fragmentation_spectra_annotator <- function(path, MSPfile = "", libFSdb, libFSdbIDlist, targetedPrecursorType = NA, ratio2basePeak4nSpectraMarkers = 0,
allowedNominalMass = FALSE, allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy = TRUE, noiseRemovalRatio = 0.01, roundingDigitPrefiltering = 1,
minMatchedNumPeaks = 1, massError = 0, maxNEME = 0, minIonRangeDifference = 0, minCosineSimilarity, minEntropySimilarity,
minRatioMatchedNspectraMarkers, spectralEntropyDeviationPrefiltering, massErrorPrecursor = NA, RTtolerance = NA,
exportSpectraParameters = NULL, number_processing_threads = 1) {
mspMatch <- NULL
sampleFSdb <- msp2FSdb(path, MSPfile, massError, allowedNominalMass, allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy, noiseRemovalRatio, number_processing_threads)
sampleFSdbIDlist <- FSA_spectra_marker_generator(sampleFSdb, ratio2basePeak4nSpectraMarkers, aggregationLevel = NA)
############################ Precursor m/z check #############################
if ( {
precursorMZcheck <- FALSE
} else {
precursorMZcheck <- TRUE
############################ retention time check ############################
if ( {
precursorRTcheck <- FALSE
} else {
precursorRTcheck <- TRUE
if (minCosineSimilarity > 0) {
cosineSimilarityCheck <- TRUE
} else {
cosineSimilarityCheck <- FALSE
if (minEntropySimilarity > 0) {
entropySimilarityCheck <- TRUE
} else {
entropySimilarityCheck <- FALSE
if (![1])) {
refPrecursorTypeCheck <- TRUE
} else {
refPrecursorTypeCheck <- FALSE
if (is.null(exportSpectraParameters)) {
exportSpectraCheck <- FALSE
} else {
exportSpectraCheck <- TRUE
maxAllowedNumberHits <- as.numeric(exportSpectraParameters[1])
SpectraDevice <- tolower(exportSpectraParameters[2])
file_name_msp <- exportSpectraParameters[3]
outputMSMSspectra <- exportSpectraParameters[4]
## Graphical device adjustment
colors <- c("blue", "red")
if (SpectraDevice == "png") {
pngDeviceCheck <- TRUE
} else {
pngDeviceCheck <- FALSE
if (SpectraDevice == "pdf") {
pdfDeviceCheck <- TRUE
} else {
pdfDeviceCheck <- FALSE
if (SpectraDevice == "svg") {
svgDeviceCheck <- TRUE
} else {
svgDeviceCheck <- FALSE
FSA_dir.create(outputMSMSspectra, allowedUnlink = TRUE)
sampleAncillaryTable <- sampleFSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]]
if (exportSpectraCheck) {
sampleCompoundName <- sampleAncillaryTable$name
if (is.null(sampleCompoundName)) {
sampleCompoundName <- paste0("NA_", seq(1, nrow(sampleAncillaryTable), 1))
libAncillaryTable <- libFSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]]
if (exportSpectraCheck) {
refMSPfilename <- libAncillaryTable$MSPfilename
refCompoundName <- libAncillaryTable$name
if (is.null(refCompoundName)) {
refCompoundName <- paste0("NA_", seq(1, nrow(libAncillaryTable), 1))
##################### Aggregated Library Spectra Markers #####################
libSpectraMarkersIndex <- libFSdbIDlist[[1]]
libNspectraMarkers <- libFSdbIDlist[[2]]
libFSdbIDlist <- NULL
################## Matching against the aggregated library ###################
sampleIndexListSpectraMarkers <- sampleFSdbIDlist[[1]]
sampleNspectraMarkers <- sampleFSdbIDlist[[2]]
sampleFSdbIDlist <- NULL
sampleSpectraMarkers <- as.character(round(sampleIndexListSpectraMarkers[, 1], digits = roundingDigitPrefiltering))
if (length(sampleSpectraMarkers) > 0) {
libIDspectraMarkersList <- libSpectraMarkersIndex[sampleSpectraMarkers]
