
Defines functions print.modavgPred modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitDSO modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitMMO modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGPC modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGMM modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitMPois modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGDS modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitDS modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitPCO modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitPCount modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitColExt modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccu modavgPred.AICsurvreg modavgPred.AICrlm.lm modavgPred.AICnegbin.glm.lm modavgPred.AIClmerModLmerTest modavgPred.AIClmerMod modavgPred.AICglmerMod modavgPred.AICmer modavgPred.AIClme modavgPred.AICgls modavgPred.AIClm modavgPred.AICglm.lm modavgPred.AICaov.lm modavgPred.default modavgPred

Documented in modavgPred modavgPred.AICaov.lm modavgPred.AICglmerMod modavgPred.AICglm.lm modavgPred.AICgls modavgPred.AIClm modavgPred.AIClme modavgPred.AIClmerMod modavgPred.AIClmerModLmerTest modavgPred.AICmer modavgPred.AICnegbin.glm.lm modavgPred.AICrlm.lm modavgPred.AICsurvreg modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitColExt modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitDS modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitDSO modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGDS modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGMM modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGPC modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitMMO modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitMPois modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccu modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitPCO modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitPCount modavgPred.default print.modavgPred

modavgPred <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                       nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                       ...) {
  cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set)
  UseMethod("modavgPred", cand.set)

modavgPred.default <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata,
                               second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL,
                               uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

modavgPred.AICaov.lm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                             newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                            newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICctmp <- AICctab
        AICctmp$fit <- fit
        AICctmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                             newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                            newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

        AICtmp <- AICctab
        AICtmp$fit <- fit
        AICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  type <- "response"

  ##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
  upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se

  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICglm.lm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, gamdisp = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")}

  ##check family of glm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion'
  fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family))
  fam.unique <- unique(fam.type)
  if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussian")) {
    dispersion <- NULL  #set to NULL if gaussian is used
  } else{dispersion <- c.hat}
  ##poisson, binomial, and negative binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance)

  ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL
  if(any(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)) {
    dispersion <- NULL
    ##check for mixture of negative binomial and other
    ##number of models with negative binomial
    negbin.num <- sum(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)
    if(negbin.num < length(fam.type)) {
      stop("Function does not support mixture of negative binomial with other distributions in model set")
  if(c.hat > 1) {dispersion <- c.hat }
  if(!is.null(gamdisp)) {dispersion <- gamdisp}
  if(c.hat > 1 && !is.null(gamdisp)) {stop("\nYou cannot specify values for both \'c.hat\' and \'gamdisp\'\n")}
  ##dispersion is the dispersion parameter - this influences the SE's (to specify dispersion parameter for either overdispersed Poisson or Gamma glm)
  ##type enables to specify either "response" (original scale = point estimate) or "link" (linear predictor)

  ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used
  check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link))
  unique.link <- unique(x = check.link)
  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                      "with different link functions\n")}
  ##extract inverse link function
  link.inv <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$linkinv))[[1]]

    ##check if model uses gamma distribution
    gam1 <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family[1] == "Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models
    ##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions when gamdisp is specified
    if(any(gam1) == TRUE)  {
      ##check for specification of gamdisp argument
      if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n")
    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$se.fit))

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICctmp <- AICctab
        AICctmp$fit <- fit
        AICctmp$SE <- SE

        ##required for CI
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$fit))
            AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$se.fit))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - QAICc
    if(second.ord==TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$se.fit))

        QAICctmp <- AICctab
        QAICctmp$fit <- fit
        QAICctmp$SE <- SE

        ##required for CI
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                               type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$fit))
            QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$se.fit))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$se.fit))

        AICtmp <- AICctab
        AICtmp$fit <- fit
        AICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##required for CI
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$fit))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$se.fit))

          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - QAIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                         type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                        type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$se.fit))

        QAICtmp <- AICctab
        QAICtmp$fit <- fit
        QAICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##required for CI
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$fit))
            QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$se.fit))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AIClm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                             newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                            newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICctmp <- AICctab
        AICctmp$fit <- fit
        AICctmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                             newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                            newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

        AICtmp <- AICctab
        AICtmp$fit <- fit
        AICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  type <- "response"

  ##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
  upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se

  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICgls <-
function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
         nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)

  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##begin loop - AICc
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICctmp <- AICctab
        AICctmp$fit <- fit
        AICctmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

