#' Plot time profile clusters of dynamic analysis result.
#' @param fuzzed_matsplines result of dynamic analysis: inferred net generated
#' by consDynamicNet function.
#' @param ... further plotting/legend parameters.
#' @return pdf file in current working directory.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics,
#' noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' statConsNet = staticConsensusNet(data_omics)
#' consDynNet = consDynamicNet(data_omics, statConsNet)
#' timeprof = clusterTimeProfiles(consDynNet)
#' plotTimeProfileClusters(timeprof)
#' }
plotTimeProfileClusters <- function(fuzzed_matsplines) {
requireNamespace("Mfuzz", quietly = TRUE)
pdf(paste(getwd(), "/", "TimeProfiles.pdf", sep = ""))
par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 8.1), xpd = TRUE )
plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, bty = 'L',
xlim = c(min(as.numeric(colnames(fuzzed_matsplines$centers))),
ylim = c(min(fuzzed_matsplines$centers),max(fuzzed_matsplines$centers)),
xlab = "time", ylab = "normalized expression",
main = paste("Fuzzy c-means clustering\n with ",
max(fuzzed_matsplines$cluster), " centers", sep = ""))
colors = rainbow(max(fuzzed_matsplines$cluster))
ind_sort = order(fuzzed_matsplines$cluster)
for(s in 1: max(fuzzed_matsplines$cluster))
fuzzed_matsplines$centers[s,], col = colors[s])}
if(length(names(fuzzed_matsplines$cluster)[ind_sort]) < 20)
{legend("topright", inset = c(-0.3,0),
legend = names(fuzzed_matsplines$cluster)[ind_sort],
fill = colors[fuzzed_matsplines$cluster][ind_sort], cex = 0.7)
}else{legend("topright", inset = c(-0.3,0),
legend = paste("cluster ", 1:dim(fuzzed_matsplines$centers)[1],
sep = ""),
fill = colors[1:dim(fuzzed_matsplines$centers)[1]], cex = 0.7)
#' Plot inferred net based on analysis analysis.
#' Dynamic analysis result is plotted to pdf file stored in current working
#' directory.
#' @param dynConsensusNet result of dynamic analysis: inferred net generated by
#' consDynamicNet function.
#' @param sig.level significance level for plotting edges in network
#' (between 0 and 1).
#' @param clarify indicating if unconnected nodes should be removed;
#' default = "TRUE".
#' @param layout igraph layout parameter; default is
#' layout.fruchterman.reingold.
#' @param ... further plotting/legend parameters.
#' @return pdf file in current working directory.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics,
#' noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' statConsNet = staticConsensusNet(data_omics)
#' dynConsNet = consDynamicNet(data_omics, statConsNet)
#' plotConsDynNet(dynConsNet, sig.level = 0.8)
#' }
plotConsDynNet <- function(dynConsensusNet, sig.level, clarify = "TRUE",
layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold, ...) {
dynConsNet = dynConsensusNet[[1]]
pdf(paste(getwd(), "/", "dynConsensusNet.pdf", sep = ""))
dynnet_z = t(dynConsNet$z)
dynnet <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(dynnet_z), ncol = ncol(dynnet_z))
colnames(dynnet) <- colnames(dynnet_z)
rownames(dynnet) <- rownames(dynnet_z)
cutoff <- qnorm((1 + sig.level)/2)
if(dim(which(abs(dynnet_z) > cutoff, arr.ind = TRUE))[1] == 0)
{ stop("No nodes in the network have a significance higher than the
selected value. Please choose a less strict significance level.\n")}
dynnet[which(abs(dynnet_z) > cutoff, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 1
remove_ind <- which(colSums(dynnet) == 0 & rowSums(dynnet) == 0)
if(length(remove_ind) >= dim(dynnet)[1]-1)
{ stop("Please select clarify = 'FALSE' to have network contents visualized
and/or select a less strict significance level.\n")}
if (clarify == "TRUE" & length(remove_ind) > 0)
{dynnet <- dynnet[-remove_ind, -remove_ind]}
dyngraph <- graph.adjacency(dynnet, mode = c("directed"),
add.rownames = TRUE)
ident = unlist(strsplit(as.character(V(dyngraph)$name),"_"))[seq(2, length(V(dyngraph)$name)*2, by = 2)]
V(dyngraph)$color = rep("grey", times = length(V(dyngraph)))
V(dyngraph)$color[which(ident == "p")] = rep("red", times = length(which(ident == "p")))
V(dyngraph)$color[which(ident == "g")] = rep("green", times = length(which(ident == "g")))
V(dyngraph)$name = unlist(strsplit(V(dyngraph)$name, "_"))[seq(1, length(ident)*2, by = 2)]
V(dyngraph)$label.cex = 0.6
V(dyngraph)$label.color = "black"
E(dyngraph)$color = rep("grey", times = length(E(dyngraph)))
E(dyngraph)$color = "red4"
E(dyngraph)$color[which(E(dyngraph)$weight==1)] = "green4"
plot(dyngraph, main = "Dynamic consensus net", edge.arrow.size=0.5, layout = layout,...)
legend("topleft" , legend = c("consensus proteins", "consensus genes"),
fill = c("red", "green"), cex = 0.7, ...)
