
Defines functions mb.gof.test.unmarkedFitOccu mb.gof.test.default mb.gof.test mb.chisq.unmarkedFitColExt mb.chisq.unmarkedFitOccu mb.chisq.default mb.chisq

Documented in mb.chisq mb.chisq.default mb.chisq.unmarkedFitColExt mb.chisq.unmarkedFitOccu mb.gof.test mb.gof.test.default mb.gof.test.unmarkedFitOccu

##MacKenzie and Bailey goodness of fit test for single season occupancy models
##generic function to compute chi-square
mb.chisq <- function(mod, print.table = TRUE, ...){
  UseMethod("mb.chisq", mod)

mb.chisq.default <- function(mod, print.table = TRUE, ...){
  stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

##for single-season occupancy models of class unmarkedFitOccu
mb.chisq.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod, print.table = TRUE, ...) {
##step 1:
##extract detection histories
y.raw <- mod@data@y

##if some rows are all NA and sites are discarded, adjust sample size accordingly
N.raw <- nrow(y.raw)
#if(all NA) {N - number of rows with all NA}
##identify sites without data
na.raw <- apply(X = y.raw, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))
##remove sites without data
y.data <- y.raw[!na.raw, ]

N <- N.raw - sum(na.raw)

#N is required for computations in the end
Ts <- ncol(y.data)

det.hist <- apply(X = y.data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))

##compute predicted values of occupancy
preds.psi <- predict(mod, type = "state")$Predicted

##compute predicted values of p
preds.p <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "det")$Predicted,
                  ncol = Ts, byrow = TRUE)

##assemble in data.frame
out.hist <- data.frame(det.hist, preds.psi, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

##identify unique histories
un.hist <- unique(det.hist)
n.un.hist <- length(un.hist)

##identify if missing values occur
na.vals <- length(grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)) > 0

if(na.vals) {

  ##identify each history with NA
  id.na <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)
  id.det.hist.na <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = det.hist)
  ##cohorts with NA
  cohort.na <- sort(un.hist[id.na])
  n.cohort.na <- length(cohort.na)
  ##determine cohorts that will be grouped together (same missing value)
  unique.na <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = cohort.na)
  ##determine which visit has missing value
  na.visits <- sapply(strsplit(x = unique.na, split = ""), FUN = function(i) paste(ifelse(i == "N", 1, 0), collapse = ""))
  ##add cohort labels for histories
  names(cohort.na) <- na.visits  
  ##number of histories in each cohort
  n.hist.missing.cohorts <- table(na.visits)
  ##number of missing cohorts
  n.missing.cohorts <- length(n.hist.missing.cohorts)
  out.hist.na <- out.hist[id.det.hist.na, ]
  out.hist.na$det.hist <- droplevels(out.hist.na$det.hist)

  ##groupings in out.hist.na
  just.na <- sapply(X = out.hist.na$det.hist, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "1", replacement = "0", x = i))
  out.hist.na$coh <- sapply(X = just.na, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "1", x = i))                                           
  ##number of sites in each missing cohort
  freqs.missing.cohorts <- table(out.hist.na$coh)
  ##number of sites with each history
  na.freqs <- table(det.hist[id.det.hist.na]) 
  preds.p.na <- preds.p[id.det.hist.na, ]
  ##cohorts without NA
  cohort.not.na <- sort(un.hist[-id.na])
  out.hist.not.na <- out.hist[-id.det.hist.na, , drop = FALSE]
  out.hist.not.na$det.hist <- droplevels(out.hist.not.na$det.hist)
  n.cohort.not.na <- length(cohort.not.na)
  n.sites.not.na <- length(det.hist) - length(id.det.hist.na)
  preds.p.not.na <- preds.p[-id.det.hist.na, ]

} else {
  cohort.not.na <- sort(un.hist)
  out.hist.not.na <- out.hist
  preds.p.not.na <- preds.p
  n.cohort.not.na <- length(cohort.not.na)
  n.sites.not.na <- length(det.hist)
##for each missing data cohort, determine number of sites for each
  ##iterate over each site for each unique history
if(n.cohort.not.na > 0) {  ##expected frequencies for non-missing data
  exp.freqs <- rep(NA, n.cohort.not.na)
  names(exp.freqs) <- cohort.not.na ########################################SORT ENCOUNTER HISTORIES CHECK THAT ORDER IS IDENTICAL TO OBSERVED FREQS
  ##iterate over detection histories
  for (i in 1:n.cohort.not.na) {
    eq.solved <- rep(NA, n.sites.not.na)
    select.hist <- cohort.not.na[i]
    ##strip all values
    strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = ""))
    ##translate each visit in probability statement
    hist.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.sites.not.na, ncol = Ts)

    ##iterate over sites
    for(j in 1:n.sites.not.na) {

      ##in extreme cases where only a single cohort occurs without missing values
      if(n.sites.not.na == 1) {
        hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", preds.p.not.na,
                                ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 - preds.p.not.na,
      } else {
        hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", preds.p.not.na[j, ],
                                ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 - preds.p.not.na[j, ],
      ##combine into equation
      combo.p <- paste(hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*")
      ##for history without detection
      if(sum(as.numeric(strip.hist)) == 0) {
        combo.first <- paste(c(out.hist.not.na[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*")
        combo.psi.p <- paste((1 - out.hist.not.na[j, "preds.psi"]), "+", combo.first)
      } else {
        combo.psi.p <- paste(c(out.hist.not.na[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*")       
      eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.psi.p)))
    exp.freqs[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE)

  ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies
  freqs <- table(out.hist.not.na$det.hist)
  out.freqs <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.cohort.not.na, ncol = 4)
  colnames(out.freqs) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square")
  rownames(out.freqs) <- names(freqs)
  out.freqs[, 1] <- 0
  out.freqs[, 2] <- freqs
  out.freqs[, 3] <- exp.freqs
  out.freqs[, 4] <- ((out.freqs[, "Observed"] - out.freqs[, "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "Expected"]