        AICtmp <- AICctab
        AICtmp$fit <- fit
        AICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  type <- "response"

  ##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
  upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se

  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AIClme <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)

  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE) {
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

      AICtmp <- AICctab
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  type <- "response"

  ##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
  upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se

  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICmer <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                              nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                              type = "response", c.hat = 1, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  if(c.hat != 1) {warning("\nThis function only allows \'c.hat = 1\' for \'mer\' class objects\n")}

  ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used
  check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) fam.link.mer(i)$link))
  unique.link <- unique(check.link)
  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                    "from models using different link functions\n")
  ##extract inverse link function
  link.inv <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@resp$family$linkinv))[[1]]
  ##determine number of observations in data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

  ##determine number of columns in data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord,
                    nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = type, level = 0)$fit))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = type, level = 0)$se.fit))

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE

      ##required for CI
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = "link", level = 0)$fit))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = "link", level = 0)$se.fit))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = type, level = 0)$fit))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = type, level = 0)$se.fit))

      AICtmp <- AICctab
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##required for CI
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = "link", level = 0)$fit))
          AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = "link", level = 0)$se.fit))

          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                                   nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                                   type = "response", c.hat = 1, ...) {

  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  if(c.hat != 1) {warning("\nThis function only allows \'c.hat = 1\' for \'glmerMod\' class objects\n")}

  ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used
  check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) fam.link.mer(i)$link))
  unique.link <- unique(check.link)
  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    if(length(unique.link) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n",
                                    "from models using different link functions\n")
  ##extract inverse link function
  link.inv <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@resp$family$linkinv))[[1]]
  ##determine number of observations in data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

  ##determine number of columns in data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord,
                    nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = type, level = 0)$fit))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = type, level = 0)$se.fit))

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE

      ##required for CI
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = "link", level = 0)$fit))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = "link", level = 0)$se.fit))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = type, level = 0)$fit))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = type, level = 0)$se.fit))

      AICtmp <- AICctab
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE
      ##required for CI
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = "link", level = 0)$fit))
          AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = "link", level = 0)$se.fit))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AIClmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                                     nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##determine number of observations in data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

  ##determine number of columns in data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord,
                    nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           level = 0)$fit))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          level = 0)$se.fit))

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE) {
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           level = 0)$fit))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          level = 0)$se.fit))

      AICtmp <- AICctab
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  type <- "response"

  ##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
  upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se

  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                                          nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##determine number of observations in data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

  ##determine number of columns in data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord,
                    nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           level = 0)$fit))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          level = 0)$se.fit))

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE) {
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                     level = 0)$fit))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                    level = 0)$se.fit))

      AICtmp <- AICctab
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

  type <- "response"

  ##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
  lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
  upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se

  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICnegbin.glm.lm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")}
      ##type enables to specify either "response" (original scale = point estimate) or "link" (linear predictor)

      ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used
      check.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link))
      unique.link <- unique(x = check.link)
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                            "with different link functions\n")}
      ##extract inverse link function
      link.inv <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$linkinv))[[1]]

      ##determine number of observations in new data set
      nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

      ##determine number of columns in new data set
      ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

      ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
      if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
      ##store AICc table
      AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                        second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

      ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
      Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
      colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

      ##required for CI
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
          colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
      ##begin loop - AICc
      if(second.ord == TRUE){
          for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

              ##extract fitted value for observation obs
              fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                           type = type)$fit))
              ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
              SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                          type = type)$se.fit))

              ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
              AICctmp <- AICctab
              AICctmp$fit <- fit
              AICctmp$SE <- SE

              ##required for CI
              if(identical(type, "response")) {
                  if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
                      AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                                                                newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                                type = "link")$fit))
                      AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                                                               newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                               type = "link")$se.fit))
                  } else {
                      warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
                      AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
                      AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
              ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
              Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)

              ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
              ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
              if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

              ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
              if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
      if(second.ord == FALSE) {
          for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

              ##extract fitted value for observation obs
              fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                           type = type)$fit))
              ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
              SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                          type = type)$se.fit))

              AICtmp <- AICctab
              AICtmp$fit <- fit
              AICtmp$SE <- SE

              ##required for CI
              if(identical(type, "response")) {
                  if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
                      AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                                                               newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                               type = "link")$fit))
                      AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                                                              newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                              type = "link")$se.fit))

                  } else {
                      warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
                      AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
                      AICtmp$SE.link <- NA
              ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
              Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

              ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
              ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
              if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

              ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
              if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
      mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
      uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
      ##compute confidence interval
      zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
          upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
      } else {
          lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
          upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
      ##create matrix
      matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                              nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
      colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
      ##organize as list
      Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                            "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                            "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
      class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICrlm.lm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord,
                      nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICctmp <- AICctab
        AICctmp$fit <- fit
        AICctmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))

        AICtmp <- AICctab
        AICtmp$fit <- fit
        AICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))

    type <- "response"

##############changes start here
    mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
    uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
    ##compute confidence interval
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
    ##create matrix
    matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                            nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
    colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
    ##organize as list
    Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                          "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                          "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
    class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICsurvreg <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", ...) {

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
    if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")}

    ##type enables to specify either "response" (original scale = point estimate) or "link" (linear predictor)

    ##check that distribution is the same for all models
    check.dist <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$dist)
    unique.dist <- unique(x = check.dist)
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
      if(length(unique.dist) > 1) stop("\nFunction does not support model-averaging linear predictors using different distributions\n")
    ##extract inverse link function
    link.inv <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) survreg.distributions[[unique.dist]]$itrans)[[1]]
    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]

    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE)

    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##required for CI
    if(identical(type, "response")) {
      Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
      colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = type)$fit))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = type)$se.fit))

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICctmp <- AICctab
        AICctmp$fit <- fit
        AICctmp$SE <- SE

        ##required for CI
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          if(length(unique.dist) == 1) {
            AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = "link")$fit))
            AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = "link")$se.fit))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICctmp$SE.link <- NA

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = type)$fit))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = type)$se.fit))

        AICtmp <- AICctab
        AICtmp$fit <- fit
        AICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##required for CI
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          if(length(unique.dist) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = "link")$fit))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = "link")$se.fit))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)

        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
    mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
    uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
    ##compute confidence interval
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

    if(identical(type, "link")) {
      lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
      upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
    } else {
      lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
      upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    ##create matrix
    matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                            nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
    colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
    ##organize as list
    Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                          "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                          "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
    class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                                          nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                                          type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
  if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
    parm.type1 <- "state"

    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
        parm.type1 <- "det"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}
    ##extract inverse link function
    if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
        link.inv <- plogis

    ##extract inverse link function
    if(identical(select.link, "cloglog")) {
        link.inv <- function(x) 1 - exp(-exp(x))

    ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitColExt <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}
  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
  if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
      parm.type1 <- "psi"

      if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
          parm.type1 <- "col"

      if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) {
          parm.type1 <- "ext"


      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          parm.type1 <- "det"


      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                            "with different link functions\n")}
      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
      ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
      ##determine number of observations in new data set
      nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
    if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

    ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object

    if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
        parm.type1 <- "state"
      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          parm.type1 <- "det"

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                            "with different link functions\n")}

      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
      if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
          link.inv <- exp
    ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##required for CI
    if(identical(type, "response")) {
      Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
      colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICctmp <- AICctab
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
        if(identical(type, "link")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

        AICctmp$fit <- fit
        AICctmp$SE <- SE
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##begin loop - QAICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        QAICctmp <- AICctab
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
        if(identical(type, "link")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                     type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

        QAICctmp$fit <- fit
        QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))
        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
    ##begin loop - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICtmp <- AICctab
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")


modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitPCount <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
    if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

    ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
    if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
      parm.type1 <- "state"
      ##check mixture type for mixture models
      mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture)
      unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type)

      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          parm.type1 <- "det"


      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                            "with different link functions\n")}
      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
      if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
          link.inv <- exp

    ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##required for CI
    if(identical(type, "response")) {
      Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
      colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){

        for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICctmp <- AICctab
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                        type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

            ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                       type = parm.type1)$SE))

            if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
                AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
                AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                        type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
            } else {
                warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
                AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
                AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
            if(identical(type, "link")) {
                ##extract fitted value for observation obs
                fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
                ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
                SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
            AICctmp$fit <- fit
            AICctmp$SE <- SE
            ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
            Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
                if(identical(type, "response")) {
                    Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
                    Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
                if(identical(type, "response")) {
                    Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
                    Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

      ##begin loop - QAICc
      if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
          for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

              ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE
              QAICctmp <- AICctab

              if(identical(type, "response")) {
                  ##extract fitted value for observation obs
                  fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                              type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
                  ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
                  SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                             type = parm.type1)$SE))

                  if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
                      QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                                type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
                      QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
                  } else {
                      warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
                      QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
                      QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
              if(identical(type, "link")) {
                  ##extract fitted value for observation obs
                  fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