#' Plot consensus graph(s) from static analysis.
#' Consensus graph(s) plotted to pdf file stored in current working directory.
#' @param consensusGraphs result from static analysis: consensus graph generated
#' by staticConsensusNet function.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @param ... further plotting/legend parameters.
#' @return pdf file in current working directory.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics,
#' noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' statConsNet = staticConsensusNet(data_omics)
#' plot(ConsensusGraph, data_omics)
#' }
plotConsensusGraph <- function(consensusGraphs, data_omics, ...) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
if(TRUE %in% !(names(consensusGraphs) %in%
as.character(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]) &
names(consensusGraphs) %in%
as.character(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]])) )
{warning("Warning: ConsensusGraphs do not match OmicsData object.")}
pdf(paste(getwd(), "/", "ConsensusGraphs.pdf", sep = ""))
same_tps = data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]
%in% data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]])]
for(k in 1: length(consensusGraphs))
V(consensusGraphs[[k]])$label.cex = 0.6
main = paste("Consensus graph\n time ",
same_tps[k], sep = ""), vertex.size = 7,
vertex.label.color = "black", vertex.label.dist = 0.4,
vertex.label.font = 2, ...)
legend("topleft" , legend = c("consensus proteins",
"steiner node proteins", "consensus TFs", "consensus target genes"),
fill = c("red", "yellow", "lightblue", "green"), cex = 0.7, ...)
#' Plot consensus graph profiles of static consensus molecules.
#' Consensus graph profiles of static consensus molecules
#' plotted as heatmap to pdf file stored in current working directory.
#' @param consensusGraphs result from static analysis: consensus graph generated
#' by staticConsensusNet function.
#' @param data_omics OmicsData object.
#' @param subsel character vector of selected consensus molecules for plotting;
#' if TRUE all consensus molecules are plotted
#' @param ... further plotting/legend parameters.
#' @return pdf file in current working directory.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics,
#' noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' statConsNet = staticConsensusNet(data_omics)
#' plotConsensusProfiles(statConsNet, data_omics, subsel = TRUE)
#' }
plotConsensusProfiles <- function(consensusGraphs, data_omics, subsel = TRUE, ...) {
if(class(data_omics) != "OmicsData")
{stop("Parameter 'data_omics' is not an OmicsData object.")}
if(TRUE %in% !(names(consensusGraphs) %in%
as.character(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]) &
names(consensusGraphs) %in%
as.character(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]])) )
{warning("Warning: ConsensusGraphs do not match OmicsData object.")}
same_tps = data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][which(data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]
%in% data_omics[[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]])]
Cons_graph_members = vector()
for(k in 1: length(same_tps))
{Cons_graph_members = c(Cons_graph_members, unique(c(V(consensusGraphs[[k]])$name))) }
Cons_graph_members = unique(Cons_graph_members)
heat_CGM = matrix(nrow = length(Cons_graph_members), ncol = length(same_tps),
dimnames = list(Cons_graph_members, same_tps))
for(s in 1: length(Cons_graph_members))
{ for(h in 1: length(same_tps))
{heat_CGM[s,h] = if(Cons_graph_members[s] %in% V(consensusGraphs[[h]])$name)
{V(consensusGraphs[[h]])$color[which(V(consensusGraphs[[h]])$name == Cons_graph_members[s])]
colvec = c("white", "green", "lightblue", "red", "yellow")
numvec = c(0,1,2,3,4)
for(s in 1:5)
{heat_CGM[which(heat_CGM == colvec[s])] = numvec[s]}
heat_CGM = apply(heat_CGM,2, as.numeric)
rownames(heat_CGM) = Cons_graph_members
if((subsel == TRUE)[1])
{ind_sel = seq(1, length(Cons_graph_members))
ind_sel = which(rownames(heat_CGM) %in% subsel)
if(!5 %in% ((unique(as.vector(heat_CGM[ind_sel,])))+1) ||
(!5 %in% ((unique(as.vector(heat_CGM[ind_sel,])))+1) & !4 %in% ((unique(as.vector(heat_CGM[ind_sel,])))+1)) ||
(!5 %in% ((unique(as.vector(heat_CGM[ind_sel,])))+1) & !4 %in% ((unique(as.vector(heat_CGM[ind_sel,])))+1) &
!3 %in% ((unique(as.vector(heat_CGM[ind_sel,])))+1) ))
{colvec = colvec[sort(unique(as.vector(heat_CGM[ind_sel,])))+1]}
pdf(paste(getwd(), "/", "ConsensusGraphs.pdf", sep = ""))
heatmap.2(heat_CGM[ind_sel,], Colv = NA, dendrogram = "row", col = colvec,
scale = "none", main = "Consensus graph profiles", trace = "none", key = FALSE, ...)
