## Created 26Feb11 by Dan Putler
## Last modified on 02Sep14 by Dan Putler
## Data related items
create.samples <- function(x, est=0.34, val=0.33, rand.seed=1) {
if((est + val) > 1) stop("The estimation and validation samples exceed 100%.")
if(est < 0 | val < 0) stop("A negative sample size was provided.")
nEst <- round(est*nrow(x))
nVal <- round(val*nrow(x))
if((nEst + nVal) < nrow(x)) {
assignmnts <- c(rep("Estimation", nEst), rep("Validation", nVal),
rep("Holdout", (nrow(x) - nEst - nVal)))
else {
assignmnts <- c(rep("Estimation", nEst), rep("Validation", nVal))
randVar <- runif(nrow(x))
assignmnts <- assignmnts[order(randVar)]
variable.summary <- function(dframe) {
if(! stop("The object is not a data frame.")
Class <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(dframe), function(i) class(dframe[,i])))
NAs <- 100*(apply(dframe, 2, function(x) sum(as.numeric(
varNum <- 1:length(names(dframe))
Levels <- rep(NA, length(varNum))
Min.Level <- rep(NA, length(varNum))
Mean <- rep(NA, length(varNum))
SD <- rep(NA, length(varNum))
if(any(Class == "factor")) {
varNumFac <- varNum[Class=="factor"]
totLevel <- unlist(lapply(varNumFac,
function(i) length(summary(dframe[,i], maxsum=nrow(dframe)))))
minLevel <- unlist(lapply(varNumFac,
function(i) min(summary(dframe[,i], maxsum=nrow(dframe)))))
Levels <- rep(NA, length(varNum))
Levels[varNumFac] <- totLevel
Min.Level[varNumFac] <- minLevel
if(any(Class == "numeric") | any(Class == "integer")) {
varNumNum <- varNum[Class=="numeric" | Class=="integer"]
Means <- unlist(lapply(varNumNum,
function(i) mean(dframe[,i], na.rm=TRUE)))
Mean <- rep(NA, length(varNum))
Mean[varNumNum] <- Means
SDs <- unlist(lapply(varNumNum,
function(i) sd(dframe[,i], na.rm=TRUE)))
SD[varNumNum] <- SDs
outInfo <- data.frame(Class=Class, NAs=NAs, Levels=Levels,
Min.Level=Min.Level, Mean=Mean, SD=SD)
outInfo <- outInfo[order(outInfo$NAs),]
names(outInfo) <- c("Class", "%.NA", "Levels", "Min.Level.Size", "Mean",
relabel.factor <- function(x, new.labels, old.labels=levels(x)) {
if(!is.factor(x)) stop("The vector given is not a factor")
if(length(new.labels) != length(old.labels)) { stop(
"The number of new level labels must equal the original number of labels.")
xx <- rep(NA, length(x))
for(i in 1:length(old.labels)) {
xx[x == old.labels[i]] <- new.labels[i]
## Clustering
# 2D biplot
bpCent <- function(pc, clsAsgn, data.pts = TRUE, centroids = TRUE,
choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, var.axes = TRUE, col=palette()[1:2],
cex = rep(par("cex"), 2), xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, expand=1, xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL, arrow.len = 0.1, main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL, ...)
if(length(choices) != 2) stop("length of choices must be 2")
if(!length(scores <- pc$x))
stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no scores", deparse(substitute(x))),
domain = NA)
stop("biplots are not defined for complex PCA")
lam <- pc$sdev[choices]
n <- NROW(scores)
lam <- lam * sqrt(n)
if(scale < 0 || scale > 1) warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]")
if(scale != 0) lam <- lam^scale else lam <- 1
if(pc.biplot) lam <- lam / sqrt(n)
cntrs <- apply(data.frame(scores[, choices]), MARGIN=2,
function(x) tapply(x,as.factor(clsAsgn),mean))
x <- t(t(scores[, choices]) / lam)
cntrs <- t(t(cntrs) / lam)
y <- t(t(pc$rotation[, choices]) * lam)
n <- nrow(pc)
ncls <- nrow(cntrs)
p <- nrow(y)
if(missing(xlabs)) {
xlabs <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
if(is.null(xlabs)) xlabs <- 1:n
xlabs <- as.character(xlabs)
dimnames(x) <- list(xlabs, dimnames(x)[[2]])
if(missing(ylabs)) {
ylabs <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
if(is.null(ylabs)) ylabs <- paste("Var", 1:p)
ylabs <- as.character(ylabs)
dimnames(y) <- list(ylabs, dimnames(y)[[2]])
if(length(cex) == 1) cex <- c(cex, cex)
if(missing(col)) {
col <- par("col")
if (!is.numeric(col)) col <- match(col, palette(), nomatch=1)
col <- c(col, col + 1)
else if(length(col) == 1) col <- c(col, col)
else col <- col
unsigned.range <- function(x) c(-abs(min(x)), abs(max(x)))
rangx1 <- unsigned.range(x[, 1])
rangx2 <- unsigned.range(x[, 2])
rangy1 <- unsigned.range(y[, 1])
rangy2 <- unsigned.range(y[, 2])
if(missing(xlim) && missing(ylim))
xlim <- ylim <- rangx1 <- rangx2 <- range(rangx1, rangx2)
else if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- rangx1
else if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- rangx2
ratio <- max(rangy1/rangx1, rangy2/rangx2)/expand
op <- par(pty = "s")
op <- c(op, par(mar = par("mar")+c(0,0,1,0)))
plot(x, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = col[1],
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, sub = sub, main = main, ...)
if(data.pts) text(x, xlabs, cex = cex[1], col = col[1], ...)
if(centroids) text(cntrs, as.character(1:ncls), col="blue", cex=1.5)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(y, axes = FALSE, type = "n", xlim = xlim*ratio, ylim = ylim*ratio,
xlab = "", ylab = "", col = col[1], ...)
axis(3, col = col[2])
axis(4, col = col[2])
box(col = col[1])
text(y, labels=ylabs, cex = cex[2], col = "red", ...)