##if missing values
if(na.vals) {
##create list to store the chisquare for each cohort
  missing.cohorts <- list( )
  ##check if preds.p.na has only 1 row and change to matrix
  if(!is.matrix(preds.p.na)) {preds.p.na <- matrix(data = preds.p.na, nrow = 1)}
  for(m in 1:n.missing.cohorts) {
    ##select cohort
    select.cohort <- out.hist.na[which(out.hist.na$coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ]
    select.preds.p.na <- preds.p.na[which(out.hist.na$coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ]
    ##replace NA's with 1 to remove from likelihood
    if(!is.matrix(select.preds.p.na)) {select.preds.p.na <- matrix(data = select.preds.p.na, nrow = 1)}
    select.preds.p.na[, gregexpr(pattern = "N", text = gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = select.cohort$det.hist[1]))[[1]]] <- 1
    n.total.sites <- nrow(select.cohort)
    freqs.na <- table(droplevels(select.cohort$det.hist))
    cohort.na.un <- sort(unique(select.cohort$det.hist))
    n.hist.na <- length(freqs.na)
    exp.na <- rep(NA, n.hist.na)
    names(exp.na) <- cohort.na.un  

          for(i in 1:n.hist.na) {
            ##number of sites in given history
            n.sites.hist <- freqs.na[i] ##this should be number of sites for each history
            eq.solved <- rep(NA, n.total.sites)
            ##replace NA's with N
            select.hist <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = cohort.na.un[i])
            ##strip all values
            strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = ""))
            ##translate each visit in probability statement
            hist.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.total.sites, ncol = Ts)
            ##iterate over sites
            for(j in 1:n.total.sites) {
              if(Ts == 1) {
                hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", select.preds.p.na[j],
                                        ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 - select.preds.p.na[j], 1))
              } else {
                hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", select.preds.p.na[j, ],
                                        ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 - select.preds.p.na[j, ], 1))
              ##replace NA by 1 (missing visit is removed from likelihood)
###for missing value, remove occasion
              ##combine into equation
              combo.p <- paste(hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*")
              ##for history without detection
              if(sum(as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "N", replacement = "0", x = strip.hist))) == 0) {
                combo.first <- paste(c(select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*")
                combo.psi.p <- paste((1 - select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"]), "+", combo.first)
              } else {
                combo.psi.p <- paste(c(select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*")

              eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.psi.p)))
            exp.na[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE)

    ##compute chisq for missing data cohorts
    ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies
    out.freqs.na <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.hist.na, ncol = 4)
    colnames(out.freqs.na) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square")
    rownames(out.freqs.na) <- cohort.na.un
    out.freqs.na[, 1] <- m
    out.freqs.na[, 2] <- freqs.na
    out.freqs.na[, 3] <- exp.na
    out.freqs.na[, 4] <- ((out.freqs.na[, "Observed"] - out.freqs.na[, "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs.na[, "Expected"]
    missing.cohorts[[m]] <- list(out.freqs.na = out.freqs.na)
##test statistic is chi-square for all possible detection histories
##for observed detection histories, chisq = sum((obs - exp)^2)/exp = Y

##to avoid computing all possible detection histories, it is possible to obtain it by subtraction:
#for unobserved detection histories, chisq = sum((obs - exp)^2)/exp = sum(0 - exp)^2/exp = sum(exp) = X
##X = N.sites - sum(exp values from observed detection histories)
##Thus, test statistic = Y + X = Y + N - sum(exp values from observed detection histories)

##compute partial chi-square for observed detection histories (Y)
#chisq.obs.det <- sum(((out.freqs[, "observed"] - out.freqs[, "expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "expected"])

##compute partial chi-square for unobserved detection histories (X)
if(na.vals) {
  chisq.missing <- do.call("rbind", lapply(missing.cohorts, FUN = function(i) i$out.freqs.na))
  if(n.cohort.not.na > 0) {
    chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"])
    chisq.table <- rbind(out.freqs, chisq.missing)
  } else {
    chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"])
    chisq.table <- chisq.missing
} else {
  chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"])
  chisq.na <- 0
  chisq.table <- out.freqs

##test statistic (Y + X = Y - sum(exp observed detection histories)
chisq <- sum(chisq.table[, "Chi-square"]) + chisq.unobs.det

if(print.table) {
  out <- list(chisq.table = chisq.table, chi.square = chisq,
              model.type = "single-season")
} else {
  out <- list(chi.square = chisq, model.type = "single-season")

class(out) <- "mb.chisq"

##dynamic occupancy models of class unmarkedFitColExt
mb.chisq.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod, print.table = TRUE, ...) {
  ##information on data set
  ##extract number of seasons
  orig.data <- mod@data
  detections <- orig.data@y
  n.seasons <- orig.data@numPrimary
  n.sites <- nrow(detections)

  ##total visits
  total.visits <- ncol(detections)
  ##number of visits per season
  n.visits <- total.visits/n.seasons

  ##determine if certain sites have no data for certain visits
  ##split encounter history for each season
  starts <- seq(1, total.visits, by = n.visits)

  ##create list to hold seasons
  y.seasons <- list( )
  for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
    first.col <- starts[k]
    y.seasons[[k]] <- detections[, first.col:(first.col+n.visits-1)]

  ##check if any seasons were not sampled
  y.seasonsNA <- sapply(y.seasons, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))
  ##from model
  ##predict init psi
  psi.init.pred <- predict(mod, type = "psi")$Predicted

  ##predict gamma
  gam.pred <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "col")$Predicted,
                     ncol = n.seasons, byrow = TRUE)[, 1:(n.seasons - 1)]

