msp2TrainingMatrix <- function(path, MSPfile = "", minDetectionFreq = 1, selectedFSdbIDs = NULL, dimension = "wide",
massAccuracy = 0.01, allowedNominalMass = FALSE, allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy = TRUE,
noiseRemovalRatio = 0.01, number_processing_threads = 1) {
if (allowedNominalMass) {
massAccuracy <- 0
dimension <- tolower(dimension)
if (!((dimension == "wide") | (dimension == "long"))) {
stop(FSA_logRecorder("The `dimension` variable must be either `wide` or `long`!"))
mspFileLocation <- paste0(path, "/", MSPfile)
mspFileLocation <- gsub("\\", "/", mspFileLocation, fixed = TRUE)
strmspFileLocation <- strsplit(mspFileLocation, "/")[[1]]
LstrmspFileLocation <- length(strmspFileLocation)
mspFileName <- strmspFileLocation[LstrmspFileLocation]
mspFilePath <- paste0(strmspFileLocation[1:(LstrmspFileLocation - 1)], collapse = "/")
alignedMSPcsvFile <- paste0("/", mspFilePath, "/", dimension, "Aligned_", mspFileName, ".csv")
if (file.exists(alignedMSPcsvFile)) {
tryCatch(unlink(alignedMSPcsvFile), error = function(e){stop(paste0("Can't delete the `", alignedMSPcsvFile, "`!"))})
FSA_logRecorder("The alignment procedure may take a few minutes to several hours depending on the complexity of the .msp file!")
strmspFileName <- strsplit(mspFileName, "[.]")[[1]]
formatFileName <- tolower(strmspFileName[length(strmspFileName)])
if (formatFileName == "msp") {
FSA_logRecorder("Initiated deconvoluting the .msp file!")
libFSdb <- msp2FSdb(path = mspFilePath, MSPfile_vector = mspFileName, massIntegrationWindow = massAccuracy, allowedNominalMass,
allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy, noiseRemovalRatio, number_processing_threads)
FSA_logRecorder("Completed deconvoluting the .msp file!")
save(libFSdb, file = paste0(mspFilePath, "/FSdb_", mspFileName, ".Rdata"))
FSA_logRecorder("Stored the FSDB in the same address!")
} else if (formatFileName == "rdata") {
FSA_logRecorder("Loading the FSDB file in the `.Rdata` format!")
libFSdb <- FSA_loadRdata(paste0(mspFilePath, "/", mspFileName))
} else {
stop(FSA_logRecorder("Allowed inputs : FSDB in `.Rdata` or MSP files in `.msp` formats!"))
FSA_logRecorder("Initiated aligning the fragmentation spectra!")
if (is.null(selectedFSdbIDs)) {
selectedFSdbIDs <- seq(1, length(libFSdb[["Num Peaks"]]), 1)
} else if (length(which(!is.numeric(selectedFSdbIDs) | | is.nan(selectedFSdbIDs) | (selectedFSdbIDs <= 0))) > 0) {
stop(FSA_logRecorder("The `selectedFSdbIDs` variable contains non-numeric or non-standard values!"))
} else if (max(selectedFSdbIDs) > length(libFSdb[["Num Peaks"]])) {
stop(FSA_logRecorder("The `selectedFSdbIDs` variable contains indices greater than the size of the msp/FSdb file!"))
