
Defines functions summarize_ds_models

Documented in summarize_ds_models

#' Make a table of summary statistics for detection function models
#' Provide a summary table of useful information about fitted detection
#' functions. This can be useful when paired with `knitr`'s `kable` function. By
#' default models are sorted by AIC and will therefore not allow models with
#' different truncations and distance binning.
#' Note that the column names are in LaTeX format, so if you plan to manipulate
#' the resulting `data.frame` in R, you may wish to rename the columns for
#' ease of access.
#' @param ... models to be summarised
#' @param sort column to sort by (default `"AIC"`)
#' @param output should the output be given in `"latex"` compatible format
#' or as `"plain"` text?
#' @param delta_only only output AIC differences (default `TRUE`)
#' @author David L Miller
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # fit some models to the golf tee data
#' library(Distance)
#' data(book.tee.data)
#' tee.data <- subset(book.tee.data$book.tee.dataframe, observer==1)
#' model_hn <- ds(tee.data,4)
#' model_hr <- ds(tee.data,4, key="hr")
#' summarize_ds_models(model_hr, model_hn, output="plain")
summarize_ds_models <- function(..., sort="AIC", output="latex",

  # get the models
  models <- list(...)

  # get the model names
  model_names <- setdiff(as.character(match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)),

  ## checking
  # can't compare models with different truncations
  r_truncs <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) x$ddf$meta.data$width))
  l_truncs <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) x$ddf$meta.data$left))
                l_truncs-mean(l_truncs))) < 1e-8)){
    stop("All truncations must be the same for AIC comparison.")
  # check all binned
  binned <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) x$ddf$meta.data$binned))
  if((any(binned) & !all(binned)) | (any(!binned) & !all(!binned))){
    stop("Can't compare binned and unbinned distances")
  # check all binning is the same
    breaks <- lapply(models, function(x) x$ddf$meta.data$breaks)
    # if the breaks aren't the same length it's easy
    len_breaks <- unlist(lapply(breaks, length))
    if(!all(abs(len_breaks-mean(len_breaks)) < 1e-8)){
      stop("Distance binning must be the same for all models.")
    # if not??? (WARNING: Byzantine process :( )
    for(i in seq_along(breaks[[1]])){
      this_set <- unlist(lapply(breaks, "[[", i))
      if(!all(abs(this_set-mean(this_set)) < 1e-8)){
        stop("Distance binning must be the same for all models.")

  # this function extracts the model data for a single model (row)
  extract_model_data <- function(model){
    summ <- summary(model)

    # handle (uniform) no formula case
    formula <- model$ddf$ds$aux$ddfobj$scale$formula
    if(is.null(formula)) formula <- NA

    desc <- gsub(" key function","",model.description(model$ddf))
    # only get CvM if not binned
      gof <- suppressMessages(gof_ds(model, chisq=TRUE)$chisquare$chi1$p)
      gof <- suppressMessages(ddf.gof(model$ddf, qq=FALSE)$dsgof$CvM$p)
    ret <- c(desc,

  # applying that to all the models then putting it into a data.frame
  res <- as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(lapply(models, extract_model_data))),

  if(output == "latex"){
    model_names <- gsub("_", '\\\\char`_', model_names)
    model_names <- paste0("\\texttt{", model_names, "}")
    res <- cbind.data.frame(model_names, res)
  }else if(output=="plain"){
    res <- cbind.data.frame(model_names, res)
    stop("Invalid output format")

  # making sure the correct columns are numeric
  res[,4:7] <- apply(res[,4:7], 2, as.numeric)

  # what test did we do?
    gof_name <- "Chi^2 p-value"
    gof_latexname <- "$\\chi^2$ $p$-value"
    gof_name <- "C-vM $p$-value"
    gof_latexname <- "C-vM p-value"

  # giving the columns names
  if(output == "latex"){
    colnames(res) <- c("Model",
                       "Key function",
  }else if(output=="plain"){
    colnames(res) <- c("Model",
                       "Key function",
                       "Average detectability",
                       "se(Average detectability)",
    stop("Invalid output format")
  # remove row names
  rownames(res) <- NULL

  # creating a new column for the AIC difference to the best model
  if(output == "latex"){
    res[["$\\Delta$AIC"]] <- res$AIC - min(res$AIC, na.rm=TRUE)
  }else if(output=="plain"){
    res[["Delta AIC"]] <- res$AIC - min(res$AIC, na.rm=TRUE)
  # ordering the model by AIC score
  res <- res[order(res[[sort]]),]

  # remove the AIC column if asked and just return the deltas
    res$AIC <- NULL

  # returning the data.frame

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Distance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.