                  ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
                  SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
              ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
              QAICctmp$fit <- fit
              QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
              ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
              Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
              ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

              ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
              if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

              ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
              if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
      if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
          for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

              ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
              AICtmp <- AICctab
              if(identical(type, "response")) {
                  fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                              type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
                  ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
                  SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                             type = parm.type1)$SE))

                  if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
                      AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
                      AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
                  } else {
                      warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
                      AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
                      AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

              if(identical(type, "link")) {
                  ##extract fitted value for observation obs
                  fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
                  ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
                  SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

              AICtmp$fit <- fit
              AICtmp$SE <- SE

              ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
              Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
              ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
              ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
              if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

              ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
              if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

      ##begin loop - QAIC
      if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
          for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

              ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
              QAICtmp <- AICctab
              if(identical(type, "response")) {
                  ##extract fitted value for observation obs
                  fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                              type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
                  ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
                  SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                             type = parm.type1)$SE))

                  if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
                      QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
                      QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
                  } else {
                      warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
                      QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
                      QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
              if(identical(type, "link")) {
                  ##extract fitted value for observation obs
                  fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
                  ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
                  SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
              ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
              QAICtmp$fit <- fit
              QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
              ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
              Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
              ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
              ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
              if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

              ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
              if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                  Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
                  if(identical(type, "response")) {
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
                      Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
      mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
      uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
      ##compute confidence interval
      zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
          upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
      } else {
          lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
          upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
      ##create matrix
      matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                              nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
      colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
      ##organize as list
      Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                            "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                            "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
      class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitPCO <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

      ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
      if(is.null(modnames)) {
          if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
              modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
              warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
          } else {
              modnames <- names(cand.set)

      ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
      if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

      ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
      if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
          parm.type1 <- "lambda"
          ##check mixture type for mixture models
          mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture)
          unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type)
          if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) {
              if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n")
          } else {
              mixture.id <- unique(mixture.type)
              if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) {
                  if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n")
                  if(identical(type, "response")) warning("\nModel-averaging linear predictor from a ZIP model not yet implemented\n")


      if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
          parm.type1 <- "gamma"

      if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
          parm.type1 <- "omega"


      ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
      if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
          parm.type1 <- "iota"
          ##check that parameter appears in all models
          parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1)))
          if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
              stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
                   "\ncannot compute model-averaged predictions across all models\n")

      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          parm.type1 <- "det"


    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}
      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
      if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
          link.inv <- exp

  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(mixture.id, "ZIP")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                               newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                              newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
        } else {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICctmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##begin loop - QAICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE
        QAICctmp <- AICctab

        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(mixture.id, "ZIP")) {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                 newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))
            QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA

          } else {
            ##extract fitted value for observation obs
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                 type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
            ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                type = parm.type1)$SE))

            if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
              QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                 type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
              QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
            } else {
              warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
              QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
              QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
        if(identical(type, "link")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        QAICctmp$fit <- fit
        QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICtmp <- AICctab
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(mixture.id, "ZIP")) {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                 newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA
          } else {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                 type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
            ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                type = parm.type1)$SE))

            if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
              AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
              AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
            } else {
              warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
              AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
              AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

        if(identical(type, "link")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

        AICtmp$fit <- fit
        AICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##begin loop - QAIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        QAICtmp <- AICctab
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(mixture.id, "ZIP")) {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                 newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))
            QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
          } else {
            ##extract fitted value for observation obs
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                 type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

            ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                type = parm.type1)$SE))

            if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
              QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
              QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
            } else {
              warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
              QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
              QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
        if(identical(type, "link")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        QAICtmp$fit <- fit
        QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
    mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
    uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
    ##compute confidence interval
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

    if(identical(type, "link")) {
      lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
      upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
    } else {
      lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
      upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    ##create matrix
    matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                            nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
    colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
    ##organize as list
    Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                          "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                          "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
    class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitDS <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
      parm.type1 <- "state"

      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")){
          parm.type1 <- "det"
          ##check for key function used
          keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
          if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n")

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                            "with different link functions\n")}

      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
      if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
          link.inv <- exp
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGDS <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object

  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
      parm.type1 <- "lambda"

  if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
      parm.type1 <- "det"
      ##check for key function used
      keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
      if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n")


      if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
          parm.type1 <- "phi"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}

      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
      if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
          link.inv <- exp
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
  if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
      parm.type1 <- "state"


      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          parm.type1 <- "det"

  ##false positives
      if(identical(parm.type, "falsepos") || identical(parm.type, "fp")) {
          parm.type1 <- "fp"