x_Index <- c(0, which(abs(diff(sampleIndexListSpectraMarkers[, 2])) > 0), dim(sampleIndexListSpectraMarkers)[1])
L_x_Index <- length(x_Index) - 1
########################## Pre-filtering function ##########################
call_listFSApeakIDlibID <- function(i) {
FSApeakID <- sampleIndexListSpectraMarkers[(x_Index[i] + 1), 2]
FSdbLibID <-, lapply((x_Index[i] + 1):x_Index[i + 1], function(j) {
if (!is.null(FSdbLibID)) {
######################## Match precursor types #########################
if (refPrecursorTypeCheck) {
indexRefPrecursorType <-, lapply(targetedPrecursorType, function(j) {
which(libFSdb[["Precursor Type"]][FSdbLibID] == j)
if (length(indexRefPrecursorType) > 0) {
FSdbLibID <- FSdbLibID[indexRefPrecursorType]
} else {
if (!is.null(FSdbLibID)) {
################ Checking number of spectra markers ##################
FSApeakIDnSpectraMarkers <- sampleNspectraMarkers[FSApeakID]
tFSdbLibID <- table(FSdbLibID)
xT <- which((tFSdbLibID <= ceiling(FSApeakIDnSpectraMarkers/minRatioMatchedNspectraMarkers)) & (tFSdbLibID >= floor(FSApeakIDnSpectraMarkers*minRatioMatchedNspectraMarkers)))
if (length(xT) > 0) {
FSdbLibID <- as.numeric(names(tFSdbLibID[xT]))
#################### Checking spectral entropy #####################
FSApeakID_SE <- sampleFSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][FSApeakID]
FSdbLibID_SE <- libFSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][FSdbLibID]
xSE <- which(abs(FSApeakID_SE - FSdbLibID_SE) <= spectralEntropyDeviationPrefiltering)
if (length(xSE) > 0) {
FSdbLibID <- FSdbLibID[xSE]
#################### Checking precursor m/z ######################
if (precursorMZcheck) {
FSApeakIDprecursorMZ <- sampleFSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]][FSApeakID]
FSdbLibIDprecursorMZ <- libFSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]][FSdbLibID]
if (allowedNominalMass) {
xPrecursor <- which(FSdbLibIDprecursorMZ == FSApeakIDprecursorMZ)
} else {
xPrecursor <- which(abs(FSdbLibIDprecursorMZ - FSApeakIDprecursorMZ) <= massErrorPrecursor)
if (length(xPrecursor) > 0) {
FSdbLibID <- FSdbLibID[xPrecursor]
} else {
#################### Checking retention time #####################
if (precursorRTcheck) {
if (!is.null(FSdbLibID)) {
FSApeakIDrt <- sampleFSdb[["Retention Time"]][FSApeakID]
FSdbLibIDrt <- libFSdb[["Retention Time"]][FSdbLibID]
xRT <- which(abs(FSdbLibIDrt - FSApeakIDrt) <= RTtolerance)
if (length(xRT) > 0) {
FSdbLibID <- FSdbLibID[xRT]
} else {
} else {
} else {
} else {
} else {
list(FSApeakID, FSdbLibID)
call_fragment_matcher <- function(i) {
matchedFSAlist <- NULL
FSdbLibID <- listFSApeakIDlibID[[i]][[2]]
if (!is.null(FSdbLibID)) {
FSApeakID <- listFSApeakIDlibID[[i]][[1]]
sampleFSdb5i <- sampleFSdb[["FragmentList"]][[FSApeakID]]
sampleNumPeaks <- sampleFSdb[["Num Peaks"]][FSApeakID]
sampleSpectralEntropy <- sampleFSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][FSApeakID]
matchedFSAlist <-, lapply(FSdbLibID, function(IDj) {
libNumPeaks <- libFSdb[["Num Peaks"]][IDj]
if (libNumPeaks >= minMatchedNumPeaks) {
passNspectraMarkers <- TRUE
sampleFragmentList <- sampleFSdb5i
libFragmentList <- libFSdb[["FragmentList"]][[IDj]]
nSpectraMarkersIDj <- libNspectraMarkers[IDj]
matchedSampleFragmentList <- matrix(rep(0, libNumPeaks*2), ncol = 2)
indexMatchedLib <- rep(0, libNumPeaks)
matchedNumPeaks <- 0
f <- 1
passNspectraMarkersWhile <- TRUE
while (f <= libNumPeaks) {
if (allowedNominalMass) {
