
Defines functions DiscreteUniformPrior PoissonPrior PointMassPrior RegressionCoefficientConjugatePrior MultivariateRegressionConjugatePrior ScaledMatrixNormalPrior MvnIndependentSigmaPrior MvnDiagonalPrior NormalInverseWishartPrior InverseWishartPrior MvnGivenSigmaMatrixPrior MvnPrior NormalInverseGammaPrior DirichletPrior MarkovPrior LognormalPrior TruncatedGammaPrior GammaPrior UniformPrior BetaPrior Ar1CoefficientPrior NormalPrior SdPrior

Documented in Ar1CoefficientPrior BetaPrior DirichletPrior DiscreteUniformPrior GammaPrior InverseWishartPrior LognormalPrior MarkovPrior MvnDiagonalPrior MvnGivenSigmaMatrixPrior MvnIndependentSigmaPrior MvnPrior NormalInverseGammaPrior NormalInverseWishartPrior NormalPrior PointMassPrior PoissonPrior RegressionCoefficientConjugatePrior ScaledMatrixNormalPrior SdPrior TruncatedGammaPrior UniformPrior

SdPrior <- function(sigma.guess,
                    sample.size = .01,
                    initial.value = sigma.guess,
                    fixed = FALSE,
                    upper.limit = Inf) {
  ## Generates an object of class SdPrior that can be used as an input
  ## to a Bayesian model for a standard deviation paramter.
  ## Args:
  ##   sigma.guess: An a priori guess at the value of the standard
  ##     deviation modeled by this distribution.
  ##   sample.size: The number of observations worth of weight to give
  ##     to sigma.guess.
  ##   initial.value: The initial value to use (in an MCMC algorithm)
  ##     for a deviate modeled by this distribution.
  ##   fixed: Should the deviate modeled by this distribution be fixed
  ##     at its initial value?  (Used for debugging by some code.  Not
  ##     universal.)
  ##   upper.limit: The largest acceptable value for the standard
  ##     deviation modeled by this distribution.  May be Inf.
  stopifnot(is.numeric(sigma.guess), length(sigma.guess) == 1, sigma.guess > 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(sample.size), length(sample.size) == 1, sample.size > 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(initial.value), length(initial.value) == 1,
            initial.value > 0)
  stopifnot(is.logical(fixed), length(fixed) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(upper.limit), length(upper.limit) == 1)
  ans <- list(prior.guess = sigma.guess,
              prior.df = sample.size,
              initial.value = initial.value,
              fixed = fixed,
              upper.limit = upper.limit)
  class(ans) <- c("SdPrior", "DiffDoubleModel", "DoubleModel", "Prior")

NormalPrior <- function(mu, sigma, initial.value = mu, fixed = FALSE) {
  ## Returns a list with the information needed to specify a Gaussian
  ## prior on a scalar parameter.
  ## Args:
  ##   mu:  Mean of the distribution.
  ##   sigma:  Standard deviation.
  ##   initial.value: The initial value of the deviate to be modeled
  ##     by this distribution in an MCMC algorithm.
  ##   fixed: Should the deviate modeled by this distribution be fixed
  ##     at its initial value?  (Used for debugging by some code.  Not
  ##     universal.)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(mu), length(mu) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(sigma), length(sigma) == 1, sigma >= 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(initial.value), length(initial.value) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.logical(fixed), length(fixed) == 1)
  ans <- list(mu = mu,
              sigma = sigma,
              initial.value = initial.value,
              fixed = fixed)
  class(ans) <- c("NormalPrior", "DiffDoubleModel", "DoubleModel", "Prior")

Ar1CoefficientPrior <- function(mu = 0,
                                sigma = 1,
                                force.stationary = TRUE,
                                force.positive = FALSE,
                                initial.value = mu) {
  ## Returns a list with the information needed to supply a prior
  ## distribution on an AR1 coefficient.
  ans <- NormalPrior(mu, sigma, initial.value)
  ans$force.stationary <- force.stationary
  ans$force.positive <- force.positive
  class(ans) <- c("Ar1CoefficientPrior", class(ans))

