# TMod
ModSummary <- function(x, ...){
ModSummary.lm <- function(x, conf.level=0.95, ...){
smrx <- summary(x)
#coefx <- cbind(smrx$coefficients, confint(x, level=conf.level), stbeta=c(NA, StdCoeff(x)))
# coefx <- data.frame(rownames(smrx$coefficients), smrx$coefficients, confint(x, level=conf.level),
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
coefx <- merge(smrx$coefficients, confint(x, level = conf.level), by="row.names", sort=FALSE, all=TRUE)
# order might have been changed by merging procedure
coefx[order(match(coefx$Row.names, row.names(smrx$coefficients))),]
colnames(coefx) <- c("name","est","se","stat","p","lci","uci")
fit <- x$fitted.values
y <- model.response(x$model)
statsx <- c(with(smrx, c(
sigma = sigma,
r.squared = r.squared,
adj.r.squared = adj.r.squared,
"n vars" = length(attr(x$terms, "term.labels")),
"n coef" = nrow(smrx$coefficients),
F = fstatistic[[1]],
numdf = fstatistic[[2]],
dendf = fstatistic[[3]],
p = pf(fstatistic[[1]], fstatistic[[2]], fstatistic[[3]], lower.tail=FALSE)
N = nobs(x),
logLik = logLik(x),
deviance = deviance(x),
AIC = AIC(x),
BIC = BIC(x),
MAE = MAE(x=fit, ref = y),
MAPE = MAPE(x=fit, ref = y),
MSE = MSE(x=fit, ref = y),
RMSE = RMSE(x=fit, ref = y)
list(coef=coefx, ncoef=length(x$coefficients), statsx=statsx, contrasts=x$contrasts, xlevels=x$xlevels, call=x$call)
ModSummary.lmrob <- function (x, conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
smrx <- summary(x)
coefx <- data.frame(rownames(smrx$coefficients), smrx$coefficients,
confint(x, level = conf.level), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(coefx) <- c("name", "est", "se", "stat", "p", "lci",
fit <- x$fitted.values
y <- model.response(x$model)
statsx <- c(with(smrx, c(sigma = sigma, r.squared = r.squared,
adj.r.squared = adj.r.squared, F = df[[1]], numdf = df[[3]],
dendf = df[[2]], p = pf(df[[1]], df[[2]],
df[[3]], lower.tail = FALSE))), N = nobs(x),
# logLik = logLik(x), deviance = deviance(x), AIC = AIC(x),
logLik = NA, deviance = NA, AIC = NA,
"n vars" = length(attr(x$terms, "term.labels")),
"n coef" = nrow(smrx$coefficients),
BIC = NA, MAE = MAE(x = fit, ref = y), MAPE = MAPE(x = fit, ref = y),
MSE = MSE(x = fit, ref = y), RMSE = RMSE(x = fit, ref = y))
list(coef = coefx, ncoef = length(x$coefficients), statsx = statsx,
contrasts = x$contrasts, xlevels = x$xlevels, call = x$call)
