## File Name: din.R
## File Version: 2.524
# Main function for parameter estimation in cognitive diagnosis models #
din <- function( data, q.matrix, skillclasses=NULL, conv.crit=0.001, dev.crit=10^(-5),
maxit=500, constraint.guess=NULL, constraint.slip=NULL,
guess.init=rep(.2, ncol(data) ), slip.init=guess.init,
guess.equal=FALSE, slip.equal=FALSE,
zeroprob.skillclasses=NULL, weights=rep( 1, nrow( data ) ),
rule="DINA", wgt.overrelax=0, wgtest.overrelax=FALSE,
param.history=FALSE, seed=0, progress=TRUE, guess.min=0,
slip.min=0, guess.max=1, slip.max=1)
# data: a required matrix of binary response data, whereas the items are in the columns
# and the response pattern in the rows. NA values are allowed.
# q.matrix: a required binary matrix describing which attributes are required, coded by 1,
# and which attributes are not required, coded by 0, to master the items, whereas the
# attributes are in the columns and the items in the rows.
# conv.crit: termination criterion of the iterations defined as the maximum change in parameter
# estimates. Iteration ends if maximal parameter change is below this value.
# maxit: maximal number of iterations.
# constraint.guess: an optional matrix of fixed guessing parameters. The first column of this
# matrix indicates the items whose guessing parameters are fixed and the second column
# the values the guessing parameters are fixed to.
# constraint.slip: an optional matrix of fixed slipping parameters. The first column of this matrix
# indicates the items whose guessing parameters are fixed and the second column the values
# the guessing parameters are fixed to.
# guess.init: an optional initial vector of guessing parameters. Guessing parameters are bounded between
# 0 and 1.
# slip.init: an optional initial vector of guessing parameters. Slipping parameters are bounded between
# 0 and 1.
# guess.equal: an optional logical indicating if all guessing parameters are equal to each other
# slip.equal: an optional logical indicating if all slipping parameters are equal to each other
# zeroprob.skillclasses: an optional vector of integers which indicates which skill classes should have
# zero probability
# weights: an optional vector of weights for the response pattern. Noninteger weights allow for different
# sampling schemes.
# wgt.overrelax ... convergence weight (overrelaxed EM)=> w=0 standard EM
# rule: an optional character string or vector of character strings specifying the model rule that is used.
# The character strings must be of "DINA" or "DINO". If a vector of character strings is specified,
# implying an itemwise condensation rule, the vector must be of length ncol(data). The default is the
# condensation rule "DINA" for all items.
# progress: an optional logical indicating whether the function should print the progress of iteration.
z0 <- Sys.time()
if ( progress){
cl <-
# check consistency of input (data, q.matrix, ...) #
I <- ncol(data)
if ( is.null( colnames(data) ) ){
colnames(data) <- paste0("I", 1:I )
# different inits if seed larger than zero
if ( seed > 0 ){
slip.init <- stats::runif( I, 0, .4 )
guess.init <- stats::runif( I, 0, .4 )
clean <- check.input(data, q.matrix, conv.crit, maxit, constraint.guess,
constraint.slip, guess.init, slip.init, weights, rule, progress)
if (is.character(clean)) return(clean)
dat.items <- clean$data; q.matrix <- clean$q.matrix; conv.crit <- clean$conv.crit;
maxit <- clean$maxit; constraint.guess <- clean$constraint.guess;
constraint.slip <- clean$constraint.slip; guess.init <- clean$guess.init;
slip.init <- clean$slip.init; weights <- clean$weights; rule <- clean$rule;
progress <- clean$progress
# model specification: DINA, DINO or itemwise specification of DINA or DINO #
if ( length(rule)==1){
