#' Predictability: Bayesian Variance Explained (R2)
#' @name predictability
#' @description Compute nodewise predictability or Bayesian variance explained \insertCite{@R2 @gelman_r2_2019}{BGGM}.
#' In the context of GGMs, this method was described in \insertCite{Williams2019;textual}{BGGM}.
#' @param object object of class \code{estimate} or \code{explore}
#' @param select logical. Should the graph be selected ? The default is currently \code{FALSE}.
#' @param cred numeric. credible interval between 0 and 1 (default is 0.95) that is used for selecting the graph.
#' @param BF_cut numeric. evidentiary threshold (default is 3).
#' @param iter interger. iterations (posterior samples) used for computing R2.
#' @param progress Logical. Should a progress bar be included (defaults to \code{TRUE}) ?
#' @param ... currently ignored.
#' @return An object of classes \code{bayes_R2} and \code{metric}, including
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{scores} A list containing the posterior samples of R2. The is one element
#' for each node.
#' }
#' @note
#' \strong{Binary and Ordinal Data}:
#' R2 is computed from the latent data.
#' \strong{Mixed Data}:
#' The mixed data approach is somewhat ad-hoc \insertCite{@see for example p. 277 in @hoff2007extending;textual}{BGGM}. This
#' is becaue uncertainty in the ranks is not incorporated, which means that variance explained is computed from
#' the 'empirical' \emph{CDF}.
#' \strong{Model Selection}:
#' Currently the default to include all nodes in the model when computing R2. This can be changed (i.e., \code{select = TRUE}), which
#' then sets those edges not detected to zero. This is accomplished by subsetting the correlation matrix according to each neighborhood
#' of relations.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data
#' Y <- ptsd[,1:5]
#' fit <- estimate(Y, iter = 250, progress = FALSE)
#' r2 <- predictability(fit, select = TRUE,
#' iter = 250, progress = FALSE)
#' # summary
#' r2
#' }
#' @export
predictability <- function(object,
select = FALSE,
cred = 0.95,
BF_cut = 3,
iter = NULL,
progress = TRUE,
if(is(object, "var_estimate")){
warning("'select' not implemented for 'var_estimate' objects.")
object$type <- "continuous"
Y <- object$Y
X <- object$X
p <- ncol(Y)
n <- nrow(Y)
iter <- object$iter
post_names <- sapply(1:p, function(x) paste0(
colnames(object$Y)[x], "_", colnames(object$X))
post_samps <- posterior_samples(object)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = p, style = 3)
r2 <- lapply(1:p, function(z) {
yhat_p <- post_samps[, post_names[,z]] %*% t(X)
res_sd <- apply(sweep(yhat_p, MARGIN = 2, STATS = Y[,z]), 1, sd)
yhat_var <- apply(yhat_p, 1, sd)^2
r2_p <- sapply(1:iter, function(s) {
yhat_var[s] / sd(rnorm(n, as.numeric(yhat_p[s,]), res_sd[s]))^2
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, z)
} else {
if(object$type == "continuous"){
Y <- as.matrix(scale(object$Y))
} else if(object$type == "binary"){
Y <- binary_latent_helper(object$Y+1)
} else if(object$type == "ordinal"){
# latent data
Y <- ordinal_latent_helper(object$Y, object$post_samp$thresh)
} else {
# latent data
Y <- rank_helper(object$Y)$z0_start
# nodes
p <- ncol(Y)
# observations
n <- nrow(Y)
iter <- object$iter
# correlations
cors <- pcor_to_cor(object)$R[,,1:iter]
# not conditional on selected model
# progress bar
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = p, style = 3)
r2 <- lapply(1:p, function(x) {
# computed from selected model
r2_p <- .Call(
Y[, -x],
y = Y[, x],
XX = cors[-x,-x, ],
Xy = cors[x, -x, ],
n = n,
iter = iter
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
} else {
if(is(object, "estimate") & is(object, "default")){
# select model
sel <- select(object, cred = cred)
# adjacency
adj <- sel$adj
} else if(is(object, "explore") & is(object, "default")){
sel <- select(object, BF_cut = BF_cut)
adj <- sel$Adj_10
# progress bar
if (isTRUE(progress)) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = p, style = 3)
# R2
r2 <- lapply(1:p, function(x) {
# non selected return zero
if(sum(adj[x,]) == 0 ){
r2_p <- 0
# a neighborhood exists
} else {
# neighborhood
selected <- which(adj[x,] == 1)
# check length 1 (return correlation)
if(length(selected) == 1){
r2_p <- cors[x, selected,]
# more than one relation: call c++
} else {
# computed from selected model
r2_p <- .Call(
Y[, selected],
y = Y[, x],
XX = cors[selected, selected, ],
Xy = cors[x, selected, ],
n = n,
iter = iter
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
# R2
scores <- lapply(1:p, function(x) {
r2_new <- r2[[x]]
if(length(r2_new) > 0){
r2_new[r2_new > 0]
# returned object
returned_object <- list(scores = scores,
type = "post.pred",
metric = "bayes_R2",
cred = cred,
BF_cut = BF_cut,
data_type = object$type,
Y = Y)
class(returned_object) <- c("BGGM",
#' Summary Method for \code{predictability} Objects
#' @param object An object of class \code{predictability}.
#' @param cred Numeric. The credible interval width for summarizing the posterior
#' distributions (defaults to 0.95; must be between 0 and 1).