# More fundamentally, `AIC' is about maximum-likelihood fitting of true
# models. Now rlm does usually correspond to ML fitting of a non-normal
# linear model, so it would be possible to compute a likelihood and hence
# AIC. The point however is that the model is assumed to be false. There
# are AIC-like criteria for that situation, but they are essentially
# impossible to compute accurately as they depend on fine details of the
# unknown true error distribution (and still assume a linear model).
# Ripley
ModSummary.glm <- function(x, conf.level=0.95, use.profile = TRUE, ...){
sumry <- summary(x)
# coefx <- cbind(summod$coefficients, confint(x, level=conf.level), stbeta=c(NA, StdCoeff(x)))
ci <- confint(x, level=conf.level)
ci <- confint.default(x, level=conf.level)
ci <- t(ci)
coefx <- data.frame(row.names(sumry$coefficients), sumry$coefficients, ci,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(coefx) <- c("name", "est","se","stat","p","lci","uci")
pred <- x$fitted.values
y <- model.response(x$model)
N <- if(length(weights(x))) {
sum(weights(x), na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
phi <- sumry$dispersion
degf <- sumry$df.null - sumry$df.residual
# if(degf > 0){
LR <- sumry$null.deviance - sumry$deviance
p <- pchisq(LR, degf, lower.tail=FALSE)
L0.pwr <- exp(-sumry$null.deviance / N)
if(x$family$family == "binomial"){
statsx <- PseudoR2(x, which = "all")
statsy <- .assocs_condis(pred, model.response(x$model))
statsx <- c(statsx,
"N" = nobs(x),
"n vars" = length(attr(x$terms, "term.labels")),
"n coef" = nrow(x$coefficients),
"numdf" = attr(logLik(x), "df"),
"Kendall Tau-a" = unname(statsy["taua"]),
"Somers Delta" = unname(statsy["somers_r"]),
"Gamma" = unname(statsy["gamma"]),
"Brier" = BrierScore(x), "C"= Cstat(x)
} else {
statsx <- PseudoR2(x, which =c("McFadden","McFaddenAdj","Nagelkerke","CoxSnell",
"logLik0", "G2"))
statsx <- c(statsx[],
"N" = nobs(x),
"n vars" = length(attr(x$terms, "term.labels")),
"n coef" = length(x$coefficients),
"numdf" = attr(logLik(x), "df"),
"MAE" = MAE(pred, model.response(x$model)),
"MAPE" = MAPE(pred, model.response(x$model)),
"MSE" = MSE(pred, model.response(x$model)),
"RMSE" = RMSE(pred, model.response(x$model))
# L0.pwr = exp(-summod$null.deviance / N),
# logLik = logLik(x),
# deviance = deviance(x),
list(coef=coefx, ncoef=length(x$coefficients), statsx=statsx, contrasts=x$contrasts, xlevels=x$xlevels, call=x$call)
ModSummary.OddsRatio <- function(x, conf.level=0.95, ...){
statsx <- x$PseudoR2
statsx <- c(N = x$nobs,
"n vars" = length(x$terms),
"n coef" = nrow(x$res),
"BrierScore" = x$BrierScore)
coef <- data.frame(name=rownames(x$or), est=x$res$or, se=NA, stat=NA, p=x$res$`Pr(>|z|)`,
lci=x$res$or.lci, uci=x$res$or.uci, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
list(coef=coef, ncoef=nrow(x$or),
statsx=statsx, contrasts=NULL, xlevels=NULL,
TMod <- function(..., FUN = NULL, order = NA){
if (!requireNamespace("DescTools", quietly = TRUE))
stop("package 'DescTools' must be installed")
# prepare function to put together coefficients and stats
FUN <- function(est, se, tval, pval, lci, uci){
res <- gettextf("%s %s",
Format(est, fmt=Fmt("num")),
Format(pval, fmt="*"))
replace(res,, NA)
to.frame <- function(x){
res <- data.frame(names(x), x)
colnames(res) <- c("name", "val")
# convert language to string either with: toString or deparse, but not as.character!!!
# modname <- unlist(lapply($..., as.character))
modname <- unlist(lapply($..., toString))
lmod <- list(...)