  ##certain detections
  if(identical(parm.type, "certain")) {
      parm.type1 <- "b"
      ##check that parameter appears in all models
      parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1)))
      if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
          stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
               "\ncannot compute model-averaged predictions across all models\n")

      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                            "with different link functions\n")}
      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitMPois <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
    parm.type1 <- "state"

      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          parm.type1 <- "det"


    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}

  ##extract inverse link function
  if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
    link.inv <- plogis
  if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
    link.inv <- exp

  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGMM <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
    parm.type1 <- "lambda"
      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          parm.type1 <- "det"

      if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
          parm.type1 <- "phi"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}

  ##extract inverse link function
  if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
    link.inv <- plogis
  if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
    link.inv <- exp

  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGPC <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
  if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
    parm.type1 <- "lambda"
      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
          parm.type1 <- "det"

      if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
          parm.type1 <- "phi"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}
  ##extract inverse link function
  if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
    link.inv <- plogis
  if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
    link.inv <- exp

  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitMMO <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

      ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
      if(is.null(modnames)) {
          if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
              modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
              warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
          } else {
              modnames <- names(cand.set)

      ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
      if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

      ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
      if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
          parm.type1 <- "lambda"
          ##check mixture type for mixture models
          mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture)
          unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type)
          if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) {
              if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n")
          } else {
              mixture.id <- unique(mixture.type)
              if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) {
                  if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n")
                  if(identical(type, "response")) warning("\nModel-averaging linear predictor from a ZIP model not yet implemented\n")


      if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
          parm.type1 <- "gamma"

      if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
          parm.type1 <- "omega"


      ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
      if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
          parm.type1 <- "iota"
          ##check that parameter appears in all models
          parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1)))
          if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
              stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
                   "\ncannot compute model-averaged predictions across all models\n")


      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {

          parm.type1 <- "det"


      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                            "with different link functions\n")}
      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
      if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
          link.inv <- exp
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(mixture.id, "ZIP")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                               newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                              newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
        } else {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICctmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##begin loop - QAICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE
        QAICctmp <- AICctab

        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(mixture.id, "ZIP")) {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                 newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))
            QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
            QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA

          } else {
            ##extract fitted value for observation obs
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                 type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
            ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                type = parm.type1)$SE))

            if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
              QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                 type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
              QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
            } else {
              warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
              QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
              QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
        if(identical(type, "link")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        QAICctmp$fit <- fit
        QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
    ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        AICtmp <- AICctab
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(mixture.id, "ZIP")) {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                 newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA
          } else {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                 type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
            ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                type = parm.type1)$SE))

            if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
              AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
              AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
            } else {
              warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
              AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
              AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

        if(identical(type, "link")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

        AICtmp$fit <- fit
        AICtmp$SE <- SE

        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

    ##begin loop - QAIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
      for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        QAICtmp <- AICctab
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(mixture.id, "ZIP")) {
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                 newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit))
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, se.fit = TRUE,
                                                newdata = newdata[obs, ])$se.fit))
            QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
          } else {
            ##extract fitted value for observation obs
            fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                 type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

            ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
            SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                type = parm.type1)$SE))

            if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
              QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                                type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
              QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
            } else {
              warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
              QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
              QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
        if(identical(type, "link")) {
          ##extract fitted value for observation obs
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
        QAICtmp$fit <- fit
        QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
        ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
        ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

        ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
        if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

        ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
        if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
          Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
          if(identical(type, "response")) {
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
            Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
    mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
    uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
    ##compute confidence interval
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

    if(identical(type, "link")) {
      lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
      upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
    } else {
      lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
      upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    ##create matrix
    matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                            nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
    colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
    ##organize as list
    Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                          "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                          "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
    class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitDSO <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
           nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
           type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

      ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
      if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {
          parm.type1 <- "lambda"

          ##check mixture type for mixture models
          mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture)
          unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type)
          if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) {
              if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n")
          } else {
              mixture.id <- unique(mixture.type)
              if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) {
                  if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n")
                  if(identical(type, "response")) warning("\nModel-averaging linear predictor from a ZIP model not yet implemented\n")

      ##gamma - recruitment
      if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
          parm.type1 <- "gamma"


      if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) {
          parm.type1 <- "omega"


      ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz")
      if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) {
          parm.type1 <- "iota"
          ##check that parameter appears in all models
          parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1)))
          if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) {
              stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:",
                   "\ncannot compute model-averaged predictions across all models\n")

      if(identical(parm.type, "detect")){
      parm.type1 <- "det"
      ##check for key function used
      keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun))
      if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n")