if ( rule=="DINA" ){ r1 <- "DINA MODEL" }
if ( rule=="DINO" ){ r1 <- "DINO MODEL" }
} else { r1 <- "Mixed DINA & DINO Model" }
# display on R console #
disp <- r1
s1 <- Sys.time()
if (progress){
cat( "**", paste(s1), "\n" )
# definition of model parameters #
I <- nrow(dat.items) # number of persons
J <- ncol(dat.items) # number of items
K <- ncol(q.matrix) # number of attributes
L <- 2^K # number of latent class pattern of attributes
dat.items <- as.matrix( dat.items)
q.matrix <- as.matrix( q.matrix)
# Initialization and missing data handling #
# initialize guessing and slipping parameters
# without constraints, the default is set equal to .2 for all items
guess <- guess.init ; slip <- slip.init
# missing data is coded by 9
resp <- 1 -
dat.items[ resp==0 ] <- 9
# standardize weights such that the sum of defined weights is equal to the number of rows in the data frame
weights <- nrow(dat.items)*weights / sum(weights )
# calculate item response patterns #
# string with item response patterns
item.patt.subj <- dat.items[,1]
for (jj in 2:J){
item.patt.subj <- paste( item.patt.subj, dat.items[,jj], sep="")
# calculate frequency of each item response pattern
a2 <- rowsum( rep(1,I), item.patt.subj)
item.patt <- a2[,1]
# sort item response pattern according to their absolute frequencies
six <- item.patt
# define data frame 'item.patt' with item response pattern and its frequency (weight)
item.patt <- cbind( "pattern"=names(six), "freq"=as.numeric(as.vector( six ) ) )
# calculate weighted frequency for each item response pattern
h1 <- rowsum( weights, item.patt.subj )
item.patt[,2] <- h1[ match( item.patt[,1], rownames(h1) ), 1]
item.patt.freq <- as.numeric(item.patt[,2])
# generate all attribute patterns #
attr.patt <- matrix( rep( 0, K*L), ncol=K)
h1 <- 2
if ( K >=2 ){
for(ll in 1:(K-1) ){
lk <- utils::combn( 1:K, ll )
for ( jj in 1:( ncol(lk) ) ){
attr.patt[ h1, lk[,jj] ] <- 1
h1 <- h1 + 1
attr.patt[ L, ] <- rep( 1, K )
if ( ! is.null( skillclasses) ){
attr.patt <- skillclasses
L <- nrow(attr.patt)
if ( ! is.null(colnames(q.matrix) ) ){
if (ncol(attr.patt)==ncol(q.matrix) ){
colnames(attr.patt) <- colnames(q.matrix)
# combine all attributes in an attribute pattern as a string
attr.patt.c <- apply( attr.patt, 1, FUN=function(ll){ paste(ll,collapse="" ) } )
# uniform prior distribution of all latent class patterns #
attr.prob <- rep( 1/L, L )
if ( seed > 0 ){
attr.prob <- stats::runif( L, 0, 10/ L )
attr.prob <- attr.prob / sum( attr.prob )
# some prelimaries for EM algorithm #
# split item response pattern in a data frame with items as columns
spl <- sapply( as.vector(item.patt[,1]), FUN=function(ii){ strsplit( ii, split=NULL) } )
item.patt.split <- matrix( rep( 0, length(spl) * J ), ncol=J )
for (ll in 1:length(spl) ){
item.patt.split[ ll, ] <- as.numeric( spl[[ll]] )
# response pattern matrix: each observed entry corresponds to a 1, each unobserved entry to a 0
resp.patt <- 1* ( item.patt.split !=9 )
# number of item response patterns
IP <- nrow(item.patt.split)
# constraints for guessing and slipping parameters
if ( ! is.null( constraint.slip ) ){ slip[ constraint.slip[,1] ] <- constraint.slip[,2] }
if ( ! is.null( constraint.guess ) ){ guess[ constraint.guess[,1] ] <- constraint.guess[,2] }
iter <- 1 # Iteration number
likediff <- 1 # Difference in likelihood estimates
loglike <- 0 # init for log-Likelihood
# init value for maximum parameter change in likelihood maximization
dev.change <- max.par.change <- 1000
# calculate for each item how many attributes are necessary for solving the items
# according to the specified DINA or DINO rule
comp <- ( rowSums(q.matrix) )*( rule=="DINA") + 1* ( rule=="DINO" )