arrows(0, 0, y[,1] * 0.8, y[,2] * 0.8, col = "red", length=arrow.len)
# 3D biplot
bpCent3d <- function(pc, clsAsgn, data.pts = TRUE, centroids = TRUE,
choices = 1:3, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, var.axes = TRUE,
col.score = "black", col.cntrs = "blue", col.load = "red",
xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, dim.lab = NULL, fov = 60)
if (requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) {
if(length(choices) != 3) stop("length of choices must be 2")
if(!length(scores <- pc$x))
stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no scores", deparse(substitute(x))),
domain = NA)
stop("biplots are not defined for complex PCA")
lam <- pc$sdev[choices]
n <- NROW(scores)
lam <- lam * sqrt(n)
if(scale < 0 || scale > 1) warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]")
if(scale != 0) lam <- lam^scale else lam <- 1
if(pc.biplot) lam <- lam / sqrt(n)
dim.lab <- paste("PC", choices, sep="")
use.rgl <- options("Rcmdr")[[1]]$use.rgl
if(length(use.rgl) == 0 || use.rgl) require(rgl)
cntrs <- apply(data.frame(scores[, choices]), MARGIN=2,
function(x) tapply(x,as.factor(clsAsgn),mean))
x <- t(t(scores[, choices]) / lam)
cntrs <- t(t(cntrs) / lam)
y <- t(t(pc$rotation[, choices]) * lam)
n <- nrow(pc)
ncls <- nrow(cntrs)
p <- nrow(y)
if(missing(xlabs)) {
xlabs <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
if(is.null(xlabs)) xlabs <- 1:n
xlabs <- as.character(xlabs)
dimnames(x) <- list(xlabs, dimnames(x)[[2]])
if(missing(ylabs)) {
ylabs <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
if(is.null(ylabs)) ylabs <- paste("Var", 1:p)
ylabs <- as.character(ylabs)
dimnames(y) <- list(ylabs, dimnames(y)[[2]])
unsigned.range <- function(x) c(-abs(min(x)), abs(max(x)))
rangx1 <- unsigned.range(x[, 1])
rangx2 <- unsigned.range(x[, 2])
rangx3 <- unsigned.range(x[, 3])
rangy1 <- unsigned.range(y[, 1])
rangy2 <- unsigned.range(y[, 2])
rangy3 <- unsigned.range(y[, 3])
ratio <- max(rangy1/rangx1, rangy2/rangx2, rangy3/rangx2)
rangy1 <- rangy1/ratio
rangy2 <- rangy2/ratio
rangy3 <- rangy3/ratio
rangx <- c(min(rangx1[1], rangy1[1]), max(rangx1[2], rangy1[2]))
rangy <- c(min(rangx2[1], rangy2[1]), max(rangx2[2], rangy2[2]))
rangz <- c(min(rangx3[1], rangy3[1]), max(rangx3[2], rangy3[2]))
if (missing(xlim) && missing(ylim) && missing(zlim))
xlim <- ylim <- zlim <- range(rangx, rangy, rangz)
else if (missing(xlim) && missing(ylim))
xlim <- ylim <- range(rangx, rangy)
else if (missing(xlim) && missing(zlim))
xlim <- zlim <- range(rangx, rangz)
else if (missing(ylim) && missing(zlim))
ylim <- zlim <- range(rangy, rangz)
else if (missing(xlim))
xlim <- rangx
else if (missing(ylim))
ylim <- rangy
else if (missing(zlim))
zlim <- rangz
cMin <- min(xlim, ylim, zlim)
rgl::rgl.lines(c(cMin,rangx[2]), c(cMin,cMin), c(cMin,cMin), color="black")
rgl::rgl.lines(c(cMin,cMin), c(cMin,rangy[2]), c(cMin,cMin), color="black")
rgl::rgl.lines(c(cMin,cMin), c(cMin,cMin), c(cMin,rangz[2]), color="black")
if(!is.null(dim.lab)) {
rgl::rgl.texts(rangx[2], cMin, cMin, dim.lab[1], adj = 1, color = "black")
rgl::rgl.texts(cMin, rangy[2], cMin, dim.lab[2], adj = 1, color = "black")
rgl::rgl.texts(cMin, cMin, rangz[2], dim.lab[3], adj = 1, color = "black")
if(data.pts) rgl::texts3d(x[,1], x[,2], x[,3], texts = xlabs, color= col.score)
if(centroids) rgl::texts3d(cntrs[,1], cntrs[,2], cntrs[,3],
texts = as.character(1:ncls), color = col.cntrs)
if (var.axes) {
zrs <- rep(0, nrow(y))
for(i in 1:nrow(y)) {
rgl::lines3d(c(0,y[i,1]/ratio), c(0,y[i,2]/ratio), c(0,y[i,3]/ratio),
color = "red")
rgl::texts3d(1.05*y[,1]/ratio, 1.05*y[,2]/ratio, 1.05*y[,3]/ratio, texts = ylabs,
color = "red")
} else {
stop("The needed rgl package is not available.")
