
StatTestText <- ggplot2::ggproto("StatTestText", ggplot2::Stat,
  required_aes = c("x", "y", "group"),

  setup_params = function(data, params) {

    range.y <- range(data$y, na.rm = TRUE)
    pos <- range.y[2] + diff(range.y) * params$y.expand.factor
      params$y.pos <- pos

  compute_panel = function(data, scales, y.pos, y.expand.factor,
    test, paired, test.arg.list, two.lines, p.value.digits, p.value.digit.type,
    location.digits, location.digit.type, nsmall) {

    unique.x <- unique(data$x)
    n.groups <- length(unique.x)

    if(n.groups <= 2) {
      if(n.groups == 1) {
# One-sample test

        if(test == "parametric") {

          test.arg.list <- modifyList(
            list(x = data$y, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, conf.level = 0.95),

          p.val.string <- "t-test p-value"

          mu <- test.arg.list$mu
          if(mu != 0)
              p.val.string <- paste0(p.val.string, " (mu=", mu, ")")

          alternative <- test.arg.list$alternative
          if (alternative != "two.sided")
            p.val.string <- paste0(p.val.string,
              " (alternative='", alternative, "')")

          test.list <- do.call("t.test", test.arg.list)
          p.val <- test.list$p.value
          ci <- test.list$conf.int

          if(p.value.digit.type == "round") {
              p.val.to.show <- round(p.val, p.value.digits)
              p.val.to.show <- ifelse(p.val.to.show == 0, paste("<",
                  format(5 * 10^-(p.value.digits + 1), scientific = FALSE)),
                  paste("=", p.val.to.show))
          else p.val.to.show <- signif(p.val, digits = p.value.digits)

          string <- paste(p.val.string, p.val.to.show)
          string2 <- "% CI for Mean: ["

          if(location.digit.type == "round") {
            ci <- round(ci, location.digits)
          else {
            ci <- signif(ci, location.digits)
          ci <- format(ci, nsmall = nsmall)

          string.sep <- ifelse(two.lines, "\n", ";  ")
          string <- paste0(string, string.sep, round(100 * test.arg.list$conf.level, 0),
              string2, ci[1], ", ", ci[2], "]")
        else {

          test.arg.list <- modifyList(
            list(x = data$y, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, exact = NULL, correct = TRUE,
                conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95),

          p.val.string <- "Wilcoxon p-value"

          mu <- test.arg.list$mu
          if(mu != 0)
              p.val.string <- paste0(p.val.string, " (mu=", mu, ")")

          alternative <- test.arg.list$alternative
          if (alternative != "two.sided")
            p.val.string <- paste0(p.val.string,
              " (alternative='", alternative, "')")

          test.list <- do.call("wilcox.test", test.arg.list)
          p.val <- test.list$p.value
          ci <- test.list$conf.int

          if(p.value.digit.type == "round") {
              p.val.to.show <- round(p.val, p.value.digits)
              p.val.to.show <- ifelse(p.val.to.show == 0, paste("<",
                  format(5 * 10^-(p.value.digits + 1), scientific = FALSE)),
                  paste("=", p.val.to.show))
          else p.val.to.show <- signif(p.val, digits = p.value.digits)

          string <- paste(p.val.string, p.val.to.show)
          string2 <- "% CI for Pseudomedian: ["

          if(location.digit.type == "round") {
            ci <- round(ci, location.digits)
          else {
            ci <- signif(ci, location.digits)
          ci <- format(ci, nsmall = nsmall)

          string.sep <- ifelse(two.lines, "\n", ";  ")
          string <- paste0(string, string.sep,
              round(100 * attr(test.list$conf.int, "conf.level"), 0),
              string2, ci[1], ", ", ci[2], "]")
      else {
# Two-sample test
        if(test == "parametric") {

          test.arg.list <- modifyList(
            list(formula = formula(I(-y) ~ x), data = data,
              alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = paired,
              var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95),
          test.arg.list$paired <- paired

          p.val.string <- "t-test p-value"

            p.val.string <- paste("Paired", p.val.string)
          else {
              p.val.string <- paste("Welch", p.val.string)