x_f <- which(sampleFragmentList[, 1] == libFragmentList[f, 1])
} else {
x_f <- which(abs(sampleFragmentList[, 1] - libFragmentList[f, 1]) <= massError)
L_x_f <- length(x_f)
if (L_x_f > 0) {
matchedNumPeaks <- matchedNumPeaks + 1
if (L_x_f > 1) {
x_f_min <- which.min(abs(sampleFragmentList[x_f, 1] - libFragmentList[f, 1]))
x_f <- x_f[x_f_min[1]]
indexMatchedLib[matchedNumPeaks] <- f
matchedSampleFragmentList[f, ] <- sampleFragmentList[x_f, ]
sampleFragmentList[x_f, 1] <- 0
if (passNspectraMarkersWhile) {
if (f == nSpectraMarkersIDj) {
ratioMatchedSpectraMarkers <- matchedNumPeaks/nSpectraMarkersIDj
if (ratioMatchedSpectraMarkers < minRatioMatchedNspectraMarkers) {
f <- libNumPeaks
passNspectraMarkers <- FALSE
} else {
numberMatchedSpectraMarkers <- matchedNumPeaks
passNspectraMarkersWhile <- FALSE
f <- f + 1
if (passNspectraMarkers) {
if (matchedNumPeaks >= minMatchedNumPeaks) {
###################### Entropy Similarity ######################
libSpectralEntropy <- libFSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][IDj]
entropySimilarity <- spectral_entropy_similarity_score(sampleFSdb5i, sampleSpectralEntropy, libFragmentList, libSpectralEntropy, massError, allowedNominalMass)
if (entropySimilarity >= minEntropySimilarity) {
##################### Cosine Similarity ######################
cosineSimilarity <- sum(matchedSampleFragmentList[, 2]*libFragmentList[, 2])/sqrt(sum(matchedSampleFragmentList[, 2]^2)*sum(libFragmentList[, 2]^2))
if (cosineSimilarity >= minCosineSimilarity) {
#################### Matched Ion Range #####################
indexMatchedLib <- indexMatchedLib[seq(1, matchedNumPeaks, 1)]
matchedSampleFragmentList <- matchedSampleFragmentList[indexMatchedLib, ]
if (minMatchedNumPeaks == 1) {
matchedSampleFragmentList <- matrix(matchedSampleFragmentList, nrow = 1)
ionRangeDifference <- max(matchedSampleFragmentList[, 1]) - min(matchedSampleFragmentList[, 1])
if (ionRangeDifference >= minIonRangeDifference) {
############ Normalized Euclidean Mass Error #############
if (allowedNominalMass) {
NEME <- 0
} else {
matchedLibFragmentList <- libFragmentList[indexMatchedLib, ]
if (minMatchedNumPeaks == 1) {
matchedLibFragmentList <- matrix(matchedLibFragmentList, nrow = 1)
NEME <- sqrt(sum((matchedSampleFragmentList[, 1] - matchedLibFragmentList[, 1])^2)/matchedNumPeaks)*1000 # in mDa
if (NEME <= maxNEME) {
################ Calculate sorting score ###############
rankingScore <- cosineSimilarity*(entropySimilarity^2)
c(FSApeakID, matchedNumPeaks, numberMatchedSpectraMarkers, ratioMatchedSpectraMarkers, sampleSpectralEntropy, NEME, cosineSimilarity, entropySimilarity, libSpectralEntropy, rankingScore, IDj)
if (!is.null(matchedFSAlist)) {
numberMatchedFSAspectra <- nrow(matchedFSAlist)
if (numberMatchedFSAspectra > 1) {
if (entropySimilarityCheck == cosineSimilarityCheck) {
matchedFSAlist <- matchedFSAlist[order(matchedFSAlist[, 10], decreasing = TRUE), ] # To sort by ranking scores
} else if (entropySimilarityCheck) {
matchedFSAlist <- matchedFSAlist[order(matchedFSAlist[, 8], decreasing = TRUE), ]
} else if (cosineSimilarityCheck) {
matchedFSAlist <- matchedFSAlist[order(matchedFSAlist[, 7], decreasing = TRUE), ]
matchedFSAlist <- cbind(matchedFSAlist, seq(1, numberMatchedFSAspectra, 1))
} else {
matchedFSAlist <- matrix(c(matchedFSAlist, 1), nrow = 1)
## To sort spectra plots
if (exportSpectraCheck) {