# The SD Index plot functions for k-means
SD.clv <- function(x, clus, alpha) {
if(! x <-
scatt <- clv.Scatt(x, clus)
dis <- clv.Dis(scatt$
SD <- clv.SD(scatt$Scatt, dis, alfa=alpha)
SDIndex <- function(x, minClust, maxClust, iter.max=10, num.seeds=10) {
if(minClust < 2) stop("The minimum number of clusters must be two or more")
cluster.vec <- as.integer(seq(minClust, maxClust, by=1))
maxClus <- KMeans(x, centers=maxClust, iter.max=iter.max,
maxScatt <- clv.Scatt(x, maxClus)
maxDis <- clv.Dis(maxScatt$
SD_Index <- rep(NA,length(cluster.vec))
for(i in 1:length(cluster.vec)) {
kmeansClus <- KMeans(x, centers=cluster.vec[i], iter.max=iter.max,
SD_Index[i] <- SD.clv(x, kmeansClus, maxDis)
plot(cluster.vec, SD_Index, type="l", col=palette()[1], lwd=2,
main= "K-Means SD Index for Different Numbers of Clusters" ,
xlab="Number of Clusters",
ylab="SD Index Value")
# The cluster diagnostic functions for K-Centroids clustering
# This function calculates the Calinski-Harabas index for all solutions
# contained in a bootFlexclust object. It does it for each Rand test paired
# comparison, so 100 bootstrap replicates of the Rand index will result in 200
# Calinski-Harabase index values. This code borrows from the function index.G1
# of Marek Walesiak and Andrzej Dudek's clusterSim package in terms of
# implementing the sum of squares components
bootCH <- function(xdat, k_vals, clstr1, clstr2, cntrs1, cntrs2,
method = c("kmn", "kmd", "neuralgas")) {
method = match.arg(method)
if(method == "kmd") all_centers <- apply(xdat, 2, median)
else all_centers <- apply(xdat, 2, mean)
all_dif <- sweep(xdat, 2, all_centers,"-")
tss <- sum(all_dif^2)
n_solu <- dim(clstr1)[2] # total number of cluster solutions considered
nboot <- dim(clstr1)[3]
n_obs <- dim(clstr1)[1]
ch_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=2*nboot, ncol=n_solu)
for(k_ind in 1:n_solu) {
cent_array1 <- cntrs1[[k_ind]]
cent_array2 <- cntrs2[[k_ind]]
cls_asgn_m1 <- clstr1[,k_ind,]
cls_asgn_m2 <- clstr2[,k_ind,]
k <- k_vals[k_ind]
ch_reps1 <- rep(NA, nboot)
ch_reps2 <- rep(NA, nboot)
for(b_ind in 1:nboot) {
clus1 <- cls_asgn_m1[,b_ind]
clus2 <- cls_asgn_m2[,b_ind]
centrds1 <- cent_array1[,,b_ind]
centrds2 <- cent_array2[,,b_ind]
wss1a <- (xdat - centrds1[clus1,])^2
wss2a <- (xdat - centrds2[clus2,])^2
wss1 <- 0
wss2 <- 0
for(m in 1:k) {
wss1 <- wss1 + sum(wss1a[clus1 == m,])
wss2 <- wss2 + sum(wss2a[clus2 == m,])
bss1 <- tss - wss1
bss2 <- tss - wss2
ch_reps1[b_ind] <- ((n_obs - k)/(k - 1))*(bss1/wss1)
ch_reps2[b_ind] <- ((n_obs - k)/(k - 1))*(bss2/wss2)
ch_mat[,k_ind] <- c(ch_reps1, ch_reps2)
dimnames(ch_mat)[[2]] <- as.character(k_vals)
# A function to produce the diagnostic plots for a bootFlexclust object
bootPlot <- function(fc, ch, col1="blue", col2="green") {
if(class(fc) != "bootFlexclust") {
stop("An object of class bootFlexclust was not provided")
if(class(ch) != "ch_index") {
stop("An object of class ch_index was not provided")
omfrow <- par()$mfrow
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
boxplot(fc@rand, main=paste("Adj Rand Index for", ch$data, "using",
ch$method), xlab="Number of Clusters", ylab="Adjusted Rand", col=col1)
boxplot(ch, main=paste("C-H Index for", ch$data, "using", ch$method),
xlab="Number of Clusters", ylab="Calinski-Harabas", col=col2)
par(mfrow = omfrow)
# A function needed as a workaround for Rcmdr namespace issues, really a
# wrapper for bootFlexclust, bootCH, and bootPlot that enables a single call
# to be made in RcmdrPlugin.BCA
bootCVD <- function(x, k, nboot=100, nrep=1, method = c("kmn", "kmd", "neuralgas"),
col1, col2, dsname) {
method = match.arg(method)
if(method == "kmn") {
bfc <- bootFlexclust(x=x, k=k, nboot=nboot, nrep=nrep, FUN = cclust,
dist = "euclidean", method = "kmeans")
the_method <- "K-Means"
else if(method == "kmd") {
bfc <- bootFlexclust(x=x, k=k, nboot=nboot, nrep=nrep, FUN = kcca,
family = kccaFamily("kmedians"))
the_method <- "K-Medians"
else {
bfc <- bootFlexclust(x=x, k=k, nboot=nboot, nrep=nrep, FUN = cclust,
dist = "euclidean", method = "neuralgas")
the_method <- "Neural Gas"
cat("\nSummary of Rand Indices:\n")
ch <- bootCH(x, k, bfc@cluster1, bfc@cluster2, bfc@centers1, bfc@centers2, method)
cat("\nSummary of Calinski-Harabas Indices:\n")
omfrow <- par()$mfrow
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
boxplot(bfc@rand, main=paste("Adj Rand Index for", dsname, "using", the_method),
xlab="Number of Clusters", ylab="Adjusted Rand", col=col1)
boxplot(ch, main=paste("C-H Index for", dsname, "using", the_method),
xlab="Number of Clusters", ylab="Calinski-Harabas", col=col2)
par(mfrow = omfrow)
## Lift charts and scoring
lift.chart <- function(modelList, data, targLevel, trueResp, type="cumulative",
sub="") {
if(type != "cumulative" & type != "incremental") {
stop("An improper lift chart type is specified.")
data <- data[order(runif(nrow(data))), ]
yvar1 <- rep(NA, length(modelList))
modAvail <- rep(NA, length(modelList))
probVar <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(modelList)) {
mod <- eval(parse(text=modelList[i]))
modtype <- class(mod)[1]
if(modtype != "glm" & modtype != "rpart" & modtype != "nnet.formula") {
stop("Models can only be estimated using glm, rpart, or nnet.")
yvar1[i] <- as.character(mod$call$formula)[2]
xvars <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(mod$call$formula)[3]," + ",
if(!all(xvars %in% names(data))) {
probVar <- c(probVar, xvars[!(xvars %in% names(data))])
modAvail[i] <- FALSE
else {
modAvail[i] <- TRUE
if(any(yvar1!=yvar1[1])) {
stop("Not all the models have the same dependent variable")
yvar2 <- data[[yvar1[1]]]
if(!is.factor(yvar2)) {
stop("The y variable must be a two-level factor.")
if(length(levels(yvar2)) != 2) {
stop("The y variable must be a two-level factor.")
if(!any(as.character(yvar2) == targLevel)) {
stop(paste('None of the levels of the response variable is "', targLevel,
'".', sep=""))
yvar <- as.numeric(yvar2 == targLevel)
sampResp <- sum(yvar)/length(yvar)
if(length(probVar)>0) {
probVar <- unique(probVar)
probModel <- modelList[!modAvail]
warnString <- paste("The models", paste(probModel, collapse=", "),
"are not in the lift chart because the variables",
paste(probVar, collapse=", "), "are not available.")
