
Defines functions find_model find_project_name save_credentials start_local colorize standardize_nlp format_keywords sanitize_query sanitize

Documented in colorize find_model find_project_name format_keywords sanitize sanitize_query save_credentials standardize_nlp start_local

# Sundry functions

#' Sanitize Text
#' Removes non-ASCII characters and '*' from clinical corpora or user input.
#' @param text Raw text from the EHR.
#' @return Cleaned text in ASCII format stripped of '*' characters.
#' @keywords internal

sanitize <- function(text) {

    text <- gsub("[^\\x00-\\x7F]", " ", text, perl = TRUE)
    text <- gsub("\\*", " ", text)


#' Sanitize Query
#' Removes non-ASCII characters from search query and attempts to correct formulation errors.
#' @param query Raw text from the query.
#' @return Cleaned query.
#' @keywords internal

sanitize_query <- function(query) {

    query <- gsub("[^\\x00-\\x7F]", " ", query, perl = TRUE)
    query <- gsub("\\*+", "*", query)
    query <- gsub("\\(+", "(", query)
    query <- gsub("\\)+", ")", query)


#' Format Keyword Elements
#' Prepares keyword element vector, converting wildcards to Regex syntax. Wildcards include '?' for any single character and '*' for any number of characters including zero.
#' @param keyword_elements Keywords.
#' @return Formatted keywords.
#' @keywords internal

format_keywords <- function(keyword_elements) {

    keyword_elements <- tolower(keyword_elements)
    keyword_elements <- utils::glob2rx(keyword_elements, trim.head = TRUE, trim.tail = TRUE)


#' Standardize Output From NLP Engine
#' Converts output of NLP engine to a dataframe with entries recognized by CEDARS.
#' @param input_df Data frame produced by the NLP engine.
#' @param engine NLP engine. At this time only UDPipe is supported.
#' @return A dataframe with NLP annotations.
#' @keywords internal

standardize_nlp <- function(input_df, engine) {

    if (engine == "udpipe") {

        output_df <- data.frame(text_id = input_df$doc_id, paragraph_id = input_df$paragraph_id, sentence_id = input_df$sentence_id,
            start = input_df$start, end = input_df$end, token = input_df$token, lemma = input_df$lemma, token_id = input_df$token_id,
            upos = input_df$upos, xpos = input_df$xpos, head_token_id = input_df$head_token_id, dependency = input_df$dep_rel,
            features = input_df$feats)

    output_df$upos <- as.character(output_df$upos)
    output_df$token_id <- as.character(output_df$token_id)
    output_df$token_id <- as.numeric(output_df$token_id)
    output_df$head_token_id <- as.character(output_df$head_token_id)
    output_df$head_token_id <- as.numeric(output_df$head_token_id)



#' Highlight Keywords and Concepts
#' Adds color and changes font to bold for selected strings of sentences and notes. The current method uses HTML.
#' @param get_output Dataframe with field 'selected', the latter containing text string corresponding to selected sentences.
#' @return Text string with HTML markup.
#' @keywords internal

colorize <- function(get_output) {

    get_output$selected <- gsub("\\*START\\*", "<span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">", get_output$selected)
    get_output$selected <- gsub("\\*END\\*", "</span>", get_output$selected)

    get_output$note_text <- gsub("\\*START\\*", "<span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">", get_output$note_text)
    get_output$note_text <- gsub("\\*END\\*", "</span>", get_output$note_text)

    get_output$note_text <- gsub("\\n", "<br>", get_output$note_text)



#' Start CEDARS Locally
#' Starts CEDARS locally from RStudio. This is a functional approach and is easier to implement than a full-fledged Shiny Server. Multiple users can access the same CEDARS project on the MongoDB server using separate local R sessions, however in that case MongoDB credentials would have to be shared to all. The best option for multi-user implementations is to use Shiny Server.
#' @param user DB user name.
#' @param password DB password.
#' @param host Host server.
#' @param port MongoDB port.
#' @param database MongoDB database name.
#' @return {
#' Launches the CEDARS Shiny app locally (on the desktop computer).
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' start_local(user = 'John', password = 'db_password_1234', host = 'server1234', port = NA,
#' database = 'myDB')
#' }
#' @export

start_local <- function(user, password, host, port, database) {

    assign("g_user", user, cedars.env)
    assign("g_password", password, cedars.env)
    assign("g_host", host, cedars.env)
    assign("g_port", port, cedars.env)
    assign("g_database", database, cedars.env)
    assign("g_ldap", FALSE, cedars.env)

    shiny::runApp(appDir = paste(find.package("CEDARS", lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE), "/shiny", sep = ""))