  ##predict epsilon
  eps.pred <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "ext")$Predicted,
                     ncol = n.seasons, byrow = TRUE)[, 1:(n.seasons - 1)]

  ##predicted p
  p.pred <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "det")$Predicted,
                   ncol = total.visits,
                   nrow = n.sites, byrow = TRUE)

  ##divide p's for each season
  p.seasons <- list( )
  for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
    first.col <- starts[k]
    p.seasons[[k]] <- p.pred[, first.col:(first.col+n.visits-1)]

  ##compute predicted values of psi for each season
  psi.seasons <- list( )
  ##add first year in list
  psi.seasons[[1]] <- psi.init.pred

  ##compute psi recursively for each year given psi(t - 1), epsilon, and gamma
  if(n.seasons == 2) {
      psi.seasons[[2]] <- psi.seasons[[1]] * (1 - eps.pred) + (1 - psi.seasons[[1]]) * gam.pred
    } else {
      for(m in 2:(n.seasons)){
        psi.seasons[[m]] <- psi.seasons[[m-1]] * (1 - eps.pred[, m-1]) + (1 - psi.seasons[[m-1]]) * gam.pred[, m-1]

###the following is adapted from mb.chisq

  ##create list to hold table for each year
  out <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)

  ##add label for seasons
  season.labels <- paste("Season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
  names(out) <- season.labels
  #names(all.chisq) <- season.labels

  ##iterate over seasons
  for (season in 1:n.seasons) {
    ##step 1:
    ##extract detection histories
    y.raw <- y.seasons[[season]]

    ##if some rows are all NA and sites are discarded, adjust sample size accordingly
    N.raw <- nrow(y.raw)
    ##if(all NA) {N - number of rows with all NA}
    ##identify sites without data
    na.raw <- apply(X = y.raw, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))
    ##remove sites without data
    #y.data <- y.raw[!na.raw, ] #in mb.chisq( ) for single season data, sites without data are removed
    ##with multiseason model, missing data in some years create an imbalance - better to maintain number of sites constant across years
    ##this creates a new cohort with only missing values
    y.data <- y.raw

    ##number of observed detection histories (excludes cases with all NA's)
    N <- N.raw - sum(na.raw)

    ##check if any columns are empty
    nodata.raw <- apply(X = y.data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))
    with.data <- which(nodata.raw == FALSE)
    ##select only columns with data
    if(any(nodata.raw)) {
      y.data <- y.data[, with.data]

    ##T is required for computations in the end
    ##if only a single visit, ncol( ) returns NULL
      Ts <- 1
    } else { 
      Ts <- ncol(y.data)

    ##if no data, skip to next season
    if(Ts == 0) {next}

    ##if single visit, returns error
    if(Ts == 1) {
      det.hist <- paste(y.data, sep = "")
    } else {
      det.hist <- apply(X = y.data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
    ##compute predicted values of occupancy for season i
    preds.psi <- psi.seasons[[season]] ##MODIFIED FROM mb.chisq - change iteration number

    ##extract matrix of p's for season i
    if(any(nodata.raw)) {
      preds.p <- p.seasons[[season]][, with.data]
    } else {
      preds.p <- p.seasons[[season]]

    ##assemble in data.frame
    out.hist <- data.frame(det.hist, preds.psi, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

    ##identify unique histories
    un.hist <- unique(det.hist)
    n.un.hist <- length(un.hist)
    ##identify if missing values occur
    na.vals <- length(grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)) > 0

    if(na.vals) {
      ##identify each history with NA
      id.na <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)
      id.det.hist.na <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = det.hist)
      ##cohorts with NA
      cohort.na <- sort(un.hist[id.na])
      n.cohort.na <- length(cohort.na)
      ##determine cohorts that will be grouped together (same missing value)
      unique.na <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = cohort.na)
      ##determine which visit has missing value
      na.visits <- sapply(strsplit(x = unique.na, split = ""), FUN = function(i) paste(ifelse(i == "N", 1, 0), collapse = ""))
      ##add cohort labels for histories
      names(cohort.na) <- na.visits  
      ##number of histories in each cohort
      n.hist.missing.cohorts <- table(na.visits)
      ##number of missing cohorts
      n.missing.cohorts <- length(n.hist.missing.cohorts)
      out.hist.na <- out.hist[id.det.hist.na, ]
      out.hist.na$det.hist <- droplevels(out.hist.na$det.hist)

      ##groupings in out.hist.na
      just.na <- sapply(X = out.hist.na$det.hist, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "1", replacement = "0", x = i))
      out.hist.na$coh <- sapply(X = just.na, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "1", x = i))                                           
      ##number of sites in each missing cohort
      freqs.missing.cohorts <- table(out.hist.na$coh)
      ##number of sites with each history
      na.freqs <- table(det.hist[id.det.hist.na]) 
      if(Ts == 1) {
        preds.p.na <- preds.p[id.det.hist.na]
      } else {
        preds.p.na <- preds.p[id.det.hist.na, ]
      ##cohorts without NA
      cohort.not.na <- sort(un.hist[-id.na])
      out.hist.not.na <- out.hist[-id.det.hist.na, , drop = FALSE]
      out.hist.not.na$det.hist <- droplevels(out.hist.not.na$det.hist)
      n.cohort.not.na <- length(cohort.not.na)
      n.sites.not.na <- length(det.hist) - length(id.det.hist.na)
      if(Ts == 1) {
        preds.p.not.na <- preds.p[-id.det.hist.na]
      } else {
        preds.p.not.na <- preds.p[-id.det.hist.na, ]