#warning(warnString, call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
Message(message=gettextRcmdr(warnString), type="warning")
modelList <- modelList[modAvail]
if(length(modelList)==0) {
"All models are missing at least one of the variables: ",
paste(probVar, collapse=", "), ".", sep="")), type="error")
sampWt <- (sampResp*(1 - trueResp))/(trueResp*(1 - sampResp))
nmodels <- length(modelList) # new
colr <- rep(palette(), ceiling(nmodels/length(palette()))) # new
if(type == "cumulative") {
plot(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), main=
"Weighted Cumulative Response Captured", sub=sub, xlab="Sample Proportion",
ylab="Percent of Total Response Captured", type="l", lwd=2, xaxs="i",
for(i in 1:nmodels) {
model1 <- eval(parse(text=modelList[i]))
modtype <- class(model1)[1]
model <- eval(model1$call)
if(modtype == "glm" | modtype == "nnet.formula") {
if(levels(yvar2)[1] == targLevel) {
var1 <- yvar[order(predict(model, newdata = data),
decreasing = FALSE)]
else {
var1 <- yvar[order(predict(model, newdata = data),
decreasing = TRUE)]
else {
var1 <- yvar[order(as.vector(predict(
model, newdata = data)[ , targLevel]), decreasing = TRUE)]
var.ind1 <- rep(1, length(var1))
var.ind1[var1 == 0] <- sampWt
var.ind <- cut(cumsum(var.ind1)/sum(var.ind1), seq(0, 1, 0.1),
include.lowest = TRUE)
var2 <- as.vector(by(var1, var.ind, sum))
lines(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), cumsum(var2)/sum(var2), col = colr[i], lwd = 2)
points(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), cumsum(var2)/sum(var2), col = colr[i], pch=i)
legend("bottomright", legend=modelList, col=colr[1:nmodels],
pch=1:length(modelList), lty=1, lwd=2)
else {
resp.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=10, ncol=length(modelList))
for(i in 1:nmodels) {
model1 <- eval(parse(text=modelList[i]))
modtype <- class(model1)[1]
model <- eval(model1$call)
if(modtype == "glm" | modtype == "nnet.formula") {
if(levels(yvar2)[1] == targLevel) {
var1 <- yvar[order(predict(model, newdata = data),
decreasing = FALSE)]
else {
var1 <- yvar[order(predict(model, newdata = data),
decreasing = TRUE)]
else {
var1 <- yvar[order(as.vector(predict(
model, newdata = data)[ , targLevel]), decreasing = TRUE)]
var.ind1 <- rep(1, length(var1))
var.ind1[var1 == 0] <- sampWt
var.ind <- cut(cumsum(var.ind1)/sum(var.ind1), seq(0, 1, 0.1),
include.lowest = TRUE)
var2 <- as.vector(by(var1, var.ind, sum))
var3 <- as.vector(by(var.ind1, var.ind, sum))
resp.matrix[, i] <- var2/var3
max.resp <- max(resp.matrix)
plot(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), seq(0, max.resp, length=10), type="n", main=
"Weighted Incremental Response Rate", sub=sub, xlab="Sample Percentile",
ylab="Resposne Rate", lwd=2, xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
lines(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), rep(trueResp, 10), lwd=2)
for(j in 1:nmodels) {
lines(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), as.vector(resp.matrix[, j]), col=colr[j], lwd=2)
points(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), as.vector(resp.matrix[, j]), col=colr[j], pch=j)
pch=1:nmodels, lty=1, lwd=2)
rankScore <- function(model, data, targLevel) {
mod <- eval(parse(text=model))
modtype <- class(mod)[1]
if(modtype != "glm" & modtype != "rpart" & modtype != "nnet.formula") {
stop("Scoring can only be done for models estimated using glm, rpart, or nnet.")
yvar <- as.character(mod$call$formula)[2]
origYs <- eval(parse(text=paste("unique(", ActiveDataSet(), "$", yvar, ")")))
origYs <- as.character(origYs)
origYs <- origYs[order(origYs)]
xvars <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(mod$call$formula)[3]," + ",
if(!all(xvars %in% names(data))) {
probVar <- c(xvars[!(xvars %in% names(data))])
stop(paste("The model variables", paste(probVar, collapse=", "),
"are not in the data set."))
modelReDo <- eval(mod$call)
if(modtype == "glm" | modtype == "nnet.formula") {
if(origYs[1] == targLevel) {
scoreVar1 <- -1 * predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)
else {
scoreVar1 <- predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)
else {
scoreVar1 <- predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)[ , targLevel]
score.df <- data.frame(scoreVar = 1:nrow(data),
oldOrd=order(scoreVar1, decreasing=TRUE))
score.df <- score.df[order(score.df$oldOrd),]
scoreVar <- score.df$scoreVar
rawProbScore <- function(model, data, targLevel) {
mod <- eval(parse(text=model))
modtype <- class(mod)[1]
if(modtype != "glm" & modtype != "rpart" & modtype != "nnet.formula") {
stop("Scoring can only be done for models estimated using glm, rpart, or nnet.")
yvar <- as.character(mod$call$formula)[2]
origYs <- eval(parse(text=paste("unique(", ActiveDataSet(), "$", yvar, ")")))
origYs <- as.character(origYs)
origYs <- origYs[order(origYs)]
xvars <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(mod$call$formula)[3]," + ",
if(!all(xvars %in% names(data))) {
probVar <- c(xvars[!(xvars %in% names(data))])
stop(paste("The model variables", paste(probVar, collapse=", "),
"are not in the data set."))