mainImzInt <-, lapply(selectedFSdbIDs, function(i) {
cbind(rep(i, libFSdb[["Num Peaks"]][i]), libFSdb[["FragmentList"]][[i]])
libFSdb <- NULL
nPeaks <- nrow(mainImzInt)
mainImzInt <- mainImzInt[order(mainImzInt[, 2], decreasing = FALSE), ]
xDiffMZ <- c(0, which(diff(mainImzInt[, 2]) > massAccuracy), nPeaks)
LxDiffMZ <- length(xDiffMZ) - 1
call_msp2alignedSpectraMatrix <- function(i) {
nSb <- xDiffMZ[i + 1] - xDiffMZ[i]
idSeedMZfragments <- rep(0, nSb)
seedMZfragments <- idSeedMZfragments
Counter <- 0
if (nSb >= minDetectionFreq) { # Minimum frequency of detection <- mainImzInt[seq((xDiffMZ[i] + 1), xDiffMZ[i + 1], 1), ]
if (nSb == 1) { <- matrix(, nrow = 1)
orderINT <- 1
} else {
orderINT <- order([, 3], decreasing = TRUE)
for (j in orderINT) {
if ([j, 1] != 0) {
if (allowedNominalMass) {
x1 <- which([, 2] ==[j, 2])
} else {
x1 <- which(abs([, 2] -[j, 2]) <= massAccuracy)
if (length(x1) >= minDetectionFreq) { # Minimum frequency of detection
## To remove repeated scans
x1 <- FSA_aggregate(idVec =[x1, 1], variableVec =[x1, 2],
indexVec = x1, targetVar =[j, 2])
if (length(x1) >= minDetectionFreq) { # Minimum frequency of detection
Counter <- Counter + 1
idSeedMZfragments[x1] <- Counter
seedMZfragments[Counter] <-[j, 2][x1, ] <- 0
if (Counter > 0) {
seedMZfragments <- seedMZfragments[1:Counter]
} else {
seedMZfragments <- NULL
list(seedMZfragments, idSeedMZfragments)
if (number_processing_threads == 1) {
progressBARboundaries <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = LxDiffMZ, initial = 0, style = 3)
listSeedMZfragments <- lapply(1:LxDiffMZ, function(i) {
setTxtProgressBar(progressBARboundaries, i)
} else {
## Processing OS
osType <-[['sysname']]
if (osType == "Windows") {
clust <- makeCluster(number_processing_threads)
clusterExport(clust, setdiff(ls(), c("clust", "LxDiffMZ")), envir = environment())
listSeedMZfragments <- parLapply(clust, 1:LxDiffMZ, function(i) {
} else {
listSeedMZfragments <- mclapply(1:LxDiffMZ, function(i) {
}, mc.cores = number_processing_threads)
seedMZfragments <-, lapply(listSeedMZfragments, function(i) {i[[1]]}))
nSeedMZfragments <- length(seedMZfragments)
if (nSeedMZfragments > 0) {
idSeedMZfragments <- rep(0, nPeaks)
counterSeedMZ <- 0
progressBARboundaries <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = LxDiffMZ, initial = 0, style = 3)
for (i in 1:LxDiffMZ) {
if (!is.null(listSeedMZfragments[[i]][[1]])) {
sbIdSeedMZfragments <- listSeedMZfragments[[i]][[2]] + counterSeedMZ
idSeedMZfragments[seq((xDiffMZ[i] + 1), xDiffMZ[i + 1], 1)] <- sbIdSeedMZfragments
counterSeedMZ <- max(sbIdSeedMZfragments)
setTxtProgressBar(progressBARboundaries, i)
listSeedMZfragments <- NULL
sbIdSeedMZfragments <- NULL
mainImzInt <- cbind(mainImzInt, idSeedMZfragments)
mainImzInt <- mainImzInt[(mainImzInt[, 4] != 0), ]
FSA_logRecorder("Completed aligning the fragmentation spectra!")
FSA_logRecorder(paste0("Initiated saving the `", dimension, "` aligned fragmentation spectra table!"))
if (dimension == "long") {
mainImzInt <- mainImzInt[order(mainImzInt[, 4], decreasing = FALSE), ]
colnames(mainImzInt) <- c("spectraID", "mz", "intensity", "ionID")
write.csv(mainImzInt, file = alignedMSPcsvFile, row.names = FALSE)
} else if (dimension == "wide") {
mainImzInt <- mainImzInt[order(mainImzInt[, 1], decreasing = FALSE), ]
xDiff <- c(0, which(diff(mainImzInt[, 1]) > 0), nrow(mainImzInt))
LxDiff <- length(xDiff) - 1
orderSeedMZfragments <- order(seedMZfragments, decreasing = FALSE)
headerRowSeedMZfragments <- paste0("spectraID,", paste0(seedMZfragments[orderSeedMZfragments], collapse = ","))
write(headerRowSeedMZfragments, file = alignedMSPcsvFile, append = FALSE, sep = "\n")
progressBARboundaries <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = LxDiff, initial = 0, style = 3)
for (i in 1:LxDiff) {
xID <- seq((xDiff[i] + 1), xDiff[i + 1], 1)
fragIDi <- rep("", nSeedMZfragments)
fragIDi[mainImzInt[xID, 4]] <- as.character(mainImzInt[xID, 3])
fragIDi <- paste0(mainImzInt[xID[1], 1], ",", paste0(fragIDi[orderSeedMZfragments], collapse = ","))
write(fragIDi, file = alignedMSPcsvFile, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
setTxtProgressBar(progressBARboundaries, i)
FSA_logRecorder(paste0("Completed saving the `", dimension, "` aligned fragmentation spectra table!"))
} else {
stop(FSA_logRecorder("No common ion was detected!"))
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