Man pages for synergyfinder
Calculate and Visualize Synergy Scores for Drug Combinations

BlissCalculate Bliss Synergy Score
CalculateCSSCalculate Combination Sensitivity Score
CalculateIC50Calculate Relative IC50 from Fitted Model
CalculateSensCalculate Relative Inhibition (RI) for Dose-Response Curve
CalculateSensitivityCalculate the Synergy Scores for Drug Combinations
CalculateSynergyCalculate the Synergy Scores for Drug Combinations
CorrectBaseLineBase Line Correction for Drug Combination Matrix
DimensionReductionDimension Reduction for Multi-drug Combination Visualization
dot-AdjustColumnNameAdjust Column Names of Input Data Table
dot-BootstrappingBootstraping Sample from Replicates in Response Data
dot-DistanceCalculate Distance from a Point to a Plane
dot-ExtendedScoresMake a Smooth Surface for Scores
dot-Extract2DrugPlotDataExtract Data for 2 Drug Combination Plots
dot-ExtractMultiDrugPlotDataExtract Data Table and Annotation Information for Multi-drug...
dot-own_logCSS Facilitate Function - Log Calculation (nature based) LL.4...
dot-own_log2CSS Facilitate Function - Log (nature based) Calculation L.4...
dot-Pt2mmConvert Font Size from pt to mm
dot-RoundValuesRound the Numbers for Plotting
dot-ScoreCurveCSS Facilitate Function - .ScoreCurve for Curves Fitted by...
dot-ScoreCurve_L4CSS Facilitate Function - .ScoreCurve for Curves Fitted by...
dot-SolveExpDoesL4Solve the Expected Dose of Drug to Achieve Given Effect from...
dot-SolveExpDoesLL4Solve the Expected Dose of Drug to Achieve Given Effect from...
dot-SolveExpDoseSolve the Expected Dose of Drug to Achieve Given Effect (%...
dot-SolveLoeweSolve the Loewe Additive Effect for Concentration...
ExtractSingleDrugExtract Single Drug Dose Response
FindModelParFind the Fitted Parameters from 4-Parameter Log-Logistic...
FindModelTypeFind the Type of Model Used for Fitting Dose Response Data
FitDoseResponseFitting Single Drug Dose-Response Model
GenerateSurface3D Surface Plot for Nulti-drug Combination...
HighlightBarPlotHighlight Bars
HSACalculate HSA Synergy Score
ImputeIC50Impute Missing Value at IC50 Concentration of Drug
LoeweCalculate Loewe Synergy Score
mathews_screening_dataA high-throughput drug combination screening data
NCATS_10023_dataA high-throughput 3 drug combination screening data
Plot2DrugContour2D Contour Plot for 2-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
Plot2DrugHeatmapHeatmap Plot for 2-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
Plot2DrugSurface3D Surface Plot for 2-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
PlotBarometerPlot Barometer for Responses at One Data Point
PlotDoseResponseVisualize the Drug Combination Dose-response Data
PlotDoseResponseCurvePlot Dose Response Curve for Single Drug
PlotMultiDrugBarBar Plot for Multi-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
PlotMultiDrugSurface3D Plot for Multi-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
PlotSensitiveSynergyPlot Sensitive-Synergy Plot for All the Combinations in the...
PlotSynergyPlot Interaction Landscape for Synergy Scores
PredictModelSpecifyPredict Response Value at Certain Drug Dose
PredictResponsePredict Response Value at Certain Drug Dose
ReshapeDataPre-process the Response Data for Further Calculation and...
ZIPCalculate Delta Synergy Score Based on ZIP Model
synergyfinder documentation built on April 4, 2021, 6 p.m.