NameSampleCompoundFSApeakID <- gsub('/|[\\]|\t|\n|:|[*]|[?]|<|>|[|]|[.][.][.]|[.][.]|^[.]', '_', sampleCompoundName[FSApeakID], fixed = FALSE) # To replace invalid characters
folderSampleCompoundFSApeakID <- paste0(outputMSMSspectra, "/", FSApeakID, "_", NameSampleCompoundFSApeakID)
dirCreationRCheck <- FSA_dir.create(folderSampleCompoundFSApeakID, allowedUnlink = TRUE)
if (dirCreationRCheck) {
if (sampleFSdb[["logFSdb"]][["allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy"]]) {
strSampleSpectralEntropy <- paste0("wS = ", sampleSpectralEntropy)
} else {
strSampleSpectralEntropy <- paste0("S = ", sampleSpectralEntropy)
maxNumberHits <- min(c(maxAllowedNumberHits, numberMatchedFSAspectra))
for (counterRank in 1:maxNumberHits) {
matchedNumPeaks <- matchedFSAlist[counterRank, 2]
cosineSimilarity <- matchedFSAlist[counterRank, 7]
entropySimilarity <- matchedFSAlist[counterRank, 8]
libSpectralEntropy <- matchedFSAlist[counterRank, 9]
IDj <- matchedFSAlist[counterRank, 11]
filenameMSMSmatch <- paste0(folderSampleCompoundFSApeakID, "/", counterRank, "_ID_", IDj, ".", SpectraDevice)
fileCreateRCheck <- file.create(file = filenameMSMSmatch, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (fileCreateRCheck) {
if (allowedNominalMass) {
samplePlotText <- paste0("Entropy Similarity = ", round(entropySimilarity, 3), " | Cosine Similarity = ", round(cosineSimilarity, 3), " | Num Matched Peaks = ", matchedNumPeaks)
} else {
NEME <- matchedFSAlist[counterRank, 6]
samplePlotText <- paste0("Entropy Similarity = ", round(entropySimilarity, 3), " | Cosine Similarity = ", round(cosineSimilarity, 3), " | NEME = ", round(NEME, 2), " mDa | Num Matched Peaks = ", matchedNumPeaks)
if (precursorRTcheck) {
rtDevSamplePlotText <- round((sampleFSdb[["Retention Time"]][FSApeakID] - libFSdb[["Retention Time"]][IDj]), digits = 3)
signRtDevSamplePlotText <- if (rtDevSamplePlotText > 0) {"+"} else {""}
samplePlotText <- paste0(samplePlotText, " | RT dev = ", signRtDevSamplePlotText, rtDevSamplePlotText, " min")
libPlotText <- ""
if (!is.infinite(libFSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]][IDj])) {
libPlotText <- paste0("PrecursorMZ = ", libFSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]][IDj])
if (libFSdb[["Precursor Type"]][IDj] != "") {
refPrecursorTypeIDj <- libFSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]][["precursor_type"]][IDj]
if (refPrecursorTypeIDj != "") {
if (libPlotText == "") {
libPlotText <- paste0("PrecursorType = ", refPrecursorTypeIDj)
} else {
libPlotText <- paste0(libPlotText, " | PrecursorType = ", refPrecursorTypeIDj)
if (precursorRTcheck) {
if (!is.infinite(libFSdb[["Retention Time"]][IDj])) {
if (libPlotText == "") {
libPlotText <- paste0("RT = ", libFSdb[["Retention Time"]][IDj], " min")
} else {
libPlotText <- paste0(libPlotText, " | RT = ", libFSdb[["Retention Time"]][IDj], " min")
sampleFragmentList <- sampleFSdb5i
sampleFragmentList[, 2] <- sampleFragmentList[, 2]/max(sampleFragmentList[, 2])*100
libFragmentList <- libFSdb[["FragmentList"]][[IDj]]
libFragmentList[, 2] <- -libFragmentList[, 2]/max(libFragmentList[, 2])*100
combinedFragmentList <- data.frame(rbind(sampleFragmentList, libFragmentList))
typeCombinedFragmentList <- c(rep("Sample", sampleNumPeaks), rep("Library", libFSdb[["Num Peaks"]][IDj]))
combinedFragmentList <- cbind(combinedFragmentList, typeCombinedFragmentList)
colnames(combinedFragmentList) <- c("mz", "int", "type")
