
Defines functions write.spike.summary compile.ns write.network.spike.summary write.burst.summary create.feat.df sort.df IGM.aggregate.features filter.wells write.features.to.files

Documented in filter.wells IGM.aggregate.features write.features.to.files

# Purpose:  Functions for aggregating data from s objects into single         #
#                 dataframes per feature                                      #
# Author:   Ryan Dhindsa                                                      #

# These functions take data from S object to make dataframes
.write.spike.summary <- function(s){
  # Creates a list of dataframes for spike features. Each df corresponds to 
  #     a single DIV and contains values for each feature
  # Args:
  #   s object
  # Returns:
  #   list of data frames containing spike data
  #initiate empty list to store dataframes
  divs.df = list()
  # loop through DIVs in s object and create 1 df per DIV. Each df gets stored in divs.df
  for (i in 1:length(s)) {
    div <- paste("DIV", .get.div(s[[i]]), sep="")
    df <- .spike.summary.by.well(s[[i]])
    df = cbind(rownames(df),df)
    df = as.data.frame(unclass(df))  # convert strings to factors
    colnames(df)[1] <- "well" 
    divs.df[[div]] = df
  divs.df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(divs.df), function(x) cbind(div = x, divs.df[[x]])))

.compile.ns <-function(s,nspikes) {
  # Calculates network spikes
  # Called from .write.network.spike.summary
  active.wells <- .active.wells.network.spikes(nspikes)$ns.all
  if (length(active.wells) >0) {
    newcol <-3
    #2 to peak.min and peak.max
    p <- length(active.wells[[1]]$brief) + length(active.wells[[1]]$mean) + newcol
    nsdata <- matrix(0,length(s$well),p)
    for (j in 1:length(s$well)) {
      if ( is.element(cur.well, names(active.wells) ) ){
        temp <- active.wells[[cur.well]]
        nsdata[j,1:length(temp$brief)] <- temp$brief
        nsdata[j,length(temp$brief)+1] <- min(temp$measures[,"peak.val"])
        nsdata[j,length(temp$brief)+2] <- max(temp$measures[,"peak.val"])
        nsdata[j,length(temp$brief)+3] <- s$treatment[cur.well]
        nsdata[j,(length(temp$brief)+newcol+1):p] <- as.double(temp$mean)
      } else{
        temp$brief<-c(0, rep(NA,4),0, NA, NA)
        nsdata[j,1:length(temp$brief)] <- temp$brief
        nsdata[j,length(temp$brief)+1] <- NA
        nsdata[j,length(temp$brief)+2] <- NA
        nsdata[j,length(temp$brief)+3] <- NA
        nsdata[j,(length(temp$brief)+newcol+1):p] <- rep(0, length.temp.mean)
    nsdata <- data.frame(nsdata)	
    names(nsdata)[1:length(temp$brief)] <- names(active.wells[[1]]$brief)
    names(nsdata)[(length(temp$brief)+1):(length(temp$brief)+newcol)] <- c("peak.min","peak.max","treatment")
    for (j in 1:(p-length(temp$brief)-newcol)) {
      names(nsdata)[j+newcol+length(temp$brief)] = paste("t",j,sep = '')
    nsdata<- cbind(s$well,nsdata)
    names(nsdata)[1] <- "well"
.write.network.spike.summary <- function(s,parameters){
  # Creates a list of dataframes for network spike features. Each df corresponds to 
  #     a single DIV and contains values for each feature
  # Args:
  #   s object
  # Returns:
  #   list of data frames containing spike data
  #initiate empty list to store dataframes
  divs.df = list()
  # calculate network spikes
  for (i in 1:length(s)) {
    div <- paste("DIV", .get.div(s[[i]]), sep="")
    nspikes.old <- calculate.network.spikes(s[[i]],parameters$sur, parameters$ns.N, parameters$ns.T)
    nspikes <- summarize.network.spikes(s[[i]],nspikes.old,ns.E = 1, parameters$sur)
    basename <- strsplit(basename(s[[i]]$file), "[.]")[[1]][1]
    df = .compile.ns(s[[i]],nspikes)
    df = as.data.frame(unclass(df))  # convert strings to factors
    df <- df[, -grep("^t[0-9]", colnames(df))]
    divs.df[[div]] = df

  for (name in names(divs.df)){
    # If no data for DIV - remove the DIV
    if (length(divs.df[[name]]) == 0) {

  divs.df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(divs.df), function(x) cbind(div = x, divs.df[[x]])))