      ##extract link function
      check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                   parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                   sep = ""))))
      unique.link <- unique(check.link)
      select.link <- unique.link[1]
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
          if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                            "with different link functions\n")}

      ##extract inverse link function
      if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
          link.inv <- plogis
      if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
          link.inv <- exp
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                                             nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                                             type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

  ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
  if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
      parm.type1 <- "psi"


    ##gamma - colonization
    if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) {
        nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
        if(nseasons == 1) {
            stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n")
        parm.type1 <- "col"

    ##epsilon - extinction
    if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) {
        nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
        if(nseasons == 1) {
            stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n")
        parm.type1 <- "ext"
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
        parm.type1 <- "det"

    } #lambda is rate parameter of species not detected at time t to be detected at next time step

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}

    ##extract inverse link function
    if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
        link.inv <- plogis

    ##extract inverse link function
    if(identical(select.link, "exp")) {
        link.inv <- exp

    ##extract inverse link function
    if(identical(select.link, "cloglog")) {
        link.inv <- function(x) 1 - exp(-exp(x))
  ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
  ##determine number of observations in new data set
  nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
  ##determine number of columns in new data set
  ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

  ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
  if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
  ##store AICc table
  AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                    second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)

  ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
  Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
  colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

  ##required for CI
  if(identical(type, "response")) {
    Mod.avg.out.link <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    colnames(Mod.avg.out.link) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")
  ##begin loop - AICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1)$SE))
        if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
          AICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
          AICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
        } else {
          warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
          AICctmp$fit.link <- NA
          AICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      AICctmp$fit <- fit
      AICctmp$SE <- SE
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.link^2 + (AICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {
      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICctmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICctmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICctmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                           type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))

      QAICctmp$fit <- fit
      QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICctmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))
  ##begin loop - AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      AICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
          fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                               type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

          ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
          SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                              type = parm.type1)$SE))
          if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
            AICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
            AICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
          } else {
            warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
            AICtmp$fit.link <- NA
            AICtmp$SE.link <- NA

      if(identical(type, "link")) {
        ##extract fitted value for observation obs
        fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                             type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
        SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                            type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      AICtmp$fit <- fit
      AICtmp$SE <- SE

      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.link^2 + (AICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){
    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

      ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
      QAICtmp <- AICctab
      if(identical(type, "response")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1)$SE))
      if(length(unique.link) == 1) {
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                          type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                                         type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat)
      } else {
        warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n")
        QAICtmp$fit.link <- NA
        QAICtmp$SE.link <- NA
      if(identical(type, "link")) {
      ##extract fitted value for observation obs
      fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                       type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted))

      ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs
      SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ],
                                      type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE))
      QAICtmp$fit <- fit
      QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat)
      ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix
      Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit)
      ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix

      ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
      if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2))

      ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
      if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
        Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)))
        if(identical(type, "response")) {
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit.link)
          Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.link^2 + (QAICtmp$fit.link - Mod.avg.out.link[obs, 1])^2)))

##############changes start here
  mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1]
  uncond.se <- Mod.avg.out[, 2]
  ##compute confidence interval
  zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

  if(identical(type, "link")) {
    lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * uncond.se
    upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * uncond.se
  } else {
    lower.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
    upper.CL <- link.inv(Mod.avg.out.link[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out.link[, 2])
  ##create matrix
  matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred, uncond.se, lower.CL, upper.CL),
                          nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4)
  colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
  ##organize as list
  Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "uncond.se" = uncond.se,
                        "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL,
                        "matrix.output" = matrix.output)
  class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                                            nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                                            type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
  if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

    ##check if type = "link"
    if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale predictions not yet supported for this model type\n")
    ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
    if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
        parm.type1 <- "state"
        ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type
        parm.type.alt <- parm.type

    if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {
        ##check that parameter appears in all models
        nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary))
        if(nseasons == 1) {
            stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n")
        parm.type1 <- "transition"
        ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type
        parm.type.alt <- parm.type
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
        parm.type1 <- "det"
        ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type
        parm.type.alt <- parm.type1

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}
    ##extract inverse link function
    #if(identical(select.link, "multinomial")) {
    #    link.inv <- TODO
    ##extract inverse link function
    #if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
    #    link.inv <- plogis
    ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)


    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    ##Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##extract predicted values
    predsList <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata,
                                                               type = parm.type.alt, ...))
    ##determine number of parameters
    parmFirst <- predsList[[1]]
    parmNames <- names(parmFirst)
    nparms <- length(parmNames)