# need number of components for I.lj ...
compL <- cdm_matrix1( comp, ncol=L)
attrpatt.qmatr <- tcrossprod( q.matrix, attr.patt )
# compute latent response
latresp <- apply( attr.patt, 1, FUN=function(attr.patt.ll){
attr.patt.ll <- cdm_matrix2( attr.patt.ll, nrow=J)
ind <- 1*(rowSums(q.matrix * attr.patt.ll) >=comp )
} )
latresp1 <- latresp==1
# response patterns
cmresp <- colMeans( resp.patt )
some.missings <- if( mean(cmresp) < 1){ TRUE } else { FALSE }
# calculations for expected counts
# this matrix is needed for computing R.lj
ipr <- item.patt.split*item.patt.freq*resp.patt
ipfr <- item.patt.freq*resp.patt
item_patt_split1 <- item.patt.split==1
resp_patt_bool <- resp.patt==1
# response indicator list
resp.ind.list <- list( 1:J )
for (i in 1:J){
resp.ind.list[[i]] <- which( resp.patt[,i]==1)
# parameter history
if ( param.history ){
likelihood.history <- rep(NA, maxit )
slip.history <- guess.history <- matrix( NA, nrow=maxit, ncol=ncol(data) )
ones_matrix <- matrix( 1, nrow=IP, ncol=L )
# cat(" *** init proc ") ; z1 <- Sys.time(); print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
while ( iter <=maxit &
( ( max.par.change > conv.crit ) | ( dev.change > dev.crit ) )
# STEP I: #
# calculate P(X_i | alpha_l): #
# probability of each item response pattern given an attribute pattern #
pjm <- cdm_rcpp_din_calc_prob( latresp1=latresp1, guess=guess, slip=slip, J=J, L=L )
pjM <- array( pjm, dim=c(J,2,L) )
res.hwt <- cdm_calc_posterior( rprobs=pjM, gwt=ones_matrix, resp=item.patt.split, nitems=J,
resp.ind.list=resp.ind.list, normalization=FALSE, thetasamp.density=NULL,
snodes=0 )
p.xi.aj <- res.hwt$hwt
#-- set likelihood for skill classes with zero probability to zero
if ( ! is.null(zeroprob.skillclasses) ){
p.xi.aj[, zeroprob.skillclasses ] <- 0
# STEP II: #
# calculate P( \alpha_l | X_i ): #
# posterior probability of each attribute pattern given the item response pattern
#-- posterior probabilities P( \alpha_l | X_i )
p.aj.xi <- cdm_matrix2( attr.prob, nrow=IP ) * p.xi.aj
attr.prob0 <- attr.prob
if ( ! is.null( zeroprob.skillclasses ) ){
p.aj.xi[, zeroprob.skillclasses ] <- 0
p.aj.xi <- p.aj.xi / rowSums( p.aj.xi )
#-- calculate marginal probability P(\alpha_l) for attribute alpha_l
attr.prob <- colSums( p.aj.xi * item.patt.freq ) / I
# calculate I_{lj} and R_{lj} #
# for a derivation see De La Torre (2008, Journal of Educational and #
# Behavioral Statistics) #
# I_{lj} ... expected frequency of persons in attribute class l for item j #
# (in case of no missing data I_{lj}=I_l for all items j #
# R_{lj} ... expected frequency of persons in attribute class l for item j #
# which correctly solve item j #
if ( some.missings ){
I.lj <- crossprod( ipfr, p.aj.xi )
} else {
I.lj <- cdm_matrix2( crossprod( item.patt.freq, p.aj.xi), nrow=J )
R.lj <- cdm_rcpp_din_calc_counts( p_aj_xi=p.aj.xi, item_patt_freq=item.patt.freq,
item_patt_split1=item_patt_split1, resp_patt_bool=resp_patt_bool, J=J, L=L )
colnames(I.lj) <- colnames(R.lj) <- attr.patt.c
rownames(I.lj) <- rownames(R.lj) <- colnames(data)
