function (coordinates = NULL, geno.dip.codom = NULL, geno.dip.dom = NULL,
geno.hap = NULL, qtc = NULL, qtd = NULL, ql = NULL, path.mcmc,
rate.max, delta.coord = 0, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 20, npopmin = 1,
npopinit, npopmax, nb.nuclei.max, nit, thinning = 1, freq.model = "Uncorrelated",
varnpop = TRUE, spatial = TRUE, jcf = TRUE, filter.null.alleles = TRUE,
prop.update.cell = 0.1, write.rate.Poisson.process = FALSE,
write.number.nuclei = TRUE, write.number.pop = TRUE, write.coord.nuclei = TRUE,
write.color.nuclei = TRUE, write.freq = TRUE, write.ancestral.freq = TRUE,
write.drifts = TRUE, write.logposterior = TRUE, write.loglikelihood = TRUE,
write.true.coord = TRUE, write.size.pop = FALSE, write.mean.quanti = TRUE, = TRUE, write.betaqtc = FALSE, miss.loc = NULL)
ploidy <- 2
if (!is.null(geno.dip.dom) & !is.null(geno.hap)) {
stop("It is currently not possible to analyze jointly diploid dominant genotypes and haploid genotypes")
if (is.null(geno.dip.dom) & is.null(geno.hap))
ploidy <- 2
if (!is.null(geno.dip.dom))
ploidy <- 2
if (!is.null(geno.hap))
ploidy <- 1
geno2 <- geno.dip.codom
if (ploidy == 2) {
geno1 <- geno.dip.dom
if (ploidy == 1) {
geno1 <- geno.hap
if (substring(path.mcmc, first = nchar(path.mcmc), last = nchar(path.mcmc)) !=
"/") {
path.mcmc <- paste(path.mcmc, "/", sep = "")
short.path <- substring(path.mcmc, first = 1, last = nchar(path.mcmc) -
if (!file_test("-d", short.path))
stop(paste("Directory ", path.mcmc, "does not exist."))
if ((nit%%thinning) != 0)
stop("nit/thinning is not an integer")
if (missing(npopmax))
stop("Argument npopmax is missing with no default")
if (missing(npopinit))
npopinit <- npopmax
if (npopinit > npopmax)
stop("npopinit > npopmax")
if (npopinit < npopmin)
stop("npopinit < npopmin")
if ((freq.model != "Correlated") & (freq.model != "Uncorrelated")) {
stop(paste("Error:", freq.model, "is not a frequency model. Check spelling (case sensitive) "))
if ((ploidy != 1) & (ploidy != 2)) {
stop(paste("ploidy = ", ploidy, " is not a valid value."))
if (!is.null(geno1) & is.null(geno2)) {
if (filter.null.alleles) {
if (ploidy == 1) {
stop("Algorithm for filtering null alleles not compatible with haploid data")
if (ploidy == 2) {
stop("Algorithm for filtering null alleles not compatible with dominant markers")
if (!is.null(geno1) & (ploidy == 2)) {
geno1 <- geno1 + 1
if (is.null(geno1)) {
nloc.geno1 <- 1
nindiv.geno1 <- 0
else {
nloc.geno1 <- ncol(geno1)
nindiv.geno1 <- nrow(geno1)
print(c("in MCMC.R nindiv.geno1=", nindiv.geno1))
if (is.null(geno2)) {
nloc.geno2 <- 1
nindiv.geno2 <- 0
print(c("in MCMC.R nindiv.geno2=", nindiv.geno2))
else {
nloc.geno2 <- ncol(geno2)/2
nindiv.geno2 <- nrow(geno2)
if (is.null(qtc)) {
nqtc <- 1
nindivqtc <- 0
else {
nqtc <- ncol(qtc)
nindivqtc <- nrow(qtc)
if (is.null(qtd)) {
nqtd <- 1
nindivqtd <- 0
else {
nqtd <- ncol(qtd)
nindivqtd <- nrow(qtd)
if (is.null(ql)) {
nql <- 1
nindivql <- 0
else {
nql <- ncol(ql)
nindivql <- nrow(ql)
nnn <- c(nindiv.geno1, nindiv.geno2, nindivqtc, nindivqtd,
sub <- nnn > 0
if (length(unique(nnn[sub])) > 1) {
print(paste("nindiv.geno1 = ", nindiv.geno1))
print(paste("nindiv.geno2 = ", nindiv.geno2))
print(paste("nindivqtc = ", nindivqtc))
print(paste("nindivqtd = ", nindivqtd))
print(paste("nindivql = ", nindivql))
stop("Number of rows of data matrices do not match")
else {
nindiv <- nnn[sub][1]
use.geno1 <- nindiv.geno1 > 0
use.geno2 <- nindiv.geno2 > 0
use.qtc <- nindivqtc > 0
use.qtd <- nindivqtd > 0
use.ql <- nindivql > 0
print("defining dummy data arrays")
if (nindiv.geno1 == 0) {
geno1 <- matrix(nrow = nindiv, ncol = 1, data = NA)
if (nindiv.geno2 == 0) {
geno2 <- matrix(nrow = nindiv, ncol = 2, data = NA)
if (nindivqtc == 0) {