legend("topleft", fill = c("red", "yellow", "lightblue", "green"),
legend = c("consensus proteins", "steiner node proteins", "consensus TFs", "consensus target genes"), cex = 0.7)
#' Plot temporal correlations of phosphoprotein expression levels and affected
#' downstream transcripts.
#' This function plots an overview of consensus phosphoprotein expression level
#' correlations with those transcripts that are affected downstream in a newly
#' generated folder in the working directory. The following
#' additional information needs to be provided: Phosphorylation information amino
#' acid, position and multiplicity with the expression levels for each
#' of the time points the correlations should be plotted for. Furthermore
#' data tables for fold changes/ratios of phosphoproteins and transcripts that
#' are part of the data_omics object.
#' @param ConsensusGraph result from static analysis: consensus graph generated
#' by staticConsensusNet function.
#' @param timepointsprot numeric vector with measurement time points in
#' phosphoproteome data set, which should be used for correlation plots
#' @param timepointstrans numeric vector with measurement time points in
#' transcriptome data set, which should be used for correlation plots
#' @param foldername character vector specifying the name of the folder that
#' will be generated for the temporal correlations
#' @param trans_sign character vector specifying a tab-delimited file with the
#' transcriptome expression levels for all time points in timepointstrans
#' @param trans_sign_names character vector specifying column names in the
#' transcriptome file corresponding to the expression levels at different time
#' points.
#' @param phospho_sign character vector specifying a tab-delimited file with the
#' phosphoproteome information (columns 'Gene.names', 'Amino.acid', 'Position',
#' 'Multiplicity') and expression levels for all time points in timepointstrans
#' @param phospho_sign_names character vector specifying column names in the
#' phosphoproteome file corresponding to the expression levels at different time
#' points.
#' @param ... further plotting/legend parameters.
#' @return pdf file in current working directory.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(OmicsExampleData)
#' data_omics = readOmics(tp_prots = c(0.25, 1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24),
#' tp_genes = c(1, 4, 8, 13, 18, 24), OmicsExampleData,
#' PWdatabase = c("biocarta", "kegg", "nci", "reactome"),
#' TFtargetdatabase = c("userspec"))
#' data_omics = readPhosphodata(data_omics,
#' phosphoreg = system.file("extdata", "phospho_reg_table.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = readTFdata(data_omics,
#' TF_target_path = system.file("extdata", "TF_targets.txt",
#' package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = readPWdata(data_omics,
#' loadgenelists = system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics_plus = identifyPR(data_omics_plus)
#' setwd(system.file("extdata/Genelists", package = "pwOmics"))
#' data_omics = identifyPWs(data_omics_plus)
#' data_omics = identifyTFs(data_omics)
#' data_omics = identifyRsofTFs(data_omics,
#' noTFs_inPW = 1, order_neighbors = 10)
#' data_omics = identifyPWTFTGs(data_omics)
#' statConsNet = staticConsensusNet(data_omics)
#' temp_correlations(statConsNet, timepointsprot = c(1,4,8,13,18,24),
#' timepointstrans = c(1,4,8,13,18,24), foldername = "ProtCons_",
#' trans_sign = system.file("extdata", "signif_single.csv", package = "pwOmics")
#' trans_sign_names = c("FC_1", "FC_2", "FC_3", "FC_4"),
#' phospho_sign = system.file("extdata", "mat_phospho.csv", package = "pwOmics")
#' phospho_sign_names = c("Rat1", "Rat2", "Rat3", "Rat4")) )
#' }
temp_correlations <- function (ConsensusGraph, timepointsprot,
timepointstrans, foldername = "ProtCons_",
trans_sign = "signif_single.csv",
phospho_sign = "mat_phospho.csv",
trans_sign = read.csv(trans_sign, sep = "\t")
phospho_sign = read.csv(phospho_sign, sep = ",")
proteins = names(V(ConsensusGraph)[which(V(ConsensusGraph)$color == "red")])