    ##lists to store predictions and SE's
    predsEstList <- vector("list", nparms)
    names(predsEstList) <- parmNames
    predsSEList <- vector("list", nparms)
    names(predsSEList) <- parmNames

    ##iterate over each parm
    for(k in 1:nparms) {
        predsEstList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$Predicted)
        predsSEList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$SE)
    ##organize in an nobs x nmodels x nparms array
    predsEst <- array(unlist(predsEstList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                      dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))
    predsSE <- array(unlist(predsSEList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                     dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))
    ##adjust for overdispersion if c-hat > 1
    if(c.hat > 1) {predsSE <- predsSE * sqrt(c.hat)}
    ##prepare list for model-averaged predictions and SE's
    predsOut <-  array(data = NA, dim = c(nobserv, 4, nparms),
                       dimnames = list(1:nobserv,
                                       c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL"),

    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
        for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

            ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
            AICctmp <- AICctab

            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)))


  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

            ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
            QAICctmp <- AICctab

            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)))

    ##begin loop - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

            ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
            AICtmp <- AICctab

            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)))

    ##begin loop - QAICc
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){

        for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

            ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
            QAICtmp <- AICctab

            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)))

    ##compute confidence interval
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

    for(j in 1:nparms){
        predsOut[, 3, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] - zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j]
        predsOut[, 4, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] + zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j]

    ##format to matrix
    arrayToMat <- apply(predsOut, 2L, c)
    arrayToDF <- expand.grid(dimnames(predsOut)[c(1, 3)])
    ##rename columns
    names(arrayToDF)[1:2] <- c("Observation", "Parameter")
    rawFrame <- data.frame(arrayToDF, arrayToMat)
    predsOut.mat <- as.matrix(rawFrame[, c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")])
    #rawFrame <- expand.grid(Obs = 1:matRows, Parms = names(predsOut))
    ##create label for rows
    rowLab <- paste(rawFrame$Parameter, rawFrame$Observation, sep = "-")
    rownames(predsOut.mat) <- rowLab

    ##convert array to list
    #predsOutList <- lapply(seq(dim(predsOut)[3]), function(i) predsOut[ , , i])
    #names(predsOutList) <- parmNames
    ##organize as list
    Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = predsOut[, 1, ],
                          "uncond.se" = predsOut[, 2, ],
                          "conf.level" = conf.level,
                          "lower.CL" = predsOut[, 3, ],
                          "upper.CL" = predsOut[, 4, ],
                          "matrix.output" = predsOut.mat)
    class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE,
                                               nobs = NULL, uncond.se = "revised", conf.level = 0.95,
                                               type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) {

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL
    if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")}

    ##check if type = "link"
    if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale predictions not yet supported for this model type\n")
    ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object
    if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
        parm.type1 <- "state"

    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
        parm.type1 <- "det"

    ##extract link function
    check.link <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$",
                                                                                 parm.type1, "@invlink",
                                                                                 sep = ""))))
    unique.link <- unique(check.link)
    select.link <- unique.link[1]
    if(identical(type, "link")) {
        if(length(unique.link) > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n",
                                          "with different link functions\n")}
    ##extract inverse link function
    #if(identical(select.link, "multinomial")) {
    #    link.inv <- TODO
    ##extract inverse link function
    #if(identical(select.link, "logistic")) {
    #    link.inv <- plogis
    ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type)
    ##determine number of observations in new data set
    nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1]
    ##determine number of columns in new data set
    ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2]

    ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( )
    if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA
    ##store AICc table
    AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames,
                      second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat)


    ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's
    ##Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2)
    ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE")

    ##extract predicted values
    predsList <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata,
                                                               type = parm.type1, ...))

    ##check structure of predsList
    ##if predictions for all psi parameters
    if(is.matrix(predsList[[1]]$Predicted) && identical(parm.type, "psi")) {

    ##determine number of parameters
    ##check if species argument was provided in call to function
        parmFirst <- predsList[[1]]$Predicted
        parmNames <- colnames(parmFirst)
        nparms <- length(parmNames)
        ##lists to store predictions and SE's
        predsEstList <- vector("list", nparms)
        names(predsEstList) <- parmNames
        predsSEList <- vector("list", nparms)
        names(predsSEList) <- parmNames

        ##iterate over each parm
        predsEstList <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted)
        predsSEList <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE)

        for(k in 1:nparms) {
            predsEstList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted[, k])
            predsSEList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE[, k])