          mu <- test.arg.list$mu
          if(mu != 0)
              p.val.string <- paste0(p.val.string, " (mu=", mu, ")")

          alternative <- test.arg.list$alternative
          if (alternative != "two.sided")
            p.val.string <- paste0(p.val.string,
              " (alternative='", alternative, "')")

          test.list <- do.call("t.test", test.arg.list)
          p.val <- test.list$p.value
          ci <- test.list$conf.int

          if(p.value.digit.type == "round") {
              p.val.to.show <- round(p.val, p.value.digits)
              p.val.to.show <- ifelse(p.val.to.show == 0, paste("<",
                  format(5 * 10^-(p.value.digits + 1), scientific = FALSE)),
                  paste("=", p.val.to.show))
          else p.val.to.show <- signif(p.val, digits = p.value.digits)

          string <- paste(p.val.string, p.val.to.show)
          string2 <- "% CI for Difference in Means: ["

          if(location.digit.type == "round") {
            ci <- round(ci, location.digits)
          else {
            ci <- signif(ci, location.digits)
          ci <- format(ci, nsmall = nsmall)

          string.sep <- ifelse(two.lines, "\n", ";  ")
          string <- paste0(string, string.sep, round(100 * test.arg.list$conf.level, 0),
              string2, ci[1], ", ", ci[2], "]")
        else {

          test.arg.list <- modifyList(
            list(formula = formula(I(-y) ~ x), data = data,
              alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = paired,
              exact = NULL, correct = TRUE, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95),
          test.arg.list$paired <- paired

          p.val.string <- "Wilcoxon p-value"

          paired <- test.arg.list$paired
            p.val.string <- paste("Paired", p.val.string)

          mu <- test.arg.list$mu
          if(mu != 0)
              p.val.string <- paste0(p.val.string, " (mu=", mu, ")")

          alternative <- test.arg.list$alternative
          if (alternative != "two.sided")
            p.val.string <- paste0(p.val.string,
              " (alternative='", alternative, "')")

          test.list <- do.call("wilcox.test", test.arg.list)
          p.val <- test.list$p.value
          ci <- test.list$conf.int

          if(p.value.digit.type == "round") {
              p.val.to.show <- round(p.val, p.value.digits)
              p.val.to.show <- ifelse(p.val.to.show == 0, paste("<",
                  format(5 * 10^-(p.value.digits + 1), scientific = FALSE)),
                  paste("=", p.val.to.show))
          else p.val.to.show <- signif(p.val, digits = p.value.digits)

          string <- paste(p.val.string, p.val.to.show)
          string2 <- ifelse(paired,
              "% CI for Pseudomedian of Paired Differences: [",
              "% CI for Difference in Locations: ["

          if(location.digit.type == "round") {
            ci <- round(ci, location.digits)
          else {
            ci <- signif(ci, location.digits)
          ci <- format(ci, nsmall = nsmall)

          string.sep <- ifelse(two.lines, "\n", ";  ")
          string <- paste0(string, string.sep,
              round(100 * attr(test.list$conf.int, "conf.level"), 0),
              string2, ci[1], ", ", ci[2], "]")
    else {
        if(test == "parametric") {
            p.val.string <- "ANOVA p-value"
            dum.mat <- unclass(summary(aov(y ~ x, data = data)))[[1]]
            p.val <- dum.mat[1, "Pr(>F)"]
        else {
            p.val.string <- "Kruskal-Wallis p-value"
            test.list <- kruskal.test(y ~ x, data = data)
            p.val <- test.list$p.value

        if(p.value.digit.type == "round") {
            p.val.to.show <- round(p.val, p.value.digits)
            p.val.to.show <- ifelse(p.val.to.show == 0, paste("<",
                format(5 * 10^-(p.value.digits + 1), scientific = FALSE)),
                paste("=", p.val.to.show))
        else p.val.to.show <- signif(p.val, digits = p.value.digits)
        string <- paste(p.val.string, p.val.to.show)

    data.frame(x = mean(unique.x), y = y.pos, label = string)

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