition)[2]
  if (sum(cond2) < 2) stop("too few samples to compute the rank sum statistic")
  # calculate ranks if they are not provided...
  # for fast=1, we instead use the pre-calculated ranks to save time
  if (is.null(ranks)) {
    ranks <- array(dim=dims)
    for (k in seq_len(dims[3])) {
      # modified from samr:::resample
      ranks[,,k] <- matrixStats::rowRanks(infRepsArray[,,k] +
                                          0.1 * runif(dims[1]*dims[2]))
  rankSums <- vapply(seq_len(dims[3]), function(i)
    rowSums(ranks[,cond2,i]), numeric(dims[1]))
  # Wilcoxon, centered on 0:
  W <- rankSums - sum(cond2) * (dims[2] + 1)/2
  if (returnRanks) {
    list(stat=rowMeans(W), ranks=ranks)
  } else {

getLog2FC <- function(infRepsArray, condition, pc=5, array=FALSE) {
  dims <- dim(infRepsArray)
  cond1 <- condition == levels(condition)[1]
  cond2 <- condition == levels(condition)[2]
  diffs <- matrix(nrow=dims[1],ncol=dims[3])
  for (k in seq_len(dims[3])) {
    diffs[,k] <- log2(rowMeans(infRepsArray[,cond2,k]) + pc) -
                 log2(rowMeans(infRepsArray[,cond1,k]) + pc)
  if (array) {
  # median over inferential replicates

estimatePi0 <- function(stat, nulls.vec) {
  # modified from samr::samr
  qq <- quantile(nulls.vec, c(0.25, 0.75))
  2 * sum(stat > qq[1] & stat < qq[2])/length(stat)

makeLocFDR <- function(stat, nulls, pi0) {
  samr.obj <- makeSamrObj(stat, nulls, pi0)
  locfdr.obj <- samr:::localfdr(samr.obj, min.foldchange=0)
  locfdr.up <- samr:::predictlocalfdr(locfdr.obj$smooth.object,
                 samr.obj$tt[samr.obj$tt >= 0])
  locfdr.lo <- samr:::predictlocalfdr(locfdr.obj$smooth.object,
                 samr.obj$tt[samr.obj$tt < 0])
  locfdr <- numeric(length(stat))
  locfdr[stat >= 0] <- locfdr.up/100
  locfdr[stat < 0] <- locfdr.lo/100

makeQvalue <- function(stat, nulls, pi0, quiet=FALSE) {
  samr.obj <- makeSamrObj(stat, nulls, pi0)
  out <- capture.output({
    delta.table <- samr:::samr.compute.delta.table.seq(samr.obj)
  if (!quiet) message(paste(out,collapse="\n"))
  sig <- list(pup=which(stat >= 0), plo=which(stat < 0))
  qlist <- samr:::qvalue.func(samr.obj, sig, delta.table)
  qvalue <- numeric(length(stat))
  qvalue[stat >= 0] <- qlist$qvalue.up/100
  qvalue[stat < 0] <- qlist$qvalue.lo/100
  qvalue <- pmin(qvalue, 1)

makeSamrObj <- function(stat, nulls, pi0) {
  samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response <- "Two class unpaired"
  samr.obj <- list(
    evo=rowMeans(apply(nulls, 2, sort)),

permsNote <- function(perms, nperms) {
  if (perms$nperms.act < nperms) {
    message("note: less permutations are available than requested")
    message(paste(perms$nperms.act, "are available"))
  } else {

getPerms <- function(condition, nperms) {
  if (length(condition) <= 6) {
    #perms <- samr:::getperms(condition, nperms)
    # get all possible permutations from gtools
    # for n=6 this is 720, and nperms is likely < 100
    out0 <- gtools::permutations(n=length(condition), r=length(condition))
    if (nrow(out0) > nperms) {
      idx <- sample(nrow(out0), nperms)
      out <- out0[idx,]
    } else {
      out <- out0
    perms <- list(perms = out,
                  all.perms.flag = as.integer(nrow(out0) <= nperms),
                  nperms.act = nrow(out))
  } else {
    # with > 6 samples we have a good number of permutations (> 5,000),
    # just do random sampling
    x <- t(replicate(nperms, sample(length(condition))))
    perms <- list(perms = x,
                  all.perms.flag = 0,
                  nperms.act = nperms)

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