#' Save MongoDB Credentials
#' Saves MongoDB credentials as 'db_credentials.Rdata' and Shiny app file as 'app.R'. Those two files should be copied to the Shiny Server app directory. Needed only if using Shiny Server; credentials are entered in the command line for local app use.
#' @param user MongoDB user name.
#' @param password MongoDB user password.
#' @param host MongoDB server host.
#' @param port MongoDB port.
#' @param database MongoDB database name.
#' @param destination_path Folder where the files should be saved. Default is working directory.
#' @param LDAP is LDAP being used? In this case, CEDARS will not prompt for user ID/password and a check will NOT be made on the users table. Access will be granted, relying on LDAP authentication. Annotations will be stamped with LDAP user name.
#' @return {
#' No return value, saves DB administrator credentials in local folder.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' save_credentials(user = 'John', password = 'db_password_1234', host = 'server1234',
#' database = 'myDB', LDAP = FALSE, destination_path = getwd())
#' }
#' @export

save_credentials <- function(user, password, host, port, database, LDAP, destination_path = getwd()) {

    app_path <- paste(find.package("CEDARS", lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE), "/shiny/app.R", sep = "")

    g_user <- user
    g_password <- password
    g_host <- host
    g_port <- port
    g_database <- database
    g_ldap <- LDAP

    file.copy(from = app_path, to = paste(destination_path, "/app.R", sep = ""))

    save(g_user, g_password, g_host, g_port, g_database, g_ldap, file = paste(destination_path, "/db_credentials.Rdata",
        sep = ""))


#' Generate unique test project name (i.e. DB name) on MongoDB CEDARS testing cluster
#' Parses existing DB names and randomly generates a unique test project name on MongoDB CEDARS testing cluster. This is used for convenience purposes when the R user does not have an existing MongoDB connection. The corresponding database and collections are PUBLIC so no patient information or any other privileged/confidential data should be used! This is for testing on simulated records only.
#' @details {
#' No parameter; the operation is performed on a preset server with no user input.
#' }
#' @return {
#' An object of class character, the randomly generated name of a test CEDARS project.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' find_project_name()
#' }
#' @export

find_project_name <- function(){

    base_url <- "mongodb+srv://testUser:testPW@cedars.yvjp6.mongodb.net/"
    con <- mongolite::mongo(db="admin", url=base_url)
    databases <- con$run('{ "listDatabases": 1 }')$databases$name

    # Find a test DB name not presently in use

    project_name_recurse <- function(databases){

        project_name <- paste("example", round(1e13*stats::runif(1)), sep="")

        if (project_name %in% databases) project_name <- project_name_recurse(databases)



    project_name <- project_name_recurse(databases)



#' Find NLP Model
#' Finds NLP model to use, if not specified. If no model present, we download the default.
#' If several present, by default we use the first one by alphabetical order.
#' @param selected_model_path Initial selected model path, if NA we find one.
#' @return Model path.
#' @keywords internal

find_model <- function(selected_model_path){

    if (is.na(selected_model_path)) {

        models_path <- paste(find.package("CEDARS", lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE), "/inst/models", sep = "")
        models <- list.files(path = models_path)
        models <- models[order(models, decreasing = FALSE, method = "radix")]
        if (!is.na(models[1])) selected_model_path <- paste(models_path, "/", models[1], sep = "") else {

            print("No model found, dowloading default english-ewt...")
            models <- list.files(path = models_path)
            selected_model_path <- paste(models_path, "/", models[1], sep = "")





Try the CEDARS package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

CEDARS documentation built on Feb. 7, 2021, 5:06 p.m.