
Defines functions combineTime appendFiles getObserved.study getObserved.vec getSNPnames.study geneSNPs.study getReadN.double check.study.list check.data.list check.obs.list check.perm.list check.gene.list check.group.list combObserved.study combPerm.study readPermData subsetPermData getNcols.study getNperm.study getNperm getMinPerm.study geneStats.init geneStat.obs geneStat.perm getFID.study combPvalue.log combVars.study meta.analysis meta.update meta.setup globalAlleles allele.flip LOR.flip mima meta.mima.scan meta convert.obsfile

# History: Mar 10 2008  Initial coding
#          Apr 08 2008  Add combine.snp to combine biowulf results
#                       and compute permutation p-values for each snp
#          Jun 06 2008  Update locusMap.list options
#          Jun 25 2008  Call getMap; do not factor the chromsome vector
#                       Put combine.rhs.tests options in a list
#          Jul 03 2008  Add getSNPlists
#          Sep 19 2008  Add option to appendFiles
#          Oct 21 2008  Fix bug in appendFiles
#          Oct 27 2008  Bug fixes for combining studies functions
#          Nov 03 2008  Add meta.analysis function
#          Nov 14 2008  Allow snps to be NULL in meta analysis
#          Nov 14 2008  Add getResults.scan function
#          Nov 21 2008  Allow header to be output in appendFiles 
#          Dec 10 2008  Remove getResults.scan
#                       Generalize the major.allele options in
#                       meta.analysis.
#          Dec 18 2008  Add variables to data frame in meta.analysis
#          Jan 09 2009  Add globalAlleles function
#          Jan 13 2009  Add copy.vars option to meta.analysis
#          Jan 16 2009  Add MAF to output in global.alleles function
#          Jan 21 2009  Generalize meta.analysis function to read in
#                       the global minor alleles.
#          Jan 30 2009  Add allele.flip function
#          Feb 10 2009  Use only controls in global.allele function
#          Feb 12 2009  In meta.analysis, add option to compute method 2.
#                       Add meta.mima.scan function for type 3 meta-analysis
#          Mar 05 2009  Move unused code to wga_unused.R
#          Apr 01 2009  Check for errors in LOR.flip
#          Apr 03 2009  Fix bug in LOR.flip (take intersection of snps)
#          May 26 2009  Add option to use variances instead of se in meta-analysis.
#          Jun 03 2009  Allow snp names to be passed into rows option
#                       in meta.mima.scan function.
#          Jun 04 2009  In meta.mima.scan add option to pass in mods
#          Jun 11 2009  Update getNperm function for permuations in 
#                       seperate files
#          Jul 08 2009  Make meta.analysis, allele.flip functions more efficient
#                       reading in the data. 
#          Aug 17 2009  Use stringsAsFactors option in allele.flip, lor.flip, meta.analysis
#          Aug 18 2009  Change in LOR.flip to only include snps passed in allele vector
#          Aug 19 2009  globalAlleles: add doc, remove options, check for errors
#                       Use stringsAsFactors = FALSE option
#          Aug 20 2009  Change in appendFiles for file.type=3 and vars=NULL
#          Nov 10 2009  Return number of rows in file in appendFiles()
#          Jan 14 2010  Add option to appendFiles to check for the correct number
#                       of lines in each file read in.
#          Oct 14 2010  Combine meta anlaysis functions into function meta
#          Dec 09 2010  Change output varible names in meta.anlaysis
#                       Add OR and CI
#          Jan 12 2011  Remove fun.op in combObserved.study
#                       Add the mima_v2 function
#          Jan 31 2011  Add function to convert obs file to data frame
#                       Remove getListName calls

# Function to combine the times
# Returns a list of total time and average time in minutes
combineTime <- function(dir="./", pattern="GenABEL_time", outfile=NULL) {


  # Get the files
  files <- list.files(path=dir, pattern=pattern)

  sum <- 0
  n   <- 0

  for (file in files) {
    t00 <- NULL
    load(paste(dir, file, sep=""))

    sum <- sum + t00
    n   <- n + 1 

  # Get the time in minutes
  sum <- sum/60

  print("Total time:")
  print("Average time:")

  t00 <- list(total=sum, avg=sum/n)

  if (!is.null(outfile)) save(t00, file=outfile)


} # END: getTime

# Function to append files 
appendFiles <- function(dir, op=NULL) {

  # op              List
  #   nlines.list   List of type file.list with file names and number of lines
  #                 in each file
  #                 The default is NULL

  # Assumes common file.type, header, delimiter among all files
  op <- default.list(op, 
         c("outfile", "header", "file.type", "delimiter", "print.files"),
         list("ERROR", 1, 3, "\t", 1), error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0))  

  error <- 0
  files <- op[["file", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(files)) files <- list.files(path=dir, pattern=op$pattern)
  vars    <- op[["vars", exact=TRUE]]
  varFlag <- !is.null(vars)
  missingFiles <- NULL
  # For option nlines
  nlist <- op[["nlines.list", exact=TRUE]]
  nFlag <- 0
  if (!is.null(nlist)) {
    nlist <- check.file.list(nlist)
    nlist <- default.list(nlist, c("id.var", "nlines.var"), 
                         list("ERROR", "ERROR"), error=c(1, 1))
    temp  <- loadData(nlist$file, nlist)
    nl.f  <- as.character(temp[, nlist$id.var])
    nl.n  <- as.integer(temp[, nlist$nlines.var])
    names(nl.n) <- nl.f
    nFlag <- 1

    # See if any files are missing
    temp <- !(nl.f %in% files)
    if (any(temp)) {
      missingFiles <- nl.f[temp]
      print("WARNING in appendFiles: Above files were not found")
      error <- 1

    rm(temp, nlist, nl.f)

  # Open the output file
  fid <- file(op$outfile, open="w")

  row1     <- op[["row1", exact=TRUE]]
  row1Flag <- !is.null(row1)
  op$row1  <- NULL
  sep0     <- op$delimiter
  i         <- 1
  dir       <- checkForSep(dir)
  nlines    <- 0
  op$stream <- 0
  if (varFlag) {
    op$file.type    <- 3
    op$method       <- 2
    op$returnMatrix <- 1
    op$what         <- "character"
    op$include.row1 <- 1
    ncolumns        <- length(vars)
    delimiter       <- op$delimiter

    # Get the number of columns in a data set
    temp    <- paste(dir, files[1], sep="")
    op$ncol <- getNcols(temp, list(delimiter=delimiter)) 
    if (!row1Flag) write(vars, file=fid, ncolumns=ncolumns, sep=delimiter)
  } else {
    header       <- op$header 
    op$delimiter <- "\n"
    if (op$file.type == 3) op$file.type=2

  if (row1Flag) {
    write(row1, file=fid, ncolumns=length(row1), sep=sep0)
    rm(row1, sep0, row1Flag)
    temp <- gc()

  errorFiles  <- NULL
  print.files <- op$print.files
  for (file in files) {
    if (print.files) print(file)
    temp <- paste(dir, file, sep="")
    temp <- loadData(temp, op)
    if (varFlag) {
      # temp is a matrix
      if (nFlag) {
        if (nl.n[file] != nrow(temp)) errorFiles <- c(errorFiles, file)

      temp <- temp[, vars]
      write(t(temp), file=fid, ncolumns=ncolumns, sep=delimiter)
      nlines <- nlines + nrow(temp)
    } else {
      if (nFlag) {
        if (nl.n[file] != length(temp)) errorFiles <- c(errorFiles, file)

      if ((i > 1) && (header)) temp <- temp[-1]
      write(temp, file=fid, ncolumns=1)
      nlines <- nlines + length(temp)
      i <- i + 1

  if (!is.null(errorFiles)) {
    print("WARNING in appendFiles: Above files have the incorrect number of rows")
    error <- 1

  temp <- paste("nlines in output file = ", nlines, sep="")

  list(error=error, errorFiles=errorFiles, nlines=nlines, missingFiles=missingFiles)

} # END: appendFiles

# Function to return a list of the observed vectors in each study
getObserved.study <- function(study.list) {

  obs <- list()

  for (i in 1:length(study.list)) {
    temp     <- study.list[[i]]$obs.list
    obs[[i]] <- getObserved.vec(temp) 

} # END: getObserved.study

# Function to return the observed vector
getObserved.vec <- function(obs.list) {

  # Set up the list of options
  tlist <- list(returnMatrix=1, start.row=1, method=2,
               include.row1=1, what=double(0), stop.row=-1) 

  tlist$delimiter <- obs.list$delimiter
  tlist$file.type <- obs.list$file.type

  # Load the data
  temp <- loadData(obs.list$file, tlist)    
  temp <- makeVector(temp)

} # END: getObserved.vec

# Function to get the SNP names in each study
getSNPnames.study <- function(obs.list) {

  snames <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(obs.list)) {
    snames[[i]] <- names(obs.list[[i]])

} # END: getSNPnames.study

# Function to get the snps for each gene and the intersection for each gene
geneSNPs.study <- function(snames, snps, genes, method=2) {

  # snames      List of character vectors
  # snps        SNPs from gene file
  # ugenes

  snps.list <- list()
  nstudy    <- length(snames)
  for (i in 1:nstudy) snps.list[[i]] <- list()
  csnps.list <- list()
  ugenes <- unique(genes)
  for (gg in ugenes) { 
    # Get the snps for each gene
    temp  <- (genes == gg)
    snp2  <- snps[temp]

    # Initialize the intersection
    csnps.list[[gg]] <- snp2

    for (i in 1:nstudy) {
      temp <- snp2 %in% snames[[i]]
      temp <- snp2[temp]
      snps.list[[i]][[gg]] <- temp