# STEP IV: #
# calculate R_j0, I_j0, I_j1, R_j1 #
# R_{j1} ... expected frequency of students which correctly solve item j and #
# possess all necessary attributes for this item #
# I_{j1} ... expected frequency of students which correctly solve the item #
# I_{j0}, R_{j0} ... expected frequencies of students which incorrectly #
# solve the item #
ness <- attrpatt.qmatr >=compL
ness0 <- ! ness
I.j0 <- rowSums( ness0 * I.lj )
I.j1 <- rowSums( ness * I.lj )
R.j0 <- rowSums( ness0 * R.lj )
R.j1 <- rowSums( ness * R.lj )
# STEP V: #
# M-Step: update slipping and guessing parameters. #
# The guessing parameter '' can be calculated as R.j0 / I.j0 #
# -> correct solution for item j if not all necessary attributes are possessed
pseudo_count <- .05
I.j0[ I.j0==0] <- pseudo_count
I.j1[ I.j1==0] <- pseudo_count <- R.j0 / I.j0 <- ( I.j1 - R.j1 ) / I.j1
# equal guessing and slipping parameter
if (guess.equal){ <- rep( sum(R.j0) / sum(I.j0), J )
if (slip.equal){ <- rep( sum( I.j1 - R.j1 ) / sum( I.j1), J )
#*** overrelaxed convergence
if ( wgt.overrelax > 0 ){
eps1 <- 1e-5
if ( wgtest.overrelax & ( iter > 2) ){
l1 <- c(, )
l2 <- c( guess, slip )
l3 <- c( guess.old, slip.old )
lambda <- sum( abs( l1 - l2 ) ) / sum( abs( l3 - l2 ) )
wgt.overrelax <- lambda / ( 2 - lambda )
wgt.overrelax[ wgt.overrelax <=0 ] <- eps1
wgt.overrelax[ wgt.overrelax >=.98 ] <- .98
} <- + wgt.overrelax * ( - guess ) <- + wgt.overrelax * ( - slip )[ < 0 ] <- 0[ < 0 ] <- 0
if ( wgtest.overrelax ){
slip.old <- slip
guess.old <- guess
# constrained slipping and guessing parameter
if ( ! is.null( constraint.slip ) ){[ constraint.slip[,1] ] <- constraint.slip[,2]
if ( ! is.null( constraint.guess ) ){[ constraint.guess[,1] ] <- constraint.guess[,2]
#*** adjustment parameters
if ( guess.min > 0 ){ <- ifelse( < guess.min, guess.min, )
if ( guess.max < 1 ){ <- ifelse( > guess.max, guess.max, )
if ( slip.min > 0 ){ <- ifelse( < slip.min, slip.min, )
if ( slip.max < 1 ){ <- ifelse( > slip.max, slip.max, )
# calculate the updated likelihood
eps0 <- 1e-300
like_individual <- rowSums( p.xi.aj * cdm_matrix2( attr.prob, nrow=IP) ) <- sum( log( like_individual + eps0 ) * item.patt.freq )
likediff <- abs( loglike - )
loglike <-
dev.change <- abs( likediff / loglike )
# maximum parameter change
max.par.change <- max( abs( - guess ), abs( - slip ),
abs( attr.prob - attr.prob0 ) )
# define estimates which are updated in this iteration
guess <-
slip <-
if (progress) {
cat( "Iter. ",iter, " :",
substring( paste(Sys.time()), first=11 ), ", ", " loglike=",
round(, 7),
" / max. param. ch. : ", round( max.par.change, 6),
" / relative deviance change : ", round( dev.change, 6)
if( wgt.overrelax > 0){
cat(" / overrelax. parameter=", round( wgt.overrelax, 4 ))
cat("\n", sep="")
utils::flush.console() # Output is flushing on the console
if ( param.history ){
likelihood.history[iter] <-
slip.history[iter,] <- slip
guess.history[iter,] <- guess
iter <- iter + 1 # new iteration number
# cat(" *** iterations ") ; z1 <- Sys.time(); print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
# set likelihood for skill classes with zero probability to zero
if ( ! is.null(zeroprob.skillclasses) ){
p.xi.aj[, zeroprob.skillclasses ] <- 0
# calculate posterior probability for each attribute pattern
pattern <- data.frame( freq=round(as.numeric(item.patt[,-1]),3),