filenames = list.files(getwd(), pattern = "_downstream")
filenames_prot = filenames[which(gsub("_downstream", "", filenames) %in% proteins)]
for (g in 1:length(filenames_prot)) {
pdf(paste(foldername, filenames_prot[g], ".pdf", sep = ""))
temp = NULL
filenames = list.files(path = paste(getwd(), filenames_prot[g],
sep = "/"), pattern = "transcripts.csv")
filenamesR = list.files(path = paste(getwd(), filenames_prot[g],
sep = "/"), pattern = ".RData")
ind_vec = vector()
for (k in 1:length(timepointsprot)) {
ind_vec[k] = which(grepl(paste("tp", as.character(timepointsprot[k]),
"_", sep = ""), filenames) == TRUE)
times_cov = vector(length = length(timepointsprot))
for (f in 1:length(timepointsprot)) {
load(paste(getwd(), filenames_prot[g], filenamesR[ind_vec[f]],
sep = "/"))
if (length(axis) != 0) {
temp = read.csv(paste(getwd(), filenames_prot[g],
filenames[ind_vec[f]], sep = "/"))
times_cov[f] = TRUE
names(times_cov) = paste("tp_", timepointsprot, sep = "")
if (length(temp) > 0) {
temp[, 1] = NULL
transcripts_to_corr = as.character(temp[, 1])
data_transcripts = trans_sign[match(transcripts_to_corr,
as.character(trans_sign[, 1])), ]
data_phosphoprot = phospho_sign[grep(paste(gsub("_downstream", "",
filenames_prot[g]), "$", sep = ""),
phospho_sign$T..Gene.names), 1:14]
colfunc <- "blue"
par(mfrow = c(3, 2), oma = c(1, 1, 1, 1), mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
plot(1, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
legend("center", legend = paste(timepointsprot, " min / ",
timepointstrans, " min", sep = ""), col = "black",
pch = c(19, 18, 17, 15), title = "phosphoproteome / transcriptome time points",
bty = "n")
{data_phosphoprot_new = apply(data_phosphoprot[,phospho_sign_names],2,as.numeric)
rownames(data_phosphoprot_new) = paste(data_phosphoprot[,"T..Gene.names"],
"_", data_phosphoprot[,"C..Amino.acid"],
data_phosphoprot[,"N..Position"], "_",
gsub("___", "M", data_phosphoprot[,"C..Multiplicity"]), sep = "")
colh = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "orange"))(dim(data_phosphoprot_new)[1])
for (j in 1:dim(data_transcripts)[1]) {
plot(NA, NA, xlim = c(min(data_transcripts[, trans_sign_names],
na.rm = TRUE) - 0.4, max(data_transcripts[,
trans_sign_names], na.rm = TRUE) + 2),
ylim = c(min(data_phosphoprot_new, na.rm = TRUE) - 0.1,
max(data_phosphoprot_new, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.1), xlab = "FC downstream transcript",
ylab = paste("log2 ratio ", gsub("_downstream", "",
filenames_prot[g]), sep = ""), main = data_transcripts[j, 1])
for(h in 1: dim(data_phosphoprot_new)[1])
{ for (s in 1:length(timepointsprot) - 1) {
lines(as.numeric(data_transcripts[j, trans_sign_names[s:(s + 1)]]),
data_phosphoprot_new[h,s:(s + 1)], col = colh[h], lwd = 1)}
points(data_transcripts[j, trans_sign_names],
data_phosphoprot_new[h,], col = colh[h],
pch = c(19, 18, 17, 15), cex = 1.2)
legend("bottomright", fill = colh, legend = rownames(data_phosphoprot_new), cex = 0.7)
data_phosphoprot_new = apply(data_phosphoprot[,phospho_sign_names],2,as.numeric)
nam = paste(data_phosphoprot[,"T..Gene.names"], "_",
data_phosphoprot[,"N..Position"], "_",
gsub("___", "M", data_phosphoprot[,"C..Multiplicity"]), sep = "")
for (j in 1:dim(data_transcripts)[1]) {
plot(NA, NA, xlim = c(min(data_transcripts[, trans_sign_names],
na.rm = TRUE) - 0.4,
max(data_transcripts[, trans_sign_names],
na.rm = TRUE) + 2),
ylim = c(min(data_phosphoprot_new, na.rm = TRUE) - 0.1,
max(data_phosphoprot_new, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.1),
xlab = "FC downstream transcript",
ylab = paste("log2 ratio ", gsub("_downstream", "",
filenames_prot[g]), sep = ""), main = data_transcripts[j, 1])
for (s in 1:length(timepointsprot) - 1) {
lines(as.numeric(data_transcripts[j, trans_sign_names[s:(s + 1)]]),
data_phosphoprot_new[s:(s + 1)], col = colfunc, lwd = 1)
points(data_transcripts[j, trans_sign_names], data_phosphoprot_new,
col = colfunc, pch = c(19, 18, 17, 15), cex = 1.2)
legend("bottomright", fill = colfunc, legend = nam, cex = 0.7)
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