      # Get the intersection of the snps
      csnps.list[[gg]] <- intersect(csnps.list[[gg]], temp)       

  # Change the snps for each gene, depending on the method
  if (method == 2) {
    for (i in 1:nstudy) snps.list[[i]] <- csnps.list

  # Create vector of unique snps names for a combined study
  csnps <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(csnps.list)) {
    csnps <- c(csnps, csnps.list[[i]])

  list(snps.list=snps.list, csnps.list=csnps.list, csnps=csnps)

} # END: geneSNPs.study

# Function to get the number of rows to read in
getReadN.double <- function(nc, maxMB=100) {


} # END: getReadN.double

# Function to check input study lists
check.study.list <- function(study.list) {

  for (i in 1:length(study.list)) {
    temp <- study.list[[i]]
    temp <- default.list(temp,
           c("obs.list", "perm.list"),
           list("ERROR", "ERROR"), error=c(1, 1))

    # Check the observed list
    temp$obs.list <- check.obs.list(temp$obs.list)

    # Check the permutation list
    temp$perm.list <- check.obs.list(temp$perm.list)

    # Check the data list
    dlist <- temp[["data.list", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(dlist)) {
      dlist <- check.data.list(dlist)
      temp$data.list <- dlist

    study.list[[i]] <- temp


} # END: check.study.list

# Function to check the data list
check.data.list <- function(data.list) {

  data.list <- default.list(data.list, 
      c("file", "file.type", "delimiter", "header", "snp.var", "vars"),
      list("ERROR", 3, " ", 1, "SNP", "ERROR"),
      error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))

} # END: check.data.list

# Function to check the observed list
check.obs.list <- function(obs.list) {

  obs.list <- default.list(obs.list, 
      c("file", "file.type", "delimiter"),
      list("ERROR", 3, " "),
      error=c(1, 0, 0))

} # END: check.obs.list

# Function to check the permutation list
check.perm.list <- function(perm.list) {

  perm.list <- default.list(perm.list, 
      c("file", "file.type", "delimiter"),
      list("ERROR", 3, " "),
      error=c(1, 0, 0))

} # END: check.perm.list

# Function to check the gene list
check.gene.list <- function(gene.list) {

  gene.list <- default.list(gene.list,
   c("file", "delimiter", "file.type", "gene.var", "snp.var", "header"),
   list("ERROR", "\t", 3, "Gene", "SNP", 1),
   error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

} # END: check.gene.list

# Function to check the group list
check.group.list <- function(group.list) {

  group.list <- default.list(group.list,
   c("file", "delimiter", "file.type", "group.var", "gene.var", "header"),
   list("ERROR", "\t", 3, "Category", "Gene", 1),
   error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

} # END: check.group.list

# Function to get the combined observed values
combObserved.study <- function(obs, csnps, fun, op=NULL) {

  # obs     List of observed vectors

  comb.obs <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(obs)) {
    # Get the snps we need
    temp <- obs[[i]][csnps]

    comb.obs <- fun(comb.obs, temp, op=op)
  # Call the combine function again
  comb.obs <- fun(comb.obs, NULL, op=op)
  names(comb.obs) <- csnps


} # END: combObserved.study

# Function to get the combined permutation values
combPerm.study <- function(fid.list, tlist, csnps, cnames, nperm,
                  total.read, fun, fun.op=NULL) {

  comb.perm <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(fid.list)) {
    # Read the data
    temp <- readPermData(fid.list[[i]], tlist[[i]], csnps, cnames[[i]],
                         nperm=nperm, total.read=total.read[i])

    if (!length(temp)) return(NULL)
    total.read[i] <- temp$total.read

    # Combine 
    comb.perm <- fun(comb.perm, temp$data, op=fun.op)
  # Call the combine function again
  comb.perm <- fun(comb.perm, NULL, op=fun.op)
  colnames(comb.perm) <- csnps

  list(comb.perm=comb.perm, total.read=total.read)

} # END: combPerm.study

# Function to read permutation data
readPermData <- function(fid, tlist, csnps, cnames, nperm=Inf,
                  total.read=0) {

  temp <- scanFile(fid, tlist)

  if (!length(temp)) return(NULL)
  colnames(temp) <- cnames 
  total.read <- total.read + nrow(temp)
  temp <- subsetPermData(temp, csnps, total.read=total.read, 

  list(data=temp, total.read=total.read)

} # END: readPermData

# Function to get the correct subset of the perm data
subsetPermData <- function(data, csnps, total.read=0, nperm=Inf) {

  # Get the snps we need
  data <- removeOrKeepCols(data, csnps, which=1)

  if (total.read >= nperm) {
    remove <- total.read - nperm

    nr <- nrow(data)
    # Remove the last n rows
    if (remove) data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, 1:(nr-remove), which=1)


} # END: subsetPermData

# Function to compute the number of snps for each study
getNcols.study <- function(study.list) {

  for (i in 1:length(study.list)) {
    perm.list <- study.list[[i]]$perm.list
    nc        <- perm.list[["nsnps", exact=TRUE]]
    if (is.null(nc)) {
      perm.list$nsnps <- getNcols(perm.list$file, perm.list)
      study.list[[i]]$perm.list <- perm.list


} # END: getNcols.study

# Function to compute the number of permutations for each study
getNperm.study <- function(study.list) {

  for (i in 1:length(study.list)) {
    perm.list <- study.list[[i]]$perm.list
    perm.list$nperm <- getNperm(perm.list)
    study.list[[i]]$perm.list <- perm.list


} # END: getNrows.study

# Function to get the number of permutations
getNperm <- function(perm.list) {

  nr <- perm.list[["nperm", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(nr)) return(nr)

  # See if the directory option was specified
  dir <- perm.list[["dir", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(dir)) {
    pattern <- perm.list[["pattern", exact=TRUE]]
    files   <- list.files(path=dir, pattern=pattern)
    dir     <- checkForSep(dir)
    files   <- paste(dir, files, sep="")
  } else {
    files <- perm.list$file
  type <- perm.list$file.type

  nr <- 0
  for (f in files) {
    temp <- getNrows(f, file.type=type)
    nr   <- nr + temp - 1


} # END: getNperm

# Get the minimum number of permutations among the studies
getMinPerm.study <- function(study.list) {

  nperm <- Inf
  for (i in 1:length(study.list)) {
    perm.list <- study.list[[i]]$perm.list
    temp      <- perm.list[["nperm", exact=TRUE]]
    nperm     <- min(temp, nperm)

} # END: getMinPerm.study

# Function to compute gene-level test stats for a vector
geneStats.init <- function(vec, ugenes, csnps.list, fun=which.max) {

  # vec             Vector with snps as names
  # ugenes
  # csnps.list      List of vectors of snp names for each gene in ugenes
  # fun             which.max or which.min  (for now)

  n <- length(ugenes)

  # Set up a data frame
  temp <- c("gene", "n.snp", "most.sig.snp", "test.stat")
  ret  <- initDataFrame(n, c("c", "n", "c", "n"), rownames=ugenes,

  for (gg in ugenes) {
    snp2                    <- csnps.list[[gg]]
    tests                   <- vec[snp2]
    temp                    <- fun(tests)
    test                    <- tests[temp]
    sigsnp                  <- snp2[temp] 
    if (!length(sigsnp)) {
      sigsnp <- ""
      test   <- NA
    ret[gg, "gene"]         <- gg
    ret[gg, "n.snp"]        <- length(snp2)
    ret[gg, "most.sig.snp"] <- sigsnp
    ret[gg, "test.stat"]    <- test


} # END: geneStats.init

# Function to compute gene level test stat for observed results
geneStat.obs <- function(vec, ugenes, csnps.list, fun=NULL, ...) {

  ret        <- rep(NA, times=length(vec))
  names(ret) <- ugenes

  for (gg in ugenes) {
    snp2    <- csnps.list[[gg]]
    tests   <- vec[snp2]
    ret[gg] <- fun(tests, ...)


} # END: geneStat.obs

# Function to compute gene level test stat for permutation results
geneStat.perm <- function(perm.mat, obs.vec, count.vec, ugenes,
                       csnps.list, ret.mat=0, pvalues=1) {
  # perm.mat    Matrix of p-values
  # obs.vec     Vector of observed p-values

  if (ret.mat) {
    temp.mat <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nrow(perm.mat),
    colnames(temp.mat) <- ugenes
  } else {
    temp.mat <- NULL

  if (pvalues) {
    fun <- min
  } else {
    fun <- max

  for (gg in ugenes) {
    snp2 <- csnps.list[[gg]]
    # Get the subset of the matrix
    temp <- removeOrKeepCols(perm.mat, snp2, which=1)

    # Get the test stat for each permutation
    temp <- apply(temp, 1, fun, na.rm=TRUE)

    # Add up the counts
    if (pvalues) {
      count.vec[gg] <- count.vec[gg] +
                      sum(temp <= obs.vec[gg], na.rm=TRUE)
    } else {
      count.vec[gg] <- count.vec[gg] +
                      sum(temp >= obs.vec[gg], na.rm=TRUE)

    if (ret.mat) temp.mat[, gg] <- temp 

  list(count.vec=count.vec, temp.mat=temp.mat)

} # END: geneStat.perm

# Function to return a list of fids
getFID.study <- function(study.list, name="perm.list") {

  fid <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(study.list)) {
    temp     <- getListName(study.list[[i]], name)
    file     <- temp[["file", exact=TRUE]]
    type     <- temp[["file.type", exact=TRUE]]
    temp     <- list(file.type=type, open="r")
    fid[[i]] <- getFID(file, temp)