mle.est=attr.patt.c[ max.col( p.xi.aj ) ], p.xi.aj ) / rowSums( p.xi.aj ),
map.est=attr.patt.c[ max.col( p.aj.xi ) ], p.aj.xi )
# calculate posterior probabilities for all skills separately
attr.postprob <- p.aj.xi %*% attr.patt
colnames( attr.postprob ) <- paste("post.attr",1:K, sep="")
pattern <- cbind( pattern, attr.postprob )
# estimation of the standard errors for slipping and guessing parameters #
# guessing parameters (DINA and DINO) #
# NOTE: In this calculation of standard errors, sample weights were not #
# taken into account. Use for example the bootstrap to do some inference. #
se.guess <- sapply( 1:J, FUN=function(jj){
indA0.jj <- rowSums( q.matrix[jj,] * attr.patt ) < comp[jj]
l1 <- rowSums( p.aj.xi * outer( resp.patt[,jj], rep(1,L) ) *
( outer( item.patt.split[,jj ], rep(1,L) ) - guess[ jj ] ) * outer( rep(1,IP), indA0.jj )
( sum( item.patt.freq * l1^2 ) / guess[jj]^2 / (1-guess[jj])^2 )^(-.5)
} )
# equal guessing parameter
if ( guess.equal ){ se.guess <- rep( sqrt( 1 / sum( 1/ se.guess^2 ) ), J ) }
# constrained guessing parameter
if ( ! is.null( constraint.guess ) ){ se.guess[ constraint.guess[,1] ] <- NA }
guess <- data.frame( est=guess, se=se.guess )
# slipping parameter (DINA and DINO)
se.slip <- sapply( 1:J, FUN=function(jj){
indA0.jj <- rowSums( q.matrix[jj,] * attr.patt ) >=comp[jj]
l1 <- rowSums( p.aj.xi * outer( resp.patt[,jj], rep(1,L) ) *
( outer( item.patt.split[,jj ], rep(1,L) ) - 1 + slip[ jj ] ) * outer( rep(1,IP), indA0.jj )
( sum( item.patt.freq * l1^2 ) / slip[jj]^2 / (1-slip[jj])^2 )^(-.5)
} )
# equal slipping parameter
if ( slip.equal ){ se.slip <- rep( sqrt( 1 / sum( 1/ se.slip^2 ) ), J ) }
# constrained slipping parameter
if ( ! is.null( constraint.slip ) ){ se.slip[ constraint.slip[,1] ] <- NA }
slip <- data.frame( est=slip, se=se.slip )
# attribute pattern
attr.prob <- matrix( attr.prob, ncol=1)
colnames( attr.prob ) <- "class.prob"
rownames( attr.prob ) <- attr.patt.c
# pattern for seperate skills
skill.patt <- matrix(apply( matrix( rep( attr.prob, K ), ncol=K) * attr.patt, 2, sum ),ncol=1)
# rownames(skill.patt) <- paste("Skill_", colnames(q.matrix),sep="")
rownames(skill.patt) <- colnames(q.matrix)
colnames(skill.patt) <- "skill.prob"
# calculation of the AIC und BIC
bb <- 0
if ( ! is.null( constraint.guess) ){ bb <- bb + nrow(constraint.guess) }
if ( ! is.null( constraint.slip ) ){ bb <- bb + nrow(constraint.slip) }
if( guess.equal){ bb <- bb + J - 1 }
if( slip.equal){ bb <- bb + J - 1 }
# collect number of parameters
pars <- data.frame( "itempars"=2*J - bb )
# number of skill classes
pars$skillpars <- L - 1 - length( zeroprob.skillclasses )
Np <- pars$itempars + pars$skillpars
aic <- -2*loglike + 2*Np
bic <- -2*loglike + log(I)*Np
rownames( p.aj.xi ) <- rownames( pattern ) # output rownames posterior probabilities
pattern <- data.frame(pattern) # convert pattern to numeric format
for (vv in seq(1,ncol(pattern))[ -c(2,4) ] ){
pattern[,vv ] <- as.numeric( paste( pattern[,vv] ) ) }
# subject pattern
# changed item.patt.subj$pattern.index (ARb 2012-06-05)
item.patt.subj <- data.frame( "case"=1:(nrow(data) ),
"pattern.index"=match( item.patt.subj, item.patt[,1] )
