
# densityplot for flowPlates
# Author: Errol Strain, though the code was directly copied from densityplot for
#  flowSets from the flowViz package (Deepayan Sakar) and modified for
#  flowPlates. The flowViz version only allowed one flowFrame per panel,
#  but we often find it necessary to have multiple density curves in the
#  same panel.

prepanel.densityplot.flowPlate <- 
		function(x, frames, channel, 

	xx <- eapply(frames, function(ff) {
		range(evalInFlowFrame(channel, ff))

	yy <- eapply(frames, function(ff) {
			   vals <- evalInFlowFrame(channel, ff)  
			   max(do.call(density, list(x = vals))$y)
	list(xlim=range(xx, finite=TRUE),ylim=c(0,max(unlist(yy))))

panel.densityplot.flowPlate <-
				frames, channel, wellAnnotation,
				col = superpose.symbol$col,
				col.points = col,
				col.line = col,

	## Getting rid of "no visible binding errors" in CHECK
	name <- ""
	Well.Id <- ""
	plateName <- ""
	Channel <- ""
	superpose.symbol <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")

	if (is.null(groups))
		ng <- length(x)+1
		col.points <- rep(col.points, length = ng)
		col.line <- rep(col.line, length = ng)
		groups <- as.factor(groups)[subscripts]
		stopifnot(length(groups) == length(x))
		## goal: make colors etc vectors as before, but
		## associate by group
		ng <- nlevels(groups)
		gcode <- as.numeric(groups)
		col.points <- rep(col.points, length = ng)[gcode]
		col.line <- rep(col.line, length = ng)[gcode]

	x <- as.character(x)

	for (i in seq_along(x))
		nm <- x[i]
		xx <- evalInFlowFrame(channel, frames[[nm]])

				col.line = col.line[i],
				col = col[i],

		if(!is.null(filterResult) && class(filterResult)=="character" && filterResult=="Negative.Control") {

			panel.abline(v=subset(wellAnnotation,name==nm & Channel==as.character(channel[[1]]))$Negative.Control.Gate)
			nc <- subset(wellAnnotation,name==nm & Channel==as.character(channel[[1]]))$Negative.Control
			ncp <- subset(wellAnnotation,name==nm & Channel==as.character(channel[[1]]))$plateName
			if(nc %in% wellAnnotation$Well.Id) {
				nc <- subset(wellAnnotation,Well.Id==nc & Channel==as.character(channel[[1]]) & plateName==ncp)$name[[1]]
				xx <- evalInFlowFrame(channel, frames[[nc]])
						col.line = col.line[ng],
						col = col[ng],
		} else if (class(filterResult)=="flowFrame") {
			panel.abline(v=subset(wellAnnotation,name==nm & Channel==as.character(channel[[1]]))$Negative.Control.Gate)
			xx <- evalInFlowFrame(channel, filterResult)
				col.line = col.line[ng],
				col = col[ng],

		signature(x = "formula", data = "flowPlate"),
 	function(x, data, xlab,
				prepanel = prepanel.densityplot.flowPlate,
				panel = panel.densityplot.flowPlate,
				as.table = TRUE,
			flowData <- plateSet(data)
			pd <- pData(phenoData(flowData))
			ocall <- sys.call(sys.parent())
			ccall <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
			ccall <- manipulate.call(ocall, ccall)
			uniq.name <- createUniqueColumnName(pd)
			## ugly hack to suppress warnings about coercion introducing NAs
			pd[[uniq.name]] <- factor(sampleNames(data),
			channel <- x[[2]]
			if (length(channel) == 3)
				channel <- channel[[2]]
				x[[2]][[2]] <- as.name(uniq.name)
			} else x[[2]] <- as.name(uniq.name)
			channel.name <- expr2char(channel)
			channel <- as.expression(channel)
			if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- channel.name

			ccall$x <- x
			ccall$data <- pd
			ccall$wellAnnotation <- data@wellAnnotation
			ccall$prepanel <- prepanel
			ccall$panel <- panel
			ccall$as.table <- as.table
			ccall$xlab <- xlab
			ccall$frames <- flowData@frames
			ccall$channel <- channel
			ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::densityplot)
			ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
			ans$call <- ocall

Try the plateCore package in your browser

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plateCore documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:41 a.m.