.write.burst.summary <- function(s){
  # Creates a list of dataframes for bursting  features. Each df corresponds to 
  #     a single DIV and contains values for each feature
  # Args:
  #   s object
  # Returns:
  #   list of data frames containing spike data
  divs.df = list()
  for (i in 1:length(s)){
    div <- paste("DIV", .get.div(s[[i]]), sep="")
    basename <- get.file.basename(s[[i]]$file)
    ##########data frame summarized over well
    #get number of object in masterSum[[1]] list
    tempdf<-c(); tempcolnames<-c()
    for (j in 2:length(masterSum[[i]])){
      tempcolnames<-c(tempcolnames,names(masterSum[[i]][j]) )
    }#end of loop through masterSum list objects
    #need to switch around columns so first columns come first
    if (dim(tempdf)[2] > 20) { #for now
      if (dim(tempdf)[1] == 1) {
      } else {
    df = as.data.frame(unclass(df))  # convert strings to factors
    df$file = NULL
    row.names(df) = df$well
    divs.df[[div]] = df
  divs.df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(divs.df), function(x) cbind(div = x, divs.df[[x]])))

.create.feat.df <- function(s, df, feature, all_feat_list){
#   feat_df <- dcast(df, well+treatment~treatment, div, value.var = feature)
#   all_feat_list[[feature]] = feat_df
  x = data.frame(df$div, df$well, df$treatment, df[,feature])
  colnames(x) = c("div", "well", "treatment", feature)
  y <- dcast(x, well~div, value.var=feature)
  # reorder in case early wells show up in later DIVs

  ymerged=merge(x = y, y = wellToTrt, by=c("well"), all.x = TRUE)
  y <- ymerged[c(1,dim(ymerged)[2],2:(dim(ymerged)[2]-1))]
   y <- .sort.df(y)

.sort.df <- function(df){
  #natural order sorting
  df.divs <- df[3:ncol(df)]
  df.sorted <- df.divs[,mixedorder(names(df.divs)), drop=FALSE]
  df.sorted = cbind(treatment = df$treatment, df.sorted)
  df.sorted = cbind(well = df$well, df.sorted)

IGM.aggregate.features <- function(s, feat.type,parameters=list()){

  # Takes in s object and creates a dataframe for each feature. 
  #     based on the feature type (spikes, ns, etc), it calls appropriate function
  #     (e.g. .write.spike.summary if feat.type is "spikes")
  # Args:
  #   s object
  #   feat.type = "spike", "ns", or "burst"
  # Returns:
  #   list of data frames (one df per feature)
  platename <- get.project.plate.name(s[[1]]$file)
  # write feature summaries (calls xxx.summary.by.well from IGM.MEA)
  if (feat.type == "spike") {
    divs.df = .write.spike.summary(s)
  } else if (feat.type == "ns"){
    divs.df = .write.network.spike.summary(s,parameters)
  } else if (feat.type =="burst"){
    divs.df = .write.burst.summary(s)
  all.features = list()
    # create list of dataframes (one dataframe per feature)
    feature.names <- colnames(divs.df)
    remove <- c("div", "treatment", "well")
    feature.names <- setdiff(feature.names, remove)

    for (i in 1:length(feature.names)) {
      df = .create.feat.df(s, divs.df, feature.names[i], all.features)
      all.features[[feature.names[i]]] = df}
  } else {


filter.wells <- function(unfiltered.df, nae, min.electrodes = 4, well.filter.maximum.DIV.inactive.ratio = 0.5){
  # Filters out wells in which there are fewer than 4 active electrodes 
  #    at least 70% of the time
  unfiltered.df=unfiltered.df[!(is.na(unfiltered.df$treatment) | unfiltered.df$treatment==""), ]  # remove wells w/o trt
  nae$treatment = NULL
  nae[-1] <- sapply(nae[-1], as.numeric)
  num.div <- ncol(nae)-1
  inactive <- data.frame(num.inactive = rowSums(nae[, -1] < min.electrodes), total.div = num.div)
  inactive$fraction <- inactive$num.inactive/inactive$total.div
  inactive$well <- nae$well
  # grab only wells with inactive ratio < well.filter.maximum.DIV.inactive.ratio
  active.wells <- with(inactive, {subset.data.frame(inactive, fraction < well.filter.maximum.DIV.inactive.ratio, select = well)})
  filtered.df = unfiltered.df[unfiltered.df$well %in% active.wells$well, ]
  if (nrow(filtered.df)!=0)
    #replace na's with 0's
    filtered.df[filtered.df == "NaN"] = NA  # first replace NaN with NA
    filtered.df[is.na(filtered.df)] <- 0    # then replace NA's with 0


write.features.to.files <- function(s, features.list, output.dir, type) {
  # Takes in list of dataframes (one per feature) and writes out each 
  #     df to a csv file
  # Args:
  #   s object
  #   features.list = list of dataframes
  #   output.dir = directory where files will be put (will make separate folders
  #                  ns, spikes, and bursts) 
  # Returns:
  #   one csv per feature
  # change to create subdir for each file type
  platename <- get.project.plate.name(s[[1]]$file)
  out.folder <- paste0(output.dir,"/",type)
  dir.create(out.folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
                   function (x) write.csv(features.list[[x]], file=paste0(out.folder, "/", platename, "_", x, ".csv"), 
                                          row.names = F)))

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IGM.MEA documentation built on May 29, 2017, 11:07 p.m.