} # END: getFID.study

# Function to combine pvalues
combPvalue.log <- function(combined, newData, op=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(newData)) {
    temp <- -2*log(newData)
  } else {
    temp <- 0
  if (!is.null(combined)) temp <- temp + combined

} # END: combPvalue.log

# Function to return additional variables needed to combine values
combVars.study <- function(study.list, csnps, temp.list=NULL) {

  ret <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(study.list)) {
    dlist <- getListName(study.list[[i]], "data.list")
    if (!is.null(dlist)) {
      vars <- c(dlist$snp.var, dlist$vars)
      temp <- getColumns(dlist, vars, temp.list=temp.list)
      for (var in dlist$vars) {
        names(temp[[var]]) <- temp[[dlist$snp.var]]
      for (var in vars) temp[[var]] <- temp[[var]][csnps]
      for (var in dlist$vars) temp[[var]] <- as.numeric(temp[[var]])
      ret[[i]] <- temp
} # END: combVars.study

# Function to compute a meta analysis between 2 or more studies.
# If some SNP results were based on the major allele and some on the 
#  minor allele, then set major.allele, and the combined results
#  will be based on the minor allele.
meta.analysis <- function(study.list, op=NULL) {

  # study.list         List of sublists with the folowing fields
  #  file              Name of file containing results.
  #                    No default.
  #  file.type         1, 3, or 4.
  #                    The default is 3.
  #  header            0 or 1
  #                    The default is 1.
  #  delimiter         The default is "\t"
  #  snp.var           Name of the variable in file for the SNPs.
  #                    The default is "SNP".
  #  lor.var           NULL or name of the log(odds) variable
  #                    The default is NULL.
  #  lor.se.var        NULL or name of the variable for the standard error
  #                    of log(odds).
  #                    The default is NULL.
  #  lor.ucl.var       NULL or the name of the variable for the upper confidence
  #                    limit for log(odds).
  #                    The default is NULL.
  #  lor.conf          Confidence level for lor.ucl.var.
  #                    The default is 0.95. 
  #  or.var
  #  or.se.var
  #  or.ucl.var
  #  or.conf
  #  flip.lor          0 if no flipping the lor is to be done, 1 if all snps are
  #                    to be flipped, or a
  #                    list containing the fields "var", "operator",
  #                    and "value" to specify which snps are based to
  #                    be flipped.
  #                    Example: list(var="MAF", operator=">", value=0.85) specifies
  #                    that the SNPs with MAF > 0.85 are to be flipped.
  #                    The default is 0.
  #  copy.vars         Variables to copy onto the output data set.
  #                    These variables names are not prefixed with the
  #                    study name.
  #                    The default is NULL.
  #  copy2.vars        Variables to copy onto the output data set.
  #                    These variables names are prefixed with the
  #                    study name.
  #                    The default is NULL.
  #  allele.var        Name of the allele variable to compare to the global
  #                    allele (see allele.list in op).
  #                    If the allele does not match the global allele, then
  #                    the log-odds ratio wil be flipped.
  #                    The default is NULL.
  #  n.case            (For method=2)
  #  n.control         (For method=2)
  # op            List with the following fields
  #  snps         Character vector of snps for the analysis
  #               If NULL, then all common snps are used
  #               The default is NULL
  #  outfile      Output file.
  #               The default is NULL
  #  add.vars     Variables to appear in outfile for each study.
  #               ex. c("lor.var", "lor.se.var", "or.var")
  #               The default is NULL
  #  add.names    Variable names for add.vars.
  #               ex. c("LOR", "LOR.SE", "OR")
  #               The default is NULL
  #  method       1 or 2
  #               The default is 1.
  #  allele.list  List of type file.list that contains the info about
  #               the global alleles. This list takes precedence over flip.lor.
  #    allele.var Name of the allele variable to compare for each study.
  #               No default.
  #    snp.var    SNP variable
  #               No default.

  nstudy <- length(study.list)

  op <- default.list(op, c("method"), list(1), error=c(0))
  method <- op$method

  # Check for global allele list
  temp <- op[["allele.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    temp <- default.list(temp, c("allele.var", "snp.var"), 
            list("ERROR", "ERROR"), error=c(1, 1)) 
    alleleFlag <- 1
  } else {
    alleleFlag <- 0

  # Check each list
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- default.list(study.list[[i]],
     c("file", "file.type", "header", "delimiter", "snp.var", 
       "lor.conf", "or.conf", "flip.lor", "name", "allele.var"),
     list("ERROR", 3, 1, "\t", "SNP", 0.95, 0.95, 0, 
          paste("study", i, sep=""), "TEMP"), 
     error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, alleleFlag))

    lor.flag     <- !is.null(tlist[["lor.var", exact=TRUE]])
    lor.se.flag  <- !is.null(tlist[["lor.se.var", exact=TRUE]])
    lor.ucl.flag <- !is.null(tlist[["lor.ucl.var", exact=TRUE]])
    or.flag      <- !is.null(tlist[["or.var", exact=TRUE]])
    or.se.flag   <- !is.null(tlist[["or.se.var", exact=TRUE]])
    or.ucl.flag  <- !is.null(tlist[["or.ucl.var", exact=TRUE]])

    if (!lor.flag && !or.flag) {
      stop("One of lor.var or or.var must be specified")
    if (!lor.flag) {
      # OR se must be given
      if (!or.se.flag && !or.ucl.flag) {
        stop("One of or.se.var or or.ucl.var must be specified")
      tlist$lor.var <- "LOR_TEMPVAR1234"

    if (lor.se.flag) {
      lor.ucl.flag      <- 0
      tlist$lor.ucl.var <- NULL
      tlist$lor.conf    <- NULL
    } else {
      tlist$lor.se.var  <- "LORSE_TEMPVAR1234"

    if (!or.flag) {
      # LOR se must be given
      if (!lor.se.flag && !lor.ucl.flag) {
        stop("One of lor.se.var or lor.ucl.var must be specified")
      tlist$or.var <- "OR_TEMPVAR1234"

    if (or.se.flag) {
      or.ucl.flag      <- 0
      tlist$or.ucl.var <- NULL
      tlist$or.conf    <- NULL
    } else {
      tlist$or.se.var  <- "ORSE_TEMPVAR1234"

    tlist$test.var   <- "TEST_TEMPVAR1234"
    tlist$pvalue.var <- "PVALUE_TEMPVAR1234"
    tlist$flip.var   <- "FLIP_TEMPVAR1234"

    if (!lor.ucl.flag) tlist$lor.conf <- NULL
    if (!or.ucl.flag)  tlist$or.conf  <- NULL

    # Check for flip var
    temp <- tlist[["flip.lor", exact=TRUE]]
    if (is.list(temp)) {
      temp <- default.list(temp, c("var", "operator", "value"),
               list("ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR"), error=c(1, 1, 1))
      mvar <- temp$var
    } else {
      mvar <- NULL

    # Check for the number of cases and controls if method = 2
    if (method == 2) {
      if (is.null(tlist[["n.case", exact=TRUE]]) || is.null(tlist[["n.case", exact=TRUE]])) {
        stop("ERROR: n.case/n.control not specified")

    # Get the variables to keep
    temp <- mvar
    if (lor.flag)    temp  <- c(temp, tlist$lor.var)
    if (lor.se.flag) temp  <- c(temp, tlist$lor.se.var)
    if (lor.ucl.flag) temp <- c(temp, tlist$lor.ucl.var)
    if (or.flag)      temp <- c(temp, tlist$or.var)
    if (or.se.flag)   temp <- c(temp, tlist$or.se.var)
    if (or.ucl.flag)  temp <- c(temp, tlist$or.ucl.var)
    tlist$numVars <- temp
    if (alleleFlag)   temp <- c(temp, tlist$allele.var)
    temp <- c(tlist$snp.var, temp)
    cvars <- tlist[["copy.vars", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(cvars)) temp <- c(temp, cvars)
    cvars <- tlist[["copy2.vars", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(cvars)) temp <- c(temp, cvars)

    tlist$keepVars <- unique(temp)

    study.list[[i]] <- tlist
  } # END: for (i in 1:nstudy)

  snps <- op$snps

  # Read in the global alleles
  if (alleleFlag) {
    print("Reading global allele file")
    temp     <- op[["allele.list", exact=TRUE]]
    data     <- getColumns(temp, c(temp$snp.var, temp$allele.var))
    g.snp    <- data[[temp$snp.var]]
    g.allele <- data[[temp$allele.var]]
    names(g.allele) <- g.snp
    if (is.null(snps)) {
      snps <- g.snp
    } else {
      snps <- intersect(snps, g.snp)
    rm(g.snp, data)
    temp <- gc()

  # Read in the data, and then subset by snps and vars
  print("Reading in the data")
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    if (tlist$file.type %in% c(3, 6, 8)) {
      tlist$method       <- 2
      tlist$what         <- "character"
      tlist$include.row1 <- tlist$header
    temp  <- loadData(tlist$file, tlist)
    temp  <- removeOrKeepCols(temp, tlist$keepVars, which=1)
    if (!is.null(snps)) {
      ids   <- temp[, tlist$snp.var] %in% snps
      temp  <- removeOrKeepRows(temp, ids, which=1)
    tlist$data <- temp

    # Check for missing snps
    temp <- is.na(match(op$snps, temp[, tlist$snp.var]))
    if (any(temp)) {
      temp <- paste("The above SNPs were not found for study ", i, sep="")