    } else {
      cohort.not.na <- sort(un.hist)
      out.hist.not.na <- out.hist
      preds.p.not.na <- preds.p
      n.cohort.not.na <- length(cohort.not.na)
      n.sites.not.na <- length(det.hist)
    ##for each missing data cohort, determine number of sites for each
    ##iterate over each site for each unique history
    if(n.cohort.not.na > 0) {  ##expected frequencies for non-missing data
      exp.freqs <- rep(NA, n.cohort.not.na)
      names(exp.freqs) <- cohort.not.na ########################################SORT ENCOUNTER HISTORIES CHECK THAT ORDER IS IDENTICAL TO OBSERVED FREQS
      ##iterate over detection histories
      for (i in 1:n.cohort.not.na) {
        eq.solved <- rep(NA, n.sites.not.na)
        select.hist <- cohort.not.na[i]
        ##strip all values
        strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = ""))
        ##translate each visit in probability statement
        hist.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.sites.not.na, ncol = Ts)
        ##iterate over sites
        for(j in 1:n.sites.not.na) {

          ##in extreme cases where only a single cohort occurs without missing values
          if(n.sites.not.na == 1 || Ts == 1) {
            hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", preds.p.not.na,
                                    ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 - preds.p.not.na,
          } else {
            hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", preds.p.not.na[j, ],
                                    ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 - preds.p.not.na[j, ],
          ##combine into equation
          combo.p <- paste(hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*")
          ##for history without detection
          if(sum(as.numeric(strip.hist)) == 0) {
            combo.first <- paste(c(out.hist.not.na[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*")
            combo.psi.p <- paste((1 - out.hist.not.na[j, "preds.psi"]), "+", combo.first)
          } else {
            combo.psi.p <- paste(c(out.hist.not.na[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*")       
          eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.psi.p)))
        exp.freqs[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE)

      ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies
      freqs <- table(out.hist.not.na$det.hist)
      out.freqs <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.cohort.not.na, ncol = 4)
      colnames(out.freqs) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square")
      rownames(out.freqs) <- names(freqs)
      out.freqs[, 1] <- 0
      out.freqs[, 2] <- freqs
      out.freqs[, 3] <- exp.freqs
      out.freqs[, 4] <- ((out.freqs[, "Observed"] - out.freqs[, "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "Expected"]

    ##if missing values
    if(na.vals) {
      ##create list to store the chisquare for each cohort
      missing.cohorts <- list( )
      ##check if preds.p.na has only 1 row and change to matrix
      if(!is.matrix(preds.p.na)) {preds.p.na <- matrix(data = preds.p.na, nrow = 1)}
      for(m in 1:n.missing.cohorts) {
        ##select cohort
        select.cohort <- out.hist.na[which(out.hist.na$coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ]
        if(Ts == 1) {
          select.preds.p.na <- preds.p.na[which(out.hist.na$coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m])]
        } else {
          select.preds.p.na <- preds.p.na[which(out.hist.na$coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ]
        ##replace NA's with 1 to remove from likelihood
        if(!is.matrix(select.preds.p.na)) {select.preds.p.na <- matrix(data = select.preds.p.na, nrow = 1)}
        select.preds.p.na[, gregexpr(pattern = "N", text = gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = select.cohort$det[1]))[[1]]] <- 1
        n.total.sites <- nrow(select.cohort)
        freqs.na <- table(droplevels(select.cohort$det.hist))
        cohort.na.un <- sort(unique(select.cohort$det.hist))
        n.hist.na <- length(freqs.na)
        exp.na <- rep(NA, n.hist.na)
        names(exp.na) <- cohort.na.un  

        for(i in 1:n.hist.na) {
          ##number of sites in given history
          n.sites.hist <- freqs.na[i] ##this should be number of sites for each history
          eq.solved <- rep(NA, n.total.sites)
          ##replace NA's with N
          select.hist <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = cohort.na.un[i])
          ##strip all values
          strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = ""))
          ##translate each visit in probability statement
          hist.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.total.sites, ncol = Ts)
          ##iterate over sites
          for(j in 1:n.total.sites) {
            hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", select.preds.p.na[j, ],
                                    ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 - select.preds.p.na[j, ], 1))
            ##replace NA by 1 (missing visit is removed from likelihood)
###for missing value, remove occasion
            ##combine into equation
            combo.p <- paste(hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*")
            ##for history without detection
            if(sum(as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "N", replacement = "0", x = strip.hist))) == 0) {
              combo.first <- paste(c(select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*")
              combo.psi.p <- paste((1 - select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"]), "+", combo.first)
            } else {
              combo.psi.p <- paste(c(select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*")
            eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.psi.p)))
          exp.na[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE)

        ##compute chisq for missing data cohorts
        ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies
        out.freqs.na <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.hist.na, ncol = 4)
        colnames(out.freqs.na) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square")
        rownames(out.freqs.na) <- cohort.na.un
        out.freqs.na[, 1] <- m
        out.freqs.na[, 2] <- freqs.na
        out.freqs.na[, 3] <- exp.na
        out.freqs.na[, 4] <- ((out.freqs.na[, "Observed"] - out.freqs.na[, "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs.na[, "Expected"]
        missing.cohorts[[m]] <- list(out.freqs.na = out.freqs.na)
    ##test statistic is chi-square for all possible detection histories
    ##for observed detection histories, chisq = sum((obs - exp)^2)/exp = Y

    ##to avoid computing all possible detection histories, it is possible to obtain it by subtraction:
    ##for unobserved detection histories, chisq = sum((obs - exp)^2)/exp = sum(0 - exp)^2/exp = sum(exp) = X
    ##X = N.sites - sum(exp values from observed detection histories)
    ##Thus, test statistic = Y + X = Y + N - sum(exp values from observed detection histories)

    ##compute partial chi-square for observed detection histories (Y)
    ##chisq.obs.det <- sum(((out.freqs[, "observed"] - out.freqs[, "expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "expected"])

    ##compute partial chi-square for unobserved detection histories (X)
    if(na.vals) {
      chisq.missing <- do.call("rbind", lapply(missing.cohorts, FUN = function(i) i$out.freqs.na))