modelReDo <- eval(mod$call)
if(modtype == "glm" | modtype == "nnet.formula") {
if(origYs[1] == targLevel) {
scoreVar1 <- -1 * predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)
else {
scoreVar1 <- predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)
else {
scoreVar1 <- predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)[ , targLevel]
if(modtype == "glm") {
scoreVar <- exp(scoreVar1)/(exp(scoreVar1) + 1)
else {
scoreVar <- scoreVar1
adjProbScore <- function(model, data, targLevel, trueResp) {
mod <- eval(parse(text=model))
modtype <- class(mod)[1]
if(modtype != "glm" & modtype != "rpart" & modtype != "nnet.formula") {
stop("Scoring can only be done for models estimated using glm, rpart, or nnet.")
yvar <- as.character(mod$call$formula)[2]
yvar1 <- eval(parse(text=paste("as.character(", ActiveDataSet(), "$", yvar, ")")))
yvar2 <- as.numeric(yvar1 == targLevel)
sampResp <- sum(yvar2)/length(yvar2)
adjWt <- trueResp/sampResp
origYs <- eval(parse(text=paste("unique(", ActiveDataSet(), "$", yvar, ")")))
origYs <- as.character(origYs)
origYs <- origYs[order(origYs)]
xvars <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(mod$call$formula)[3]," + ",
if(!all(xvars %in% names(data))) {
probVar <- c(xvars[!(xvars %in% names(data))])
stop(paste("The model variables", paste(probVar, collapse=", "),
"are not in the data set."))
modelReDo <- eval(mod$call)
if(modtype == "glm" | modtype == "nnet.formula") {
if(origYs[1] == targLevel) {
scoreVar1 <- -1 * predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)
else {
scoreVar1 <- predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)
else {
scoreVar1 <- predict(modelReDo, newdata = data)[ , targLevel]
if(modtype == "glm") {
scoreVar <- adjWt*(exp(scoreVar1)/(exp(scoreVar1) + 1))
else {
scoreVar <- adjWt*scoreVar1
## The altered scatter plot functions
# fancy scatterplots (J. Fox)
# 2010-09-05: J. Fox: changed color choice
# 2010-09-16: fixed point color when col is length 1
# 2010-12-19: J. Fox: added argument legend.coords to place legend.
# 2011-01-15: J. Fox: If x is a factor, calls Boxplot()
# 2011-02-24: Dan Putler: Altered color choice for the LS line
scatterplotBCA <- function(x, ...){
UseMethod("scatterplotBCA", x)
scatterplotBCA.formula <- function (x, data, subset, xlab, ylab, legend.title, legend.coords, labels, ...) { <- options(na.action=na.omit)
na.pass <- function(dframe) dframe
m <-
if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, sys.frame(sys.parent()))))
m$data <-
m$na.action <- na.pass
m$legend.coords <- m$legend.title <- m$labels <- m$xlab <- m$ylab <- m$... <- NULL
m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
if (!inherits(x, "formula") | length(x) != 3)
stop("invalid formula")
x <- as.character(c(x))
x <- as.formula(sub("\\|", "+", x))
m$formula <- x
if (missing(data)){
X <- na.omit(eval(m, parent.frame()))
if (missing(labels)) labels <- gsub("X", "", row.names(X))
if (!missing(labels)) row.names(data) <- labels
X <- eval(m, parent.frame())
labels <- row.names(X)
names <- names(X)
if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- names[2]
if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- names[1]
if (ncol(X) == 2) scatterplotBCA(X[,2], X[,1], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
labels=labels, ...)
else {
if (missing(legend.title)) legend.title <- names[3]
scatterplotBCA(X[,2], X[,1], groups=X[,3], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
legend.title=legend.title, legend.coords=legend.coords, labels=labels, ...)
scatterplotBCA.default <- function(x, y, smooth=TRUE, spread=!by.groups, span=.5, loess.threshold=2, reg.line=lm,
boxplots=if (by.groups) "" else "xy",
xlab=deparse(substitute(x)), ylab=deparse(substitute(y)), las=par("las"),
lwd=2, lwd.smooth=lwd, lwd.spread=lwd, lty=1, lty.smooth=lty, lty.spread=2,
labels, id.method = "mahal",
id.n = if(id.method[1]=="identify") length(x) else 0,
id.cex = 1, id.col = palette()[1],
log="", jitter=list(), xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL,
cex=par("cex"), cex.axis=par("cex.axis"), cex.lab=par("cex.lab"),
cex.main=par("cex.main"), cex.sub=par("cex.sub"),
groups, by.groups=!missing(groups), legend.title=deparse(substitute(groups)), legend.coords,
ellipse=FALSE, levels=c(.5, .95), robust=TRUE,
col=if (n.groups == 1) palette()[c(2,1,3)] else rep(palette(), length=n.groups),
legend.plot=!missing(groups), reset.par=TRUE, grid=TRUE, ...){
logged <- function(axis=c("x", "y")){
axis <- match.arg(axis)
0 != length(grep(axis, log))
err <- ""
lowess.line <- function(x, y, col, span) {
if (logged("x")) x <- log(x)
if (logged("y")) y <- log(y)
valid <- complete.cases(x, y)
x <- x[valid]
y <- y[valid]
ord <- order(x)
x <- x[ord]
y <- y[ord]
# if (length(unique(x)) < lowess.threshold || length(unique(y)) < lowess.threshold) return()
if (length(unique(y)) < loess.threshold) return()
warn <- options(warn=-1)
if (!spread){
fit <- try(loess.smooth(x, y, span=span), silent=TRUE)
if (class(fit) == "try-error"){
err <<- c(err, "smooth")
x <-if (logged("x")) exp(fit$x) else fit$x
