Defines functions R2RefinedPermutationVector R2PermutationVector isoPLSDA

Documented in isoPLSDA

#' Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis for \code{\link{IsomirDataSeq}}
#' Use PLS-DA method with the normalized count data to detect the most
#' important features (miRNAs/isomiRs) that explain better
#' the group of samples given by the experimental design. It is a supervised
#' clustering method with permutations to calculate the significance
#' of the analysis.
#' @aliases isoPLSDA
#' @usage isoPLSDA(ids, group, validation = NULL, learn = NULL, test = NULL,
#'  tol = 0.001, nperm = 400, refinment = FALSE, vip = 1.2)
#' @param ids Object of class \code{\link{IsomirDataSeq}}
#' @param group Column name in \code{colData(ids)} to use as variable to explain.
#' @param validation Type of validation, either NULL or "learntest".
#'   Default NULL.
#' @param learn	Optional vector of indexes for a learn-set.
#'   Only used when validation="learntest". Default NULL.
#' @param test	Optional vector of indices for a test-set.
#'   Only used when validation="learntest". Default NULL
#' @param tol Tolerance value based on maximum change of cumulative R-squared
#'   coefficient for each additional PLS component. Default tol=0.001.
#' @param nperm	Number of permutations to compute the PLD-DA p-value
#'   based on R2 magnitude. Default nperm=400.
#' @param refinment Logical indicating whether a refined model, based on
#'   filtering out variables with low VIP values.
#' @param vip Variance Importance in Projection threshold value when
#'   a refinement process is considered. Default vip=1.2 .
#' @details
#' Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) is a technique specifically
#' appropriate for analysis of high dimensionality data sets and multicollinearity
#' (*Perez-Enciso, 2013*). PLS-DA is a supervised method (i.e. makes use of class
#' labels) with the aim to provide a dimension reduction strategy in a situation
#' where we want to relate a binary response variable (in our case young or old
#' status) to a set of predictor variables. Dimensionality reduction procedure is
#' based on orthogonal transformations of the original variables (miRNAs/isomiRs) into a
#' set of linearly uncorrelated latent variables (usually termed as components)
#' such that maximizes the separation between the different classes in the first
#' few components (*Xia, 2011*). We used sum of squares captured by the model (R2) as
#' a goodness of fit measure.
#' We implemented this method using the
#' [DiscriMiner::DiscriMiner-package] into [isoPLSDA()] function.
#' The output
#' p-value of this function will tell about the statistical
#' significant of the group separation using miRNA/isomiR expression data.
#' Read more about the parameters related to the PLS-DA directly from
#' [DiscriMiner::plsDA()] function.
#' @return
#' A [base::list] with the following elements: `R2Matrix`
#' (R-squared coefficients of the PLS model),
#' `components` (of the PLS, similar to PCs in a PCA),
#' `vip` (most important isomiRs/miRNAs),
#' `group` (classification of the samples),
#' `p.value` and `R2PermutationVector` obtained by the permutations.
#' If the option `refinment` is set to TRUE, then the following
#' elements will appear:
#' `R2RefinedMatrix` and `componentsRefinedModel` (R-squared coefficients
#' of the PLS model only using the most important miRNAs/isomiRs). As well,
#' `p.valRefined` and `R2RefinedPermutationVector` with p-value
#' and R2 of the
#' permutations where samples were randomized. And finally,
#' `p.valRefinedFixed` and `R2RefinedFixedPermutationVector` with
#' p-value and R2 of the
#' permutations where miRNAs/isomiRs were randomized.
#' @references
#' Perez-Enciso, Miguel and Tenenhaus, Michel. Prediction of clinical outcome with microarray data:
#' a partial least  squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) approach. Human
#' Genetics. 2003.
#' Xia, Jianguo and Wishart, David S. Web-based inference of biological patterns, functions and
#' pathways from metabolomic data using MetaboAnalyst. Nature Protocols. 2011.
#' @examples
#' data(mirData)
#' # Only miRNAs with > 10 reads in all samples.
#' ids <- isoCounts(mirData, minc=10, mins=6)
#' ids <- isoNorm(ids, formula=~condition)
#' pls.ids = isoPLSDA(ids, "condition", nperm = 2)
#' cat(paste0("pval:",pls.ids$p.val))
#' cat(paste0("components:",pls.ids$components))
#' @export
isoPLSDA <- function(ids, group , validation = NULL, learn = NULL, test = NULL,
                     tol = 0.001, nperm = 400, refinment = FALSE, vip = 1.2){
    if (is.null(normcounts(ids)))
        stop("please, run first isoNorm")