BetaPrior <- function(a = 1, b = 1, mean = NULL, sample.size = NULL,
                      initial.value = NULL) {
  ## Returns an object of class "BetaPrior", which is a list
  ## containing the parameters of a beta distribution.  The prior can
  ## either be given in terms of 'a' and 'b', or it can be given in
  ## terms of mean and sample.size, where mean = a/a+b and sample.size
  ## = a+b.
  if (!is.null(sample.size) && !is.null(mean)) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(mean) &&
              is.numeric(sample.size) &&
              length(mean) == 1 &&
              length(sample.size) == 1)
    a <- mean * sample.size
    b <- (1 - mean) * sample.size

            length(a) == 1,
            a > 0)
            length(b) == 1,
            b > 0)
  if (is.null(initial.value)) {
    initial.value <- a / (a + b)
            length(initial.value) == 1,
            initial.value > 0,
            initial.value < 1);
  ans <- list(a = a, b = b, initial.value = initial.value)
  class(ans) <- c("BetaPrior", "DiffDoubleModel", "DoubleModel", "Prior")

UniformPrior <- function(lo = 0, hi = 1, initial.value = NULL) {
  ## A uniform prior distribution on the interval [lo, hi].
  ## Args:
  ##   lo:  The lower limit of prior support.
  ##   hi:  The upper limit of prior support.
  ## Returns:
  ##   An object of class UniformPrior.
            length(lo) == 1)
            length(lo) == 1,
            lo <= hi)
  if (is.null(initial.value)) {
    initial.value <- .5 * (lo + hi)
            length(initial.value) == 1,
            initial.value >= lo,
            initial.value <= hi)
  ans <- list(lo = lo, hi = hi, initial.value = initial.value)
  class(ans) <- c("UniformPrior", "DiffDoubleModel", "DoubleModel", "Prior")

GammaPrior <- function(a = NULL, b = NULL, prior.mean = NULL,
                       initial.value = NULL) {
  ## Gamma distribution with parameters (a, b), where the mean is a/b
  ## and variance is a/b^2.
  ## Args:
  ##   a:  The shape parameter 'a'.
  ##   b:  The scale parameter 'b'.
  ##   prior.mean: This specifies a/b.  If non-NULL at least one of
  ##     'a' or 'b' must be specified.
  ##   initial.value: The initial.value of the variable to be modeled
  ##     in the MCMC algorithm.
  ## Returns:
  ##   An object of class GammaPrior.
  if (is.null(prior.mean)) {
  } else {
    if (!is.null(a) && is.numeric(a)) {
      b <- a / prior.mean
    } else if (!is.null(b) && is.numeric(b)) {
      a <- b * prior.mean
  stopifnot(length(a) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(b) == 1)
  stopifnot(all(a > 0))
  stopifnot(all(b > 0))

  if (is.null(initial.value)) {
    initial.value <- a / b
  ans <- list(a = a, b = b, initial.value = initial.value)
  class(ans) <- c("GammaPrior", "DiffDoubleModel", "DoubleModel", "Prior")

TruncatedGammaPrior <- function(a = NULL, b = NULL, prior.mean = NULL,
                                initial.value = NULL,
                                lower.truncation.point = 0,
                                upper.truncation.point = Inf) {
  ## A Gamma distribution with parameter matching 'GammaPrior' but
  ## with support truncated to between lower.truncation.point and
  ## upper.truncation.point.
  ans <- GammaPrior(a, b, prior.mean, initial.value)
            length(lower.truncation.point) == 1)
            length(upper.truncation.point) == 1,
            upper.truncation.point > lower.truncation.point)
  ans$lower.truncation.point <- lower.truncation.point
  ans$upper.truncation.point <- upper.truncation.point
  if (!is.null(initial.value) && (
      initial.value < lower.truncation.point ||
          initial.value > upper.truncation.point)) {
    stop("Initial value must be between the lower and upper truncation points.")
  } else if (ans$initial.value < lower.truncation.point
             || ans$initial.value > upper.truncation.point) {
    if (is.finite(upper.truncation.point)) {
      warning("Initial value for TruncatedGammaPrior is outside the ",
              "supported range. Changing it to the midpoint of the ",
              "support region.")
      ans$initial.value <- .5 * (lower.truncation.point +
    } else {
      warning("Initial value for TruncatedGammaPrior is outside the ",
              "supported range. Placing it above the lower bound.")
      ans$initial.value <- lower.truncation.point + 1
  class(ans) <- c("TruncatedGammaPrior", "DiffDoubleModel",
                  "DoubleModel", "Prior")