      ##check for sites never sampled in table 
      sites.never <- rownames(chisq.missing)
      never.sampled <- grep(pattern = paste(rep(NA, Ts), collapse = ""), x = sites.never)

      if(length(never.sampled) > 0) {
        ##remove row for site never sampled
        chisq.missing <- chisq.missing[-never.sampled, , drop = FALSE]

      if(n.cohort.not.na > 0) {
        chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"])
        chisq.table <- rbind(out.freqs, chisq.missing)
      } else {
        chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"])
        chisq.table <- chisq.missing
    } else {
      chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"])
      chisq.na <- 0
      chisq.table <- out.freqs

    ##test statistic (Y + X = Y - sum(exp observed detection histories)
    chisq <- sum(chisq.table[, "Chi-square"]) + chisq.unobs.det

    if(print.table) {
      out[[season]] <- list(chisq.table = chisq.table, chi.square = chisq) #change to iteration number
    } else {
      out[[season]] <- list(chi.square = chisq)

  ##add a final named element combining the chi-square
  all.chisq <- unlist(lapply(out, FUN = function(i) i$chi.square))

    ##add label for seasons
    sampled.seasons <- which(!y.seasonsNA)
    new.season.labels <- paste("Season", sampled.seasons, sep = " ")
    names(all.chisq) <- new.season.labels
  ##print table or only test statistic
  if(print.table) {
    out.nice <- list(tables = out, all.chisq = all.chisq,
                     n.seasons = n.seasons, model.type = "dynamic",
                     missing.seasons = y.seasonsNA)
  } else {
      out.nice <- list(all.chisq = all.chisq, n.seasons = n.seasons,
                       model.type = "dynamic",
                       missing.seasons = y.seasonsNA)
  class(out.nice) <- "mb.chisq" 

##Royle-Nichols count model of class unmarkedFitOccuRN - modified by Dan Linden
mb.chisq.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function (mod, print.table = TRUE, maxK = NULL, ...){

    ##add a check to inform user that maxK is now extracted from model object
    if(is.null(maxK)) {
        maxK <- mod@K
    y.raw <- mod@data@y
    N.raw <- nrow(y.raw)
    na.raw <- apply(X = y.raw, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) all(is.na(i)))
    y.data <- y.raw[!na.raw, ]
    N <- N.raw - sum(na.raw)

###modified by Dan Linden
    T <- ncol(y.data)
    K <- 0:maxK
    det.hist <- apply(X = y.data, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))
    preds.lam <- predict(mod, type = "state")$Predicted
    preds.p <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "det")$Predicted, 
                      ncol = T, byrow = TRUE)
    out.hist <- data.frame(det.hist, preds.lam, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    un.hist <- unique(det.hist)
    n.un.hist <- length(un.hist)
    na.vals <- length(grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)) > 0

    if (na.vals) {
        id.na <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)
        id.det.hist.na <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = det.hist)

        cohort.na <- sort(un.hist[id.na])
        n.cohort.na <- length(cohort.na)

        unique.na <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", 
                          x = cohort.na)
        na.visits <- sapply(strsplit(x = unique.na, split = ""), 
                            FUN = function(i) paste(ifelse(i == "N", 1, 0), collapse = ""))
        names(cohort.na) <- na.visits
        n.hist.missing.cohorts <- table(na.visits)
        n.missing.cohorts <- length(n.hist.missing.cohorts)
        out.hist.na <- out.hist[id.det.hist.na, ]
        out.hist.na$det.hist <- droplevels(out.hist.na$det.hist)
        just.na <- sapply(X = out.hist.na$det.hist,
                          FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "1", replacement = "0", x = i))
        out.hist.na$coh <- sapply(X = just.na,
                                  FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "1", x = i))

        freqs.missing.cohorts <- table(out.hist.na$coh)
        na.freqs <- table(det.hist[id.det.hist.na])
        preds.p.na <- preds.p[id.det.hist.na, ]

        cohort.not.na <- sort(un.hist[-id.na])
        out.hist.not.na <- out.hist[-id.det.hist.na, , drop = FALSE]
        out.hist.not.na$det.hist <- droplevels(out.hist.not.na$det.hist)
        n.cohort.not.na <- length(cohort.not.na)
        n.sites.not.na <- length(det.hist) - length(id.det.hist.na)
        preds.p.not.na <- preds.p[-id.det.hist.na, ]

    } else {
    cohort.not.na <- sort(un.hist)
    out.hist.not.na <- out.hist
    preds.p.not.na <- preds.p
    n.cohort.not.na <- length(cohort.not.na)
    n.sites.not.na <- length(det.hist)
    if (n.cohort.not.na > 0) {
        exp.freqs <- rep(NA, n.cohort.not.na)
        names(exp.freqs) <- cohort.not.na

        for (i in 1:n.cohort.not.na) {
            eq.solved <- rep(NA, n.sites.not.na)
            select.hist <- cohort.not.na[i]
            strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = ""))

###modified by Dan Linden
            hist.mat <- new.hist.mat <- new.hist.mat1 <- new.hist.mat0 <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.sites.not.na, ncol = T)
            for (j in 1:n.sites.not.na) {
                if (n.sites.not.na == 1) {
###modified by Dan Linden
                    hist.mat[j,] <- preds.p.not.na              
                } else {
                    hist.mat[j,] <- preds.p.not.na[j,]}
                p.k.mat <- sapply(hist.mat[j,], function(r) {1 - (1 - r)^K})
                ##new.hist.mat1[j,] <- dpois(K,out.hist.not.na[j, "preds.lam"]) %*% p.k.mat
                ##new.hist.mat0[j,] <- dpois(K,out.hist.not.na[j, "preds.lam"]) %*% (1 - p.k.mat)
                ##new.hist.mat[j,] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", 
                ##                           new.hist.mat1[j,], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 
                ##                                                     new.hist.mat0[j,], 0))
                ##combo.lam.p <- paste(new.hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*")
                ##eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.lam.p)))