    # Get the intersection of the snps for the analysis
    if (i == 1) {
      if (is.null(snps)) {
        snps <- tlist$data[, tlist$snp.var]
      } else {
        snps <- intersect(snps, tlist$data[, tlist$snp.var])
    } else {
      snps <- intersect(snps, tlist$data[, tlist$snp.var])

    study.list[[i]] <- tlist
  # Order each data frame
  print("Ordering the data")
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    temp  <- tlist$data
    rownames(temp) <- temp[, tlist$snp.var]
    temp  <- removeOrKeepRows(temp, snps, which=1)
    temp  <- data.frame(temp, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    temp  <- unfactor.all(temp)
    for (v in tlist$numVars) temp[, v] <- as.numeric(temp[, v])
    tlist$data <- temp
    study.list[[i]] <- tlist

  # Check the alleles
  if (alleleFlag) {
    print("Checking the alleles")
    g.allele <- g.allele[snps]
    for (i in 1:nstudy) {
      tlist <- study.list[[i]]
      data  <- tlist$data
      data[, tlist$flip.var] <- 0
      temp <- g.allele != data[, tlist$allele.var]
      if (any(temp)) {
        data[temp, tlist$flip.var] <- 1
        tlist$flip.lor <- list(var=tlist$flip.var, operator="==", value=1)
      tlist$data <- data
      study.list[[i]] <- tlist
    rm(g.allele, data)

  temp <- gc()

  # Set up each data frame
  print("Setting up each data frame")
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    study.list[[i]] <- meta.setup(study.list[[i]])

  # Do the meta analysis
  print("Starting meta-analysis")
  print(paste("Using method ", method, sep=""))
  if (method == 2) {
    # Compute the effective sample sizes
    totalN <- 0
    for (i in 1:nstudy) {
      tlist  <- study.list[[i]]
      temp   <- 2/(1/tlist$n.case + 1/tlist$n.control)
      totalN <- totalN + temp 
      study.list[[i]]$effN <- temp
    # Compute the test statistic
    comb.test <- 0
    for (i in 1:nstudy) {
      tlist     <- study.list[[i]]
      data      <- tlist$data
      comb.test <- comb.test + sqrt(tlist$effN/totalN)*(data[, tlist$lor.var]/data[, tlist$lor.se.var])
    comb.pval <- 2*pnorm(abs(comb.test), lower.tail=FALSE)
    comb <- data.frame(snps, comb.test, comb.pval, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(comb) <- c("SNP", "Meta.Test", "Meta.Pvalue")
    rm(comb.test, comb.pval, totalN, data)
    temp <- gc()
  } else if (method %in% c("1a", "1A")) {
    # Get the combined estimates
    comb.est <- 0
    comb.var <- 0
    for (i in 1:nstudy) {
      tlist    <- study.list[[i]]
      data     <- tlist$data
      # Compute variance
      data[, tlist$lor.se.var] <- data[, tlist$lor.se.var]*data[, tlist$lor.se.var]

      comb.est <- comb.est + data[, tlist$lor.var]/data[, tlist$lor.se.var]
      comb.var <- comb.var + 1/data[, tlist$lor.se.var]
    comb.est  <- comb.est/comb.var
    comb.se   <- 1/sqrt(comb.var)
    comb.test <- comb.est/comb.se
    comb.pval <- 2*pnorm(abs(comb.test), lower.tail=FALSE)
    comb <- data.frame(snps, comb.est, comb.se, comb.test, comb.pval, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(comb) <- c("SNP", "Meta.Estimate", "Meta.SE", "Meta.Test", "Meta.Pvalue")
    rm(comb.est, comb.se, comb.test, comb.pval, comb.var)
    temp <- gc()
  } else {
    # Get the combined estimates
    comb.est <- 0
    comb.se  <- 0
    for (i in 1:nstudy) {
      tlist    <- study.list[[i]]
      data     <- tlist$data
      comb.est <- comb.est + data[, tlist$lor.var]/data[, tlist$lor.se.var]
      comb.se  <- comb.se + 1/data[, tlist$lor.se.var]

    comb.est  <- comb.est/comb.se
    comb.se   <- sqrt(nstudy)/comb.se
    comb.test <- comb.est/comb.se
    comb.pval <- 2*pnorm(abs(comb.test), lower.tail=FALSE)
    comb <- data.frame(snps, comb.est, comb.se, comb.test, comb.pval, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(comb) <- c("SNP", "Meta.Estimate", "Meta.SE", "Meta.Test", "Meta.Pvalue")
    rm(comb.est, comb.se, comb.test, comb.pval)
    temp <- gc()

  # Add OR and CI for method != 2
  if (method != 2) {
    beta <- as.numeric(comb[, "Meta.Estimate"])
    se   <- as.numeric(comb[, "Meta.SE"])
    comb[, "Meta.OR"] <- exp(beta)
    l    <- exp(beta - 1.96*se)
    l    <- round(l, digits=4)
    u    <- exp(beta + 1.96*se)
    u    <- round(u, digits=4)
    comb[, "Meta.OR.95CI"] <- paste("(", l, ", ", u, ")", sep="") 
    rm(beta, se, l, u)

  # Add copy.vars
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    temp  <- tlist[["copy.vars", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(temp)) {
      temp <- removeOrKeepCols(tlist$data, temp, which=1)
      comb <- cbind(comb, temp)

  # Add copy2.vars
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    old   <- tlist[["copy2.vars", exact=TRUE]]
    vars  <- paste(tlist$name, ".", old, sep="")
    if (!is.null(old)) {
      temp <- removeOrKeepCols(tlist$data, old, which=1)
      for (j in 1:length(old)) temp <- renameVar(temp, old[j], vars[j])  
      comb <- cbind(comb, temp)
  rm(old, vars)
  temp <- gc()

  # Add variables to the data frame for each study
  vars <- op[["add.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  add  <- op[["add.names", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(vars)) {
    if (length(vars) != length(add)) add <- vars
    for (i in 1:nstudy) {
      tlist <- study.list[[i]]
      data  <- tlist$data
      name  <- tlist$name
      j     <- 1
      for (var in vars) {
        temp <- paste(name, ".", add[j], sep="")
        comb[, temp] <- data[, tlist[[var]]]
        j <- j + 1
  } # END: if (!is.null(vars)) 

  # Sort by Pvalue
  comb <- sort2D(comb, "Meta.Pvalue")

  if (!is.null(op$outfile)) {
    write.table(comb, file=op$outfile, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)


} # END: meta.analysis

# Function to change LOR, OR if based on a major allele
meta.update <- function(study) {

  temp <- study[["flip.lor", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(temp)) return(study)
  flag <- is.list(temp) 
  if (!flag) {
    if (!temp) return(study)

  # Get the rows to update
  if (flag) {
    rows <- subsetData.var(study$data, temp$var, temp$operator, 
                         temp$value, which=1, returnRows=1)
    if (!any(rows)) return(study)
  } else {
    rows <- 1:nrow(study$data)
  data <- study$data

  # Check for LOR
  lorFlag <- study$lor.var %in% colnames(data)
  if (lorFlag) {
    data[, study$lor.var] <- as.numeric(data[, study$lor.var])
    lor <- data[, study$lor.var]

  # Change LOR to -LOR, standard errors remain the same 
  if (lorFlag) {
    # See if ucl is given
    if (!is.null(study[["lor.ucl.var", exact=TRUE]])) {
      # Compute the standard error
      temp  <- study[["lor.conf", exact=TRUE]]
      temp  <- temp + (1-temp)/2
      zcrit <- qnorm(temp, lower.tail=TRUE)
      temp  <- data[, study$lor.ucl.var] - data[, study$lor.var]
      data[, study$lor.se.var] <- temp/zcrit
      study$lor.ucl.var <- NULL
      study$lor.conf    <- NULL

    # Update the rows
    data[rows, study$lor.var] <- -data[rows, study$lor.var]

  # Change OR to 1/OR, standard errors change 
  if (study$or.var %in% colnames(data)) {
    # See if ucl and lor.se are given
    flag1 <- is.null(study[["or.ucl.var", exact=TRUE]])
    flag2 <- study$lor.se.var %in% colnames(data)
    if (!flag1 && !flag2) {
      # Compute the standard error for LOR
      temp  <- study[["or.conf", exact=TRUE]]
      temp  <- temp + (1-temp)/2
      zcrit <- qnorm(temp, lower.tail=TRUE)
      if (lorFlag) {
        # Use original LOR or original OR
        temp <- log(data[, study$or.ucl.var]) - lor
      } else {
        temp <- log(data[, study$or.ucl.var]) - log(data[, study$or.var])
      data[, study$lor.se.var] <- temp/zcrit
      study$or.ucl.var  <- NULL
      study$or.conf     <- NULL
      study$lor.ucl.var <- NULL
      study$lor.conf    <- NULL

    # Change the standard error for 1/OR
    if (study$or.se.var %in% colnames(data)) {
      data[rows, study$or.se.var] <- data[rows, study$or.se.var]/data[rows, study$or.var]

    # Now change OR
    data[rows, study$or.var] <- 1/data[rows, study$or.var]

  study$data <- data

} # END: meta.update

# Function to set up a data frame for a meta-analysis
meta.setup <- function(study) {

  study <- default.list(study,
           c("data", "lor.var", "lor.se.var", "or.var", "or.se.var",
             "lor.conf", "or.conf", "test.var", "pvalue.var"),
           list("ERROR", "LOR", "LOR.SE", "OR", "OR.SE", 0.95, 0.95,
                "TEST", "PVALUE"),
           error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
  temp <- study[["lor.ucl.var", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(temp)) study$lor.conf <- NULL
  temp <- study[["or.ucl.var", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(temp)) study$or.conf <- NULL