y <-if (logged("y")) exp(fit$y) else fit$y
lines(x, y, lwd=lwd.smooth, col=col, lty=lty.smooth)
fit <- try(loess(y ~ x, degree=1, family="symmetric", span=span), silent=TRUE)
if (class(fit) == "try-error"){
err <<- c(err, "smooth")
res <- residuals(fit)
pos <- res > 0 <- try(loess(res^2 ~ x, span=span, degree=0, family="gaussian", subset=pos), silent=TRUE) <- try(loess(res^2 ~ x, span=span, degree=0, family="gaussian", subset=!pos), silent=TRUE)
if (class( == "try-error" || class( == "try.error"){
err <<- c(err, "spread")
if (logged("x")) x <- exp(x)
y <- if (logged("y")) exp(fitted(fit)) else fitted(fit)
lines(x, y, lwd=lwd.smooth, col=col, lty=lty.smooth)
y.pos <- if (logged("y")) exp(fitted(fit)[pos] + sqrt(fitted(
else fitted(fit)[pos] + sqrt(fitted(
lines(x[pos], y.pos, lwd=lwd.spread, lty=lty.spread, col=col)
y.neg <- if (logged("y")) exp(fitted(fit)[!pos] - sqrt(fitted(
else fitted(fit)[!pos] - sqrt(fitted(
lines(x[!pos], y.neg, lwd=lwd.spread, lty=lty.spread, col=col)
reg <- function(x, y, col){
if (logged("x")) x <- log(x)
if (logged("y")) y <- log(y)
mod <- reg.line(y ~ x)
y.hat <- fitted.values(mod)
x <- model.matrix(mod)[, 2]
min <- which.min(x)
max <- which.max(x)
if (!logged("x")){
x1 <- x[min]
x2 <- x[max]
else {
x1 <- exp(x[min])
x2 <- exp(x[max])
if (!logged("y")){
y1 <- y.hat[min]
y2 <- y.hat[max]
else {
y1 <- exp(y.hat[min])
y2 <- exp(y.hat[max])
lines(c(x1, x2), c(y1, y2), lwd=lwd, col=col, lty=lty)
hbox <- function(x){
if (logged("x")){
log.x <- "x"
.x <- log(x)
else {
log.x <- ""
.x <- x
plot(x, seq(0, 1, length=length(x)), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", log=log.x, xlim=xlim)
res <- boxplot.stats(.x, coef = 1.5, do.conf=FALSE)
if (logged("x")){
res$stats <- exp(res$stats)
if (!is.null(res$out)) res$out <- exp(res$out)
LW <- res$stats[1]
Q1 <- res$stats[2]
M <- res$stats[3]
Q3 <- res$stats[4]
UW <- res$stats[5]
lines(c(Q1, Q1, Q3, Q3, Q1), c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0))
lines(c(M, M), c(0, 1))
lines(c(LW, Q1), c(.5, .5))
lines(c(Q3, UW), c(.5, .5))
if (!is.null(res$out)) points(res$out, rep(.5, length(res$out)), cex=cex)
vbox <- function(y){
if (logged("y")){
log.y <- "y"
.y <- log(y)
else {
log.y <- ""
.y <- y
plot(seq(0, 1, length=length(y)), y, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", log=log.y, ylim=ylim)
res <- boxplot.stats(.y, coef = 1.5, do.conf=FALSE)
if (logged("y")){
res$stats <- exp(res$stats)
if (!is.null(res$out)) res$out <- exp(res$out)
LW <- res$stats[1]
Q1 <- res$stats[2]
M <- res$stats[3]
Q3 <- res$stats[4]
UW <- res$stats[5]
lines(c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0), c(Q1, Q1, Q3, Q3, Q1))
lines(c(0, 1), c(M, M))
lines(c(.5, .5), c(LW, Q1))
lines(c(.5, .5), c(Q3, UW))
if (!is.null(res$out)) points(rep(.5, length(res$out)), res$out, cex=cex)
# force evaluation of some arguments
if (missing(labels)){
labels <- if (is.null(names(y)))
else names(y)
if (length(labels) != length(y)) stop("labels argument is the wrong length")
if (is.factor(x)) {
if (!(id.method %in% c("y", "identify", "none"))) id.method <- "y"
return(Boxplot(y, x, id.method="y", labels=labels, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab))
mar <- par("mar")
mfcol <- par("mfcol")
if (reset.par) on.exit(par(mar=mar, mfcol=mfcol))
if( FALSE == boxplots) boxplots <- ""
if (!missing(groups)){
data <- na.omit(data.frame(groups, x, y, labels, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
groups <- data[,1]
if (!is.factor(groups)) groups <- as.factor(groups)
.x <- data[,2]
.y <- data[,3]
labels <- data[,4]
top <- if (legend.plot && missing(legend.coords))
# 4 + length(levels(as.factor(groups))) else mar[3]
4 + nlevels(groups) else mar[3]
else {
.x <- x
.y <- y
top <- mar[3]
groups <- factor(rep(1, length(.x)))
xbox <- length(grep("x", boxplots)) > 0
ybox <- length(grep("y", boxplots)) > 0
# groups <- as.factor(if(missing(groups)) rep(1, length(.x)) else as.character(groups))
if (xbox && ybox)
layout(matrix(c(1, 0, 3, 2), 2, 2),
widths = c(5, 95),
heights= c(95, 5))
else if (ybox)
layout(matrix(c(1, 2),1, 2),
widths = c(5, 95),
heights= 100)
else if (xbox)
layout(matrix(c(2, 1), 2, 1),
widths = 100,
heights= c(95, 5))
else layout (matrix(1, 1, 1),
widths=100, heights=100)
par(mar=c(mar[1], 0, top, 0))
if (ybox > 0) vbox(.y)
# else plot(0, 0, xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE, type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
par(mar=c(0, mar[2], 0, mar[4]))
if (xbox > 0) hbox(.x)
# else plot(0, 0, xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE, type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
par(mar=c(mar[1:2], top, mar[4]))
plot(.x, .y, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, las=las, log=log, cex=cex, cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.lab=cex.lab,
cex.main=cex.main, cex.sub=cex.sub, type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)
grid(lty=1, equilogs=FALSE)
n.groups <- length(levels(groups))
if (n.groups > length(col)) stop("number of groups exceeds number of available colors")
if (length(col) == 1) col <- rep(col, 2)