LognormalPrior <- function(mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0, initial.value = NULL) {
  ## A lognormal distribution, where log(y) ~ N(mu, sigma).  The mean
  ## of this distribution is exp(mu + 0.5 * sigma^2), so don't only
  ## focus on the mean parameter here.
  ## Args:
  ##   mu:  mean of the corresponding normal distribution.
  ##   sigma: standard deviation of the corresponding normal
  ##     distribution.  WARNING: If something looks strange in your
  ##     program, look out for SD != Variance errors.
            length(mu) == 1,
            length(sigma) == 1,
            sigma > 0,
  if (is.null(initial.value)) {
    initial.value <- exp(mu + .5 * sigma^2)
            length(initial.value) == 1,
            initial.value > 0,

  ans <- list(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, initial.value = initial.value)
  class(ans) <- c("LognormalPrior", "DiffDoubleModel", "DoubleModel", "Prior")

MarkovPrior <- function(prior.transition.counts = NULL,
                        prior.initial.state.counts = NULL,
                        state.space.size = NULL,
                        uniform.prior.value = 1) {
  ## Prior distribution for a MarkovModel.
  ## Args:
  ##   prior.transition.counts: A matrix of non-negative numbers
  ##     interpretable as prior counts.  Transitions are from rows to
  ##     columns.
  ##   prior.initial.state.counts: A vector of non-negative numbers
  ##     interpretable as prior counts.
  ##   state.space.size: If both prior.transition.counts and
  ##     prior.initial.state.counts are missing then they will be filled
  ##     with an object of dimension state.space.size where all
  ##     entries are set to uniform.prior.value.
  ##   uniform.prior.value: The default value to use for entries of
  ##     prior.transition.counts and prior.initial.state.counts, when
  ##     they are not supplied by the user.
  if (is.null(state.space.size)) {
    if (is.null(prior.transition.counts) && is.null(prior.transition.counts)) {
      stop("Either 'state.space.size' or one of 'prior.transition.counts' or",
           "'prior.initial.state.counts' must be supplied to MarkovPrior")
    if (!is.null(prior.transition.counts)) {
      state.space.size <- nrow(prior.transition.counts)
    } else {
      state.space.size <- length(prior.initial.state.counts)
  stopifnot(state.space.size > 0)
  stopifnot(uniform.prior.value > 0)

  if (is.null(prior.transition.counts)) {
    prior.transition.counts <- matrix(uniform.prior.value, nrow =
      state.space.size, ncol = state.space.size)
  } else {
    stopifnot(nrow(prior.transition.counts) == ncol(prior.transition.counts))
    stopifnot(all(prior.transition.counts >= 0))
    .CheckForPositiveValue <- function(x) { return(any(x > 0)) }
    ## Check that at least one positive value is present in each row.
    stopifnot(all(apply(prior.transition.counts, 1, .CheckForPositiveValue)))

    ## If state.space.size and prior.transition.counts are both
    ## present then issue a warning if they don't match, and use
    ## prior.transition.counts.
    if (state.space.size != nrow(prior.transition.counts)) {
      warning("state.space.size is ", state.space.size,
              ", but nrow(prior.transition.counts) is",
              ".  Changing state.space.size to nrow(prior.transition.counts).")
      state.space.size <- nrow(prior.transition.counts)

  if (is.null(prior.initial.state.counts)) {
    prior.initial.state.counts <- rep(uniform.prior.value, state.space.size)
  } else {
    ##  Allow a prior that places all its mass on a single point.
    stopifnot(all(prior.initial.state.counts >= 0))
    stopifnot(any(prior.initial.state.counts > 0))

  prior <- list(prior.transition.counts = prior.transition.counts,
                prior.initial.state.counts = prior.initial.state.counts)
  class(prior) <- c("MarkovPrior", "Prior")