  # Call meta.update for major alleles
  study <- meta.update(study)

  data <- study$data
  study$data <- NULL

  # Compute LOR  
  if (!(study$lor.var %in% colnames(data))) {
    data[, study$lor.var] <- log(data[, study$or.var])

  # Compute OR  
  if (!(study$or.var %in% colnames(data))) {
    data[, study$or.var] <- exp(data[, study$lor.var])

  # If confidence level is given compute standard errors
  temp <- study[["lor.conf", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    temp  <- temp + (1-temp)/2
    zcrit <- qnorm(temp, lower.tail=TRUE)
    temp  <- data[, study$lor.ucl.var] - data[, study$lor.var]
    data[, study$lor.se.var] <- temp/zcrit
  if (!(study$lor.se.var %in% colnames(data))) {
    temp <- study[["or.ucl.var", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(temp)) {
      temp  <- study[["or.conf", exact=TRUE]]
      temp  <- temp + (1-temp)/2
      zcrit <- qnorm(temp, lower.tail=TRUE)

      temp  <- log(data[, study$or.ucl.var]) - data[, study$lor.var]
      data[, study$lor.se.var] <- temp/zcrit

  # Compute LOR se
  if (!(study$lor.se.var %in% colnames(data))) {
    data[, study$lor.se.var] <- data[, study$or.se.var]/data[, study$or.var]

  # Compute OR se
  if (!(study$or.se.var %in% colnames(data))) {
    data[, study$or.se.var] <- data[, study$lor.se.var]*data[, study$or.var]

  # Compute tests and p-values
  temp <- data[, study$lor.var]/data[, study$lor.se.var]
  data[, study$test.var] <- temp
  data[, study$pvalue.var] <- 2*pnorm(abs(temp), lower.tail=FALSE)

  study$data <- data

} # END: meta.setup

# Function to determine the global major and minor alleles across studies.
# For each study, the allele counts or genotype counts must be specified.
globalAlleles <- function(study.list, op=NULL) {

  # study.list         List of sublist for each study. Each sublist has the names:
  #  file              No default
  #  file.type         The default is 3
  #  delimiter         The default is "\t"
  #  header            The default is 1
  #  snp.var           The default is "SNP"
  #  major.allele      Variable for major allele
  #                    The default is "MAJOR_ALLELE"
  #  minor.allele      Variable for minor allele
  #                    The default is "MINOR_ALLELE"
  #  a.major           Major allele count (optional)
  #  a.minor           Minor allele count (optional). Must be specified
  #                     if a.major is specified.
  #  cntl00            Genotype frequency count for the major homozygous 
  #                      genotype (optional)
  #  cntl01            Genotype frequency count for the heterozygous 
  #                      genotype (optional)
  #  cntl11            Genotype frequency count for the minor homozygous 
  #                      genotype (optional)
  # op                 List with names
  #  outfile
  #  snps              Character vector of snps names to include
  #                    or a list to scan
  #  snps.file.list    0 or 1  Set to 1 if snps is a file list

  nstudy <- length(study.list)
  op <- default.list(op, c("snps.file.list"), list(0))

  # Check each list
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- default.list(study.list[[i]],
     c("file", "file.type", "header", "delimiter", "snp.var", 
       "major.allele", "minor.allele", "miss.allele"),
     list("ERROR", 3, 1, "\t", "SNP", "MAJOR_ALLELE", "MINOR_ALLELE",
          c(NA, "", " ", "-")), 
     error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

    aflag <- (!is.null(tlist[["a.major", exact=TRUE]])) &&
             (!is.null(tlist[["a.minor", exact=TRUE]]))
    tlist$aflag <- aflag
    temp <- c(tlist$snp.var, tlist$major.allele, tlist$minor.allele)
    if (aflag) {
      temp <- c(temp, tlist$a.major, tlist$a.minor)
    } else {
      temp <- c(temp, tlist$cntl00, tlist$cntl01, tlist$cntl11)
    tlist$keepVars <- unique(temp)

    # Check that the variables exist on the data set
    temp <- checkVars(tlist, tlist$keepVars)

    study.list[[i]] <- tlist
  } # END: for (i in 1:nstudy)

  snps <- op[["snps", exact=TRUE]]
  temp <- op[["snps.file.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (temp) {
    snps    <- scan(snps$file, what="character", sep="\n")
    op$snps <- snps

  # Read in the data, and then subset by snps and vars
  print("Reading in the data")
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    temp  <- data.frame(loadData(tlist$file, tlist), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    temp  <- removeOrKeepCols(temp, tlist$keepVars, which=1)
    temp  <- unfactor.all(temp)
    if (!is.null(snps)) {
      ids   <- temp[, tlist$snp.var] %in% snps
      temp  <- removeOrKeepRows(temp, ids, which=1)
    tlist$data <- temp

    # Check for missing snps
    if (!is.null(op[["snps", exact=TRUE]])) {
      temp <- is.na(match(op$snps, temp[, tlist$snp.var]))
      if (any(temp)) {
        temp <- paste("The above SNPs were not found for study ", i, sep="")

    # Get the intersection of the snps for the analysis
    if (i == 1) {
      if (is.null(snps)) {
        snps <- tlist$data[, tlist$snp.var]
      } else {
        snps <- intersect(snps, tlist$data[, tlist$snp.var])
    } else {
      snps <- intersect(snps, tlist$data[, tlist$snp.var])

    study.list[[i]] <- tlist

  # Set up and order each data frame
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    temp  <- tlist$data
    rownames(temp) <- temp[, tlist$snp.var]
    temp  <- removeOrKeepRows(temp, snps, which=1)
    tlist$data <- temp
    study.list[[i]] <- tlist

  temp <- gc()

  # Check the alleles
  print("Checking alleles")
  remove <- NULL
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    data  <- tlist$data
    # Remove snps that have a missing major allele
    temp  <- data[, tlist$major.allele] %in% tlist$miss.allele
    if (any(temp)) remove <- c(remove, data[temp, tlist$snp.var])

    # If minor allele is missing, then set it to the major allele
    temp  <- data[, tlist$minor.allele] %in% tlist$miss.allele
    if (any(temp)) data[temp, tlist$minor.allele] <- data[temp, tlist$major.allele]

    # Make sure that all studies have the same unordered alleles
    a1 <- data[, tlist$major.allele] 
    a2 <- data[, tlist$minor.allele]
    if (i == 1) {
      major     <- a1
      minor     <- a2
      oneAllele <- major == minor
      n         <- length(major)
    } else {
      temp1 <- (a1 == major) | (a1 == minor)
      temp2 <- (a2 == major) | (a2 == minor)
      temp  <- !(temp1 & temp2)
      if (any(temp)) {
        ids <- (1:n)[temp]
        # Check for 1 allele
        rows <- (temp1 | temp2) & oneAllele
        rows <- (1:n)[rows]
        rows <- ids %in% rows
        if (any(rows)) {
          ids <- ids[rows]
          temp[ids] <- FALSE
        rm(ids, rows)

      if (any(temp)) {
        temp1 <- paste("SNPs removed from ", tlist$name, ":", sep="")
        temp1 <- makeVector(data[temp, tlist$snp.var])
        remove <- c(remove, temp1)
      rm(temp1, temp2)
      temp <- gc()
    # Update
    tlist$data <- data
    study.list[[i]] <- tlist

  rm(data, major, minor, a1, a2)
  temp <- gc()

  # Remove bad snps
  if (!is.null(remove)) {
    print("Removing snps")
    remove <- unique(remove)
    for (i in 1:nstudy) {
      tlist <- study.list[[i]]
      temp  <- tlist$data
      temp  <- removeOrKeepRows(temp, remove, which=-1)
      tlist$data <- temp
      study.list[[i]] <- tlist
  # Check the allele counts
  print("Checking frequency counts")
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    data  <- tlist$data

    # Set missing values to 0
    if (tlist$aflag) {
      vars <- c(tlist$a.major, tlist$a.minor)
    } else {
      vars <- c(tlist$cntl00, tlist$cntl01, tlist$cntl11)
    for (var in vars) {
      temp <- is.na(data[, var]) 
      if (any(temp)) data[temp, var] <- 0
    rm(temp, var, vars)  
    # Update
    tlist$data <- data
    study.list[[i]] <- tlist

  # Get the allele counts
  print("Getting allele counts")
  snps        <- rownames(study.list[[1]]$data)
  nsnp        <- length(snps)
  major.count <- rep.int(0, times=nsnp)
  minor.count <- rep.int(0, times=nsnp)
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    data  <- tlist$data
    a1    <- data[, tlist$major.allele] 
    if (i == 1) {
      major <- a1
      minor <- data[, tlist$minor.allele]

    # Match alleles 
    temp <- a1 == major

    if (tlist$aflag) {
      # Allele frequency counts are given
      if (any(temp)) {
        major.count[temp] <- major.count[temp] + data[temp, tlist$a.major] 
        minor.count[temp] <- minor.count[temp] + data[temp, tlist$a.minor]
      if (any(!temp)) {
        major.count[!temp] <- major.count[!temp] + data[!temp, tlist$a.minor] 
        minor.count[!temp] <- minor.count[!temp] + data[!temp, tlist$a.major]
    } else {
      # Genotype frequency counts are given
      if (any(temp)) {
        major.count[temp] <- major.count[temp] + 2*data[temp, tlist$cntl00] + 
                                                   data[temp, tlist$cntl01]

        minor.count[temp] <- minor.count[temp] + 2*data[temp, tlist$cntl11] + 
                                                   data[temp, tlist$cntl01]
      if (any(!temp)) {
        major.count[!temp] <- major.count[!temp] + 2*data[!temp, tlist$cntl11] + 
                                                     data[!temp, tlist$cntl01]

        minor.count[!temp] <- minor.count[!temp] + 2*data[!temp, tlist$cntl00] + 
                                                     data[!temp, tlist$cntl01]

  rm(data, a1, temp)
  temp <- gc()