lst <- lapply(lmod, ModSummary)
modname[names(lst) != ""] <- names(lst)[names(lst) != ""]
lcoef <- lapply(lst, "[[", "coef")
lstatsx <- lapply(lst, "[[", "statsx")
# merge coefficients of all models
m <- lcoef[[1]][, c("name", "est")]
m$est <- apply(lcoef[[1]][,-1], 1, function(x) FUN(x["est"], x["se"], x["stat"], x["p"], x["lci"], x["uci"]))
colnames(m) <- c("name", modname[1])
if(length(lcoef)>1) {
for(i in 2L:length(lcoef)){
ordm <- m$name
m2 <- lcoef[[i]][, c("name", "est")]
m2$est <- apply(lcoef[[i]][,-1], 1, function(x) FUN(x["est"], x["se"], x["stat"], x["p"], x["lci"], x["uci"]))
m <- merge(x=m, y=m2, by.x="name", by.y="name",
all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
colnames(m)[i+1] <- modname[i]
# keeping the order of m, then m2
# ord <- c("red","green","blue")
# x[order(match(x, ord))]
ord <- c(ordm, m2$name[!(m2$name %in% ordm)])
m <- m[order(match(m$name, ord)), ]
colnames(m)[1] <- "coef"
# merge statistics of all models
mm <- to.frame(lstatsx[[1]])
colnames(mm) <- c("name", modname[1])
if(length(lstatsx) > 1){
for(i in 2L:length(lstatsx)){
mm <- merge(x=mm, y=to.frame(lstatsx[[i]]), by.x="name", by.y="name",
all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
colnames(mm)[i+1] <- modname[i]
colnames(mm)[1] <- "stat"
row.names(mm) <- mm$stat
mm <- mm[match(c("r.squared", "adj.r.squared","sigma","logLik","logLik0","G2","deviance",
"AIC","BIC","numdf","dendf","N","n vars","n coef","F","p","MAE","MAPE","MSE","RMSE","McFadden",
"McFaddenAdj","Nagelkerke","CoxSnell","Kendall Tau-a","Somers Delta","Gamma","Brier","C"),
, ]
mm <- mm[!$stat), ]
row.names(mm) <- NULL
# # compose est-lci-uci table
# merge_mod <- function(z, ord){
# lst <- lapply(lcoef, function(x) cbind(SetNames(x[[z]], names=x[["name"]])))
# mcoef <- lst[[1]]
# for(i in 2:length(lst)){
# mcoef <- merge(mcoef, lst[[i]], by = "row.names",
# all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
# rownames(mcoef) <- mcoef$Row.names
# mcoef$Row.names <- NULL
# colnames(mcoef) <- NULL
# }
# mcoef[order(match(rownames(mcoef), ord)),]
# }
# # define a better order than merge is returning, coefficients from left to right
# seq_ord <- function(lst){
# jj <- character(0)
# for(i in seq_along(lst)){
# jj <- c(jj, setdiff(lst[[i]], jj))
# }
# return(jj)
# }
# # the coefficients should be ordered such, that the coeffs of the first model
# # come first, then the coeffs from the second model which were not included
# # in the model one, then the coeffs from mod3 not present in mod1 and mod2
# # and so forth...
# coef_order <- seq_ord(lapply(lcoef, rownames))
# # set coefficient order to all result object
# m <- m[order(match(m$coef, coef_order)),]
# if(length(lmod) > 1){
# mall <- Abind(merge_mod("est", coef_order),
# merge_mod("lci", coef_order),
# merge_mod("uci", coef_order), along=3)
# } else {
# mall <- as.matrix(lcoef[[1]][, c("est","lci","uci")])
# dim(mall) <- c(nrow(mall), 1, 3)
# }
# dimnames(mall) <- list(m$coef, modname, c("est","lci","uci"))
mall <- DescTools::Abind(
est =, lapply(lst,
function(x) SetNames(x$coef[,c("est"), drop=FALSE], rownames=x$coef$name))),
lci =, lapply(lst,
function(x) SetNames(x$coef[,c("lci"), drop=FALSE], rownames=x$coef$name))),
uci =, lapply(lst,
function(x) SetNames(x$coef[,c("uci"), drop=FALSE], rownames=x$coef$name))),
dimnames(mall)[[2]] <- modname
if(!identical(order, NA)){
# get order
ordm <- rbind(m, SetNames(mm, colnames=colnames(m)))
j <- order(unlist(ordm[match(order, ordm[, 1]), -1]))
m <- m[, c(1, j+1)]
mm <- mm[, c(1, j+1)]
# return the terms of the model in order to be able to set a filter on them
# when plotting
mterms <- lapply(lmod, function(m) {
res <- lapply(labels(terms(m)), function(x)
colnames(model.matrix(formula(gettextf("~ 0 + %s", x)), data=model.frame(m))))
names(res) <- labels(terms(m))
} )
names(mterms) <- modname
return(structure(list(m, mm, lcoef, mall=mall, terms=mterms), class="TMod"))
print.TMod <- function(x, digits=3, na.form = "-", ...){
colnames(x[[1]])[-1] <- paste0(colnames(x[[1]])[-1], strrep(" ", times=4))
x[[1]][, -1] <- Format(x[[1]][, -1], digits=digits, na.form = na.form)
x2 <- x[[2]]
x[[2]][, -1] <- Format(x[[2]][, -1], digits=digits, na.form = na.form)
x[[2]][x[[2]]$stat %in% c("numdf", "dendf", "N", "n vars", "n coef"), -1] <-
Format(x2[x[[2]]$stat %in% c("numdf", "dendf", "N", "n vars", "n coef"), -1], digits=0, na.form=na.form)
m <- rbind(x[[1]], setNames(c("---", rep("", ncol(x[[1]]) -1)), colnames(x[[1]])),
setNames(x[[2]], colnames(x[[1]])))
m[, -1] <- apply(m[, -1, drop=FALSE], 2, DescTools::StrAlign, sep=".")