#' @param ... Currently ignored
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' Y <- ptsd[,1:5]
#' fit <- explore(Y, iter = 250,
#' progress = FALSE)
#' r2 <- predictability(fit, iter = 250,
#' progress = FALSE)
#' summary(r2)
#' }
#' @export
summary.predictability <- function(object, cred = 0.95, ...){
lb <- (1 - cred) / 2
ub <- 1 - lb
p <- length(object$scores)
# identity matrix
I_p <- diag(p)
# column names
cn <- colnames(object$Y)
mat_names <- 1:p
} else {
mat_names <- cn
iter <- length(object$scores[[1]])
dat_summ <- data.frame(Node = mat_names,
Post.mean = round(sapply(object$scores, mean), 3) , = round(sapply(object$scores, sd),3),
Cred = round(t(sapply(object$scores,
c(lb, ub))), 3))
dat_summ[] <- 0
returned_object <- list(summary = dat_summ,
metric = object$metric,
type = object$type,
iter = iter,
data_type = object$data_type,
cred = cred)
class(returned_object) <- c("BGGM",
print_summary_metric <- function(x, digits = 2,...){
cat("BGGM: Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Models \n")
cat("--- \n")
if(x$metric == "bayes_R2"){
cat("Metric:", "Bayes R2\n")
} else if(x$metric == "bayes_R2_diff"){
cat("Metric:", "Bayes R2 Difference \n")
} else {
cat("Metric:", x$metric, "\n")
cat("Type:", x$data_type, "\n")
# cat("Credible Interval:", x$cred, "\n")
cat("--- \n")
dat <- x$summary
colnames(dat) <- c(colnames(dat)[1:3], "", "Cred.ub")
row.names = FALSE)
#' Plot \code{predictability} Objects
#' @param x An object of class \code{predictability}
#' @param type Character string. Which type of plot ? The options
#' are \code{"error_bar"} or \code{"ridgeline"} (defaults to \code{"error_bar"}).
#' @param cred Numeric. The credible interval width for summarizing the posterior
#' distributions (defaults to 0.95; must be between 0 and 1).
#' @param width Numeric. The width of error bar ends (defaults to \code{0})
#' for \code{type = "error_bar"}.
##' @param size Numeric. The size for the points (defaults to \code{2})
##' for \code{type = "error_bar"}.
#' @param color Character string. What color for the point (\code{type = "error_bar"}) or
#' tail region (\code{type = "ridgeline"} ) ? Defaults to \code{"blue"}.
#' @param alpha Numeric. Transparancey of the ridges
#' @param scale Numeric. This controls the overlap of densities
#' for \code{type = "ridgeline"} (defaults to 1).
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @return An object of class \code{ggplot}.
#' @importFrom reshape melt
#' @importFrom ggridges stat_density_ridges
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' Y <- ptsd[,1:5]
#' fit <- explore(Y, iter = 250,
#' progress = FALSE)
#' r2 <- predictability(fit, iter = 250,
#' progress = FALSE)
#' plot(r2)
#' @export
plot.predictability <- function(x, type = "error_bar",
cred = 0.95,
alpha = 0.5,
scale = 1,
width = 0,
size = 1,
color = "blue",
if(type == "error_bar"){
# summary
summ <- summary(x, cred = cred)
# temporary dat
temp <- summ$summary
if(x$metric == "bayes_R2" | x$metric == "bayes_R2_diff"){
temp$Post.mean <- ifelse(is.nan(temp$Post.mean), 0, temp$Post.mean)
#add ordered levelse
temp$Node <- factor(temp$Node,
levels = temp$Node[(order(temp$Post.mean))],
labels = temp$Node[(order(temp$Post.mean))])
} else {
# add ordered levels
temp$Node <- factor(temp$Node,
levels = (order(temp$Post.mean)),
labels =(order(temp$Post.mean)))
# plot
plt <- ggplot(temp, aes(x = Node,
y = Post.mean))
if(x$metric == "bayes_R2_diff"){
plt <- plt + annotate("rect", xmin = -Inf,
xmax = Inf, ymin = -rope,
ymax =rope,
alpha = .1)
plt <- plt + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = temp[,4],
ymax = temp[,5]),
width = width) +
geom_point(size = size,
color = color) +
coord_flip() +
xlab("Node") +
} else if (type == "ridgeline"){
# intervals
lb <- (1 - cred) / 2
ub <- 1 - lb
summ <- summary(x)
dat <- reshape::melt(x$scores)
dat$L1 <- as.factor(dat$L1)
dat$L1 <- factor(dat$L1,
labels = (order(tapply(dat$value,
levels = (order(tapply(dat$value,
color <- grDevices::adjustcolor(color,
alpha.f = alpha)
plt <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = as.numeric(value),
y = as.factor(L1),
fill=factor(stat(quantile)))) +
stat_density_ridges(rel_min_height = 0.01,
geom = "density_ridges_gradient",
calc_ecdf = TRUE,
quantiles = c(lb, ub),
scale = scale) +
scale_fill_manual(name = "Probability",
values = c(color,
color)) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
ylab("Node") +
xlab(x$metric) +
scale_y_discrete(labels = summ$summary$Node[order(summ$summary$Post.mean)])
} else {
stop("type not supported. must be 'error_bar' or 'ridgeline'.")
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