###start modifications by Ken Kellner
                obs <- as.integer(strip.hist)
                pk <- dpois(K, out.hist.not.na[j,"preds.lam"])
                cp <- t(p.k.mat) * obs + (1 - t(p.k.mat)) * (1 - obs)
                prod_cp <- apply(cp, 2, prod, na.rm = TRUE)
                eq.solved[j] <- sum(pk * prod_cp)
###end modifications by Ken Kellner
            exp.freqs[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE)
        ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies
        freqs <- table(out.hist.not.na$det.hist)
        out.freqs <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.cohort.not.na, ncol = 4)
        colnames(out.freqs) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", 
        rownames(out.freqs) <- names(freqs)
        out.freqs[, 1] <- 0
        out.freqs[, 2] <- freqs
        out.freqs[, 3] <- exp.freqs
        out.freqs[, 4] <- ((out.freqs[, "Observed"] - out.freqs[, 
                                                                "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "Expected"]

    ##if missing values
    if (na.vals) {
        missing.cohorts <- list()
        if (!is.matrix(preds.p.na)) {
            preds.p.na <- matrix(data = preds.p.na, nrow = 1)
        for (m in 1:n.missing.cohorts) {
            select.cohort <- out.hist.na[which(out.hist.na$coh == 
                                               names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ]
            select.preds.p.na <- preds.p.na[which(out.hist.na$coh == 
                                                  names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ]
            if (!is.matrix(select.preds.p.na)) {
                select.preds.p.na <- matrix(data = select.preds.p.na, 
                                            nrow = 1)
            select.preds.p.na[, gregexpr(pattern = "N",
                                         text = gsub(pattern = "NA", 
                                                     replacement = "N", x = select.cohort$det.hist[1]))[[1]]] <- 1
            n.total.sites <- nrow(select.cohort)
            freqs.na <- table(droplevels(select.cohort$det.hist))
            cohort.na.un <- sort(unique(select.cohort$det.hist))
            n.hist.na <- length(freqs.na)
            exp.na <- rep(NA, n.hist.na)
            names(exp.na) <- cohort.na.un
            for (i in 1:n.hist.na) {
                n.sites.hist <- freqs.na[i]
                eq.solved <- rep(NA, n.total.sites)
                select.hist <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", 
                                    x = cohort.na.un[i])
                strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = ""))
###modified by Dan Linden
                hist.mat <- new.hist.mat <- new.hist.mat1 <-new.hist.mat0 <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.total.sites, ncol = T)
                for (j in 1:n.total.sites) {
                    hist.mat[j, ] <- select.preds.p.na[j, ]
                    p.k.mat <- sapply(hist.mat[j,],function(r){1 - (1 - r)^K})
                    ##new.hist.mat1[j,] <- dpois(K,select.cohort[j, "preds.lam"]) %*% p.k.mat
                    ##new.hist.mat0[j,] <- dpois(K,select.cohort[j, "preds.lam"]) %*% (1-p.k.mat)
                    ##new.hist.mat[j,] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", 
                    ##                           new.hist.mat1[j,], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 
                    ##                           new.hist.mat0[j,], 1))
                    ##combo.lam.p <- paste(new.hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*")
                    ##eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.lam.p)))

###start modifications by Ken Kellner
                    obs <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(strip.hist))
                    pk <- dpois(K, select.cohort[j,"preds.lam"])
                    cp <- t(p.k.mat) * obs + (1 - t(p.k.mat)) * (1 - obs)
                    prod_cp <- apply(cp, 2, prod, na.rm = TRUE)
                    eq.solved[j] <- sum(pk * prod_cp)
###end modifications by Ken Kellner
                exp.na[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE)

            out.freqs.na <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.hist.na, ncol = 4)
            colnames(out.freqs.na) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", 
                                        "Expected", "Chi-square")
            rownames(out.freqs.na) <- cohort.na.un
            out.freqs.na[, 1] <- m
            out.freqs.na[, 2] <- freqs.na
            out.freqs.na[, 3] <- exp.na
            out.freqs.na[, 4] <- ((out.freqs.na[, "Observed"] - 
                                   out.freqs.na[, "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs.na[, 
            missing.cohorts[[m]] <- list(out.freqs.na = out.freqs.na)
    if (na.vals) {
        chisq.missing <- do.call("rbind", lapply(missing.cohorts, 
                                                 FUN = function(i) i$out.freqs.na))
        if (n.cohort.not.na > 0) {
            chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) - 
                sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"])
            chisq.table <- rbind(out.freqs, chisq.missing)
        } else {
            chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"])
            chisq.table <- chisq.missing
    } else {
        chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"])
        chisq.na <- 0
        chisq.table <- out.freqs
    chisq <- sum(chisq.table[, "Chi-square"]) + chisq.unobs.det

    if(print.table) {
        out <- list(chisq.table = chisq.table, chi.square = chisq, 
                    model.type = "royle-nichols")
    } else {
        out <- list(chi.square = chisq, model.type = "royle-nichols")
    class(out) <- "mb.chisq"

##simulating data from model to compute P-value of test statistic
##create generic mb.gof.test 
mb.gof.test <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE,
                        report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores,
                        cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                        lwd = 1, ...){
  UseMethod("mb.gof.test", mod)

mb.gof.test.default <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE,
                                report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores,
                                cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                lwd = 1, ...){
  stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

##for single-season occupancy models of class unmarkedFitOccu
mb.gof.test.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE,
                                        report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores,
                                        cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                        lwd = 1, ...){#more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000)