# attribute pattern (expected frequencies)
attr.prob <- data.frame( attr.prob )
attr.prob$class.expfreq <- attr.prob[,1] * nrow(data)
# modify output (ARb 2012-06-05)
pattern <- pattern[ item.patt.subj$pattern.index, ]
pattern[,1] <- paste( item.patt.subj$pattern )
colnames(pattern)[1] <- "pattern"
p.aj.xi__ <- p.aj.xi
p.aj.xi <- p.aj.xi[ item.patt.subj$pattern.index, ]
rownames(p.aj.xi) <- pattern$pattern
colnames(p.aj.xi) <- rownames(attr.prob)
p.xi.aj <- p.xi.aj[ item.patt.subj$pattern.index, ]
rownames(p.xi.aj) <- pattern$pattern
colnames(p.xi.aj) <- colnames(p.aj.xi)
# item fit [ items, theta, categories ]
# # n.ik [ 1:TP, 1:I, 1:(K+1), 1:G ]
n.ik <- array( 0, dim=c(L, J, 2, 1 ) )
n.ik[,, 2, 1 ] <- t(R.lj)
n.ik[,, 1, 1 ] <- t(I.lj-R.lj)
pi.k <- array( 0, dim=c(L,1) )
pi.k[,1] <- attr.prob$class.prob
probs <- aperm( pjM, c(3,1,2) )
itemfit.rmsea <- itemfit.rmsea( n.ik, pi.k, probs )$rmsea
datfr <- data.frame( round( cbind( guess, slip ), 3 ) )
colnames(datfr) <- c("guess", "se.guess", "slip", "se.slip" )
rownames(datfr) <- colnames( dat.items )
datfr <- data.frame( "type"=rule, datfr )
datfr$rmsea <- itemfit.rmsea
names(itemfit.rmsea) <- colnames(data)
s2 <- Sys.time()
# parameter table for din object
res.partable <- din.partable( guess, slip, attribute.patt=attr.prob, data=data,
guess.equal, slip.equal, constraint.guess, constraint.slip,
attribute.patt.splitted=attr.patt )
partable <- res.partable$partable
vcov.derived <- res.partable$vcov.derived
if (progress){ cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") }
# coefficients
p1 <- partable[ partable$free, ]
p1 <- p1[ ! duplicated(p1$parindex), ]
p11 <- p1$value
names(p11) <- p1$parnames
res <- list( coef=p11,
item=datfr, guess=guess, slip=slip,
"IDI"=round(1 - guess[,1] - slip[,1],4),
loglike=loglike, AIC=aic, BIC=bic,
posterior=p.aj.xi, "like"=p.xi.aj,
"data"=data, "q.matrix"=q.matrix,
pattern=pattern, attribute.patt=attr.prob, skill.patt=skill.patt,
"subj.pattern"=item.patt.subj, "attribute.patt.splitted"=attr.patt,
"display"=disp, "item.patt.split"=item.patt.split,
"item.patt.freq"=item.patt.freq, "model.type"=r1,
"rule"=rule, "zeroprob.skillclasses"=zeroprob.skillclasses,
"weights"=weights, "pjk"=pjM, "I"=I,
"I.lj"=I.lj, "R.lj"=R.lj, "partable"=partable,
"start.analysis"=s1, "end.analysis"=s2,
"iter"=iter ,
"converged"=iter < maxit
res$timediff <- s2 - s1
if (progress){ print(s2-s1) }
if (param.history){
param.history <- list( "likelihood.history"=likelihood.history,
"guess.history"=guess.history )
res$param.history <- param.history
# control parameters
control <- list( q.matrix=q.matrix, skillclasses=skillclasses, conv.crit=conv.crit,
dev.crit=dev.crit, maxit=maxit,
constraint.guess=constraint.guess, constraint.slip=constraint.slip,
guess.init=guess.init, slip.init=slip.init,
guess.equal=guess.equal, slip.equal=slip.equal,
weights=weights, rule=rule,
wgt.overrelax=wgt.overrelax, wgtest.overrelax=wgtest.overrelax,
latresp=latresp, resp.ind.list=resp.ind.list
res$control <- control
res$call <- cl
class(res) <- "din"
# cat("") ; z1 <- Sys.time(); print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
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