combinedFragmentList$type <- factor(combinedFragmentList$type, levels = c("Sample", "Library"))
xMinLimPlot <- min(combinedFragmentList$mz)
xMaxLimPlot <- max(combinedFragmentList$mz)
x_position <- (xMinLimPlot + xMaxLimPlot)/2
yPositionLabel <- c((sampleFragmentList[, 2] + 5), (libFragmentList[, 2] - 5))
plotlabelsMZ <- FSA_annotation_text_repel(FSAspectra = combinedFragmentList[, 1:2], nGridX = 12, nGridY = 6)
## Spectra Markers Signs
nSpectraMarkersIDj <- libNspectraMarkers[IDj]
xSpectraMarkerFSApeakID <- c(sampleFragmentList[seq(1, sampleNspectraMarkers[FSApeakID], 1), 1], libFragmentList[seq(1, nSpectraMarkersIDj, 1), 1])
ySpectraMarkerFSApeakID <- c((sampleFragmentList[seq(1, sampleNspectraMarkers[FSApeakID], 1), 2] + 10.5), (libFragmentList[seq(1, nSpectraMarkersIDj, 1), 2] - 10.5))
if (pngDeviceCheck) {
png(filenameMSMSmatch, width = 16, height = 8, units = "in", res = 100)
if (pdfDeviceCheck) {
pdf(filenameMSMSmatch, width = 16, height = 8, colormodel = "cmyk")
if (svgDeviceCheck) {
svg(filenameMSMSmatch, width = 16, height = 8)
plot(combinedFragmentList$mz, combinedFragmentList$int, type = "h", lend = 2, xlim = c((xMinLimPlot - 10), (xMaxLimPlot + 10)), ylim = c(-125, 125),
lwd = 2, lend = 2, col = colors[combinedFragmentList$type], cex = 4, xaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", yaxt = "n")
points(xSpectraMarkerFSApeakID, ySpectraMarkerFSApeakID, type = "p", col = "purple", cex = 1.5, pch = 8)
abline(h = 0, col = "black")
text(x = combinedFragmentList$mz, y = yPositionLabel, label = plotlabelsMZ)
text(x = x_position , y = -125, cex = 1.125, label = libPlotText)
text(x = x_position , y = 125, cex = 1.125, label = samplePlotText)
## y-axis
mtext("Adjusted intensity (%)", side = 2, adj = 0.5, line = 0.35, cex = 1.35)
## sample info
mtext(strSampleSpectralEntropy, side = 3, adj = 1, line = 0.225, cex = 1.0, col = colors[1])
mtext(file_name_msp, side = 3, adj = 0, line = 0.25, cex = 1.15, col = colors[1])
mtext(sampleCompoundName[FSApeakID], side = 3, adj = 1, line = 1.5, cex = 1.10, col = colors[1])
## sample info
if (libFSdb[["logFSdb"]][["allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy"]]) {
strLibSpectralEntropy <- paste0("wS = ", libSpectralEntropy)
} else {
strLibSpectralEntropy <- paste0("S = ", libSpectralEntropy)
mtext(strLibSpectralEntropy, side = 1, adj = 1, line = 0.225, cex = 1.0, col = colors[2])
mtext(refMSPfilename[IDj], side = 1, adj = 0, line = 0.25, cex = 1.15, col = colors[2])
mtext(refCompoundName[IDj], side = 1, adj = 1, line = 1.5, cex = 1.10, col = colors[2])
## legend
if (precursorMZcheck) {
points(libFSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]][IDj], -6, type = "p", col = "green", cex = 2, pch = 17)
legend(x = "topleft", legend = c("Sample", "Library", "Marker", "Precursor"),
lty = c(1, 1, NA, NA),
col = c(colors, "purple", "green"),
lwd = c(2, 2, NA, NA),
pch = c(NA, NA, 8, 17),
pt.cex = c(NA, NA, 1.5, 2),
cex = 1.125, seg.len = 1, x.intersp = 0.5, y.intersp = 0.9)
} else {
legend(x = "topleft", legend = c("Sample", "Library", "Marker"),
lty = c(1, 1, NA),
col = c(colors, "purple"),
lwd = c(2, 2, NA),
pch = c(NA, NA, 8),
pt.cex = c(NA, NA, 1.5),
cex = 1.125, seg.len = 1, x.intersp = 0.5, y.intersp = 0.9)
} else {
FSA_logRecorder(paste0("WARNING!!! Figure can not be created for `", NameSampleCompoundFSApeakID, "` due to character length limit for `", MSPfile, "`!"))