  ##extract table from fitted model
  mod.table <- mb.chisq(mod)

  ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration
  if(is.null(report)) {
      ##compute GOF P-value
      out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$chi.square,
                     nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores)
  } else {

  ##compute GOF P-value
  out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$chi.square,
                 nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel,
                 ncores = ncores)
  ##determine significance
  p.value <- sum(out@t.star >= out@t0)/nsim
  if(p.value == 0) {
      p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4))
  } else {
      p.display  <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4))

    ##create plot
    if(plot.hist) {

             main = paste("Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (", nsim, " samples)", sep = ""),
             xlim = range(c(out@t.star, out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ",
                                                               round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""),
             cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
        title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.display))), line = 0.5,
              cex.main = cex.main)
        abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd)
    ##estimate c-hat
    c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean(out@t.star)

    ##assemble result
    gof.out <- list(model.type = mod.table$model.type, chisq.table = mod.table$chisq.table, chi.square = mod.table$chi.square,
                    t.star = out@t.star, p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim)
    class(gof.out) <- "mb.chisq"

##dynamic occupancy models of class unmarkedFitColExt
mb.gof.test.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE,
                                          report = NULL, parallel = TRUE,
                                          ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1,
                                          lwd = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...){#more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000)

    ##extract table from fitted model
    mod.table <- mb.chisq(mod)
    n.seasons <- mod.table$n.seasons
    n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
    missing.seasons <- mod.table$missing.seasons
    ##number of seasons with data
    n.season.data <- sum(missing.seasons)

    ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration
    if(is.null(report)) {
        ##compute GOF P-value
        out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$all.chisq,
                       nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores)
    } else {

        ##compute GOF P-value
        out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$all.chisq, #extract chi-square for each year
                       nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel,
                       ncores = ncores)
    ##list to hold results
    p.vals <- list( )

    if(plot.hist && !plot.seasons) {
        nRows <- 1
        nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

    ##if only season-specific plots are requested
    if(!plot.hist && plot.seasons) {
        ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 12
            warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 12) {

            ##if n.seasons < 12
            ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
            ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
            ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
            ##if 4 <- 2 x 2
            ##if 3 <- 3 x 1
            ##if 2 <- 2 x 1
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {
                if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
                            } else {
                                nRows <- 2
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
    ##if both plots for seasons and summary are requested
    if(plot.hist && plot.seasons){
        ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
            n.seasons.adj <- 11
            warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")
        if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
            if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
                nRows <- 4
                nCols <- 3
            } else {

                if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
                    nRows <- 3
                    nCols <- 3
                } else {
                    if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
                        nRows <- 3
                        nCols <- 2
                    } else {
                        if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
                            nRows <- 2
                            nCols <- 2
                        } else {
                            if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
                                nRows <- 3
                                nCols <- 1
        ##reset graphics parameters and save in object
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))

    ##determine significance for each season
    if(!any(missing.seasons)) {
        for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
            p.value <- sum(out@t.star[, k] >= out@t0[k])/nsim
            if(p.value == 0) {
                p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4))
            } else {
                p.display  <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4))
            p.vals[[k]] <- list("p.value" = p.value, "p.display" = p.display)
        ##create plot for first 12 plots
        if(plot.seasons) {
            ##add a check to handle error with plotting window
            tryHist <- try(expr = {
                for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) {
                    hist(out@t.star[, k],
                         main = paste("Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (", nsim, " samples) - season ", k, sep = ""),
                         xlim = range(c(out@t.star[, k], out@t0[k])),
                         xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0[k], digits = 2), ")", sep = ""),
                         cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
                    title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.vals[[k]]$p.display))), line = 0.5,
                          cex.main = cex.main)
                    abline(v = out@t0[k], lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd)
            }, silent = TRUE)
            if(is(tryHist, "try-error")) {
                warning("\nFigure margins are too wide for the current plotting window: adjust graphical parameters.\n")
    } else {
        for(k in 1:n.season.data) {
            p.value <- sum(out@t.star[, k] >= out@t0[k])/nsim
            if(p.value == 0) {
                p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4))
            } else {
                p.display  <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4))
            p.vals[[k]] <- list("p.value" = p.value, "p.display" = p.display)

        ##create plot for first 12 plots
        if(plot.seasons) {
            ##add a check to handle error with plotting window
            tryHist <- try(expr = {
                for(k in 1:n.season.data) {
                    hist(out@t.star[, k],
                         main = paste("Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (", nsim, " samples) - season ", k, sep = ""),
                         xlim = range(c(out@t.star[, k], out@t0[k])),
                         xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0[k], digits = 2), ")", sep = ""),
                         cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
                    title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.vals[[k]]$p.display))), line = 0.5,
                          cex.main = cex.main)
                    abline(v = out@t0[k], lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd)
            }, silent = TRUE)
            if(is(tryHist, "try-error")) {
                warning("\nFigure margins are too wide for the current plotting window: adjust graphical parameters.\n")

    ##estimate c-hat
    obs.chisq <- sum(mod.table$all.chisq)
    boot.chisq <- sum(colMeans(out@t.star))
    c.hat.est <- obs.chisq/boot.chisq
    all.p.vals <- lapply(p.vals, FUN = function(i) i$p.value)
    ##lapply(mod.table, FUN = function(i) i$chisq.table)

    ##compute P-value for obs.chisq
    sum.chisq <- rowSums(out@t.star)
    p.global <- sum(sum.chisq >= obs.chisq)/nsim 

    if(p.global == 0) {
        p.global.display <- paste("< ", 1/nsim)
    } else {
        p.global.display <- paste("=", round(p.global, digits = 4))

