
Defines functions estimate_npmetric_erf

Documented in estimate_npmetric_erf

#' @title
#' Estimate smoothed exposure-response function (ERF) for pseudo population
#' @description
#' Estimate smoothed exposure-response function (ERF) for matched and weighted
#' data set using non-parametric models.
#' @param m_Y A vector of outcome variable in the matched set.
#' @param m_w A vector of continuous exposure variable in the matched set.
#' @param counter_weight A vector of counter or weight variable in the matched
#' set.
#' @param bw_seq A vector of bandwidth values.
#' @param w_vals A vector of values that you want to calculate the values of
#'  the ERF at.
#' @param nthread The number of available cores.
#' @param kernel_appr Internal kernel approach. Available options are `locpol`
#' and `kernsmooth`.
#' @details
#' Estimate Functions Using Local Polynomial kernel regression.
#' @return
#' The function returns a gpsm_erf object. The object includes the following
#' attributes:
#' - params
#'  - m_Y
#'  - m_w
#'  - bw_seq
#'  - w_vals
#' - erf
#' - fcall
#' @keywords internal
                                kernel_appr = "locpol") {

  # function call
  fcall <- match.call()

  if (length(m_Y) != length(m_w)) {
    stop("Length of output and treatment should be equal!")

  if (!is.double(m_Y) || !is.double(m_w)) {
    stop("Output and treatment vectors should be double vectors.")

  if (!(kernel_appr %in% c("locpol", "kernsmooth"))){
    stop(paste("Acceptible kernel_appr: `locpol` and `kernsmooth`",
               "The provided value: ", kernel_appr))

  if (sum(counter_weight == 0) == length(counter_weight)) {
      counter_weight <- counter_weight + 1
      logger::log_debug("Giving equal weight for all samples.")

  if (is.null(get_options("logger_file_path"))) {
    logger_file_path <- "CausalGPS.log"
  } else {
    logger_file_path <- get_options("logger_file_path")

  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nthread, type="PSOCK",

  parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl,
                          varlist = c("estimate_hat_vals", "w_fun",
                                      "generate_kernel", "smooth_erf",
                          envir = environment())

  risk_val_1 <-  parallel::parLapply(cl,
                                     matched_Y = m_Y,
                                     matched_w = m_w,
                                     matched_cw = counter_weight,
                                     w_vals = w_vals,
                                     x_eval = NULL,
                                     kernel_appr = kernel_appr)


  risk_val <- do.call(rbind, risk_val_1)[, 1]

  h_opt <- bw_seq[which.min(risk_val)]

  logger::log_info("The band width with the minimum risk value: {h_opt}.")

  if (kernel_appr == "locpol"){
    logger::log_trace("{kernel_appr} was selected.")
    erf <- smooth_erf_locpol(matched_Y = m_Y,
                             matched_w = m_w,
                             matched_cw = counter_weight,
                             x_eval = w_vals,
                             bw = h_opt)
  } else if (kernel_appr == "kernsmooth"){
    erf <- smooth_erf_kernsmooth(matched_Y = m_Y,
                                 matched_w = m_w,
                                 matched_cw = counter_weight,
                                 x_eval = w_vals,
                                 bw = h_opt)
  } else {
    stop(paste("`kernel_appr`: ", kernel_appr, " is not supported."))

  if (sum(is.na(erf)) > 0){
    logger::log_debug("erf has {sum(is.na(erf))} missing values.")

  result <- list()
  class(result) <- "gpsm_erf"
  result$params$m_Y <- m_Y
  result$params$m_w <- m_w
  result$params$bw_seq <- bw_seq
  result$params$w_vals <- w_vals
  result$risk_val <- risk_val
  result$h_opt <- h_opt
  result$erf <- erf
  result$fcall <- fcall


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CausalGPS documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:31 a.m.