    variables <- t(normcounts(ids))
    group <- droplevels(colData(ids)[,group])
    if (length(group) < 6) {
        return("this analysis only runs with group larger than 6.")
    # Auxiliary data containing variable names and numeric ID per variable
    dataVariables <- data.frame( variable = colnames(variables),
                                 id = c(1:dim(variables)[2]))
    # PLS-DA model
    model.plsDA <- plsDA(variables, group, validation, learn, test)
    # R-squared coefficients (number of components are selected based on
    # cumulative R-squared coefficient changes)
    if (model.plsDA$R2[dim(model.plsDA$R2)[1],3] < tol){
        a <- which(model.plsDA$R2[,3] < tol)
        if (a[1] > 1)
            R2.mat <- model.plsDA$R2[1:(a[1] - 1),]
        if (a[1] == 1)
            R2.mat <- model.plsDA$R2[1,]
    if (model.plsDA$R2[dim(model.plsDA$R2)[1],3] >= tol){
        R2.mat <- model.plsDA$R2
    # model-based p-value (permutation analysis)
    R2.perm <- R2PermutationVector(variables, group, validation, learn,
                                   test, tol, nperm)
    p.val <- sum(R2.mat[dim(R2.mat)[1],4] <= R2.perm, na.rm=TRUE) / nperm
    vip.max <- apply(model.plsDA$VIP[,1:dim(R2.mat)[1]], 1, max)
    dataVIP <- data.frame(variable = row.names(model.plsDA$VIP),
                          VIP = vip.max)
    dataVIPref <- dataVIP[dataVIP$VIP >= vip,]
    sel.vars <- merge(dataVariables , dataVIPref,
                      by.x="variable", by.y="variable")
    variables.ref <- variables[,sel.vars[,2]]
    if (refinment == TRUE){
        # refine model based on VIPs
        # PLS-DA model with contributing variables
        model.plsDA.ref <- plsDA(variables.ref, group, validation, learn, test)
        if (model.plsDA.ref$R2[dim(model.plsDA.ref$R2)[1],3] < tol){
            a.ref <- which(model.plsDA.ref$R2[,3] < tol)
            if (a.ref[1] > 1)
                R2.mat.ref <- model.plsDA.ref$R2[1:(a.ref[1] - 1),]
            if (a.ref[1] == 1)
                R2.mat.ref <- model.plsDA.ref$R2[1,]
        if (model.plsDA.ref$R2[dim(model.plsDA.ref$R2)[1],3] >= tol)
            R2.mat.ref <- model.plsDA.ref$R2
        # p-value using fixed vip variables while shuffling individuals
        R2.perm.ref1 <- R2PermutationVector(variables.ref, group,
                                            validation, learn, test, tol, nperm)
        p.val.ref1 <- sum(R2.mat.ref[dim(R2.mat.ref)[1],4] <= R2.perm.ref1,
                          na.rm=TRUE) / nperm
        # p-value based on performing the whole refinement process
        # in  each permutation iteration
        R2.perm.ref2 <- R2RefinedPermutationVector(variables, group,
                                                   validation, learn, test,
                                                   tol, nperm, vip)
        p.val.ref2 <- sum(R2.mat.ref[dim(R2.mat.ref)[1],4] <= R2.perm.ref2,
                          na.rm=TRUE) / nperm
        res <- list(R2.mat, model.plsDA$components[,1:dim(R2.mat)[1]],
                    dataVIPref, p.val, R2.perm, R2.mat.ref,
                    p.val.ref2, R2.perm.ref2, p.val.ref1, R2.perm.ref1)
        names(res) <- c("R2Matrix", "components", "vip",
                        "p.val", "R2PermutationVector", "R2RefinedMatrix",
                        "p.valRefined", "R2RefinedPermutationVector",
                        "p.valRefinedFixed", "R2RefinedFixedPermutationVector")
        res[["group"]] = group
    if (refinment == FALSE){
        res <- list(R2.mat, model.plsDA$components[,1:dim(R2.mat)[1]],
                    dataVIPref, p.val, R2.perm)
        names(res) <- c("R2Matrix", "components", "vip", "p.val",
        res[["group"]] = group