  # For each snp, make sure we have both alleles
  rows <- major == minor
  if ((any(rows)) && (nstudy > 1)) {
    print("Checking minor allele")
    for (i in 2:nstudy) {
      tlist <- study.list[[i]]
      data  <- tlist$data
      a1    <- data[, tlist$minor.allele]
      temp  <- rows & (minor != a1)
      if (any(temp)) {
        minor[temp] <- a1[temp]
        rows <- major == minor
      if (!any(rows)) break
      a1    <- data[, tlist$major.allele]
      temp  <- rows & (minor != a1)
      if (any(temp)) {
        minor[temp] <- a1[temp]
        rows <- major == minor
      if (!any(rows)) break
    rm(data, a1, rows)
  rm(tlist, study.list)
  temp <- gc()

  # Determine the global major and minor alleles
  # Create return object
  global.major   <- rep(" ", times=nsnp)
  global.minor   <- rep(" ", times=nsnp)
  global.major.n <- rep(0, times=nsnp)
  global.minor.n <- rep(0, times=nsnp)

  temp <- major.count >= minor.count
  global.major[temp]   <- major[temp]
  global.major.n[temp] <- major.count[temp]
  global.minor[temp]   <- minor[temp]
  global.minor.n[temp] <- minor.count[temp]
  global.major[!temp]   <- minor[!temp]
  global.major.n[!temp] <- minor.count[!temp]
  global.minor[!temp]   <- major[!temp]
  global.minor.n[!temp] <- major.count[!temp]

  rm(major, minor, major.count, minor.count)
  temp <- gc()

  # Set up data frame
  ret <- data.frame(snps, global.major, global.minor, 
                    global.major.n, global.minor.n, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  colnames(ret) <- c("SNP", "MAJOR_ALLELE", "MINOR_ALLELE", 
                     "MAJOR_COUNT", "MINOR_COUNT")
  rownames(ret) <- ret[, "SNP"]

  # Add MAF
  ret[, "MAF"] <- ret[, "MINOR_COUNT"]/(ret[, "MAJOR_COUNT"] + ret[, "MINOR_COUNT"]) 

  out <- op[["outfile", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(out)) {
    write.table(ret, file=out, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")


} # END: globalAlleles

# Function to flip alleles. First study is the reference study
allele.flip <- function(study.list, op=NULL) {
  # study.list         List of sublists with names
  #  old.major
  #  old.minor
  #  new.major
  #  new.minor
  #  snp.var
  #  flip.var
  #  outfile
  # op                 List with names
  #  snps              Character vector of snps names to include
  #                    or a list to scan
  #  snps.file.list    0 or 1  Set to 1 if snps is a file list

  nstudy <- length(study.list)
  op <- default.list(op, c("snps.file.list"), list(0))

  # Check each list
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- default.list(study.list[[i]],
     c("file", "file.type", "header", "delimiter", "snp.var", 
       "old.major", "old.minor", "allele.miss", "new.major", "new.minor",
       "flip.var", "outfile"),
     list("ERROR", 3, 1, "\t", "SNP", "ERROR", "ERROR",
          c(NA, "", " ", "-"), "MAJOR_ALLELE", "MINOR_ALLELE", "FLIP", "ERROR"), 
     error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))

     temp <- c(tlist$old.major, tlist$old.minor, tlist$new.major, tlist$new.minor)
     if (length(unique(temp)) != 4) stop("Allele names are not unique")

     if (tlist$file.type %in% c(3, 6, 8)) {
      tlist$method       <- 2
      tlist$what         <- "character"
      tlist$include.row1 <- tlist$header

    study.list[[i]] <- tlist
  } # END: for (i in 1:nstudy)

  snps <- op[["snps", exact=TRUE]]
  temp <- op[["snps.file.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (temp) {
    snps    <- scan(snps$file, what="character", sep="\n")
    op$snps <- snps

  # Read in the data, and get the interscetion of the snps
  print("Reading in the data")
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    data <- loadData(tlist$file, tlist)

    # Check that variables exist
    temp <- c(tlist$snp.var, tlist$old.minor, tlist$old.major)
    check.vec(temp, "vars", list(checkList=colnames(data)))

    if (!is.null(snps)) {
      ids  <- data[, tlist$snp.var] %in% snps
      data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, ids, which=1)

    # Check for missing snps
    if (!is.null(op[["snps", exact=TRUE]])) {
      temp <- is.na(match(op$snps, data[, tlist$snp.var]))
      if (any(temp)) {
        temp <- paste("The above SNPs were not found for study ", i, sep="")

    # Get the intersection of the snps for the analysis
    if (i == 1) {
      if (is.null(snps)) {
        snps <- data[, tlist$snp.var]
      } else {
        snps <- intersect(snps, data[, tlist$snp.var])
    } else {
      snps <- intersect(snps, data[, tlist$snp.var])

  if (is.null(snps)) {
    stop("ERROR: no common SNPs")

  # Now that we have the intersection of the snps, match the alleles 
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist  <- study.list[[i]]
    majvar <- tlist$old.major
    minvar <- tlist$old.minor
    miss   <- tlist$allele.miss
    data  <- loadData(tlist$file, tlist)
    # Order the data 
    rownames(data) <- data[, tlist$snp.var]
    data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, snps, which=1)

    # Let data be a data frame
    data <- data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    vars <- c(tlist$snp.var, tlist$old.major, tlist$old.minor)
    for (var in vars) data[, var]  <- unfactor(data[, var])

    # Get the reference major and minor alleles
    if (i == 1) {
      major      <- makeVector(data[, majvar])
      minor      <- makeVector(data[, minvar])
      majNotMiss <- !(major %in% miss)
      minNotMiss <- !(minor %in% miss)

    # See if alleles match
    temp11 <- (major == data[, majvar])
    temp12 <- (major == data[, minvar])
    temp21 <- (minor == data[, majvar])
    temp22 <- (minor == data[, minvar])    

    temp1 <- (temp11 | temp12) & majNotMiss
    temp1[!majNotMiss] <- TRUE

    temp2 <- (temp21 | temp22) & minNotMiss
    temp2[!minNotMiss] <- TRUE

    # t1 is whether nci alleles are in new alleles
    t1 <- temp1 & temp2

    temp  <- !(data[, majvar] %in% miss)
    temp1 <- (temp11 | temp21) & temp
    temp1[!temp] <- TRUE

    temp  <- !(data[, minvar] %in% miss)
    temp2 <- (temp12 | temp22) & temp
    temp2[!temp] <- TRUE

    t2 <- temp1 & temp2

    rm(temp11, temp12, temp21, temp22, temp1, temp2, temp)

    # Add a flip column
    data[, tlist$flip.var] <- as.numeric(!(t1 | t2))
    rm(t1, t2)

    # Define the new alleles
    newmajvar <- tlist$new.major
    newminvar <- tlist$new.minor
    data[, newmajvar] <- data[, majvar]
    data[, newminvar] <- data[, minvar]
    temp <- data[, tlist$flip.var] == 1
    # Change alleles
    data <- changeAlleles(data, c(majvar, minvar), rows=temp,
             newVars=c(newmajvar, newminvar))
    # Do an error check
    print("Check for errors")
    temp11 <- (major == data[, newmajvar])
    temp12 <- (major == data[, newminvar])
    temp21 <- (minor == data[, newmajvar])
    temp22 <- (minor == data[, newminvar])

    temp1 <- (temp11 | temp12) & majNotMiss
    temp1[!majNotMiss] <- TRUE

    temp2 <- (temp21 | temp22) & minNotMiss
    temp2[!minNotMiss] <- TRUE

    # t1 is whether nci alleles are in new alleles
    t1 <- temp1 & temp2

    temp  <- !(data[, majvar] %in% miss)
    temp1 <- (temp11 | temp21) & temp
    temp1[!temp] <- TRUE

    temp  <- !(data[, minvar] %in% miss)
    temp2 <- (temp12 | temp22) & temp
    temp2[!temp] <- TRUE

    t2 <- temp1 & temp2
    rm(temp11, temp12, temp21, temp22, temp1, temp2, temp)

    temp <- !(t1 | t2)
    rm(t1, t2)

    if (any(temp)) {
      tsnp <- snps[temp]
      print("ERROR with alleles for the above SNPs")
      temp <- data[, tlist$snp.var] %in% tsnp
      temp[is.na(temp)] <- FALSE
      data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, temp, which=-1)
    write.table(data, file=tlist$outfile, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
  } # END: for (i in 1:nstudy)

} # END: allele.flip

# Function to flip LORs. 
LOR.flip <- function(study.list, allele.list, op=NULL) {
  # study.list         List of sublists with names
  #  allele.var
  #  snp.var
  #  flip.var
  #  lor.var           Vector or LOR variable names
  #  new.lor           Vector of new LOR variable names
  #  outfile
  # allele.list        Type file.list
  #   snp.var
  #   allele.var
  # op                 List with names
  #  snps              Character vector of snps names to include
  #                    or a list to scan
  #  snps.file.list    0 or 1  Set to 1 if snps is a file list
  #  allele.list

  # Check for global allele list
  allele.list <- default.list(allele.list, 
           c("file", "file.type", "delimiter", "header", "allele.var", "snp.var"), 
           list("ERROR", 3, "\t", 1, "ERROR", "ERROR"), 
           error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1)) 

  nstudy <- length(study.list)
  op <- default.list(op, c("snps.file.list", "debug"), list(0, 0))