row.names(m) <- NULL
print(m, ...)
plot.TMod <- function(x, terms=NULL, intercept=FALSE, ...){
# see also: termplot
if(length(dim(x$mall)) > 2)
xx <- aperm(x$mall, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
else {
xx <- x$mall
# v <- unlist(x$terms)
# coefnames <- unique(v[v %in% terms])
# xx <- xx[, coefnames, , drop=FALSE]
v <- unique(c(sapply(x$terms, labels)))
coefnames <- unlist(x$terms[[1]][labels(x$terms[[1]]) %in% terms])
xx <- xx[, dimnames(xx)[[2]] %in% coefnames, , drop=FALSE]
xx <- xx[, !grepl("intercept", dimnames(xx)[[2]], = TRUE), , drop=FALSE]
args.plotdot1 <- list(x=xx[,,1], pch=21, bg="white",
args.errbars = list(from=xx[,,2], to=xx[,,3], mid=xx[,,1]))
# Attention:
# this evaluates the dots, which goes wrong e.g. for panel.first arguments!
# dots <- list(...)
dots <- = FALSE)$`...`
if (!is.null(dots)) {
args.plotdot1[names(dots)] <- dots
}"PlotDot", args.plotdot1)
# ToWrd.TMod <- function(x, font=NULL, para=NULL, main=NULL, align=NULL,
# autofit=TRUE, ..., wrd=DescToolsOptions("lastWord")) {
# m <- FixToTable(capture.output(x))
# if(is.null(align))
# align <- "l"
# wt <- ToWrd.matrix(x=m, font=font, para=para, main=main, align=align, autofit=autofit, ..., wrd=wrd)
# # insert decimal tabs
# # Selection.ParagraphFormat.TabStops(CentimetersToPoints(1.14)).Position = CentimetersToPoints(1.14)
# # Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab
# }
ToWrd.TMod <- function (x, font = NULL, para = NULL, main = NULL, align = NULL,
split=" ", fixed = TRUE,
autofit = TRUE, digits = 3, na.form = "-", ...,
wrd = DescToolsOptions("lastWord")) {
# prepare quality measures
x2 <- x[[2]]
x[[2]][, -1] <- Format(x[[2]][, -1], digits = digits, na.form = na.form)
x[[2]][x[[2]]$stat %in% c("numdf", "dendf", "N", "n vars", "n coef"), -1] <-
Format(x2[x[[2]]$stat %in% c("numdf", "dendf", "N", "n vars", "n coef"), -1],
digits = 0, na.form = na.form)
if(!is.null(split)) {
# xx <- SplitToCol(x[[1]][, -1], split=split, fixed=fixed)
xx <- DescTools::SplitToCol([[1]], DescTools::StrTrim))[, -1],
split=split, fixed=fixed)
zz <- x[[2]][,-1]
vn <- character()
for(i in seq_along(attr(xx, "cols"))) {
j <- attr(xx, "cols")[i]
zz <- Append(zz, values = matrix("", ncol=j-1),
after = cumsum(c(1, attr(xx, "cols")))[i], names="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
vn <- c(vn, names(attr(xx, "cols"))[i], rep("", j-1))
} else {
xx <- x[[1]][-1]
zz <- x[[2]][-1]
tt <-, list(SetNames(xx, ""),
SetNames(rep("", ncol(xx)), ""),
SetNames(zz, "")))
ttt <- SetNames(data.frame(c(x[[1]][,1], "---", as.character(x[[2]][,1])), tt, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
c(colnames(x[[1]])[1], vn))
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