qtc <- matrix(nrow = nindiv, ncol = nqtc, data = NA)
if (nindivqtd == 0) {
qtd <- matrix(nrow = nindiv, ncol = nqtd, data = NA)
if (nindivql == 0) {
ql <- matrix(nrow = nindiv, ncol = nql, data = NA)
print("defining dummy coordinates if coord are missing")
if (is.null(coordinates)) {
if (spatial) {
stop("Please give spatial coordinates of individuals or set argument spatial to FALSE")
else { <- ceiling(sqrt(nindiv))
x <- rep(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length =,
y <- rep(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length =,
y <- as.vector(t(matrix(nrow =, ncol =,
y, byrow = FALSE)))
coordinates <- cbind(x, y)[1:nindiv, ]
else {
if (ncol(coordinates) != 2)
stop("matrix of coordinates does not have 2 columns")
if (nrow(coordinates) != nindiv) {
print(paste("number of individuals in data matrix =",
print(paste("number of individuals in coordinate matrix =",
stop("Number of rows in coordinate matrix and data matrices do not match ")
if (!is.matrix(coordinates))
coordinates <- as.matrix(coordinates)
print("defining dummy matrix indicating genuinely missing data in geno2")
if (is.null(miss.loc)) {
miss.loc <- matrix(nrow = nindiv, ncol = ncol(geno2)/2,
data = 0)
if (missing(rate.max))
rate.max <- nindiv
if (missing(nb.nuclei.max)) {
nb.nuclei.max <- ifelse(spatial, 2 * nindiv, nindiv)
if (nb.nuclei.max < nindiv) {
stop("nb.nuclei.max should be at least equal to the number of individuals")
if (spatial & (nb.nuclei.max < 2 * rate.max)) {
stop("nb.nuclei.max is too small as compared to rate.max")
if (nindiv.geno1 > 0) {
res <- FormatGenotypes(as.matrix(geno1), ploidy = 1)
geno1 <- res$genotypes
allele.numbers.geno1 <- res$allele.numbers
print(c("In R function MCMC, allele.numbers.geno1=",
if (sum(allele.numbers.geno1 == 1) > 0) {
stop("Some of the markers do not display any polymorphism")
print(paste("Number of missing data in matrix geno1: ",
else {
allele.numbers.geno1 <- -999
if (nindiv.geno2 > 0) {
res <- FormatGenotypes(as.matrix(geno2), ploidy = 2)
geno2 <- res$genotypes
allele.numbers.geno2 <- res$allele.numbers
print(c("In R function MCMC, allele.numbers.geno2=",
if (sum(allele.numbers.geno2 == 1) > 0) {
stop("Some of the markers do not display any polymorphism")
print(paste("Number of missing data in matrix geno2: ",
else {
allele.numbers.geno2 <- -999
if (nindivql > 0) {
res <- FormatGenotypes(as.matrix(ql), ploidy = 1)
ql <- res$genotypes
allele.numbers.ql <- res$allele.numbers
print(paste("Number of missing obs. for qualitative variables: ",
else {
allele.numbers.ql <- -999
if (nindivqtc > 0) {
print(paste("Number of missing obs. for quantitative continuous variables: ",
if (nindivqtd > 0) {
print(paste("Number of missing obs. for quantitative discrete variables: ",
nchar.path <- nchar(path.mcmc)
if (filter.null.alleles) {
allele.numbers.geno2 <- allele.numbers.geno2 + 1
nalt <- c(allele.numbers.geno2, allele.numbers.geno1, allele.numbers.ql)
nalmax <- max(1, max(nalt))
print("Defining working arrays for parameters of spatial model...")
u <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = nb.nuclei.max, data = -999)
utemp <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = nb.nuclei.max, data = -999)
c <- rep(times = nb.nuclei.max, -999)
ctemp <- rep(times = nb.nuclei.max, -999)
t <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = nindiv, data = -999)
ttemp <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = nindiv, data = -999)
indcell <- rep(times = nindiv, -999)
indcelltemp <- rep(times = nindiv, -999)
distcell <- rep(times = nindiv, -999)
distcelltemp <- rep(times = nindiv, -999)
xlim <- ylim <- rep(-999, times = 2)
print("Defining working arrays for parameters of genetic model...")