} else {
FSA_logRecorder(paste0("WARNING!!! Directory can not be created for `", folderSampleCompoundFSApeakID, "` due to character length limit for `", MSPfile, "`!"))
if (number_processing_threads == 1) {
listFSApeakIDlibID <- lapply(1:L_x_Index, function(i) {
libSpectraMarkersIndex <- NULL
sampleSpectraMarkers <- NULL
sampleIndexListSpectraMarkers <- NULL
libIDspectraMarkersList <- NULL
FSAannotationList <-, lapply(1:L_x_Index, function(i) {
} else {
osType <-[['sysname']]
if (osType == "Windows") {
clust <- makeCluster(number_processing_threads)
clusterExport(clust, setdiff(ls(), c("clust", "L_x_Index")), envir = environment())
listFSApeakIDlibID <- parLapply(clust, 1:L_x_Index, function(i) {
libSpectraMarkersIndex <- NULL
sampleSpectraMarkers <- NULL
sampleIndexListSpectraMarkers <- NULL
libIDspectraMarkersList <- NULL
clust <- makeCluster(number_processing_threads)
clusterExport(clust, setdiff(ls(), c("clust", "L_x_Index")), envir = environment())
FSAannotationList <-, parLapply(clust, 1:L_x_Index, function(i) {
} else {
listFSApeakIDlibID <- mclapply(1:L_x_Index, function(i) {
}, mc.cores = number_processing_threads)
libSpectraMarkersIndex <- NULL
sampleSpectraMarkers <- NULL
sampleIndexListSpectraMarkers <- NULL
libIDspectraMarkersList <- NULL
FSAannotationList <-, mclapply(1:L_x_Index, function(i) {
}, mc.cores = number_processing_threads))
if (!is.null(FSAannotationList)) {
FSAannotationList <- matrix(FSAannotationList, ncol = 12)
FSAannotationList <- matrix(FSAannotationList[, -10], ncol = 11)
FSAannotationList[, 4] <- round(FSAannotationList[, 4]*100, 2)
FSAannotationList[, 5] <- round(FSAannotationList[, 5], 5)
FSAannotationList[, 6] <- round(FSAannotationList[, 6], 2)
FSAannotationList[, 7] <- round(FSAannotationList[, 7], 3)
FSAannotationList[, 8] <- round(FSAannotationList[, 8], 3)
FSAannotationList[, 9] <- round(FSAannotationList[, 9], 5)
analyteAncillary <- data.frame(sampleAncillaryTable[FSAannotationList[, 1], ])
colnames(analyteAncillary) <- paste0("analyte_", colnames(analyteAncillary))
matched_sample <- data.frame(cbind(matrix(FSAannotationList[, 2:9], ncol = 8), matrix(FSAannotationList[, 11], ncol = 1), matrix(FSAannotationList[, 10], ncol = 1)))
colnames(matched_sample) <- c("matchedTotalNumPeaks", "matchedNumberSpectraMarkers", "matchedPercentageSpectraMarkers", "sampleSpectralEntropy", "matchedNEME_mDa", "matchedCosineSimilarity", "matchedEntropySimilarity", "libSpectralEntropy", "matchedRank", "IDSL.FSA_FSDBreferenceID")
matched_ref <- data.frame(libAncillaryTable[FSAannotationList[, 10], ])
colnames(matched_ref) <- paste0("FSDB_", colnames(libAncillaryTable))
if (allowedNominalMass) {
matched_sample$'matchedNEME_mDa' <- NULL