  # Check each list
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- default.list(study.list[[i]],
     c("file", "file.type", "header", "delimiter", "snp.var", 
       "allele.miss", "allele.var", "flip.var", "outfile"),
     list("ERROR", 3, 1, "\t", "SNP", 
          c(NA, "", " ", "-"), "META_MINOR_ALLELE", "FLIP.LOR", "ERROR"), 
     error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))

    temp <- tlist[["new.lor", exact=TRUE]]
    if (is.null(temp)) tlist$new.lor <- tlist$lor.var
    if (length(tlist$lor.var) != length(tlist$new.lor)) {
      stop("ERROR with lor.var/new.lor")

    study.list[[i]] <- tlist
  } # END: for (i in 1:nstudy)

  snps <- op[["snps", exact=TRUE]]
  temp <- op[["snps.file.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (temp) {
    snps    <- scan(snps$file, what="character", sep="\n")
    op$snps <- snps
  debug <- op$debug

  # Read in the global alleles
  print("Reading global allele file")
  t00      <- proc.time()
  data     <- getColumns(allele.list, c(allele.list$snp.var, allele.list$allele.var))
  g.snp    <- data[[allele.list$snp.var]]
  g.allele <- data[[allele.list$allele.var]]
  names(g.allele) <- g.snp
  if (is.null(snps)) {
    snps <- g.snp
  } else {
    snps <- intersect(snps, g.snp)
  rm(g.snp, data)
  temp <- gc()

  # Read in the data, and get the intersection of the snps
  if (debug) t00 <- debug.time(t00, str="Reading in the data")
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    if (tlist$file.type %in% c(3, 6, 8)) {
      tlist$method       <- 2
      tlist$what         <- "character"
      tlist$include.row1 <- tlist$header
    data <- loadData(tlist$file, tlist)

    # Check that variables exist
    vars <- c(tlist$snp.var, tlist$allele.var, tlist$lor.var)
    check.vec(vars, "vars", list(checkList=colnames(data)))
    rownames(data) <- data[, tlist$snp.var] 

    # Subset the data
    if (debug) t00 <- debug.time(t00, str="Subsetting the data")
    temp <- data[, tlist$snp.var] %in% snps
    data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, temp, which=1)

    # Let data be a data frame
    if (debug) t00 <- debug.time(t00, str="Create data frame")
    data <- data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    for (var in vars) data[, var] <- unfactor(data[, var]) 
    for (var in tlist$lor.var) data[, var] <- as.numeric(data[, var])

    if (debug) t00 <- debug.time(t00, str="Check for bad SNPs")
    temp <- !(data[, tlist$snp.var] %in% snps)
    if (any(temp)) {
      #data[, "NotInAlleleFile"] <- 0
      #data[temp, "NotInAlleleFile"] <- 1
      print("Some SNPs were not found in allele file. These SNPs will be removed.")
      data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, temp, which=-1)

    # Initialize
    if (debug) t00 <- debug.time(t00, str="Initialize new variables")

    data[, tlist$flip.var] <- 0
    vars <- tlist$lor.var
    new  <- tlist$new.lor
    for (j in 1:length(vars)) {
      data[, new[j]] <- data[, vars[j]]
    # Order the allele vector
    if (debug) t00 <- debug.time(t00, str="Order the allele vector")

    #temp   <- makeVector(data[, tlist$snp.var])
    #allele <- g.allele[temp]
    temp   <- match(makeVector(data[, tlist$snp.var]), names(g.allele)) 
    temp   <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
    allele <- g.allele[temp]
    temp   <- allele != data[, tlist$allele.var]
    if (any(temp)) {
      if (debug) t00 <- debug.time(t00, str="Flip LOR")
      data[temp, tlist$flip.var] <- 1
      vars <- tlist$lor.var
      new  <- tlist$new.lor
      for (j in 1:length(vars)) {
        data[temp, new[j]] <- -data[temp, vars[j]]

    if (debug) t00 <- debug.time(t00, str="Writing table to file")
    write.table(data, file=tlist$outfile, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)


} # END: LOR.flip

# MiMa: An S-Plus/R function to fit meta-analytic mixed-, random-, and fixed-effects models
mima <- function(yi, vi, mods, method="REML", threshold=0.00001, maxiter=100, alpha=0.05, digits=4, fe="no", verbose="no", out="no") {

	k			<- length(yi)
	intrcpt	<- rep(1,k) 
	X			<- cbind(intrcpt, mods)
	y			<- as.matrix(yi)
	p			<- dim(X)[2] - 1				### number of moderators in the model

	### function to obtain the trace of a matrix 
	tr <- function(X) {

	if (fe == "no") {

		if (method == "HE") {
			M		<- X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)
			RSS	<- t(y) %*% ( diag(k) - M ) %*% y
			vart	<- ( RSS - tr( (diag(k)-M) %*% diag(vi) ) ) / ( k-p-1 )

		if (method == "DL") {
			wi		<- 1/vi
			W		<- diag(wi)
			b		<- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W %*% y
			RSS	<- t(y - X %*% b) %*% W %*% (y - X %*% b)
			vart	<- ( RSS - (k-p-1) ) / ( sum(wi) - tr( t(X) %*% W %*% W %*% X %*% solve( t(X) %*% W %*% X ) ) )

		if (method == "SH") {
			vart0	<- sum( (yi - mean(yi))^2 ) / k
			wi		<- 1/(vi + vart0) 
			W		<- diag(wi)
			P		<- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
			vart	<- (vart0/(k-p-1)) * t(y)%*%P%*%y

		conv		<- 1
		itprec	<- threshold
		change	<- 1
		iter		<- 0

		if (method == "REML" || method == "ML" || method == "EB") {

			vart		<- var(yi) - 1/k*sum(vi)	### initial estimate = HE estimator in RE model
			vart[vart < 0] <- 0						### set to zero in case the initial estimate is negative

			while (change > itprec) {
				if(verbose == "yes") cat("Iteration:", iter, " Estimate of (Residual) Heterogeneity:", round(vart, 8), "\n")
				iter	<- iter + 1
				varm	<- vart
				wi		<- 1/(vi + vart)
				W		<- diag(wi)
				V		<- diag(vi)
				P		<- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
				if (method == "REML") {
					adj	<- solve( tr(P%*%P) ) %*% ( t(y)%*%P%*%P%*%y - tr(P) )
				if (method == "ML") {
					adj	<- solve( tr(W%*%W) ) %*% ( t(y)%*%P%*%P%*%y - tr(W) )
				if (method == "EB") {
					adj	<- solve( tr(W) ) %*% ( (k/(k-p-1)) %*% t(y)%*%P%*%y - k )
				while (vart + adj < 0) { 
					adj <- adj / 2
				vart		<- vart + adj
				change	<- abs(varm - vart)
				if (iter > maxiter) {
					conv    <- 0

		if (conv == 0) {
			cat("Fisher scoring algorithm did not converge\nTry increasing maxiter or use a different estimation method\n")


	if (fe == "yes") vart <- 0

	wi		<- 1/vi
	W		<- diag(wi)
	b		<- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W %*% y
	vb		<- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X)
	QE		<- sum(wi * yi^2) - t(b) %*% solve(vb) %*% b
	QEp	<- 1-pchisq(QE, df=k-p-1)

	vart[vart < 0] <- 0
	wi		<- 1/(vi + vart)
	W		<- diag(wi)
	b		<- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W %*% y
	vb		<- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X)

	if (p > 0) {
		QME	<- t(b)[2:(p+1)] %*% solve(vb[2:(p+1),2:(p+1)]) %*% b[2:(p+1)]
		QMEp	<- 1 - pchisq(QME, df=p)
	} else {
		QME	<- NA
		QMEp	<- NA

	zvals	<- b/sqrt(diag(vb))
	zp		<- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(zvals)))
	lbsci	<- b - qnorm(1-alpha/2) * sqrt(diag(vb))
	ubsci	<- b + qnorm(1-alpha/2) * sqrt(diag(vb))

	if (out == "yes") {
            heterogeneity.test <- list(QE, k-p-1, QEp) 
            names(heterogeneity.test)<-c("Het_test", "df", "p_het")
            effect.estimate <- data.frame(cbind(b, sqrt(diag(vb)), zvals, zp))
		names(effect.estimate) <- c("estimate", "SE", "zval", "pval")

	##	outlist <- list(vart, b, vb)
	##	names(outlist) <- c("vart", "b", "vb")
	} else {

	cat("Estimate of (Residual) Heterogeneity:", round(vart,digits))

	cat("Test for (Residual) Heterogeneity:")
	cat("QE      = ", round(QE,digits))
	cat("df      = ", k-p-1)
	cat("p-value = ", round(QEp,digits))

	cat("Parameter Estimates:")

	cat("Variance-Covariance Matrix of Parameter Estimates:")

	cat("Omnibus Test of all Moderators:")
	cat("QME     = ", round(QME,digits))
	cat("df      = ", p)
	cat("p-value = ", round(QMEp,digits))

	cat("Individual Moderator Tests:")
	ztest <- cbind(b, sqrt(diag(vb)), zvals, zp, lbsci, ubsci)
	ztest	<- data.frame(ztest)
	names(ztest) <- c("estimate", "SE", "zval", "pval", "CI_L", "CI_U")