    ##optionally show sum of chi-squares
    ##create plot
    if(plot.hist) {
        hist(sum.chisq, main = paste("Bootstrapped sum of chi-square statistic (", nsim, " samples)", sep = ""),
             xlim = range(c(sum.chisq, obs.chisq)),
             xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(obs.chisq, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""),
             cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
        title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.global.display))), line = 0.5,
              cex.main = cex.main)
        abline(v = obs.chisq, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd)
    ##reset to original values
    if(any(plot.hist || plot.seasons)) {
    ##check if missing seasons
    if(identical(mod.table$model.type, "dynamic")) {
        missing.seasons <- mod.table$missing.seasons
    } else {
        missing.seasons <- NULL
    ##assemble result
    gof.out <- list(model.type = mod.table$model.type, chisq.table = mod.table,
                    chi.square = obs.chisq, t.star = sum.chisq,
                    p.value = all.p.vals, p.global = p.global, c.hat.est = c.hat.est,
                    nsim = nsim, n.seasons = n.seasons, missing.seasons = missing.seasons)
    class(gof.out) <- "mb.chisq"

##Royle-Nichols count models of class unmarkedFitOccuRN
mb.gof.test.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function (mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE,
                                           report = NULL, parallel = TRUE,
                                           ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1,
                                           cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, maxK = NULL, ...){

    ##extract table from fitted model
    mod.table <- mb.chisq(mod, ...)

    if(is.null(report)) {
        ##compute GOF P-value
        out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$chi.square,
                       nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel)
    } else {
        out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$chi.square, 
                       nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel)

    ##determine significance
    p.value <- sum(out@t.star >= out@t0)/nsim
    if (p.value == 0) {
        p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4))
    } else {
        p.display <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4))

  ##create plot
    if(plot.hist) {
        hist(out@t.star, main = paste("Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (", nsim, " samples)", sep = ""),
             xlim = range(c(out@t.star, out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ",
                                                               round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""),
             cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
        title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.display))), line = 0.5,
              cex.main = cex.main)
        abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd)
    ##estimate c-hat
    c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean(out@t.star)

    gof.out <- list(model.type = mod.table$model.type, chisq.table = mod.table$chisq.table, 
                    chi.square = mod.table$chi.square, t.star = out@t.star, 
                    p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim)
    class(gof.out) <- "mb.chisq"

##print function
print.mb.chisq <- function(x, digits.vals = 2, digits.chisq = 4, ...) {
    ##single-season occupancy models
    if(identical(x$model.type, "single-season")) {
        cat("\nMacKenzie and Bailey goodness-of-fit for single-season occupancy model\n")
        if(any(names(x) == "chisq.table")) {
            cat("\nPearson chi-square table:\n\n")
            ##replace NA with "." for nicer printing
            nice.rows <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", rownames(x$chisq.table))
            rownames(x$chisq.table) <- nice.rows
            print(round(x$chisq.table, digits = digits.vals))
        cat("\nChi-square statistic =", round(x$chi.square, digits = digits.chisq), "\n")
        if(any(names(x) == "c.hat.est")) {
            cat("Number of bootstrap samples =", x$nsim)
            cat("\nP-value =", x$p.value)
            cat("\n\nQuantiles of bootstrapped statistics:\n")
            print(quantile(x$t.star), digits = digits.vals)
            cat("\nEstimate of c-hat =", round(x$c.hat.est, digits = digits.vals), "\n")

    ##single-season Royle-Nichols occupancy models
    if(identical(x$model.type, "royle-nichols")) {
        cat("\nMacKenzie and Bailey goodness-of-fit for Royle-Nichols occupancy model\n")
        if(any(names(x) == "chisq.table")) {
            cat("\nPearson chi-square table:\n\n")
            ##replace NA with "." for nicer printing
            nice.rows <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", rownames(x$chisq.table))
            rownames(x$chisq.table) <- nice.rows
            print(round(x$chisq.table, digits = digits.vals))
        cat("\nChi-square statistic =", round(x$chi.square, digits = digits.chisq), "\n")
        if(any(names(x) == "c.hat.est")) {
            cat("Number of bootstrap samples =", x$nsim)
            cat("\nP-value =", x$p.value)
            cat("\n\nQuantiles of bootstrapped statistics:\n")
            print(quantile(x$t.star), digits = digits.vals)
            cat("\nEstimate of c-hat =", round(x$c.hat.est, digits = digits.vals), "\n")

    ##dynamic occupancy models
    if(identical(x$model.type, "dynamic")) {
        cat("\nGoodness-of-fit for dynamic occupancy model\n")
        cat("\nNumber of seasons: ",  x$n.seasons, "\n")
        ##cat("\nPearson chi-square table:\n\n")
        ##print(round(x$chisq.table, digits = digits.vals))
        cat("\nChi-square statistic:\n")
        if(any(names(x) == "all.chisq")) {
            print(round(x$all.chisq, digits = digits.chisq))
            if(any(x$missing.seasons)) {
                if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) {
                    cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n")
                } else {
                    cat("\nNote: seasons",
                        paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "),
                        "were not sampled\n")
            cat("\nTotal chi-square =", round(sum(x$all.chisq),
                                              digits = digits.chisq), "\n")
        } else {
            print(round(x$chisq.table$all.chisq, digits = digits.chisq))

            if(any(x$missing.seasons)) {
                if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) {
                    cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n")
                } else {
                    cat("\nNote: seasons",
                        paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "),
                        "were not sampled\n")

            cat("\nTotal chi-square =", round(sum(x$chi.square),
                                              digits = digits.chisq), "\n")
            cat("Number of bootstrap samples =", x$nsim)
            cat("\nP-value =", x$p.global)
            cat("\n\nQuantiles of bootstrapped statistics:\n")
            print(quantile(x$t.star), digits = digits.vals)
            cat("\nEstimate of c-hat =", round(x$c.hat.est,
                                               digits = digits.vals), "\n")

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AICcmodavg documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:08 a.m.