DirichletPrior <- function(prior.counts, initial.value = NULL) {
  ## Encodes a Dirichlet priors, the conjugate prior for the
  ## multinomial distribution.
  ## Args:
  ##   prior.counts: A vector of positive numbers with dimension
  ##     matching the probability distribution it is modeling.
  ## Returns:
  ##   An object of class DirichletPrior, which is a list containing
  ##   the prior.counts argument, after some type and sanity checking.
  stopifnot(length(prior.counts) > 0)
  stopifnot(all(prior.counts > 0))
  if (is.null(initial.value)) {
    initial.value <- prior.counts / sum(prior.counts)
  ans <- list(prior.counts = prior.counts)
  class(ans) <- c("DirichletPrior", "Prior")

NormalInverseGammaPrior <- function(mu.guess,
                                    mu.guess.weight = .01,
                                    sigma.guess.weight = 1,
                                    ...) {
  ## A conjugate prior for the mean and variance of a Gaussian
  ## distribution.
  ## Args:
  ##   mu.guess:  Prior guess at the normal mean parameter.
  ##   mu.guess.weight: Number of observations worth of weight
  ##     assigned to mu.guess.
  ##   sigma.guess: A prior guess at the value of the normal standard
  ##     deviation parameter.
  ##   sigma.guess.weight: Number of observations worth of weight
  ##     assigned to sigma.guess.
  ##   ...: extra parameters passed to SdPrior
  ## Returns:
  ##   An object of class NormalInverseGammaPrior, which contains the
  ##   'mu' arguments and an element of type SdPrior
  stopifnot(mu.guess.weight > 0)
  ans <- list(mu.guess = mu.guess,
              mu.guess.weight = mu.guess.weight,
              sigma.prior = SdPrior(
                  sigma.guess = sigma.guess,
                  sample.size = sigma.guess.weight,
  class(ans) <- c("NormalInverseGammaPrior", "Prior")

MvnPrior <- function(mean, variance) {
  ## Encodes the mean and variance of a multivariate normal
  ## distribution for use as a prior distribution.
  ## Args:
  ##   mean:  A numeric vector
  ##   variance:  A symmetric positive definite matrix.
  ## Returns:
  ##   An object of class MvnPrior containing the mean and variance
  ##   arguments, after some sanity checking.
  if (length(variance) == 1) {
    variance <- diag(as.numeric(variance), length(mean), length(mean))
  stopifnot(nrow(variance) == ncol(variance))
  stopifnot(nrow(variance) == length(mean))
  ans <- list(mean = mean,
              variance = variance)
  class(ans) <- c("MvnPrior", "Prior")

MvnGivenSigmaMatrixPrior <- function(mean, sample.size) {
            length(sample.size) == 1,
            sample.size > 0)
  ans <- list("mean" = mean, "sample.size" = sample.size)
  class(ans) <- c("MvnGivenSigmaMatrixPrior", "Prior")

InverseWishartPrior <- function(variance.guess,
                                variance.guess.weight) {
  ## Conjugate prior distribution for the variance matrix in a multivariate
  ## normal wtih known mean.

            length(variance.guess.weight) == 1,
            variance.guess.weight > ncol(variance.guess))
  ans <- list(variance.guess = variance.guess,
              variance.guess.weight = variance.guess.weight)
  class(ans) <- c("InverseWishartPrior", "Prior")