} # END mima

# Function for type 3 meta-analysis (mima.R)
meta.mima.scan <- function(file.list, op=NULL) {

  # file.list
  #   lor.var   Character vector of variable names for study specific LORs
  #             No default
  #   se.var    Character vector of variable names for study specific SEs
  #             No default
  #   snp.var   No default
  # op          List
  #  outfile
  #  rows       Vector of row numbers to use, or character vector of
  #             SNP names.
  #             The default is NULL.
  #  fe         "no" or "yes" for fixed effects analysis
  #             The default is "no"
  #  mods       Vector of moderators
  #             The default is c()

  file.list <- default.list(file.list, 
               c("file", "file.type", "delimiter", "header", 
                 "lor.var", "se.var", "snp.var"), 
               list("ERROR", 3, "\t", 1, "ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR"), 
               error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1))

  op <- default.list(op, c("fe", "mods"), list("no", c()), error=c(0, 0))
  op$fe <- tolower(op$fe)
  if (op$fe != "yes") op$fe <- "no"

  # Read in the data
  print("Reading the data")
  x <- read.table(file.list$file, sep=file.list$delimiter, header=file.list$header)
  print("Unfactoring columns")
  x <- unfactor.all(x)
  lorVars <- file.list$lor.var
  seVars  <- file.list$se.var
  snpVar  <- file.list$snp.var

  # Subset the data
  rows <- op[["rows", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(rows)) {
    print("Subsetting data")
    if (is.numeric(rows)) {
      x <- removeOrKeepRows(x, rows, which=1)
    } else {
      # Assuming SNP names
      temp <- x[, snpVar] %in% rows  
      x <- removeOrKeepRows(x, temp, which=1)
  for (var in c(lorVars, seVars)) x[, var] <- as.numeric(x[, var])

  # Get the snp names
  snps <- makeVector(x[, snpVar])

  # Set up return data frame
  nr   <- nrow(x)
  cols <- c("C", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N")
  cnames <- c("SNP", "Heter.test", "Heter.df", "Heter.pvalue", 
              "Estimate", "SE", "Pvalue") 
  ret <- initDataFrame(nr, cols, rownames=NULL, colnames=cnames,
                  initChar="", initNum=NA)
  ret[, 1] <- snps

  x <- removeOrKeepCols(x, snpVar, which=-1)

  rm(snps, snpVar)
  temp <- gc()
  # Moderators
  mods <- op$mods
  fe   <- op$fe

  # Loop over each row
  print("Begin analysis")
  for (i in 1:nr) {
    lor <- makeVector(x[i, lorVars])
    se  <- makeVector(x[i, seVars])

    # Get the variances
    se <- se*se

    # Call mima
    out <- try(mima(lor, se, mods, out="yes", fe=fe), silent=TRUE)

    if (class(out) == "try-error") next
    if (is.null(out)) next

    temp <- out$heterogeneity.test 
    ret[i, "Heter.test"]   <- temp$Het_test
    ret[i, "Heter.df"]     <- temp$df
    ret[i, "Heter.pvalue"] <- temp$p_het
    temp <- out$effect.estimate 
    ret[i, "Estimate"]     <- temp[1, "estimate"]
    ret[i, "SE"]           <- temp[1, "SE"]
    ret[i, "Pvalue"]       <- temp[1, "pval"]

  # Output
  temp <- op[["outfile", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) writeTable(ret, temp)


} # END: meta.mima.scan

# Function for fixed effects meta analysis, combining allele.flip, lor.flip, and meta.analysis
meta <- function(study.list, op=NULL) {

  # study.list        List of sublists with names
  #  file                 No default
  #  major.var            Name of major allele. No default
  #  minor.var            Name of minor allele. No default
  #  snp.var              Name of snp variable. No default
  #  lor.var              Name of log-odds ratio variable. No default
  #  lor.se.var           Name of the variable for the standard error of the log-odds ratio. No default
  # op                List with names
  #  outfile              Default is NULL
  #  temp.list
  #  method               Default is "1a"
  #  allele.list
  #  copy.vars
  #  copy2.vars
  #  n.case               (For method = 2)
  #  n.control            (For method = 2)
  #  add.vars             Variables to appear in outfile for each study.
  #                       ex. c("lor.var", "lor.se.var", "or.var")
  #                       The default is NULL
  #  add.names            Variable names for add.vars.
  #                       ex. c("LOR", "LOR.SE", "OR")
  #                       The default is NULL

  temp.list <- op[["temp.list", exact=TRUE]]
  temp.list <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
  dir       <- checkForSep(temp.list$dir)
  id        <- temp.list$id
  delete    <- temp.list$delete

  op <- default.list(op, c("method"), list("1a"))
  nstudy <- length(study.list)
  all.files <- NULL

  # Check each list
  print("Checking the input lists")
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    tlist <- default.list(tlist,
     c("file", "snp.var", "major.var", "minor.var", "name", "lor.var"),
     list("ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", paste("study_", i, sep=""), "ERROR"), 
     error=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1))

    vars <- c(tlist$snp.var, tlist$major.var, tlist$minor.var)
    tlist <- check.file.list(tlist, op=list(vars=vars))
    # Add options
    tlist$old.major <- tlist$major.var
    tlist$old.minor <- tlist$minor.var
    tlist$new.major <- paste(tlist$major, "_new", sep="")
    tlist$new.minor <- paste(tlist$minor, "_new", sep="")
    tlist$flip.lor  <- 0

    # temporary file
    temp <- paste(tlist$name, "_", id, "_a", sep="")
    tmp <- getTempfile(dir, prefix=temp, ext=".txt.xls")
    tlist$outfile <- tmp
    all.files <- c(all.files, tmp)

    if (i == 1) {
      tlist$allele.var <- tlist$minor.var
    } else {
      tlist$allele.var <- tlist$new.minor
    tlist$new.lor <- paste(tlist$lor.var, "_new", sep="")

    study.list[[i]] <- tlist

  } # END: for (i in 1:nstudy)

  # Check for allele list. If not specified, use the first study
  allele.list <- op[["allele.list", exact=TRUE]]
  aflag <- !is.null(allele.list)
  if (aflag) {
    allele.list <- default.list(allele.list, c("snp.var", "allele.var"), 
                    list("ERROR", "ERROR"), error=c(1, 1))
    vars <- c(allele.list$snp.var, allele.list$allele.var)
    allele.list <- check.file.list(allele.list, op=list(vars=vars))
  } else {
    # Use the first study
    allele.list <- study.list[[1]]
  # Flip alleles
  print("Calling allele.flip")
  ret <- allele.flip(study.list, op=op) 
  # Define the new files
  for (i in 2:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    tlist$file      <- tlist$outfile
    tlist$file.type <- 3
    tlist$delimiter <- "\t"
    tlist$header    <- 1
    temp <- paste(tlist$name, "_", id, "_lor", sep="")
    tmp <- getTempfile(dir, prefix=temp, ext=".txt.xls")
    tlist$outfile <- tmp
    all.files <- c(all.files, tmp)
    study.list[[i]] <- tlist
  # Flip lor
  print("Calling LOR.flip")
  ret <- LOR.flip(study.list, allele.list, op=op)

  op$allele.list <- NULL
  rm(allele.list, temp, tmp)

  # Define the new files
  for (i in 1:nstudy) {
    tlist <- study.list[[i]]
    tlist$file      <- tlist$outfile
    tlist$file.type <- 3
    tlist$delimiter <- "\t"
    tlist$header    <- 1
    tlist$lor.var   <- tlist$new.lor
    tlist$new.lor   <- NULL
    study.list[[i]] <- tlist

  # Run meta-analysis
  print("Calling meta.analysis")
  ret <- meta.analysis(study.list, op=op)

  if (delete) {
    for (tmp in all.files) file.remove(tmp)


} # END: meta

# Function to read in  obs file and convert to a data frame
convert.obsfile <- function(obs.outfile, op=NULL) {

  op <- default.list(op, c("add.CI", "alpha", "gene.list", "ci.digits"), 
                     list(1, 0.05, NULL, 4))

  fid    <- file(obs.outfile, "r")
  x1     <- scan(fid, what="character", sep=",", nlines=1)
  x2     <- scan(fid, what=double(0), sep=",", nlines=1)
  x3     <- scan(fid, what=double(0), sep=",", nlines=1)
  x4     <- scan(fid, what=double(0), sep=",", nlines=1)
  x5     <- scan(fid, what=double(0), sep=",", nlines=1)
  y.cont <- scan(fid, what=double(0), sep=",", nlines=1)
  x <- cbind(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
  rm(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)

  x <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  colnames(x) <- c("SNP", "Pvalue", "Pvalue.flag", "Beta", "SE")

  if (op$add.CI) {
    zcrit <- qnorm(1 - (op$alpha)/2)
    beta  <- as.numeric(x[, "Beta"])
    se    <- as.numeric(x[, "SE"])
    if (!y.cont) x[, "OR"] <- exp(beta)
    l <- beta - 1.96*se
    u <- beta + 1.96*se
    if (!y.cont) {
      l <- exp(l)
      u <- exp(u)
    l <- round(l, digits=op$ci.digits)
    u <- round(u, digits=op$ci.digits)
    x[, "CI"] <- paste("(", l, ", ", u, ")", sep="")

  # Append genes
  gene.list <- op[["gene.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(gene.list)) {
    gene.list <- default.list(gene.list, c("snp.var", "gene.var", "chrm.var"), 
                    list("SNP", "Gene", "Chr"))
    vars <- c(gene.list[["gene.var", exact=TRUE]], gene.list[["snp.var", exact=TRUE]])
    gene.list <- check.file.list(gene.list, op=list(exist=1, vars=vars))
    gene.list$return.cols <- 1
    cols <- getNcols(gene.list$file, gene.list)
    if (gene.list$chrm.var %in% cols) {
      chr <- gene.list$chrm.var
    } else {
      chr <- NULL
    gene.list$vars   <- c(gene.list$gene.var, chr)
    gene.list$id.var <- gene.list$snp.var
    x <- addColumn(x, "SNP", gene.list)


} # END: convert.obsfile

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