        ##organize in an nobs x nmodels x nparms array
        predsEst <- array(unlist(predsEstList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                          dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))
        predsSE <- array(unlist(predsSEList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                         dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))

    ##if predictions for single species
    if(!is.matrix(predsList[[1]]$Predicted) && identical(parm.type, "psi")) {
        parmNames <- parm.type
        nparms <- length(parmNames)

        predsEstMat <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted)
        predsSEMat <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE)
        predsEst <- array(predsEstMat, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                          dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))
        predsSE <- array(predsSEMat, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                         dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))

    ##if predictions for detection
    if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {
        parmFirst <- predsList[[1]]

        if(!is.data.frame(parmFirst)) {
            orig.parmNames <- names(parmFirst)
            parmNames <- paste("p", orig.parmNames, sep = "-")
            nparms <- length(parmNames)

            ##iterate over species
            predsEst <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                              dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))
            predsSE <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                             dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))

            ##iterate over each parm
            for(k in 1:nparms) {
                predsEst[, , k] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$Predicted)
                predsSE[, , k] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$SE)
        } else {
            ##single parameter p
            parmNames <- "p"
            nparms <- 1

            ##iterate over species
            predsEst <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                              dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))
            predsSE <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms),
                             dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames))

            predsEst[, , "p"] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[, "Predicted"])
            predsSE[, , "p"] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[, "SE"])
    ##adjust for overdispersion if c-hat > 1
    if(c.hat > 1) {predsSE <- predsSE * sqrt(c.hat)}
    ##prepare list for model-averaged predictions and SE's
    predsOut <-  array(data = NA, dim = c(nobserv, 4, nparms),
                       dimnames = list(1:nobserv,
                                       c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL"),
    ##begin loop - AICc
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){
        for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

            ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
            AICctmp <- AICctab

            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)))


  ##begin loop - QAICc
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

            ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
            QAICctmp <- AICctab

            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)))

    ##begin loop - AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {

    for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

            ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
            AICtmp <- AICctab

            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)))

    ##begin loop - QAICc
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){

        for (obs in 1:nobserv) {

            ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE 
            QAICtmp <- AICctab

            ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix
            ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002
            if(identical(uncond.se, "old")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))

            ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111
            if(identical(uncond.se, "revised")) {
                for(j in 1:nparms) { 
                    predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * predsEst[obs, , j])
                    predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)))

    ##compute confidence interval
    zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)

    for(j in 1:nparms){
        predsOut[, 3, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] - zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j]
        predsOut[, 4, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] + zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j]

    ##format to matrix
    arrayToMat <- apply(predsOut, 2L, c)
    arrayToDF <- expand.grid(dimnames(predsOut)[c(1, 3)])
    ##rename columns
    names(arrayToDF)[1:2] <- c("Observation", "Parameter")
    rawFrame <- data.frame(arrayToDF, arrayToMat)
    predsOut.mat <- as.matrix(rawFrame[, c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")])
    #rawFrame <- expand.grid(Obs = 1:matRows, Parms = names(predsOut))
    ##create label for rows
    rowLab <- paste(rawFrame$Parameter, rawFrame$Observation, sep = "-")
    rownames(predsOut.mat) <- rowLab

    ##convert array to list
    #predsOutList <- lapply(seq(dim(predsOut)[3]), function(i) predsOut[ , , i])
    #names(predsOutList) <- parmNames
    ##organize as list
    Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = predsOut[, 1, ],
                          "uncond.se" = predsOut[, 2, ],
                          "conf.level" = conf.level,
                          "lower.CL" = predsOut[, 3, ],
                          "upper.CL" = predsOut[, 4, ],
                          "matrix.output" = predsOut.mat)
    class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list")

print.modavgPred <- function(x, digits = 3, ...) {

  if(any(names(x)=="type") ) {
    cat("\nModel-averaged predictions on the ", x$type, " scale\n",
        "based on entire model set and ",
        x$conf.level*100, "% confidence interval:\n\n", sep = "")
  } else {cat("\nModel-averaged predictions based on entire\n",
              "model set and ", x$conf.level*100,
              "% confidence interval:\n\n", sep = "")}

    nice.tab <- x$matrix.output
    colnames(nice.tab) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "uncond.se", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")
    ##add check to display output from occuMS or occuMulti
    ##check if rownames are present
        nrows <- dim(nice.tab)[1]
        rownames(nice.tab) <- 1:nrows
    print(round(nice.tab, digits = digits))

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AICcmodavg documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:08 a.m.