NormalInverseWishartPrior <- function(
    mean.guess.weight = .01,
    variance.guess.weight = nrow(variance.guess) + 1) {
  ## The conjugate prior distribution for the multivariate normal.  A
  ## multivariate generalization of the NormalInverseGammaPrior
  ## Args:
  ##   mean.guess: A numeric vector that is a guess at the value of
  ##     the multivariate normal mean parameter.
  ##   mean.guess.weight: The number of observations worth of weight
  ##     assigned to mean.guess.
  ##   variance.guess: A symmetric positive definite matrix that is a
  ##     guess at the value of the multivariate normal variance
  ##     parameter.
  ##   variance.guess.weight: The number of observations worth of
  ##     weight assigned to variance.guess.
  stopifnot(all(dim(variance.guess) == length(mean.guess)))
            length(mean.guess.weight) == 1,
            mean.guess.weight > 0)
            length(variance.guess.weight) == 1,
            variance.guess.weight > 0)

  ans <- list(mean.guess = mean.guess,
              mean.guess.weight = mean.guess.weight,
              variance.guess = variance.guess,
              variance.guess.weight = variance.guess.weight)
  class(ans) <- c("NormalInverseWishartPrior", "Prior")

MvnDiagonalPrior <- function(mean.vector, sd.vector) {
  ## A multivariate normal distribution with a diagonal variance
  ## matrix (i.e. the product of several independent normals).
  ## Args:
  ##   mean.vector:  The mean of the multivariate normal.
  ##   sd.vector: The standard deviations of the elements of the
  ##     multivariate normal.
  ## Returns:
  ##   An object of class MvnDiagonalPrior, which is a list containing
  ##   mean.vector and sd.vector.
  stopifnot(all(sd.vector > 0))
  stopifnot(length(mean.vector) == length(sd.vector))

  ans <- list(mean = mean.vector, sd = sd.vector)
  class(ans) <- c("MvnDiagonalPrior", "Prior")

MvnIndependentSigmaPrior <- function(mvn.prior, sd.prior.list) {
  ## A prior for the parameters of the multivariate normal
  ## distribution that assumes Sigma to be a diagonal matrix with
  ## elements modeled by independent inverse Gamma priors.
  ## Args:
  ##   mvn.prior: An object of class MvnPrior that is the prior
  ##     distribution of the multivariate normal mean parameter.
  ##   sd.prior.list: A list of SdPrior object modeling the diagonal
  ##     elements of the multivariate normal variance matrix.  The
  ##     off-diagonal elements are assumed to be zero.
  ## Returns:
  ##   An object of clas MvnIndependentSigmaPrior, which is a list
  ##   containing the function arguments.
  stopifnot(inherits(mvn.prior, "MvnPrior"))
  stopifnot(length(sd.prior.list) == length(mvn.prior$mean))
  stopifnot(all(sapply(sd.prior.list, inherits, "SdPrior")))

  ans <- list(mu.prior = mvn.prior,
              sigma.prior = sd.prior.list)
  class(ans) <- c("MvnIndependentSigmaPrior", "Prior")

ScaledMatrixNormalPrior <- function(mean, nu) {
  # A prior for multivariate regression coefficients Beta, such that
  # Beta | Sigma ~ MatrixNormal(mu, X'X / nu, Sigma)
  # Args:
  #   mean:  A matrix of the same size as Beta (ydim * xdim).
  #   nu: A scalar controlling the amount of prior correlation attributable to
  #     rows of beta.  In the context of multivariate regression, rows of beta
  #     correspond ot different Y variables.  A useful value for nu is kappa /
  #     sample.size, where kappa is the number of prior observations worth of
  #     weight you wish to give to 'mean'.
  # Details:
  #   The Sigma parameter is obtained elsewhere.
  stopifnot(is.numeric(nu), length(nu) == 1, nu > 0)
  ans <- list("mean" = mean, "nu" = nu)
  class(ans) <- c("ScaledMatrixNormalPrior", "Prior")

MultivariateRegressionConjugatePrior <-function(coefficient.prior,
                                                variance.prior) {
  ## A conjguate prior for a multivariate regression model.
  ## Args:
  ##   coefficient.prior: An object of class ScaledMatrixNormalPrior
  ##     representing the prior on the regression coefficients.
  ##   variance.prior: An object of class InverseWishartPrior representing the
  ##     prior on the variance matrix.
  ## Returns:
  ##   A list containing the two arguments, after checking that they are the
  ##   right type.  The return value is marked with a class attribute
  ##   documenting its role.
  stopifnot(inherits(coefficient.prior, "ScaledMatrixNormalPrior"),
    inherits(variance.prior, "InverseWishartPrior"))
  ans <- list(coefficient = coefficient.prior, variance = variance.prior)
  class(ans) <- c("MultivariateRegressionConjugatePrior", "Prior")