ncolt <- nloc.geno2 + nloc.geno1 + nql
f <- array(dim = c(npopmax, ncolt, nalmax), data = -999)
ftemp <- array(dim = c(npopmax, ncolt, nalmax), data = -999)
fa <- array(dim = c(ncolt, nalmax), data = -999)
drift <- rep(-999, npopmax)
drifttemp <- rep(-999, npopmax)
n <- array(dim = c(npopmax, ncolt, nalmax), data = -999)
ntemp <- array(dim = c(npopmax, ncolt, nalmax), data = -999)
a <- rep(times = nalmax, -999)
ptemp <- rep(times = nalmax, -999)
cellclass <- rep(times = nb.nuclei.max, -999)
listcell <- rep(times = nb.nuclei.max, -999)
fmodel <- ifelse(freq.model == "Correlated", 1, 0)
kfix <- 1 - as.integer(varnpop)
full.cond.y <- matrix(nrow = nalmax, ncol = 2, 0)
print("Defining working arrays for parameters of quantitative variables...")
meanqtc <- sdqtc <- meanqtctmp <- sdqtctmp <- matrix(nrow = npopmax,
ncol = nqtc, data = -999)
nnqtc <- sqtc <- ssqtc <- matrix(nrow = npopmax, ncol = nqtc,
data = -999)
ksiqtc <- kappaqtc <- alphaqtc <- betaqtc <- gbeta <- hbeta <- rep(-999,
if (use.qtc) {
ksiqtc <- apply(qtc, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
kappaqtc <- hbeta <- 2/(apply(qtc, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE) -
apply(qtc, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE))^2
alphaqtc <- rep(2, nqtc)
gbeta <- rep(0.5, nqtc)
betaqtc <- rgamma(n = nqtc, shape = gbeta, rate = hbeta)
print(paste("ksiqtc", ksiqtc))
print(paste("kappaqtc", kappaqtc))
print(paste("alphaqtc", alphaqtc))
print(paste("hbeta", hbeta))
print(paste("gbeta", gbeta))
print(paste("betaqtc", betaqtc))
geno2.999 <- geno2
geno2.999[] <- -999
geno1.999 <- geno1
geno1.999[] <- -999
qtc.999 <- qtc
qtc.999[] <- -999
qtd.999 <- qtd
qtd.999[] <- -999
ql.999 <- ql
ql.999[] <- -999
true.geno <- cbind(geno2.999, matrix(nrow = nindiv, ncol = nloc.geno1 *
2, data = -999))
sub <- seq(nloc.geno2 * 2 + 1, nloc.geno2 * 2 + nloc.geno1 *
2 - 1, 2)
true.geno[, sub] <- geno1.999
sub <- seq(nloc.geno2 * 2 + 2, nloc.geno2 * 2 + nloc.geno1 *
2, 2)
true.geno[, sub] <- geno1.999
integer.par <- c(write.rate.Poisson.process, write.number.nuclei,
write.number.pop, write.coord.nuclei, write.color.nuclei,
write.freq, write.ancestral.freq, write.drifts, write.logposterior,
write.loglikelihood, write.true.coord, write.size.pop,
write.mean.quanti,, write.betaqtc, fmodel,
kfix, spatial, jcf, filter.null.alleles, ploidy, nchar.path,
nit, thinning, use.geno1, use.geno2, use.qtc, use.qtd,
integer.par <- c(integer.par, rep(-999, 100 - length(integer.par)))
double.par <- c(rate.max, delta.coord, shape1, shape2, prop.update.cell)
double.par <- c(double.par, rep(-999, 100 - length(double.par)))
nitsaved <- nit/thinning
out1 <- array(dim = c(nitsaved, 5), data = -999)
outspace <- array(dim = c(nitsaved, 5, nb.nuclei.max), data = -999)
outfreq <- array(dim = c(nitsaved, 3, npopmax, ncolt, nalmax),
data = -999)
outqtc <- array(dim = c(nitsaved, 2, npopmax, nqtc), data = -999)
out.res <- .Fortran("mcmcgld", PACKAGE = "Geneland", as.double(t(coordinates)),
as.integer(geno2.999), as.integer(miss.loc), as.integer(geno1.999),
as.integer(ql.999), as.integer(nql), as.double(qtc.999),
as.integer(nqtc), as.character(path.mcmc), as.integer(integer.par),
as.double(double.par), as.integer(nindiv), as.integer(nloc.geno2),
as.integer(nloc.geno1), as.integer(ncolt), as.integer(nalt),
as.integer(nalmax), as.integer(nb.nuclei.max), as.integer(npopinit),
as.integer(npopmin), as.integer(npopmax), as.double(xlim),
as.double(ylim), as.integer(indcell), as.integer(indcelltemp),
as.double(distcell), as.double(distcelltemp), as.double(t),
as.double(ttemp), as.double(u), as.double(utemp), as.integer(c),
as.integer(ctemp), as.double(f), as.double(ftemp), as.double(fa),
as.double(drift), as.double(drifttemp), as.integer(n),
as.integer(ntemp), as.double(a), as.double(ptemp), as.double(meanqtc),
as.double(sdqtc), as.double(meanqtctmp), as.double(sdqtctmp),
as.integer(nnqtc), as.double(sqtc), as.double(ssqtc),
as.double(ksiqtc), as.double(kappaqtc), as.double(alphaqtc),
as.double(betaqtc), as.double(gbeta), as.double(hbeta),
as.integer(cellclass), as.integer(listcell), as.integer(true.geno),
as.double(full.cond.y), as.integer(nitsaved), as.double(out1),
as.double(outspace), as.double(outfreq), as.double(outqtc))