indices <- NULL
range.x <- if (logged("x")) range(log(.x), na.rm=TRUE) else range(.x, na.rm=TRUE)
for (i in 1:n.groups){
subs <- groups == levels(groups)[i]
points(if (is.null(jitter$x) || jitter$x == 0) .x[subs] else jitter(.x[subs], factor=jitter$x),
if (is.null(jitter$y) || jitter$y == 0) .y[subs] else jitter(.y[subs], factor=jitter$y),
pch=pch[i], col=col[if (n.groups == 1) 2 else i], cex=cex)
if (by.groups){
if (smooth) lowess.line(.x[subs], .y[subs], col=col[i], span=span)
if (is.function(reg.line)) reg(.x[subs], .y[subs], col=col[i])
if (ellipse) {
X <- na.omit(data.frame(x=.x[subs], y=.y[subs]))
if (logged("x")) X$x <- log(x)
if (logged("y")) X$y <- log(y)
with(X, dataEllipse(x, y, plot.points=FALSE, lwd=1, log=log,
levels=levels, col=col[i], robust=robust))
if (id.method[1] != "identify") indices <- c(indices,
showLabels(.x[subs], .y[subs], labels=labels[subs], id.method=id.method,
id.n=id.n, id.cex=id.cex, id.col=col[i]))
if (!by.groups){
if (smooth) lowess.line(.x, .y, col=col[1], span=span)
if (is.function(reg.line)) reg(.x, .y, col=col[3])
if (ellipse) {
X <- na.omit(data.frame(x=.x, y=.y))
if (logged("x")) X$x <- log(X$x)
if (logged("y")) X$y <- log(X$y)
with(X, dataEllipse(x, y, plot.points=FALSE, lwd=1, log=log, levels=levels, col=col[1],
if (id.method[1] != "identify") indices <- showLabels(
.x, .y, labels=labels,
id.method=id.method, id.n=id.n, id.cex=id.cex, id.col=id.col)
if (legend.plot) {
xpd <- par(xpd=TRUE)
on.exit(par(xpd=xpd), add=TRUE)
usr <- par("usr")
if (missing(legend.coords)){
legend.x <- if (logged("x")) 10^(usr[1]) else usr[1]
legend.y <- if (logged("y")) 10^(usr[4] + 1.2*top*strheight("x")) else usr[4] + 1.2*top*strheight("x")
legend.coords <- list(x=legend.x, y=legend.y)
legend(legend.coords, legend=levels(groups),
pch=pch, col=col[1:n.groups], pt.cex=cex, cex=cex.lab, title=legend.title, bg="white")
if ("smooth" %in% err) warning("could not fit smooth")
if ("spread" %in% err) warning("could not smooth spread")
if (id.method[1] == "identify") indices <- showLabels(.x, .y, labels,
id.method=id.method, id.n=length(.x), id.cex=id.cex, id.col=id.col)
if (is.null(indices)) invisible(indices) else if (is.numeric(indices)) sort(indices) else indices
spBCA <- function(...) scatterplotBCA(...)
# fancy scatterplot matrices (J. Fox)
# 2010-09-04: J. Fox: changed color choice
# 2010-09-16: fixed point color when col is length 1
# 2011-02-25: Dan Putler: added a new color for the LS line
scatterplotMatrixBCA <- function(x, ...){
scatterplotMatrixBCA.formula <- function (x, data=NULL, subset, labels, ...) {
m <- = FALSE)
if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, sys.frame(sys.parent()))))
m$data <-
m$labels <- m$formula <- m$... <- NULL
m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
if (!inherits(x, "formula") | length(x) != 2)
stop("invalid formula")
rhs <- x[[2]]
if ("|" != deparse(rhs[[1]])){
groups <- FALSE
groups <- TRUE
x<-as.formula(sub("\\|", "+", x))
m$formula <-x
if (missing(data)){
X <- na.omit(eval(m, parent.frame()))
if (missing(labels)) labels <- gsub("X", "", row.names(X))
if (!missing(labels)) row.names(data) <- labels
X <- eval(m, parent.frame())
labels <- row.names(X)
if (!groups) scatterplotMatrixBCA(X, labels=labels, ...)
scatterplotMatrixBCA.default(X[, -ncol], groups=X[, ncol], labels=labels, ...)
scatterplotMatrixBCA.default <- function(x, var.labels=colnames(x),
diagonal=c("density", "boxplot", "histogram", "oned", "qqplot", "none"), adjust=1, nclass,
# plot.points=TRUE, smooth=TRUE, spread=smooth && !by.groups, span=.5, loess.threshold=5, reg.line=lm,
plot.points=TRUE, smooth=TRUE, spread=smooth && !by.groups, span=.5, loess.threshold=2, reg.line=lm,
transform=FALSE, family=c("bcPower", "yjPower"),
ellipse=FALSE, levels=c(.5, .95), robust=TRUE,
groups=NULL, by.groups=FALSE,
labels, id.method="mahal", id.n=0, id.cex=1, id.col=palette()[1],
# col=if (n.groups == 1) palette()[2:1] else rep(palette(), length=n.groups),
col=if (n.groups == 1) palette()[c(2,1,3)] else rep(palette(), length=n.groups),
pch=1:n.groups, lwd=2, lwd.smooth=lwd, lwd.spread=lwd, lty=1, lty.smooth=lty, lty.spread=2,
cex=par("cex"), cex.axis=par("cex.axis"), cex.labels=NULL,
legend.plot=length(levels(groups)) > 1, row1attop=TRUE, ...){
spread # force evaluation
if (id.method == "identify") stop("interactive point identification not permitted")
family <- match.arg(family)
err <- ""
lowess.line <- function(x, y, col, span) {
warn <- options(warn=-1)
valid <- complete.cases(x, y)
x <- x[valid]
y <- y[valid]
ord <- order(x)
x <- x[ord]
y <- y[ord]
# if (length(unique(x)) < lowess.threshold || length(unique(y)) < lowess.threshold) return()
if (length(unique(y)) < loess.threshold) return()
if (!spread){
fit <- try(loess.smooth(x, y, span=span), silent=TRUE)
if (class(fit) == "try-error"){
err <<- c(err, "smooth")
lines(fit$x, fit$y, lty=lty.smooth, lwd=lwd.smooth, col=col)
fit <- try(loess(y ~ x, degree=1, family="symmetric", span=span), silent=TRUE)
if (class(fit) == "try-error"){
err <<- c(err, "smooth")
res <- residuals(fit)