RegressionCoefficientConjugatePrior <- function(
    additional.prior.precision = numeric(0),
    diagonal.weight = 0) {
  ## A conditional prior for the coefficients (beta) in a linear regression
  ## model.  The prior is conditional on the residual variance sigma^2, the
  ## sample size n, and the design matrix X.  The prior is
  ##      beta | sigsq, X ~ N(b, sigsq * (Lambda^{-1} + V))
  ## where V^{-1} = ((1 - w) * XTX + w * Diag(XTX)) * kappa / n.
  ## Args:
  ##   mean:  The mean of the prior distribution, denoted 'b' above.
  ##   sample.size: The value denoted 'kappa' above.  This can be
  ##     interpreted as a number of observations worth of weight to be
  ##     assigned to 'b' in the posterior distribution.
  ##   additional.prior.precision: A vector of non-negative numbers
  ##     representing the diagonal matrix Lambda^{-1} above.  Positive
  ##     values for additional.prior.precision will ensure the
  ##     distribution is proper even if the regression model has no
  ##     data.  If all columns of the design matrix have positive
  ##     variance then additional.prior.precision can safely be set to
  ##     zero.  A zero-length numeric vector is a slightly more
  ##     efficient equivalent to a vector of all zeros.
  ##   diagonal.weight: The weight given to the diagonal when XTX is
  ##     averaged with its diagonal.  The purpose of diagonal.weight
  ##     is to keep the prior distribution proper even if X is less
  ##     than full rank.  If the design matrix is full rank then
  ##     diagonal.weight can be set to zero.
  ## Details:
  ##   The prior distribution also depends on the cross product matrix
  ##   XTX and the sample size n, which are not arguments to this
  ##   function.  It is expected that the underlying C++ code will get
  ##   those quantities elsewhere (presumably from the regression
  ##   modeled by this prior).
            length(sample.size) == 1,
            sample.size > 0)
            length(additional.prior.precision) == length(mean)
            || length(additional.prior.precision) == 0)
  if (length(additional.prior.precision) > 0) {
    stopifnot(all(additional.prior.precision >= 0))
            length(diagonal.weight) == 1,
            diagonal.weight >= 0,
            diagonal.weight <= 1)
  ans <- list(mean = mean,
              sample.size = sample.size,
              additional.prior.precision = additional.prior.precision,
              diagonal.weight = diagonal.weight)
  class(ans) <- c("RegressionCoefficientConjugatePrior")

PointMassPrior <- function(location) {
  ## A prior putting a point mass (probability = 1) on a single scalar
  ## location.
  ## Args:
  ##   location:  The location of the point mass on the real line.
  ans <- list(location = location)
  class(ans) <- c("PointMassPrior", "DiscretePrior", "Prior")

PoissonPrior <- function(mean, lower.limit = 0, upper.limit = Inf) {
  ## Prior over the positive integers based on a Poisson distribution.
  ## Can optionally be truncated to {lower.limit, ..., upper.limit},
  ## including the endpoints.

  ans <- list(mean = mean,
              lower.limit = lower.limit,
              upper.limit = upper.limit)
  class(ans) <- c("PoissonPrior", "DiscretePrior", "Prior")

DiscreteUniformPrior <- function(lower.limit, upper.limit) {
  ## A discrete uniform distribution over the integers in
  ## {lower.limit, ..., upper.limit}.  The end points are included.
  ## Args:
  ##   lower.limit:  The lower limit of the support.
  ##   upper.limit:  The upper limit of the support.
  ans <- list(lower.limit = lower.limit,
              upper.limit = upper.limit)
  class(ans) <- c("DiscreteUniformPrior", "DiscretePrior", "Prior")

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