param <- c(paste("nindiv :", nindiv), paste("rate.max :",
rate.max), paste("nb.nuclei.max :", nb.nuclei.max), paste("nit :",
nit), paste("thinning :", thinning), paste("varnpop :",
varnpop), paste("npopmin :", npopmin), paste("npopinit :",
npopinit), paste("npopmax :", npopmax), paste("spatial :",
spatial), paste("delta.coord :", delta.coord), paste("use.geno1 :",
use.geno1), paste("use.geno2 :", use.geno2), paste("use.qtc :",
use.qtc), paste("use.qtd :", use.qtd), paste("use.ql :",
if (use.geno1) {
param <- c(param, paste("nloc.geno1 :", nloc.geno1),
paste("filter.null.alleles :", filter.null.alleles))
if (use.geno2) {
param <- c(param, paste("nloc.geno2 :", nloc.geno2),
paste("filter.null.alleles :", filter.null.alleles))
if ((use.geno1 | use.geno2) | use.ql) {
param <- c(param, paste("nalmax :", nalmax), paste("freq.model :",
if (use.geno1) {
param <- c(param, paste("ploidy :", ploidy))
if (use.qtc) {
param <- c(param, paste("nqtc :", nqtc))
if (use.qtd) {
param <- c(param, paste("nqtd :", nqtd))
if (use.ql) {
param <- c(param, paste("nql :", nql))
write.table(param, file = paste(path.mcmc, "parameters.txt",
sep = ""), quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(allele.numbers.geno1, file = paste(path.mcmc,
"allele.numbers.geno1.txt", sep = ""), quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(allele.numbers.geno2, file = paste(path.mcmc,
"allele.numbers.geno2.txt", sep = ""), quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(allele.numbers.ql, file = paste(path.mcmc, "number.levels.ql.txt",
sep = ""), quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
print("Writing MCMC outputs in external text files")
out1 <- array(dim = c(nitsaved, 5), data = out.res[[61]])
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "Poisson.process.rate.txt",
sep = ""), out1[, 1], row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "nuclei.numbers.txt",
sep = ""), out1[, 2], row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "populations.numbers.txt",
sep = ""), out1[, 3], row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "log.likelihood.txt",
sep = ""), out1[, 4], row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "log.posterior.density.txt",
sep = ""), out1[, 5], row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
outspace <- array(dim = c(nitsaved, 5, nb.nuclei.max), data = out.res[[62]])
for (iitstor in 1:(nit/thinning)) {
append <- ifelse(iitstor > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "coord.nuclei.txt",
sep = ""), t(outspace[iitstor, 1:2, ]), row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, append = append)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "color.nuclei.txt",
sep = ""), outspace[iitstor, 3, ], row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, append = append)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "hidden.coord.txt",
sep = ""), t(outspace[iitstor, 4:5, ]), row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
outfreq <- array(dim = c(nitsaved, 3, npopmax, ncolt, nalmax),
data = out.res[[63]])
for (iitstor in 1:(nit/thinning)) {
append <- ifelse(iitstor > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "ancestral.frequencies.txt",
sep = ""), outfreq[iitstor, 2, 1, , ], row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, append = append)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "drifts.txt", sep = ""),
t(outfreq[iitstor, 3, , 1, 1]), row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, append = append)
for (iloc in 1:ncolt) {
append <- ifelse(iitstor > 1 | iloc > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "frequencies.txt",
sep = ""), t(outfreq[iitstor, 1, , iloc, ]),
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = append)
outqtc <- array(dim = c(nitsaved, 2, npopmax, nqtc), data = out.res[[64]])
for (iitstor in 1:(nit/thinning)) {
append <- ifelse(iitstor > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "mean.qtc.txt", sep = ""),
outqtc[iitstor, 1, , ], row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
append = append)
write.table(file = paste(path.mcmc, "sd.qtc.txt", sep = ""),
outqtc[iitstor, 2, , ], row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
append = append)
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