mspMatch <- data.frame(cbind(analyteAncillary, matched_sample, matched_ref))
## Special and specific option for annotating .msp files created by the IDSL.CSA package ##
colx1Check <- grep("analyte_idsl.ipa_collective_peakids", colnames(analyteAncillary), = TRUE)
if (length(colx1Check) > 0) {
## TO skip correcting MSP of unique tag spectra
colx2Check <- grep("analyte_csavariantdetectionfreq", colnames(analyteAncillary), = TRUE)
if (length(colx2Check) == 0) {
mspMatch$analyte_idsl.ipa_peakid <- NULL
listIPApeakIDname <- FSA_R.aggregate(mspMatch$analyte_name)
uniqueAnalyteName <- unique(mspMatch$analyte_name)
call_collective_peakIDs <- function(i) {
x_i <- listIPApeakIDname[[i]]
subsetMSPmatch <- mspMatch[x_i, ]
L_x_i <- length(x_i)
collectiveIPApeakID <- eval(parse(text = paste0("c(", subsetMSPmatch$analyte_idsl.ipa_collective_peakids[1], ")")))
CSApeakID <- which(sampleFSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]][["csapeakgrouping_id"]] == subsetMSPmatch$analyte_csapeakgrouping_id[1])
if (length(CSApeakID) > 1) {
xCSApeakID <- which(sampleFSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]][["idsl.ipa_collective_peakids"]][CSApeakID] == subsetMSPmatch$analyte_idsl.ipa_collective_peakids[1])
CSApeakID <- CSApeakID[xCSApeakID[1]]
iCollectiveIPApeakID <- collectiveIPApeakID[1:sampleFSdb[["Num Peaks"]][CSApeakID]]
xiIPApeakID <- which(iCollectiveIPApeakID != 0)
IPApeakID <- iCollectiveIPApeakID[xiIPApeakID]
IPA12CMZ <- sampleFSdb[["FragmentList"]][[CSApeakID]][xiIPApeakID, 1]
IPART <- sampleFSdb[["Retention Time"]][CSApeakID]
##, lapply(1:length(xiIPApeakID), function(j) {
tempSubsetMSPmatch <- subsetMSPmatch
tempSubsetMSPmatch$analyte_idsl.ipa_collective_peakids <- rep(IPApeakID[j], L_x_i)
analyte_name <- paste0("IDSL.IPA_PeakID_", IPApeakID[j], "_mz_", IPA12CMZ[j], "_RT_", IPART)
cbind(rep(analyte_name, L_x_i), rep(IPA12CMZ[j], L_x_i), rep(IPART, L_x_i), tempSubsetMSPmatch)
if (number_processing_threads == 1) {
mspMatch <-, lapply(uniqueAnalyteName, function(i) {
} else {
if (osType == "Windows") {
clust <- makeCluster(number_processing_threads)
clusterExport(clust, c("call_collective_peakIDs", "listIPApeakIDname", "mspMatch", "sampleFSdb"), envir = environment())
mspMatch <-, parLapply(clust, uniqueAnalyteName, function(i) {
} else {
mspMatch <-, mclapply(uniqueAnalyteName, function(i) {
}, mc.cores = number_processing_threads))
colnames(mspMatch)[colnames(mspMatch) == 'analyte_name'] <- 'analyte_csa_name'
colnames(mspMatch)[colnames(mspMatch) == 'analyte_idsl.ipa_collective_peakids'] <- 'analyte_idsl.ipa_peakid'
colnames(mspMatch)[1:3] <- c("analyte_name", "analyte_mz", "analyte_rt")
rownames(mspMatch) <- NULL
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