pos <- res > 0 <- try(loess(res^2 ~ x, span=span, degree=0, family="gaussian", subset=pos), silent=TRUE) <- try(loess(res^2 ~ x, span=span, degree=0, family="gaussian", subset=!pos), silent=TRUE)
if (class( == "try-error" || class( == "try-error"){
err <<- c(err, "spread")
lines(x, fitted(fit), lty=lty.smooth, lwd=lwd.smooth, col=col)
y.pos <- fitted(fit)[pos] + sqrt(fitted(
lines(x[pos], y.pos, lty=lty.spread, lwd=lwd.spread, col=col)
y.neg <- fitted(fit)[!pos] - sqrt(fitted(
lines(x[!pos], y.neg, lty=lty.spread, lwd=lwd.spread, col=col)
if (missing(labels)){
labels <- rownames(x)
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- as.character(seq(length.out=nrow(x)))
if (!(missing(groups))){
x <- na.omit(data.frame(groups, labels, x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
# groups <- as.factor(as.character(x[, 1]))
if (!is.factor(groups)) groups <- as.factor(as.character(x[,1]))
labels <- x[, 2]
x <- x[, -(1:2)]
else {
x <- na.omit(data.frame(labels, x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
labels <- x[, 1]
x <- x[, -1]
if (missing(nclass)) nclass <- "FD"
reg <- function(x, y, col){
mod<-reg.line(y ~ x)
y.hat <- fitted.values(mod)
x <- model.matrix(mod)[,2]
min <- which.min(x)
max <- which.max(x)
lines(c(x[min], x[max]), c(y.hat[min], y.hat[max]), lty=lty, lwd=lwd, col=col)
legendPlot <- function(){
usr <- par("usr")
legend("bottomleft", bg="white",
legend=levels(groups), pch=pch, col=col[1:n.groups],
do.legend <- legend.plot
# The following panel function adapted from Richard Heiberger
panel.density <- function(x, ...){
dens.x <- density(x, adjust = adjust)
lines(dens.x$x, min(x) + dens.x$y * diff(range(x))/diff(range(dens.x$y)))
if (do.legend) legendPlot()
do.legend <<- FALSE
panel.histogram <- function(x, ...){
hist(x, main="", axes=FALSE, breaks=nclass, col=col[1])
if (do.legend) legendPlot()
do.legend <<- FALSE
panel.boxplot <- function(x, ...){
boxplot(x, axes=FALSE, main="", col=col[1])
if (do.legend) legendPlot()
do.legend <<- FALSE
# The following panel function adapted from Richard Heiberger
panel.oned <- function(x, ...) {
range <- range(x)
delta <- diff(range)/50
y <- mean(range)
segments(x - delta, x, x + delta, x, col = col[1])
if (do.legend) legendPlot()
do.legend <<- FALSE
panel.qqplot <- function(x, ...){
qqnorm(x, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main="", col=col[1])
if (do.legend) legendPlot()
do.legend <<- FALSE
panel.blank <- function(x, ...){
if (do.legend) legendPlot()
do.legend <<- FALSE
which.fn <- match(match.arg(diagonal),
c("density", "boxplot", "histogram", "oned", "qqplot", "none"))
diag <- list(panel.density, panel.boxplot, panel.histogram, panel.oned, panel.qqplot, panel.blank)[[which.fn]]
groups <- as.factor(if(missing(groups)) rep(1, length(x[, 1])) else groups)
n.groups <- length(levels(groups))
if (n.groups > length(col)) stop("number of groups exceeds number of available colors")
if (length(col) == 1) col <- rep(col, 2)
if (transform != FALSE | length(transform) == ncol(x)){
if (transform == TRUE & length(transform) == 1){
transform <- if (by.groups) coef(powerTransform(as.matrix(x) ~ groups, family=family), round=TRUE)
else coef(powerTransform(x, family=family), round=TRUE)
for (i in 1:ncol(x)){
x[, i] <- if (family == "bcPower")
bcPower(x[, i], transform[i])
else yjPower(x[, i], transform[i])
var.labels[i] <- paste(var.labels[i], "^(", round(transform[i],2), ")", sep="")
labs <- labels
pairs(x, labels=var.labels,
cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.main=cex.main, cex.labels=cex.labels, cex=cex,
diag.panel=diag, row1attop = row1attop,
panel=function(x, y, ...){
for (i in 1:n.groups){
subs <- groups == levels(groups)[i]
if (plot.points) points(x[subs], y[subs], pch=pch[i], col=col[if (n.groups == 1) 2 else i], cex=cex)
if (by.groups){
if (smooth) lowess.line(x[subs], y[subs], col=col[i], span)
if (is.function(reg.line)) reg(x[subs], y[subs], col=col[i])
if (ellipse) dataEllipse(x[subs], y[subs], plot.points=FALSE,
levels=levels, col=col[i], robust=robust, lwd=1)
showLabels(x[subs], y[subs], labs[subs], id.method=id.method,
id.n=id.n, id.col=col[i], id.cex=id.cex)
#if (id.method != "none")
# showLabelsScatter(x[subs], y[subs], labs[subs], id.var=id.var, id.method=id.method,
# id.n=id.n, id.col=col[i], id.cex=id.cex)
if (!by.groups){
# if (is.function(reg.line)) abline(reg.line(y ~ x), lty=lty, lwd=lwd, col=col[2])
if (is.function(reg.line)) abline(reg.line(y ~ x), lty=lty, lwd=lwd, col=col[3])
if (smooth) lowess.line(x, y, col=col[1], span)
if (ellipse) dataEllipse(x, y, plot.points=FALSE, levels=levels, col=col[1],
robust=robust, lwd=1)
showLabels(x, y, labs, id.method=id.method,
id.n=id.n, id.col=id.col, id.cex=id.cex)
#if (id.method != "none") showLabelsScatter(x, y, labs, id.var=id.var, id.method=id.method,
# id.n=id.n, id.col=col[1], id.cex=id.cex)
}, ...
if ("smooth" %in% err) warning("some smooths failed")
if ("spread" %in% err) warning("some spreads failed")
spmBCA <- function(x, ...){
scatterplotMatrixBCA(x, ...)
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