# Function that computes p-values when only individuals
# are considered to be permuted
R2PermutationVector <- function(variables, group, validation,
                                learn, test, tol, nperm){
    # intitialize R2 vector
    R2perm <- rep(NA,nperm)
    # number of individuals
    n <- length(group)
    # permutation loop
    for (p in 1:nperm){
        # shuffle individuals
        mysample <- group[sample(1:length(group), n, replace=FALSE)]
        # pls-da with groups shuffled
        model.perm <- plsDA(variables, mysample, validation, learn, test)
        # select components based on R2 contribution
        if (model.perm$R2[dim(model.perm$R2)[1],3] <= tol){
            a.perm <- which(model.perm$R2[,3] < tol)
            if (a.perm[1] > 1)
                R2perm[p] <- model.perm$R2[a.perm[1] - 1,4]
            if (a.perm[1] == 1)
                R2perm[p] <- model.perm$R2[1,4]
        if (model.perm$R2[dim(model.perm$R2)[1],3] > tol)
            R2perm[p] <- model.perm$R2[dim(model.perm$R2)[1],4]

# Function that computes p-values when a refinement process is considered
# per each permutation iteration
R2RefinedPermutationVector <- function(variables, group, validation, learn,
                                       test, tol, nperm, vip){
    dataVariables <- data.frame( variable = colnames(variables),
                                 id = c(1:dim(variables)[2]))
    n <- length(group)
    R2Refined.perm <- rep(NA,nperm)
    for (p in 1:nperm){
        mysample <- group[sample(1:length(group), n, replace=FALSE)]
        model.perm <- plsDA(variables, mysample, validation, learn, test)
        if (model.perm$R2[dim(model.perm$R2)[1],3] < tol){
            a.perm <- which(model.perm$R2[,3] < tol)
            if (a.perm[1] > 1)
                v <- (a.perm[1] - 1)
            if (a.perm[1] == 1)
                v <- 1
        if (model.perm$R2[dim(model.perm$R2)[1],3] >= tol){
            v <- dim(model.perm$R2)[1]
        vip.perm.max <- apply(model.perm$VIP[,1:v], 1, max)
        dataVIP.perm <- data.frame(variable = row.names(model.perm$VIP),
                                   VIP = vip.perm.max)
        dataVIP.perm.ref <- dataVIP.perm[dataVIP.perm$VIP >= vip,]
        sel.vars.perm <- merge(dataVariables , dataVIP.perm.ref,
                               by.x="variable", by.y="variable")
        variables.perm.ref <- variables[,sel.vars.perm[,2]]
            model.perm.ref <- plsDA(variables.perm.ref, group,
                                    autosel = TRUE, comps = 2,
                                    validation, learn, test)
            if (model.perm.ref$R2[dim(model.perm.ref$R2)[1],3] <= tol){
                a.perm.ref <- which(model.perm.ref$R2[,3] < tol)
                if (a.perm.ref[1] > 1)
                    R2Refined.perm[p] <- model.perm.ref$R2[a.perm.ref[1] - 1,4]
                if (a.perm.ref[1] == 1)
                    R2Refined.perm[p] <- model.perm.ref$R2[1,4]
            if (model.perm.ref$R2[dim(model.perm.ref$R2)[1],3] > tol)
                R2Refined.perm[p] <- model.perm.ref$R2[dim(model.perm.ref$R2)[1],4]

#' Plot components from isoPLSDA analysis (pairs plot)
#' Plot the most significant components that come from [isoPLSDA()]
#' analysis together with the density of the samples scores along those components.
#' @aliases isoPLSDAplot
#' @param pls Output from [isoPLSDA()] function.
#' @param n Number of components to plot.
#' @return [GGally::ggpairs()] plot showing the scores
#' for each sample using isomiRs/miRNAs expression to explain
#' variation.
#' @details
#' The function `isoPLSDAplot`
#' helps to visualize the results from [isoPLSDA()].
#' It will plot the samples using the
#' significant components (t1, t2, t3 ...) from the PLS-DA analysis and the
#' samples score distribution along the components.
#' It uses [GGally::ggpairs()]
#' for the plot.
#' @return [base::data.frame] object with a first column
#' refering to the sample group, and the following
#' columns refering to the score that each sample
#' has for each
#' component from the PLS-DA analysis.
#' @examples
#' data(mirData)
#' # Only miRNAs with > 10 reads in all samples.
#' ids <- isoCounts(mirData, minc=10, mins=6)
#' ids <- isoNorm(ids, formula=~condition)
#' pls.ids <- isoPLSDA(ids, "condition", nperm = 2)
#' isoPLSDAplot(pls.ids)
#' @export
isoPLSDAplot <- function (pls, n = 2){
    components = pls$component[,1:n]
    groups = pls$group
    datacomponents <- data.frame(condition = groups, components)
    p <- ggpairs(datacomponents, columns = 2:ncol(datacomponents),
                 aes_string(color = "condition"),

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